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Events conspire against a successful young woman with a dark painful past. She is forced to confront her frightening past that she has been running away from her whole adult life.
Kathy did not know what to do. She didn't have the finances to get another attorney. Ms. Gladstone was doing this because she was a close friend to her mother, but now was being added to the list of defendants. She'd heard that the state bar had suspended her license to practice law, she could no longer represent them. But she knew someone that would. This was just a minor set back.
She turned and told Kathy, "Don't worry, there will be another attorney here tomorrow. She is just as good as I am."
But, Kathy could tell from the look in Ms. Gladstones eyes that she did not have much confidence in their position at all now. She was starting to feel a true icy fear in the pit of her stomach. She was starting to get the terrifying feeling that they were all screwed.
As for Susan and Kerry, they were happy that they got a recess as soon as they did. That gave them the time to talk and relax for the rest of the day.
Susan drove them back to their hotel room. They were let in to the luxurious hotel and went up to their room to relax for a few hours before they would go out to a romantic dinner together, somewhere. Susan took off her business clothes she wore to court with Kerri watching and smiling at her beautiful body. She striped off her business slacks and her jacket and blouse. She looked at Kerri, smiled and reached behind her and unclipped her 18-hour comfort bra and playfully let it fall down her arms to the floor. Doing a sexy pose topless, only wearing her silky purple panties, she asked, "Do you still like?"
Looking at her lovers large 32-DD busts, she was always very bisexual, favoring women more. That angered her parents which resulted in a lot of sexual abuse from her father. That in turn caused her to go for women sexually even more. She smiled at her lover and said, "Yes, mmmm. You are very sexy as a woman, my love. "
Susan Smiled even brighter. From anyone else, that would be hard to take, but thanks to her mothers estrogen and hormones she forced her to take, she did have a very sexy feminine body and she knew how to use it, too. Reaching into her suitcase, she pulled out a very sexy pink nighty and slipped it down her body. She laid back into bed and asked, "Do you want to go next?"
Giggling, Kerri said, "Why sure, my love."
She stood up and reached back. Her body moved sensually as she zipped her back zipper of her miniskirt down. She let it fall off her hips and then she unbuttoned her business woman's jacket and took it off. Smiling at her lover, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. She reached behind her and unclipped her bra and playfully tossed it at Susan. Kerri didn't bother to slip anything on as she let Susan smile. Susan liked her lovers chest more. They were smaller and easer on Kerri's body than her own genetically mutated massive breasts that her mother forced her to have.
Kerri leaped into bed with Susan, her soft loving arms embracing Susan's body tightly. Her soft velvet lips passionately devoured Susan's.
Susan closed her eyes so that the all she had to think about was Kerri touching on her body. She loved the feel of Kerri's soft velvet touch. Everywhere that Kerri's fingertips touched spread waves of furious desire, spreading rapidly across her body, even her golden blonde hair spread out over her shoulders seemed to ach for her lovers soft touch. Kerry slid her hand under Susan's soft nightie and lifted the soft pink material over her head and dropped it down on the floor in a pink silky pile. Susan leaned forward, pushing her throbbing nipples toward Kerri's face. Kerri accepted the soft pink nipple between her lips.
Susan let out a soft moan as her lover gently suckled on her soft sensitive nipple sending powerful waves of white heat coursing though her body, shooting powerful spasms of pleasure though her. Kerri's tongue made soft wet circles around her nipple making her spasm in pleasure. Susan's hand moving in soft circles around her lovers waist moved lower and lower down her back until her hands were manipulating her buttock, her fingertips softly touching the soft moist, pink pedals of her femininity. Susan managed to caress her lover in every area that hungered for her attention.
Kerri cried, "Yes, yes, yes," Her hand gently squeezing her lovers soft breasts."
Susan cried out in pleasure as she felt the tip of Kerri's finger enter her. It was just the very tip, but Susan felt it though out her body. And when the others finger found the erect nub hidden that was within the velvety folds of her femininity, she cried out louder than before.
"I need you now, Kerri!"
Kerri answered, "Take me!"
Susan quickly grabbed one of the vibraters she brought with her from the purse and gently slid the tip of the thing into the velvety moist petals of Kerri's femininity. Kerri slid more than her tip of her finger into Susan and they both cried out as massive waves of pleasure radiated from them.
Hours later after several massive orgasms from both the women, they were laying in the bed embracing each other drenched in sweat and other bodily juices. Susan was lying comfortably in Kerry's soft embrace feeling the heat from her lovers body seeping though her pours. Kerri finally said, "Well, do you still want to have the romantic dinner out tonight or stay in and have more fun?"
"MMMM that sounds like an enticing offer, my love, but perhaps we should go out for some fun. There's always tonight, but I am getting hungry, and I know of a great Italian restraint around the corner, they make the best lasagna. And you know how much I 'love' lasagna. "
She snorted, "Oh indeed I do. "
They both broke out into uncontrollably laughing.
"Well damn, I guess that means I need to get redressed for tonight then, And perhaps A hot shower too. I am really feel like a really dirty girl, now."
Susan knew what her lover was talking about. Her body was glistening in fluid. They needed to shower and clean before they went out again.
After they took a hot shower together and got themselves clean after the intense session of love making, they dried off and started finding something sexy to wear for the evening out.
Susan picked out a rather tight revealing mini-dress for the evening. It had a plunging V neckline, it hung off one shoulder and had embroider floral lace designs on the bust. Susan picked out matching red nylon stockings and her bright red stilettos heels. She hated wearing pink except in private with the love of her life.
As Susan started doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror, Kerri started dressing. She chose a Black mini-dress. It had a full bust, no plunging V as she didn't think she had much to show off, like Susan had. She was wearing black nylon stockings and matching heels.
The two women got a lot of looks as they walked out of the hotel and into their car.
Susan chose a good Italian restaurant that made really good pasta. She had called in advance, and they knew her. She was part owner of the place so when they made it, a waiter let them in and already had their table ready.
Susan and Kerri sat down together, very close together. The waiter was a slightly uncomfortable with the open display of affection from the two women. They ordered their drinks and kept softly rubbing each other on the leg or arm. Kerri was gently caressing Susan's face as she ordered her hot tea.
It all made the young waiter aroused and he quickly left to get the two women their drinks.
He came back to get the two women's order and they ordered enough food for five people. They ordered salads, Pasta, linguini, lasagna. and a large bowl of ravioli.
They ate together and the young waiter kept seeing them kissing, feeding each other, sensually. They kept touching each other and caressing. It was clear the two were deeply in love with each other.
By the time they got back to their hotel, they were stuffed and ready to settle in for the night.
Kerri figured when she got into court this morning that the new attorney would want a continuance. She would ask for the same thing if she were handed a brand new case that morning. But she was surprised by what the attorney said, this time.
She came in neatly dressed, approached the judge and said, "Your Honor, how can you hand me this case in the middle. Any continuance just wont do in this case. We demand a retrial.
Susan really didn't have a problem with the request. They were hardly into the first line of questioning. They could do it all again, so she didn't raise any objections.
The judge said gravely, "Fine, I will give you a week and we can start this thing over from the start. I give you a week to get all of the details down for your new case, counselor."
He slammed the gavel down and dismissed them.
Susan told Kerri, "We will do this one differently. I want to file sue all of them, together. Ms Gladstone, my sister Kathy, and my mother. They are all to be named as defendants. Can that be done?"
"I think it can be done. They acted together to hurt you, so they can be sued together. Let me file the paperwork with the court for next week."
They went out during the week, visiting stores, purchasing new clothes and in general, just having fun. Kerri already had their case prepared so it was up to the defense to get their act together. The judge had scheduled a new trail in a week. So that meant that Susan and Kerri had a week to do nothing. They went all over the city, visited new places, went to all the nice restaurants, paying special attention the Italian restaurants. But, they went to others as well. They also went to most of the high class department stores.
Susan called her son every night. She loved her ten year old son, he was the entire case. Kathy was trying to claim she was a more competent parent than she was and Susan was destroying her. Her son Anwar, was the light of her life. She named her son after Anwar Sadat.
Susan was in her hotel room when the phone rang. When she answered, it was a man from her company.
He told her, "The drilling is going good. But we still haven't found the vein we you were looking for but we have cleared almost a twenty mile section out of the rock under the complex. What do you want us to do with it?"
She thought for a few seconds. Perhaps it was good, she said, "Keep looking and bring a lot of the supplies down there and make a large storage place for the projects, and make some living quarters. Perhaps the cave might become useful. You never know. Do you have it all, Alfred?"
"Yes, Ma'am," He said.
"Good. Keep me updated and make sure my Son Anwar is OK. You are the only one I trust with my company and my son. Is there anything more?"
"No, Ma'am."
She hung up.
Kerri looked over at her from the bed. "You look very beautiful, Susan. Especially wearing that red bra."
Susan blushed.
Kerri blurted out, "I cant help it. Your breasts are so beautiful encased in that red bra you have on. They look great."
Susan blushed even more.
Kerri reached over and caressed the soft skin of Susan's breast. Her fingertips slowly worked their way underneath the silky material edge of her bra.
Susan moaned softly but then stiffened, she said, "Kerri, please stop. The trial is coming up and we have to work now. Anyway, I am really worried about what they may try to do. Look at this!"
She showed Kerri a folded piece of yellow Paper and it was clearly in Ms. Gladstones handwriting. It said in capital menacing letters, "YOU BETTER DROP THIS CASE. THE LIFE OF ANWAR DEPENDS ON IT."
Kerri and Susan were even more disappointed by the judge's reaction to the letter.
When they tried to bring the letter to the judges attention, he simply dismissed it. Their lawyer said, "Look what Susan is trying to do, she's trying to prejudice this case against my client. They can't prove the letter came from my client and I bet she wrote it all herself to accuse Kathy."
The judge said, "I assume if there is any evidence to support your accusation counselor that you would bring it to the police. I dismiss your motion. The trial will take place as previously scheduled!"
He slammed his gavel down and they all left.
We have to go to court tomorrow morning. You have to give your deposition and opening statements for later. Are you ready, Susan?" Kerri asked her.
"I think I am. You are going to ask me a bunch of questions and the defense is going to grill me about everything possible, also. How much are we going to go over. I know the defense is going to want to know everything possible before we get in to the actual trial."
"We are going to carefully go though everything, Susan. There won't be any secrets. So, tomorrow, you are going to have to be very strong for us. Can you be strong"" Kerri asked.
"Yes, absolutely. I am tired of this secret and I want to tell everyone exactly what my sister Kathy and my mother did."
"Good. Lets get some sleep we can get up early tomorrow and really stick it to them hard. I want the truth to hit them so hard that they choke on it."
Susan went to the bathroom and got her clothes off and slipped into her silk nightie. Then, She got in bed and feel asleep.
Susan had took a very long, hot shower when she woke up that morning. It was very soothing and served to wake her up and prepare her for the difficult day ahead. Her clothes were laid out when she finished and patted herself dry with the towel so she dressed formally and ate her breakfast.
Her lover was always prompt and she was already showered and ready by the time she woke up. Susan guessed she had to prepare herself for the work ahead. Reading though her legal stuff and deciding how to proceed with her and what to ask Kathy when that time came up. It was just the depositions, but that was a big part of the case ahead. It all served to discover things, and lay down Susan and Kathy's initial testimony.
That would decide how to proceed with the entire case ahead. She planned on grilling Kathy and looking for any inconstancies in Kathy's deposition. After all, Clinton's deposition where he denied any sexual relations had tanked his case when it was found that he had lied. This one would tank Kathy if she tried to lie. If she told the truth, it would also tank her. She was screwed either way. She should had thought of the future when she started abusing her brother, but it was too late for that. She chose her path and now she had to pay.
Kathy was ready when they arrived at the court house. They were led to a large room. Depositions were not usually held in a actual court room. The room they chose was Large enough, and everything was set up. The court stenographer was there and ready. Kathy's meager defense was there and her mother was there, also. Ms Gladstone was there, too, but they would have to wait. But the time would come to grill her mother and Ms Gladstone. Oh yes, their time would indeed, come.
The Judge was there, he had decided that Kathy would give her's first. Kerri had no problem with that. Susan would go after that. Kerri took her seat and her Attorney walked up to her.
"Put your left hand on the bible and raise your right hand, repeat after me. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you, God?" The bailiff said.
"Yes, I do," Kathy said with her hand on a bible. She was sworn in.
"State your name for the record."
"I am Kathy Smith."
"How old are you?" Her attorney asked.
"I am twenty nine."
"What is your relationship to the Plaintiff?"
"I am her older sister. We grew up together."
"How do you feel about this case she has brought against you?"
"I feel she is very vindictive. It was a long time ago."
"And what was your relationship like when you two were young?"
"It was hard. I did a lot of things that I regret now. I have no defense for them except that I was a child when those things were done. I was influenced by Ms Gladstone. I was older, I was cruel because I was extremely jealous of my younger brothers relationship. It was childhood bullshit, and I am extremely sorry."
"You say that you were jealous, Kathy. Can you describe to the court in more detail about what you were jealous of?" Her attorney asked.
"Yes, The plaintiff, Susan, She grew up with us as my younger brother, Ben. He was the light of my mothers life when we were young. He was a strong athletic boy. Our mother dotted over all of his achievements, and she didn't pay me much attention, and I struggled. Everything seemed to come easy for Ben. I grew up resentful and angry, feeling left out of my mothers affections. I know it is stupid now, but I was a child. "
"I Understand. How did that change?"
"My brother was just twelve when I met Ms. Gladstone. We became friends. She told me about what she did and we made a plan to set my brother up. I was fourteen at that time. We had my brother, well He was unpopular, and he had some rough friends. I dared him to break into a neighbor ladies house. His friends joined me. He didn't want to but we convinced him. It was the only way he could prove himself as brave to his friends. But someone asked how they would know he actually broke in or not. So, I said to steal something from the house. We eventually came up with stealing a pair of her panties. He really didn't want to do that but he didn't want to look like a coward or a wimp, so he had to agree."
Her attorney asked, "And how did that work out?"
"We set him up. I called the police and they caught him with her panties in his hand. They made fun of him all the way to the station," Susan couldn't believe this new tactic. It blew their plan out of the water. She was actually being brutally honest with her part in it all. The evidence she had planed to introduce was now irrelevant because of her confession. Not only that, but she was saying she was a child being stupid and it was simply a childhood mistake that went too far. Well, they show how horrible it all was so it would backfire on her. But Susan could swear that her sister was truthful. The difficulty and tears seemed to her, to be real. Kathy really must be sorry.
Kathy went on, "They booked my brother and held him in a cell. My mother got him and took him home. She was humiliated. But she still stuck to him. It took more than a simple childhood prank to turn her against him, but it was the beginning of the end. We knew who the neighbor was. She wasn't going to forgive him. When they met with the DA, she demanded that he prosecute my brother as much as possible. She demanded that he serve some jail time. But I made sure that he knew that if he claimed to be a sissy, she would let it go. I also let him know that a boy like him, charged with theft of lingerie may get sexually abused by the larger inmates. That had him in absolute terror. He was only twelve."
"So he pressured his mother into allowing him to claim he was a sissy, stealing the panties to actually wear. I didn't let them know that she had a kinky fetish for that but he found out later."
"How did he find that out Kathy, What all happened after that?"
"He was taken to her house after his mother called the woman. I went with them and he confessed. Ms Gladstone was there and had some legal documents for them to sign, him confessing to being a sissy. He didn't know they were a legal confession and accepting what ever penalty she wanted. They signed it, but my mother tried to talk him out of it all. But he was terrified. They signed it and the rest is history. He thought it was over but it was just the beginning."
"When did he find out how serious it was?"
"Later that day when she called him and told him to go meet her. He was afraid, but his mother explained what he forced her to sign. I remember it all well. She told him, 'I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. You signed a legal affidavit and a confession about your desires. They all allow her to subject you to what ever penalty she wants. And it also allows them to arrest you on a felony evasion charges if you refuse. You and I signed them, so now you are stuck. If you try to back out now, you have accepted that they will take you to prison until you are twenty one.'"
"His face went white but she did try to warn him. His mother had no choice but to take him to her. She left him with that wicked woman for hours. I laughed when I saw him again. He was totally dressed up like a girl. They did his nails, his eyelashes. They put womens lingerie, stockings and makeup. He was crying, but his mother had little sympathy for him after that. It got worse. She still supported him."
"When did your mother turn against him?" She asked.
"That final straw came about a month later. Ms Gladstone was in charge, the neighbor went along and they humiliated him. My mother was forced to leave him there but she didn't know how far they were going. It was all illegal, but it had the illusion of legality. They brought it. They were training him, using fear and pain. About A month later, they showed us how far they went, and he was a docile sissy. Of course, he was a twelve year old boy subjected to pain and indoctrination. He allowed them to dress him up, and they forced him to swallow female hormone pills. And in front of his mother, Ms Gladstone forced him to suck a dildo filled with some kind of sperm. She just watched as adult women forced him. That was it, though. Seeing him accept it all angered and humiliated her. I to this day can't understand why. They were two larger adult women forcing him. How could a child resist and she blamed him. But, that was it. She turned against him cruelly. When we came home, She continued to dress and humiliate him on her own. I remember her cruel words to this day. He protested and asked her to stop saying those things.
"Mother hit him hard. She said, 'I'll tell you what I know! I know that any normal boy would have gladly risked going to jail rather than let those women doll you up like a Fifties Barbie, make you suck estrogen from a ...well, never that he can grow large, feminine breasts. I know that I had to watch my son, my own pride and joy, suck on that... thing like a teenaged girl in heat while Ms Gladstone watched and laughed. I'll don't think I can ever forgive you for that,' Our mother sobbed . Then, she regained her composure. "As far as I'm concerned, Ben is gone; I don't have a son anymore, I have a beloved daughter and a sissy. From now on, you can expect to be treated like a sissy. You've made your choice, Susan! From now on, you're going to start acting like the sissy you want to be. You're going to gush about your prissy little outfits. You'll tell everyone who'll listen about how thrilled you are about growing your own breasts. You'll happily put into practice everything you learn at the Ms Gladstones Sissy Program. You'll beg Clara and Ms. Gladstone to help you become more and more girlish. Understand? You wanted to be Forever Femme? Well, you've got it! And just so you don't forget!'
"It got worse and worse for him, and I helped make sure that he continued to be humiliated. I was Happy at that time. I helped plan his coming out party. I set him up with boyfriends to be raped. It was mostly Mom, but I helped. I am testifying for the defense. If It costs me then fine. All I can say is Mom deserves to pay but if my sister is vindictive enough to think that I should pay, then so be it."
Kathy started crying.
"So how did the project proceed after your mother turned against Ben so viciously?"
"Well after that, Gladstone pretty much lost interest. Once our mother had a change of attitude toward her son, the project lost its appeal. But she did set up a special meeting where she introduced my brother to the Junior League as Princess. She could be so mean.
"He celebrated when Ms. Johnson our Neighbor tore up the documents that forced him to pretend to be a sissy. But that didn't mean mom would stop. It didn't in any way mean he could go back to being a boy. When he asked Mom, his mother had laughed in his face. "You've got to be kidding. The way your boobies look in a bullet bra and a pretty angora sweater? And don't you have a ballet recital next month. How thoughtful of Ms. Gladstone to let you dance with a real girls' dance troupe. I hear ticket sales are through the roof. Besides, who would do all the cooking and cleaning?"
"When a return to pants was denied, he tried to convince his mother to at least let him wear some modern fashions; after all, girls often wore jeans. But she had insisted that he looked like he stepped off the cover of an early sixties Vogue. She wanted him to look like such a fag! And the behavior his mother insisted on was even worse; the way she made him giggle and flip his wrists, the way he had to squeal when he saw a dress that he "liked," the way he was required to constantly primp and fuss over his head and make-up. Susan had simply replied that he wasn't a girl, and wasn't about to let him be confused for one."
"At home, he had become the house wife, responsible for all of the cleaning and household errands. Thanks to the additive in his Hormones he was forced to take, every time he appeared in public brought him new feelings of embarrassment and humiliation. Me and my mother competed to see who could humiliate him the worse. "
"How did he finally escape it all," Her attorney asked."
"He didn't get away til he was a complete female. Around fifteen, mom finally pressed him into the final operation but it wasn't such a big deal. He had been living as a female and dressing for four years. But it wasn't right. I convinced her that he needed it done. He strangely didn't seem to mind either. So it was done but we still used her as a household maid or something. But during one errand for me, when he was seventeen, he never came back. I also noticed that several thousand dollars were taken from my personal account. I was like oh well. Hope she is happy. That it is."
The Judge said, We are ready for the cross examination."
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The Vendetta Chapter 3
reading this, I can see what a creep Susan's family is. Makes one wonder just how far she should go for retribution.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I do hope that Susan and her
I do hope that Susan and her new attorney can upset this testimony and get real justice for her at the trial. It is way past time to put Ms. Gladstone, Ms. Johnson and the Mother in jail for a very long time. Not too sure about the sister at this point, but I do believe she should be convicted in some manner for her supporting role in all this. Jan
I wohleheartedly agree
The neighbor, the mother, and Gladstone need to be put down, hard. They have completely crushed the child's life for kinks, for disappointment, and out of plain interest. Such specimen have forfeited their right to be called human when they decided they could do the same.
The sister is also needed to be put down. I can see her less, marginally, guilty, but her confession about the date rape arrangements should be grounds enough to thoroughly investigate her entire family life, repeatedly. For someone feeling especially vindictive, one could also demand that her entire family is present during trials, and/or is given the recordings to watch.
Other than a few small mistakes the story is good. I do have to ask a few bits and pieces:
---I don't know really, but is vaginoplasty able to create a clit? ~ Oh, it can... Sorry, I'm mostly clueless
---Susan described her breasts as 'mutated' - was it an exaggeration or intentional?
---Susan has a son - surely he may be adopted, but... Coupled with other two, it makes me wonder.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Well, Susan really has been
Well, Susan really has been hurt, they are all sick. And or Kathy is really regretting it all, or she's good Actress. Good story.
Just a minor correction
In several places it said Terri instead of Kerri, it's really minor but I just wanted to let you know, wow just wow, is this a trick or is she sincere I pray for her sake she is sincere mew ;D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D