The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 27

Spring Break
Chapter 27

By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


I wake up in the morning at 7 AM when buzzer goes on. I get out of bed, grab my bath items and go to the bathroom. I do the usual stuff there and feel more refreshed after taking another hot shower. I walk back into my room and get dressed for the day. I make sure my backpack is filled with what I need and my wallet is in my pocket. I clip my cell phone on my belt. I look in the mirror one more time.

“The library is open from 8 to 6 this week. Well, onward and upward in the tower of knowledge.”

I put my backpack on my shoulder, lock the door and leave the dorm building. I walk across the campus to the library. I see some different butterflies fluttering around me this time. I estimate about four more that seem to be following me.

“I'm going to the library for most of the day, friends. I'll have my lunch there as well. Have a great day.”

It takes about fifteen minutes to get there. I walk inside and pass my library card to ID myself at the scanner.

I go up to the third floor where I need to be. I find plenty of tables and chairs there to choose from. I select a table and put my backpack there. I go to the touch screen monitor to find the books that I need to get the information from. I write down the book codes of what I need. I walk among the rows of shelves looking for the books. I eventually find them. I take them from the shelves and bring them back to the table where I'm set up.

I sit down and start writing the information I need. I copy some of the pages to make it easier and add my notes to it. It takes most of the morning to get the information I need for the last set of papers in the Ethics class. The rest of the information I need will come on-line back in my dorm room.

I decide to have a light lunch and sit out front on the benches under the trees. I put everything into my backpack and take it with me. I take the stairs down to the ground floor. I walk over to the snack bar and purchase a sandwich, an apple and a bottle of water.

I walk outside to find an empty bench under a tree, which I do. I relax and ease my breathing down as I eat and look around me. I see some students doing their thing by going in and out of the library. Some have lunch as well on the benches under the trees. Some set up on the ground to have their lunch.

I see and hear birds singing and flying around us. Butterflies and other insects are doing their business as well. There is a nice cool breeze in the air. I sit out there for forty-five minutes. Once I get done with lunch. I mumble to myself. “I'll be out by the time it closes.”

I go back into the library to continue my homework. I look at my tech writing class notes to see what I have to do. I see several different types of reports I have to do. Two of them are speeches at least. I begin again to collect the books I need for the reports. I write down and copy the pages I needed like before. It takes until 3pm before I'm done.

“Whew. Those two classes are done for now. It's still another trip through the books. I'll have to make sure these books fit what is being asked for. I'll type these up tomorrow. Now it's time for the Nefelim study.”

I open my laptop to get on the net within the library. I do a general search on the word 'Nefelim'.

I start reading them first to see how they present the arguments.

All I see is the phrase the 'sons of G-d' coming down to Earth. They produced the Nefelim. After the flood there are the Anakim, Raphaim, Emim and the Zuzim.

Hmm... They say the sons of G-d are the fallen angels. Did we get a visit from aliens? I don't know. I mean we have the cave paintings, carvings and other writings acting as witnesses. Even the You Tube videos say we're not alone. The governments are trying their hardest to keep the idea of aliens out of the public eye.

If a being comes from outer space, they can be perceived as divine of great power. But care must be taken to determine the truth and the lies.

I mean we have fantasy movies and TV shows showing the good and bad side of aliens on Earth. But these stories are from our imaginations. Well, let's take a look at it from the original point of view.

I find several entries from their point of view. They state Og was able to swim and float near the ark. But, what did he have to eat while there? He must have eaten fish or other sea life to stay alive. Well, let's send these pages to the printers here on the floor.

I print out the pages I want so far. I see it is almost 5 PM on the wall clocks. I decide to pack up and head back to my dorm. I stop by the snack bar and purchase a sandwich and orange for dinner on the way out.

On the way back I see some butterflies fly around as I walk back. I stop by the bench again in the garden. I have my sandwich there in the cool shade. Some more butterflies fly around naturally from flower to flower. Some take a rest a now and then.

“Well, thank you for the show, friends.”

After a half hour sitting there, I take out my cell phone to call mom.

“Ring... Ring... Ring....”


“Hey mom, this is Richard.”

“Hello, Richard. It's good to hear you. Did you get my messages?”

“I did, mom. What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, this is a reminder about our trip to the cabin.”

“You're driving to the cabin this time.”

“That's right. We'll take it easy on those roads.”

“Just watch out for those spring storms mom.”

“We will, Richard. How are you doing this week?”

“I'm doing fine. I'm trying to get most of the homework done this week.”

“That's good, my son. We love you, Richard.”

“I love you too, mom.”

“Excuse me. I think dad just came home. Hang on.”


A moment later I hear dad on the phone.

“How are you doing Richard?”

“I'm doing fine, dad. A lot of homework as usual.”

“I'm sure it is Richard. Just pace yourself.”

“I will, dad. I'll try to keep the homework during the day.”

“That's a good plan. Well, I see your mom signaling me it is time for dinner.”

“Take it easy dad. I love you all very much.”

“We love you too, Richard.”

“I'll call next week.”

“We look forward to the call.”

“By, mom and dad.”

“By, Richard. We love you.”

“I love you too.”

I then close the cell phone and put it in the holder.

“Well, take it easy, friends. Tomorrow will be the same.”

I get up from the bench and walk back to the dorm.


“Yes, he has been near the unicorns. I remembered what Caliber smelled like.”

“It's nice to know someone has been near a unicorn. I'll relay this to our Queen. Keep watch on Richard.”

“Yes, Traphel.”

The butterflies break apart. The four are seen heading to the northwest.


I walk to the common room again and watch the evening news. Once the news is over with I turn it off and go back into my room.

I look at my notes again that I collected. I start to write the outlines from my sources that I found in the library. Once they are hand written, I type them out on my laptop and print them out.

I look at them and smile. Well, this is going well. I'll stop by the campus store to purchase a battery for my watch tomorrow morning.

I get myself ready for bed.

It turns out Tuesday and Wednesday are repeats. This time I include some time at the weight training room that is open. I do some Shaolin form practice as well.

I stopped by the store to buy a new battery. I put the new battery into the watch; I see that it is now working fine. Great, I didn't lose the watch. Only the battery was discharged. It probably happened as I entered the atmosphere or before. I thought for sure the electronic components would get fried. I need to write more reports for my classes and what I need for Rav Shlomo's report in the library. I pack up and leave the third floor. I stop by the student center to purchase a different dinner to take back to my dorm.

Finally when Wednesday ends, I finally get the full picture of what happened with the Nefelim, Noach, Nimrod, Tower of Babel and the giants afterwards. I sit on the bench in the garden like I have done the past several days. I call Rav Shlomo on my cell phone. This is about 3 PM.

“Ring... Ring... Ring...”

“Hello, this is Rav Shlomo.”

“Hello Rav, this is Richard.”

“Shalom, Richard. How are you doing?”

“I'm doing fine. I think I have the whole story with the Nefelim finally understood. It took some digging in various sources from around the world besides yours.”

“I was hoping you would do that, Richard. Our point of view is a bit limited, but it's the discovery of reading those other accounts that provides the real picture.”

“I'm going to be meeting the pastor from Raleigh First on Thursday..”

“Why do you want to meet him?”

“He did a message last Sunday called “The Beginning of the End.”

“I see. He tried to summarize those events. I can imagine what his conclusions are.”

“Yes, I don't think he did a full study like I have done. Besides, he asked me to meet him this week.”

“Be careful, Richard.”

“I'll be wary, Rav. I thought about shaking his hand to wake him up.”

“Don't do that until the end, Richard. Ha Shem told me you have more work to do. The gift you gave me helped me to understand that.”

“Then Praise to the Maker and you're welcome.”

“I'll be sharing this gift with the others. Soon we'll be more in tune with His voice.”

“There are others who need to hear His voice as well around the world.”

“That is a must.”

“I also found out, that it also depends on the person you are shaking hands with. They could be receptive or not.”

“Hmm... that makes sense. So that means Ha Shem knows who is willing to listen or not.”

“I'll have the report ready this Saturday as promised.”

“That's good Richard. B' Shuva Tov.”

“B' Shuva Tov Rav.”

I call the church to make an appointment.

“Ring... Ring … Ring ...”

“Hello, this is Raleigh First. How can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Richard Moore. I hope I'm not calling too late. The pastor asked me if can make an appointment for this week.”

“Hmm... I remember that request from the pastor. Can you make it here at 1 PM tomorrow?”

“I'll be there, ma'am.”

“Good, see you after lunch tomorrow, Richard.”

“See you then, ma'am.”

I close my cell phone and put it away.

“Well, it's going to be interesting tomorrow afternoon my friends. I don't know if you can, but can you hear what people talk about if you're by the windows?”

“We can Richard. if we deem it worthy to know. But we will keep an eye on you.”

“Thank you, friends. Well, I'm done for the day. I'll be doing a lot of typing in my room tomorrow morning until noon time. So, take care, always.”

I get up and walk straight back to my dorm room. I go to the common room to have my dinner. I turn on the TV to watch it until 7 PM. Once that is done, I go to my room to do some last minute note organization. Once I'm satisfied with it, I go to bed.

Again I get another night of dreams that are familiar. I wake up in the morning to start again. I take another hot shower to feel good. I need to do some running or exercises today. I'll see how much time I have left today.

Once I get dressed. I proceed to type and print out the papers that are complete so far. Then I focus on the Nefelim report. This takes the rest of the morning to finish.

“Well that leaves two reports left to do for the ethics and tech writing classes each. I hope this meeting will go well with the pastor. Let's print another copy of that Nefelim report for him.” I print another copy of the report and put it in my notebook to keep it neat. I get myself all packed up with what I need.

Once I'm satisfied, I walk out and lock up my dorm room. I go to the vending machine and purchase an apple and a bottle of water for lunch. As soon as I exit the dorm building I am followed by two butterflies. I walk to the garden and sit on the bench to have my lunch. I see other butterflies and insects flying around. Once I get done I get up to throw the apple core away in the trash can. I keep the empty water bottle this time and put it in my backpack.

I walk to the corner that is near the church. I see I'll be arriving just before 1 PM. I wait for the light to change to cross the street safely. Once the light changes I walk across it. The two butterflies fly higher to get over the traffic safely. They rest in a tree near the church. I walk up to the side door and open it to walk inside. I see the secretary there at her desk.

“Hello, Richard. Please have a seat. The pastor should be back soon, he went out to lunch as well.”

“Thank you, ma'am.” I sit down on a chair. I grab a magazine from the table to read. It would be another ten minutes before he would show up and walks inside.

“Hello, Richard. Thank you for coming.”

“You're welcome, sir.”

We shake hands with each other. I don't sense a change in him when we shake hands. I follow him into his office. I sit in a chair in front of his desk. He sits down in his chair behind it.

“So, you're probably wondering why I asked you here.”

“Yes sir. I'm curious what you wish to talk about.”

“Well, I know you're real busy with your studies. Time is a premium to get the homework done.”

“That's right sir. I have five classes this semester. I have been studying hard to keep my grades up. So far they are in the 3.9 range overall.”

“That's very good, Richard. Are you planning to go after a Master's degree?”

“I don't know yet. It depends on how the fourth year goes. I'll know by February.”

“At least be in prayer about it. What I want to talk to you about is where you stand with Robin, Debbie, Brandon and Bob.”

“What's the problem, pastor?”

“It seems you might have caused a rift in their relationship. I noticed it last Sunday.”

“We did go out for lunch afterwards, sir. The conversations were typical. I did tell them I didn't want to be a fifth wheel in the group. They told me everything is okay.”

“That might be true. I'm just responding to what I heard.”

“What did you hear, pastor?”

“I received a note from some concerned parents. They felt you are causing a division in our congregation.”

“A division?” Sigh... I was afraid of this, Maker.

Don't worry about it. Give him a copy of your report.

“I thought that was a strange request. But I need unity in the congregation.”

“We all need unity sir. Sir, I did a report the last few days in my spare time. I
thought it would be nice to give you a copy of it.”

“What's the report about, Richard?”

“I went to a Saturday evening service at Rav Shlomo's shul.”

He narrows his eyes. “How was it?”

“It was a typical candle ceremony to end Shabbat and begin the new week. He also gave a fifteen minute message on we need to be aware of people who need help and to listen to the Maker's voice.”

I see his eyes and face relax.

“That's good to hear. We all need to do that.”

“Yes sir. After the service, he and I had a short talk.”

“What did you talk about?”

“Not much, just the usual about doing well in classes. He also gave me a subject to study on. I thought it was interesting, because you touched upon it during your message last Sunday.”

“That's unexpected.” He smiles, “So, we must be on the same wave length from G-d.”

“I thought so too sir. Well, I would like to give you a copy of the report. It is a more detailed report on the Nefelim. It is about where they come from, where did they go and so on. I also touched upon the connection to the giants after the Great Flood.”

“I'll be glad to read it. Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome, sir. I did include all the source references that I found. The sources can be found on the internet if you want to check up on them.”

“I'll do that. It will add to what I have.”

“Is there anything else you want to talk about pastor? Can I still come back here? The reason I came here a few times, is because I found you to be more open than the others here.”

“Thank you for that compliment Richard. I try to keep open to possibilities from G-d.”

I get the copy of the report out of my back pack. I hand it to him. He begins to scan over it quickly.

“I see you found the same references as I did. But I'll need to check these new ones. What did they mention?”

“It mentions the giant skeletons found elsewhere around the world. They were not confined to the Middle East.”

“I remembered seeing those pictures. Some of them are incredible if they are for real.”

“There are a bunch of stories that goes along with them. I did find the five giant group names in Bible.”

“I saw those too Richard. But Og is mentioned as the last giant.”

“I thought so, too. But it's possible he might have survived the Great Flood by keeping the Ark in sight.”

“You wrote here that he might be a thousand years old. That can't be right.”

“It could be if he was born before the Great Flood.”

“Well, I'll follow up and read this some more. You are welcome to come back Richard. But if I see or hear another argument about you, I'm afraid you'll need to leave.”

“I understand, pastor. I should point out I didn't start the arguments. I don't know what they argued about. The only thing I heard is that I was wearing some great smelling cologne they really liked.”

He smiles, “That's not new to me Richard. My wife tries to find the best smelling cologne for me to help our relationship.”

I smile back, “Then we better beware of the scents and aromas around us. I think hard working sweat ranks at the very bottom of their choices.”

He laughs, “Heh, heh, heh... I get that from my wife a lot. Well, I'll let you go. I know you have a lot more homework to do.”

“I do, sir.”

We both get up. He walks around he reaches out to shake my hand. I reach for his right hand to shake it. Then there is a small shock of static electricity when our fingers get close.

“Ow.... that hurt. Did you feel that shock, Richard?”

“A little bit sir. Are you alright?” I continue forward to shake his hand.

“I feel a little woozy. I need to sit down now.”

“I'll help you, pastor.”

I help him back to his chair. He sits down to calm himself down.

“Thanks, Richard. I don't know what overcome me.”

“How do you feel sir?”

“It feels my mind has opened up some more. I'm more sensitive to my

“Maybe it’s G-d trying to speak to you.”

“If He is, then this will be new to me. I never really heard His voice. Sometimes I think I would hear him when I'm reading, praying or getting ready for our services.”

“Well, take it easy. It's all right to ask questions.”

“From the way you're talking, you have talked with him before.”

I bend down to look at him eye to eye. “I have, pastor. Rav Shlomo can hear him as well. Get a hold of him to compare notes.”

“I'll do that Richard.”

“What did you do to hear Him more clearly, Richard?”

“If I tell you now, you won't believe me. I'll let the Maker tell you. You have a lot more studying and prayer to do.”

“I probably won't believe you. I'll do as you say. I'll seek out Rav Shlomo to hear what he has to say.”

“Here is a caution sir. I'm sure we've all been told this. If you get a revelation from the Maker. You'll have to use some wisdom. The people you meet might receive it or reject it.” I smile at the pastor.

The pastor smiles at me, “Then I will really know what it means what the early believers went through.”

“It depends on which century that you're thinking of sir.”

“That's true Richard. The attitudes were different in each century.”

“Be careful who you shake hands with sir.”

“Why, Richard?”

“I just shook your hand when you came back from lunch. There was no reaction like this. Now you have a reaction. Discuss it with Rav Shlomo. He'll explain it to you.”

“Hmm... so I guess it depends on the receiver if they are receptive or not.”

“It seems that way, sir.”

He tries to get up again. He finds himself that he can.

“Let's try this again Richard. Have a great week, Richard.”

“You too, pastor.”

He leads me to the door and opens it. We both exit his office and enter the main office reception area.

“Have a good week, Richard.”

“You too, ma'am.”

I hoist my pack onto my shoulders and walk back to my dorm room. I stop by the garden and sit down on the bench. I get my cell phone out to call Rav Shlomo.

“Ring... Ring... Ring...”

“Hello, this is Rav Shlomo.”

“Hello Rav. This is Richard.”

“Shalom, Richard. How did the meeting go?”

“We talked about a few things. He heard from someone who thinks I'm causing a division in the church.”

“Why is that/”

“He saw an argument during the service right after the greeting of each other during that early time in the service. He thinks I caused it somehow.”

“Are you welcomed back?”

“For now, at least. He said if there is another argument about me again, he said he will ask me to leave.”

“Hmm... that's a shame, Richard.”

“All is not lost however. I did give a copy of the Nefelim report to him. He gave it a quick look. We talked about some of the points. Just before I left we shook hands one more time. This time he was more receptive.”

“I'm sure he felt out of sorts.”

“It was a strong static shock as our fingers approached. I then finished the hand shake. He became disoriented; I helped him back to his chair. I talked to him about it. He said he felt he is more aware of his surroundings.”

“That's a good sign.”

“It is, Rav. I also asked him to call you and compare notes on what this means.”

“He hasn't called here yet. But thank you for this call. I look forward to hear from him.”

“I didn't tell him where I received this revelation as I called it.”

“Do you want me to?”

“Not yet, he might not understand that there could be life outside our Sol system. He will need to hear from Ha Shem first.”

“I agree to that Richard. He needs to hear His voice and get used to it first.”

“How has been your week so far, Rav?”

“It has been very interesting. My wife Hannah is more in tune with what is going on. She did joke to me I know what she goes through when she hears voices.”

“Heh, heh... But I'm sure the mystery of knowing the female is still their purview.”

“That's for sure. Fortunately we can't read each other minds, then that will really
be awkward. Well, take care, Richard. See you on Shabbat.”

“See you on Shabbat Rav. Shalom Aleichem.”

“Aleichem Shalom, Richard.”

I close my cell phone and look at the time. I have time to do some exercises or a run at least. I put the cell phone into the holder to secure it.

“Well that was interesting, my friends. Apparently there are now three more people who can hear the Maker's voice.”

“That's good to know, Richard.”

“I'm going to change clothes and do some exercises. I haven't done any the last few days.” I get up and walk back to my dorm room.

I change clothes to do another run. I clip my room key with my cell phone holder after I make sure the room is locked.

I walk outside the dorm building. I decide to jog over to the challenge course that is nearby. Once I get over there, I see several people going through the course. Someone sees me standing there looking at the course. He walks up to me.

“Are you here to try the course?”

“Only the low course. I've done it before. I'm just interested in the individual obstacles.”

“Are you a student here?”

“Yes, I am.” I take out my ID to show it to him.

“That's good. Take it easy on the course. You don't need to get hurt.”

“That's the intention. If it's too much, I'll back off and go around it and try the next one.”

“That's the idea. Do you need to be timed?”

“No, I just want to keep fit.”

“Yell if you need any help.

“Yes, sir.”

I run down the trail to see if I can do the seven obstacles. Some were easy like the rope bridge and the beam walk. I see my first real test. It is a rope swing across a depression that is filled with water.

“I hate this one. I lose my grip all the time. Well, let's try it one more time.”

I run forward. When I get near the edge of the water I leap for the rope. Immediately my hands slip on the rope. I fall down with my feet in the water. I'm laid out on the ground. I scramble up and turn around to look it at.

“Now my feet are wet. Well, let's continue on.” I turn around and continue down the trail. Fortunately the next three are easy. The next one is a side jump over a short wall that is waist high. The next one is a rope ladder on the ground. I move my feet quickly in and out of each square as I move forward. I then do a side to side movement to my right all the way to the end of the rope ladder. Then I reverse it going to the left.

The next obstacle is a wall with pegs. This is the short version of the wall climb. I climb over it with no problems. Then I see the last obstacle. It is a wall with a rope. Fortunately, this wall is about eight feet high. The twelve foot wall is on the high course. I run forward and grab the rope. I need to put all my effort into it to get a leg over the top.

I pull myself up the rope. I'm able to get my right arm to hook the top of the wall. I keep my hand on the rope while I try to swing my right leg over the wall. It takes a few tries, but I eventually get it done. I then twist my body and straighten it out. I get over the other side and drop down to the ground. I'm breathing hard when I get down on the ground.

“Pant. pant... pant.... finally did it.” I run forward to finish the course. I sit on a log bench to catch my breath. Sweat drips off my face and body.

I see the same man walking up to me that spoke to me earlier.

“That wasn't bad, Richard. You just need to increase your hand strength.”

“My sensei has been trying to do that when I was younger.”

“What is your rank?”

“I have the purple rank from a dojo near Charlottesville before I graduated from high school. They only give colored belts to the youth who participate.”

“That's impressive. From the way you look, you're done for the day.”

“I am, sir. It's back to the salt mines on Monday.” I get up to walk back to my dorm building. I take it easy on the way back. I'm followed by the same butterflies that I have seen all this week so far. “It's back to the library tomorrow, friends.”

I walk back inside my room. I get my bath items to take a nice hot shower. After washing myself down three times I finally exit the bathroom. I put on my shorts and t-shirt to relax.

The rest of the evening proved to be uneventful from my usual routine. I set the clock for 7 AM. I get ready for bed by 10 PM when I'm done with the reports. I feel pleased that I'm able to get most of this accomplished. I go to bed finally after finishing up two more reports.

Again I have a peaceful night with no startling dreams. I wake up Friday morning for another trip to the library. When I get there I focus on the questions and answers needed for each chapter I have done so far in the ethics class. I write them up neatly in the notebooks. It is now 12 noon when I get done with that.

I pack up and walk down to the first floor snack bar to get my lunch. Then I walk outside to have my lunch. I sit there taking in the beauty of the place. I see squirrels scurrying around. Butterflies and insects flying in the air. Some rest on flowers to get a drink of nectar. I drink some water while I eat my sandwich. When I'm done with the sandwich I eat the apple. “It's Friday, two whole days left until Monday. Time to go back inside. I'll be back out in four hours.”

I get up and walk back into the library with my backpack. I spend another four hours there doing homework.

I walk out at 5 PM and head back to my dorm. “See you some time tomorrow, friends. I'll be at Rav Shlomo's shul tomorrow morning.”

I walk inside to unload. I do some form practice in my bedroom to practice in a small space. Then I do it again in the bathroom. After 45 minutes or so, I clean up and get ready for dinner. I walk down the hallway to the common room. I purchase a cup-a-soup for dinner. I take the empty water bottle and fill it up with water from the water fountain in the common room. I make another hot cup of soup. I use a metal spoon from my room to eat it while I watch the news again.

When I get done with dinner, I throw the apple core and the cup into the trash. I clean the spoon and refill the water bottle again. I walk back to my room to do a last minute check of the Nefelim report and the other reports I typed up.

I watch several TV programs until 11 PM. Then I change my clothes for bed. I turn off the lights and get under the covers to fall asleep. Again the dreams are peaceful. I remember the good times with family like it has been all this week.

I wake up in the morning at 7 AM. I have to be at the shul by 9 AM. I take another hot shower to make sure the skin is really clean. Once I'm all dressed nice for the service I leave the dorm room and lock it up. I take my notebook with me. I get into my car and drive to the shul in fifteen minutes. I get my head covering out of the glove box and pin it to keep it place.

I don't see Rav out there this time. He must be inside already. I do see some others arriving as well. I walk inside and take my usual seat. The service takes almost three hours to finish with the message. Afterwards there is kiddish and an assortment of food items brought in by the regular people.

We all have a great time during kiddish. The food is very good and tasty. Afterwards, I'm invited to a meeting with Rav Shlomo and three other leaders in the shul.

“Richard, I invited these three men here to join us. I have shaken hands with them earlier this week. They couldn't believe how their lives have changed.”

“I hope it is for the better, sirs.”

“It is, Richard. When Rav Shlomo explained where it came from and some of your experiences. We were very skeptical until the hand shake.”

“Then we hear Ha Shem's voice coming in clearly. It has been the most mind shattering event in our lives.”

“Now you know how I feel sometimes. I couldn't believe I was on another planet when this happened. I was very curious why this happened. When I met Avel and the other First Ones there, my mind was equally shattered.”

“It's amazing that Avel's soul and spirit is still with us. Who were the other unicorn names, Richard?”

“There is Makaela, Avel's mate. Then there is Einhorn and Athena. The other pair is Star Dancer and Silverwind.”

“That's odd; I recognize Einhorn and Athena from my European history studies. I don't recognize the others.”

“You didn't hear their stories, Richard?”

“No I didn't, Rav Baruch. I haven't heard them yet.”

“You might someday if you get called back.”

“It's possible.”

“I ask Richard to do a study on the Nefelim last Havdallah.”

“How did you do, Richard?”

“It was a very good search to find some rare stories.” I open my notebook and take out the ten page report. I hand it to Rav Shlomo first.

He takes the report and looks it over. He smiles at certain pages. He then hands the report to another Rav in our circle so they can read it as well.

I wait until they are done reading before I answer their questions.

“This is very good, Richard. You put some good work into it.”

“Thank you, Rav Shlomo.”

“Give a summary of what you have done, Richard.”

“Yes, Rav Shlomo. The first mention of the Nefelim is where they came from. It states their fathers came from the Sons of Ha Shem. That can mean several things. The first one is they are angels from Ha Shem who did this. Or in the natural sense it could be an alien invasion.”

“Your idea for aliens visiting us does fit with the physical record.”

“It does, Rav David. We have these paintings and drawings on the rocks all over the world. Each country states they encountered giants. But these giants must be after the Great Flood. We will need to do a time test to determine actually how old some of these skeletons are.”

“That's the hard part Richard. Most countries don't want that scientific test done to determine that age. Some of them could be plaster copies.”

“That's a possibility. But when you look at the You Tube videos about aliens and Earth that is very upsetting. The governments are trying their hardest to keep this out of the public eye.”

“That's true. The skeptics would say our entire existence has been fabricated by aliens interfering in our lives to suit their own plans.”

“But you must have the faith it is all from Ha Shem.”

“Yes, we asked Him about it. He did tell us that it His plan to do this for Earth. He knew there has to be a redemption process no matter how it came about.”

“When I looked into Og's origins I drew up a blank of where he came from. I read the comments by the sages that Og was on Earth before the Great Flood. It was the Maker's intention to eliminate them for what they did to His people here on Earth. But it looks like one did survive the Great Flood.”

“Our sages thought that as well Richard. We don't think any more Sons of G-d came to Earth after the Great Flood.”

“If I ever find any more information from Twainor I'll let you know.”

“We appreciate that, Richard.”

“Richard, this Twainor you mentioned to Rav Shlomo. You said magic exists there.”

“Yes, sir.”

“How did you know magic exists there?”

“First I was brought there by magic. I passed through my room somehow. Then I found myself flying through the blackness of space alive and well. I must have been flying faster the speed light. I saw stars streaking past me.”

“I find that hard to believe, Richard.”

“I know how you what mean, Rav Baruch. The wizard who brought me there is Renard. He said the magic emanates from the planet itself.”

“The magic comes from the planet? Then, everyone there can do magic?”

“Yes, but it is not the same for each resident. Renard said not everyone can use the transport spell.”

“They use spells?”

“I think it is the case of saying the words out loud of what you want to do. I've seen them put their hands like this.” I demonstrate with my hands. “Then they think real hard of the words. Then the action happens.”

“That's similar how we have to put action to our faith and words, my friends.”

“That's true, Rav David.”

“When the words are recited for the transport spell, you have to think of your destination and concentrate on it. The words are recited, and then you disappear and fly through the Ethereal Space of the planet.”

“This Ethereal Space is what emanates from the planet, right Richard?”

“Yes, Rav Shlomo. I thought it might be similar to our magnetic poles here on Earth.”

“That's a good guess, Richard. But it could be something else.”

“It's possible, Rav Shlomo. From what I've been told, this Ethereal Space is so strong it can cause lightning discharges from clouds that are not storming.”

“That is a very unstable atmosphere, but I would guess they are used to it. So Ha Shem provided magic to help them get around that problem.”

“It seems that He did, Rav David.”

“What did the other Outside Helpers look like Richard?”

“That will be hard to describe. If you seen the Star Wars and Star Trek series, I would guess the variety of beings elsewhere in our galaxy is like those movies.”

“Then I guess Ha Shem does want variety in His Creation. We are definitely not alone.”

“No we’re not, Rav Baruch.”

“So Ha Shem only brought some of these creatures there to preserve them”

“Yes He did, Rav David. I saw fairies, unicorns, true dwarves, dragons that can breathe fire and sea dragons as well.”

“Do you think any of these are left on Earth?”

Tell them, Richard.

“I think the land dragons were are killed off, because of our population numbers.”

“That's a good guess, Richard.”

“I think there were some were hidden on Noach's boat.”

“How could they hide, Richard?”

“I saw a fairy change from a butterfly to a fairy.”

“That will be hard for us to detect.”

“That's if they want to be seen, Rav Shlomo.”

“Yes they must remain hidden from our eyes.”

“Also, I met someone there who showed up unexpectedly.”

“Who was it, Richard?”

“I don't know if you'll believe me but I will try. Just before we left to find the sea dragons another wizard appeared. He said he was the last true wizard on Earth.”

“I do find that hard to believe, Richard.”

“However, there are stories about him on the Internet. He sets up a magic shop in malls from time to time. His shop appears in empty store fronts for two weeks say, then it disappears. His shop is called Spells-R-Us.”

“Spells-R-Us? I've heard of that shop Richard. We just had one here in the mall for two weeks then it disappeared about two months ago. I never met the owner of the shop.”

“I did, Rav David, when I visited the mall once. We had a nice short chat. The odd part about him, is that he knows what your circumstances are. The stuff I saw on display in there gave me the creeps.”

“Did he say why he came to Twainor, Richard?”

“He was the one who set the spells on some of them. He made two unicorns look like white horses. The centaurs looked like regular horses. The fairies already knew how to look like butterflies. For the land dragons, he gave them ability to swim the Great Flood and not drown. So when they left the Ark, the spell wore off. They went where they could to have a life.”

“He must be very old if he is still around.”

“Perhaps, but he doesn't show it. I think the Maker granted him long life so he can watch over us. There are still people seeking the black arts of magic to control people today.”

“Yes, we have come across those people once in awhile, Richard.”

“The Wizard came to Twainor to help us with a spell. He transferred the bad memories of Avel, Makaela and me into a bad Wizard there. This was done as punishment for the harm he created.”

“What did he do?”

“First he ate the meat and blood of a sea dragon. He thought he could take over Twainor, but it didn't happen. He caused the death of thousands of people over a hundred years ago. He caused others to eat the meat from the herds of wild animals. He felt it gave him extra power to do greater magic.”

“But it didn't happen.”

“No it didn't, Rav David. First it caused those people to lose their ability to do magic. They only eat fish like we do here and certain types of farm birds.”

The men all laugh together. I join them in laughing.

“Hah, hah... so even the idea eating the right foods is there as well. I love it!”

“So do I, Rav Baruch. That is priceless! I will have to remember this story.”

“Were you able to contain the spread of disease Richard?”

“We were able to, Rav Shlomo. About twenty families and some leadership have eaten it lately in one particular kingdom. We told them about the possibility that in the future all of Twainor would not be able to do magic. The people didn't like that idea at all. So the Outside Helpers provided ideas to help them understand their world better, grow better crops, better medicine and so on.”

“You probably didn't have much to help them with your specialty, Richard.”

“No, not with computers. I did provide other insights from what I have learned here. That was the biggest contribution I gave them. It helped them to know that they need to be more aware and learn more about their world. Of the worlds represented there from the Outside Helpers, Earth and Twainor are the only two alike.”

“Then Ha Shem has a plan that is not fully realized yet. It will take some time for attitudes to change if we are to be part of this Local Group.”

“Then we must do our part in continuing the education of our people or anyone else who wants to learn the truth.”

“That we must, Rav David.”

“Richard said he shook hands with the pastor from Raleigh First last Thursday. His ears are now open to Ha Shem's voice. Hopefully he will call us to answer his questions.”

“Yes, let's hope he calls. This is the first step of many that will help redeem Earth. Soon more and more people will hear His Voice.”

“That may be true, Rav David, but it will also galvanize the enemy to entrench themselves to keep their ideas alive. Who knows how long it will take before war erupts again.”

“Then we must keep the hope, to keep teaching, to hear His Voice always.”

“Well, I think we have been here long enough. It is almost 3 PM.”

“Yes, I must get my family home.”

“Same here, Rav Baruch.”

We all stand up together. We all shake hands with each other with smiles.

“We must get together again. I really liked this kind of meeting.”

“We will, Rav David.”

“Take care, Richard. Have a great Shabbat.”

“The same to you my friends. Shalom Aleichem.”

“Aleichem Shalom, Richard.” They respond back to me.

We exit Rav Shlomo's office together. We see there are still several families together. Some are waiting for their mates to come out. I greet the others there as well. I leave the shul and walk back out to my car.

I get in and put my head covering into the glove box. I start the engine and head back to the dorms. I get to my room and plop down onto the bed. I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes.

“Well, that was interesting meeting, Maker. I wonder what is next on your list of things to do to help Earth.”

You'll find out, Richard. You're handling what I have given you so far. It is a step by step process.

Okay, I'll wait for the next step.

I get up from bed. I change my clothes and get into my shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes.

The rest of the weekend went fine. I didn't go to any services on Sunday. I stayed in my room continuing to work on my reports and programs. Sunday afternoon the students start returning to their dorm rooms. My roommate showed up at 5 pm. I did some more running and floor exercises in between.

“Hey, Richard. How are you doing?”

“I'm doing fine, Bill. It was nice and quiet all last week. I was able to get a lot of my homework done.”

“I'm sure you did, Richard. Now you have time to enjoy and relax until the finals.”

“There is still some homework to do and studying up for some tests until then.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. Well, it's back to the grind.”

“It sure is, Bill.”

The rest of the week went as normal. I ran the computer programs in the labs to make sure they are working correctly. I had to do some more debugging until I satisfied with each one. I continue to fit an hour a day to working out in weight room and doing my forms with the on campus dojo club.

My professors and instructors were quite impressed with how much I did over the Spring Break period.

I called my parents once a week as promised. We talked about a lot of things. They made sure I had the cell phone numbers and other contacts for emergencies. The next time I called, they told me they were taking Mike and Kenny with them as well.

The weeks roll on until the weekend before Easter Break. However, on the calendar, it is called the Spring Holiday. I checked the weather all that week. I didn't see any major storm fronts coming from the western states, except for a weak front approaching the Appalachians.

On Thursday, I get the worst call in my life.

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