Breasts / Breast Implants

Family Business Part 5

Lilly wakes up and stretches as she stares up at the ceiling above her. She felt so energized and rested, which was something she hasn’t felt in a while. She slides out of bed and slips the robe that Mouse gave her to wear.

She wonders if Mouse was already up and about as she heads towards the kitchen. When she walks into the kitchen, she spots Mouse talking to a young girl dressed in a black lace bodysuit and faded blue jeans. The blue jeans looked like someone had painted them onto the girl. She had dark brown hair that was cut short.

Stand By Your Woman Part 15 (Final Chapter)

Casey looks at her wives “are sure about this, Charlotte?”

“Yes, I’m sure about us leaving and being the third wife in our polygamy marriage.” Charlotte didn’t mind being the third wife.

“Okay, when the tide comes in, we are going to leave.” Casey needs to inform their Captain they were leaving.

“Okay. I do want to call my aunt and inform her.” Charlotte figures Cheshire needed to know she was heading towards England.

“Okay.” Casey turns and heads out of their bedroom to speak with the Captain.

Rescuing Roberta

Roberta Rescued
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I will admit it, Robert Kradel Junior was a prick, back when he had a prick. But he did not deserve what he got.

Jose Berganza had reason to dislike his boss, but what he did was way beyond that. It became clear to me that there was real hatred on display. Venal, vicious hatred to warrant this level of degradation.

Cross Country Disconnect – 27 Putting the Best Foot Forward

Cross Country Disconnect – 27
Putting the Best Foot Forward

By Jessica C

Gary’s bet that he didn’t win...
Gary/Caryn and becomes Sarai’s girlfriend…
Sarai would remain as my best friend…

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Finale, Chapters 18, 19, & 20

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Finale, Chapters 18, 19, & 20

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Alice Gräber finally finds a satisfactory solution to her problem. Our tale finally comes to a close.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 16 & 17

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 16 & 17

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Chapters 14 & 15

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 14 & 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Sandra has a luncheon date with Bob Temple. She reveals quite a surprise. She meets with The Wizard and makes peace with him; however, Myrtle is still out there. The adventure in the cave continues, and there are surprises after surprises, and most of them are very welcome.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

The Trickster

Twenty years ago, St. Elm Hospital, Santa Monica, California:
Agata and Ghalen Jefferson look at their first grandchild through the glass window in the nursery. Their second oldest daughter and her husband had just had their first child.

“She looks so much like her mother, Ghalen.” Agata looks at her granddaughter with a huge smile on her face.

“I know, wait until Brenda has her child.” Ghalen couldn’t believe both his girls were pregnant at the same time as each other.

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Chapters 12 & 13

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 12 & 13

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Paul tells his mother that her quest is futile. The intrepid four enter the cave, and soon discover the importance of each treasure. They also discover that their time in the cave is different than outside. Lois Papadopoulos comes to Sandra to tell her she’s out of the group. She tells her what happened to get her where she is. Sandra agrees that their venture is futile. Tom is selected as leader. Ivan is second in command.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Cross Country Disconnect – 24 Caryn (Revised)

Cross Country Disconnect – 24
Caryn (Revised)

By Jessica C

Gary made a bet that he didn’t win...
Gary becomes Caryn and becomes Sarai’s girlfriend…
Jenni and Sarai are in my life…
Something changed…

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Chapters 10 & 11

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 10 & 11

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Barbara gets her mind back. Myrtle finds the ground where she will carry out the assassination. Ivan explains to Pappy that he will do nothing to foul up the project because he believes it will lead to his transition. Tom explains to the others what he believes the cave is about, and Ivan agrees. He and Tom have ‘been there’ before. Bob Temple asks Sandra to have a drink with him. It doesn’t exactly go well.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 5

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Batgirl: The Twinflower
By: Kokopo618

Looking out the window of the batmobile, Bella absentmindedly fiddles with her hair, twirling her finger around her long red locks.

"I just don't get it," Bella says.

"We will catch them," Bruce says, "it will just take time."

"And how many girls will die before then?" Bella says accusatorily, "sorry. It's not your fault. It's just so frustrating."

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 4

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Batgirl: The Twinflower
By: Kokopo618

Bella doesn't know how long she was in that room, and her memories of the intervening time are fuzzy, she comes to consciousness on a soft couch.

"Wha- what?" She says quickly adjusting into an upward position.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're safe, are you warm enough?" Bruce says comforting Bella.

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Paul confronts his mother about what The Wizard may or may not have done to her. He’s pretty much on the mark as to what actually happened. Since he has her attention, he’s finally able to come out to her about his being transgender. She’s not happy and is convinced it’s The Wizard’s doing. Myrtle is convinced she can take The Wizard out. Tom confronts his parents about what caused their animosity. They didn’t read the instructions!

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 3

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Batgirl: The Twinflower

"Excuse me, Linnea?" Bella says politely.

"OMG Bella hey," the girl replies, stranding up from her seat, giving Bella a girlish side hug. As Bella releases from the hug, she notices the large bandage across Linnea's nose. "My nose, I know, but I figured, new city, new nose."

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Chapters 6 & 7

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 6 & 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Our four protagonist discuss what they are going to do in light of what they’ve discovered. They decided to press on. The three newly blonde bullies and their mothers meet with Dr. Bettencourt, aka The Wizard. The mothers want the best for their bad boys, as long as the boys really want it. Guess what? Two more conspirators drop out.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight - Chapters 4 & 5

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 4 & 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Our protagonists have to go to the mall to pick up supplies for their project. Paul and Pappy are accosted by Mefisto and his pals. The three witches step in once again. The bullies are forced to undergo a transformation; but are they forced? Paul comes out to Pappy. They meet The Wizard, and in spite of all the parental warnings find him to be quite nice.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 1

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Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 1
By: Kokopo618

Dick Grayson is now Bella. She lives with Bruce at Wayne manor, and they fight together as Batman and Batgirl. Despite accepting her femininity Bella struggles with her role, and her relationship with Bruce. Can she find her place in the world as a girl, or is she just a delusional boy playing dress up...

Family Business Part 1

“So, where are you going on vacation, Mouse?” Diana looks at her friend as she packs.

“New York, New York. My Uncle Jack has an apartment I can stay in while I’m there and my Aunt Anika is going to pick me up at the airport.” Mouse has never been on vacation by herself and she was surprised that the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service was allowing her to go to America.

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Prologue & Chapter 1

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Prologue and Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume III. It was first published on BCTS in the summer of 2015. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 8

“Cut! Kelly, put more expression into your character. Remember, you’re just learning that you are a mutant.”

“Yes sir.”

“Alright, ACTION!” Director Edges watches as Kelly plays her part.

Kelly plays her part and interacts with the actors in the scene without any problems. She keeps her mind on her acting, instead of the information she was given about the doctor that gave her the big breasts. She manages to get through the current scene and move on to the next four scenes.

Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 6

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Chapter Six – I Have a Proposal for You

Mrs Cashmore's background story is revealed. Wendy completes her transition and makes a life changing decision.

Tales from the Argo - Part 2


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The Crew of the Argo-1D1S gets stranded when a spacial anomaly transports them into deep uncharted space. They're mission to return home begins now.

Tales from the Argo follows the story of Cassie Martinez, an ensign class recruit new to the Argo. What she expected to be a month long diplomatic mission has become a long fight for survival. And that's not even the first of it, Ensign Martinez boarded the Argo as a human male named Casey Martinez!

To Alleviate Suffering

This has been a Hatbox story. It will be posted as a free story for a short time.

Jim and Heather had formed an eight-step pact during high school. They would attend Vanderbilt together and take those classes that would best prepare them for the MCAT. Once they had their undergraduate degrees they would get married, and apply for admission to Yale. After accepted, they would study to become surgeons, work diligently, and graduate with honors. They would then return to Nashville and work for the largest hospital in Tennessee (the highly regarded HealthWing.) Heather would become Director of Medicine, and Jim would become Chief Surgeon. All goes according to plan except for one small change. A few months into their years at Yale, Jim decided that a career as an RN would be a much better fit.

Years later, Heather uses her administrative position at HealthWing to make mandatory changes in the nurses’ dress code.


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