Allen's Discovery - Chapter 2

Allen's Discovery

Chapter 2

By Princess

Copyright © 2010 Princess
When Allen's mother dies, he is left without anyone to comfort him in his need to be a girl. So he starts wearing his sister's clothes which leads to many adventures and both siblings discover things about each other.

Cynthia drove him to a police station late in the night. She told him to tell the officers everything that his father did. She told him that she would be honest also. She told him that If they were honest, everything would end up better for them. His father wouldn't be able to abuse him anymore. He just nodded to her and said yes he would. Then he thanked Cynthia.

They made up to the large building and she walked in holding her little brothers hand behind him. She made it up the front desk and told an officer wearing a bright blue uniform that they had a serious problem with their father. Melissa was there waiting and she said she was going to help them too.

The officer looked down from his desk and asked Cynthia, "OK Miss, what is your problem?"

"Our father has been beating my little brother Allen cruelly when he plays dress up. Our father is quite cruel to my brother because he's small. The beatings and threats have gotten very bad and he fears for his life. And our father has been molesting me, sexually. We need some help."

Melissa steps up to the desk and says, "Officer, I am an attorney representing Cynthia here and she told me about the abuse on her. I had no idea he was hurting the boy. I can confirm everything she says. "

That was quite a lot to take in. This was a very serious matter so he called up a detective from SVU and told her about the matter. He looked down and said, "OK, Allen come back with me and we will straighten this all out. Melissa, wait with Cynthia. We will get the whole story tonight."

A female detective wearing a black leather jacket, a soft red blouse and tight fitting black jeans and her shiny gold detectives badge on her belt. Allen looked up at her face. Her blonde hair and soft caring face put him at ease. She looked beautiful and very hardened by years as a detective. She took Allen back into one of the interrogation rooms and left him there for a few minutes while she spoke with one of her partner. She told him to take Cynthia back and get her statement. He felt himself instantly feeling safe with her.

The she walked into the room with Allen and sat down in front of him. She introduced herself to the small frightened boy, "Hello Allen. I am Lieutenant Olivia Benson from the Special Victims Unit. Your older sister has made some very serious accusations against your father. We need to hear it from you before we can do anything real so Allen. Please be strong and tell us the truth. Do you have anything to tell us? "

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He felt scared but he knew if he kept his promise to his sister that things would change. He looked Olivia in her brown hazel eyes and said, "Yes. I am scared."

"There is nothing to be scared of. You are safe here and if you tell us something we can protect you from him," She told him.

"I know," The boy told her. "But you see how I am dressed. I am afraid you or one of the other officers will say I deserved it and send me back to him. "

"We are professionals and I am not surprised about how you are dressed. We have dealt with other boys like you. If you want to live as a girl, that is OK. That won't be used against you by any officer in this city. We are well trained, and there are many boys like you that need help. I have dealt with many transgender children victims of abuse so don't be afraid. We need to know everything. Think of yourself, and think of your big sister that he molested."

"Okay Olivia. I do want to be a girl. But my father, Ronald, he hates that. He wants me to grow up to be a man. He never touched me until mom died last year and now he beats on me every night." He took his dress off and showed the woman. "See my back, they are bruised. I think he broke one of my ribs when he was drunk. Since I never told anyone, that my ribs still bother me. I don't think it even healed right. And there's more, he..." Allen covered his face ashamed.

Olivia moved up and held the boy. "Don't be ashamed. Nothing is your fault. Tell me so we can protect you."

He looked up at her and said. "He touches me at night. He said if I want to be like a girl that men will be part of it."

Rage started burning in her. People who molested kids like that really made her angry. She didn't let it boil though her professional police composure.

"He takes his thing out, and makes me play with it. It sickens me but he's so big and mean. I am afraid to say no. "

He told her everything he did and gave times and instances. It was all tape recorded and video. He signed a written statement he made. He told her the unspeakable things he did and went on for an hour telling of horrific sickening abuse he inflicted on the boy. It got sicker by the minute and more difficult to listen to. And as difficult as it was for him to force it out, he managed to tell her.

Thirty minutes later, Olivia and her Partner Odifa started discussing the matter together. "Both victims have evidence of abuse and bruises. And the girl claims he raped her last week. He claims his father sexually abuses him. We have enough to arrest the father. Go get him too and arrest him for first degree rape. "

Her partner said, "I think we should take the children to the hospital and get it all of the abuse recorded into evidence. If the girl’s statements is true, a rape kit can show forcible penetration and tearing. She gave me a pair of her undergarments that she says she never washed and she had when he raped her. Let’s go."

Both children were taken to the hospital and examined. X-rays were performed on Allen and took pictures of his bruises on his back and legs. They took a swab of his mouth hoping to find some evidence of semen.

Cynthia was subjected to a more humiliating examination. She was probed and pictures taken of her most intimate parts to find evidence of rape, and hopefully some DNA or hairs from her attacker. The panties and a dress with stains she claims were from her father were taken into evidence.

The evidence was strong enough to get the children removed from her father’s custody. The statements and physical evidence was taken in front of a judge who ordered the children taken into state custody. Officers from Child Services took the Allen, Mary and Cynthia. Melissa offered to take the children to her house. The overworked Dept of Child Services was happy to let her. They knew her record as a caring foster parent in the past. The officers for the Department of Child Welfare were happy to let Melissa become the children's temporary guardian.

She approached Allen and introduced herself and told him that he and his siblings would be staying at her place for a while. Allen thought that over and figured they must have already got a judge that made that happen. He had expected that gathering evidence and figuring it all out and getting a judge to see it would at least take a few days. Allen didn't know what to think of this woman. She seemed nice enough and she got custody of him, and his two sisters.

Melissa wasn't the best mother in the world. She often worked twelve to fourteen hour shifts as a administrative assistant for a CEO at a large multi-national corp. She made over two hundred thousand a year. She brought her family a huge million dollar house for them to live. Her daughter had a Ferrari and she had a limo take her to and from her job. She often got to ride in her boss’s private business jet. As a consequence, had few precious hours a day to spend with her daughter. She had cared for two other foster children in the past before she got her present job. One was a girl repeatedly raped by her father and she took that child in. She was Rachael's friend and another was a girl that had been a abandoned by her mother at birth. But that was before she made it to the big time at this present job. Things had changed since that time. She had become more devoted to work.

Melissa told Allen that she wanted to take him to be part of her family and they would help him in any way they could. She took Allen and his siblings to her house. It was nearly six in the morning by the time they got to their new home.

Melissa took Allen and his two sisters to the new place. She had Allen and Mary in each hand. She walked them though her large multi million dollar mansion. She told Allen that she had many spare bedrooms so they would fix one up for Allen in any way he wanted. Cynthia would stay in Rachael's bedroom because they were close friends, and they would fix up a place for Mary when she was secure enough to handle being alone for a night.

As for Allen, He hoped that this was going to be better than with his father. Melissa seemed nice enough and she genuinely wanted to help Allen along the path he has chosen.

He was exhausted and desperate for sleep. The past twenty four hours had been exhausting since this drama started. Being caught in such a compromising position, and then teased and humiliated had taken its toll on him. And then being taken to police and endless hours of question and answer sessions with hard nosed detectives and police and Child Welfare officers had taken a further toll on him. All of that to find out his father had been arrested, not that he minded. And now, he was taken to his new home all in less than twenty four hours.

She showed him though his new home and he saw his sisters bedroom. It was already made up. It was really her daughter Rachael's but she liked Rachael. She loved it.
Allen's bedroom was bare. There was Nothing on the walls , and just a small bed in the corner. It was set up for guests but Allen was moving in. She promised Allen that she would go and help him make the room his own.

Mary was so young so she could stay in Melissa's until she got used to it. And then, Allen wanted her to sleep in his bedroom. He wanted her with him. He always felt very protective of his little sister.

He remembered changing Mary when she was an infant and he stayed up with her at nights when she slept two hours and wake up screaming. He enjoyed caring for her and as she got older he was about the only one save his mother that had the patience to handle her toddler stage. Now that she was five, they were still closer than ever.

The bed looked comfortable enough to spend a few nights in. It was the morning but since he had not got any sleep for over twenty four hours, she told him he could sleep there.

So Cynthia gave him one of the sexy Victoria's Secret pink nightie to wear. He took off the constricting underwire bra and the nylons. He slide into the nightie and snuggled in his bed. Rachael and Cynthia slept in the other bedroom. She gave Cindy her bed and Rachael slept in a sleeping bag on the floor for the night.

He got over sixteen hours of sleep. He woke up, feeling Cynthia shaking him. It was nearly seven in the morning, "Wake up Allen. We have a long day planed. Melissa was nice enough to schedule a doctor’s appointment today for you. We all need answers to some questions about what has made your body change so much. Hopefully that will be answered today."

He couldn't disagree with that. He was curious about what was in the pills he had been taking also. Where was Melissa, he asked her, "Rachael, where is Melissa?"

"She had to work again, today, so I have to take care of things. She is a very busy woman, but don't worry, you will like me and I will take care of you. Allen. Cindi and I want to see what you look like. I want to see them to see if they are real or not. "

He frowned not having a clue what that meant. He just stayed there still with a foggy look on his face. "Um, what?"

They both giggled and Rachael spoke, "You know. I want to see your breasts. We see those two rather large breasts pointing out from that sexy satin nightie you are wearing, and we can't believe how feminine you look. Boys aren't supposed to have those holding up the front of his shirt," They both giggled. " I want to see your tits to see if they are real or if you are using something like forms or socks. You are such a cute boy that looks so much like a girl so we want to see how much."

That was humiliating. It seemed that Rachael just wanted to ogle and humiliate him. But the two older girls were waiting, so what could he do. He slid the nightie over his head and laid it out on the bed. He was standing in front of the two girls wearing nothing but black panties and nothing else.

Their eyes widened as they looked at his chest. Cindi whispered, "Oh my god" in disbelief. " They’re so real looking."

They ran their hands from his smooth shoulders to the swell of his breasts. Rachel squeezed one breast and giggled at his discomfort and humiliation. She was a foot taller than he was, and there was nothing he could do about it. “They look bigger than mine, little brother. You are not too good at hiding them, but lucky for you, you won’t have to any more.”

Rachael ran her hands though his long blonde hair he had and mentioned that so much could be done with it. "We need to get his hair styled. He could look so pretty. “His hair is so soft and pretty. It is so incredibly feminine. I wish mine were like that.”

They both giggled. Their eyes traveled from his delicate soft face, to his long blonde hair that fell down over his back. They looked down to his narrow shoulders to his thin arms and his narrow feminine waist. Then they examined his flat front of his silky black panties and his widening hips to his smooth thighs.

He was starting to feel scared when his sister brought him in and she said in a soothing voice, "Yep, you are a better girl than you are a boy. I feel like I have a little sister now. Let’s get you dressed to see a doctor and maybe we can explain how this happened. Rachael had got some things for you to put on."
They took the boy to her room and he was shocked. "I can’t wear that!"

"Why not," Rachael asked hostilely.

"Because, because um," He looked at the small mini dress with a huge shaped V in the front and open slits down the side. It looked slutty. But he didn't want to upset larger girl.
Cynthia saved him when she said, " Um, Rachel, it looks like something a whore would wear when she goes out at night to pick up johns. We are taking him to a doctors office. So that isn't appropriate unless you want us reported or something. Perhaps later when we take her shopping we can dress him like that. But for now, let’s get something more conservative, or even boyish.

He frowned again, "I don't want anything boyish. Sis, please. "

"Well, I don't want that either for you but you are going to a doctor’s office and they will have you on their papers as a boy. We don't want to cause any more problems or be accused by the doctor or nurse of abusing you. So maybe that is the best. "

That did make since. Rachael got out some jeans that were embroiled with pink stars. He slid them on and found them to be rather tight and sexy. They were totally girl. He liked it. Then she found him a matching black demi bra and a soft lacy blouse. He put them on and posed. He looked at his sister and asked, "Sis what about makeup? You promised that you would show me how."

"No makeup for now. It’s time to go. Rachael was nice enough to make an appointment at a salon for you. The beautician will give you a total makeover. She is my friend and she will show you all of the beauty tricks. Don't worry, Mistress Donna knows your status and she loves to show boys how to do makeup and beauty."

He got his purse and made sure the pills were there. That would answer many of the doctor’s questions

He sat in the back of Rachael's car as she drove them. Cynthia sat beside her in the front and they started talking. He pretended not to listen.

"I think we can make your little brother such a sexy girl, Cindi. It's amazing. And since mom is gone so much, we can have so much fun with the little sissy feminine boy. Think of all we can do, dressing her sexy. She can be a pretty maid, and do all of the stuff we hate doing. Oh, and I know some boys ."

He didn't like the sound of that.

"I don't know, Rachael. He's my brother and I have been trying to get used to the idea that Allen is gone. I don't think I want to humiliate him like you want to."

She frowned and said. "I thought you were my friend. Just think of how cute he can be. "
"Yes, I am your friend, but...."

" No buts: just think about it.."

She did and perhaps Rachael had a point. Looking sexy was part of the fun of being a girl. He would learn to enjoy it.

Allen was becoming afraid. Rachael turned out and looked at the frightened boy, "You WILL like it. If you try to tell anyone about this, they may arrest me and send you back to your father. And you will split up my family, and probably you and Cindi will be separated. You could be sent to your father and your sister would likely to go jail. so you will be quite about it wont you?"

He nodded to her and swallowed.

The girls took him into the doctor’s waiting room and he filled out some forms with Rachael and Cynthia. He signed in and gave her his name. He waited there for a few minutes until a nurse came in and called his name, "Allen Johnson."

He stood up and she looked at the feminine boy doubtfully, "I said Allen, miss. Go sit down."

He looked up at the doubtful nurse and said, "I am Allen. I know how I look and I like to dress this way. "

She realized it and said, "Well Ok. Come on back Allen."

As the nurse was taking the boy to one of the doctor’s offices, she mentioned to him that they wanted to see what was causing the drastic changes in the boys body. He confirmed that he was transgender. That explained the clothing. The nurse was mature enough to accept that. She had treated patients like that before.

She took some blood and did the routine examinations that nurses do. She told him to take his top off. He pulled his top off for the nurse. He sat on the bed fidgeting in his pink satin demi bra as the nurse just looked down at his chest in surprise. She didn't expect them to be that developed. After several long seconds, she finally told him, "I am sorry Allen. I just didn't expect this. I mean, you’re wearing a bra and those breasts are real. You look like a young woman. You must be far along in hormone replacement. We need some answers to how you have done this to yourself." Then she looked sternly at the boy," But I imagine you may know. There are a few answers A hormonal imbalance could be one, or you could be causing it."

Then she asked him straight, "Are you or have you been taking anything, self medicating to make this happen?"

He rarely told lies , especially on matters of his health. He wanted to make his gender transition an official record, so he reached into his purse and took out a half filled bottle of large pink pills. "This will help with the answers, My mother gave me these bottles of pills while I was young before my puberty. She knew of my desire to be a girl and she fully accepted me for who I was. But, knew she could never bring dad so she couldn't go the official channels or he would have to know. Then he would get in the way, so she medicated me on her own. She had a friend and was a trained nurse that she brought in to keep close record of my changes and my blood levels so nothing could go wrong. When she found out that she was dying of cancer, she knew I didn't want to stop, that would be horrible for me. She made sure I could continue with the treatments myself. Mother made sure I was stocked with the pills. She gave me about ten bottles to keep taking myself. "
The nurse looked at the bottle. It was labeled Estradiol.

“Well that Explains a lot”. She nodded at him and said, “That was a very dangerous thing for you to do, Allie, especially without any medical supervision.” I will have these sent to the lab and I suggest you stop taking them. These pills don't look like the typical estradiol dosage for male to female transgender. Lets go do some more tests on your blood levels."
Hours of more tests were done on Allen. Then they sent Allen to wait in the waiting room when they were finished.

He was sitting beside his sister when a formal looking female doctor walked in. She introduced herself," I am Dr Megan Thelm. I have some good news and bad news. It all depends on your prospective I guess. We suspect Allen will think it’s good. However; those pills he was taking were quite powerful. They were not ever approved by the FDA. They were banned and illegal. I don't know how your mother got a hold of them but, but the pills effects are totally irreversible. The only thing is to continue on with Allen's transition to female since there's no way back. Allen, you must be a very strong boy. The trials were usually fatal for the subjects of those tests. They even killed one person that the company tried it on. The company is being sued for that. Those pills had irreversibly transformed your body. Your own body is now producing its own estrogen into your bloodstream. X-rays showed an uterus and a set of ovaries growing in your body. You will start your monthly cycle soon, and that could be fatal for you Allen, unless we proceed with an operation soon. If there is no way for the fluid to be expelled, your body could go into a fatal shock. A transition this far has never been performed on a male. We don't know how a male body will react to having a period."

The doctor paused to let that sink in and then she added" The reason why it is irreversible is that it has altered your bodies chemistry to reject testosterone. Your body is fatally allergic to it now. If we try to reverse the feminizing affects with testosterone could product a fatal reaction in your system too. "

He thought that was the greatest news. He wanted to be a girl and no matter what, and now there was nothing that could stop that. He smiled at Cynthia and silently sent thanks up to his mother for having such insight. He still didn't know what his sisters friend Rachael had planned.

They took him out to their car waiting in the hospitals parking lot and Rachael said, "Its time to go shopping now. Our first stop is Victoria's Secret. Then maybe we will go to Fredric's and get you some even better lingerie Allen. And I know a place that sells French maids outfits.

She sent him a wicked look and said, "You WILL need a few of those and have you thought of a female name. We have asked the attorney to file a name and gender change for you. Do you have any name ideas?"

He smiled and said, "My mother always called me Kimberly. I like that name. "

"Kimberly it is." They both smiled.

She loved being called Kimberly.

to be continued

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