Um, wow. Getting lots of requests recently for info about this universe. Here you go.
It's a Retcon Universe. That means all the stuff you've read over the months/years/decades doesn't mean squat. The term "retcon" is a contraction of "RETroactive CONtinuity" for the curious. The most powerful hero and the most like Comic Canon is the Green Lantern, Jade. She is a deus ex machina for tech equipment, instant costume change rings, etc. But only if you ask her nicely.
Everyone else is up for grabs from whatever universe you can pull them from DC, Marvel, Vertigo, Wildstorm, Dark Horse, etc. As long as there is a comic written about them they are fair game.
If you plan to use a Mega-uber-super-powered person (i.e. Superman, Darkseid, Captain Mar-Vell, et al) then contact me before wanting to be a part of this universe. We're stunting their growth and powers since this Universe takes place in the Real World. That means Gotham City and Metropolis do not exist.
- The Metagene (or X-Gene or X-Factor): Only (approx.) 6500 people, of all ages, in the world have it strong enough to actually make you "Super". This means the odds of someone your character knows having it are not good at all, but possible. In other words, don't go crazy turning all of your character's friends into the new Justice League or Avengers. The Metagene does not have to change the gender of the person in question. The reason behind the change has already been hinted at but not reveled.
- Magic: Exists, but is only being unveiled at this point, at the Fifth Age of Magic.
- Super Ray Guns That Fit In Your Pocket: Only exist in outer space on other planets that are not Earth. And since there is a big war going on out there, at the moment, they aren't going to be coming here any time soon. That goes for a lot of Comic Book Tech. Some cool stuff is just being invented that you might be able to use, contact me if you absolutely need to know for your story.
- Physics: Laws are still in effect, so try to keep it somewhat realistic. If your character weighs a thousand pounds, falling from a building will probably damage the sidewalk, and they'll never be able to find shoes that last for more than a few minutes.
- Existing Characters: Be nice and contact the author's of existing characters for their permission to be used if you want to use them. And return them as you found them unless you get their okay.
*** Newest Update *** DNA tests that are use to pinpoint whether or not someone is a Meta cannot be performed in a few minutes, or an hour... maybe in a couple of days or so. Please remember that we're using today's technology. The only thing that could tell if someone is a Meta quickly would be a Power Ring or the medical devices on Jade's Starcruiser.
*** Update *** Contact Lilith to make sure the character you want to write about has not been taken by someone else. Some feelings have been hurt already over this and I'd like to minimize those times by as much as possible. This goes for established CRU authors as well.
*** Update *** Reiterating the odds of anyone becoming a super powered meta are low, about one in a million. What would be the odds that a group of friends would all be super powered metas before the change? A statistical impossibility.
I think that's about it. If you have any questions about how things work, want to write a canon story of your own, or whatever, PM me, please.
(Derived from the CRU Wiki Timeline. If you think your story is in the wrong place or not included then contact Lilith)
Year Zero
Samplings of the Population by Lilith Langtree
How to Take the Kill Shot by Enemy of Fun
When Lightning Strikes by Lynceus
Terra: Between a Rock and… Another Rock by Lilith Langtree
To Dream the American Dream by Lilith Langtree
Thor-girl: Wrath of a Thunder God by Lilith Langtree
Hell-Girl: Aww Crap by Lilith Langtree
Year One
Catch As Cat Can by Maid Joy
Some Kind of Wonderful by Enemy of Fun
Magdalena: The Palm of Your Hand by Lilith Langtree
The Devil is in the Details
Big Trouble by Lynceus
Blue Bug from Outer Space by Enemy of Fun
Sin and Steel: The Succubus Files
My Enemy, Myself
All That Glitters by Enemy of Fun
What Light Through Yonder Shadow...
Green With Envy
A Ghost of A Chance
Books of Magik
Phoenix Rising
Momentum Shift
Born in a Watery Grave
Enter the Copycat by Lynceus
Magical Chaos!: Crossing over
Free Spirit by Lynceus
The Flash
The Wolf's Howl
Catching Up by Maid Joy
I Am the Night by Enemy of Fun
Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... by Lilith Langtree
Catch Scratch Fever by Maid Joy
Big Trouble 3
Deep Into That Darkness Peering
Catatonia by Maid Joy
Black Canary Sings
Out of the Ashes
Tears of the Phoenix
Jade: The Price of Vengeance by Lilith Langtree
Darkchylde/Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick by Lilith Langtree
Trial of the Phoenix
Iron Girl
The Cat's in the Cradle by Maid Joy
Sandy Claws by Maid Joy
Out of the Ashes II
Year Two
Cataloging Events by Maid Joy
To Die and Know It by Lilith Langtree
Bound to Serve the Dark by Lilith Langtree
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These were both great! Who
These were both great!
Who is the next one and when can we expect it?
Captain America/American
Captain America/American Dream - Within the next few days.
Thor - Unknown (Next week maybe?)
Thanks Freya!
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Thanks! Looking especially
Thanks! Looking especially forward to Thor(a) for obvious reasons. :D
Hmmmm, overboard?
It's what one could call my suggestion - to put a second column and write a short character info on the right of the picture - for every character.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Not overboard
Actually, I don't think it's overboard at all. I like it. Thanks for the idea!
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Is "Big Trouble" out yet? I
Is "Big Trouble" out yet?
I don't see a link to it...
Nevermind, I found it! :)
If it's linked to this page then it connects to all of "my" stories even though it's written by another author. It's really annoying and I don't know how to bypass doing that. That's why I posted the story titles at the bottom of each character. So if you see a new character added to this page then there is a corresponding story posted very recently.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
In order to link their story
In order to link their story to this page all they have to do is to find the "Comics Retcon Universe" under your name in the list on the last tab when editing their story.
Personally, I'd love to see the cannon retcon uni stories linked here. Maybe take Lilith's name off it so that anyone can link their story to this page and NOT have it show up in Lilith's story archive? Admin, could you do that and link it to another user?
Then someone could come up with a page that has the various characters and their bio information on it, and that could be linked as well?
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Just added my new story,
Just added my new story, 'Green With Envy', featuring a different kind of Green Lantern. Although unless I can find a good pic somewhere online, they probably won't get added to the marquee on this page (heck, I'm not even happy with the Giganta pic, but I'm a writer, not an artist).
“When you work with people whom you respect and whom you like and you admire because they're so good at what they do, it doesn't feel like work... It's like you're playing.†-Stan Lee
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Ditto. I really don't like
Ditto. I really don't like it either, but it's the best I could find after fruitless searching. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Meh. Anyway, yeah, as soon as you find something you like, let me know and it'll go up very soon afterward.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
you've been nothing but helpful, I appreciate everything. ^-^
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Green With Envy continues!
Alan gets a new name (Alena) and new costume (and a picture to go with it, yay!) in the continuation of Green With Envy!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
A question
Why is Alena GLII instead of GLI? Alan Scott predated Hal Jordan (and John Stewart, and Guy Gardner, and Kyle Raynor). I haven't yet read the story, but planning on it...
In this particular universe Jade was the predecessor... You'll see how it works out. ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Because this is a RetCon
Because this is a RetCon universe. All previous rules have been tossed out and we're starting over. I originally started this universe because I was annoyed at what DC, Marvel et al have been doing to my favorite characters throughout the years. So, we're giving them the brush off and handling things our way. This means origin stories, names, codenames, costumes, etc. are in some instances being tossed out as well.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Two questions...
1)Any plans to re-imagine super man and Alexia Luthor? (As in I know so little about either as I'm not a fan of the original that I cannot do justice myself.) :(
2)Any chance of having a more in detail image contribution... like what program/game it was taken from or created in?
The Legendary Lost Ninja
1) I'm trying to stay away from the overly silly-powered superheroes, aka Kryptonians, Marvel Family, et al. if they are eventually retconned they will be significantly reduced in power and totally revamped origin-wise. One of the things I'm trying to do with this Retcon Universe is to totally re-imagine these heroes, and give them new origin stories. Green Lantern is the only one that remains the same, for need of a deus ex machina technology-wise. There are too many limitations in that area and one standard is needed.
All others will change... at least in my writings. I encourage others to do the same. We've already heard a billion times, the origin of Superman (last son of Krypton, etc. ) how about if something else happened? Maybe he wasn't an alien. That kind of thing.
2)Wha? You mean specifics about the pictures that are on this page? Specifics about them? I usually just credit the artist in the original story, if is was created, or the photographer/model if it was a real life picture.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Also, consider...
Something to keep in mind here: it's not about the power level so much as how easily you can challenge or limit the character. Despite having the most powerful weapon in the universe at their disposal, a Green Lantern is mortal, and has mortal weaknesses. Their doubts and fears can limit their power. As Godlike as they can be, they're not like that all the time.
For good drama, you have to be able to inject angst and vulnerability into a character. Superman has his moral code, but when you get right down to it, how do you make him seem mortal? Vulnerable? Either Kryptonite or something stronger than he is.
Now Captain Marvel on the other hand, is human, with all the strengths and frailties of the human condition. But by saying a magic word, he becomes a physical God that, again, can only be stopped by introducing something stronger, or some deus ex machina to limit his powers/revert him to Billy Batson.
So the way I see it, as long as you can keep your character grounded, not unstoppable or never having to worry about mortal concerns, they're fine, no matter how powerful they are.
At the same time though, they have to share a universe with other characters, so inevitably, there will be crossovers. You want your character to be able to share the spotlight with someone else and have it be believable, not ridiculous.
Look at the Batman/Superman crossovers. Kal-El is no dummy; his father was a brilliant scientist, and more than once, we find that Kal is really darned smart. With his access to Krytponian technology, his powers and abilities, he shouldn't have to come to Bruce Wayne often; Bruce has a lot of toys, but when you get down to it, what Batman has over Superman is that Bruce is better at long-range planning. Strategy, tactics. Anything else, Kal should be able to do on his own.
So what really should happen is, Supes calls up Bats on the phone, asks for some advice, and then gets the job done, in between saving Metropolis five or six times. So yeah, make sure your heroes can occupy the same space with others.
“When you work with people whom you respect and whom you like and you admire because they're so good at what they do, it doesn't feel like work... It's like you're playing.†-Stan Lee
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
^ This.
^ This.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Bats vs The Big Blue Boy Scout Scoresheet
The Batman and Superman have had head-to-head battles on nine occasions as of the Luthorian Presidency. The Bat has won eight of the nine. And... the one he lost was staged so that Supes won to convince Luthor that the Kryptonite Ring he had was a fake so he'd pass it off to Bats.
1)Actually it was more
1)Actually it was more flipping superman into a bad 'man' type... not quite homophobe but really a manly man type who hates any one who is a 'sissy'. And make Lex into the 'sissy'... but I really don't know enough of the back plot to do it justice. :(
2)Not so much here, but one of two of the stories have a credit at the bottom, but me being a gamer I look at the picture and try and see where it has come from... CoH, (That other super hero MMO I forget the name of but made by the guys who did CoH)... etc.
Lex, is already in use as a
Lex, is already in use as a ruthless... well pretty much who he is in the most recent Superman cartoon series that came out a few years back. He's crossed over into the Big Trouble and Green Lantern(Star Heart) stories along with his bodyguard/driver Mercy. So, I doubt very much he'll be seen as a sissy.
Kal-El (or maybe Calvin Elbert/retconned name sample/Kali Elseworth) as a bad guy/girl, I wouldn't mind seeing. Maybe it takes the combined effort of a team-up to take him down.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Reading the Wikipedia article on the character, it turns out that as originally conceived, his powers were quite limited: "superhuman strength that allowed him to lift a car over his head, run at amazing speeds and leap one-eighth of a mile, as well as incredibly tough skin that could be pierced by nothing less than an exploding artillery shell." The leaping was later changed to flying, then as the series continued he gained More Powers As The Plot Demands. So by going back to basics you could perhaps produce a more credible character. But since the codename itself is quite lame, perhaps use Marvel's variation-on-a-theme, Hyperion - whose powers appear to be strength, stamina, speed and durability, combined with enhanced senses (including seeing the entire EM spectrum). The Earth 712 version adds regeneration, levitation, the ability to project IR radiation through his eyes and susceptibility to argonite radiation (although IRL argonite (Ar + N2) is inert and not radioactive!)
Hyperion sounds a more credible character to ret-con - besides which, Mark Milton is an easier 'real name' to work with.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Super People!
Hyperion is a really sweet character, but he's also very dark. I've always liked Supergirl better as a character than Clark (or Conner, the modern Superboy). Or how about Wonder Woman, who has acquired very similar powers over the years.
There's a lot of Superman expy's out there, Marvel has several (in addition to Hype, there's also Gladiator of the Shi'ar Empire), and of course, DC has Mr. Majestic AND Apollo from the Wildstorm Universe. Heck, Lex could try to create his own Superman, and thus give us Retcon-Bizarro instead!
And that's not even talking about Martian Manhunter, who has all of Superman's powers and then some (plus a really sweet backstory).
Yes, it's not impossible to make a good Retcon-Personage of Steel, but I feel that you'd have to toss a LOT of continuity, and ditch much of what makes the character awesome to make it your own. Lesser known characters give you much more latitude to play with, IMO.
I'd much rather see a Retcon-Ultra Boy, one of my favorite 'Superman-class' heroes, who has a very unique limitation. Hm...Ultra Girl, I may have to give that a go...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Conner Kent
Clark Kent = Kal-El
Linda Danvers = Kara (of the House of El)
Conner Kent = Kon-El
Don't forget Karen Starr
The other Kara, daughter of Superman's alternate universe uncle Zor-L, not only survived the destruction of Krypton and Argo City but also the destruction of her own universe, not just once but TWICE!
It's got something to do with the size of her chest.:)
Hmm. Okay if I take Power Girl as my writing assignment in this meshugass? (The original inventors of Superman were Jewish. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
You might want to PM me
You might want to PM me about the details on that one, Erin. On second thought, I'll PM you.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
I'm working on it!
Martian Manhunter is coming along!
The problem is, I'm at 10,00 words and trying to decide how much more is needed :)
And yeah, MM definitely won't be full-strength Superman-equivalent, right out of the box.
If you want to go with radiation weakness
How about Radon? It's the reason of more than 80% of all the radioactive exposure of civilians, it's ubiquitous as it's coming from the soil, it can, depending on the properties of a building, spike up from more-or-less usual level to more than ten times that, and it's extremely common in underground locations or pits.
So basically, someone weak in presence of large quantities of it could easily be depowered by changing the ventilation to sucking the air out of the building - as it would make Rn-rich air from the soil come to replace it.
Incidentally, Uranium-238 and Thorium-232 are the elements responsible for producing Rn via alpha-fission.
Okay, so my specialty is protecting people from radiation, so sue me! ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
... able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
See, that line in the Superman descriptors makes so much more sense if his power is Super Leap instead of Flight. Heck, I prefer Super Leap to Flight anyway, you get places faster with cheaper Enhancements!
Aye but you can stick the
Aye but you can stick the invisibility enhancement into Sprint from the running set and still have a full set of Fly IOs.... ;)
The Legendary Lost Ninja
Kryptonian done Palladium Style
Immortal - Godling Subclass
Extraordinary Intelligence Quotient (1)
Extraordinary Mental Endurance (1)
Extraordinary Mental Affinity (1)
Supernatural Physical Strength (1)
Extraordinary Physical Prowess (1)
Extraordinary Physical Endurance (1)
Extraordinary Physical Beauty (1)
Sonic Speed (2)
Massive Damage Capacity (2)
Lightning Reflexes (1)
Super Regeneration (2)
Extraordinary Leaping (1)
Iron Will (1)
Weakness - Currently Unknown*
I had a GM once use everything on my character sheet against me. The GM stating the if I wrote it down on my sheet then my Heroes Enemies already know the weakness.
Ooops - Just Thought Of It
The Precurser of the modern version of Superman, was the World of the SUPERMEN. Done by the creators. To do it Modernly though would be a NEO-Human from Palladium Books South America Book 2.
Linking to the Comics Retcon Universe
If you cut and paste the following code into the bottom of your story, it will make a link to the Comics Retcon Universe that looks exactly like this:
Here's the code:
If the code is at the very bottom of your edit box -- with no text below it -- it will blend in fairly nicely with the other navigation elements at the bottom of the page. Note that the line that includes the text The Code Below Points to the Comics Retcon Universe will not print, because it's "escaped" as a "comment," but will help remind you of what it is when you see it in your text.
You can use the same format to hide little notes to yourself in the text, which can be very handy at times. I use it all the time to make temporary edits, so I can play with a story without making any permanent change.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Much appreciated, Puddin'.
Much appreciated, Puddin'. That makes things a little easier!
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
A couple corrections...
Green Lantern is DC, not Marvel. As for "Mercury" (Marvel)... maybe you meant Quicksilver?
Fixed GL Mercury= X-Men
Fixed GL
Mercury= X-Men comics. Has powers like the T-1000 Terminator.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
The Crying Game?????
Name: Carlotta Xavier
Codename: Lacrymosa
Age: 70 regressed to 48
Height: 5'11
Stats: Unknown
Power: Projecting Empath,
Limited to 45 seconds, overwhelms subject with profound insight and remorse, leading on occasion to transformed emotional and moral perspective.
Talent: Director School for Gifted Mutants
Ph.D. in genetics, biophysics, and psychology
First Appearance: TBA
Formerly Charles Francis Xavier, Carlotta is a transitory being; only occasionally assuming corporeal form to assist other mutants, but most of the time an ethereal being without physical substance. She assumes the physical form of her former lover, Moira Kinross McTaggert, with who she still shares a psychic bond that transcends Moira's death. Her former psychic powers are no longer in effect as the result of years of physical and psychic trauma.
If you can't join em, give em away, aye? See if anyone wants to run with this?
Love, Andrea Lena
*stares open-mouthed* Okay.
*stares open-mouthed*
Okay. Why not?
But this only applies if used in the canon universe otherwise any Chuck X is fair game until then.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Stats table
Looking good so far :)
Just two quick bits of nitpicking: the colours you've chosen for you and Lynceus appear quite similar on my display. I don't know about anyone else, but maybe you could canvas opinion and if it appears I'm not the only one, consider changing the colour?
Secondly, in the cases where the character's codename in this universe differs from the original, could you include that somehow? Besides which, it gives those of us who weren't previous comics geeks to look up the original character on Wikipedia and note how much better / more realistic our resident authors are making the characters :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It's all a work in progress...
but Lilith is working very hard on keeping everything organized(to the point that she hasn't been able to finish her own stories!); any discrepancies will be fixed along the way, I'm sure. Like how Giganta is my character, and is a DC, lol.
Actually I feel a little bad; I'm a sucker for continuity and character mythology, which is why I have so many characters up top there. Need a ruthless corporation? Shoot, why mess around when you can always use LexCorp?
Of course, at the same time, I do create original characters as well, adding to the confusion, lol. But you'll see less of that over time, even if it takes me longer to write a story, there's no reason I can't do some research and find a comic character similar to the one I need for the story.
For doing as much as she can, juggling with all these different personalities and ideas, I think Lilith should have an entry on the superhero roster as well. ^-^
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
^This *panting*
Giganta's fixed.
And in-between Crisis' on Infinite CRU Pages, I'm actually getting some writing on the Thor-girl story done.
*Whips flowing red cape over shoulder and leaps into the air... only to fall down*
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
You're a hero to me
You're a hero to me Lilith!
*hugs* Thanks for a great story universe!
Another snippet of code
This one duplicates a regular navigation block, but contains fields which need to be filled in with whatever structure is desired. It's a little complicated, but once you've filled in the blanks a couple of times, it all starts to become clearer. It uses double Guillemets (French quote marks) instead of single ones, so it's clear that it's not the system-generated navigation element, but you could use any symbol at all if that doesn't suit.
To use it, you have to go to the location you want to be the "previous" location and copy it down from the address field, together with what it is.
Then go to the location you want to be the "next" location and copy it down as above, together with what it is.
You'll have two locations, something like this:
Then you should trim away the web prefix from each address, which looks like this:
from both locations. You'll be left with two locations which start with: /topshelf/book/ and so on. You're doing this because you don't want to make the link go back out to the web to link to the page, which increases the cost of the transaction slightly. You want the link to be local, which is less expensive for everyone and takes less time.
As an example, let's choose Lynceus' Books of Magic and Lillith Langtree's Terra: Between a Rock.
We'll create a navigation block with three links, a previous location, the Retcon page in the middle, and a next location, almost exactly like the normal navigation block at the bottom of linked stories.
I trimmed a little from the full title of the Terra story, because long titles can make the navigation elements fold up and look awkward.
The code for this navigation block looks like this:
Here's a generic equivalent:
All those class="watchamacallit" things, which I know will look confusing, make sure that the backwards and forwards links migrate to the far left and right respectively, and the link in the middle sits politely in the middle without trying to insert non-breaking spaces or anything like them. The little trick uses a technique called "Cascading Stylesheets," CSS for short, but pay no attention to that wizard behind the curtain.
The bits that need to be replaced are surrounded by XXX and YYY respectively, to make them easy to notice and select. The link to the Comics Retcon page in the middle doesn't have to be replaced unless you want to do something else entirely. One might, for example, have the center link point to the author page of the author of the current story, but this is left as an exercise for the reader.
The three links can go anywhere, of course, and if you want more than three options just drop in another block.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Thanks Puddin', Once I get
Thanks Puddin',
Once I get everything settled, I'll mess around with it and see how I can work it out.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Could work...
...but we'd need to agree on some sort of ordering/timeline first and that could get interesting.
Ah, Continuity, How I love/hate thee...
Love the concept, can't stand trying to make it work!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Dial H for Hero!
That's so awesome, why didn't I think of that?!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
I've put up the character
I've put up the character profile of Catwoman. It can be found at:
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
I added some character profiles
as well, but then I got told to stop blogging so much! -sheepish-
So you'll have to settle for one a day, I'm afraid. Next up: Free Spirit!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Links? So that others who
Links? So that others who want to use one of the characters can find them when needed?
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Super Abilities http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/21489/super-abilities
Giganta http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/21493/giganta
Alena Scott http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/21494/green-lantern-zwei
Magik http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/21495/magik
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
I don't know
But, how about asking Lili to put the links in the names of that who-writes-whom table?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Not a bad idea
Although it's starting to get crowded up there!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Those are useful links.
Thanks of course to Lilith for adding my Flash to lineup!
I just hope to get her typed up and edited fast enough. :)
Green Arrow
I'm busy working on Green Arrow as I type this. It should be up after my Center story is finished.
Almost done
Part one of Green Arrow story is almost done. It should be up later today or earlier tomorrow.
I have relatives visiting. I'll be slower in posting.
I should be posting more
I should be posting more regularly now.
Agent of Order should be up
Agent of Order should be up tonight or tomorrow. :D
Thanks to Lynceus and Lilith for their help!
Blue Beetle
My Blue Beetle Retcon should be coming soon, I'm shooting for the first part being up sometime at the end of the week or the beginning of the next. I still have two more chapters to write in my Center story but as soon as they're done I'm jumping right into the life of Jaime Reyes...it should be very interesting to tackle.
Almost Finished
Blue Beetle is almost finished now. I've got about two more chapters than I can move on to Booster Gold. It feels like I just started it and I'll be sad to see it end but I've got a sequel rolling around in the back of my head so Josie Reyes is not gone forever, just a short time.
Wow. Apparently a lot of people have their take on their favorite comic book superheros. I guess I should throw my hat into the ring. Might be fun. :)
Is there a thread or forum about the Comics Retcon Universe?
First, please understand, what I am saying is only meant to be constructive.
I have been enjoying reading CRU? But, from an organizational standpoint, this epic storyline is starting to get a little big just for the single page to handle in overview.
Several of the stories weave together so that it can be a little confusing to figure out what order to read the stories in.
And so much is happening to the characters that it hard to keep up without taking notes. Also, knowing how the stories and plotlines fit in the timeline, and what the characters are currently doing, and where they are at.
This could easily lead to plotholes, which for the most part has not happened yet.
Also, what about non-metahuman villains that are formidable for their minds, skills, and tactics.
For example, I have read in a couple stories of the CRU that it is hinted that daredevil may exist.
That probably means Wilson Fisk (Kingpin) may exist as well. When is comes to non-super-powered villains Wilson Fisk is up there with David Xanatos (Gargoyles, aka the guy that Lex Luthor wishes he was) in danger levels. At first glance Fisk seems to be a fat gluten. He isn't fat, he is literally mostly muscle and had taken on a number of lesser powered beings in a fights before on a near even level.
Just like Xanatos, Fisk is a self made man. He has worked hard to gain everything he has.
And if you do include Fisk, there is also his right hand assassin, Bullseye.
It would be worth it alone just to have Luthor and Fisk go at it in a NYC turf war Xanatos gambit. Luthor is smarter than Fisk, but Fisk is a lot more cunning and patient than Luthor. Both men know how to turn their weaknesses into a strengths, and their opponent's strengths into a weaknesses. If you think about it, Luthor would be on the short end of the stick on this one.
Just some thoughts.
If you guys decide to do a forum or something. I would be more than happy to help you.
See you,
Paul Cousins
time lines
In this kind of universe timelines aren't that relevant, I think, just the actual story.
Comic Retcon Wiki
There is a Wiki that mittfh set up.
This site has a list of characters and a timeline. Not all the characters are on there just yet but we authors are trying to keep it up to date. I'm currently trying to catch up with it, putting my characters on their right now.
Thank you.
Thank you for the link.
You're Welcome
The Wiki comes in real handy, especially for me...it helps keep the timelines straight and things like that.
Green Arrow Returns
Be prepared...as soon as Best Served Cold comes to an end, How to Be a Hero will begin.
Retcon Update
I've got a Green Arrow sequel coming followed by A Blue Beetle sequel.
Then I'm going to do Retcons on the Red Lantern Laira, Hawk and Dove and the Black Panther.
LOL, keeping busy I see?
LOL, keeping busy I see?
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
A certain person also just gave me permission to do Spiderman too :)
New Story in the CRU...Need an editor
Hiya all,
First off, by way of introduction, my name is Diana Howe (screen name Moongoddess), and I've just finished part one of my entry into this cool universe, a story called Magnetic Personality. Lilith and enemyoffun have read it and given me great feedback, however i could use an editor to clean up formatting, grammar & etc. in draft two before posting.
Thanks in advance,
Re: Call for an editor
Hi all... i received a response almost immediately. you folks rock!
Timeline/Story list
Can ayone please provide an updated storylist/timeline?
I'm getting really confused and lost, and I hate starting reading a story and realising it's referring to an earlier story I was supposed to have already read!
I love ALL of the stories in this Universe, and I don't want to miss anything!
Any help would be much appreciated - I've checked this list above and the wiki and I've already read beyond them!
Thanks in advance,
The list above that reads,
The list above that reads, Order of Stories is the most recent list available, in a timeline order. (Taken mostly from the Wiki-Timeline)
It's not all-inclusive since I've asked the CRU authors to PM with where their story falls and some of them haven't responded. Then you have a few handfuls of stories that are fan fiction as well and are not going to be on this list.
Google +: http://gplus.to/lilithlangtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Got the first part of the
Got the first part of the Punisher out finally, after a lot of tweaking and editing :)
Frank Castle is such an interesting hero, kinda reminds me of Batman, Our take on The Punisher is a bit different but I hope everyone will enjoy it :)
Frank Castle (Angelica "The Punisher" Castle)
Age: 16
Home: Queens NY
Extreme Pain tolerance (E.X. She can't feel pain at all.)
Heightened Reflexes
Heightened Combat Response
Minor enhanced strength (No she can't lift 2,000 pounds, just slightly more then the average girl her age.)
Heightened Metabolism
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Have a mew of a day!
Comics Retcon Universe
Will you add new heroes, villains to the list as they appear?
May Your Light Forever Shine
The only list that is being updated is the Order of Stories (above), and even then I need to be notified by the author so I can know where to put it. The list is based off the timeline on the CRU wiki, with a few additions.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
I miss this universe
It was so much fun, writing Phoenix, and reading those written by others.
Sigh, I wonder if there is any interest in reviving it ?
I would love to revive it but I can't write anything lately....the Gods hate me lol.
Pointless question
Is that universe dead ? no updates of years :(
I miss it.
I miss it too
but i haven't heard anything from Lilith in a long time.