Breasts / Breast Implants

Summer's Current: Chapters 27-30

“Close the Observation ceiling and display the star field simulation for mid twenty-second century Earth, Northern Hemisphere, United States, Michigan, Detroit, during the Summer Solstice, please.”
“Is there something that girl hasn’t thought of?” Charli whispered to Mom.
“If there is, let me know, M’lady. We can always add some smaller details.”

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 6

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Kelly moves slowly as she follows behind Victoria.

They just came back from the doctor’s office that Kelly had an appointment with. Since she was playing a lot of female parts and passing herself off as a woman. She decided to have some sort of surgery to make it easier for her to tuck and pass as a woman.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 13/27

With her friends firmly on her side, Lillyn focuses on another endeavor.
It is time to research.
But now that she has so many new items from Earth she is hard pressed where to start.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 12/27

Much was revealed the day before.
After coming to terms with the church, Lillyn is eager to call her friends.
It is time to make some plans.
But maybe she is in for a surprise too.

For a limited time: Participate in a vote and help shape the direction this story will evolve to.


WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence,
bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from
my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Everybody knew about Grace. My sister first created her when I was just 13. I wanted to get into a movie rated 16 and above and she suggested that we go together as 16 year old girls. I could never pass as a 16 year old boy, that was for sure. I had to pay for her as well, but even at that age I was earning money from some of the websites I was creating. I went to the movie as her sister Grace.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1:

“How did you get me in to this?” Jasper asked his sister.

“It just came out,” replied Jade. “When he said he was a twin I just blurted out that I was a twin too. Then he suggested the double date, and … well, he just so cute I could not say no.”


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Samuel Dunleavy and Nicholas Gubbins were friends and rivals. They had been since they were small boys. I had been a long time.

The truth is that it was this rivalry that had made them successful. What they lacked in basic intelligence they made up for with tenacity, and that was driven by they desire to outdo one another.

Woman in the Corner Office - 24


Chapter 89

For lunch they gave me real food and it was a good thing I was being fed or I might have made a pig of myself. The aide made sure I didn't eat too fast or take giant bites. I discovered I actually enjoyed my food more and felt filled before I had even finished my dessert. Dessert? What else, green jello.

Summer's Current: Chapters 13-15

“Chance? Time to retreat!”
“It’s them! We have to get the coven to regroup. You all need valuable information on the original Hobgoblins. Our normal attacks won’t faze them. Nothing we’ve used in the past has even made a dent!”

Woman in the Corner Office - 23


Chapter 85

The problem with lying in bed doing nothing is it gives me too much time to think. To think about Christina, to think about my new job and to think about why Rick felt it necessary to try and nearly succeed in killing me.

Butterscotch -6- Tight

“Is there an animal you think is particularly like you?”

I blinked. What an odd question. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? “An animal? Uh—a chipmunk?”

She turned to grin at me. “I believe it,” she said.

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Woman in the Corner Office - 22


Chapter 81

"Hey, it's only a little blood. I've seen more when I cut myself shaving."

Nothing I said seemed to have any effect. She kept calling for help in between hugging me and telling me I'd be alright. She kept muttering to herself, "not again, not again," before calling out again.

Butterscotch -5- Shopping

Marjorie said, “We’re dressing my baby brother up as a girl for a party tonight.”

“Not your idea?” Deirdre asked.

I shook my head. “I still don’t remember agreeing to this,” I said.




Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.28 (Final Chapter)

Wyatt, Gloria, Grace, and Anthony meet in one of the conference rooms on the floor Raven was on. Wyatt looks at everyone gathered at the conference table “we need to stop this assassin. They are going to attack again and the next time they might succeed.”

“So, what do you have in mind?” Anthony looks at Wyatt. He was wondering what they could do to stop the assassin.

“A simple switch and bait trap.” Wyatt figures they need to pull a page from their mother’s playbook.

“Switch and bait? What’s involved in that?”

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Chapter 77

Things had gotten a lot clearer since yesterday. It helped that I didn't have to worry about Christina. The nurses did tell me about her catfight with Rick's wife. I'm sorry I missed it. Maybe there was security footage. I'd ask.

Okay, I'm a guy, the idea of Christina and another women fighting kind of turned me on. As long as she didn't find out.

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Chapter 73

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Somebody needed to turn off the damn alarm. I tried to reach for it but all I felt was pain. I decided to go back to sleep.

I opened my eyes again and there she was right above me smiling. Just like in my dream. She kissed me. Then there were more faces. I wanted to tell them to get out of my dream but I couldn't make my mouth work.

GLOOteus Maximiss Part 3 - Grody to the Max


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 3 - Grody to the Max

It was literally a slap heard round the kingdom. Reginald's family did not look happy and neither did the King and Queen. They saw their potential new tourist attraction going up in flames due to their hot-headed replacement daughter.

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Chapter 69

I'd changed my wifi password the day she'd turned me away. I never expected she'd ever see it. Well, my secret was out now. I looked at her to see her reaction. At least she wasn't shaking her head no. Instead she was clutching the small bit of paper to her chest like her favorite doll.

Woman in the Corner Office - 18


Chapter 65

Her sauce was good, better than mom's but not as good as dad's. Cooking was his hobby, his release from the stress of the construction business. Sunday belonged to him and mom was only too happy to have the day off.

Woman in the Corner Office - 17


Chapter 61

She chased me out of the kitchen. I ran in the bedroom with her right behind me. She stopped and told me to take off my shirt so she could check on where I had been hit by the taser. I knew she was going to bug me until I did so I carefully took off my shirt. Sitting in the car and on the sofa had aggravated the dull ache. I heard her intake of breath as she saw the bandage.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.27

111 Brookberry Cir Unit 111, Chapel Hill, N.C.:
Angela stretches as she wakes-up. She has never slept as soundly and as comfortable as she did last night. Sure, some of her muscles were screaming at her from her swimming exercise, but overall. She felt relax and well-rested.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 5

Kelly wakes up the next day. Her arms were sore from all the sanding she did the day before. She gets up and heads towards her private bathroom. She loved the fact that she finally had her bathroom.

After doing her morning routine, she puts on a new romper she bought a few weeks ago. She and Victoria had been out shopping for new clothes. Victoria was helping her adjust to being a normal woman. She wanted to learn as much as she could about women's fashion from
Victoria. Victoria helped her find the right type of bra to wear after she had her breasts reduced.

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Chapter 57

I don't know what the hell got into that woman. If I didn't know better I'd think she was jealous. That was some kiss she laid on me and that ass in her tight skirt. . . . It was going to take me a couple of minutes before I could get out of the car and not embarrass myself.

Woman in the Corner Office - 15


Chapter 53

I wish I could say my motives were as selfless as Christina thought they were. In part they were because by admitting to being at fault I diverted attention from him looking at her license. I knew if there were more than a cursory glance and he saw the M that I suspected was in the box for sex the whole atmosphere might change.

Woman in the Corner Office - 14


Chapter 49

I'd been debating how to get back home or to my car. I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble if I went back for it. I was standing outside the ER entrance when a human projectile came at me and literally jumped into my arms and told me to take her home.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 8/27

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
That is the saying Lillyn bases her newest venture on.
Each day hordes of adventurers unload junk and trash on her counter.
Asking her to trade them to the void.
But what if she has other plans?

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Chapter 45

I decided to take Ms Lukes advice and poured myself a tumbler full of liquor from a dusty bottle that had been my dad's. Like him, I seldom drank except with clients to be sociable, so the large glass of straight liquor hit me hard.


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