
Accidental Magic - Chapter 09: Perceptions

Synopsis: Terri gets to spend a little time with Lexi, in an attempt to figure her out. Lexi has the same idea. Allyssa and Cindy are just trying to keep tabs on her.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Nine

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 9

"You will have experiences that will help you grow and become responsible members of society," Agent Mitchell said.

"Your other partner in crime is also being held accountable. Nick is just now waking up to a big surprise as well," laughed Agent Johnson.

Chapter 9 - Aftermath

Princess of Trimaria - Part 3

The race to recover the amulet is on as Keri and Marc pursue a traitor deep in enemy territory. What they find in the wilds of Camron will bring both joy and sadness - unexpected allies will emerge and the power behind the plot will be unmasked. Part 3 of 3.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 8

"You have crossed the line and now reached the point of no return," Agent Johnson stated.

The look of fear on their faces was clearly evident. They could not move their bodies or say anything. At that moment, they knew that their fates were sealed.

Chapter 8 - Reality Bites!

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 7

" We have had a situation pop up that involves two of the T- Girls in our current case at James Madison High. The victim

in that case has provided more details about the plot. These guys have created so much trouble that our solution will be

rather permanent and one that they will never ever forget." stated Agent Johnson.

The code name for our mission is " Operation Sexpot"

Humor Me ~ Part 2

PREVIOUSLY ON HUMOR ME: Billy X. had a crush on the little clown Miss Tricia, and he was delighted when she asked him to fill in for her sidekick one day. Secretly unsure of his masculinity, Billy had major issues with dressing up as a girl clown. But he got over them, got made up, and now---after a nice refreshing roofie nap---he is about to take his first trip out into the world "en clownne". Little does he realize that he has signed up for something stranger and far more consequential than just a one day job ....... AND NOW, PART TWO.

======== HUMOR ME
======== by LAIKA
======== Part Two: DIVINE CHAOS

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 3

"I have waited my whole life to see you in a situation like this" You're no longer the man of the house, are you little sis?" Janet grinned sadistically.

"What do you plan on doing to me?" asked Michelle.

"You'll see" laughed Janet.

BKR Case#101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 3



BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 2

"Why are you being so nice to us?" asked Tammy

"Tammy's right!" After what we did to you, "I would think you would want to gloat" said Michelle

"I'm not saying I don't enjoy watching you squirm, because I do!" "I am trying to be the bigger person and help my new sisters" Kelly replied.

"You consider us sisters?" said Jill incredulously.

"Amazing!" said Sarah.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

They didn’t have any questions, since I’d practiced my presentation, and went over everything like I was at an auto show and trying to sell the car. Once they left me, I went back to the weather station and chose to make a last minute adjustment to my clutch.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 1

Case#101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls"

Dossier: Four teens were found harassing a transgendered girl in the boys bathroom of James Madison High School on the morning of January 30, 2008. Agents Johnson and Mitchell were dispatched to the scene and quickly determined our course of action. This case requires a different approach. Mike, Joe, Tom and Sean will have to walk a mile in the shoes of people like Kelly. They will learn what we mean by our motto: Paybacks are Hell. One of them will even find their true self in the process...

Humor Me ~ Part 1


======== HUMOR ME
======== by LAIKA PUPKINO
======== Part One: TURNING PUNKIN' JUDY

[===> As I review my notes here in this abandoned fun house deep in the Monkeyshine District, I am aware that this memoir has ended up a lot longer than the few pages I had assumed it would take. But the more I wrote the more important it became to chronicle the events of that day---my bizarre transformation and everything that led up to it---EXACTLY as I remember them. It would sadden me terribly to think that Billy Xenakis had disappeared off the face of the Earth without leaving at least some record. So please. Humor me here...]

Revenge is Snowy White - Part 3 of 3

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

In the conclusion of this tale, we find out exactly what Aurora's secret plan is. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

“Wait a minute. You’re the girl who got my angel kicked out of school.” he asked.

“No, I’m the girl who your spawn of satan tried to use as a punching bag every chance she got.” I said crossing my arms. “She got herself kicked out of school.”"

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Since I'm still blocked on the two stories I'm currently writing, I'd like to re-post this old story of mine here. It was the first fiction story I tried to write. I've gone over it and corrected a lot of things and generally cleaned it up. I hope you'll enjoy it. It's a long one, but I didn't want to push other, newer stories down the page by posting it in parts.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Catherine Linda Michel

Revenge is Snowy White


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

This is a sequel to my earlier piece While Sleeping, Beautified. Your narrator will begin by summarizing what came before, so you shouldn’t need to have read it to understand this one. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one

Revenge is Snowy White - Part 2

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

Aurora is adjusting to her new life, and learns a few more things about the one who did this to her. She takes care of some of Doug's unfinished business, and gains new friends. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one.

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Warning, the following chapter contains very technical writing. You have now been warned, and I don't want any comments or PM's about that fact. ENJOY the chapter for what it is. A STORY!

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 7

Revenge is Snowy White - Part 1

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

This is a sequel to my earlier piece While Sleeping, Beautified. Your narrator will begin by summarizing what came before, so you shouldn’t need to have read it to understand this one. Join our heroine as she begins to make a new life as a woman, and seeks to get revenge upon those who did her wrong. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one.

Becoming Antonia Part 24.

Helga was able to tie up one of their girls in the corner with the puck, and I signaled Tracy for a double hit. She and I started at the two in the corner struggling for the puck.

Becoming Antonia Part 24

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes -7- Breaking Point

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 7: Kirk moves his piece across the board, "Check!" he cries as Kim, heart pounding, becomes embroiled in a drama deeper than she could have possibly imagined. Balance must be achieved in her world but at what cost?

Mean Girls 3026 Part 4

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

“As some of you know, and one of you didn’t, today was the tryouts for the Columbia* Hot Flash. I’m pleased to announce that we now have a full roster, with the addition of Beth Stickle, and Toni Trepasso.”

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

By; Toni, Edited By; Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

“You aren’t alone hun.” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “You will never be alone. I know I’m not your mom, but the body you’re in is the body of my daughter. I’ll never let ANYONE hurt you. I’m here for you.”

“That goes for me to.” came a male voice from near my door. I looked up to see Mark walking toward me with open arms.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 1.

Technology in the future will allow someone whose body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026

Technology in the future will allow someone who's body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I have to tell you lady, you hit harder than they did when I tried out for the Bruins.” he said with a laugh.

“Boston? Good thing you didn’t tell me that earlier. Or else I would have really hit you.” I said to him with a giggle. “Go Sabers!” I shouted and heard a “right on!” come from one of the others.

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

By; Toni

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

I looked up just as I sat down on my bike to start for home and saw the guy that Jimmy had turned in earlier heading toward me in his truck, at a high rate of speed. I gunned the bike and took off like a scalded dog. I was just in time, to have him miss me and hit the guard shack I was parked right next to.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

By; Toni, with help from Zomba

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

Have you ever seen the look in the eyes of a deer, just before you slam into it with your car? It’s a look of complete confusion and shock, as if to say ‘Oh my god, what is that coming at me?’ That was the look I got when I went to Sarah’s house to see her mom.

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

By; Me, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 18.

“Yes ma’am,” he shot back with a quiver in his voice. “I mean sir, I mean.”

“You mean you were just leaving,” I told him as I pointed to the door.

Becoming Antonia Part 18.

By; She who loves telling lawyer jokes, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 17.

All I could think to myself was that line Harry Gant used in the movie ‘Stroker Ace’, “Aw hell, here we go again.”

Becoming Antonia Part 17.

By; Her, you know the one, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 16.

The last thing I remember seeing was the ground rushing up at me, then everything went black.

Becoming Antonia Part 16.

By; She who has been put in witness protection to stop you all from lynching her.& Zomba, who is also in hiding, so don't bother looking.

Becoming Antonia Part 15.

“It’s 3am here, so that would put it 6am you’re time?”

“What are you doing up Kahlene?”

“I couldn’t sleep. Look, there’s trouble brewing, and I wanted you give you a heads up.”

Becoming Antonia Part 15

By She who is not a morning person, and Zomba

Becoming Antonia Part 14.

“You know what. F*** YOU! All I’ve done is take s*** from officials and more s*** from the press. F*** it! I don’t need it!”

Becoming Antonia Part 14

By Little miss potty mouth, & Zomba

Becoming Antonia Part 13.

“If I didn’t think I could do it, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve never been one for a dog and pony show,” she informed him. As I whispered to her so only she could here me, “Hey lady, you want to see a donkey?”

Becoming Antonia Part 13

By The girl with the wrench in her hand, & Zomba

Accidental Magic - Chapter 08: Dreams And Growing Up

Synopsis: Terri begins to learn more about herself through a dream and discovers that her responsibility to herself extends past her hygiene.

Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Eight
Dreams And Growing Up.

Becoming Antonia Part 11.

Toni2.jpg            “You know the worst mistake I ever made?”
“No, Toni, what’s that?”
“Giving you up.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Yeah, but I still think it was the worst mistake I ever made.”
“Oh really? You seemed pretty damn sure about it that day back in the hospital five years ago.”

Becoming Antonia Part 11

By The drunk chick with the red hair, & Zomba The Great!

Becoming Antonia Part 10.

I swear to you dear reader that as god as my witness I will get back at Chip and Jess for what they did.

Becoming Antonia Part 10

By Toni Trepaso & Zomba the Great

Much Love to Zomba for proofing this chapter for me.
Alright, cue the "voice over guy."

Becoming Antonia Part 9.

I got a call from mom, right after the NASCAR banquet. My dad died. He was driving back from his doctors office earlier this afternoon, after a routine check of the kidney transplant he received a few years ago. Everything was looking pretty good. However, while driving back home from Syracuse, he slumped over and plowed head long into a bridge abutment on the highway.


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