
Manny and Maude - 2 - On the Wall

Little ditty about Manny and Maude, seamstrist and guard travellin’ the Land Beyond.
Maudie's sellin’ sartorial splendor, Manny debutante of Maudie’s mirror.

Oh yeah life goes on...

Warning: Please brush your teeth after consuming this story, for it may cause cavities.
Warning 2: Contains some funky formatting, which I blame upon my imaginary friend, Imaginary Fred.

Kate Draffen (Chapter 31)

Kate Draffen (Chapter 31)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

The morning after.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 17: Runaways

Synopsis: There are some days when it just doesn't pay to get out of bed... especially when you are being hunted down!
Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Seventeen


Around Again

I hadn't intended on entering the All Souls Day contest, but, on the very last day, I realized that I had a partially written story that fits.

It can kind of stand by itself, but it can also be continued -- if there is sufficient interest.

Becoming Antonia Part 26.

Warning, the following chapter contains very technical writing. You have now been warned, and I don't want any comments or PM's about that fact. ENJOY the chapter for what it is. A STORY!

Becoming Antonia Part 26.

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Before we start, there are 2 things I'd like to say. 1)Stories of my demise are grossly exagerated. 2) If you are not supposed to be reading this story,(you know whou you are) then please turn of your computer and go tell your parents that you were a bad boy/girl...... Now, GET ON WITH IT!!!!

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Written by Toni Trepasso

Constant in All Other Things 2 - Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things 2
Chapter Three
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing

Nightstalkers - Chapter 1

As if she had sensed Danny’s eyes, the tall raven haired beauty in the centre of the trio locked eyes with him and smiled.
Danny didn’t quite know how to respond, Just as he found the courage in him to smile back, his view of the trio was blocked by Mike returning with a handful of beer bottles.
“Here man.” He yelled over the thud of the music handing Danny a bottle.
“Mike you see those three behind you? Near the floor?” Danny yelled back, gesturing in the direction of the trio.
Mike swivelled around to look, before flashing a grin at Danny and disappearing towards the trio.

A little voice inside Danny told him that this night was going to be interesting.

Chapter 1 - An old war, a new savior
by Alyssa Plant

Accidental Magic - Chapter 15: The Last Normal Day, Part 1

Synopsis: Just a normal day for a normal person in a normal universe... not! Terri confronts herself again but soon learns that she didn't need to.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Fifteen

The Last Normal Day, Part 1

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 09 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 09)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Nineteen: Using our gifts

The professors continued to trace the epidemic. It continued to spread among the pures, pretty much leaving everyone else alone. Whoever designed it did a very good job.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 08 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 08)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Seventeen: Confrontations, healing, renewal

I was coming downstairs when I heard a knock at the door. When I answered it, three people came bursting in and said, "We came to pick up Amy Cox." I quickly read in their minds that they were up to no good.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 07 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 07)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Fifteen: More changeling introductions

After breakfast, everyone showered and dressed. There were enough showers in the house that everyone could take their time without causing a long wait.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 06 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 06)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Fourteen: Party!

*Welcome to the world of the conscious, sleepyhead,* Cindy sent to me just as I was climbing out of sweet slumber.

*I'm not conscious yet,* I sent back with a telepathic yawn.

*Just be happy that we have suspended the usual rules for early crashers at a slumber party.*

*I appreciate it,* I said, *but technically, I crashed before the party, not during.*

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 05 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 05)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Twelve: Learning and plotting

Doctor Miller divided the use of elemental power into three components; the raw power itself (analogous to muscle strength), the automatic control (analogous to coordination), and processing (analogous to intelligence and/or idiot-savant skills). In my own case, the amount of weight I can move is power (moderate), my fine control is similar to coordination, and my ability to write or draw (translating a concept in my mind to the movement of the pencil) is intelligence.

Naruto's Rebirth (a Naruto FanFic)


Audience Rating: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

This is a serial story with TG content embedded in it with a healthy dose of action and drama. I created it with the intent that it would stand on its own as a story without the TG part becoming the typical shopping trip after a magic poof and girl's night out storyline. I admit there is a shopping trip... oh drat. I suppose it might just be like every other one afterall :)

I love BigShelf a lot and hope to not let anyone down with the quality of the writing.

-- PDXGuy

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 04 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:

Journey To Humanity
(Part 04)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

Note: There is plenty of violence here, but there is also great triumph.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 03 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:

Journey To Humanity
(Part 03)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

Note: The violence (attempted violence, actually,) is a very minor part of this installment, but it is there.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Seven: What else? The mall.

We all piled into the minivan and headed for the mall. As we walked in, we saw a pair of teens with canine features holding hands. We smiled at them.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 02 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:
Journey To Humanity
(Part 02)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Five: New day, new hope

All too soon, Mom was waking me up. I groggily got out of bed and hit the shower. I dressed without comment in the clothes that Mom had laid out for me. I was about to whip us up a quick breakfast when Cindy came up and invited us to eat breakfast with them.

MORFS: Journey to Humanity (part 01 of 09)

Acts of Humanity 2:

Journey To Humanity
(Part 01)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Matthew Jones is the only son of Randy Jones, honored deacon of the Church of Genetic Purity. He and his girlfriend, Amy Cox, have been taught from birth that MORFS is a symptom of moral depravity. While they had quietly questioned that doctrine, they were not prepared for the opportunity to find out for themselves.

sex: 1/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Male to Female, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter One: Ruminations

Sometimes, I want to ask 'Why me?' If I think too much about it, I start to feel the whine rising in my throat. I get ready to throw a pity party for myself. Even as the tears start to come, I realize that a pity party is the most expensive party that one can throw.

MORFS: Better Late Than Never (part 3 of 3)

Acts of Humanity 1:
Better Late Than Never
(Part 03)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Doctors Howard and Sara Martin have been studying MORFS since MORFS first appeared. As some of the world's foremost experts on MORFS, they were ready when Larry and Cindy, their twins, came down with the condition. But before they could catch their collective breath, they received the opportunity to study MORFS from a completely different perspective.

sex: 2/10
violence: 4/10
profanity: 2/10

Categories: Male to Hermaphrodite, Female to Hermaphrodite, Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Six: A new day, a new life

The next morning, I woke up refreshed. There was a tangle of blond and black hair in my face. I was spooned up to the cutest little kitty girl, and my arm was around her. I lightly stroked her soft skin, and she started purring. Life is good.

MORFS: Better Late Than Never (part 2 of 3)

Acts of Humanity 1:
Better Late Than Never
(Part 02)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Doctors Howard and Sara Martin have been studying MORFS since MORFS first appeared. As some of the world's foremost experts on MORFS, they were ready when Larry and Cindy, their twins, came down with the condition. But before they could catch their collective breath, they received the opportunity to study MORFS from a completely different perspective.

sex: 2/10
violence: 4/10
profanity: 2/10

Categories: Male to Hermaphrodite, Female to Hermaphrodite, Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Four: MORFS gets really personal

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital. Doctor Mary Jacobson was examining me.

"So, Howard... got tired of studying MORFS from the outside, eh?"

I just kind of groaned and said, "Huh?"

MORFS: Better Late Than Never (part 1 of 3)

Acts of Humanity 1:
Better Late Than Never
(Part 01)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Doctors Howard and Sara Martin have been studying MORFS since MORFS first appeared. As some of the world's foremost experts on MORFS, they were ready when Larry and Cindy, their twins, came down with the condition. But before they could catch their collective breath, they received the opportunity to study MORFS from a completely different perspective.

sex: 2/10
violence: 4/10
profanity: 2/10

Categories: Male to Hermaphrodite, Female to Hermaphrodite, Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter One: The Beginning

How did it happen? That's the burning question, I'm sure. All you adults who ran the gauntlet of puberty and came out unfazed now have something to worry about -- or maybe not.

A Toxic Adventure

This is a MORFS satire that I originally posted in the MORFS forum. It is based on an earlier forum entry (What would you choose ) I used the opportunity to poke fun at some of my fellow authors and even a significant other.

Call me Princess

Calling Occupants....

Calling Occupants.....

by Susan Brown

As soon as I got home from work, I changed into Debra.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I sat down at my dressing table and put on my favourite makeup, just wearing my silky panties, bra and breast forms. After applying the foundation, blusher, mascara, eye shadow and lippy, I slipped on the sheer black nylons; put on my favourite royal blue silk dress, long blond wig and finally placed my feet in my black court shoes with three inch heels.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 14: Truths and Lies

Synopsis: A date, a drive, and an accident that wasn't. A shocking realization, accusations and the truth come out. It's all been going according to plan, or has it?


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Fourteen
Truths and Lies

Accidental Magic - Chapter 13: A Conspiracy?

Synopsis: Terri is in-over her head and angry to boot. Her mother is the latest in the list of people who know her secret. Who else knows? Is her life ever going to stop getting more complicated?


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Thirteen
A Conspiracy?

Alicia's New Life -7-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

statment by Kathy Peterson
I know that there is no way that I can take back what I did to my brother so many years ago. The only thing that I can say is that at the time, I was 14 and had just lost both of my parents in a terrible plane crash. We both were given into the custody of our older brother who didn’t care about anything. When he hooked up with this mean blonde, she gave me many ideas how to torment my brother. I was 14 and wanted to take my anger out on someone and he was the littlest.
To my shame, I did take my anger out on him. I know there is no way that I can take back what I did to him and every day now, I am sorry that I hurt him. His life was ruined by what I did but my only defense was that there was also Sandra. If it wasn’t for her then the abuse on my brother would never have went as far as it did. It was fun for about three years, but into the fourth year I started having very serious reservations about the cruelties I had inflicted on my little brother. But by then, all of the damage was already done and we had a broken slave girl.
I was actually happy that she was rescued from us for I knew even if I went against Sandra’s wishes that Sandra wouldn’t stop hurting her. I was happy she might be able to live her own life. But I kept feeling the need to see her, and apologize for my part in the evil and to beg her forgiveness. I know it was stupid to break into her new home, but I needed to tell her face to face how sorry I was.

Chapter 7

Alicia's New Life -5-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter 5: A time for recovery

Mark Luther, In the past few weeks I had gotten really close to Allen Peterson aka Alicia Peterson. One would have to have a heart of stone not to feel for what the girl had gone though. It is hard to not refer to her as a girl but because of her feelings, I felt I had to in the beginning.
I tried my best to keep her on the road to a recovery. But given such extreme cases of abuse, recovery is a long and very rocky road. Its always unclear and filled with turns and twists that make the final destination vague.
Statement from detective Mark Luther

Accidental Magic - Chapter 12: Mysterious Changes

Synopsis: Reality and dream seem to blur as Terri tries to make sense of what is happening.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Twelve
Mysterious Changes

Alicia's New Life -3-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter 3: A new beginning

I am terribly disturbed by what Allen Peterson has told me. The boys suffering at the hands of his sister, Katherine Peterson and His brothers wife, Sandra Peterson was among the worst cases of childhood sexual and physical abuse. Psychological and physical means of torture were used on the boy to change his physical appearance and insure his cooperation with his tormentors. His family is responsible for the catastrophe that followed. The boys life has, so far, been a nightmare.
Kevin Ryan doctor of psychiatry report on subject Allen Peterson


Making New Friends

Making New Friends
by Sharon Parsons

Warning!! This story contains vegetables! John is hiding something in his dresser. When mom finds out what it is, she offers him the chance to be Joan for the summer. He'll have to tell his friends that he's trading places with his cousin Joan for the summer. As Joan, she'll need to make new friends.

Alicia's New Life -2-

Alicia’s new life

By Christine

Chapter two: healing a wounded child

The healing process of a child that was subjected to abuse depends on many factors. As in the case with Allen Peterson who was subjected to terrible abuse over a period of four long years then it will take a long time to heal. All she knew from ages 12 to 16 were pain and suffering. She was enslaved and beaten constantly for any infraction. No one loved or protected her. That isn’t easy to get over, and I am not sure if its possible to ‘get over it’
Page 14, doctors report on subject Allen Peterson.

Moving On - Part 1

Katie was not in a great mood that night. Her mother had just divorced her father and they had moved across the country to be closer to her mother’s family. They had stayed in a noisy hotel until the day before the movers were expected to arrive at the new house because they decided to travel by airplane while their belongings made the journey in a mover’s truck. When they stepped off of the plane and went to baggage claim, Katie’s suitcase was nowhere to be found. On top of that, when the movers delivered their belongings, it was discovered that Katie’s clothes were missing. To add insult to injury, they’d spent her twelfth birthday on the plane.


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