
Alicia's New Life -1-

Alicia's new life

By Christine

Chapter one: a lost soul

A child is full of hope for each day. They look forward to the next day with hope and eagerness. To watch the child grow, and learn is a gift. A child is truly the light of the world. It is true tragedy when that light of a child’s soul is crushed and it becomes fear and dread. The child’s hope is lost. He no longer looks toward each day with wonder, she dreads the next day. The child’s life it turned to despair and pain. this is a lost soul and a true tragedy

When the Sleeper Wakes - Part 03: Discoveries

When the Sleeper Wakes
Part 03
by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
Copyright © 2001 by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
All rights reserved

Herbert was a soldier involved with a military experiment in exchange for advancement in rank. Helen awakens with no idea of who or where she was.

When the Sleeper Wakes - Part 02: Awakenings

When the Sleeper Wakes
Part 02
by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
Copyright © 2000 by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
All rights reserved

Herbert was a soldier involved with a military experiment in exchange for advancement in rank. Helen awakens with no idea of who or where she was.

When the Sleeper Wakes


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When the Sleeper Wakes
Part 01
Herbert’s Story
by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
Copyright © 2000 by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
All rights reserved

Herbert was a soldier involved with a military experiment in exchange for advancement in rank. Helen awakens with no idea of who or where she was.

When the Sleeper Wakes - Part 01: Herbert’s Story

When the Sleeper Wakes
Part 01
Herbert’s Story
by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
Copyright © 2000 by Kim EM & Debra Rachel
All rights reserved

Herbert was a soldier involved with a military experiment in exchange for advancement in rank. Helen awakens with no idea of who or where she was.

Manny and Maude - 1 - Mirror Mirror

I have sometimes found myself wondering if vampires have problems with the hems of their cloaks fraying, as they glide along with the fancy, satin, floor-length item trailing behind. It seems to me that some type of ball-bearing system, offering both weight, to assist in the dramatic drape of the cloak, and protection, from the ground upon which they are dragged, may be a good idea (ignoring the noise that would make the whole appearing from nowhere more difficult). So it was not surprising that last night this thought crystallized into a Far Side like vision of some salesmen, knocking on the door of a vampire’s castle, with the caption, ‘Rex Simpson, door-to-door salesman of the Heminator-5000.’ And though this story has nothing to do with that vision, it did lead my mind to wander in this direction, rather than letting me go to sleep.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 11: Friends

Synopsis: Allyssa is the target of a test between friends while something sinister runs afoot.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Eleven

Yin Yang - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story)


Laura is still stuggling with her new gender and although she has started to assert herself it is now causing tension with her Mother. She meets another new kid at school and makes a friend, but this new friend just brings up even more issues for Laura to deal with.


Oh, Cheers: Part 2- FIGHT!

Oh, Cheers: Part 2


By Melanie Ezell

It's a whole new life for Dane now that he's a cheerleader, but can he deal with the emotional strain of leading a double life? With a little help from his friends, and a bit of his own patented good/bad luck, anything is possible!

The Greener Mile - Part 4.5

I apologize that this isn't the full part 5 as I would like it to be. It has been more than a month since I posted part 4 and work has been causing me massive losses of writing time as well as my broken arm causing me problems. I had to have surgery last week in order to repair the massive break in my wrist.

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 2: Lost Luggage

Again, here there be SPOILERS, folks! This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed. So since the very premise of the tale reveals something major, PULEEZE please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- both, in my opinion, some of the best science fiction ever created for the big or small screen.

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 1: Changing Planes

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- both, in my opinion, some of the best science fiction ever created for the big or small screen.

But if you're already a Browncoat tried and true -- someone who knows what it means to have "done the impossible" -- read on!

The Other Me - Part 6

From Part 5:

My shift flew by amazingly fast. I had just seated the last group of customers for the night when I heard the door chime. I walked back to the front of the restaurant. I saw a rather handsome man who looked rather familiar. He was very handsome, and well built, and had amazing steel blue eyes. I set my brain into search mode.

“Good evening. Welcome to the Oriental Gem. How may…” I broke off when I recognized him.

He was the father of the child I was now carrying.


Oh, Cheers: Part 1- Go!

Oh, Cheers

Part 1. Oh, Cheers- GO!

How'm I gonna get myself out of this one? I mean, it was kinda funny at first, but...
How do you exlpain to your parents you're on your school's all girl cheerleading squad when you're a guy?

The Hardest Battle, Part 3

Finally, after a year and a half, Regina's story continues. The former prince awaits her fate, only to find her captor reluctant to end the game. An army uses the most unlikely camouflage to begin a most unusual deployment, and a reluctant general learns how to get in touch with his feminine side.

Sorry about the wait, everyone -- and if you've never seen the story before, go back and read parts one and two first! *grin*

Fairy Mistake

.Fairy Mistake

Written by Dauphin
Christina is a girl that wants one wish. To be a boy. A fairy grants her the mistake. But being a boy is no fun. She wants to be a girl again. No deal. Christina gets the best of both worlds
"Moral of the story.. be happy for who you are... or do not trust Fairies" Diana
"A story with a twists and shows how coming of age can be confusing" Andrew

Adventures of a Merchant -4- Dance with a Demon

Returned to the North, still conjoined with Sandrelessa, it is time for Drake to resume his interrupted studies. After a summer of learning more about what he had always dreamed of becoming, it was almost possible to forget what he had become.

If only everybody else were so able to segment him into his various selfs.

The Other Me - Part 1

For readers of my past work, I should tell you that this is an incomplete story, as of this moment. I am working on other chapters, and will post them once I get the entire thing done.

Thank you for your patience, and I apologize if I left you hanging.


O.K. Jan, 2012

The Punishment

What had I gotten myself into? The phone was ringing and I knew it was my friend Keri. As usual, I ran down the hall from my bedroom at one end of the house to the phone in the guest bedroom at the other end. The sound of my footfalls was deceptively loud on the oriental “runner” style rug that adorned the dark-stained hardwood floor. I always ran right past my sister Tara’s bedroom door on my way to answer the phone.
She had just picked up a large laundry basket of clothes to take them downstairs to the laundry room. She heard me coming down the hall but misjudged how far away I was and thought she could hurry past before I got to her door. She darted out of her room and I slammed into her, knocking her clear off her feet and sending her basket of clothes all over the place. I decided to help my sister up instead of answering the phone. Keri would have no trouble understanding that decision. I apologized to Tara immediately and profusely, making sure she was all right
and helping her pick up her clothes. Tara was okay, but she had a couple of bruises and was shaken up a bit. She wasn’t angry with me because she knew it had been a silly accident and she knew that she could have waited for me to pass. She even smirked at me. She knew how much I liked Keri and she knew that she had run clear across the house from the living room in front to the kitchen in back to answer the phone for a boy herself.

How Kelly Met Lisa

Everything began during my sister Dierdre’s slumber party one Friday night. My twin sister, Kirsten, was away for the night at a friend’s house. The only other person in the house was my single mom, and she had to leave on business.

Dierdre’s party was fairly small. There were only three other girls there, Alexis, Karen and Caitlin. I could usually find something else to do, but when there were pretty girls in the house they would command my attention and pique my curiosity. I had never spied on my sister before today, but I couldn’t resist. She and her friends were pretty and I always loved to see what they were wearing and how they did their hair.

The girls all arrived around noon. Because my mom had to be away on business that night, my sister had had to negotiate with her to have the slumber party. My mom asked who would be present at the party and when Dierdre listed the names of the three girls that she’d invited, Mom recognized them as good kids, not the trouble making sort at all. Satisfied that they could be trusted, she allowed the party. She asked Dierdre what they would be doing for dinner and she said that Alexis’ mom was picking them up and taking them to dinner. Mom figured that was good; it meant that we’d have adult supervision at least part of the time. She left money so that Dierdre could pay for herself, her friends and me and warned her not to leave me home alone at night or else. She said that if Dierdre would prefer I go to a friend’s for dinner instead of having dinner with the girls then that would be all right too.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes -16- The Devil in the Details

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 16: Choice is such a tricky thing. How do we know when we've made the right choice for the right reasons? Sometimes that line gets blurred when our loved ones become involved. Tim is home, but things rarely stay the way we want them to, even for just a little while.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 15 - Sleeping

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 15: Abs is dead - Susan is Dead and Ben... well, let's just say he's had better days. Two families lay in tatters as fate has struck a killer blow. Magic, who needs it. The problem is, can Kim now escape it?

Heroes of Justice Part 4

“Their plan failed, but any chance of us surprising them is gone. We finish this and we do it now. I know you have to live with the consequences of what happened here tonight while, win or lose, we don’t know what will happen to us. Like the woman said, do what you feel you need to, and so will we.” She finished, and walked over to me.

“Do you know which way?” my friend softly asked me.

I nodded, and Cape lifted us up in flight, as we soared towards where a scared young girl waited for rescue.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 13 - First Dance/Last Dance

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 13: Only a few days to go and now Kim is feeling cornered. Time is an enemy of all things living. She can feel it's steely claws at her back. Is the mask done with them?

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 12 - Abandon

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 12: Time is getting close to the prom. Doubt is eating away at Kim's resolve. Where will uncertainty lead her? What choices does she still have left? What choices do any of them have?

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 24 Burden of Existance Episode 2



When I woke up I was in hospital. There was no one arround, just lights on above me. I immediately panicked and began shaking. I pressed what ever button I could reach.

A Murder Misstery Aloft

A Murder Misstery Aloft
 © 2008 by Nom de Plume

For those who came in late, Matt McCoy — now Madeline Moreau — is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did….after learning about her secret girlhood, Maddy spreads her wings...and more.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 10: The Wrong Things to Say

Synopsis: Sometimes you find yourself saying the wrong thing, at the wrong time for the wrong reason. Sometimes you aren't the only one.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Ten
The Wrong Things to Say

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 10 - The Flood

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 10: Hurricane Kirk has blown out the lights, trashed the house and flooded their lives with grief. Kim blames herself, but there's still a way to make her brother whole. The mask must come off. After what Kirk has done to her, will it?

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 17 Jason

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 17 Jason

Jason and I spent a considerable ammount of time talking and ne thing I did was give him the background on my beginings and my journey.

Cruisin' - Chapter 8

The final frontier...

Cruisin’ — Chapter 8 - New York, New York

By Nick B
 © 2008

My heartfelt thanks to Kris for giving this the once over for me, making me think and ending this the way it should be ended.

Hopefully now, these poor folk can stop trundling round and round in circles and can finally put their feet on dry land. It's been entirely too long coming and the retail outlets on board ran out of Sea-sickness tablets around Christmas, so well, without further ado...

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes -9- Broken

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 9: Kirk's come back, unwanted but undeterred. He's come to take back what he believes is his. What's to stop him? Kim is after all, alone in the house.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes -8- Boy Trouble

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 8: Kim's task now is to confront her family or maintain the status quo. How can she do either with everything she want's in the balance. What part of Kim will win out?

Humor Me ~ Part 3

Miss Tricia and Punkin Judy arrive at the worksite. The two clowns make out a bit, which sends P.J. to dizzying heights of love struck bliss. Over a series of vaguely surreal encounters, the imitation girlclown discovers s/he is passing as female without hardly trying, and that there is something quite nice about it. Which leads to a reaquaintance with someone dwelling deep inside...

======== HUMOR ME
======== by LAIKA PUPKINO
======== Part Three: AFTERNOON DELETE

"She's calling from inside, trying to get to you. All that woman really wants is you give her something too..."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~ Bowie/Ziggy Stardust


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