Breasts / Breast Implants

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 18/27

Sometimes, Lillyn can really put her foot in her mouth.
Especially when she is not in the right state of mind.
For example, when someone calls her in the middle of the night.
They should know better.

Miss O. Jenny

Over a decade ago, I grew weary of the misogynistic tone of a large percentage of TG stories posted online. In response, I posted this story. There are great Marines -- and then there were these two.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 17/27

Lillyn isn't doing so hot right now.
She is pretty sure she has ruined a friendship forever.
But there is always hope.
And on every low note a high one follows.
When Besona smiles on her, it sometimes comes in unexpected ways...

From Boy-Wonder to Batgirl-4-Revealing and Ending

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From Boy-Wonder to Batgirl-4-Revealing and Ending
By: Kokopo618


Dick stops on the roof of a small café in south Gotham realizing that he can't go to the Batcave because Batgirl doesn't know that place exists. Instead Dick excitedly takes out his communicator, and enters the code that Bruce provided him should he ever need to contact him. Bruce answers.

From Boy-Wonder to Batgirl-2-Growing and Infiltrating

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From Boy-Wonder to Batgirl-2-Growing and Infiltrating
By: Kokopo618
Dick Grayson would do anything to be a hero, even if it means becoming a heroine..


"Wait, wait, don't bust me!"

Casey Jones

Egypt, Eight Years Ago, Newly Discovered Archaeological Dig:
“Bart, tell me again why we are out here checking this site out?” Casey couldn’t see how this had anything to do with the CIA or National Security.

“The boys at Langley intercepted a message saying that an unusual artifact of unknown origin had been found.” Bart Hardy hated being out in the desert at night.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 7

An evil smile appears on Kelly’s face as she watches the video of what was happening to one of her brothers. Shelly and Dolly had filmed everything that had been done to her brother Thomas. Everything that had been done to her by her brothers, was done to him. Except, they glued the biggest set of fake breasts on him and made him look like a hooker.

Shelly and Dolly didn’t stop there either. They found several well-hung heavy-set gay men to make love to him. They ripped his sphincter wide open. They also made sure he got the full treatment.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

After completing his degree in marketing, Fabian worked for a while as a minor brand manager for a large cereal company before entering the medical industry, working for a supplier of specialized medical equipment. With so many graduates carrying that degree, it was only through hard work and commitment that Fabian quickly rose in the business.

House Spouse

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House Spouse
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I worked alongside Matt Linaker for three years. I had no idea that he was anything other than a normal guy. I knew that he was married, so the fact that he had a slightly effeminate appearance I simply put down to “metrosexuality”.

Princess of Castile Chapter 11

Princess of Castile

By Jennifer Reed
Natalia and Valentina seek retribution against those that hurt them. Natalias brutality begins to show as Aragon's leadership tries to figure a way to handle the crises.

Chapter 11: Retribution

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FictionMania.

We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production.

We hope you enjoy this tale.
Marina and Monica

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

Creatures - Part 2

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Part 2 -- The Conclusion

by Anon Allsop

Chapter 21

It was dark by the time they had loaded both of the corpses into the Suburban, Chet and the dogs left a little while after they had found Stew. Each corpse couldn't have weighed more than thirty pounds. The skin on each was stretched tight like blackened paper, and only their clothes told the men who they once had been.

Quietly, almost reverentially, they drove back to town where the doctor was already waiting for them at his office. Holding the door, he watched as both Stew and Eve were carried in and placed upon separate gurneys.


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