Breasts / Breast Implants

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 22/27

Choosing the self-imposed exile of The Pyramids Of Kentoshan might see Lillyn face her greatest foe:
Luckily she has Myra as company.
Which might be worth it?
If not, Lillyn can always leave to find some excitement elsewhere.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 21/27

Lillyn is arriving at the Pyramids Of Kentoshan.
A whole new area to explore (and to get disappointed).
New people to meet (and screw up the introduction).
Of course, some people are already aware of Lillyn and won't ask twice for an audience.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 20/27

Lillyn has a lot on her plate.
Getting used to a new roommate being the least of her worries.
Her luck with research just might be worse than ever and someone dear to her departs.
But all that bad comes with some good.
A resolution is formed and sudden insight gained.

Terry and Dakota’s Family Thanksgiving

Dakota looks at herself in the full-length mirror in her and Terry’s bedroom. She tried one of those blue pills Rebecca took and couldn’t believe what it did to her body. It didn’t change how she looked, except increasing her breast size up one cup size, her hair was fuller and made her hips and buttocks look bigger.

Hard Time - Part 2


Hard Time - Part 2
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed

Hard Time


Hard Time - Part 1
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 16


After a few weeks the transfer of the ownership of the house was confirmed. Michelle wrote to Tommy to let him know they were going to look over the place and tidy it up so it could be sold. Michelle wanted to sell it as it held too many painful memories.

How Did I Become Pregnant?

Carly looks at the books in her new office. She couldn’t believe that for the past five months all the business ventures she had invested in has started paying off. The detailed business brought in business every other day. The food truck was making a profit, and the vehicles she fixed and sold brought in a decent profit as well.

Doing The Right Thing

“Move it, Chloe.” Robyn looks back at her friend as they ran through a grove of walnut trees.

“I’m trying, Robyn. But something doesn’t feel right with me.” Chloe was dressed as Daisy Johnson from Agents of Shield.

The two of them, along with several others had gone to a Halloween party. It was taking place out at an abandoned farmhouse in the countryside. The party was being hosted by a famous online blogger and several respected local bands were playing at it. It was opened to the public.

Drugs Are Never A Good Idea

Rebecca rides her boyfriend’s penis gently as she goes up and down on him. She enjoyed feeling her new breasts bounce up down as she rode her boyfriend. The operation to get them had hurt, but it was worth it to her. Even her modeling agent liked her new look.

It doesn’t take long for her boyfriend to erupt in her ass. She came at the same time as her boyfriend as her cum comes squirting out of her cock. It squirts onto the belly of her boyfriend.


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