
Hawk’s Resident, Austin, Texas:
“Sounds like your teammates are doing okay, sweetie.” Grace walks over to Hawk with two Mai Tai in her hands.

She wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. As she hands Hawk one of the Mai Tai’s.

“Thanks, sweetie.” Hawk takes a sip of the Mai Tai and loved how it tasted.

“You’re welcome.” Grace sits back down on her lounger and takes a sip of her Mai Tai.

Hawk looks at Grace “where did you learn to make a drink as good as this?”

“I was a bartender at a famous nightclub in California.” Grace used it as a cover to throw the police off her.

“Well, I can see why that nightclub was famous.” Hawk takes another sip of her drink.

“Thanks.” Grace takes another sip from her glass.

“So, how bad is it at Ranger headquarters?” Grace knew all about what Hawk does.

Hawk’s family was Texas Ranger royalty. There’s been a member of her family in the Texas ranger since its formation. Even when it disbanded for a while, her ancestors still called themselves Rangers.

“Not too bad, it's just one of my informants in the Draco gang heard that one of the local leaders suspects that there are traders among them. I have two informants in his gang that I trust very much.” Hawk was worried about them.

“What will they do if they are found out?” Grace was curious about what would happen to them.

“They will cut their tongue out first. After that, they will find and kill their family. The Draco gang uses the same techniques that cartel gangs do.” Hawk has seen it happen.

“And here I thought what Claude Spaggiari would do to me was bad.” Grace shivers just thinking about it.

“What did he threaten to do to you?” Hawk turns her head to look at Grace.

“He threatened to cut some of my fingers off. He knows I can’t steal anything with my fingers missing.” Grace knew Claude would have done it too.

“What did you do to piss him off?” Hawk was curious.

“I stole several of his favorite paintings and his favorite jewel-encrusted watch.” A smile appears on Grace’s face when she thinks back on what she did.

“Why did you do that?” Hawk knew Grace was a world-class thief and forger.

“He pissed me off. He compared me to some joker from England. I’m a better thief than the other person and I proved it.” Grace turns her body onto her side to look at Hawk better.

“Your ego is going to get you in trouble one day, Grace.” Hawk knew Grace had a hard life on the streets of Brazil.

“Maybe, but he shouldn’t have pissed me off. Oh, speaking of pissing me off. I broke into Senator Riffages' house and retrieved the information you wanted from his personal computer and cellphone. Would you believe he is dating another woman?” Grace had pictures of the good senator sleeping and having sex with one of his staff members.

“Figures, some men can’t keep their dicks in their pants.” Hawk knew how men think because she use to be one before she was changed into a woman.

She doesn’t know how it happened or where it happened. All she can recall from that faithful night is being rescued by an old woman by the name of Cynthia Drago. Mrs. Drago had taken her back to her ranch and nursed her back to help along with her daughter Sparrow.

Once she had recovered enough, Hawk realized she had been at Mrs. Drago’s ranch for almost a month. Everything about her had changed.
She was no longer a five-foot, seven-inch-tall guy with short black hair. She had been turned into a five-foot, four-inch woman with long auburn color hair and had a nice female figure. Her measurements were 34D-25-36 and her brown eyes had been changed to deep emerald green. They were the same color as emerald gemstones.

The birthmark she had been born with had been changed into the silhouette of a hawk. Mrs. Drago informed her that she had been instructed by an old friend of hers that she would be at the location she found her. She had been buried by rubble and would have died if she hadn’t been found.

While she was there, recovering. She met other women that agents of Mrs. Drago recovered or saved from dangerous situations and brought back to the ranch to recover. She learned that Mrs. Drago was a former CIA agent who did a lot of work overseas. She also had connections with a few mercenary companies that she had helped out of a tight spot during her time.

Mrs. Drago had done some background work on her and discovered that she came from a family of Texas Rangers. As luck would have it, Mrs. Drago had a contact high up in the Texas Ranger leadership that Hawk could talk to. She also helped Hawk establish herself as a bounty hunter as well.

At first, it was her and Sparrow chasing down criminals, but Sparrow decided to work with someone else instead. It didn’t help that Hawk had corrupted Sparrow and turned her into a lesbian. They ended their relationship as friends and went their separate ways.

“What are you thinking about sweetie?” Grace noticed Hawk in deep thought.

“Just thinking about my past, is all.” Hawk had to admit sometimes she misses being a male.

“Well, I don’t think about my past at all.” Grace gets up off her lounger and walks over to Hawk and sits on her lap. She looks down into Hawk’s emerald green eyes.

Hawk wraps her arms around Grace’s petite Brazilian body. She was lucky the night she met Grace. Grace had gotten herself into some trouble that was beyond even her skills to get out of. If she hadn’t shown up when she did, Grace would be on the ground right now.

“I think that’s your problem, sweetheart. Your past sometimes comes up and bites you in your ass.” Hawk knew Grace had a lot of things in her past she wasn’t proud of doing.

“The only one I want biting me in my ass is you, sweetie.” Grace leans down and passionately kisses Hawk.

Hawk returns the kiss as she pulls Grace tight against her body. She loved feeling Grace pressing against her breasts. She runs her hands up and down Grace’s back. She feels Grace break away from kissing her.

“You have too many clothes on.” Grace starts untying Hawk’s bikini top and bottom. She lets them drop on the deck next to them.

Hawk just smirks as she goes back to kissing Grace. She feels Grace stop and starts kissing down her neck and then her chest, sucking in a nipple and start sucking on it. She leans back and moans as Grace hits all her sensitive spots on her body.

She opens her legs wider for Grace to go down in between and starts tonguing her in her vagina. She holds Grace’s head as Grace’s tongue enter her opening and nibble on her clit. She leans her head back as warmth starts building in her groin and spread towards her head. She could feel an orgasm building as Grace’s head bobbed back and forth between her spread legs.

Hawk feels Grace’s petite hand grab her breasts and start to massage them. She feels Grace press her face closer to her opening as if she was trying to climb into her womb. Before long, she is bucking in her lounger and soaking Grace’s face with her vagina fluids. Her eyes flutter as a huge orgasm rocks her body.

After a few minutes, she feels Grace licking her anal opening. She slides down out of her lounger and sits on Grace’s face and bends forward to lick Grace’s vagina. She hears Grace cry out when she starts licking and nibbling on her clit. She feels Grace’s fingers dig into her upper thigh.

For the next two hours, Grace and Hawk make out on the deck by the pool. Each woman’s body is hungry for attention as the two of them make love to each. Afterward, they stop and jump into the icy pool water. Both of them let out a surprised yelp at how cold the pool water was under the Texas sun.

Hawk looks at Grace with passion in her eyes as she swims over to her. She wraps her arms around Grace and holds her naked body against her own. She looks into Grace’s hazel eyes “I love you.”

“I know.” As Grace kisses Hawk.

Afterward, she escapes from Hawk’s arms and swims away while letting out a giggle. Hawk swims after her as they chase each other inside the pool. The two of them end up in the shallow end with Hawk’s arms wrapped around Grace’s body. Hawk was leaning up against the pool wall as she held Grace.

As Grace and Hawk are sitting in the shallow end of the pool enjoying each other’s company. Hawk’s cellphone starts ringing.

“Siri, answer the phone call.”

“Hawk, I need help.” Carrie runs as fast as she can as a black car comes speeding towards her.

“Carrie, what’s the problem?” Hawk lets go of Grace and get out of the pool.

“They know, Hawk. They know it was me passing information to you and the Rangers.” Carrie turns down a narrow alleyway and tosses whatever she can get her hands behind her.

“Where are you, Carrie?” Hawk was worried about Carrie.

“I’m heading towards my hideout over off of Liberty Street. Can you meet me there?” Carrie knew Hawk knew where her hideout was.

“Sure, just be careful Carrie.” Hawk was already heading inside her house.

Grace follows behind her. She wanted to help Carrie out as well. She’s done a few jobs with Hawk.

“I will. See you soon.” Carrie ends the phone call.

“What’s going on with Carrie?”

“The gang I had her planted in, found out she has been feeding me information.” Hawk puts on a pair of bra and panties.

She grabs her body suit to wear her body armor. She watches as Grace puts on a pair of bra and panties. She puts on her specialized bodysuit and grabs her weapon belt. Grace’s suit was based on the ones the vampires wore in the second movie.

Hawk grabs her body armor and puts it on. She grabs the key fob to her armor car and gets in. She starts the car up as Grace gets in on the passenger side. She opens the garage door and speeds out of the garage with her lights flashing. The car was equipped with emergency lights like a cop car.

She bought the armored car itself from an auction and had the engine and everything else on it upgraded. Not only was the car armor faster than it uses to be, but handled like a race car. It was also quiet as well. So, you didn’t hear it unless the sirens were going.

Hawk races through the streets with the lights going and when someone gets in her way, she blares the siren.

“Don’t these idiots see my lights?” Hawk couldn’t believe the drivers ignoring her.

She blares the sirens and finally, everyone starts getting out of her way. It takes her ten minutes to get to Carrie’s place and notices that there were a bunch of guys already there shooting at the building. She rams a truck full of guys with her car. She grabs her FN P90 rifle and starts firing at some of the gang members.

She watches as Grace tosses a few concussion grenades at a few guys. The guys get knocked off their feet and land on the ground on their back, covering their ears.

“Thank god I can’t hear those things.” Hawk had her helmet on.

“Me too.” Grace couldn’t hear the grenades she tossed.

The two women are charged by a group of guys that weren’t affected by the grenade. Grace had her stun baton out to strike and parry with.
Hawk switches out her live ammo, for rubber bullets. Between Grace striking the guys with her baton and Hawk firing rubber bullets at them. They manage to take down the group sent after Carrie.

Hawk goes up to the armored door and bangs on it. She uses the code Carrie gave her. She watches as the door opens. She knew Grace was right behind her.

Carrie watches as Grace and Hawk come walking into her safe house. She was glad they were here.

“It’s about time you guys got here.”

“Hey, we got here as fast as I could drive. Traffic wouldn’t get out of the way.” Hawk walks over to Carrie and could see she was bleeding from a wound in her upper arm.

“What happened to you?” Hawk moves quickly to Carrie to inspect the wound.

“One of the assholes managed to get a shot off before I could get to the safehouse.” Carrie was glad it hadn’t been too bad.

“Do you have a first aid kit?” Hawk looks at Carrie for an answer.

“Yes, but there’s nothing to stop this wound.” Carrie knew her first aid kit was a basic one.

“Hang on, I have a paramedic bag in my car. I’ll be back.” Hawk puts her helmet back on and walks out of the safehouse.

Grace looks at Carrie and couldn’t believe she use to be a twenty-seven-year-old man. According to what Carrie told Hawk, she had been placed into some sort of chamber and liquid-filled chamber and after that, she passed out.

When she woke up, she found herself strapped down on an examination table with her legs in a set of stirrups. She managed to escape and called Hawk to come and get her. When Hawk went back the next day, the place Carrie had escaped from was cleared out. There was no sign anyone or anything had happened there.

Just before they left, after searching the place. Hawk found some medical surgical gowns and booties in a nearby trashcan that someone discarded. That confirmed Carrie’s story about being abducted and experimented on.

“So, how did they detect that you were the mole in their group?” Grace was curious.

“I don’t know. I didn’t use the cellphone Hawk gave me around anyone and I’m always careful when I go back to the place I was living at. I always changed up my routine.” Carrie has been working undercover for Hawk for months.

“Somehow they found out about you.” Grace knew Carrie use to be a makeup artist before she was experimented on.

“I wish I knew how. I never did anything to give myself away.” Carrie was pissed that her cover had been blown.

Hawk comes walking back into Carrie’s safe house. She had her paramedic kit with her. Both her and Grace were EMT trained. She sets at a nearby table and takes out what she needs to remove a bullet. She looks at Carrie “this is going to hurt.”

“Can’t you give me something for the pain at least?” Carrie hated pain.

“I can give you a local, but it's still going to hurt.” Hawk grabs a needle and fills it with morphine.

Hawk squirts the needle to get the air bubble out of it. She looks at Carrie “here it comes.” As Hawk inserts the needle into Carrie’s arm.
Carrie closes her eyes. She hated needles and couldn’t watch. After a few seconds, she feels the pain dulling.

Hawk was watching Carrie’s reaction as she gets the tools, she needed to remove the bullet lodged in Carrie’s arm. She hasn’t removed any bullets before, except on the practice dummy. When Hawk starts poking around in the bullet wound, Carrie passes out.

“Grace, can you hold Carrie, please?” Hawk was holding Carrie up.

“No problem.” Grace holds Carrie up so Hawk could remove the bullet in her arm.

Hawk goes to work removing the bullet. She had to dig around until she found it, but she did manage to locate it. It was being stubborn as Hawk tries to be very careful as she removes the bullet.

She bandages Carrie’s arm up and carries her out to the armored car. As for the people she knocked out. She zip-cuffs them and calls the local police to come and pick them up. She makes sure all the weapons they used against her and Grace are lying next to them.

“I take it, Carrie is going to be staying with us for a while?” Grace gets in on the passenger side.

“Until I can make other arrangements with Sparrow.” Hawk gets in on the driver's side.

“I’m surprised you two are still good friends after your breakup.” Grace knew most lesbian lovers hated their girlfriends.

“Sparrow and I broke off our relationship on good terms. Sparrow wanted to try the other side of the road for a while. In a sense, I think she is bisexual.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re not.” Grace leans over and kisses Hawk on the cheek.

“Trust me, I can’t see myself letting a male penis penetrate me.” Hawk shivers just from the thought.

“You did on that one job.” A smirk appears on Grace’s face.

“Don’t remind me. I want to forget that whole mission.” Hawk hated playing she was a dumb bimbo that only had sex on her mind.

When she gets back to her place, she pulls her armor car into the four-car garage. She kept her armor car, the Armor SUV on one side of the garage. On the other side were her normal car and Grace’s car.

Hawk carries Carrie into the house and places her in one of their spare bedrooms. She carefully removes Carrie’s clothes and grabs a night shirt for her to sleep in. Once Carrie is tucked into bed, Hawk leaves the bedroom and heads to the armory to put her armor suit back in its decom unit. She also puts away the weapons she grabbed as well.

Grace comes walking into the armory with her specialized body suit and hangs it in its decom unit. She looks at Hawk “I’m hungry, how about you?”

“I can go for a pizza or something.” Hawk was feeling hungry after everything that has taken place.

“I’m calling Bubba’s Pizza Palace and have a large pizza delivered.”

“Sounds good to me.” Hawk liked Bubba’s Pizza.

Grace places the order and hangs up afterward. She turns towards Hawk with a smile on her face “now, where were we before we got interrupted by Carrie?”

“I think somewhere about, here.” Hawk wraps her arms around Grace.

Sometime during the night, Carrie crawls into bed between Grace and Hawk. When she was younger and was feeling bad. She always liked sleeping with her mothers.

Carrie just holds her as Hawk holds her from behind, being careful of her shoulder wound. Carrie felt safe being held by both women as she slept. She was always on alert when she slept by herself.

Hawk wakes up first and gets out of bed. She stretches and listens to her body as some of her joints pop and crack. She has lived a hard life, even before she was turned into a woman. She use to herd cattle for old man Williamson and spent a lot of time in the saddle.

She walks out of the bedroom in the nude after heading to the bathroom and relieving her body. She felt her nipples become hard as the cold air in the house caused them to stiffen. She still to this day doesn’t know what caused her to be turned into a woman.

She walks into the kitchen and pulls out two slices of the pizza they ordered last night. She reheats them in the toaster oven and fixes herself a cup of coffee while the slices heat up. She turns the television set on and tunes it to the local television station.

There was no mention of the shootout between her and the Draco gang. Which was good, because lately the Draco gang has been involved in six shootouts in the last month. They were taking over some of the other gang territories lately. She hears the toaster oven ding. She walks over and takes her slices out and places them on a plate.

“Is that pizza?” Carrie comes walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, we ordered pizza last night after I fixed your wound and tucked you into bed.” Hawk looks at Carrie’s teenage body.

She couldn’t get over the fact that Carrie was turned into a sixteen-year-old girl. The thing was with her makeup artist skills, she could make herself look like an older guy or a teenage boy. She kept her black hair cut short and her medium size breasts flattened with a tight tank top or ace bandage.

“Cool.” Carrie walks over to the refrigerator and spots the pizza box. She takes out two slices as well and put them into the toaster oven.

While the slices were heating up, Carrie turns and looks at Hawk “I’m sorry for crawling into bed between you and Grace. It’s when I’m not feeling well or scared. I don’t like sleeping by myself.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind and I know Grace doesn’t mind either.” Hawk knew Grace didn’t like sleeping by herself either.

“So, how long have you and Grace been a couple now?” Carrie knew Grace wasn’t Hawk’s girlfriend when she first met her.

“Going on six months now. I met her when I went after a bounty down in Brazil. I rescued her from a bunch of guys that had forced her into
prostitution. They were forcing her to repay them for some stuff she stole from them with her body. You already know Grace is a professional thief.”

“Yeah, she’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.”

“Well, what you don’t know. Is the person who took her off the streets and trained her a sadist bastard. If she didn’t perform the skill, he was teaching her just right. He would inflict pain on her. He would also let some of his friends have their way with her as well.”

“Damn, I would have killed him if he let his friends rape me.” Carrie couldn’t imagine being raped.

“She never knew when it would happen. He drugged her before she was raped. The thing was, he was also showing her how to build up a tolerance to poisons. So, she never knew if he was poisoning her or drugging her.” Hawk knew Grace still had nightmares and panic attacks at times.

Sometimes Mr. Warshofsky would drug Carrie with a drug so strong, that it would knock her out for days. Sometimes he slept with her or let other men use her body when she was out of it.

“So, you rescued her and brought her back here to Texas? Isn’t that called smuggling?” Carrie knew that was what the Draco gang did as well.

“The person who rescued me and trained me. Created a whole new identity for Grace. Just like she did for you.” Hawk takes a sip of her coffee.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you. Who is the person and how did she manage to do it?” Carrie was curious because she has never met the person before.

“Mrs. Drago was a very unique woman. She served this country for a very long time and rescued four people who had been either experimented on or changed by some gender-changing drug. She also had her fingers in other things we didn’t know about.” Hawk was going to miss her.

“Is she dead?” Carrie was curious because she wanted to thank her.

“Yes, she passed away while she was asleep. Her daughter went to wake her up and found her not breathing. She had a heart attack in the middle of the night.”

“Could she have faked her death?”

“That’s what we thought, but no. She died a natural death and she will be missed.” Grace comes walking into the kitchen naked as well.

Where Hawk had a silhouette of a Hawk for a birthmark. Grace had a tattoo of a Great Horned Owl on her left shoulder. She was known as Night Owl by the underworld.

Grace walks over to Hawk and kisses her. After she kisses Hawk, she steps back to look into Hawk’s emerald green eyes “I take it you were talking about Mrs. Drago?”

“And you as well.” Hawk returns Grace’s kiss.

“You two remind me of my mothers. They were so in love with each other.” Carrie takes a bite from the pizza slice.

“You were raised by lesbians?” Grace looks at Carrie when she says that.

“Yep, my one mother is African American and my other mother is Chinese. I was given to my parents by a young woman that got pregnant by her
first cousin.” Carrie had been told by her parents about her birth.

“Wow, that’s unusual.” Grace knew her mother was a whore down in Brazil. Her mother uses to be a concubine for a rich Brazilian businessman.

Her father was an asshole and only cared about himself. He stopped seeing her mother when she was seven years old. He found a younger woman that was better looking than her mother.

“Tell me about it. Sometimes I had no idea what my mother said in Chinese when she argued with her wife. All I can say is my parents always put me and my sister first.” Carrie was glad when she told her sister she had been turned into a girl.

“You have a sister?” Both Hawk and Grace were surprised.

“Yep, she’s African American as well and was born to a young black girl in my mother’s school.”

“What, one of your mothers is a school teacher?” Hawk and Grace didn’t know this about Carrie.

“Yeah, my mother Jada is a high school teacher. My other mother Wei owns a chain of beauty salons and three Chinese food places.”

“Wow, your other mother was busy.” Grace was impressed.

“Oh, that’s nothing. Women pay a lot of money to look good. That’s where my mother gets her money from. The beauty salons rake in the cash.
That’s also where I learned to be a makeup artist. Some of the women thought I was gay because I was the only male among a bunch of women doing makeup and nails. However, that’s not as crazy as my sister working at one of my mom’s Chinese restaurants as a chef. She loves cooking.” Carrie knew her sister enjoy cooking.

“That is weird. You would never find an African American working at a Chinese restaurant.” Hawk had to agree with Carrie about that.

“How about you, Hawk. Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Carrie was sharing and figured Hawk might.

“She’s an only child,” Grace answered for Hawk.

She kisses Hawk on the lips and smiles. She loved Hawk a lot and would do anything Hawk wanted to do. She enjoyed being submissive to Hawk’s dominant nature.

“Okay, what else do you know about Hawk?” Carrie was surprised when Grace answered her.

“She knows I’m an only child and my mother can’t have any more children. Which doesn’t matter in my family. I have so many cousins, uncles, aunts, and so on.” Turns Grace around, and wraps her arms around Grace’s body.

“Are you a dominate person, Hawk?” Carrie has noticed that Grace likes it when Hawk takes command.

“With Grace here, I am. She’s a submissive and a masochist.” Hawk hugs her wife. They got married in private.

“Only with you, sweetie. I don’t like receiving pain from anyone else.” Grace has had a bad experience with what her teacher did to her.

“Okay, so you like pain?” Carrie was curious.

“Only during sex. Plus, I’m a nudist as well. I don’t like wearing clothes unless I have to.” Grace learned since she has been living with Hawk that
she likes to wear nothing around the house or out in their yard.

“Which has come in handy. Grace has done some undercover work for me at a nudist colony. I was tracking down a pedophile that went to nudist colonies to find his victims. He knew what I looked like, but didn’t know what Grace looked like.”

“Which allowed you to find him.” Carrie could see that reasoning.

“How about you Carrie? What are your hang-ups?” Grace looks at Carrie with a smile on her face.

“Well, like I told Hawk earlier. I use to sleep with my mothers whenever I was scared or felt lonely. I don’t like sleeping alone and I prefer to be babied.”

“So, your one of those people who like to dress up as an adult baby and be treated like one?” Grace has known a few people like that.

“Yes.” As Carrie’s cheeks turn red from admitting that. She has never admitted that to anyone before. Her mothers knew and so did her sister, but no one else did.

“I think we should keep her and make her wear baby clothes at the house. I can play the mommy and you can be the daddy or the mommy as well.”

“I don’t do diapers.” Hawk didn’t like changing babies when she use to be a male and as a woman, she wasn’t going to do it either.

“That’s fine. I’ll change our babies’ diapers.” Grace smiles because she had some wicked ideas brewing in her head.

“Can we change the subject, please?” Carrie was trying to stop blushing.

“Sure, what does our little, witty, baby want to talk about now?” Grace was going to have fun with Carrie.

“What are we going to do about the Draco gang?” Carrie looks at Hawk.

“Do you know where their main safehouse is here in Austin?” Hawk would love to take it out.

“Unfortunately, no. They kept that information from me. Only the top leaders of each region know that information.

“Street pimps like me are kept in the dark about what goes on higher up.” Carrie tried moving up, but the person above her, wouldn’t do it. They were looking at a new person that just joined.

“Then we need to kidnap one of the upper leaders and find out.” Hawk knew it was the only way.

“Easier said than done. Each top leader has at least six bodyguards protecting them. They also travel around in armor SUVs equipped with secret compartments in them.”

“That does present a problem, but I think I know a way to accomplish it.” Hawk was thinking of a move she saw done in a movie.

“What are you thinking about sweetie?” Grace knew when Hawk got quiet, she was thinking about something.

“Something I once saw in a movie.”

“Up oh! I have a feeling this is going to be very dangerous.” Carrie knew Hawk wasn’t above pulling stunts.

“Do you know how to find this SUV, Carrie?” Hawk looks at Carrie for an answer.

“Yes, I do.” Carrie knew where it was kept.

“Good, we can hit it tomorrow, while I work out some plans.” Hawk had an idea of what she was going to do.

“While you work out your idea, sweetie. I’m going to go and do some shopping.” Grace had an evil smile on her face.

“Okay.” Hawk wonders what Grace was up to.

She watches as Grace walks off twitching her behind like she likes to do. She looks at Carrie “I think you are in trouble.”

“Why?” Carrie had a dumbfounded look on her face.

“You know why.” Hawk finishes her coffee and heads toward her bedroom to get dressed.

Carrie stands in the kitchen all by herself wondering what Hawk meant.

The Next Day on a Deserted Highway:
“Get closer, Grace.” Hawk was on the hood of her armor car as they chased the black SUV Carrier told them about down.

“If I get any closer, you’ll become street pizza.” Grace couldn’t believe Hawk's plan. She was going to jump from the front of her armor car onto the SUV while they were moving at high speeds.

“Just do it.” Hawk watches as Grace gets right onto the SUV’s bumper.

The SUV wasn’t as fast as her armor car. She places one of her pucks on the back window of the SUV and watches as it explodes. She tosses one of her hi-tech concussion grenades inside the SUV. When it explodes, the SUV goes out of control and swirls off the highway and right into a bunch of trees. Hawk holds on as Grace slows the armored car down. When Grace stops, she springs forward and flips in the air. She lands on her feet as she rushes toward the SUV to see who was still alive.

Grace gets out of the armored car to back Hawk up. She couldn’t believe what her girlfriend had just done. She brings her rifle up and points it at the occupants of the SUV.

Hawk examines everyone. They were going to have some busies and maybe a broken bone or two, but otherwise, they will live. She takes all their cellphones and a tablet one of them was carrying. She also takes several piles of money they had to cover her operating cost and leaves the rest for the Texas Rangers.

She runs back to her armor car and grabs the system reader from the truck of her car. It will plug into the onboard data port so she can read the onboard computer system. The information stored inside it will tell her where they started and where they were going.

While Hawk was scanning the SUV onboard computer, she looks at Grace “I can’t believe you dressed Carrier up as a little girl.”

“She said she likes being treated as a baby. As long as she is staying with us, I’ll treat her as a little girl.” Grace was smiling beneath her helmet.

Hawk just shakes her head as she finishes getting the information from the SUV. She connects with the Rangers dispatch and has them send Texas Highway Patrol out to her location.

“Don’t you need the leader of the group to interrogate?” Grace knew Hawk might have forgotten that bit of information.

“Yes.” Hawk pulls out the person they need and zip-cuffs them. She puts them in the backseat of the armored car and heads home.

Sometime Later at An Abandon Warehouse:
Jorge wakes up and finds himself strip naked and tie-down to a folding table with holes in it. Standing near him were two women wearing some sort of body armor and their heads were covered.

“Ah, you’re a wake. Now we can begin.” Hawk picks up a scalp and looks at it.

“I’m not going to tell you anything, bitch.” Jorge spits at the woman holding the scalp.

“Ah! But you will if you want to live.” Grace smiles beneath her helmet.

Hawk starts cutting into Jorge’s chest. She makes sure it’s a slow painful cut as she goes from beneath his neck, down to his manhood. Once she made one cut, she starts on a second cut.

Jorge screams as the woman cuts all the way down to his manhood. He screams again when she starts making another cut following the first one. He tries pulling free from his restraints, but couldn’t.

“This is going to burn.” Grace picks up a bottle with a clear substance in it and opens it.

She starts pouring it slowly on the cuts. She knows what this acid will do to the open wounds on this guy’s face. She has experienced this before. By the time she gets down to his manhood.

“I’ll talk, I’ll talk. Just stop what you are doing.” Jorge was in pain from the acid.

“Tell me where your main processing plant is.” Hawk had the recorder going.

Jorge ends up telling these women where the processing plant was located in Austin. They had three of them and each one was guarded by twenty guys with fully automatic weapons. He also tells them where the money is kept as well. He warns them that it is inside an old armory building.

By the time Grace and Hawk were done with Jorge, he was in extreme pain. Grace knocked him out with a date rape drug she managed to get her hands on. She used so much of it, that by the time he woke up. He is going to be feeling sick to his stomach.

“I need to pass this information onto the rest of the team.” Hawk looks at Grace.

“How about that Felica person or the Rangers?”

“I’ll have to speak with Dove and see what she thinks. I can always pass this information along to them and let them handle it.” Hawk wanted to be part of the team to take this group down.

Grace puts her hand on Hawk’s arm “there is plenty for us to do.”

“I know.” Hawk tends to the wounds she inflicted on Jorge and drops him off at the nearest police station.

Afterward she heads back home to call Dove and Sparrow.

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