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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Welcome to Pern! If you know the stories, then you might have wondered what would happen if a boy was to Impress a Gold dragon?
Wonder no longer...
Wonder no longer...
Queen Rider
Part 1
Part 1
Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Friday 02-05-2007 at 8:24 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena
This story is based upon the works of Anne McCaffrey, notably the incredible Dragonriders of Pern ® series. The legal notice of Anne's copyright is as follows:
The Dragonriders of Pern ® is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.
The use of this setting, the world, and their concepts are written in accordance with the guidelines posted by Anne McCaffrey for fan fiction. The specifics of which can be found on her website: (March 14th, 2005)
If the above URL does not work, replace .net with .org. Unfortunately, Anne's site has had some difficulties and the URL above is the one currently functional as of the writing of this story.
Sadly, if you're not familiar with the works of Anne McCaffrey, then this story probably won't be all that easy to follow as it presumes that you already know something about Pern and it's inhabitants. The Dragonrider books have long been a favorite of mine, I've read them several times and they have never become stale for me. It is that love of these stories that has motivated the writing of this tale perhaps, in some small way, to feel even closer to the world and it's people. I won't even begin to presume that my fiction is in the same league as Anne McCaffery's work, but I hope that after you read this you will have found it both enjoyable and a positive contribution to a remarkable place.
Barrit Cothold, 5th Pass, 4.7.8, Post Fall
Jared stared wistfully at the hovering blue dragon as he absentmindedly mopped the sweat from his brow. He knew he shouldn't be staring, it was rude, but he couldn't help himself. Like all Pernese boys his age, and not a few girls as well, he dreamed of being a dragonrider, soaring through the sky, fighting thread with his lifelong companion. "Stuff of dreams," Jared snorted to himself, "nothing more. You're going to be a dirt farmer all your life, so get over it." Still, he watched the dragon as it landed near his father, Darion. He could hear his father's cheerful greeting to the blue rider and his dragon. Jared sighed again and shook himself alert before making his way to where his father chatted with the dragonrider."Well fought," Darion was complimenting as Jared approached. "Fort Weyr shows its prowess once again."
The blue rider smiled his thanks. "In truth, it was a light fall."
"You rode well and Saleth is as spectacular as ever, A'lon," Jared rushed out and then immediately blushed for his temerity.
"Hush boy," Darion admonished, though not sounding angry.
A'lon grinned at him. "Saleth thanks you for the kind words," he added. He gave a Jared a deeper look and then glanced at Saleth before suggesting, "Why don't you scratch his eye ridges for him while your father and I have a quick chat?"
"Really?" Jared was almost breathless at the chance to actually touch a dragon.
"Really. Saleth doesn't bite, mostly." He laughed at Jared's alarmed expression. "I'm teasing you lad! He says his ridges need scratching and I still have to check with your father, so if you'd do the honors?"
"Of course!" Jared breathed as he stumbled his way over to the dragon.
A little to the left, Saleth commented as Jared began to industriously scratch the eye ridges of the blue dragon.
"What?" Jared asked, stumbling back a little, surprised by the sudden mental contact of the dragon.
Don't stop!
"I'm sorry," Jared apologized as he began to scratch Saleth's eye ridges again. "I just didn't expect that you'd speak to me!"
Why? Saleth asked, sounding slightly amused.
"I don't know, I guess I've never heard of it happening before."
That's because we have chosen not to.
"To speak to me or to humans generally?" Jared queried, feeling a little bolder.
We only speak to others when we see a need for it, Saleth told him. I needed you to scratch a little more to the left.
You sound disappointed J'red.
"J'red? I'm not a dragonrider!"
"Yet? You mean?"
I mean what I say, Saleth responded, sounding amused again. There's something different about you.
Jared gulped. "Different? How?"
I don't know, Saleth admitted, sounding a little puzzled. I sense you should be at the Hatching. I've told A'lon.
"Oh, wow," Jared breathed.
That's the spot, Saleth said as he let out a long breath of satisfaction.
Jared tried not to cough at the fumes from the firestone exhaust from the dragon as he allowed his imagination to wander. "Me!" he crowed to himself. "Saleth thinks I should be a dragonrider! Me!" He imagined himself astride one of the great bronzes, but quickly realized that that was probably beyond him. Still, he much admired Saleth and the other blues, so he would be overjoyed to be paired with one of them. Privately, Jared admitted to himself that it didn't matter what color the dragon was as long as he got to ride one.
Barrit Cothold, 5th Pass, 4.7.8, Evening
"Silly fancy!""It is not!" Jared shouted back at his father. "Saleth talked to me and told me I should be a dragonrider."
"Enough. They already have the candidates for the hatching and we have spring crops to plant. So get this foolish notion out of your head right now and start thinking about what we need to plant this season. You're my heir, so you'd better start to learn something."
Jared glared at his father. He'd been so excited about having a dragon talk to him that he told his father the first chance he got. He was surprised to discover that his father was less than pleased with the notion and had decided that Jared was making the whole story up.
Darion sighed as he looked at his son. He could see that the boy was taut with anger, but he had to get these silly ideas out of his head before they came to grief. "Besides," Darion admitted to himself, "the lad is too small to be a dragonrider. Good heart, a little too tender, but it takes more than that to ride a dragon during fall."
Jared sulked up to his room in the small hold. Since he'd reached puberty, he'd been given a room of his own, separate from his sisters. He enjoyed the privacy, but during times like this, he really wished he could easily talk with his sisters. They'd understand, they all wanted something more than being wives of farmers, eking out a living in the soil.
"Jared?" Aimee whispered through the door, answering his wish.
"What is it Aimee?" Jared sighed, rolling over onto his back and wiping his tears, suddenly feeling reluctant to talk to his older sister despite his attitude of a few moments ago.
"May I come in?"
"I heard your fight with father," Aimee said as she entered the room.
"I understand how you feel."
"Do you? Saleth talked to me! He said I should be a rider, even called me J'red," Jared told her.
"They've already got a full compliment of candidates up at Fort," Aimee reminded him.
"I know," Jared sighed.
"At least you get to Hold," Aimee reminded him. "What do I have to look forward to?"
"You can have the Hold Aimee, I don't want it."
"It's not up to you."
"Nothing ever is."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.7.8, Late Evening
"I'm telling you, Saleth is never wrong and he sensed something in the lad," A'lon pressed."I'm not disputing Saleth's judgment," Marina told him. "However, we have a full compliment of candidates for Wrybeth's eggs."
"What's one more?" he asked.
"Why the big deal?"
A'lon sighed, "Saleth has been nagging me non-stop since the fall over this lad. Did you know that Saleth talked to him?"
Marina sat up. "Really?" That admission put a whole new light on the discussion.
"Really. Saleth is never this insistent about anyone and that's the first time he's talked to anyone but me."
"Now, that's a little more interesting. What of his family?"
"Come on, the details."
"He's the only son," A'lon admitted.
"That settles it. We can't take the only son," Marina told him.
"Why not?"
"What if he Impresses? They'll have no heir."
"So?" A'lon asked. "If he's meant to be a dragonrider, he'll be a dragonrider. They have plenty of daughters to take over the Holding."
Marina sighed. "It's not that easy," she told him. "You know better than that."
"He's one amongst many."
Marina laughed. "A'lon, my dear blue rider, you know as well as I do that Saleth is never wrong."
"You see!"
"I'll think about it," Marina promised.
"Not too long!"
"I promise!"
Barrit Cothold, 5th Pass, 4.21.8, Early Morning
Jared spotted the dragon in the sky before the rest of the family. His father was preoccupied with the soil clump he had at the table and his sisters were still laying out the breakfast meal. "A dragon!" Jared finally called, dragging his eyes, and his internal longing, from the sight."It's not so rare a sight that you need disturb the morning peace," Darion replied absently, taking a sip of klah before turning his attention to the dirt clod again.
"Maybe he's coming here?" Jared suggested, still hoping that he would be Searched. He knew that the eggs on the hatching grounds were getting close to their time.
"I told you to leave off your flights of fancy," Darion growled, looking up from the earth in his hand for the first time.
"He's right, the dragonrider is coming here," Aimee called from her vantage near the window.
"It's true," Liana, Darion's wife told him, suddenly feeling a little breathless herself. It was a bronze too!
Darion dropped the clump of earth into the pail beside the table and quickly wiped his hands on his trousers. "What would bring a bronze rider here?" he wondered aloud as he made his way outside.
Jared tailed his father, not wanting to miss seeing a bronze. It was one thing to see them way up in the sky, but up close? Jared was excited.
"Good morning bronze rider!" Darion called as the dragon made a graceful landing in the small clearing near the cot.
"A good morning to yourself as well, Holder Darion," the dragonrider called in return. "Also to you, young Jared."
Jared waved shyly, surprised at being included in the greeting.
Saleth is right.
"Excuse me?" Jared asked as the two adults looked at him.
My name is Brineth, the bronze dragon told him as it lowered its massive head for a better look at Jared.
"Greetings Brineth," Jared replied. "I'm Jared."
J'red. I know.
The bronze rider looked very surprised. "It appears that you and Brineth have become acquainted. I'm his rider, D'vid."
"I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean anything by it!"
D'vid laughed. "Shards! No fear there lad, Brineth does as he pleases let me tell you!"
Darion cleared his throat.
"Oh, I'm sorry," D'vid replied, turning to the Holder. "I imagine you're wondering what brings us here this fine morning."
"You could say that," Darion agreed. "Not that I'm objecting, I'm just curious. Would you like a cup of klah?"
"I'd love one," D'vid replied, following the Holder into the cot. "In any case, what brings me here is a blue dragon who wouldn't stop pestering the Weyrwoman or her dragon..."
Jared ignored the voices of the two adults as he looked up at Brineth. "Um, did you need anything Brineth?" Jared asked politely.
The sun is warm. I'm content.
"Did you want me to wait with you?"
That's not necessary, Brineth responded with a hint of amusement. You should go inside and listen as it concerns you.
"Me?" Jared felt his hopes rising. "I'll go then. Thank you Brineth!"
Jared entered the cot just as his father was saying, "He's the only boy here! If he goes to the Weyr, who will inherit?"
"You have lovely daughters," D'vid said, trying to placate the agitated holder.
"Daughters! Don't misunderstand me dragonrider, I realize the honor of this, but I need him here."
"I can't force the issue," D'vid told him, "but I do have two dragons absolutely convinced that your son should be on the hatching grounds this afternoon."
D'vid nodded.
"What are the odds?" Darion sighed.
D'vid shrugged. "Normally, I'd say fairly low, but the dragons..."
"The dragons?"
"It is early in the pass and we need riders. The dragons know this."
Jared locked eyes with his father. "Please father," he begged. "Just this one chance? We've never had a dragonrider in the family."
"You have to let him go," Liana added, backing up her son. "Besides, there will be more sons."
Darion glanced up at her, surprised.
Liana nodded. "I'm pregnant again. It's a boy, I can sense it." The bronze dragon bugled outside.
"Brineth just confirmed it," D'vid added, sounding surprised. "Well, the day is full of surprises."
"Then I must," Darion capitulated.
"You're all invited to the Hatching, of course," D'vid added with a grin. "Brineth can carry all of us."
Aimee gasped with excitement.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.21.8, Hatching
"Okay lad, I know you haven't had any of the training for this, but it's really not that hard," D'vid was saying as he dropped Jared off. "Just remember, don't be afraid."Jared gulped and nodded nervously.
"Besides, A'lon and I stand to win a lot of marks if you Impress!"
Jared laughed and looked around at the other candidates on the sands of hatching grounds. He could feel the heat of the sands through his boots, but he was feeling too detached from reality to even sense discomfort from it. He quickly scanned the audience, looking for his family, and felt some of the tension drain as he spotted them. Away from the gaggle of boys was a clutch of girls clustered around a golden egg and the hovering, almost nervous looking, Wrybeth. He turned his attention to the forty-two other eggs lying in the sand before him as one of them began to rock back and forth to the mighty hum of the adult dragons watching over the ceremony.
A hush fell over the crowd in the stands as the first of the newly hatched dragons poked its head through the shards of its egg. "A bronze," came the excited whisper. A bronze was always a good omen at a hatching, especially during threadfall. Jared watched, almost detached, as the bronze made straight for a tall, strapping young man. Very quickly after that, more eggs began to wobble and crack, with excited boys moving forward to meet with the emerging dragons. All around him, Jared could sense the feelings of elation as boy after boy Impressed a young dragon.
Still, Jared stood there and before he knew it, only the gold egg remained on the hot sand and he could hear people stating, with some surprise, that Saleth was wrong for the first time. He could almost feel the disappointment from his mother and sisters, as well as the two riders who were so certain. Yet, in his mind, he felt the presence of Saleth and Brineth almost assuring him it wasn't over. "Wasn't over?" Jared laughed to himself, trying to keep away the tears of what might have been. "Only the queen is left."
It's not over.
"Saleth?" Jared asked, looking up to the rim of the great volcano.
And Brineth, added the bronze. Saleth is right, it is not over.
"Only the gold egg remains," Jared disagreed as he turned to follow the other bypassed and dejected candidates from the grounds.
Jared stopped at the emphatic command of the two dragons and turned to look at the gold egg as it began to rock on the sands. He continued to obey the two dragons despite the calls from various people around him to leave the grounds. His heart leapt as the golden head pushed its way through the cracks in the egg, the humming from the dragons arrayed around the rim growing even louder. The young queen whirled to face the girls arrayed before her and she pounced towards one of them with a hiss. The girl screamed and tried to jump backwards, falling to the sands. The Queen ignored her and burst through the circle crying out, her head swinging back and forth, searching.
Some of the girls tried to follow her, but the little Queen spun and hissed at them. They cowered back, fear and disappointment evident on their faces. Jared felt the detachment stealing over him again as he gazed into the eyes of the golden beauty before him. She ended her headlong, searching, dash at his feet, her eyes gazing at him as he absently began to scratch her eye ridges, oblivious to the commotion around him.
Finally, he looked up to the two dragons on the rim of the bowl and said, "Her name is Sianeth."
Welcome Sianeth. Saleth and Brineth replied at the same time as the other dragons bugled a greeting.
J'red fell to his knees before Sianeth and hugged her. "Why me?" he asked, suddenly realizing what had happened.
Don't you want me? Sianeth asked, sounding concerned.
"Of course I want you!" J'red shouted, his voice ringing with sudden, profound, love. "You are the most beautiful, most intelligent, dragon on all of Pern. I am a boy though."
Sianeth's eyes whirled pleasure at the compliment. I'm hungry, she informed him. What's a boy?
J'red began to laugh, the only sound in the now silent grounds, the audience speechless at what they witnessed.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.21.8, Hatching Celebration
T'kon scowled at the laughing Fort Weyrwoman as he watched the hatchlings make their way out to get bathed after being fed. His scowl deepened as his eyes took in the form of a slight boy walking beside a golden hatchling."Funniest thing I've heard in ages," Marina was saying. "Wrybeth told me that she didn't know what I was talking about, that young J'red wasn't a boy."
"Don't let the lad hear that," D'vid commented, laughing himself. "I'll grant that he's as slight as a girl, but he seems like a good, honest, lad."
"This is no laughing matter," T'kon growled as he whirled around, irritation at their mirth plain in his tone of voice.
"Relax Weyrleader, what's done is done," Marina told him soothingly. "You can no more change this Impression than you could grow a second head."
"Did it occur to either of you that this is going to be a problem with the Lord Holders?"
"It's Weyr business," D'vid scowled.
"Two daughters of powerful Lord Holders were left standing on the sands while a boy Impressed the queen. How, by the first egg, am I going to explain that?" T'kon demanded.
Marina shrugged. "Explain nothing, the dragon chooses. That is all."
"I wish it was that easy." T'kon sighed as he glanced at J'red's family, looking very uneasy amongst the assembled. Not all of it was related to their status, he decided. Clearly they we're troubled by the events on the Hatching Grounds.
"Well, I for one am going to enjoy myself," Marina decided aloud as she stood up and walked over to Darion and Liana. "Darion, Liana, I hope that you're enjoying yourselves?" she asked, trying to sound solicitous and put them at ease.
Darion scowled and Liana blushed. "What happened?" Darion demanded abruptly.
Marina felt her eyebrow rise uncontrollably. "Happened? Impression happened. The dragon chooses and that is it."
"A queen?" Darion almost look embarrassed. "My son Impressed a queen?"
"Is there something wrong with queens?" Marina asked, starting to sound a little annoyed.
"Of course not! What I mean is, uh, that this has never happened before. A boy is not supposed to Impress a queen!"
"Ah, well, greens are female and Impress boys," Marina told him.
"That's different."
"Indeed, if you say so. Well, there's a first time for everything in any event."
"Can't you do anything about this?" Darion asked.
"No," Marina replied flatly. "I wouldn't even if I could. Impression has been made and the bond cannot be separated."
"Ah, Marina, there you are!" Paellion's cheerful voice rang out, interrupting the conversation to the relief of Marina.
"Paellion my friend," Marina smiled in real delight. "Darion, Liana, you know the Masterharper?"
"Honored," Darion and Liana replied together with small bows.
"Shards, it's nothing. It's I who is honored to meet you. The parents of the quite remarkable young lad I would assume?" Paellion grinned cheerfully.
"You could say that," Darion replied, his voice conveying his displeasure with the state of affairs.
"I see." Paellion cocked his head and gave the Holder a penetrating look. "I gather that you're less than pleased by today's events."
Darion grunted agreement.
"Hmm. I would think you'd be pleased, truly. Your son has become a dragonrider and that's quite an honor in and of itself."
"Boys don't Impress queens!" Darion complained.
"Well, nobody will be saying that again," Marina laughed drily and nodded at D'vid.
"Come Darion, I'll take your family home," D'vid said as he approached the small circle of people, winking at the grateful smile from the Weyrwoman.
"Why bronze rider? Why?" Darion demanded as D'vid led him away.
"Only the dragon knows," D'vid shrugged.
"Did yours?"
D'vid cocked his head. "Brineth said that they only knew after all of the other eggs had hatched."
"Brineth and Saleth."
"It's not right," Darion said, sounding stubborn.
"Not for me to say one way or another."
"How can a boy be a Weyrwoman?" Liana finally asked, sounding confused.
D'vid laughed. "No worries, we'll figure something out."
Barrit Cothold, 5th Pass, 4.21.8, Evening
"Can you believe it Aimee?" Mari asked. "Jared Impressed a queen! A queen! No boy has ever done that before.""Hush little sister, don't let father hear you," Aimee said with a smile.
"Why's father so upset?"
"I don't know," Aimee sighed. "Maybe he thinks it's less than manly for Jared to Impress a queen."
"Would he feel the same way about greens?"
Aimee brushed her hair as she thought about that question for a moment. "No, I don't think so. Men Impress greens, women Impress golds. He'd see that as being women's work to Impress a gold."
"That doesn't make sense," Mari argued. "Golds are the biggest dragons and the most beautiful. Besides, I heard a Harper say that women rode green dragons before."
"When? Harper fancy I'd imagine."
"I wish I was Jared," Mari sighed. "Lord Bartalon had a daughter at the Hatching, did you know?"
"No, I didn't. Who told you that?"
"I heard some people talking about how upset he was."
"You hear a lot of things," Aimee said, smiling to take the sting out of the comment. "Perhaps that is why father is upset. Maybe he thinks that our Lord Holder will blame him for it."
"Lady Maliana wouldn't Impress anyways, she's too mean."
"It's true. I hear that she beats the drudges at Fort for no reason at all."
"Mari, you shouldn't be passing on tales like that," Aimee told her sternly.
"It's not a tale!"
"It doesn't matter, you should keep your observations to yourself, especially concerning our Lord Holder and his family. You don't want father turned out do you?"
"Good girl."
"I wish I was Jared," Mari grumped.
"So do I dear sister, so do I."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.21.8, Late Evening
Lord Bartalon, Lord Holder of Fort Hold, was not happy. He was upset that his daughter was passed over for the queen dragonet and that she was passed over in favor of a nothing boy from a minor holding on his own lands, of all things. Despite the protestations of the Weyr, Bartalon was still grinding his teeth over the second point."What can I tell you Bartalon, the dragon chooses," T'kon repeated. "No amount of cajoling or shouting is going to change that."
"This is unacceptable Weyrleader," Bartalon reiterated as though T'kon could do anything about it.
"That's irrelevant Lord Bartalon," Marina added. "Nobody in this room has the ability to make the choice for the dragon. Sianeth has decided, that is all there is to it. Maliana will be presented at the very next Hatching if there is a queen egg."
"How could a queen choose a boy? I thought they were bred to only choose women?" Farallen, Lord Holder of Ruatha questioned, sounding mild despite one of his daughters also being passed over.
Marina and T'kon looked at each other.
"Out with it!" Bartalon demanded.
"The dragons claim that he isn't a boy," Marina told them, finally.
"What? He's clearly a boy. Well, maybe not clearly, but he's a son of one my Holders and I know he's a boy."
"Nevertheless," T'kon replied, "that's what the dragons are claiming."
"I'm having a hard time believing in the idea that all of the dragons of Pern are engaged in a mass delusion," Bartalon snorted.
"It does sound quite odd," Farallen added.
"I asked Wrybeth what happened," Marina said, clapping her hands against the table top. "She said that J'red is not a boy."
"Should we be calling him J'red?" D'vid chimed in all of a sudden.
"What difference does that make?" Bartalon growled.
"Just an odd thought," D'vid grinned diffidently. "The dragons called him that before he Impressed a gold, now they don't."
"This is making less sense with every moment that passes."
"I, for one," Paellion intruded, "think it's a little refreshing. Events like this shake up complacency and turn people's brains on."
"The wisdom of the Master Harper is legendary," Farallen smiled. "However, I think you're wrong in this instance. Radical change during a Fall scares people and this qualifies as radical change."
"Be that as it may, it's the job of the Harper Hall to reassure people and reassure we shall."
"Surely you don't condone this Paellion!" Bartalon burst out.
"What's to condone? It's done. None of us can change it, so we'd best make what we can from it," Paellion suggested.
"They really stopped calling him J'red?" Marina suddenly asked, shaking herself from her thoughts.
D'vid nodded. "Ask Wrybeth," he suggested. "Queen rider's names aren't contracted out of respect. They don't call him Jared, though."
"What do the dragons call J'red now?" Marina asked.
"Jara? That's a girl's name."
Jara is a girl.
"I wonder if anyone has told the lad that little tidbit of information?" D'vid asked, smothering a grin at the expression on Marina's face as she repeated the conversation.
Marina sighed. "I doubt it, but someone has to tell him," she decided.
J'red sat cross-legged in front of his sleeping dragon. He smiled indulgently at her full belly and gleaming hide as he allowed his mind to drift across the events of the day. He could scarcely believe what had happened to him, despite the hours of cleaning and scrubbing Sianeth's hide. He had been so busy that he hadn't even time to think about the events and what they might mean. He even missed most of the strange looks, puzzled frowns, and incredulous expressions around him. One thing, he decided as he relaxed after the long day, that was nice was getting his own quarters away from the other weyrlings. Obviously, queen dragons weren't expected to share space like that and so neither were their riders.
Marina watched the oblivious boy from the entrance to his weyr with a speculative eye. Clearly, the lad was in love with his dragon and Wrybeth assured her that Sianeth was equally smitten in return. "The bond is special, is it not?" Marina asked, breaking the lad's apparent reverie.
J'red spun around in surprise, nearly falling over. "I'm sorry, Weyrwoman, I didn't know you were there," he apologized as he struggled to stand up.
"No apologies needed," Marina smiled as she entered the spacious cave. "I see that Sianeth is well looked after."
"She stuffed herself senseless," J'red admitted with a fond smile directed towards the dragon.
"All dragonets do that. She'll grow quite a bit in the coming weeks and will need that food to provide energy for it. So, Sianeth is well, but how about you?"
"Confused, I guess. Happy too."
"I would imagine," Marina agreed. "You're not the only one that's confused about today's events. I understand that Saleth and Brineth had decided that you were going to Impress Sianeth before she hatched?"
"They told me not to leave," J'red told her. "They said it wasn't over. I was going to leave, honest, but the dragons..."
"Dragons are surprisingly wise. If Sianeth had sensed you before hatching, she might have tried to follow. Who knows what would have happened then."
"Are people mad at me?"
"Don't worry about them. Worry about your dragon, she's more than enough for you right now."
"I suppose," J'red agreed. "I didn't mean to Impress her!"
"We know. However, I do have to figure out what to do about you," Marina told him with a gentle smile.
"About me?"
"All queen riders are the responsibility of the Weyrwoman. I lead the Queen's Wing against thread and so you will be reporting to me. It's just that we've never had a male riding a queen before."
"I guess I never thought about that. Sianeth can't chew firestone, can she?"
"No queen can chew firestone, we have flamethrowers for that work."
J'red laughed. "I never thought that if I became a dragonrider, I'd still have to carry a flamethrower!"
Marina laughed in agreement, "I never thought that either. Of course, I wasn't thinking that we'd have thread when I Impressed Wrybeth. Wrybeth likes you, you know. So do the other dragons."
"Really. Did you know that the honorific contraction we use for dragonrider names come from the dragons originally?"
"I didn't know that," J'red admitted.
"Except for queen riders. Queens don't tolerate nicknames for their riders."
"Then I'm still Jared and not J'red?"
Marina hesitated. "Not exactly," she replied, looking a little uncomfortable. "I'm really not sure how to explain this."
"What do you mean?"
"They call you Jara."
"Jara! That's a girl's name!"
"Hush, don't get angry or you'll wake Sianeth and upset her," Marina cautioned.
"J'red," Marina continued, "the dragons call you Jara and dragons know true names. All of the riders know because of their dragons, but they won't call you Jara if you don't want them to."
"Of course I don't!" J'red exclaimed, flushing deeply. "I'm not a girl!"
"It's not intended as an insult, the dragons are just adamant that it is your name."
J'red calmed down a little. "I know they don't intend insult," he sighed. "It's just that all my life people kept telling me that I look like a girl. Now this."
"Look on the bright side," Marina suggested.
"The bright side?"
"You have Sianeth. Not many people get to experience that kind of unquestioning love in their lives."
J'red turned to gaze at Sianeth and smiled with a shine in his eyes. "I guess you're right Weyrwoman, that is a bright side. A golden, beautiful, bright side."
"Just between you and me," Marina added. "People, probably other weyrlings, will slip and call you Jara. Don't let it bother you. Just become the best queen rider you can and the rest will take care of itself."
"Thank you Marina," J'red said.
"Now get some sleep, you have a long day, many of them really, ahead of you."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.22.8, Morning Weryling Training
J'red tried to ignore the stares and whispers of the other weyrlings as he led Sianeth out to the grounds for morning training. It had already been a long morning, with feeding and scrubbing Sianeth, and he was exhausted. Looking after a dragon was hard work, he decided for at least the tenth time that morning.Did I upset you? Sianeth asked, sounding worried.
"Oh no," J'red told her. "I'm just tired after yesterday and this morning."
"Hey, how come you weren't in the weyrling quarters with us," asked a young lad of about fourteen turns sitting near J'red.
"They said that queens always get their own weyr," J'red explained, sounding apologetic. "I'm J'red and this is Sianeth."
"I heard. You were the talk of the quarters all last night. I'm B'rall and my sleepy bronze here is Karaneth."
"What were they saying last night?"
"All kinds of things," B'rall grinned. "Most thought that you were secretly a girl that they had tried to get to Impress a different dragon. Some of them thought they should make you give up your dragon."
"Give up my dragon!" J'red looked alarmed.
"Relax, they can't do that. No dragon would allow it once Impression is made and those of us that are weyrbred told them that. You and Sianeth belong to each other for as long as you live."
Nobody can separate us, Sianeth added with a soothing voice.
J'red looked relieved.
"So, how did you Impress her?" B'rall asked curiously.
"I don't know," J'red admitted. "She made the choice." J'red smiled lovingly at his dozing dragon.
"You're not really a girl are you?"
J'red stiffened. "No!"
B'rall made calming motions with his hands. "No offense, I had to ask."
"If you people are quite through whispering at each other," G'ten, the Weyrlingmaster, called out, interrupting the conversation. "We do have some training to accomplish."
J'red tried to focus his attention on the lecture, but the events of the previous day and the early morning hard work began to make him drowsy. Within a few minutes, he was lightly dozing against Sianeth, her warmth drawing him further into sleep.
J'red sat upright and blinked. "Huh?" The other weyrlings around him snickered.
"This discussion may seem boring to you, but it is vital to the health of your dragon."
"Sorry sir, I don't know what came over me," J'red replied, trying to shake the sleep from his eyes. "It's not boring me."
"Prevent what ever it was from doing so again then. Now, as I was saying..."
Why do you call yourself J'red? Sianeth asked, wakened by J'red's sudden movement and alertness.
"It's my name," J'red told her.
It's Jara. I can see it inside you.
"Jara is a girl's name. I'm a boy."
I don't know the difference. You are Jara, I am Sianeth. We are together. These are our true names.
"I'm confused," J'red admitted. "Are other riders named like that?"
No. Wrybeth tells me that you are different.
"You could say that again!"
Why would I? Wrybeth says that your outside hides your inside because you are a girl. I'm not sure I understand.
J'red felt his face flush. "I'm not a girl! Not since the last time I looked!"
I upset you.
J'red hurried to reassure her.
It will work out. Wrybeth is very wise.
J'red shook his head and tried to put the conversation out of his mind and focus on the lesson.
"Generally, when a dragon is young, you'll stuff them until they sleep. However, once they get older, then you'll need to control their diet better or they won't be able to fly thread because they'll be too full and sleepy," G'ten was saying.
"How will we know how much they should eat?" One of the weyrlings asked.
"You'll learn that over time," G'ten explained. "Part of the training process is to help you determine the right balance for your dragon."
"What about greens?" Asked another weyrling who was absently scratching the eye ridges of his green dragonet. "I heard there are times when it matters more than eating for thread."
"It's a little early for you to worry about that," G'ten told him with a grin. "However, since you asked, greens and golds need to blood their kills when they rise to mate. If they don't they won't be able to fly well and that will impair the mating flight."
"Rise to mate?" J'red asked, standing suddenly with a shocked realization.
"What did you think lad? Your Sianeth will rise to mate."
"Uh. Are you sure?"
G'ten rolled his eyes. "As far as I can judge, Sianeth is a healthy queen. She's a big dragon to start with and will lead a fine mating flight when the time comes."
"Oh." J'red looked at Sianeth in surprise.
Is it time to eat? Sianeth asked him, sounding a little plaintive about hunger and bored with discussion at the same time. Karaneth is hungry too.
"The dragons are hungry," B'rall called out, just as J'red was about to say it.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.22.8, Morning
"You talked to him?" T'kon asked as he joined Marina on the ledge to watch the weyrlings train.Marina pulled the sleeping fur tighter around her body in the cool air and nodded slightly, her attention focused on the young golden queen below.
Sianeth is well and contented, Wrybeth noted as she shifted slightly. You should stop worrying and I want to hunt.
"I worry, love, because this has never happened before," Marina told her dragon. "Wrybeth says everything is well," she added to T'kon.
"She doesn't have to deal with all of the Lord Holders and assorted Craftmasters who think this situation should be halted," T'kon snorted.
"Nothing can do that."
"I know that, but they don't want to believe it."
"What's the big deal?" Marina asked. "I mean, it's going to be a bit awkward at mating time and figuring out how to fit him into the Queen's Wing, but beyond that I don't see any problems."
"There are some that think J'red isn't what he appears to be."
"What does that mean?"
T'kon shrugged. "The same rumors flew around the weryling quarters last night as well. Most of them think that J'red is really a girl. He looks a lot like a girl pretending to be a boy, really."
"He's definitely a boy," Marina protested.
"Some would prefer that he wasn't."
"Too bad for them."
Marina watched the lad jerk awake at the call of the weyrlingmaster and laughed softly. She knew how he felt; queens can be hard work because they're so much bigger. She watched J'red a while longer before an idea began to form in her mind.
"T'kon, perhaps the answer to pacifying everyone is right in front of us," Marina suggested.
"What do you mean?" T'kon asked.
"Well, you said it yourself really."
"I'm not in the mood for riddles."
"You said that J'red looked like a girl trying to be a boy," Marina pressed. "That the rumors claimed that he really was a girl."
Marina sighed with exasperation. "With his appearance, his slight build, and a bit of work, we could give them what they want."
"The lad would never go for it," T'kon protested.
"I don't know, the dragons seem positive about him. Maybe he's like some of the green riders."
"None of them want to be girls that I know of!"
"I didn't say that they did, but it could be something similar. Something that the dragons sensed and J'red isn't aware of."
"This seems quite dubious," T'kon decided.
"Don't be so negative," Marina chided him. "We can certainly try. It's not as though J'red is going to suffer any worse if we don't succeed."
"If you can convince him?"
"We'll convince him."
"We? I don't want any part of that!"
"I mean me and the other queen riders. Then I'll ask Paellion to spread the necessary rumors. Before long, everyone will believe that J'red really is a girl."
T'kon shook his head in disbelief. "Well, I think you're crazy, but that's never stopped one of your ideas before. What are you going to do, though, when the boy turns into a man?"
Marina shrugged. "We'll think of something, we've got plenty of time from the looks of him."
"I'll admit that it could make my life easier."
"I live for that T'kon, really I do!"
"Go feed your dragon!" T'kon laughed and kissed her.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.22.8, Late Afternoon
"Paellion!" Marina called as the blue dragon dropped off the Masterharper at the entry ledge to Marina's weyr. "Thank you so much for coming.""It's always a pleasure to see you and your lovely queen," Paellion replied with a slight bow. "So, what is the nature of the emergency?"
"No emergency," Marina laughed. "We do, however, have a situation with a potential solution to it."
"Young J'red?"
"The same. T'kon tells me that he's been getting reports that some people aren't too happy about the lad Impressing a queen dragon."
"Some," Paellion agreed. "Most people are under the belief that J'red is actually a girl in disguise. In truth, the lad has that appearance."
"A fact that, fortunately, presents a possible solution," Marina grinned.
Paellion looked at the smug grin Marina presented him and the idea began to take shape in his thoughts as well. "If I had to guess at what that grin entails, I would guess that you intend to make J'red over as a girl."
Marina nodded.
"Have you spoken to the young lad about this idea yet?"
"Not yet. I want to see if you thought it might work."
Paellion laughed. "Oh no, my dear Weyrwoman, I have absolutely no idea if it would work!"
"You do admit that he has the appearance?"
Paellion nodded. "The voice too, with a little coaching," he added. "However, he is unlikely to remain looking and sounding as he does for that much longer. If Blood holds true, he'll end up as gruff and stocky as his father."
"No, I don't think so," Marina shook her head. "His voice should have broken by now and he looks very little like his sire. I think he may carry that look all of his life."
"What if he doesn't want to do it?"
"Then we don't. I can't force him into to, it would never work then."
"My role in this?" Paellion asked, already certain of the answer.
"Encouraging the second rumor about our queen rider."
Paellion chuckled. "I should have surmised that. I can also help with coaching his voice and see to some training in the Hall that would assist him."
"So you agree that it will work?"
"No, but I'll try."
"Good enough!"
"You wanted to see me Weyrwoman?" J'red asked as he tapped politely at the entrance.
"Marina, J'red, I'm called Marina. I did want to see you though," Marina said as she waved the boy in. "Have you met the Masterharper?"
"Sir," J'red said politely.
"Paellion," Paellion responded with a smile. "We don't need to dance on ceremony here young J'red."
"What can I do for you Weyr... uh, Marina?"
Marina indicated that J'red should take a seat at the table and joined him. "Do you remember our discussion about names from dragons last night?" J'red nodded. "Well, we've been discussing some ideas about that," Marina told him.
"I don't understand," J'red admitted.
"May I?" Paellion asked and continued without waiting for agreement. "The problem is that there appears to be two camps of people where you're concerned. There are those that want to see you and Sianeth separated because they think it's wrong and there are those that are positive that you're actually a girl. There are very few, like myself and most of the dragonriders, who don't see why it matters at all."
"Nobody is separating me from Sianeth!" J'red protested.
"Nobody can," Marina soothed. "You should already know that."
J'red nodded, mollified.
"So," Paellion continued, "there's a possible solution that will serve to quiet the first group who would only continue to make noise and harass you."
"Marina?" Paellion offered.
"Oh, do continue, you're doing so well," Marina grinned.
"Alright, it is my idea after all," Marina conceded. "J'red, and please don't take this wrong, the idea is to make use of a feature you commented on last night."
"I did?"
"Yes. The first group wants a girl riding Sianeth and the second group thinks that one already is. The answer, then, is to put a girl on Sianeth's back."
"You said you wouldn't separate us!" J'red protested, angrily shoving back from the table.
"We won't!" Marina promised. "The idea is to make everyone think that you are that girl."
J'red slumped back into the chair and shook his head slowly.
"It has merits," Paellion suggested with a persuasive note in his voice. "Do you mind if I explain? I mean no insult."
J'red nodded reluctantly.
"First, the dragons already insist that you're a girl. We have no idea why, just that they do and that they've named you. That's something of a serious honor, by the way."
J'red snorted. "If you don't mind having a girl's name," he added wryly.
"Be that as it may, it's never happened before. You're engaging in a number of firsts for some reason. Secondly, if I may be so bold, you are quite slight for a lad."
"I've been teased about it before. B'rall, one of the weyrlings, asked me if I was a girl today."
"And?" Marina asked.
"I denied it, of course."
"Did he believe you?" Paellion asked.
J'red shrugged, "I don't know."
"Precisely. It's not your fault lad and nobody, especially me, is doubting your courage and desire to fight thread."
"Nobody will really believe I'm a girl though," J'red decided.
"I beg to differ," Marina told him. "Given some time, I could make your father look like a girl."
J'red laughed at that image. "Do I have to answer now?" J'red asked.
"No," Marina assured him. "Not right now, but very soon."
"We need to encourage certain beliefs," Paellion added. "The longer we wait, the more people will learn. It's only been a day now, so there's not a lot of people that actually know the truth."
"I see, I think."
"J'red," Marina said, grasping his hands in hers. "If you really don't want to do this, we won't. T'kon and I will deal with objections and you will fly Sianeth against thread. However, as strange as it may sound, it could make life easier for you."
J'red nodded reluctantly. "I'll answer tomorrow?" he asked.
Paellion and Marina nodded their agreement.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.22.8, Evening
I don't understand, Sianeth said."They want to make me into a girl," J'red told his dragon as he scratched her eye ridges. Sianeth's eyes whirled with pleasure mixed with confusion.
Wrybeth says that you are already a girl.
J'red sighed. The dragons, including Sianeth, categorically refused to believe that he was anything other than a girl. Even after J'red had explained the physical differences to Sianeth, she failed to grasp why it mattered. "Lets just say that humans have a different perspective on what is a boy or a girl," J'red suggested.
Marina is trying to change perspective?
That is good then.
"Well, I don't know," J'red said. "I don't want to be a girl."
I'm confused. You're confused. Why don't you want to be a girl?
J'red ground his teeth in frustration.
I'm sorry!
"It's not your fault!" J'red hugged Sianeth tightly. "I love you, I just don't know what to do!"
"J'red?" B'rall called from the corridor.
"B'rall?" J'red looked up, startled at his new friend's appearance at the door.
"Karaneth said that Sianeth told him you needed me," B'rall explained.
I don't understand, maybe B'rall can help? Sianeth added.
"Maybe I do need help," J'red admitted beckoning B'rall into the weyr. "Marina and Paellion made a suggestion that I'm trying to figure out what to do about."
J'red quickly outlined the suggestion to the surprised look on the face of his friend. "Did you tell anyone our conversation today?" J'red finished by asking.
B'rall shook his head. "No. What do you think you should so?"
"I don't want to be a girl, but..."
"But it would be better for the Weyr and our Weyrleaders if you were," B'rall finished for him.
J'red nodded morosely. "Shards! This is a fine mess. All I ever wanted to be was a dragonrider, but I never figured that it would be so complicated."
"Too late for second thoughts."
"I don't have any!" J'red favored Sianeth with a loving look. "I'd walk through threadfall unprotected for Sianeth."
B'rall shuddered at the thought. "I know what you mean," he agreed. "Would it be so bad? To do this idea? You'd only have to do it when outsiders were around."
"Outsiders are almost always around and then, if I wanted to go somewhere, like a Gather."
"I suppose," B'rall nodded. "Girls aren't so bad though. You, uh..."
"Go ahead, I know already, I kind of already look like one," J'red grumped.
B'rall shrugged and nodded sadly. "Not much you can do about that. Like I said today, half the weyrlings already believe it because their dragons always call you Jara."
"I know, Marina told me that last night."
"They all like you too. Saleth and Brineth said that you were very polite to them."
J'red smiled at the mention of his two dragon friends. "They're the ones that made me stay on the Hatching Grounds when Sianeth hatched. They seemed to know that she would pick me."
"That's pretty unusual!"
"Marina didn't seem completely surprised by it."
"I'm weyrbred and I've never heard of it happening before. Still, it explains why the dragons think you're a girl. Sianeth certainly reacted as though you were."
"Maybe I should just do it," J'red decided with a little distaste. "It would make everyone's life easier."
"Not yours," B'rall suggested.
J'red shrugged. "Probably not. If Marina can't make me look realistic though, I'm not doing it. There's a chance there that I won't have to do it after all and at least nobody can say I didn't try."
B'rall's expression suggested that the chance was close to zero.
It will be okay, Sianeth told him comfortingly.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.23.8, Early Morning
"Thank you J'red," Marina smiled with happiness. "I know you don't want to do this, so I really appreciate what you're doing for the Weyr.""You promise that if I don't look believable, we'll drop it?" J'red asked.
"I promise. The other women of the Queen's Wing are going to help and we'll make sure that you look beautiful enough to take to a Gather!"
"That's what I'm afraid of," J'red told her as Marina laughed affectionately.
J'red was shortly surrounded with a whirlwind of activity as the Weyr's three other gold riders went into action to transform J'red into a girl. He often found himself blushing with embarassment as the women had him change clothing, change them again, stuff various items into his shirt, and try various cosmetics out on his face to soften his appearance. Finally, after what seemed like more than half the day, J'red was pronounced ready.
"You know, we can't keep calling you J'red and maintain this illusion," Ahlanna, Varaneth's rider, told him.
"It's true," Kyalla, Amareth's rider, agreed. "It's time for you to adopt the name the dragons have given you."
"Jara," J'red said, rolling the name around his tongue. "I suppose you're right. How do I look?"
"Truth to tell," Marina said, "I'm a little jealous."
"No, really?"
"Really." The other two nodded agreement. "Look in the mirror," Marina suggested.
J'red turned to the mirror and stepped back in surprise. Tentatively, he raised his hands to his face and peered a little closer. Finally, he turned to the women with an open mouth.
"Well?" Marina asked.
"I look like Aimee," J'red told them.
"Your sister?" Ahlanna asked. "I think I saw her at the Hatching party. She looked very proud of you even if your parents didn't."
"My parents," J'red frowned, "are not going to like this."
"Your father anyways," Marina agreed. "However, I think we can work around him. The threat of withdrawing protection will keep him in line."
"You wouldn't!" Kyalla gasped.
"Of course not Kyalla," Marina sniffed. "Holder Darion, however, doesn't know that."
"You're thinking of yourself as J'red aren't you?" Ahlanna asked suddenly.
"I guess so," J'red admitted.
"Varaneth asked Sianeth," Ahlanna smiled.
"Snitch!" J'red sent his dragon with a small laugh.
You need to be Jara, Sianeth told him seriously. It will make you complete.
"Sianeth says being Jara will make me complete," J'red told the others.
"You're doing it again," Ahlanna told him. "Think Jara. Think Jara every minute of every hour."
All three women nodded.
"Now, we have to do some practicing before you can join up with your friends," Marina said. "I've told G'ten that you are to be excused for the morning."
"I'm going to need longer than that," J'red replied.
"Jara! Jara! Jara!" Ahlanna admonished him.
I'm only trying to help, Sianeth told him. Wrybeth says I'm to remind you and tell them every time you forget.
"You're subverting my dragon," J'red accused them.
"Jara! Jara! Jara!"
"Okay, okay, I'll try!"
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass, 4.23.8, Afternoon
As soon as Jara appeared on the training grounds with Sianeth, the whispering started. The most frequent phrases were "I told you so" and "I knew it." B'rall just stared in surprise."If you don't close your mouth, a tunnel snake will crawl in," Jara told him.
"Thank you, I think."
"J'red, you look good," B'rall finally managed in a whisper.
"Jara, think Jara. I've had that pounded into my head all morning."
"Jara then. Are you okay?"
"I think I'm more scared than when I stood on the Hatching Grounds," Jara admitted. "What if someone sees through it?"
"Are you kidding, J'red, uh Jara?"
"You never know."
B'rall shook his head emphatically. "You're the prettiest gold rider at Fort right now. I mean that in a good way."
"I'm trying to take that as a compliment," Jara smiled wryly, blushing slightly.
"If you two lovebirds are about done," G'ten called over to them. "We do have a lesson to complete. Jara, you will need to stay later to catch up on what you missed this morning."
B'rall blushed in turn as Jara groaned and the rest of the weyrlings laughed.
"I still think you're crazy," T'kon replied as he sipped on the cool wine.
"He looks the part," Marina suggested. "In fact, he looks better than many natural women."
T'kon shrugged. "Did the Masterharper agree to the plan?"
"Yes. He even helped pursuade young Jara."
T'kon continued to survey the weyrlings washing their dragons and looked thoughtful. "I know the dragons call him that, but I still find it hard to credit," he finally said.
"We need to stop referring to Jara as a boy," Marina replied. "I'm guilty of it myself."
"Jara is quite remarkable, though."
"Oh?" T'kon asked.
"All of the dragons hold her in high regard and she hasn't even done anything! Other than Impress Sianeth, of course," Marina told him.
"Not a lot of things make sense where this child is concerned, even my Galleth seems enamoured with him, uh her, but won't tell me why."
"Maybe they're being precognative?"
T'kon snorted. "They've never had that ability before," he reminded her.
"A boy never Impressed a Queen before either."
"Point taken. However, I doubt that is what's happening."
"I'm open to a better suggestion," Marina said.
"I don't have one," T'kon admitted, "but that doesn't mean there isn't one!"
"Well, if they're precognative, the question would be about what?"
"Leading to greater speculation. It doesn't matter, though, if your plan somehow manages to work. Those two Lord Holders know she isn't a girl though, and that's not going to be helpful."
"I have every faith in Paellion."
Fort Hold, 5th Pass 4.24.8, Evening
"I think you and the Wyerwoman have gone insane," Bartalon grimaced as he listened to the plan laid out in front of him."You haven't seen the lad since the Weyrwoman went to work," Paellion suggested. "You would swear up and down that he was a born girl."
"I find that hard to believe."
"You don't have to take my word for it, go see for yourself!"
"That seems a little voyeuristic, doesn't it?" Bartalon suggested. "Regardless, you and I both know that the lad is a boy and he will grow into a man. What are you going to do then?"
Paellion sighed and took a sip of his wine. "I don't know," he finally admitted. "If we're lucky, he'll always remain slight with that delightful light voice."
"Have you seen what his father looks like?"
Paellion nodded.
"He's also as hidebound as they come. He tried to convince me to do something about this situation. Not that I could, but he seemed especially upset that a son of his was in a woman's role, as he called it. Regardless, if the blood holds true, the lad is going to be stocky when he hits his growth."
"If the blood was holding true, he would have done so by now. Now he looks like his eldest sister, so I don't think he'll ever take after his father," Paellion disagreed.
"Maybe," Bartalon replied, sounding doubtful. "Still, I wonder what you expect my role in this charade to be?"
"Pressure on Holder Darion."
"How so?"
"Darion is the wrench in the plans. I can discredit the statement of nearly anyone on this topic other than the actual family. I need to make sure that, at the very least, he doesn't confirm suspicions."
"You could always claim that he disguised his daughter as a boy to ensure inheritance," Bartalon suggested.
"You sly old man you! That's a great suggestion!"
"I was only joking."
"No, it's perfect! It neatly disarms suggestions from people who might have met the lad while pulling the teeth of Holder Darion at the same time." Paellion was laughing gleefully now.
"You're serious, aren't you?" Bartalon asked.
"Very." Paellion was still chuckling as he sipped on the wine. "Oh, this is just perfect."
“I don’t know why I’m agreeing to this.”
“Because you no more believed your daughter should Impress than I did.”
“True,” sighed Bartalon. “I’m actually relieved, despite the show I put on at the Weyr.”
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 4.24.8, Evening
"Two days," Jara grumbled at B'rall, "and I can't figure out how women stand it.""Stand what?" B'rall asked, curious.
"Having their chests bound up like this! It itches."
"I don't know, maybe it's better than the alternatives."
"What alternatives?" Jara asked.
"I don't know, I don't have breasts. You could ask Marina," B'rall suggested.
"I don't really see myself asking the Weyrwoman such a question. What are the other weyrlings saying?"
"Not a lot, really. I guess they just don't know what to make of you."
"Me neither, so I guess that's fair."
"They don't dislike you," B'rall told her.
"But the confusion is making them unsure."
"Still? Marina suggested that this disguise would, well, help clear it up," Jara grumbled.
B'rall shrugged. "It doesn't, but then they were there. Their dragons like you."
Jara smiled at that.
"All the dragons like you," B'rall continued. "I can't figure that out." He ignored the pointed look from Jara. "I mean, it's not like dragons much dislike people or anything, but they also don't really say much about anyone other than their rider. However, they talk about you all the time."
"Really?" Jara sounded skeptical.
"Yeah. Karanath likes you almost as much as he likes me!"
"Oh, come on!"
"No, I'm serious," B'rall told her. "He's always asking Sianeth how you're doing."
"Maybe he wants to fly Sianeth when the time comes," Jara suggested, blushing at the thought.
"He's not the only one. Ask Sianeth."
They all ask about you, Sianeth agreed sleepily.
Because you're special.
"I'm special? How?"
I don't know. Because we're together?
"Maybe that's it, it's unusual," Jara agreed.
It's not unusual for us to be together.
Jara sighed. "I still can't convince Sianeth that I'm not a girl," he told B'rall.
"Well, I can scarcely credit it and I already know better."
"Thanks, I think."
"Larel! Please come in," Marina greeted the Masterhealer. "I suppose you're wondering why I asked you here?"
Larel smiled. "It's always a pleasure to visit the Weyr," he replied. "I hope it's not an emergency? It's a little unusual to receive a summons via bronze dragon."
"Not an emergency, my dear Masterhealer, more of a conundrum as it were."
"Oh? D'vid hinted along some lines. Is this about your unusual new queen rider?"
"You're quite perceptive," Marina laughed. "Yes, it is."
"The Masterharper has been quite busy," Larel noted. "However, I helped to deliver the lad in my Journeyman days, so I don't believe the tales. It's quite an usual circumstance, is it not?"
"Indeed. I guess we hadn't thought of other people who might have known the boy intimately enough to know better."
"It's unlikely to be many of us," Larel reassured her. "His Hold is reasonably remote and the other healer at the birthing has since passed away. So what is this puzzle you are presenting?"
"Our biggest worry is the lad growing up."
"I would think so, given the physical nature of his father."
"Just so. It presents a bit of a problem if this whole ruse is to succeed. I was hoping, maybe, that there might be some way that the Healer Hall could help?"
"Perhaps," Larel admitted. "However, many of the options available to us are rather permanent. I would hate to damage the lad like that only to have the ruse fall through anyways."
"There are some medications, some that we give older women, that could be used on him, but their effects are not predictable."
"That won't do," Marina decided. "I won't risk his health for this."
Larel sighed in relief. "I was hoping you would say that," he told her. "I didn't want to use them anyways. I don't know if they'll be entirely necessary anyways, the lad always did take after his mother."
"It's the best we can do."
"Is it really necessary?" Larel asked.
"I don't entirely know," Marina told him. "As Farallen noted at the hatching, change upsets people, especially during a Pass. This is a very big change for Pernese to accept."
"What if it happens again and that lad isn't as adaptable to this ruse?"
"I don't think it will. The dragons have reacted very strangely to Jara."
"That's what the dragons call him, her. I really have to start thinking of Jara as a girl in case I let it slip by mistake."
Laral laughed. "That's quite a remarkable piece of news, this naming."
"There's precedent for it, in a way, but not like this," Marina agreed. "What's more, even T'kon has admitted that his Galleth is infatuated with her."
"Also unusual."
"It's endemic to the dragons. They're protective to the point of being fussy and it isn't just in this Weyr. I'm almost afraid to let Sianeth fly thread when the time comes in case the dragons forget what they are supposed to be doing just to protect Jara."
"Surely not that serious!" Larel protested.
"I wonder at it sometimes, though maybe it's not quite that bad."
"All for a boy that Impressed a queen," Larel mused.
"The dragons insist that he's a girl."
"You're full of surprises you know!"
"It's a daily event for me," Marina told him. "It appears that some new revelation about this child crops up on a regular basis."
"I should talk with this child, I think."
"Someone that unusual should be studied a bit, don't you think?"
"Oh, sorry Marina, please come in," Jara called, jumping up from his bedding.
"We didn't disturb you, I hope?" Marina asked as she strolled into the weyr, the Masterhealer in tow.
"No, I was just reading some history of the Weyr."
"Good!" Marina smiled approvingly. "Have you met the Masterhealer?"
"Sir," Jara replied, holding out his hand.
Larel looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before returning the greeting. "No need to be so formal, Jara, I delivered you when you were born."
"Oh! Then you, um, well know?"
"I do, but don't let it worry you."
"The Masterhealer wanted to meet you," Marina added.
"Me? Why me?"
"That, my young friend, is a question that many of us are asking," Larel replied. "Perhaps we can begin to find an answer to it?"
"What do you mean?" Jara showed them to the small table in the weyr and offered klah.
"I don't know yet," Larel admitted. "However, I think by asking some questions and exploring the situation, we might come to an understanding."
"Okay," Jara agreed doubtfully.
"Alright, why don't you tell me what happened, in your own words," Larel suggested.
Jara took a deep breath and began to tell the story of Impressing Sianeth.
"Saleth and Brineth wouldn't let you leave the grounds?" Larel asked, surprised.
"They told me it wasn't over and that I should stay. They commanded me to stay, really," Jara replied.
"Has this ever happened before?" Larel asked Marina.
"Not that I've ever heard of," Marina told him. "What's more, Wrybeth prevented the other girls at the hatching from getting close to Sianeth, now that I think about it."
"Why's that?"
Sianeth had chosen, Wrybeth told Marina. Her choice was perfect, there could be no other.
She needed Sianeth to become whole. Dragons protect and Jara is special.
"Well, that's a revelation," Marina managed to say.
"What?" Larel demanded.
Marina relayed Wrybeth's observations. "I don't understand," she added. "Needed Sianeth to become whole? I can't think of a rider that hasn't felt more complete with their dragon."
"It's obviously deeper than that," Larel told her.
"I'm still here," Jara noted, sounding a little cross.
"Oh, I'm sorry my dear!" Marina replied. "Wrybeth's revelations were just a bit surprising. Do you know what she means?"
"No, I don't think so," Jara said. "I mean, I always wanted to be a dragonrider, who hasn't, but that doesn't seem like what she means."
Larel regarded Jara with a speculative look. "You've adapted to this guise quite well," he noted.
Jara flushed.
"I mean no insult, Jara, it's just something to note. Have you ever thought of being a girl before?"
"Of course not!" Jara shouted as Sianeth stirred in her sleep.
"Hush child," Marina cautioned. "Sianeth needs her sleep. Larel didn't mean it as an insult."
"Truly," Larel agreed. "I'm just trying to understand what the dragons are seeing and we're missing. How have you felt, these last couple of days?"
"Nervous," Jara admitted. "Itchy too."
"Itchy?" Marina asked.
"I'm not used to having things strapped across my chest all the time."
"It's better than the alternative," Marina laughed. "It can be quite painful, especially during threadfall, if things aren't properly contained."
"I don't have anything to contain," Jara noted.
"Indeed, but the illusion requires that it appears that you do."
Jara sighed. "I never thought life could be so complicated," he groused.
"Well, I for one, am a little jealous Jara," Larel told him.
"No matter how strange this is for you, you have Sianeth and always will. That's a special bond that most of us will never experience in our lives. Like you, I dreamt of it also."
Jara nodded mutely.
"I need to digest all of this information," Larel declared. "It's late and I expect that I'm not the only one who is tired and who has had a lot to absorb."
"Do you have any ideas?" Marina asked.
"Some, but it's too early to speculate. It's time for me to start doing some research in the old records."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 5.15.8, Evening
"Something's not right Marina," Jara cried, running into to the Weyrwoman's weyr."Shh, child, whatever is the matter?" Marina soothed as Jara all but jumped into her arms.
"There's something wrong with me," Jara sniffled, his voice slightly muffled.
"My chest, it's wrong."
Marina stepped back slightly and held Jara to look. "I don't see anything wrong."
"I'm growing there!"
"I think I'm getting breasts," Jara admitted, his tears starting again.
"That doesn't make any sense," Marina declared. "How can you be growing breasts?"
"I don't know," Jara wailed.
"Shh, calm down," Marina soothed, stroking Jara's hair. "There must be a logical explanation. Let's call in the Masterhealer."
"I'm at a loss," Larel admitted to Marina. "I don't have an explanation. As far as I can tell, Jara should be a basically healthy young lad. I gave him, I mean her, something to help her sleep for a while. Sianeth appears upset, though."
"Wrybeth has calmed her down," Marina noted absently. "No clues?"
"None," Lareth shook his head. "For all intents and purposes, he looks like any young girl just starting to blossom into adulthood. Minus some differences around the groin, of course."
"Of course," Marina noted drily.
"Mind you, even there he seems a bit, well, underdeveloped."
"That's unusual, most dragonriders are well endowed."
"Jara is hardly usual," Larel noted. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Jara's body has decided to agree with the dragons."
Marina raised an eyebrow.
"Like I said, if I didn't know any better. Something isn't quite right."
No, Wrybeth interjected. It is right.
Larel looked at Marina in surprise.
"You heard that?" Marina asked as Larel nodded. "What do you mean dear heart?"
Jara is becoming herself.
Larel shook his head in confusion as Marina asked, "what do you mean?"
It's natural. With Sianeth, she is whole and is becoming what she should be. Dragons protect.
Marina gave Larel a helpless look. "You know as much as I do," she told him.
"Which isn't much," Larel agreed. "Clearly, something is acting to change Jara to fit the mold the dragons see in her. What, exactly, is the question. Not even dragons can do that."
"No, not even dragons," Marina agreed, her voice trailing off in speculation.
You're awake, Sianeth noted as Jara stretched on his furs.
"Are you hungry?" Jara asked, concerned.
It is night, time for sleeping. You've slept since the Healer came.
"And you stayed awake?"
You were upset. You shouldn't be.
"I'm changing Sianeth, in ways that shouldn't happen."
It is good. Wrybeth says you are becoming whole and that I am helping you. I want to help you.
"What does she mean?" Jara demanded, his voice echoing his frustration.
I don't know. You are Jara and I am Sianeth. We are together and that is whole. Still, Wrybeth and the others say there is more. I don't understand either. I want you to be happy.
Jara forced himself to relax and went over to cuddle against the dragon. Idly, he scratched Sianeth's eye ridges as he contemplated the first time he had touched a dragon. Saleth had been so sure, rightly it seems, at least in the basics of it. Still, that fabulous moment couldn't compare to the sheer joy in scratching Sianeth.
You're feeling better. I like when you scratch there.
"I know, my love. I am feeling a little better, but I still don't know what to do."
You are learning. You don't think of yourself as J'red anymore.
"You snitch on me when I do!"
I only want you to be whole. Wrybeth says this is the only way. Dragons protect. Dragons protect you.
Jara threw his arms around Sianeth. "I love you Sianeth, you know that."
I know. I love you too.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 5.16.8, Morning
"Jara! Over here," D'vid called as Jara walked into the cavern looking for breakfast."Good morning bronze rider," Jara smiled in genuine pleasure. "You're up early."
"I'm helping with the first flying lessons," D'vid admitted. "Though it's still too soon for you to go up."
"Sianeth is almost as big as a full grown green."
"True, but that's barely half her adult size."
"I want to fly," Jara whispered. "I need to get away from all of this, somehow."
Jara waved at his body and the clothing he was wearing. "This. This guise, this person that I have to be. I need to go up in the sky, someplace where I can just be me."
D'vid smiled in sympathy. "Soon, my young friend, soon. Has it been that bad?"
"Something is happening to me," Jara admitted.
"I'm well, um..."
"That's not very clear," D'vid grinned at him.
"I'm growing breasts!"
D'vid's eyes opened in astonishment. "That's not possible," he stated.
Jara shrugged. "That's what Larel said too, nevertheless, they're growing."
"I don't want them," Jara told him.
"I can imagine," D'vid agreed. "However, they could be useful."
"I don't see how."
"Well, it helps the disguise."
"Some disguise, I'm turning into a girl! I don't want to be a girl D'vid!"
"Surely it isn't that bad?" D'vid asked.
Jara glared at him.
"I mean, maybe it's just swelling or something."
Jara shook his head. "It's been too long. I thought so too, but after a while they just got bigger."
"I don't know what to say," D'vid admitted.
"I'm sorry," Jara replied, feeling abashed. "I shouldn't burden you with my problems."
"No, it's okay, I'm just at a loss. I'm just a dragonrider, I don't know anything about healing or anatomy. Has the Masterhealer said anything?"
"He doesn't know either," Jara replied in frustration.
"It is unusual, you must admit. Perhaps he needs time to research the records?"
Jara nodded and stared morosely at his breakfast.
"Cheer up," D'vid told him. "At least the flying lessons are starting!"
Jara smiled at that, his mind reaching out to the just waking Sianeth. "Sianeth wonders what the fuss is about. She says that she has wings, dragons fly, and riders ride."
D'vid chuckled. "All of the dragons say that, but it takes time to develop the muscles and become used to the activity. It's a very sad day for the entire Weyr when a young dragon pushes past it's limit."
"Does it happen often?" Jara felt a pang of concern.
"Once is too often," D'vid told him seriously. "However, it is a rare enough event thanks to the training. I understand your impatience, but school yourself. You're a Queen rider, you can control your desires."
"I can't even control my body," Jara snorted.
"Ladies don't snort," Marina noted as she approached the table, smiling at the guilty start that Jara gave. The lad had come a long way in adopting the guise, Marina reflected, though Sianeth reported that he, shards she, still referred to herself in the masculine. "Wrybeth tells me that Sianeth is as anxious as you to fly," she added as she joined the two at the table.
"Oh yes," Jara sighed, his eyes losing focus as he thought about Sianeth and the clear blue skies above Pern.
"Patience," Marina smiled.
"That's what D'vid said!"
"D'vid is adventurous, but wise, even if his nose for trouble is better suited to a brown rider."
"I protest!" D'vid laughed, "Brineth is the trouble maker."
If you would kick him Jara, I would be grateful, Brineth suddenly sounded in Jara's mind.
"Hey!" D'vid jumped back as Jara aimed the kick. "You're subverting my dragon!"
Marina's peals of laughter rang out across the room. "Oh my! It seems that Brineth is reluctant to accept blame for your exploits!"
"How are you today Brineth?" Jara asked with his mind, suddenly feeling a little daring.
I am well, Brineth replied. You are troubled. Don't be, dragons protect.
"I'll try," Jara responded silently as D'vid turned to gaze at him intently.
"You're really more remarkable than A'lon and Saleth ever really imagined, you know," D'vid said, his gaze still intent.
"What?" Jara jerked around. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
D'vid waved away the apology. "Brineth decides who he will talk to and apparently you're one that he will. Nevertheless, he feels a need to protect you. Why?"
Jara shrugged helplessly and looked at Marina. "Wrybeth said the same thing," Marina responded. "For some reason, they believe that Sianeth is necessary for Jara to become whole. Nobody really understands it, except the dragons and they aren't explaining it very well."
"I'm really not all that remarkable," Jara disagreed.
"On the contrary, you ride a queen," D'vid interjected. "For that reason alone you are in select company. Add in the circumstances and you become entirely remarkable." Marina nodded her agreement.
"I guess I just don't understand."
"Neither do we, dear, but we'll figure it out."
Harper Hall, 5th Pass 5.16.8, Afternoon
"I'm exhausted," Larel admitted as he accepted the cup of klah from Paellion. "I've been up all night straining my eyes looking for clues about what could be happening with young Jara.""I take it that it has been fruitless so far?" Paellion asked.
"Indeed, but even with the records in sorry shape, I've barely plumbed the surface of the information available."
"I must admit, I've not managed to retrieve an explanation or even an example from Harper lore. How is Jara taking this change?"
"She's upset, as you might imagine," Larel replied. "While it certainly benefits the disguise that you and Weyrwoman have concocted, the child is not happy with the apparent permanence of it."
"I wonder if that happiness is a function of life outside the Weyr?" Paellion mused.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, in truth my friend, the lot of women on our beknighted planet is not as good as it could be. The Weyr is different, the Weyrwoman is really the power there and women are encouraged to be independent. This is not what happens in the Holds or even many crafthalls, as you well know."
"The Healer Hall has always encouraged women!" Larel protested.
"Indeed, I don't intend to disparage our respective crafts in this regard, but you know as well as I that fewer women are coming into the crafthalls and much of that is a result of fathers attempting to achieve alliances through marriage."
Larel sighed and twirled the klah in his cup. "I must admit that you have the right of it, but how does this affect Jara?"
"It's mere speculation on my part, perhaps a Harper whimsy, but perhaps the greatest problem that Jara faces with this is the attitude towards women that she has been brought up with."
"Are you trying to become a mind healer?" Larel smiled. "Her attitudes would not be helped given the nature of Holder Darion, I agree."
"A harper must be first, and foremost, a student of people," Paellion reminded him, sounding a little pompous in the declaration. "It was plain to all who could see that Darion was less than pleased by the outcome of the Hatching."
"As you say," Larel replied. "I certainly won't discount your observations on that score. Still, I wish I understood what was happening with her physiologically."
"I have every confidence in you my friend."
"Well, that makes one of us. I've never encountered such a person as this."
"Yes, our latest queen rider is something altogether unique. I wish I could write his song, it would be a worthy tale."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 5.26.8, Afternoon
"You are not to try and take your dragon between until you have been given proper instruction and training. Today we will perform a short flight to accustom you and your dragon to the process," G'ten instructed the assembled wyerlings, his countenance stern.The weyrlings, including Jara, nodded their understanding. I don't understand the delays,Sianeth mentioned as Jara checked the riding straps for the fourth time that morning. He may be old, but does he have to be slow as well?
"Hush, he's only looking after us," Jara replied, trying to hide his grin. "Soon we'll go between and I'll take you to visit my sisters."
Sianeth's eyes whirled in pleasure and she nudged Jara affectionately with her nose.
"Mount up!" G'ten called from the back of his aging blue as the weyrlings quickly climbed aboard their dragons. Already Jara could feel the clear blue of the sky calling to him, but he restrained the urge to leap ahead of the instruction even as he felt Sianeth's amusement at the efforts of her, now, much smaller hatching mates to prepare. At some unheard signal from G'ten, the forty nine dragons leapt to the air, their quick springs causing their riders to jerk back in their harness.
Within moments, Jara could feel the exhilaration of Sianeth's powerful muscles straining to catch air and propel them high above the Weyr. The vista spread out around them and each finally saw the spectacular vista that was Pern, the vista that drew their ancestors to this planet and kept them there to breed the magnificant dragons to fight the thread that threatened their idyllic choice. "I love you Sianeth," Jara called. "I want to be up here forever with you!"
It is beautiful and it feels right for you to be on my back and us to be in the air as we should be. G'ten is ordering us to return. Sianeth didn't bother to hide the sounds of resentment in her mental voice.
Jara laughed and squeezed Sianeth's neck. "We had best return love, we've outpaced our weyrmates."
Slow and small, they thought that they could keep up with me.
"Karaneth came the closest," Jara noted.
I let him, Sianeth responded, sounding a little smug. He will have to fly much faster if he ever hopes to catch me.
"Sianeth! You aren't..."
No, not yet.
Jara felt a sudden surge of relief at that and turned to watch the ground approach. Idly, he noted that the other weyrlings were already on the ground and that G'ten looked a little angry. "I think we might be in trouble," Jara commented as Sianeth completed her graceful landing.
Ignore him, he's only a blue.
"Jara! I told you to land and when I say land, you land!"
"Sorry G'ten, Sianeth wanted to stretch her wings," Jara apologized.
G'ten glared hard enough for Sianeth to swing her head around and interpose it between the two humans. Aveth, G'ten's blue, bugled an objection to which Sianeth responded with a strong hiss.
"Enough," G'ten said forceably. "You can explain your carelessness to the Wyerleader. Class dismissed."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 5.26.8, Evening
"Young lady," T'kon started, his facial muscles twitching, "G'ten is your Wingleader while you remain a weyrling and you will obey him!""I'm not a young lady!" Jara shouted back. "I apologized and he glared at me so hard that Sianeth became upset."
T'kon glared.
"We came back down," Jara continued, "but just because Sianeth is bigger and can fly faster doesn't mean we were disobeying."
"Young wings need time to develop," Marina added quietly. "G'ten was only concerned with Sianeth's well being."
"I know," Jara agreed morosely, dropping into the chair he had jumped from before looking blankly towards the ceiling. "Both of us, especially me, wanted to rise in the sky so badly. We wanted to be some place where we could just be us, to be away from all of this where we have to live in disguise and pretend."
"I don't think we should continue this Marina," T'kon said, his gaze softening.
"We have to," Marina replied, a helpless look on her face. "The Harper rumors have done their work too well and there are, well, other reasons."
"Other reasons?"
Marina sighed before looking to Jara for agreement. "Jara has been, well, developing oddly for a boy."
"What, by the first egg, is that supposed to mean?"
"Jara is growing breasts and there are other changes."
"What? Are you sure you aren't a girl," T'kon demanded of Jara.
"Of course I'm sure!" Jara shouted, jumping up again.
"Easy," Marina cautioned. "Jara is a boy, I have seen him. Nevertheless, there is no denying the changes. Larel has examined him and is looking for answers."
T'kon shook his head and laughed softly. "This is getting beyond crazy," he noted. "You know Holder Darion is going to think we've done something."
"Such as?" Marina demanded.
"Who knows?" T'kon shrugged. "He's been surly and uncooperative ever since the Hatching and he seems to be blaming us for the whole situation. Remarkably, however, he hasn't heard that rumor that the Harper spread about."
"Isolation has its advantages."
"What rumor?" Jara asked.
"The Harper let it be known that your father secretly disguised you as a boy so that you could inherit the holding," Marina told him.
"He wouldn't like that at all!" Jara exclaimed as the two Weyrleaders nodded. Jara started laughing before the tears started.
"What's wrong?" Marina cried, jumping up to comfort him.
"I can never go back, go back to being Jared. Look at me! Even if I tried, nobody would believe it."
"Do you really want to?" Marina asked, her eyes intent.
Jara's eyes registered helplessness, confusion, and sadness.
"A rider can't commit suicide," T'kon stated forcefully as Marina continued to worry at the problem of Jara.
"I know that!" Marina sighed in exasperation. "A rider can, however, push her dragon beyond endurance and that would be suicide."
"Won't happen."
"I wish I was so confident," Marina responded snappishly.
"Marina, with every dragon on the planet practically hovering over the pair, do you really think that they could do something that foolish?" T'kon demanded.
"No," Marina sighed.
"I wish I hadn't let you start this masquerade though."
"I don't think it would matter. You saw the child, did you think he was male? His body is really changing."
"It makes no sense!" T'kon stated again as Marina shrugged. "Surely the Healer has some idea? Anything at all?"
"Not that I know of and it's been several days," Marina replied as her head cocked to the sound of the drum rolls echoing into the Weyr. "Ah, the Healer is asking for conveyance, maybe he has found something?"
T'kon's eyes lost focus for a moment. "I've asked Galleth to see if D'vid and Brineth could fetch him. Maybe he has an answer then, I don't know, the message didn't say."
"Of course not, Larel is not stupid."
The two Weyrleaders waited silently until they heard Galleth bugle a greeting to Brineth, signalling the arrival of the Masterhealer. The pair strolled into the weyr as Marina was already springing forward with, "What news?"
"And greetings to you and Wrybeth my dear Werywoman as well," Larel grinned.
Marina stopped, slightly abashed. "My apologies Larel, but we've become very anxious about Jara."
Larel waved away the apology. "I asked D'vid to join us since Jara has apparently confided in him anyways."
T'kon and Marina nodded.
"I have found some clues in the records of the ancients, as poorly kept as they might be. Master Paellion is quite put out with the archivists on this score, I must say." The others chuckled, knowing the Masterharper loved history. "However, as I was saying, I found some clues. It seems that Jara's condition is not unheard of, though apparently quite rare even before our ancestors arrived here. It would appear that Jara isn't quite completely male nor is he, or she, quite completely female."
The three dragonriders stared at him in confusion. "That doesn't make sense," D'vid finally managed. "There are only two choices: male or female. Every species is the same."
"Not entirely true," Larel lectured. "According to the Masterfisherman, he's observed species of fish that appear to change sex for some unknown reason."
"Are you saying that Jara is changing sexes?" Marina asked.
"Not quite, Jara is really both sexes, or maybe neither."
"Or something else entirely," T'kon commented.
"Indeed. Though, from what I can gather, the dragons have apparently decided that Jara is truly a female."
"Jara seems resistant to that, though the Weyr seems to accept what they see at face value," Marina noted.
"The dragons probably helped that as well, enough so that their riders decided that their first impressions were wrong," Larel explained.
"So, what do we do?" Marina asked.
"That, I don't know. The condition is explained, but a cure is not, which is unusual for the ancients. All I can suggest is that we just allow Jara to find his or her way."
T'kon grimaced. "Jara rather pointedly noted that he is trapped now, thanks in great part to the rumors and suggestions that have since been spread around Pern," he said.
"Those rumors would certainly be reinforced by Jara's appearance," D'vid noted. "I remember the lad when I picked him up for the hatching. He may have been slight, but I didn't take him for a girl. I would now and it hasn't been all that long."
"Maybe I was wrong about the dragons," Larel mused.
"What do you mean?" Marina asked.
"You remember when we decided that not even dragons could cause this?" Marina nodded. "Well," Larel continued, "it may be that they are unintentionally accelerating the process. Impressing Sianeth may have proven to be some sort of catalyst, a very strong one. As you all know, the gold dragon is definitely a powerful female, the greatest of her species, and possesses the strongest will and mind of all dragons, yet she is the breeder and her instincts in that direction are immense. The powerful bond between dragon and rider might have created an internal trigger in Jara, a trigger that responds to the strong presence of Sianeth."
"That is a lot of speculation," T'kon noted.
"True," Larel agreed. "Nevertheless, the evidence strongly points to that or something like that. The changes have been very rapid and, so the records indicate, unusual even at that. They don't record such startling differences as Jara exhibits."
"Which brings us back to the question of what do we do?" Marina said.
"Nothing. It's not even in our hands. Let us hope that Jara can come to terms with the changes and that Sianeth's bond is stronger than Jara's desire to be male."
"No dragonrider would have a doubt over that," D'vid stated.
"No dragonrider faces those particular questions."
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 6.11.8, Afternoon
Jara revelled in the feel of the wind in his face as Sianeth's wings stretched out and propelled them into the sky. Today, finally, they would be taught to go between, into that cold void that dragons used to transport themselves and their riders nearly instantly across Pern.Aveth says to visualize the Star Stone at the Weyr, Sianeth relayed. Jara dutifully pictured the Stone in his mind from the angle that G'ten had taught them. I can see it clearly, Sianeth stated, though I already know what it looks like.
"It's probably for my practice rather than yours," Jara smiled.
We are first to go. Are you ready?
Jara nodded as he mentally gave the instruction to go between. Even with the lessons and previous experience, the cold blackness of between nearly took Jara's breath away. Count to three, he told himself as he could no longer feel the strength of Sianeth beneath his legs.
I am here. We are together.
Sianeth and Jara winked into view above the Star Stone and the much warmer air of the spring helped to chase away some of the coldness of between. Jara felt the elation of success.
Aveth says we did well, perfectly positioned. Sianeth conveyed a tone that indicated that there was no doubt that the return would be perfect. He says we are to practice with the landmarks we have been taught.
Jara dutifully began to picture the places they had flown to as their next journey between began.
"How long, do you think, before Jara tries to visit her family?" Marina commented as she watched the young gold dragon go between in another practice run.
"I gave it less than three days," D'vid grinned.
"Gave it?"
"The betting on that is quite hot. I think A'lon probably has the best chance of winning, but I didn't get my bet in on time."
Marina laughed. "I don't know what to do with some of you sometimes," she said, still laughing.
"You know that she has to visit them if, for no other reason, than to cut the ties to the past. She's a dragonrider now, her family is us."
"That's easier for the weyrbred and you know it."
"True," D'vid agreed. "Mind you, given the attitude of Holder Darion lately, he may make the decision much easier."
"I've heard," Marina grunted in mild anger.
"Lord Bartalon is becoming more displeased with Darion as well. It appears that he has taken up heavy drinking in favor of his duties to his Lord Holder."
"All for this?" Marina shook her head.
"I gather that his wife miscarried and with Jara here," D'vid trailed off.
"No heir. Has anyone told Jara?"
"No, and Darion sent no messages."
"Jara should be told," Marina decided.
Barrit Cothold, 5th Pass 6.12.8, Early Morning
I'm hungry, Sianeth noted as Jara prepared the riding straps."You can feed when we get to the hold," Jara replied. "I need to see my family, especially with my mother's miscarriage. It's been so long." Marina's revelation last night jolted Jara and scared him greatly. Jara knew his father, things would not be going very well at home with this happening and with Jara's Impression of Sianeth.
I can wait, Sianeth agreed.
"Look!" Mari shouted, pointing towards the sky. "It's a queen dragon!"
"Shh, Mari, your father is sleeping," Liana cautioned as she followed the excited finger pointing of her youngest daughter.
"Oh mama, do you think it's Jared?"
Liana shook her head, but she was hoping that it was her son. It had been so long and Darion had sunk into a depression that had only gotten much worse since her miscarriage. The beautiful gold dragon landed in the small field outside her home and she watched as the lithe figure descended and turned to face them with a smile.
"Jared!" Mari and Aimee shouted as they ran towards their brother. Liana followed at a more stately pace and smiled as Jared hugged his sisters in turn. As she reached her son, his appearance rocked her back on her heels with shock.
"Jared! What is all this?" Liana demanded as she surveyed the visible changes that her daughters had either missed or ignored.
Jara sighed as he released his sisters from the hug. "It's a long story mother," he told her. "Something is happening and even the Masterhealer doesn't understand it."
"Before that," Mari interrupted, "I want to meet your dragon!"
"Mari!" Liana scolded.
Jara laughed. "It's okay mother," he smiled. "Sianeth, these are my two sisters and my mother. Ladies, this is Sianeth."
Liana felt her throat tighten at the obvious love in her son's voice as he made the introductions.
Jara loves you all a great deal, Sianeth said, surprising Liana with the words in her mind.
"Jara?" Liana finally managed. "She spoke to me."
Jara scratched Sianeth's eye ridges. "She knows how much you all mean to me," he told them. "The dragons call me Jara, that's part of the story. Where is father?"
"Your father is asleep," Liana told him, her voice suddenly angry.
"Asleep? With crops to tend?"
Liana gave a tight nod.
"Mother, I've heard about what happened."
"It was the event that pushed him over the edge," Liana sighed. "Come inside and have some klah and tell us what is happening to you."
"Sianeth needs to hunt..."
"Tell her to, it's not as if it matters to your father now."
I will hunt light, Sianeth said.
"Oh Jared," Mari sighed as Sianeth leapt into the air, "she's so beautiful."
Jara hugged his little sister. "So are you," he smiled.
"What's it like?" Aimee asked as her eyes followed Sianeth's flight.
"I don't know how to explain it," Jara admitted. "We're one, together forever. It's just beyond what I had ever imagined." They entered the cot and Jara noticed the signs of Darion's disregard. "It's bad, isn't it?" Jara asked.
Liana nodded. "He was upset that you Impressed Sianeth and then it got worse when I miscarried."
"Yes, too much. Lord Bartalon has cautioned him, but he refuses to listen. Jared, we could be turned out if something doesn't change soon."
"You can come to the Weyr," Jara suggested as Liana shook her head.
"We go where your father goes," Liana told him. "However, enough of that talk. What has happened with you? You look like one of my daughters and not my son."
"Well, at first, the Weyrwoman and Harper suggested..."
"I don't believe it," Liana finally stated as Jara finished the story. "You started masquerading as a girl? Then you started turning into one? Jared, what were you thinking?"
"I was thinking how to keep my Weyr from having trouble," Jara replied. "Nobody, least of all me, thought that this would happen. Do you think that I wanted this?"
"No, I suppose not. Why do the dragons call you Jara?"
Jara shrugged. "Nobody knows," he admitted. "They just do. They say I'm becoming whole and they are protecting me."
"Well, well," Darion sneered from behind. "I see my son, the girl, has returned. The laughingstock of Pern. The boy on the gold dragon."
Jara turned to face his father and immediately saw the blood-shot eyes and haggard expression of one who had been drinking all too much. "Nobody is laughing at me," Jara told him firmly.
Darion's eyes widened at the appearance of his son. "You look like a girl! What else are you going to do to embarass me and this family?"
"Enough," Jara said, slamming his hand on the table. "I didn't come here to argue with you, I came to see my family and enjoy some time from the Weyr. Clearly, I'm not welcome and I'll leave."
"No!" Liana and Aimee cried out.
"Yes!" Darion shouted. "I don't want this boy-girl thing in my home. It's bad enough that my former son had to Impress a gold dragon, but then to come here looking like a girl. Get out!"
Jara stood up and stomped out of the house, Darion following cursing at him until the large bulk of Sianeth dropped between them, her eyes whirling with the red of anger. Overhead, several bronze dragons blinked in from between and circled above anxiously. Sianeth bugled a calming note as she fixed her gaze on Darion who had backed away nervously.
"I am who I am," Jara shouted at his father. "I don't need you or your approval. Sianeth is all that matters and you'll never understand that."
Galleth says we must return, now, Sianeth told him as she made the leap into the air before taking them between. The bronzes are worried, but I hunted well this morning.
Jara laughed before softly crying as he allowed the blackness of between to provide the cold comfort he needed.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 6.12.8, Morning
"Galleth was beside himself," T'kon shouted as Marina comforted Jara. "He said that Darion was going to attack you and suddenly every bronze at Fort disappeared. You were not authorized to take solo trips!"Jara dried his eyes and sat up. "I had to go," he said. "My mother had miscarried and I hadn't seen my family in so long. I had to see them."
"You took a terrible risk with Sianeth," T'kon scolded, but backing down a little.
"There was no risk. Ask G'ten, Sianeth never misses her mark and I know my old home better than I know the Weyr."
T'kon shook his head and sat down. "What am I going to do with you?" He demanded. "You're disrupting the Weyr."
"T'kon," Marina cautioned.
"What would you have me say Marina? I can only deal with one catastrophe at a time and this child runs into them headlong on a daily basis!"
"Hardly," Marina noted. "We've been remiss in dealing with situations before they get out of hand. All of us should have seen this coming and prepared for it. And Jara is right, too, that G'ten is full of praise for Sianeth's abilities. Like her rider, she is surprising everyone."
"Perhaps that is the problem," T'kon decided as he ignored the questioning stares from Marina and Jara. "Yes, I think that is it."
"What, by the first egg, are you muttering about?" Marina demanded.
"Despite the rocky start," T'kon elaborated. "It is clear that Sianeth and Jara are beyond the basic weyrling training and they need to prepare for more active duty. Sianeth is already grown far beyond her hatching mates and the pair don't need firestone instruction. It's time they joined the Queen's Wing."
Jara caught his breath. "Fight thread?" He demanded.
"Not yet," Marina replied. "You need to learn still, as does Sianeth, but I think T'kon is right. It is time you learned your role in the fight against our ancient enemy."
"It's decided," T'kon said. "I'll inform G'ten that you're no longer a part of the weyrling training. However, young lady, you are not authorized to go off on jaunts on your own until the Weyrwoman gives her leave. Do you understand?"
Jara nodded his agreement.
"Now," Marina asked, as she took Jara's elbow and led him out of the room. "We also need to examine the extent of your changes."
"I have to admit," Marina said, sitting back, "that I just don't understand it."
"That makes two of us," Jara shrugged.
"Larel found some information in the old records."
"What's happening to you, apparently, isn't entirely unknown to the Ancients. However, it's happening faster than they said it would or could."
"Why?" Jara demanded.
"We don't know," Marina admitted. "Larel thinks that the dragons might be the reason that you're accelerating."
"The dragons? How?"
"Another thing we don't know. The dragons, however, insist that you're a girl and they seem to be much more interested in you than anyone would expect."
Jara ground his teeth in frustration.
"You're still doing it," Marina noted. "Think Jara!"
It is better for you to become who you are, Sianeth replied, unperturbed by her weyrmate's outburst.
"I can't believe that you managed to get my dragon to snitch on me," Jara grumbled as Marina laughed lightly.
"Sianeth is doing what she thinks is best," Marina added as Sianeth's eyes whirled in agreement.
"So, what do I do?" Jara finally asked.
"Nothing," Marina replied. "What can you do? Or any of us? Even if the Ancients knew how to cure it, we've lost that skill, like so many other skills before."
"And it helps you, doesn't it?"
"I won't lie to you Jara, it really does help."
"I don't like this," Jara muttered.
"Look at it this way," Marina suggested. "If you started changing back home, without us or Sianeth, what do you think might have happened?"
"It isn't right," T'kon stated, glancing at his wingleaders. "Those dragons seemed ready to actually attack."
"I don't think they would have," D'vid disagreed. "Mind you, Holder Darion might not know that."
"The only time I've ever seen my Dilloth that upset, angry really, was when thread almost hit me," K'rin noted.
"Galleth denies that he would have hurt Darion," T'kon sighed. "Nevertheless, I felt his anger and he didn't wait for me. I can't fathom it. Jara is a good kid, we all want her to be happy, but I've never seen nor heard of the like."
"Brineth has been like a broody Gold ever since he met Jara, " D'vid commented. "A'lon tells me his Blue is the same way. For some reason, which the dragons won't explain, they're extremely protective of Jara."
K'rin laughed lightly. "That's an understatement in my opinion. I have to agree with T'kon, I'd swear Dilloth was ready to flame Darion. Fortunately, he hadn't chewed any firestone."
"Well, it doesn't matter," T'kon decided. "Jara is staying here, Darion is staying in his Hold, and life will move on."
Harper Hall and Fort Hold, 5th Pass 6.12.8, Evening
"Rumors are appearing," Garen stated as he sipped the light, Benden, wine.Paellion regarded his young journeyman with a raised brow. "Care to elaborate on that a little?"
"Most of the people believe our story of Jara, but there are a few who know better. One, at least, has been spreading his opinion quite freely."
"Any idea who?"
"A man named Arabak," Garen told him. "He's sort of a renegade, but does odd jobs here and there for shelter. At least, that's what I've been able to determine, though I think there is something more there."
"Why is that?" Paellion asked, intrigued.
"Well, the Holds that he works for tend to get robbed after he leaves. He's spread out in his work, so none of the Holders have put it together."
"What's his connection to Jara?"
"Darion. More specifically, he worked for Darion for a lot of turns and Darion is one of the few that hasn't been robbed. Arabak would know who Jara was and would be able to figure it out."
"Why would he care?"
"That," Garen grumbled, "is something I haven't determined yet."
"We need to find this Arabak," Paellion decided.
"Truly, but the finding is the hard part. He moves around, a lot."
"So do you, my friend, so do you."
"I knew I wasn't going to be resting for a while," Garen grinned. "Do you suppose I could finish my wine?"
"Holder Darion is becoming a serious issue," Seren, the Steward of Fort Hold noted. "His crops are not being tended and reports indicate that he spends most of his time drinking."
Bartalon sighed. "The Jara situation is part of that problem," he said. "With his wife having a miscarriage, Darion has gone over the edge. I'm reluctant to turn them out, however, as his family has a long history there."
"Agreed, but the situation is getting worse since Jara made an appearance."
"T'kon was quite put out with that trip," Bartalon smiled. "Though I understand it was more because Jara shouted him down."
"The appearance of riderless Bronze dragons over the Hold was quite surprising as well."
"Indeed. Marina has said, on several occasions, that the dragons have taken a special interest in this child, though they haven't given a good explanation as to why. Apparently, they had decided that Jara was in danger."
"The Harper rumors are taking hold too," Seren added. "Though there appears to be a counter rumor going around. Garen, the Masterharper's spy seems to be on the problem."
"Has Darion heard either of them?"
"Likely not, he's seldom sober enough to even look out his windows and his Hold is isolated."
"Small blessings then. Well, I suppose that it is time we paid Holder Darion a visit and reminded him of his duties to Hold and Weyr."
"I'll make the arrangements," Seren agreed.
"Also, send Maliana to me. I've heard more reports of her poor treatment of the drudges and she's tried my patience beyond enduring," Bartalon instructed. "I was a bit put out when Jara Impressed Sianeth, but I think that was for the best. Maliana would make a poor rider with her attitude."
"Enough!" Bartalon shouted. "If I hear another report of you beating the drudges, I'll set you to sweeping the stables wearing only a shift! Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes Father," Maliana muttered.
"What? I didn't hear you."
"Watch your tone with me," Bartalon snapped. "I think it's time to find you a suitable husband and settle you down with proper responsibilities."
"Husband! Never! I'm going to be a weyrwoman!"
"You had your chance and, Marina agrees with me, you won't be presented at a hatching again. It's done."
"I hate you! I hate you and that boy-girl thing!" Maliana screamed as she bolted from the office.
Bartalon rubbed his temples. "Yes, it's time she was married off," he muttered to himself. "Though I hate to inflict her on any of my loyal Holders."
Bartalon's eyes took in the neglected appearance of the land as the riders approached Barrit Cothold. "It's worse than I though," Bartalon told Seren. "The cot, itself, is the only thing that looks tended to."
"Indeed," Seren agreed, his eyes sweeping the untended fields as well and the site of Liana appearing at the door to the cot.
"My Lord Holder," Liana greeted, her face looking worn and sad. "What brings you to this dreary place?"
"Ah, my dear Liana," Bartalon responded as he dismounted from the runnerbeast. "Sad duty, I'm afraid. Darion has been far too lax of late and I have allowed it to continue all too long out of deference to the situation."
Liana shook her head slowly. "He's lost to me," she told him. "With Jared and my miscarriage, he is not the man he was. Have you come to turn us out?"
Bartalon winced. "Not yet, I've come to turn Darion around."
"You'll not succeed Lord Bartalon, nor do I think I care anymore."
"That bad?"
"It's that bad," Liana told him. "I loved him, I truly did, but he's lost to me. I can no longer reach him and he doesn't respond anymore. Jared offered us the protection of the Weyr; I'm willing to take it now."
"You know what is happening in the Weyr?" Bartalon asked.
"I do."
"Turn us out, Lord Bartalon. You'll gain nothing from Darion anymore."
"Ah Liana, I have to try."
Liana shrugged and allowed him into the cot. "Darion is sleeping off last night's wine. Would you and Seren like some klah?"
"No, I think not," Bartalon replied shaking his head slightly as he grasped Liana's hand. "Holder Darion! Attend your Lord Holder, immediately!" Bartalon suddenly shouted.
Fort Weyr, 5th Pass 6.15.8, Afternoon
Jara could barely contain his excitement at the imminent arrival of his mother and sisters, though he was saddened that it had come to this. Rumor had it that his father had totally ignored Lord Bartalon and then, when fully confronted, only told his Lord Holder to get out. Lord Bartalon was left with little choice but to evict the family.You should dress better, Sianeth told him.
Wrybeth asked me what you were wearing because Marina wanted to know.
"Your dragon is right," Marina stated from the entrance to Jara's weyr.
"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?"
"You're dressed like a boy or like you're going to fight thread."
"I am a boy!" Jara stated.
Marina looked at him without blinking.
"Why can't I greet my family as Jared?" He finally asked, tears appearing at the tips of his eyelashes.
Marina sighed. "Jara, love, even dressed as you are, you don't look like a boy. Have you looked in the mirror?"
Jara shook his head as Marina gently guided him to the revealing image.
"I wish," Marina whispered to him, "that it could be different, but it isn't. You are changing and we can't prevent that. As much as it helps the disguise, I would help you undo it if I could."
"Would you?" Jara demanded, sound harsh.
Marina spun him to face her. "By the first egg, I would! I never wished this on you, I simply wanted to make it easier for you and everyone else. How I could I know that this would happen?"
Jara's face crumpled as the tears came freely.
"Jara, love, we all love you. The dragons love you, your weyrmates love you. We only want what is best for you."
"This isn't it," Jara sobbed as Marina stroked his hair.
Sianeth voiced her distress, we only want to help.
"I'm turning into a girl Sianeth!" At that outcry, the sounds of hundreds of dragons crooning reassurance echoed throughout Fort Weyr. "I'm sorry Sianeth," Jara said, feeling the soothing presence of all of the dragons. "I just don't know what to do!"
"Do nothing!" Marina stated. "I don't mean to sound harsh, but it is time that you started to become alive. You ride a queen! You are beautiful! You should be proud and carry yourself like it is so!"
Jara stepped back.
"Listen to me," Marina ordered. "You have to discard this self-pity and start to hold your head up as a queen rider. The Weyr deserves that and, more importantly, your dragon deserves that."
I love you, Sianeth said.
Liana shivered as the warmth of the sun helped to relieve the cold chill of between from her second dragon ride of her life. Despite her sadness, she was looking forward to seeing Jared again and she could sense the excitement of her two daughters over the same feelings. Looking down from the great back of the bronze dragon that carried them from Fort Hold, she could make out tiny figures waiting for them, her motherly intuition sensing Jared's presence amongst them. As they descended, the small group of people moved back into the shadow of the cave, providing space for the dragon to land.
"Welcome to Fort Weyr," Marina said as Brineth landed.
"My thanks, Weyrwoman, for allowing us to come," Liana smiled gratefully as she was helped from the dragon's back.
Liana turned to the voice and gasped. Before her, Jared appeared, remarkably beautiful, dressed in a lavender gown befitting a gather.
"It's Jara, mother," Jara stated firmly.
"Jara…" Liana whispered. Aimee and Mari stood behind her, their mouths open with surprise.
The four of them stared awkwardly at each other for a long moment as the rest of the group remained silent. Finally, Liana seemed to shake herself and broke the tension. "Jara, you are beautiful," she finally said. "You're beautiful, you ride a queen, and you make me so proud of you."
"Really?" Jara replied.
"Oh, Jara, I do love you!" Liana cried as she pulled her former son into her embrace.
"This is all yours?" Aimee asked as Jara showed them her weyr.
Finally, Sianeth stated.
"What?" Jara asked, startled as Aimee asked her question again. "Sorry Aimee," Jara replied. "I was responding to Sianeth."
"About what?"
Jara shrugged. "Anyways, it's mine. I guess queens are entitled to a little bit of privilege, though not too much!"
"What happened?" Liana finally asked.
"I don't know mother, I wish could explain, but not long after I Impressed Sianeth, I started to change. I fought it, I really did, but it didn't stop."
"You look like Aimee," Mari noted.
"So do you," Jara smiled in return. "We all look like mother, really. I guess that's a blessing and a curse for me."
"Marina told me, yesterday at Fort Hold, but I guess I didn't really believe her," Liana admitted. "My mind had an image of you that I couldn't see past."
Jara sighed as she sat down. "I couldn't either. Marina finally told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and become who I should be. The problem is, I don't know who that is!"
Liana gave her a hard look.
"What did you expect me to tell you mother? That I like this?"
"No, Jara, I don't. What I expect you to do is to do your best and be proud of yourself. You are here because you wanted to be here, you begged to be here. We let you come and the event destroyed your father and led us to this. I don't blame you for it, not in the least, but I expect you to make our sacrifice worthwhile. Marina has been soft on you, I won't be. You'll be the best queen rider I can make you or you'll live to regret it."
"Live to regret it as a girl," Jara grimaced.
Liana smacked her and Jara rocked back in surprise. "Yes, by the first egg, as a girl! Do you think we get to choose? Be thankful that if you have to be a girl, you get to ride a dragon. Life isn't so wonderful for those of us who don't, but we make do and survive, pride intact."
"Well said!" Marina called from the entrance. "Our Jara has been allowed to mope about for far too long."
Jara looked back and forth between her mother and her Weyrwoman. "I don't have a say, do I?" She asked, seeing the expressions on the faces of the two women.
"No," Marina agreed. "For better or worse, your body and rumor has made the decision for you. However, Wrybeth tells me you made a breakthrough."
"You didn't notice, did you?"
"You didn't notice that you have thought of yourself in the feminine tense? A bigger breakthrough than I thought!"
"What?" Jara asked, sounding startled.
It's true, Sianeth added. You thought of yourself as a her when you showed your family our weyr.
"I think we should celebrate," Marina decided.
To Be Continued...
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This story is 19549 words long.
Hopefully you'll trust me
I've been rather slow at writing new stuff, but I hope that you'll all trust me to continue on this one if you enjoy it! I truly love the Pern stories and this is one story that has been aching to come out of me. So, I really hope you like it so far!
Bless You, Joanne
I like your style of writing, though the delays are vexing -- GRIN --
About time someone took on the Dragonriders.
I look forward to a fun ride.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I have dreamed of this story
I am a huge fan of the Pern novels too, and I really have dreamed of a story like this. Joanne, you have done an absolutely amazing job here in capturing the world of Pern. More specifically, you have conveyed the true blessing of being a dragonrider. It's not soaring through the skies or traveling instantly between one place and another. It is knowing that you are joined to another in a bond of love so pure and unconditional it can never be broken.
Thank you so very much. I can't wait to read more of Jara and Sianeth.
Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of--but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
Lazarus Long - Robert A. Heinlein's 'Time Enough for Love'
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
Excellent! But ...
... I would like to see J'red ask the dragons point blank if they are helping to make him a girl against his wishes ... what if his changes wouldn't have occured without dragon intervention? Seems like nobody really cares what he wants - him being told to give in by his mom because of biological inevitability that's been given a nudge by the dragons and by Marina for the good of the Wyer, and by the dragons simply because they say theuy know best. I kind of wish you hadn't ended it with him giving in, you might have had the first TS dragonrider - a man trapped in a woman's body. Something to play with, added angst, and maybe some tension between him and Sianeth, resentment that she won't accept him as male, etc.
Oh, well, still an EXCELLENT fanfic and i know I will enjoy it however you continue it.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Already answered in the story.
The author has already told us that the dragons, if they are having any effect on the main character (Jared) at all, it is to accelerate what would have taken place eventually, anyway. I can't say more than this without writing a spoiler.
Queen Rider (Anne McCraffrey)
OK,I'm a big Anne McCaffrey fan and have read every Pern book I could get my hands on. My most recent was "Dolphins of Pern" I'll be reading this with great interest. Of course if you don't remain true to the origanal, I may not finish. ;o)
Let you know what I think when I finish reading.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I see my fears were
I see my fears were unfounded. You have indeed remained true to the original, Ms. McCaffrey would be proud. My only concern is that you might not continue this tale.
I'm not sure where you are going, but I'll be interested, very interested to know just where. Keep up the good work. :o)
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I absolutely loved the Pern novels when I discovered them in high school (I'd be giving away my age if I admitted how few there were at the time!) and dreamt of Impressing and riding my own Golden Dragon. It is a joy to see that world brought so skillfully back to life. Thank you so much. And -
P.S. I see where Jezzi's coming from, and ordinarily I'd agree - but I can't help it, I just implicitly trust the dragons. They know. Jara's in good hands - yours, and Sianeth's.
Ah, memories of Pern stories
Dear Joanne,
It's been many years since I read about Pern and the dragonriders. From what I remember, you are doing a great job of interpretting the feel of those stories. Please keep up the good work.
Overall the story was very very well written, though there were a number of slight errors that could use proofing.
Thank you.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Very Solid Effort
It's been a while since I last read from the series, but it seems to me that you've matched the tone of the stories just about perfectly.
(FWIW, I'd have preferred repressed gender dysphoria to the intersexed condition here. But your theory is certainly tenable that Impressing a dragon triggers a strong hormonal effect that has never previously attracted attention since the changes were consistent with normal adolescent development.)
Anyway, this is very entertaining so far and I'm looking forward to the rest.
Hold and Hall
This is good in the Spirit of McCaffrey's series. I believe you have a winner on your hands.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
you rock
My Dearest JoAnne you have done a super job with this story and how it reads and feels , and to the whole of the DragonRider series
WOW you have me hooked really bad with this fanfiction and I now need my next fanfiction fix really bad .. thank you for the hard work and I pray there be more I do believe Anne McCaffrey would be proud of what you have wrote
Most Lovingly Yours
Very enjoyable,
Even for one that doesn't read this type of story [only occasionally].
Yes! I will continue reading the series .
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
Fly like a Dragon
My old collection of Pern books nearly have the covers falling off because of overuse, so it's no surprise that I loved your Fanfic! You did very good in conveying the right "tone" and "feel" of Anne's works. Please don't let us wait too long for more of Jara!
Don't Know Pern
I believe had heard of the series but never read any of the books. A quick check of Wikipedia for some background helped to understand the setting. It is a very interesting story of change and discovery, discovery of the inner self that differed from the outer shell and the preconceived notions about it.
It is a very good story and can't wait to read more.
Everyone is right!
Everyone is right, the taste and feel of this story is very, very Anneish. Very well done! Looking forward to more of this Pernessian Tale.
Nice but...
I remember reading the first two books of Ann McCaffrey's Pern series when in High School, being impressed by the vision of the first Pern novel (the extension of her Hugo and Nebula award winning novellas), less impressed by the second, and then starting on a third but giving up, as they were losing steam. I tried again with a couple in the Tower series, a pair in the "Ship" series, and I still have a few novels on my shelf, "Crystal Singer," "Killashandra," and "Dolphins of Pern," the last which I don't even remember buying for some reason, but I never felt that she quite recaptured what she started with the early Pern series. With the exception of the first novel, the rest were, to me, of the read once then put aside variety. Pern was by far her most popular series, and I think especially popular with women, who, I think, gravitate towards the relationship and bonding aspects of the tale. Several of her Pern books were voted the Sci-fi Book Club Book of the Year Award, a popularity award. Pern is, without a doubt, her greatest legacy.
As I recall, her Pern stories had a feudal ring to them, with a mildly overt feminist tone, unusual in mainstream 60's sci-fi/fantasy, although an increasingly popular theme in the 70's. Women on Pern (and basically in all her novels I've read) women were co-equals, at least, in power, wisdom, and authority.
It was a long time ago since I last picked up a Pern story, but I think you captured the basic "feel" of it pretty well -- better than I could. I doubt that I could write a legit Pern story without warping my brain -- it just ain't the Aardvark. I'd probably throw in a scene where a rider pushed too hard and fell to his death, or where a girl had her arm ripped off by a confused newborn dragon. :) Speaking of which, I don't remember exactly, my mind is reeling with images of Tarns of Gor and Dinotopia, but were the dragons that wise right out of the egg? I recall that they were something like newborns, more instinctive than rational beings. Oh well, I could be wrong.
I thought you did a fine job. The overall tenor of the story was consistent, smooth, and often quite amusing and clever.
There were two items that stuck out with me. Jara sounds a bit young. IIRC, the dragon ceremony was a huge event, which it is in your story as well, and mature and (mostly) dedicated boys and girls would hope and dream of pairing with a dragon. The emphasis on this is mature. Huh? Really? Uh. Um. But I'm a boy! The repetition of this leads me to believe that Jara is emotionally a kid. She is swept up by events rather than having a degree of control, choice, or even a firm opinion. Admittedly, it IS out of her control, but is there really any doubt that if she had to make a choice, that she would choose to be bonded and become a girl than go on as Jared had been, a reluctant heir? It's going to be a done deal before she understands or comes to grips with what happened to her, methinks.
The second is her father. I can't get a handle on him. Yes, he wants a male heir, and his son is becoming a girl, but his absolute disdain for Jara, utter lack of understanding that it is really is out of her control, and completely falling apart at his wife's miscarriage -- far worse than his own wife, who doesn't seem that concerned about it -- is a big pill to swallow. I can't understand how a relatively normal guy would go from 0 to insane in such a short time. If he were that concerned about an heir, than why isn't he back in the saddle with his wife trying to produce one? He seems the odd man out in this tale. Even his wife has completely given up on him.
That is just me, so take this with a grain of salt. Others will have no problem with either. The reviews above for instance, have no such criticism. I come at this story from a certain perspective, others may differ. :)
Here is an addenda, if you can stand another paragraph from me. What attracted me to Pern was partly the unusual universe where dragons, fierce, proud and quite alien, bonded with humans in a symbiotic relationship that was correct for that world, and likely for no other. I felt the weird "rightness" of it. There were tales of daring, courage, and struggle, often on a very personal level -- I'm remembering a boy of lowly status who was scorned that he dreamed of becoming a rider, yet, despite all the odds, through hard work and courage, he found his dragon. Pern became real to me because "real" people died, struggled, bonded, won or lost. Men and women were left behind to mourn, and so forth.
Gotta have that tension, uncertainty, and choice. Determination should score you points. Jerks should be punished. The stalwart and true should be rewarded or go down in flames heroically. Hey, this is sci-fi/fantasy playground; go wild!
This is a very good start. Truly, the language and feel matches the novels to a major extent, and the overall craftsmanship, the ways the words flow and tell the tale, is excellent. I look forward to part 2.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
Familiarity would help.
Like anything else, the Pern series (and the rest of Anne's fiction, for that matter) is not for everyone. I have a hunch, though, that you might have missed something in the last book on which you gave up in the middle (depending upon which book that actually was -- not everyone agrees on the best reading order of the books in the series). Weyr Search, the short story that won the Hugo and Nebula and started it all, was powerful because of the unusual idea it introduced -- that of a close telepathic and emotional bond between entities of two different species. Dragonflight, the book that evolved out of it, was powerful (and popular) because of the development of the main characters, particularly that of Lessa.
I agree that Dragonquest, the second book, looses some momentum, but it still contains dramatic elements, and introduces characters (particularly Jaxom, who is to become Lord Holder of a small but politically important hold when he reaches his majority, and then inadvertently Impresses a most unusual dragon) and context elements needed in the later books. After several new characters are introduced and more context is developed in the Harper Hall trilogy, the author, while using all of these new elements, focuses on developing both Jaxom's and his dragon Ruth's characters in The White Dragon. Jaxom's ambivalent position as both heir apparent of a major important hold that must not fall into contention and that he cannot abdicate, and the Rider of a fighting dragon who has some special and unique talents and qualities, makes for a rich context in which to develop a character. Anne did it well enough that The White Dragon was nominated for another Hugo, and won the short-lived Gandalf Award for a fantasy novel.
It is unfortunate that The White Dragon lost your interest, if that was indeed the book you put down; the Harper Hall trilogy might have provided the missing context to make it more interesting. Jaxom and Ruth play a pivotal role in the rest of the series, which culminates in All the Weyrs of Pern with the elimination of Thread from the skies of Pern by the end of the 9th Pass. Books like The Dolphins of Pern are incidental to the main 9th Pass storyline.
At any rate, Aardvark's critique, which may have some validity in general, does not take into account the context of Pern which Anne laid down in her books, to which Joanne Foxcourt remains faithful. Jared/Jara sounds young because s/he is young; Anne makes it clear that it is established tradition at this time to select pre-adolescent children as candidates for Impression. Throughout her books, she portrays some candidates as very mature for their years, while other are less so. This quality is ultimately of minor relevance in selecting candidates who are likely to Impress a dragon. In Dragonsdawn, we learn that some of the settlers of Pern are descendants of people who had bioengineered genetic enhancements that predisposed them to greater empathic/telepathic abilities than the general population; those who possess the greatest empathic ability are most likely to Impress a dragon. It is for this reason that the dragons, and not their riders, ultimately select the candidates to stand on the Hatching Grounds. There are many instances in Anne's books where "surprise" candidates are selected in exactly the manner that Joanne describes. She even gets the color right -- blue dragons are known to have the best ability to recognize the candidates most likely to Impress.
Aardvark's critique of Jared's father also suffers from lack of familiarity with the series. His recollection of a "feudal ring" is accurate, though diluted. Anne's Pern is absolutely a feudal society, with the Dragonriders added as a third element to the landed aristocracy (the "Lords Holder") and the craft guilds ("craft halls" or "crafters"). Especially among those whose duties and obligations bind them to the land, feudal societies tend to breed rigid, inflexible, brittle personalities such as that manifested by Jared's father -- personalities that cannot adapt to change or to unusual circumstances. Anne's Pern books have many such personalities, and the way they crumble, or the way that other characters escape their influence, forms much of the fabric of her stories (imagine the culture shock that confronts the "Oldtimer" dragonriders who are transported 400 years into the future!). Also, the three parts of Pernese society (the holds, the crafthalls, and the Dragonriders' weyrs) operate autonomously though cooperatively, so that holders and crafters alike have little real understanding of the internal operations of the weyrs, nor of how dragons really think and function (which is part of why Jara's father doesn't understand that it is beyond Jara's control). In this context, it is not surprising that an aging small farmer who sees his son and heir metamorphose into a woman before his eyes (first by Impressing a dragon that is genetically engineered to bond only with women, and then by developing feminine secondary sexual characteristics), followed immediately by the stillbirth of another son (common on Pern, along with women dying in travail) should withdraw into depression and alcoholism; it is well within the parameters of plausibility with respect to human nature, and requires no suspension of disbelief.
I liked this story so much
I liked this story so much that I ordered the book 'Dragonflight' to read what got you so much reading joy. Looking forward to the next part!!
Greetings, N.
Absolutely Fantastic Joanne!!!
I love this story Joanne! You certainly know how to enthrall us with an excellent plot and characters that are real. You have left me feeling absolutely wonderful for having read it. I refuse to go into the details at the moment as I am still absorbing it. I will comment a little additionally when I can clear my mind. You had me feeling so good in fact I am still visualizing the story. *hugs*!!!!
[Added 2-07-07]
Well, after thinking over what about this story impressed me the most and caused the intense feeling of joy this story evoked within me, It came down to the Dragons and Jara. Their caring, wisdom, and devotion. Jara for her naivety and evolving. Those two features and how well Joanne wove the words within and around those concepts is what got to me.
Please Joanne, I really really hope you have the next part of Queen Rider out soon@! It is cruelty to make something this good and keep me waiting. *hugs* You have created a wonderful masterpiece and should be proud.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
Wow, I'm really quite flattered
I was hoping that many people would get a kick from this story and I'm rather flattered at all of the feedback! Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to post a message!
As usual, Aardvark, you provide good advice and feedback! I plan to develop the father's side of the story a bit more, which may help to explain him. Though, of course, it's not all easy to do that in words even if the vision lies in your head. :o)
Well you should be flattered
Damn, but this was well done.
Aardvark's criticisms are generally valid… But I do believe you have done an excellent job of capturing the atmosphere and “world view†of Pern. I’ve been reading (and re-reading ) these stories for longer than I care to admit. (I once pulled into an Interstate rest area to finish the White Dragon when it first came out.)
One thing about Anne’s characters is that they always grow, mature, and learn. I think, maybe, Jara could have done so – a bit more.
Darion is somewhat a caricature and could have used more subtlety and development… But then, Menolly’s father, Yanus, in Dragonsong is much the same.
Overall, however - it feels very… Pernish. The dragon dialog felt quite natural.
Thank you for this.
I have read a few of Anne's stories before, but none in the Pern universe. Until now. And I will make sure the grand kids read them too. Awesome job Ma'am. Keep it coming!
Wow ... I'm not
Wow ...
I'm not generally a fan of fanfic. Too much of it reminds me of recording artists who attempt remakes of Karen Carpenter songs - they just don't sound "right" coming from someone with a different style of singing or quality of voice.
Like many others here, I love the stories of Pern.
Actually, I'm a fan of nearly everything Anne McCaffrey has written - Doona, Pegasus, Ineta, Crystal Singer ...
Joanne, it's been quite a while since I've read one of the Pern series, but I believe you have well captured the "feel" of Anne McCaffrey's Pern. Once I got into the story, I couldn't not finish it. I'd barely read 1/5 of the story, and it had already brought tears to my eyes.
Best Regards,
The Father
I can tell you part of what the Father's problem might be. As a child he too longed to be a dragon rider, but never got the chance because of the distance he lived from a Weyr as a boy growing up. His father probably thought it was all poppy cock and needed all his strong bodied sons working the fields of their holding. He was disappointed that his son didn't even impress a lowly blue or a green even and couldn't fathom how a golden queen could impress upon his son. As the story said, it was unheard of.
As much as he is ashamed of the dragon that choose his son, he is also jealous of his son, become daughters opportunity in life. IMHO that is.
I am going to have to dig in a trunk and find my Dragon Rider books, too.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Very well done Joanne.
I love your story so far and looking forward to more.
One concern though, and please don't see me being confrontational or anything of the sort, Heaven forbid, But will you have repercussions from the original author of the Penn series? I hope not,I love the tale. I just don't want you getting into trouble, since just recently, from another site, a story that was at fictionmania, an author got rather upset that someone used their universe, WITHOUT their permission, and having read that particular story, it was a bit different, for a story written in that universe and I guess I might have been upset too. If I write in someones elses universe, I always ask the author if it is ok to do so. Even though, presently, it is only one universe I am writing in, but the next story I am developing, I want to use someone elses universe too, to overlap my story into it, only because the department I need for my story was sort of developed in hers.
I certainly hope the original author doesn't get upset, for you certainly enhanced the series with your writing, and I always loved your stories. You are a very good writer.
Like I said before, I truely hope to see more of this story.
I can see confrontations coming from at least three area's in your story. The spoiled brat, the other cruel girl that did not get chosen, The thief, and the father for losing his hold. I am sure he is going to blame his son/daughter for all of his misery.
I'm happy to see that the mother has acepted her plight, as have the sisters, I am sure they will help Jara become the true woman she really is, for the dragons are never wrong.
Good tale dear, keep up the good work.
Joni W
Pern fanfic
Fanfic in general is recognized by the SF community as being beneficial to the franchises most involved in it and there is a large body of existing Pern fanfic. Joanne's story is respectful of the mythos and gives credit to Anne MacCaffrey's original creation, so I don't think there will be a problem. :)
The fanfic community did a lot towards resurrecting Star Trek and no professional in SF has forgotten that.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Not always recognised :-( Darkover fanfics forbidden.
It turns out that, in a reversal of what was commonly allowed before the last years of MZB's life, and since by her estate, any fanfics are basically explicitly disallowed with threats of their getting litigious on ones arse, even if its published purely on an amateur basis. Which is why I never wrote my Darkover fanfic idea. :-(
I think it's stupid and possibly hypocritical given how many now-established fantasy authors got their start writing for the Darkover anthologies.
So of course no-one talks about Darkover any more, while people still talk about and can engage with Pern. Fanfics, as noted, are a vital part of the ecology of these things. Afraid I only read one Pern book though. It didn't grab me and now I can't actually remember the plot or the name of even one character.
MZB was probably more variable in her quality than McCaffrey. MZB could write some awful rubbish when she was in a hurry, but when she was good she was very very good.
Estates are notoriously less permissive
ERB, Inc. is the rabid bulldog of fanfic, stopping even some legitimate projects not via copyright because many of the Tarzan copyrights have expired but using Trademark law and simple threats of litigation. I'm not surprised to hear of MZB estate following a similar path.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Mercedes Lackey ALSO strongly restricts Valdemar FanFic
But, other authors activly encourage fanfic - Like Katherine Kurtz. The body of FanFic, around her Deryni, is extremely large. So I guess it's a mixed bag.
But, that has nothing to do with my great enjoyment in reading this story. I't been a while since my last "Pern" fix... And, I had wondered about this, as much as wondered about a girl impressing a Brown or Bronze... Well, it's been a good bit of time since this was posted... I wonder if maybe there is another story soon to be made visible. One can only hope.
Heck, Pern might be considered Darkover fanfic...
Different mental powers, same setup, lost colony, feudal/heroic age, yada yada. There are a mort of them these days, many very similar in concept, most, perhaps, ultimately fanfics of Cordwainer Smith, Andre Norton, Robert Heinlein, A.E. Van Vogt, and dozens more.
There's a reason they call the introductory classes at university "English Literature" and "Composition and Reading;" it's because every work of English literature owes something to everything written before, even if the authors themselves can't trace the links. They're all connected in a massive web of words and ideas,, few of which are made from whole cloth, but patched together from shreds and tatters.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Anne McCaffrey Fan Fiction Rules
Actually there are established rules for Anne McCaffrey fan fiction, published by The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey, Ltd.
Not sure, but you might want to take a look at paragraph 2
They are as follows:
Fan Fiction Rules – The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey
Dear All,
I know that many of you have enjoyed my works so much that you have written your own fan fiction, created your own fan art, and built your own online role-playing games.
I worked very hard to create my worlds and I am so glad that you like them so much that you have followed the old adage, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
But I have to be concerned that none of this imitation could expose me to the loss of control of those same much-adored works. Along with many of you, I would dearly love to see DRAGONFLIGHT, or any of my books on Pern, turned into a movie. To realize that dream requires that I handle all fan-related material very carefully sometimes more carefully than I would like.
Now, I believe that with your help I can relax some of those restrictions, by establishing some guidelines/rules which I believe will both protect me (and you) and allow you to engage in fannish activities.
1. Fan Fiction, Fan Art, and online RPGs based on any of my literary works will now be permitted so long as they occur on a non-commercial basis.
2. With respect to Fan Fiction, Fan Art and transcripts of online RPG activity, care must be taken to ensure that such material displayed on these sites can only be downloaded or accessed for personal, non-commercial purposes. Owners of websites supporting Fan Fiction, Fan Art, and RPGs must take every step possible, including, but not limited to, posting appropriate and prominent notices to ensure compliance with these restrictions. Any reference to the mark “Dragonriders of Pern ®” must be accompanied with a trademark notice indicating registration and my ownership of the mark. You may wish to consult your own attorney about online and Internet law and the rules governing copyright and trademark notices.
3. Mindful that many fans take advantage of free web space requiring operators to display banner ads, I will not consider such sites as engaging in commercial activity, even if the ads contain click-through sales features, so long as displaying the ads are a condition of securing the web space and the website creators do not use sites to sell, or assist others in selling, McCaffrey related derivative merchandise. Fan operated sites are not ‘licensed’ by Anne McCaffrey, are not approved by Anne McCaffrey and do not create an agency or joint venture relationship with Anne McCaffrey, even though they may be maintained with Anne McCaffrey’s permission.
4. Participation in any site promoting such Fan Fiction, Fan Art, or online RPGs must be entirely free to participants. No membership fees or other charges may be levied in connection with these sites.
5. Pornographic sites, based on any of my literary works, are expressly forbidden. But I’m sure you know that. I’m a grandmother, after all.
1. I ask that anyone creating a site for Fan Fiction, Fan Art, or online RPGs endeavour to use good taste. I will not interfere with the internal affairs of fan sites, nor intervene in disputes, or manage them in any way, other than to enforce the rules above.
2. Fans who have read my books know fully well what can and cannot take place on my various worlds and need no reminder. While I would prefer that my well known rules be followed, I will not insist that you conform to such implicit rules so long as my explicit rules are observed.
1. I will be creating an online database that will allow fans to register their Fan Fiction, Fan Art, and RPG sites with The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey, Ltd. This database will, in turn, be used to create a page on the Worlds of Anne McCaffrey website to allow fans the opportunity to share or discover these online resources.
2. In the event rights to any of my literary works are granted or sold for film, television, or other media exploitation, licensees may, at their option, choose to restrict Fan Fiction, Fan Art or RPGs. While I cannot protect fan websites from restrictions my licensees may impose, I will notify my licensees of the registered sites in our database, described in (1) above, that have complied with our reasonable restrictions, and encourage licensees to permit the continued existence of those sites. I wish we could offer more protection, but quite honestly this is all I can reasonably do.
3. Fans operating sites must understand that they are solely liable for their content and that The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey, Ltd., assumes no responsibility for them, for their administration, operating policies, or activities.
4. I reserve the right to change these rules, guidelines, and caveats at any time without prior notice.
Finally, I hope you continue to enjoy the time you spend in my worlds. Please, as I have told my grandchildren, play nice.
Yours very sincerely,
Anne McCaffrey
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Fan Fiction
I would hope that Ms MacCaffrey would appreciate the spirit in which this tale was intended. My first reaction on seeing the title of this piece was that Joanne could get it touble for it. But I think it fits the spirit and probably the letter of the guidelines laid down on the Fan Fiction Rule page at her site.
I also seem to remember reading, I believe in an introduction to one of her short story collections, Anne describing how many young, female, sci-fi writers she knew got their start writing fan fiction for Star Trek.
Joanne, I hope you can find it in you to continue Jara's story. I'm one, among many I suspect, would love to see where she goes from here.
Really Cool Read
I have not read any books in the Pern universe but Joanne
has done a great job imparting the flavor of it anyway by
her extensive use of Pern characters and by extension their
world view. The story is as much about the Pern world as
it is about Jara.
I am looking forward to more of this story :)
Queen rider
This is an excellant story so beutifully done even Anne would probably appreciate it.Looking forward too the next part of a delightfully written story.
Prior Experience Not Required
I was initially put off reading this by the description of all the wonderful novels by Anne McCaffrey that I haven't read. It sounded like a necessary precursor to reading this story. In a chat with my good friend Cathy T, she assured me that it wasn't and filled in a few background details about Pern that she thought I'd need to thoroughly enjoy the story. She told me about the dragons and the telepathy, the impressing and the stuff they eat to make flames, and she told me about the significance of thread fall (nasty stuff that eats everything in its wake and the dragons have to burn it off before it lands). As it turned out, the latter is the only thing I think I wouldn't have figured out from reading the story.
I am very glad I read this! Thank you, Cathy for the hints and prod. And, Thank You, Joanne, for writing this! It really is wonderful, and it's developing quite nicely. I look forward to reading more, too!
Without it it's Good, with it it's Better.
I read without having read Anne and got most of it.
I got lazy and checked out Wikipedia and it filled in the gaps nicely. I still should read at least the first one or two novels. They sound interesting.
When do we get part two? -- GRIN --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Dragonflight pdf
In case you can't wait to get a hardcopy, Dragonflight is available as a pdf at:
Heaven on Pern
This so rocks!
'nuff said
D.D. Weldons
After reading this, I had to
After reading this, I had to go further. I just completed the first three books in the Pern dragon rider series, and this fits in so well. Again, nice work.
Now go read the Drummer Trillogy. :-)
Pern is an emense world. My personal recommendation is reading the books in the order written.... But my daughter likes to line them up in the order they occur for a read. This is sometimes difficult as there is a lot of overlap and some of the books tell the same "story" from different points of view (or at least the same scenes).
Basic Story
About a year or two ago I had an idea for a similar plot line. I've read about 60% to 70% of Anne McCaffery's writings, including her first one, 'Restoree', but I've read all but one or two of the Pernese novels, some more than once. The timeline that this story falls in is After Masterharper of Pern retires or dies, about the time that the Red Star has had it's orbit changed enough that it won't come close enough to Pern to drop thread. As such this will be the last Fall. As such there are some incongruities with the story. Also Jara is intersexed female. I've found out about this condition since there is a possibility I may also be intersexed female. What happens is that during fetal development the child is subjected to a testosterone wash at the wrong time and the external genitals are masculinized while still keeping the internal female reproductive organs. For Jara to start developing secondary female characteristics indicates her ovaries are maturing.
More research into the Pernese timeline is needed to make this story truly work. Also the back ground needs to be filled out. F'lar and Lessa would be involved with something like this. They are the two most powerful people of Pern at this time. Also Lord Holder Jaxom and his dragon Ruth, the White Dragon is always involved with anything of importance. I think Anne may be made interested in this story line. It is unique and gives an avenue to explore important societal trends.
Excellent Pern Fanfic!
I've been a fan of Anne McCaffery, especially of her dragon stories, for a pretty long time. I was a bit unsure about reading a fanfic, but decided to give this story a try after looking through the comments left here. I'm so glad I decided to give it a try. This story definitely feels faithful to the original series and I found myself coming to care a great deal for everyone, human and dragon alike. I really hope you're still planning on continuing this story, Joanne. Along with many others who have posted comments, I'd love to see what happens next. :)
Heather Rose Brown
Author of Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure
Queen Rider
Thank you, I love reading Queen Rider. There is humor and sentiment, and it made me laugh and cry. Fantastic.
I will certainly be looking for your posting.
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
Looking at watch... tapping toe... watch again...
Best Pern story I've read in decades. I guess I can wait a few more. :-)
Very faithful, but...
Very faithful to the Pern series, as others have already said, in both the obvious and more subtle ways. My only complaint is the frequent occurrence of modern American vernacular in the dialog and descriptions, and use of terminology, which are both out of context for the story setting. Each occurrence disrupted the mood, the "other-worldliness" for me. I know that it is a difficult thing to keep the dialog and such consistent that way, but it is essential when writing stories about alternate realities/times/societies.
Some examples: The Masterharper would not express outrage or irritation by shouting "Hey!" I don't think you could find the words "voyeurism" or the phrase "mass delusion" in any of the Pern books, anywhere. No one would be called a "lovebird" on Pern because birds do not exist there, and have certainly disappeared from the lore of the settler's descendants by the 5th Pass. I can't recall any of Anne's characters ever exclaiming "wow!".
Great stuff, otherwise.
Actually, I agree that, "Hey!" and, "wow!" are out of place, but if they disrupt your reading that badly, it would seem to me that it is an issue with your concentration.
However, the Harpers did strive over the centuries to keep the language pure (and pronunciation differences were the only ones mentioned by AIVAS when speaking of the Lingual Shift) so why wouldn't "voyeurism" and "mass delusion" still be in the language? There are a LOT of words in the english language that aren't in the books, that doesn't mean that they're unknown to Pern. I agree that the term, "lovebird," would also not be part of the vernacular, but not for the reason you say -- what are wherries if not birds? They're STATED to be birds, after all. However, there are no lovebirds on Pern.
Now!... SHARDS! is what would have been said, OR, BY THE FIRST EGG! when not a single expleative... and the correct term would have been... LOVE STRUCK LIZARDS IE fire lizaeds DO act this way... NOW!, Voyeur... still is part of the language set, but... bunch of feavered farthlings, would be more the correct term for such mass delusions. I just about memorized all she has writen, the guide, and have the recipe book and at time make and drink that most wonderfull caffeen loaded chocolate based hot drink that warms the soul as well as it curbs the cold. (highly recomended intake in quantity, for the ladies every 28 or so days! :-) ) Guys... run, don't walk! go buy the recipy book, she will love you forever! :-)
NOW! Just WHERE the FARDLINGS is the REST OF THIS TALE!? The harpers guild has been officialy notified of you delinquent delivery! It's not like the rest of us can time-jump while BETWEEN to get 0ur next fix!... you know?
I expect some results before the next turn!... By the ancestors, as thread-score burns and infests, this story has been burned into our minds!... such delays like this?... your killing us here!
Not guild
Never referred to as guild :P
Harper Hall!
I can't recall the books mentioning that the language of Pern was English, and the putative translation would cover many sins. As for lovebirds, who knows? Could be a translation issue or the word might exist without a modern referent.
As far as we know, there are no dragons on Earth, yet we have a word for them -- indeed several words -- if one ever shows up.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Queen Rider... more... Please?
Hi Joanne,
Still love the first part, but please, don't leave us hanging...
More, Please?
more please?
I totally agree.. i saw your comment from 2007 that although slow you were still working on a follow up.
I'm hoping you havent given up on it
Good Lord
Has it really been this long? Joanne, I for one, am still waiting eagerly, and patiently for more of this one. Thank you again, since its been a while since I wrote you.
Has it really been this long?
Prolly not. Although the copyright notice says 2005, the copy I have saved was posted to BC 05-Feb-2007.
(who is also anxiously awaiting part 2)
Sephrena's Note
also mentions the date and time that this story was originally posted.
I have read this for the first time
Dragons? Not for me.
WRONG! This is so well-plotted and superbly-written. I have not read the books which inspired this story, but I will now.
Absolutely wonderful and kept me rivetted until the wee small hours.
I Know You Rider
Exactly, Susan! I never read Ms. McCaffarty's books either, never cared for fantasies set in feudal societies, because I could never romanticize what's essentially a caste system, but after this beautiful tale I'm going to start with the first Pern book and probably stay busy for a while. Because this world is NOT set in some ye-olde mythical whenever, but post colonization, making it fantasy with a nice SF edge to it. Despite what the opening disclaimer said I found it pretty easy to follow, the different classes of society and types of dragon rider explained well enough in context. I didn't understand the dates heading the chapters, but I never understood what those starship captains on those t.v. shows meant when they rattled off "Star Date 3.14159"; and just like then, my confusion about this didn't turn out to matter much. What did throw me, and wasn't immediately deduceable from this story was what "thread" was (I thought the dragons were going to leave the story and attack the comments here!), but finally breaking down looking up PERN and DRAGONRIDERS OF PERN at Wikipedia helped a lot, with this and other details. Nasty stuff, that thread. This was really well written, and fun, with great human and dragon characters, but sadly this looks like one of those stories that never got completed, unless somebody knows something I don't about a coming Part II...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
>> essentially a caste system
not to mention relentlessly brutal, violently misogynistic, and heterosexist, despite the gay blue boys and effeminate green riders.
I much prefer this version of Pern, and the copyediting and continuity are better as well.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
>> I didn't understand the dates heading the chapters
They refer to Falls of Thread, an inimical lifeform that inhabits "the Red Star," a planet orbiting the Pern system somewhere in the outer reaches of the Pern solar system. When the planet Passes Pern in particular configurations, the Thread falls through space and onto Pern. Passes and the resulting series of Thread Falls are not terribly predictable, because two hundred years or more might pass before another fifty-year siege, but form important punctuations in the history of the planet, so dates are calculated from the dates of Falls, as one might calculate an Indonesian date from the great explosion of Krakatoa.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
What can I say?
That hasn't already been said here? I've always liked the Dragonrider books and other tales of Pern, and your story fits well with those in both tone and presentation. I'll look forward to more of this one, too.
Queen Rider
This is one of my favorite stories. Like all the others who have commented since the original posting, I have been looking forward to the second installment. Please continue this wonderful tale. Jara needs to find her future and tell her story.
As always,
As always,
You can learn a lot
about Ann McCaffrey, thread, Dragonriders and stuff from Wikipedia.
It's been years since I've
It's been years since I've read the Dragonrider books, but this feels true to them. I liked it.
The only problem is that now I want to read the rest of this. I worry that it hasn't been posted since this was originally posted, and may be dormant. Please post more of this!
Hope for part 2
This story is new for me. I read Anne McCaffery’s Dragonrider series when they were first published many years ago. This rings true to the series for me. I never recall seeing a story that generated so many comments. I have to agree with their praise.
I can only hope that part 2 is written some time soon. Perhaps republishing the story will encourage Joanne to continue it.
More QueenRider
Thanks for whoever posted this...this is my third reading of this story, my first since having read the first three novels of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider stories. I love your version of her works, and, do cherish reading more about Jara and Sianeth. Please continue to entertain us.
Great Work!
I've never read the series but if it's half as good as this was I think I'll look it up. This was a very amusing read, although I'm a little saddened to see that the father did not turn things around. That miscarriage was really sad. =(
Anyway I hope you continue this some day, it's stinks to see that this was posted as "BigCloset Retro Classic!" with not a single update! Please do, one day, maybe?
Overall I thought this story was easy to follow. There were quite a few words used such as "between, Hold, Pass, and Fall" that the meanings weren't very clear until nearer the end of the story. I couldn't determine what happens around fall, that makes things so difficult, other than perhaps that's when they go to fight Thread (which took me a while to realise that was an enemy). You might consider putting a lexicon of sorts at the beginning or end of the story to reference?
Still the story was very well written and I hope to see more!
i read this story and most part over a few time 2 get a grip on things. i have 2 say i would love 2 see what well happen with the father. there was no word on his age at all, so thing he maybe getting 2 the stay ware he well not be about 2 live long enuf 2 raise and teach a new Heir. he may truly loved his son and wanted the best for him and his famely we may never know. I was wondering what was going throu his head? you left a lot open 2 this. Seems 2 me that they may just have a new enemy that well help with there down fall. he may try 2 see his son for taking his own life. I've read alot of books and study history ( even thou my spelling and grammer sucks) i would think 2 see what his thinking of his father, I been throu some the same crude he just went through and my old man he tryed kill me some may times that i loss count. Even after all that i still love the Ass and still see him and we still gets along. thou not for long periods of time ;-)
Thank you for sharing this story and hope 2 see more
And i love those books 2 i have read all of them as well.
Sweet Dreams
Akiko Kato
ps he dose not try 2 kill me anymore sep for long stories about his youth ;-(
Dragons on earth? Well, we do have the lesser-spotted swamp dragon. It must be true; I read it in the 'Sun'.
And Errol from Terry Pratchett's "Guards! Guards!" would be very useful right now; I could have a lot of fun with a pet dragon that recycles rubbish (newspaper?) and breathes fire!
I wouldn't agree with that... I mean Wikipedia is great but if you want someone to get interested in a work of fiction you don't want to have them searching all over the net for information. Most people just won't have enough interest to do this. Like I said, pretty well everything was explained during the course of the novel and basically everything was clear by the end it just might be useful to add something at the top to catch the non-Pern readers up before they start reading. With the large cast of characters having a lexicon would be able to cut down on any confusion while a newbie ventures in to the Pern universe for the first time.
In a hideous twist of fate my entire collection of (personally autographed!!!) Pern books was lost 14 years ago when I moved to my current address - they were mistakenly given away in a box with other books - I am sorely upset - even now as even if I could buy the novels again they were special and unique because Anne signed them for me - So thank you for writing such an evocative and faithful tale - it feels like it ought to be canon - I hope you finish it
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
I miss pern
if every author on earth wrote about pern I couldn't get enough.
I loved your story when I read it the first time. I don't remember how long ago it was, but thank you again (I'm sure I thanked you then) for writing such a beautiful story.
I would only ask that you write a thousand more stories based in PERN.
Ok, necrothread comment :)
Perhaps someone can help me with something here. I could have sworn I read in one of the books of Pern that the original little dragons (pre-fire lizards maybe?) were used in the process of bioengineering, which might account for cellular corrections in certain cases. Can someone confirm or deny said remembering? Otherweise, I would like to see a continuation of this story, but will content myself with this sole chapter if I must. Great job on getting the feel just right!
The author justified the many complaints about sexism and heterosexism by referring to this bioengineering process using "Mentasynth," which had the bioengineered dragons bonding based upon genetic sequences within the human involved through sensing sweat pheromones, thus reducing homosexuality and effeminate behaviours, in particular, to a genetically-based trait.
>> When not enough girls elected to stand on the Hatching Grounds after the first disastrous Plague, males with feminine personalities Impressed the green dragon. Blue riders, not to mince words, were gay with masculine temperaments. <<
She caught flack for that as well.
>> Lesbian gold riders are as impossible as gay bronze riders are and the same holds true for brown female riders. <<
And that...
The bioengineering background was introduced in Dragonsdawn, and is not present in the books before that, to which it is a "prequel."
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
2 years...
Im sad to see that it's been about 2 years since this was posted, with no new material written. I have never read the Pern series, and i honestly don't intend to... but i did enjoy this story. It was quit easy (in my opinion) to figure out how the world worked without prior reading. I think you were telling the story splendidly, but as i said, im sad to see that it has not been continued.
Long time Anne fan
and I've seen a few look-a-like pieces (and parodies) of the Pern series. Queen Rider to me captures the feel of the original enough to make me forget where I was reading it, and was thoroughly enjoyable. The only disappointment was the - Part 1... If this jewel dates back to 2007, then I fear we may never enjoy a Part 2.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Queen Rider
We really need a part two of this, this really feels like pern and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Looking forward to seeing how Jara copes with her transformation finishing, her first period and boys.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna