
Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 10

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 10
By Arecee
Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

“What was I thinking? Maybe you should ask your son, or I should more correctly say, daughter, was thinking? That is entirely the pertinent question at hand,” she answered back with a calm and authoritative manner to her voice.

Miss Benson was pushing all the wrong buttons with my Mother. My Mom didn’t become successful by being stupid and she didn’t like to be pushed around, not at all!

“YOU KILLED MY SON! You took him away from me forever! YOU BITCH!!


Trouser Snake -9

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 9~~~~~

“You were the uh…boy Rebecca found in the girl’s restroom, is that right?”
I blushed a bit, “Yeah. Sorry about that. The men’s restroom was…”
“I got a report that the toilet was overflowing around that time too. Was that you?”
I had forgotten about that, “Well, yeah, but all I did was flush it. Someone had been sick in there.”
“And yesterday you disturbed the pep rally fighting with Miss LaRue.”
“I wasn’t fighting! She pushed me!”
Principal Arnold just gave me a look, and I shut up. “Is there something going on I need to know about?”

The State does not make mistakes -6- Exonerated

The State does not make mistakes

6 - Exonerated

by Penny Lane

Marlon receives an interesting proposition and makes some life-changing decisions, and the legal process finally grinds to completion.

Trouser Snake -7 & 8

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 7&8~~~~~

“We have a question for you.” It was the redneck Charles Dubois and two other guys who bore more than a passing resemblance to the hyenas in the Lion King, only without the witty repartee.
“Yeah,” one of them said. “we have a question for you.” As if Charles had been particularly clever in calling what the three of them were about to try to do to me a “question”.
“Are you a girl faggot? Or a boy faggot?”
“Yeah, what kind of faggot are you, faggot?”

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 9

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 9
By Arecee
Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

“Mother! Please!” I begged.

This was not going the way it should!

“It’s what I really want!”

“And how do you know just what it is you really want?” Mom stared straight into my eyes.

“I know Mother! I AM a girl! I AM your daughter!” I forcefully raised my voice in sheer conviction.

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 8

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 8
By Arecee
Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

“I’m sure Miss Benson put no pressure on you to cover her butt either to keep up this charade?” Mom spat.

“Really Mom!” I pleaded. “I chose this.”

“Lynn, I’m so angry right now, please, don’t say another word! You and Mindy could have ended this before things went beyond crazy. All you had to do was tell the truth, and Miss Benson should have accepted that she was part of a cruel hoax. That should have been the end of it.”

“Please don’t be angry, Mom! I really don’t mind being a girl."

Trouser Snake -6

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 6~~~~~

“I thought the boy scouts were supposed to be better than the girl scouts at that kind of stuff.”
I picked up another piece of Salisbury with my fork. “So did I.”

The State does not make mistakes -3- A Terrible Shock

The State does not make mistakes

3 - A Terrible Shock

by Penny Lane

Marlon discovers that his situation is much worse than he could have possibly imagined, but assistance comes from unexpected directions.

Trouser Snake -5

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 5~~~~~

I laughed in spite of myself, but to my horror, it wasn’t my usual laugh. It was higher pitched. A girl’s laugh.
“Ha! I knew it! You ARE a girl.”
I felt something twinge inside me when she said that.

Manny and Maude - 3 - In this Land

Midway through his contract to guard Maude the Seamstrist, as she travels the Land Beyond creating beautiful clothes, Manny daily found himself wishing he had never crossed the bridge and accepted her offer. Admittedly, he had grown to like the talkative witch; however, strange things happened around her. Worse, those strange things seemed to happen too him. First trapping him in the body of Maude’s daughter, Lirial, then as a gorgeous, amazonian sized pixie. He could definitely use a quiet day off by himself. But will the most dastardly band of villains (on a skill testing exam, the only band of villains would also be acceptable) in the mountains have different ideas.



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