The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 25

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Spring Break
Chapter 25

By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


I walk inside the room. Sir Drexton leaves the room and closes the door.

I see all three commanders there sitting in chairs behind a table.

This feels like I'm before a board of review. Okay, now what? The looks on those faces are serious.

“Richard, we wish to have a closed door meeting. King Tierion knows you are here.”

“I've had some meetings like this in my life time, sirs. Usually it’s before leaders or teachers wishing to discuss a problem or review the current situation.”

“I see, observant in your own way. You're like us in some ways. You're very aware of your surroundings.”

“I have to be, sirs.”

“That's a good trait to have Richard. Please sit down, Richard.”

“Thank you, sirs.” I turn around to select the nearest chair. I place the chair in the center of the room and sit down on it. I look at each commander in turn.

“We know you're going back home tomorrow. Because you know your world better and the way you have described it, peace will be hard to come by.”

“Yes, sirs. There may be peace between one hundred nations, but all it takes are some bad leaders in several nations to put everyone else on edge.”

“We can only imagine your predicament. This meeting is to go over the current situation with yourself, your world and Twainor.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“What problems do you expect when you go back?”

“None at first, sirs. Most of the students have gone on the seven day break period called Spring Break. I have a roommate this semester; I didn't have one last term. My roommate shouldn't be there when I get back. But there are students in the dorm building that could see me.”

“You realize you'll have to change clothes and get back into your own.”

“Yes, Sir Leland, I agree. I will probably fold up these clothes and put the armor under the bed to hide it. Once I get the chance, I'll put it in my car trunk to get it out of the dorm. A car is one of our motorized vehicles.”

“That's a good plan so far, Richard. What about the medallion? What will you do with that?”

I look at the medallion below me. “This will have to be hidden as well.” I look back up. “These two large crystals can catch the eye of a thief real easy. They might consider them to be real diamonds. It is the most expensive pure element crystal on Earth.”

“Then you must hide it, Richard. Those two crystals are what you have seen us use here.”

“The top one is a light crystal. The bottom one is a contact crystal.”

“But I don't have magic on my world Sir Valmar. I would not be able to use them.”

“We thought as much Richard. It would have been nice if you could wear that everywhere you go.”

“Yes, sirs.”

“We also hope that you can record some of your activities so we can see how your world operates.”

“If I come back again I can provide some general information on that.”

“We would greatly appreciate that.”

“Richard, we want to go over the four on one match you did in Evenshard. We need some suggestions on how to go about getting our men better.”

“I think I can provide some basic training. It will be similar with what I did in my self defense class.”

They smile at me.

“Thank you, Richard. What is the first one for eye and hand coordination?”

“I can do a simple demonstration. It looks like a game, but it helps with the eye contact to stay focus on your opponent.”

“I'll do this one, Sir Trenton.”

“That's fine, Sir Valmar.”

Sir Valmar and I stand up and face each other. Sir Leland and Sir Trenton get up and stand opposite from each other to watch it closely.

“Put your hands out like this with the palms down.”

“Okay, Richard.”

“I'm going to put my hands below yours but facing upward.”

I put my hands below his.

“The object is for me to flip my hands over and touch the top of your hand. Your task is to move your hands out of the way before I touch it.” I move my hands slowly to demonstrate.

“I see where this is going. This is a good introduction. Let's try it.”

“I'll go first. The trick is to look at your opponent. Don't look at the hands directly. Look with the corner of your vision to see the hands. You can also flinch to keep your opponent guessing.”

“I like this, Richard.”

Sir Valmar and I stare at each other. I see him tensing up. I give a flinch. He moves his hands backwards quickly, but I stay put.

“Not bad, Sir Valmar. You're anticipating.”

I quickly turn my hands over quickly. He jerks too late, I touch the top of his hands at the same time.

“Wow, that is fast, Richard.”

“He keeps it there until I miss.”

Sir Valmar stares at me again. Just when his breathing slows down I flip my hands again. Sir Valmar jerks his hands backwards. I just touch his finger tips.

We all smile together.

“That's faster, Sir Valmar.”

“I'm getting this understood, now.”

“We'll see.” I give a quick smile.

Then I quickly turn my hands again. I touch the top of his hands three times in a row after each reset.

“Okay, I'll give you a break. See if you can do the same.”

“I'll certainly try Richard. I like this a lot for starters.”

We reposition our hands for Sir Valmar to try and touch my hands.

He flinches a few times, he then flips his hands. I jerk my hand backwards. He touches the top of my hand a few times.

The third time he tries, I move my hands inward and upward very fast towards my chest. He misses my hands completely.

“Whoa! I didn't expect that move. That was very fast.”

“It's practice, sirs.” I smile at the commanders.

“That's very good, Richard. It's not too embarrassing, but it will get their attention.”

“Are there any more, Richard?”

“Yes, Sir Leland. This is another eye-hand coordination practice. It is like sword practice but you are using sticks instead. You start out with the standard size. Do your moves.”

“Okay, Richard.”

“After some parrying is done, make the stick shorter and shorter after each turn.”

“I see. You're trying to focus on the hand movements.”

“Yes Sirs. To really test their eye-hand coordination; have a fairy with a stick. They are flying around in a random pattern in front of you. Your task is to touch the end of the stick with your fingers.”

“Yes, I can see how that might be difficult. Then the fairy can shorten the stick after each parry. The knight should be able to coordinate where he wants his hand to be.”

“That's right, Sir Valmar.”

“Even the dwarves will enjoy that as well. They have a shorter sword for their stature.”

“How did you anticipate what they were going to do to you, Richard?”

“Using the peripheral vision I give a quick look how each one is going to swing their weapon. I'll show you.”

I give a swing chest high.

“Look at position of each body part as I swing it slowly.”

I do the motion again.

“I see it. To keep the balance you need that stance.”

“The same thing applies to a low swing.”

I do a slow swing from chest high to the knees.

“Yes the position changes to keep your balance.”

“That's right, sirs.”

“We need to emphasize that when using any weapon, Sir Trenton.”

“Yes we must Sir Valmar. They need to be more aware of what's around them. Richard used their clubs to stop Sir Cargan's sleep darts. He used what was available once he disarmed the first three knights.”

“What did you do to jump up so high?”

“It is weight training on the legs. Strap weights onto the ankles. Start out at a low weight. Then keep them on throughout the day. Running up and down stairs is the easiest way to put that motion into best use.”

“Yes, then we can increase the weights after a period of time. What should be the maximum weight Richard?”

“What is your weight standard?”

“The standard weight is a shield. We have one on the wall here. Take one down to see how heavy it is.”

“Okay.” I walk over the wall and take down a shield. I move it up and down a few times. “Probably, no more than twice this on each leg. You don't want to overdo it. The legs will get so bulked up, the speed in running and jumping will be compromised.”

“I was thinking that too, Richard. We have weight lifting machines that we made a long time ago.”

“Also the extra muscle will add extra weight. You'll have to find the right balance in endurance, strength and agility for each knight.”

“Yes, each knight is different.”

“How are we going to involve the dragons, Sir Trenton?”

“That's easy, Sir Leland. It will be shield practice against their flames. A wizard can ride a dwarf dragon's back so they can become invisible.”

“Yes, they won't know which direction the flames will come.”

“I think we can come up with a few more. We need some exercises that will stretch their limbs to the max. They need to increase their flexibility to do the seemingly impossible motion.”

“I know a few for that, sirs.”

“What are they, Richard?”

“These are simple stretching exercises.” I push the chair out of the way. I sit on the floor. “I did this stretching before I fought with them. It looks like you're trying to jump over an obstacle in stride.”

I put my left leg in front of me. I put my right leg behind me while sitting down. “Now lean forward and try to touch your toes, flex both legs to stretch the muscles. Once that is done, lean back and put your back on the floor, yet the legs stay where they are at.”

I lean back like I said. “Now, flex the right leg like this.”

“I see, it is really stretching those muscles.”

“Yes, it's very important. Once you feel comfortable there, then switch the legs and do the same thing.” I sit back up and switch the leg positions. I do the same routine as before.

“That's very good, Richard.”

“Now for one more while you are in this position. This will be like trying to split my legs like what those two knights did to me. This is going to take patience to stretch them. You don't want to overdo it in the beginning.”

“I would think so, Richard.”

I split my legs in front of me while sitting. I lean forward and let my hands reach as far as possible in front of me.

“There is another way to do this.” I get up on the right knee and put the left leg out to the side. I then try to reach towards the left. “Since, I can do this. I will do the final form.”

I split my legs easily. It seems I have done the impossible move.

“Wow, I bet that took some time.”

“It did, Sir Valmar. You can create a system of ropes, weights and pulleys to help pull the legs apart.”

“I can see how we can do that, Richard. That will be easy to make.”

“That's right, sirs. Then try to do some hand to hand combat while you are stretched like that.” I do some arm and hand motions while fighting in the air around me.

“Whoa, they will hard- pressed to find their balance Richard.”

“That's the point, sirs. It is a new center of gravity to fight from. I'm sure the horses don't mind having someone on their backs who has better control of themselves.”

“Yes, I've seen the knights lose their balance when they joust. They must get stronger in the legs and torso while they are fighting. You never know what position they might be in.”

“You can do those twisting arm and leg motions on their joints that I did to those three knights Sir Trenton. My instructor did that to me to help me concentrate harder on the lessons. I couldn't rub them down with ointment until the noon repast and at the end of the day. It took about a hundred days before I was tough enough and limber enough to do those impossible moves.”

“Well I think we finally have something to get their attention my friends. They have been getting too soft using magic to defend themselves.”

“I agree, Sir Trenton. The magic should be used as a last choice and to help heal serious injuries. If they use magic to relieve the pain and walk around without a limp, then we know what they did. They must be toughened up. We could get an enemy that will surely test us. We must be able to defend ourselves.”

“I couldn't agree more, Sir Leland. Some of the Outside Helpers noticed this right away. Here is a scenario for you. Let's say an enemy comes who is more powerful than you. What will you do?”

“We need to find a way to make the battlefield more even, Richard. Use his knowledge against himself. We must be patient, use stealth if we have to. We have the magic to become invisible.”

“I agree, Sir Valmar. We must devise new strategies to help defend ourselves better. Twainor's forces must be able to solve more complex problems.”

“We must improve our armor and fighting capability.”

Then all three look at me with smiles on their faces.

“Thank you, Richard, you have provided us a method to get their attention.”

“You’re welcome, sirs. A good test for them would be to use a true obstacle course. They must work together in pairs to climb walls, cross beams and jump across streams for example.”

“We have something similar on our training fields. I think we can add a few more obstacles there.”

They each put a hand on to my shoulder.

“We know you would make a great knight if you stayed here. But you are needed back on your world. Change must begin to take place there for the better.”

“Thank you for the honor, sirs. Being your Outside Helper is more than enough for me.”

“You're welcome, Richard. Come it is time for the evening repast. We've been here long enough.”

We leave the war room. We turn right and head back to the dining room. As soon as we walk inside, I smell a familiar aroma. I smile as I remember some good times when my mom and dad grilled fresh fish on the grill.

We also see the same crowd as before when we ate together at the noon repast.

“There you are, Richard. How did the meeting go with the Commanders?”

“Everything is okay, my King. We went over a list of things I will need to remember when I go back. Plus, I gave them some pointers to help out the knights.”

“That's good, Richard.”

We turn around when we start hearing the comments from the guests.

“What is that aroma coming from the kitchen Lord Hershson? I've never smelled this combination of flavors ever. It's making me wanting to have it every day.”

“I don't know what it is, Duke Traylor. It is making my mouth water so much.”

Won't they be surprised what it is? They are going to rave about this for a long time.

“Well, let's sit down, my friends. Let's enjoy this new meal from Master Chef Beharn.”

“Yes, King Tierion.”

We all take our seats like before. Renard remains standing. Then once everyone is quiet, Renard looks at King Tierion for the signal.

“You may begin, Renard.”

“Yes my King. Maker we just want to thank you very much for everything that you have done for us. You have helped us to preserve your world. Thank you for sending the Outside Helpers to us. They helped us to see your Creation and Twainor in a better light. We pray for a safe return of our Outside Helpers when they go back home tomorrow. We also pray they return to us safely when we need them here. Thank you for this food you're serving us today. May it satisfy our palate to always remember your wonderful blessings. Thank you Maker.”

Everyone responds together, “Thank you, Maker.”

The servers come in with the first plate. Once it is placed in front of us, I can see the puzzled look on their faces. I'm smiling when I see what is placed in front of me.

The first plate has a layer of greens on the bottom. What is on top is a wonderful combination. There are grilled vegetables that are mixed together. It has a single spice on top of it. But there are two fruit slices as well that are grilled. It has a different spice on each one.

Once the people start eating it, the expressions on their faces change.

“Oh, this is too much. I've never expected this. I didn't think we could grill fruits like this.”

“I didn't either, Lord Randson. We have to know what he did.”

“But this is the first dish, Telgon. My mouth is anticipating what the main dish will be.”

I try to keep quiet while they exclaim the meal. I give a few groans of pleasure while I eat this.

“I'm slowing down to savor this. Each piece is wonderful. Those greens are going to have wonderful flavor mixed with them.”

“We can't take our time with this. We want to see the sunset.”

“That's true, my Queen.”

Everyone tries to speed up in eating the first dish.

“I can't wait to have this again, Lady Twylis.”

“I can't either, Lady Elena.”

Once we get done with the first dish. The servers come to take our plates away. The attendants keep busy by keeping our mugs and glasses filled with our drinks.

The servers come back with the main dish. Once it is placed in front of them, they start raving like before.

Once they take bite of the fish they get a bigger surprise.

“What's this? This fish has a fruit flavor in it. How did he do that? The spice is fantastic with this.”

Sir Halgren whispers to me quietly, “Is this, what you mentioned back in the pavilion camp Richard?”

I nod my head up and down with a smile.

He smiles back in response.

“These mushrooms are exquisite. I've never expected this grilled fish here. This spice must be from Antarte. Beharn must have paid a fortune to bring that spice here.”

“But it's not as strong as the real thing Durlond. He must have reduced the potency somehow.”

“Either way, this meal is fantastic. Each bite is better than the one before it.”

“This sauce on the side is just right to complement the meal.”

“If he did this to fish; Imagine what it will taste like when we cook bird with it.”

It takes some time for everyone to finish. Everyone is raving about as I expected. Beharn loves this idea from me.

The servers come back into remove our plates away like before. They come back out with the fruit bowls. They leave a damp towel for each of us. We see each bowl has one fruit that is whole with a small stick thrust into it. The second fruit is sliced up and prepared for us. It has the grill marks on it. I see he was patient with this fruit. He spiced the fruit before grilling it.

“What is that sticking in the fruit? What did he do?”

We eat the easier one first. They rave about it again.

“This is delicious my love. It is sweet yet tangy to the taste.”

“We have to know what he did Clarienelle.”

When we get done with it; the guests start to pull out the small stick and give it taste test.

“Do you know what this stick is, Richard?”

“The stick is from a different fruit tree I think. It could be a spice for all I know.”

“He did what?”

They cut into the fruit. They pull out the stick to see it is slightly toasted. When they eat the fruit, they get another surprise.

“Oh, this is too much again. This is like eating three kinds of fruit.”

“Yes, there is the original fruit, but the toasted fruit stick caused it to change somehow.”

“I never expected this from Beharn. I will remember this meal for a long time.”

Again it takes some time to finish the dish. Once we get done, King Tierion looks to a server nearby and nods his head up and down. The server leaves the dining room and enters into the kitchen. The kitchen staff comes out and lines up side by side with Master Chef Beharn.

“Master Chef Beharn; that was a glorious meal. I've never experienced anything like it. We can't wait to have this again.”

Everyone begins to clap and cheer with loud acclaim. The kitchen staff smiles and bow quickly to all of us. Master Chef Beharn steps forward.

“Thank you, King Tierion, for those kind words. However, I can't take the credit for this one. This idea is not from me. It is from Richard.”

Everyone looks at me with wonderment on their faces. Then everyone claps and cheers like crazy. Some even get out of the chairs to give me a standing ovation.

“That is incredible, Richard!”

I put my hands up to quiet everyone down. They sit back down to listen to me.

“I first gave the idea to Beharn back in the pavilion camp several days ago. He was intrigued by the idea. He knew there were some spices that are hard to come by here. So, I gave him this idea with the fruit wood to smoke over. It was his choices for the spices. Earlier today, I was in his kitchen. I was able to come up with some new combinations for him. One of them seems to come from Antarte, but it does not. The spices chosen were to approximate that hot and spicy one I had in Angathorn. As you can tell, it is not the same, but the flavor is almost the same.”

Everyone claps and cheers again.

“What do you call this style, Richard?”

“The basic word is barbecue. But it can vary from region to region anywhere like
here on Twainor.”

Everyone claps and cheers again.

“I've never expected grilled fruit to taste so great with the meal.”

Everyone has smiles on their faces.

King Tierion looks at Chef Beharn. “We'll have to save this style for special occasions when we have royalty visiting here.”

“My King, it's a good possibility Richard has created our own special combination for our kingdom and region. We just need to experiment more.”

“Yes, Chef Beharn, you'll need to experiment as you create new combinations. We look forward to testing them at the festivals.”

“If we do that, it might cause some long lines as they try to wait for it. We'll have to set up about five booths to do it safely.”

Everyone giggles and chuckles at the idea and picturing long lines waiting for a taste test.

“That might be true Beharn. You'll just have to plan accordingly. Thank you, Master Chef Beharn and Richard, for this wonderful meal. We still have time to see a sunset my friends.”

The kitchen staff bows quickly and returns to the kitchen. We all get up and leave the dining room. I see Renard pick up something from the table near the doors as we leave.

We exit the castle through the front doors. Renard walks up to me.

“Richard, I know this is on short notice. Can you play this while we watch the Ethereal Space? You don't have much time to figure it out. I'll have it recorded.”

“I'll try, Renard.” I take the toryli from him. I walk over to a stone bench. I quickly slide my fingers over the strings and frets to determine the tuning. It is a four string version of what I have back home. This is not too bad. It is almost scaled out the same. However, it is tuned to the fourth fret, ours is to the fifth fret. The frets are a little further apart on this neck. I think I can play this quickly.

I start to pluck a style and create a simple chord I think will work. “I think I have this understood, now.”

I immediately go through a song I created for enjoyment back in my dorm room. Everyone looks at me with a smile on their faces. Then we hear someone shout out loud.

“It's here!”

All of a sudden the Ethereal Space is among us. I continue playing. The couples dance together according to the song that I'm playing. You can hear them humming along with it. The sounds produce a unique set of wave patterns to be seen.

“Keep it up, Richard. It's beautiful.”

“Yes, my Queen.”

I continue playing it.


Else where in the forest.

The fairies are flying around dancing and singing to the song they hear in the air. The centaurs and Avel are humming along with the tune.

“What is that song?”

“I've never heard anything like it, Avel.”

“I haven't either, Caltron. The melody sticks in your mind.”

“Who is playing that toryli? It is very joyful and calming at the same time.”

“I don't know, Serena. I wouldn't be surprised if Richard is playing that song.”

“Why Richard?”

“Every time I get a hug from Richard, I sense some great things about him. His work as Outside Helper is not done yet.”

“I should hope so, Avel.”

“Lyonair what do you think about it?”

“I like it very much. The song helps me to be calm and to focus on the Maker better.”

“Well, whoever is playing it, the song is lifting me up” shouts one of the fairies.

Then the song ends when the Ethereal Space leaves the glade. They look up and see the stars, the Twin Moons and nebulae appearing in the night sky. They all give praise to the Maker for another wonderful night.

“We must be there to see Richard before he goes home.”

“Yes we must, Avel.”


Once I get done with it the first time. I play it again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see some of the men putting their arms around their wives. The wives are doing the same thing back to their husbands. They look at me while I play. They have smiles on their faces. Some are cheek to cheek. Some wives have their heads resting on their husband's chest.

The children run around the courtyard playing some games with the colorful lights streaming behind them.

We see the insects flying through the air around us in circles. We smile as we see the interaction from the insects. The birds in the sky fly around us higher in the air. After a quarter-mark the Ethereal Space light show leaves us. I stop playing the toryli at the right moment to end the song. I stand up and look westward.

We see the colorful lights race westward to the mountains. Once it reaches the crests, it flares up like a crown then it disappears. We look up in the night sky and see the stars come out brightly with the Twin Moons and the nebulae shining brightly.

We all begin to clap and cheer to the light spectacle from the Maker.

“Was that song recorded, Renard?”

“Yes, I recorded the song, Lady Twylis.”

“Excellent, make some copies for all of us.”

“I love it, Richard. That is a beautiful song.”

“Thank you my Queen. I created something similar back home. The string instrument I'm used to has six strings on it. It is tuned a little differently than this one.”

“I'm just amazed by how talented you are, Richard. Thank you for coming.”

“You're welcome, my King. I like to have a busy mind. But, playing this musical instrument helps me to calm down and be thankful to the Maker always.”

“Yes, I can see that from everyone's faces here.”

“Well, it's time for bed my friends. We'll have our last meal with Richard at First

“Yes, my King.” Everyone responds together.

The parents gather up their children. The running around that they did tired them out. They will sleep soundly tonight.

Renard and Trianna walk up to me. Renard takes the toryli from me.

“That was a beautiful song. I really liked that picking style.”

“Thank you, Trianna.”

We walk back into the castle. We all go back to our rooms on the second and third floors of the castle.

I walk into my room and close the door. I undress myself like before. I put on the night shirt and shorts. I look in the mirror to see my teeth. I need to brush these teeth quickly.

Renard opens the door that joins our room. I see he has changed his clothes and is ready for bed as well.

“Thank you, Richard, for all of your help.”

“You're welcome, Renard.”

“Why are you looking at your teeth, Richard?”

“I need to brush my teeth after that meal. All I have here are these mouth freshener leaves.”

“Hold still Richard. I'll get those teeth clean for you. Open your mouth.”

I open my mouth to him.

“You're right, Richard, your teeth need to be cleaned up. I'll recite a spell for it.”

He puts a hand towards them. He concentrates on the words to say. He recites the spell.

All of a sudden I feel my teeth have been really cleaned. I open them back up. I see them all bright and white.

“Thank you Renard. This is the best that I have seen them. They look great.”

“You're welcome, Richard. How do you clean your teeth back home?”

“We use a toothbrush and paste. Sometimes we use a piece of string to make sure no food is caught between the teeth. The teeth need to be clean like this as much as possible. We've seen teeth on people who don't take care of their teeth. The teeth are in bad shape. They eventually rot and fall out.”

“I've seen that happen here Richard. People need to remember that as well.”

“I'll miss everyone here. You and Trianna have earned my trust. I would like to
count you as one of my closest friends. Thank you for being here for me. You've helped me pull through some tough issues.”

“You're welcome, Richard. You have helped Trianna and me as well. It would be an honor to be counted among your inner circle of friends.”

Renard comes closer and puts both of his hands onto my shoulder. I do the same to him.

“We are friends Richard. You've helped us more than we can imagine. Your reconnecting to the First Ones here really opened our eyes to the truth. The Maker wants us to be more aware how we fit in his Creation.”

“Thank you, Renard. It seems I'm representing the first step to bring peace to Earth. How that it is going to happen? I don't know at this time. I must keep an open and wary mind all around me. It has been said, we are only given what we can handle. Sometimes, a push from the Maker is needed to help us focus on a new problem to solve.”

“That's a good thought. I need to remember that one.”

I take the covers off from the bed. I get underneath the covers and get comfortable resting my head on the pillow.

“Good night Richard. May you have wonderful dreams tonight.”

“Good night to you too, Renard. May you have a wonderful set of dreams as well.”

Renard puts his hands above me. He recites the spell to put me to sleep. I doze off immediately. He recites another spell to turn off the light crystals. He walks into his room to go sleep.

I dream many things this night.


My first dream is recalling what I did these past seven days. I see real live legends before me. Then it's the time in King Tierion's throne room and the Grand Castle. I remember the friends I made with the other Outside Helpers and others on Twainor. It is a glorious time to remember those times.

Then the dream seems to switch to another view. I see a space ship in the blackness of space. There are a bunch of stars around it, but it feels like I'm outside our galaxy.

Once I begin to think on it some more, the scene switches to another view. This time I'm back home. I see people I haven't seen for some time. We all have sad faces while we talk to one another. I look around to find my family.

Once I start to look for them I leave that scene and find the Wilson family. I see Brianna has grown up some. She is very beautiful.

Again once I dwell on her some more, I move to a scene that is somewhere in the woods. I see butterflies all around me. I calm down and sit down on a fallen tree. I smile at the beautiful scene in front of me. It reminds of the times I had near our family cabin.

Some more dreams come my way that don't make much sense to me. By that time I see a bright light coming my way. I'm soon engulfed in it. There is white light all around me. I start to discern three shapes in the white light. They come near me.

“Richard, can you hear me?”

“I can hear you. Who are you?”

“The names are not important right now. You'll know who we are someday. You have been chosen by the Maker to do a wonderful thing on Earth.”

“I kind of gathered that when I arrived on Twainor, my friend.”

All three of them smile at me.

“You will be tested many times throughout your life.”

The second one speaks up, “You need to be discreet about your contacts. Keep taking more classes at the universities. You'll know which ones you need to learn from as time goes on.”

“Keep the family cabin in excellent repair. You'll need it to rest your mind.”

The third one speaks up, “It will be your refuge where you can restore your health and well being.”

“I will certainly do that, friends. I really like it there.”

“We won't be here all the time when you sleep. Have a safe journey home Richard.”

“You'll be back here again a few more times.”

“Thank you, friends. Give my thanks to the Maker.”

“He has already heard them, Richard. Take care, Richard, until we meet again.”

They disappear from the white light.


I slowly wake up looking at the ceiling. The white light fades from memory as I look up. I take the covers off and sit up on the edge of the bed. I look out the window. I see the break of dawn coming upon us.

I look out the window. That had to be some messengers or angels from the Maker. One of them reminded me of someone I know personally. Who is he? It could be a she for all I know.

I hear Renard walk into my bedroom. He stands behind me.

“Good morning, Richard.”

“Good morning, Renard.”

“You look pensive this morning. Did you have some more dreams?”

“I did, Renard. Most of it was reliving my time here. Then there are some future events that don't make sense to me.”

“They rarely do, Richard, at the time we have them. We hope they make sense later.”

“I hope so. The last dream I had, I found myself talking with three people. Right now I don't exactly remember what they said.”

“That's okay, I get those too sometimes. But their words come back when something very important is about to happen.”

“Well, let's get ready, Renard.”

“Yes, Richard.”

Renard walks back into his room to get dressed. I take off the night shirt and shorts. I take out the clean clothes from the drawers. I put them on like I have done the past several days. I comb my hair to look neat. I check my satchel to make sure my tennis shoes are still there. I put the comb into the satchel, and then sling the satchel onto my shoulder.

“Are you ready, Richard?”

“I'm ready, Renard.”

We walk out of our bedrooms and into the main hallway. We walk down the hallway and down the stairs to the main foyer. We walk across the long hallway until we get to the dining room. We see the doors open already.

We see everyone there waiting for us like the previous repasts. The children look a little sleepy. They try to get awake quickly by the prodding of their parents. I put my satchel on the tables with the others sitting on the table near the door.

“Come, let's eat the morning repast, my friends.”

We all get into the same chairs as before. Renard remains standing and waits for the signal from King Tierion.

Once the King sees everyone has settled down he looks at Renard. “You may begin, Renard.”

“Yes, my King. Maker we thank you very much for the time we have spent together these days with our Outside Helper Richard Moore. We thank you for this opportunity that we can keep your gem in the heavens a little while longer. We all have learned a lot from all of our new friends. Give and grant them peace and long life. May they do more wonderful things when they get back home. Keep them near to us in our hearts. We know they will come to us when we need them at our time of need. We thank you for the delicious food last night and this morning. May it give us the strength to do great and mighty things each day. Thank you, Maker.”

Everyone responds together, “Thank you, Maker.”

Renard sits down. The servers come in like before. They bring out the first plate. It is a selection of vegetables and grains on a bed of greens. We enjoy the flavor.

“It seems Beharn is helping us remember the meal last night. It might not be grilled, but the spices are there for us to enjoy.”

“Yes, King Tierion. The memories of last night are still on my tongue.” Dolina giggles at the thought.

The other ladies follow her example as well.

We see the children eating the first dish completely clean. I see the parents are happy their children are really enjoying the meal.

I think they just found a way to get their children to eat their meals. Heh, heh, heh . . .

Once we get done eating the first meal. The servers come back in to take our plates away. They come back out and deliver the main dish to our place settings. I see the plate in front of me. I see Beharn is doing the memory approach with the bird dish. I take a bite to confirm it. Yes he just spiced the bird meat with the new combination. He did add a dipping sauce to help as well. Apparently he'll marinate and grill the bird at another meal when he has more time.

Again everyone enjoys the meal. We have smile on our faces. There is very little talking this time as everyone is engrossed in eating the morning repast. When we get done with the main dish, the servers come in to take the plates away. They come back with the fruit bowls for each of us and a damp cloth for each of us.

This time I see two whole fruits in front of me. But then I see a prick hole in the skin of the fruit right at the top where it grows from the tree branch. He pulled out the sticks this time. I wonder if anybody else notices it?

They cut into the fruit and start eating the dessert.

I see the surprised look on their faces.

“Beharn did it again. I thought I was getting this wonderful fruit, he must have spiced it somehow to change the flavor.”

“He must have, Lord Greyshon. Where did he insert that spice stick?”

“Either way, this is very good. I won't forget this meal ever.”

“He only grilled the bird only as he usually does. This time he just used the new spice combination.”

“I agree, my King.”

I smile to myself as everyone comments on the meal. I smile back to the people near me. Some of them shake their heads from side to side while they are smiling at me. We use the damp cloth from time to time keep ourselves clean and neat.

Once we get done, King Tierion looks at a server nearby and speaks to her quietly. “It’s time for the kitchen staff to come out.”

“Yes, my King.”

She turns around and walks into the kitchen. A moment later the kitchen staff lines up side by side.

“Thank you for this delicious meal Beharn. Even it was not like last night, the spices helped us remember it. We look forward to when you serve it again.”

Everyone claps and cheers. The kitchen staff all bow and rise back up with smiles on their faces.

Master Chef Beharn steps forward, “Thank you , my King and honored guests. It has been pleasure to cook for you all. If you like, you can contact your own chefs and have them contact me. I'll be glad to share this with them. We'll discuss some new possibilities from what Richard has started here.”

Everyone claps and cheer again. The kitchen staff all bows again. They turn to the left and walk back into the kitchen. The servers remain standing where they are at.

“Come my friends, let's go out to the courtyard to send Richard home.”

We all get up from the tables. We pick up our satchels from the tables and put them on our shoulders.

Once we walk out there, we see more First Ones there. We see the dragons there all waiting there for us. The centaurs, Avel and the fairies are there. I see Ryujin standing there next to his brother.

A tear comes down my face as I greet and bow before each dragon.

“We finally get to meet, Ryujin.”

“Yes, Richard. I'm finally free to fly again. It is great to fly again and see my family. I sense you clearly. You are part dragon. How did that happen?”

“Ask Croin, he saw what happened. Ruald thought he could change me by eating wild animal blood. He also put a drop of sea dragon blood in a small balloon.”

“I'll ask him for the details. Croin and Marcon tell me you have met Eingana our Matriarch.”

“Yes, Ryujin. I did meet her. She will be here a long time.”

“That's good to hear.”

I nod my head to him. I continue going around the crowd of people and First Ones. I talk briefly with each one. We give words of encouragement to each other. The centaurs all put their hand onto my shoulder and squeeze it lightly.

“Were you playing the toryli last night, Richard?”

“Yes, Caltron. You heard it in the forest?”

“We did, Richard. That is a beautiful song.”

“Renard recorded the song if you want to hear it again.”

“I'll certainly ask him for a copy.”

When I get near Avel, the fairies start to sing and dance a new song.

Time heals all souls,
let the hearts heal all.
Past and present meet again,
to hope they meet again.

Let our Helper find solace
when he finds a rough path.
He always a part of us,
give him strength when he needs us.

Each fairy flies in front of me. Some touch my face or forehead, then they fly away to make room for other fairies to be near me. I finally hug Avel one more time. The tears come down my face and his.

“I'm thankful to know the human race is alive today. Take care, Richard when you return. Be careful and wary where you walk. I know the thief is still there.”

“Yes, Avel. I'll be careful where I walk. When I read the stories of the legends and myths on Earth, I'll think of everyone here.”

I then step away and greet everyone else I haven't yet. The last ones I see are King Tierion and Queen Shiranna. I bow before them with the formal bow and rise up. We are smiling at each other.

“We didn't know who was going to come; now that we know, we are thanking the Maker each day for what you accomplished since you've been here.”

“I thank the Maker as well, my King and Queen.”

“I have here a small token of appreciation. Accept this small bag of coins. If you come back again, you might need it here.”

I receive the small bag of coins from him. “Thank you, my King. I'll be sure to keep this safe until I need it.” I open my satchel and put the bag of coins into the satchel.

Then the King and Queen approach me. Queen Shiranna gives me a motherly hug. Then I get a fatherly hug from King Tierion. I hug each one like a son to them.

They all step back from me. Then the Mystic Order members walk towards me. They get in a big circle around me.

“Stay safe until we meet again, Thryson Kingdom.”

“Stay safe Richard.” Everyone responds together.

“Think of home, Richard. Picture your world in your mind.”

“Yes, Renard.” I look straight up. I picture Earth in my mind and the dorm room when I left it. “I have it in my mind, Renard. I'm ready.”

Then all of the Mystic Order members put their hands towards me. They recite the transport spell in one voice. My body begins to glow white.

Everyone begins to clap, cheer and roar when they see me glowing white.
Once the light is the brightest I see myself flying straight up. I have disappeared in a blink of an eye in front of them. I find myself streaking past the Twin Moons. It doesn't take long for me to leave the star system.

“This is a different perspective, Maker.”

You'll get used to it, Richard.

I continue streaking home. Then I see a space ship flying towards me. It then flies by my side for a short distance. Then it peels off in a different direction.

“Who was that, Maker?”

There's a good chance you'll meet them some day if all goes well on Earth.

“Okay, Maker.”

I continue to think of home as I fly towards the Sol System. After another moment of time, I fly through an oort cloud. Once I clear it, I see a familiar solar system.

I fly past the largest planets I recognize easily. There is Neptune, Uranus. Saturn looks real gorgeous with those rings and sub-worlds. Jupiter is brightly stripped with its colors, rings and its own sub-worlds. I fly through the Asteroid Belt easily without passing through one of them. Then I see Mars with Phobos and Deimos.

Once I get past them, I see the blue marble of home. I fly past the moon quickly. I approach Earth just as fast. I hope I don't trigger any sensors, Maker.

You won't, Richard.

I fly through the atmosphere. I see the North American continent. I then fly towards North Carolina and NC State. I see I'm approaching my dorm building quickly. The next instant I appear in my dorm room. The light around me disappears. I stand still for a moment. I feel a bit light headed.

“Whoa, back on Earth. Apparently there is a slight gravity difference between our worlds. But it could be the flight in space that did it.” I sit down on the bed to ease my return.

I look around the room quickly. I see the PC monitor is still off and the TV is on. I turn on the PC to check the date and time. While it boots up, I quickly take off my satchel and clothes and turn off the TV. I take the tennis shoes and comb out of the satchel. I fold them up and put them under the bed. I take off the chest and back plate. I put that under the bed as well. I put the tennis shoes back on.

I look at my watch to see how it is. “Darn it. It is still blank. I'll buy a battery to see if it will come back on.”

I look at the PC screen to check the date and time. “Well, if I remember right, no time is lost this morning when I left. It is still Saturday and the beginning of Spring Break. I think I'll go out and do a jog around the campus.”

I put the dorm keys and wallet into my pocket. I make sure my dorm room is locked up. I walk down the hallway. I see a guy and gal walking my way. I move to the side and let them pass. She smiles at me as she walks by.

I continue on my way. Then I hear some talk behind me.

“What are you looking at, Sharon? He's a nobody!”

“Excuse me, Brian! I thought he was someone I knew.”

Oh, oh Maker ... I might be emitting a pheromone that attracts females. I'm going have to take a strong hot shower when I get back.

You better do that before you have your run, Richard.

Okay, Maker.

I turn around and walk back into my room. I get my towel, washcloth and toilet bag. I walk down the short hallway in my apartment.

I look in the mirror. “I better shave as well.”

I take a nice hot shower. I put shampoo into my hair and lather it all up. I soap myself down real good. I scrub every inch of my skin. I rinse myself off. I then do it two more times to make sure I'm clean. “It feels like it has been a week since my last shower. Which is true, heh, heh, heh...”

I take my towel to dry myself off, and then I put the shorts and underwear back on. I brush my teeth and shave my face to get any hair of it off. “Yuck, I hate body hair.” I look at myself in the mirror. “You have changed some, Richard. Well, let's go running.”

I take my clothes and walk back into my room. I put the deodorant on, t-shirt, socks and tennis shoes. I put my toilet bag away. “Now it's time for a run.” I leave my PC on. It switches to the screen saver.

I leave the dorm room and make sure the room is locked. I have my dorm key and wallet in my pocket with me. I make sure the cell phone is clipped to my belt holding my shorts up. I walk out of the dorm at the front entrance and look around to see a bright sunny morning. “I better stick to the main campus.” I start to jog slowly down the sidewalks. I do the two mile circuit for starters. I see very few people on campus.

I see a beautiful campus before me. I hear the birds chirping in the air. The insects are buzzing around looking for flowers to pollinate and get their share of nectar. Some people wave at me while I jog by. I smile and wave back to them.

I start to feel the bliss of running a smooth jog. I decide to do another mile around the campus. It doesn't take long for me to finish it when I return to my dorm block. I walk back up the stairs to my floor level and into my room. I feel a nice glow over me. I grab my towels and toilet bag again to wash off the sweat.

I go to the bathroom and take care of myself. I undress and shower the sweat off quickly with the soap. I get myself dry and dressed back up. I walk back into my room and hang the towels on a folding door. I put my toilet bag away. I sit down in the chair and look at my PC. I touch the mouse to get the screen back. I see no messages waiting for me. I check my cell phone and do the same thing, again no messages that way. I check the latest news.

“Hmm... same old, same old news. I just don't see how peace can come to Earth. If it starts with me, I just don't see how right now, Maker.” I minimize the screen. I get my schedule to look it over one more time.

“I need a drink of water.” I walk out of my room and down to the common room on my floor. I purchase a bottle of water and take it back to my room. I sit back down to look at the schedule again.

“I won't be able to do the library research until Monday. The instructor wants half of the books to be found on the shelves in the library. The other half can be found on line. I can do the programs and flesh them out today and tomorrow. Fortunately I have the latest C program to run them on my PC here.”

I look at my class notes to remember what I need to do. I see I need to write a program that will monitor several signals from a room. Once a breach has been made, I need to send that signal to a display panel. On the panel a light will show up a warning. It also states I need to add two features at least, five at the most.

That's easy to do. But a light on a panel is not enough. I need to include a live camera feed. But what about breaches that a burglar can break in and not set off the alarm? That's what I'll do. I'll set a multiple choice loop for the various combinations. If he can breach it, then there has to be another sensor to detect his presence. But what about a power outage to take down the system? There has to be a backup plan for that. Arrggh... this is getting more complex. I need to come up with all possibilities like password protection, voice and finger print acceptance. What if he sends in a virus to damage my program and overwrite it with his? I need to protect my program as well.

I write down what I argued about. Then I start to see the outline of what I have to do. I smile within myself. I know what I need to do. First get the core program written. Then I can set up the shell around it for the parameters to protect the main program. But... but... this design is two dimensional. I need to make the paths more complicated. I need more options. It has to detect any virus that comes in. Hmm.. I need to find the pattern in these viruses first. Fortunately they are grouped by families. Let me look in my books that I have here. If it's not here I'll have to wait until Monday.

I open my books and look at the list of viruses listed there. I see how they are written within the families. I start to see a pattern in these groups. I need a three dimensional computer. How do I go about doing that? The architect and software has to be 3D as well. I open my diary file on my PC. I type in my questions and thoughts on this. I date it and close the file. I set a unique password to encrypt the file. Even that is not enough.

“Well if it's 3D, then how many CPUs do I need? To make a cube you need eight corners. We have dual CPUs, but it is not a true split. They just separated the parts of the CPU functions to run faster and parallel the processing. I need to include protection for the fire wall PCs as well that protect the data core. But also all of the ports need protection as well. It seems the hacker always find unmonitored ports to exploit.”

Then a light comes on in my head. “That's the way to do it.” I write another outline flow chart. I look at what I created. “Yes, there are enough loops to make sure each port gets monitored. It will signal the panel of a breach as well. I need to test the viruses that come in as well.”

I write down the first steps, but I stop before I write the third line. “This is crazy. No, let's stick to the current problem to solve. I need to set this aside and build upon this. I can use it to start my senior project in the Fall Semester. That's what I'll do.”

I open my diary file again to add another entry. I type down my thoughts that have been going through my mind lately. Once I'm satisfied with it, I close the file and encrypt it with a password that is a variant on the previous one.

“Hmm... I think I better start another diary. I need to write down what I just experienced lately. It may seem like I was not gone from here at all. But I know it happened when I look under my bed and see those items. I'll have to get them in the car trunk before the students come back next week.”

I open my diary file to start another folder series. I open a document and type down a brief outline of the days I experienced there on Twainor. “That's a start. I'll fill it in during the days ahead.” I close the file and give the folder and appropriate name — Twainor Diary. I encrypt the file with a password that I heard often there.

I look at my lesson again. “Okay, let's keep it simple. Go for the maximum choice of five features.”

I draw another flow chart of what I want to do on paper first. I do some erasing and rewriting until I'm satisfied with it. I then open my presentation program and do a professional looking version of it. I send it to my printer next to the monitor on my desk.

I look at it carefully. “That's step one done. Now for the next step of writing the subroutines for each signal that is monitored in the room and protection of the core program.”

I write the five subroutines in about three hours. I stand up and look on the desk what I wrote while I stretch my body. “That looks good so far. I need another water break right now.”

Then all of a sudden my email pop up window comes on. I see it is from Twainor.

“Hmm.. someone is trying to get a hold of me.”

I open the email. Then all of a sudden I get the image of Renard on the screen.

“Greetings, Renard. This is a surprise.”

“Greetings, Richard. We just want to make sure you got back safely.”

“I did, Renard. I'm slowly getting myself back into my routine here. It has been about three marks since I left you.”

“It has been about a mark since you left here. I'm trying this contact with a new crystal and make sure it is tuned to you.”

“That's fine Renard. You're coming in loud and clear. Well, I need to get busy here. I look forward to hearing from you when you need me the next time.”

“I look forward to that too. Take care Richard and praise to the Maker.”

“Praise to the Maker.”

The image disappears.


“Sir, I just intercepted a transmission from deep space.”

“Deep space? Where was it received?”

“Somewhere in North Carolina, colonel.”

“Do you know the frequency?”

“No sir, it was masked in the TV spectrum as noise.”

“Was it coded?”

“I'm not sure it was coded. The signal was very brief. I didn't have time to record it. It was a quick spike.”

“That's odd. Somebody out there knows somebody here and vice-versa.”

“That's a possibility, Sir.”

“Which direction did the frequency come from in deep space?”

“It seems to come from the direction of Orion.”

“Do we always get a heavier concentration of background noise from there, captain?”

“Yes we do, sir. It could be another star exploding. It's a very active region for star formation as well.”

“It could be, Captain. Keep monitoring all frequencies.”

“Yes Sir.”

The TV frequency? That can't be right. Usually stars emit in the UV range and higher. This was too low for that. It has to be manmade.


I check the rest of my email. I see a message from mom to call her Monday evening.

I take my empty water bottle and fill it with water from the sink in our apartment. On the faucet I put a filter on it at the beginning of the semester. I take the bottle and sit on the couch in the common room on my floor in the dorm complex. I turn on the TV to see what is happening. I drink some water while I watch the TV.

Richard, can you hear me?

I hear you, Maker.

Your country's radar net just detected Renard's transmission.

Was it too brief to know what it is?

Yes, Richard.

Thank you. Tell him the next time he contacts me, to keep the message just as short. Until the next time we need to talk to each other. Praise to the Maker.

I'll tell Renard. Until next time, Richard.

Another student comes in the common area and sits down in one of the comfortable chairs.

“Hey Richard, how are you doing?”

“I'm doing fine, David. It is nice and quiet now.”

“It sure is. I thought you’d be at your family cabin by now. What happened?”

“Mom and dad said they will wait until the semester is over. There is actually a two week break until the summer semester starts.”

“Good idea, Richard. You can plan ten days to be there instead of seven.”

“That's the idea David. They plan to be there a whole month before I get there. Why are you here?”

“Same problem Richard, but my distance is further than yours.”

“That's right your family is six states away from here. I take you didn't want to visit the beaches?”

“Beaches? I've seen enough beaches to last a life time. I live in Galveston if you forgot.”

“That's right, David. Raleigh is three hours from the Atlantic to the South. Galveston is right on the Gulf.”

“You bet it is, Richard. How are you doing with your programs?”

“I just finished a three hour session getting my subroutines written. I'm going to lunch soon. You want to come with me?”

“Why not? It beats being in a cubicle.”

“Where do you want to eat?”

“I have a hankering for some Greek food.”

“That sounds good to me, David.”

“Besides I need to ask you a favor.”

“What is it, David?”

“I know you're good with writing programs. I'm on the ME (Mech. Engineering) track. I'm stuck on writing a program that will map an E/M field.”

“What formula were you asked to use? What is the shape of the electrodes?”

“There are two of them. One is a parallelogram set at an angle, the other one has two irregular lines at an angle to each other.”

“I bet you were asked to map them out as well.”

“That's right, Richard.”

“Well the parallelogram is the easier one to do.”

“I thought so too. I've done a square before.”

“Well take that and add the angle into the equation.”

“The formula we were given doesn't have a place to add an angle. The instructor told us there is a way to do it. The formula is that general one we all know.”

I think about it for a moment. A smile comes to my face.

“Apparently you figured it out, Richard.”

“I did, David. It has to do with the field itself and the lines. The field is being affected by two lines. Once you figure out the distribution from plus to minus...”

“Then that spaces out how far apart the grid lines start at. Then it curves towards the other line. I see it now. I see where the angle gets added.”

“That's right. Since it’s a uniform spread, creating the table of numbers is a snap as you figure out the point value at each location.”

“Then I can take those numbers and put them on a spread sheet.”

“You can do that. Or once you have the formula figured out you can put that into the spread sheet and propagate that through the cells.”

“That's great. But I need to do it both ways. From that I can do the irregular shape real easy.”

“That's right, David.”

“Thank you Richard. Well, it's time for lunch, let's go.”

“Let me get into some better pants and shirt.”

“Yeah they don't like grungy students in there. I'll meet you here in fifteen minutes.”

“I'll see you in fifteen, David.”

We leave the common room and walk back to our dorm rooms. I get changed quickly to look presentable at the Greek restaurant. I make sure my dorm and car keys are with me. I turn off the monitor, but I leave the PC on. I also take my cell phone with me. I lock the door and walk to the common room. I see David waiting there already.

“Whose car, David?”

“I'll take mine, Richard. It can't sit all week long. I need to drive it once a day.”

“Same here, David.”

We exit the dorm building and walk towards the parking lot. We see several hover cars parked there.

“I can't believe these kids got these hover cars already.”

“Yeah they have been only out a few years. They feel invincible they can fly. You need a pilot's license to fly one of those. You have to log in so many hours before you can fly one by yourself. There have been some terrible accidents with them.”

“Besides the bugs haven't been fully worked out on the stabilization and avoidance programs. I've seen some of those subroutines in my IEEE group.”

“I've seen some of those as well in my ASME group. It's very complex.”

“Well, be careful as you drive around on the streets.”

“I sure will, Richard.”

We get into the car. David drives us to the local Greek restaurant. We have a nice lunch that lasts an hour. When we get done, we get back into the car. David drives around town and on the interstate for an hour to keep the battery charged up. He tops off the tank on the way back to the dorm parking lot.

“Thanks for the ideas, Richard. I think I can do those two programs now.”

“You're welcome, David. See you later.”

“See you later, Richard.”

I walk into my room and turn on the monitor. I see a pop up window indicating I have some e-mail.

I turn on the monitor to check what it is. I open another e-mail from mom. “It's from mom and dad. They're telling me they will be leaving for the mountains during the Spring Holiday break at the beginning of April. Well they better drive safe. I'll give them a call tomorrow.”

I resume my writing of the computer program I started. After another hour or two of writing and typing the main program. I add the subroutines to the program. I go over it several times to make sure the labels match up what is going in and coming out. Once I'm satisfied with that I decide to compile and run the program.

Once I run it, I get back several bugs listed for me to find. “Hah, I knew it would come back with some errors. They are probably some typos.”

I scan through the program making sure everything is written right. I did find six typos in various places. I corrected those, save the file and run it again. This time I get an error of no incoming signals at all five subroutines.

“Yeah, that's right. I don't have any room to monitor yet. Well, I better close it up and save it. When I get back into the lab after Spring Break I'll run it then.”

Well, that is one task done. I have a few more things to do. I think I'll go to a service off campus tomorrow morning.

Not that one yet, Richard.

Which one do you want me to go to, Maker?

Go to Rav Shlomo's evening service.

He's having one tonight isn't he?

Yes, he is.

Okay, I'll go.

I get my armor; satchel and ranger clothes out from under my bed and put it on top of it. I change my clothes to look nice for Rav Shlomo's evening service. It is a pair of my darkest blue slacks and a button down shirt. I change my socks and shoes to look appropriate. I look in the mirror and comb my hair. I take my toilet bag and walk to the bathroom. I take care of my teeth, put on some deodorant and some cologne.

I walk back to my room. I pop some breath mints into my mouth. I turn off the PC and grab my wallet, keys, and the armor, satchel and ranger clothes. I make sure the place is locked up. I don't put a note on the white board that is on my door. I leave the dorm building and go to the parking lot. I put the armor and the ranger outfit in my car trunk. I get into the car and turn it on.

I leave the parking lot and drive to Rav Shlomo's shul. “Fortunately, it's only fifteen minutes away from the campus. I'll be there in time. I need to make sure I drive safely on the streets to the place.”

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