
Kelly's Journey-Chapter-7- Choices

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter-7- Choices
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After learning the terrible news, young Kelly decides to make the most of a bad situation. Much to his sister, and girlfriend Julie's dismay. But Julie makes a choice that shows her Love for her Best Friend, and new sister that stays hidden from Kelly. In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is disqualified because puberty is giving her weak bones. Then Kelly discovers her new dream after a game.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is hurt, then Kelly become Johnny's tutor to keep him from academic probation. Later on, a misguided doctor destroys Kelly's dream, and Kelly finds a new dream.

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 4: Who's Who

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 4: Who's Who
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After the Halloween party, Kelly finds that being a girl is something that he wants to explore. With the support of family and friends, she starts upon a journey of a lifetime.

Ghost Bust-ers

Alan Jamison is the normal, logical and scientific son of his strange paranormal investigating parents.
He goes on a haunt with them on Halloween and gets busted.
Ghost Bust-ers

by Paula Dillon

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 3: Tinkerbell

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 3: Tinkerbell
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

As Kelly and her family and friends get on with living, Kelly seems unable get past the funeral as she continues to sing that song. Yet Kelly has a plan unknown to everybody. It is after a fateful costume party that Kelly discovers the girl within.

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 2: Revelations

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 2: Revelations

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After the funeral, Kelly and her momma start dealing with their loss as they mourn the death of Kelly's daddy. On the way to visit relatives, Kelly discovers a few things about herself. While at her Grandparents farm, she discovers an uncle she never knew she had, and her aunt holds a secret in her heart.

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 1: Bye Daddy

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 1: Bye Daddy

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Kelly's Daddy is a Police Officer well on the way to a Captaincy. He is well respected by fellow Officers and was selected to replace the current Captain when he retires. But Kelly's Daddy goes on duty when a fellow officer calls in sick and dies in the line of duty.

Kelly's Journey[Revised]


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Kelly's Journey

By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Has a young boy, Kelly found love and acceptance from his Father who loved him dearly and saw that Kelly was very special. But his Father was taken away all too soon, leaving a distraught Kelly with out a Father. But he soon found solace in family friends and found dressing in tops and shorts like his friend Julie to be a comfort to him.

Then dressing as a girl on Halloween one year, Kelly found the girl within him. Growing up with his best friends, Julie and Johnny had been his best friends, and remained such as Kelly begins upon a road of discovery and revelation.

Then because of a school physician's accident, Kelly is given medicine that causes him to develop and mature like his Mother. His family and friends help him to cope with the changes in his body as he grows more feminine.

His Mother, always working has left her son in the care of her best friends, the Woods.
After a football game she finally sees her son as a girl and discovers that Kelly is was in love with his best friend.

From a night of passion he starts on his journey into completion, that sees them both over coming their fears. After a night of passion that leads to heartbreak, Kelly's journey leads him into to discovering things about herself, finally ending in a love that Kelly had never dreamed possible.


One Dark and Stormy Night--Chapter 2

I performed a thorough search of the house. I even went into the living room, thinking maybe if I was in time, or if they appeared hanging by the neck maybe I could save them and to prepare for such an occurrence, I had retrieved my Gerber multi-tool from my backpack and extricated the blade in case of wayward friends suddenly appearing with a hangman's noose around their neck.

One Dark and Stormy Night--Chapter 1


One November First morning the mailman knocked on her door to deliver a package, and the door opened to reveal Mother Hubbard, dangling naked from a rope in the middle of her living room. She hadn't written any kind of suicide note, and the police had noted that it would have been impossible for her to stand on anything that high up. The case remained open, even to this day, as they could not ascertain how anyone could have hung a rope from a fifteen foot high beam.

Teaching 14-Year-Old Boys

Teaching 14-year-old boys

By Swishy

Teenage boys are only interested in one thing - sex.
This is the story of one boy who became a woman and taught his friends all he could about sex and the opposite sex.

Silver Blood: Vendetta

Silver Blood

By Stanman63

Edited By JennFl

Sean Van Helsing is the last of the legendary Van Helsing line. He has continued his families legacy of fighting against all creatures of the night against which as a Van Helsing, he is immune. But he has a secret desire that he must not indulge in or risk ending the Van Helsing line. Dracula, his arch enemy has used his magic to curse the Van Helsing line, turning Sean's desire against him.

Running away, the now feminized Sean finds the Silver Blood Foundation where they help her by teaching the cursed Van Helsing how to fight without her immunity nor with her vampiric abilities, making her a slayer. Shaun discover love and a secret that lets her become a full female, using her latent slayer powers to complete the transformation. Now, ready, she returns home to confront Dracula and end his tyranny.

Danny - Part 5

Part 5

by Roberta J Cabot

This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister, and how he and his family and friends deal with life with him having breasts. And now, it is coming close to that moment, when he has to choose the path his life would go - between being a girl or remaining a guy. Things are finally coming to a head for Dan & his gang.

Milissa's and Dandy's Life for the last 3800 years - Part 4 " TIME TO KICK SOME FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!"

It was closing time @ Housing Transitions Program. I just walked out the door with my friend Lori and Talking about the puzzle we were working on. Suddenly a blast happened and I went flying. I Hit the building and I looked up and saw a steel beam land on my leg. I screamed And my twin sister came running. then it just went black. Meanwhile the starship Enterprise was in orbit watching the action. The away team just beamed up and Captain Picard just gave helm their next detestation then Data says “Captain I am detecting an anomaly on the planets surface.

A French Twist

A French Twist

Mom went back for her own plate and we started in. Before long, she sat down, smiling at us mischievously.

“I have great news!”

“What’s that, Mom?” Carly playfully challenged her through a mouthful of garlic bread.

“We’re going to Paris for the last two weeks of July!”

Mom clapped her hands together and beamed across the table. Carly and I went silent. I stared at Mom as I digested the news, my fork frozen on its way to my mouth.

“Well, don’t all cheer at once!” She gibed, as her furrowing brow betrayed a taint of hurt.

Queen Rider - Part 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Welcome to Pern! If you know the stories, then you might have wondered what would happen if a boy was to Impress a Gold dragon?
Wonder no longer...

Queen Rider
Part 1
by Joanne Foxcourt, 2005

The Beauty and the Beast.

This was my offering to the 2009 Gabycon. It's a bit longer than usual and features several bike races on a velodrome - an indoor track for bike racing. I hope you enjoy.



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The BeC Clothing Line

The BeC Clothing Line, advertised for frustrated mothers everywhere; Just don't let the kids know the BeC stands for Behavior Changing! A new (I hope!) short-story world.

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 12

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 12
By Arecee

Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

I turned to face her and sat up, still sniffling. “Lisa, you want to know why I dressed as I did? I had an abusive father when I was little. Much of what he did to me scarred me mentally. I dressed like a boy because he wanted me to be more like his son. Even after he left my Mom and me, I still couldn’t break out of that mindset. I continued to dress like that so people could like leave me alone. I joked around a lot, you know? I tried to give a reason for my even being here in school. I studied and poured myself into books so I could ignore other people. I got good grades for being so attentive to the textbooks. I ignored everyone else!”

“And you know what? I hated it!

Kate Draffen (Chapter 40)

Kate Draffen (Chapter 40)

By Swishy

Gemma Taylor is a 17-year-old girl living in a town in Australia. She was once Michael Taylor until she became Australia's second sufferer of SGR. Over a period of three months she has learnt a lot about being a 'her' but even more about being herself. Her Debutante Ball is on tonight and you are all invited.

The Last Chapter.

Netherworlds - Chapter 12

As the demon charged again, I took a grab at its ear after I dodged. It didn’t do anything to STOP the hippo, of course, but I think I got it angry. Probably not helpful - it’s not like it can stun itself any harder, right?
I took my booty as it charged, (not my ass, you sick pervs. The shard.) and hit the hippo in the eye, which started oozing. Yay!


Chapter 12

By Taveena

The Chronicles of Mana - 1 - Prologue

The Chronicles of Mana
by Saless
Chapter 1 - Prologue

This chapter may not seem like it's talking about Mom at all, but it'll make sense in a while, okay? Her early years were a bit…different to what most probably expect. I wrote this in first person, because that's the way Mom's diaries and journals are written and it just seemed the best way. I've tried to capture her 'voice', and I think it sounds about right. Enjoy!

Hugs and Kisses!



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