
Trouser Snake -6

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 6~~~~~

“I thought the boy scouts were supposed to be better than the girl scouts at that kind of stuff.”
I picked up another piece of Salisbury with my fork. “So did I.”

The State does not make mistakes -3- A Terrible Shock

The State does not make mistakes

3 - A Terrible Shock

by Penny Lane

Marlon discovers that his situation is much worse than he could have possibly imagined, but assistance comes from unexpected directions.

Trouser Snake -5

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 5~~~~~

I laughed in spite of myself, but to my horror, it wasn’t my usual laugh. It was higher pitched. A girl’s laugh.
“Ha! I knew it! You ARE a girl.”
I felt something twinge inside me when she said that.

Manny and Maude - 3 - In this Land

Midway through his contract to guard Maude the Seamstrist, as she travels the Land Beyond creating beautiful clothes, Manny daily found himself wishing he had never crossed the bridge and accepted her offer. Admittedly, he had grown to like the talkative witch; however, strange things happened around her. Worse, those strange things seemed to happen too him. First trapping him in the body of Maude’s daughter, Lirial, then as a gorgeous, amazonian sized pixie. He could definitely use a quiet day off by himself. But will the most dastardly band of villains (on a skill testing exam, the only band of villains would also be acceptable) in the mountains have different ideas.


Trouser Snake -4

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 4~~~~~

“It’s not that little!” I protested.
Garibaldi shrugged. “I saw one on a nature show. It was a lot bigger. Have you tried killing it?”
“I didn’t think that was a good idea, seeing as it used to be my penis. I’d rather not kill my penis. ”

The State does not make mistakes -1- A knock at the door

The State does not make mistakes

1 - A knock at the door

by Penny Lane

This story is set in an anonymous state in the near future, where surveillance techniques and bureaucracy reign. Could this be what your state will look like then?

Trouser Snake -3

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 3~~~~~

The more pressing issue, though, was how I was going to be able to pee. I covered my face with my hand. I was just in a bathroom, my mother’s voice in the back of my head told me, why didn’t I go then?

Trouser Snake -2

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 2~~~~~

“Are you okay?” A girl’s voice asked.
I looked around, realized firstly that I had collapsed on a tiled floor, secondly that it was the floor of the women’s restroom.

Trouser Snake -1

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 1~~~~~

I was having great fun with the cheerleaders. “Look at my pom poms, not my breasts! Yaaaaay breasts! I mean pom poms! Watch me kick and show my panties! Yaaaaaaay PANTIES!” You can tell a number of things from this. First, I had (and have) an odd sense of humor. Second, I was perhaps not as sexually mature as other boys my age.

Dinner at Ms. Johnson's

Dinner at Ms. Johnson’s
By Willy Mays Hayes

What happens when your neighbor invites you over for dinner and expects you to pretend to be a family member and better yet, as her six year old daughter!

Terri's Vengeance-7

Terri's Vengeance
Chapter 7

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis: After the shocking announcement, Terri's family and friends, finally see the terrible price to be paid, unless she can see the Light of Hope. Daniel again pledges his Heart, but sees only the avatar. Only after she leaves does Hope reveal itself as in Heaven, the Truth is revealed.

As Terri meets Delano's secretary, she sees a manipulative, cunning mind, waiting for her moment to strike. When she meets Terri, she sees the true queen and realizes that her attempt to steal any money from Delano is a moot point when Terri promises her that her family’s wealth will be returned. As Delano falls for Terri, he finds that he is no longer himself, and the cunning plot begins to destroy him.

Terri's Vengeance-6

Terri's Vengeance
Chapter 6

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis:The Plan continues to bear fruit as Delano likes what he sees and starts to fall under Terri's spell. He frees Kandi and Mandy from marriage, and awaits her return with the promise of a more lucrative meeting and his conquest of her. Terri still has doubts about herself and her vendetta that are slowly conquered as she finds new strength.

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 6

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 6
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

I felt as though I was walking on a cloud! I looked at the clock and realized that I had been here for more than five hours!! I saw Mindy sitting in the reception area. She looked up as I approached her.

When she saw me she gasped.

I had hoped her face would have a look of happiness because of how I looked, but what her face showed was total sheer panic!

“Oh my God! Lynn!!! What have you done?” she gasped. The panic on her face came through in her voice.

Mike versus Michelle 20: Baltimore Blues- Final Chapter

The story of Mike versus Michelle concludes with this chapter. It takes place about a year and a half after the last chapter and picks up after Michelle's SRS.
Mike versus Michelle:
Part 20

Baltimore Blues:The Final Chapter
By Sharon Parsons

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 5

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 5
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

The bus rumbled closer and was slowing down to our stop. I felt a twinge of fear as I realized my test of passing as a girl in front of the people I had to go to school with every day was upon me.

The doors opened and I just gulped as I took my first step up onto it. Mrs. Uttman, our driver, looked speechless as she looked me up and down as if I was some oddity. I felt a little queasy and just grabbed the first seat pole and finished pulling myself up into the aisle.

“Well Good Morning to you Lynn! My My! You look wonderful today! It’s about time you decided to be who you really are.”

I blushed furiously as I knew a lot of the other kids on the bus heard her and even now they were all looking at me in bewilderment. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard her say. SHE thought I had been a girl all along! Omigod! Did Lynn the boy ever really exist?

The Blossoming of Billy - Part 13

Billy took a deep breath and slowly lifted his t-shirt.

“How long has your chest looked like that?!?” his mother drilled him. She beheld two small mounds on either side of his chest. That gentle swelling was a telltale sign that breasts were on their way.

The Blossoming of Billy

Part 13

By AshleyTS

Resurrected - Chapter 1

Chapter One
By Wargamerguy

Warning, this story deals with troubling aspects of religion so if that offends you then you might be better adviced to stay away from this one.


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