Changed Against My Will

“Man, I scored us some free drugs for tonight.” Alex looks at his best friend as they sat around in his apartment.

“What’s the drug, man?” Larry looks at Alex.

“I don’t know what it is called, but it was free, and the dude said we will love the experience.” Alex pulls out two skinny needles filled with violetish blue color liquid.

Larry looks at the needles and Alex “you know I have a problem with needles.” Larry didn’t like needles at all.

“Oh, come on you big baby. It won’t hurt at all. I’ve injected myself without any problems.” Alex reaches for a rubber tubing.

“I don’t know.” Alex looks at the needles with a little fear in his eyes.

“Look, I promise everything will be okay.” Larry moves close to Alex.

Alex watches as Larry ties the rubber tubing around his arm. He looks at his friend “I better not die from this.”

“You won’t, I promise.” Larry inserts the needle into Alex’s arm and injects the fluid.

Alex feels the liquid enter his body and a warm tingling sensation starts spreading from where the needle went into his arm. A euphoric feeling overcomes Alex as the drug spreads throughout his body. He spots his friend Larry going through the same thing as he is.

He watches as Larry passes out in front of him. He starts feeling himself getting weak and the next thing he feels is himself passing out. He doesn’t feel anything as the drug courses through his body. While both young men are unconscious and not feeling anything.Their bodies start changing.

Larry’s hair starts becoming longer and changing from brown to blonde. His body starts changing as well. His legs become smoother and skinner. His hips become a little wider and fuller. His skin tone becomes fairer, and his face becomes rounder. His eyes stay the color they are as small apple shape breasts form on his chest.

He starts aging backward some. He goes from looking like he was in his mid-twenties, to looking like he is in his mid-teens. Whatever drugs or damage that has been done to his body is healed and fixed.

Alex’s body starts changing as well. He shrinks in height and develops small round breasts as well. His hair goes from black to brown and his eyes change color as well. He shrinks five inches in height and his feet become smaller. His shoulders and hips become the same width as each other.

Alex looks prettier than Larry and both of them have a very small chest. Where Larry has a banana shape body, Alex has a pear shape form. Both of them look to be in their mid-teens.

Several hours later Alex starts slowly waking up. He spots a blonde hair girl wearing his friend’s clothes laying on the floor across from him. He looks at his hands and discovered they didn’t look right.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” Alex sits up and couldn’t believe the voice that came out of his mouth.

It wasn’t his voice. It sounded more like his mother’s or older sister’s voice. He couldn’t believe he had been turned into a girl. He crawls over to Larry and shakes him.

“Larry, wake-up man.” Alex wants to know why he and Larry had been changed.

Larry moans as he slowly wakes up. He brushes several strands of long blonde hair out of his eyes.

“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” Larry sits up and looks at Alex and doesn’t recognize the light brown hair girl looking at him.

“What happened to you?” Larry was confused as hell.

“I want to know what happened to us. The last thing I remember is you giving me that drug and you passing out afterward.” Alex was confused as hell.

“I didn’t know the drug would do this. Craig didn’t say it would do this. He said that it’s a new drug and would give me an unbelievable
experience.” Larry wishes Craig had told him that the drug would do this to him and Alex.

“Can you call the person who gave you this drug to see if they have an antidote?” Alex didn’t want to be a girl. He liked being a guy.

“I can call Craig and see if he has something that can undo this mess.” Larry didn’t like being a girl either, but he couldn’t resist seeing what he looked like.

Larry gets up and walks towards the bathroom to see what he looks like. He takes his clothes off and looks at his reflection. He couldn’t believe how small his new breasts were. He looked like his cousin Selma. His body matched hers in every detail, except he has blonde hair.

“Why couldn’t I have been given bigger breasts?” Larry was disappointed at how he looked.

Alex was wondering where Larry went. He walks into Larry’s bedroom and spots Larry in the bathroom looking at himself. He hears Larry commenting about how he looks.

“Why are you worried about how you look? I want my old body back.” Alex never wanted to be a girl.

“I know, but why couldn’t that drug had given me Kim Kardashian type of breasts?”

“Who cares about what that drug could give you. I want my old body back.” Alex hated that he was a girl and didn’t like that he was kind of flat-chested.

“Alright, I’ll call Craig and see if he has an antidote or something.” Larry walks out of the bathroom and grabs his cellphone off the coffee table.

He dials Craig’s number. He waits and looks at Alex. He was just as flat-chested as he was. He had apple size breasts as well.

Alex feels his stomach start to growl. He looks at the time and notices he and Larry have been out of it for the past six hours. He walks into the living room and gets his cellphone. He orders two large pizzas and a bucket of hot wings. He was feeling extremely hungry.

Craig’s Place:
Craig was sitting in his chair counting the money from the last batch of girls he just sold. As he was sitting there, his cellphone starts ringing. He picks it up and notices it was Larry Holmes's contact number. A smile appears on his face, as he presses accept.

“Larry, what can I do for you?”

“Craig, would you happen to have an antidote to that liquid in those needles you gave me?”

“Larry, why does your voice sound so strange?” A sly smile appears on Craig’s face.

He knew what happened and couldn’t wait to see what Larry and whoever else was with him looked like. As he is sitting there listening to
Larry. He watches as one of his men comes walking out of the room, they were holding several of the girls. He was zipping up his pants with a smile on his face.

Craig had been listening to Larry about an antidote for the shot. He knew there wasn’t one “look, can you meet me?”

“No, can you come to my address with the antidote?”

“Sure, no problem. It’s going to take me an hour to come to you.”

“Alright, I and my friend will be waiting for you.”

Craig motions to the guy that came out of the room. He wonders if it was just Larry and his friend.

“Is it just the two of you there?”

“Yes, it’s just the two of us. Please hurry with the antidote.” Larry hopes Craig has the antidote.

“I’ll be at your place in an hour.” Craig ends the phone call.

Craig looks at his man “grab Ray and Williams. We have two more girls to collect.”

“Oh, you mean I get to break in two more women?” Lucas couldn’t wait to see what these new girls look like.

“I think if you keep raping them, we’re going to lose out on money. You’re not touching these women. We get more money if they're still virgins. If you don’t listen to me, Lucas. I’m going to have you turned into a woman and ship your pretty little ass to our Central American friends.” Craig looks at Lucas with a serious look on his face.

“Fine!” Lucas grabs a set of zip cuffs.

He pulls his cellphone out and dials Ray and Williams’s number. He informs them they have another two girls to pick up and to bring the van.
Afterward, he and Craig leave to go and get Larry.

“Well, I have good news. Craig has an antidote for whatever this drug is.”

“Good! The sooner I’m back to normal, the better.” Alex wanted to be himself again.

The food Alex orders arrive within twenty minutes. Both of them were ravenous as they start eating. They couldn’t help themselves. After the first bite, they couldn’t stop.

Out On the Road:
Felica couldn’t believe the people she encountered at the party she had been invited to. She now knew why her mothers didn’t attend these social parties anymore. Most of the guys she met tonight were drooling over how she looked.

It was a good thing her cousin Sasha knew a drag queen that could help her. Steven was a godsend and hired him as her assistant. He dollied her up and helped her pick out the perfect gown and heels.

She couldn’t wait to get home and take a shower. She felt dirty after spending time with everyone at that party. As she sits at a stoplight, waiting for it to change, she spots two half-naked girls running down the sidewalk. They were being chased by four men.

“Fuck, it!” Felica runs the stoplights and heads towards the girls.

She spots a side street that she could intercept the girls. She dodges through traffic and turns down the side street. She opens the passenger side car door “GET IN!”

Alex and Larry were running from Craig and his men. Larry couldn’t believe Craig tried to drug him and Alex. If Alex hadn’t kicked one of
Craig’s men in the knees. They wouldn’t have been able to escape.

Something seemed off with Craig when he offered to inject the antidote into them. Alex saw the look on one of the guy's faces and knew something was wrong. Craig had almost stabbed Larry with the needle before Alex saved him.

Alex and Larry notice a blue BMW pull in front of them. He watches as the passenger side door opens and a lady with white color hair yells at them.

“Hurry, ladies!” Felica was watching the girls and the four men behind them.

Alex drags Larry into the car. Larry was sitting on Alex’s lap as he shuts the car door.

“Hold On!” Felica floors the gas pedal just as Williams grabs the door handle.

Felica heads down the side street and then turns left. She glances at the girls and saw they were wearing baggy, boxer shorts, t-shirts, and socks.

“So, would you mind telling me why those men are after you?” Felica heads towards her condo.

“They tried kidnapping us.” Alex didn’t know how much he could trust this woman.

Felica glances towards the girls and something didn’t seem right about them. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something.

“Why were those guys targeting you girls?”

“We don’t know why.” Larry was still shaken up over what Craig was going to do to him.

“Well, I’ll take you to the hospital, so they can check you girls out. You can talk to the police and tell them what is going on.” Felica didn’t know what else to do with these girls.

“NO! we can’t go to the police or the hospital.” Alex looks at Felica and noticed how well dressed she was.

“Why not? Did you girls do something wrong?” Felica wonders what these girls have done.

“No, we…we don’t exist.” Alex figures he needed to trust someone with what happened.

“You girls look real to me. What do you mean, you don’t exist?”

“Can we continue this somewhere else, please?” Larry was bracing himself with every turn and bump the car made.

“Yes, I’ll take you, girls, to my place and you can explain yourself.” Felica changes directions and head towards her place.

Larry and Alex watch as the silver hair woman drives. After a while, they pull into a two-car garage. The garage door closes behind them.

“Alright, girls you’re safe now.” Felica gets out of the BMW and heads towards a door at the far end of the garage.

Alex and Larry follow the silver-haired woman. They noticed several motorcycles were parked in the garage. They followed behind the woman and into a nice kitchen area.

“How was the party, Felica?” Steven comes walking out of the den, dressed in a lacey bright pink nightgown.

“Boring, but I did run into some excitement.”

“Are those young ladies your excitement?” Steven looks at the two teenage girls walking behind Felica.

He notices they were wearing t-shirts too big for their bodies, baggy boxer shorts, and mismatching socks. He also noticed that they were upset and concerned as well.

“Ladies, this is my assistant Steven, aka Mrs. March.” Felica couldn’t believe that Steven was a female impersonator. Sure, he was a drag queen as well.

“Ladies, you look like you have had a rough night.” Steven looks at the two teenage girls.

“You don’t know the half of it.” Alex looks at steven and the woman that saved them.

“Steven, do you have any clothes that might fit them?” Felica was curious.

“I might have something I can modify to fit them.” Steven was good at sewing.

“Ladies, what are your names?” Felica look at the two teenage girls.

Alex looks at Larry “do you want to tell her or do I?”

“Tell me what?” Felica wanted to know what these girls were talking about.

“We aren’t true girls.” Larry looks at Steven and Felica when he says that.

“What do you mean, you’re not true girls? You look like genetic girls to me.” Steven was curious.

“We mean, that we were born boys, but now were girls.” Alex had answered.

“So, you had SRS surgery to make you look like girls, big deal.” Steven didn’t care.

“No, we didn’t have surgery to look like girls. We took a violetish blue color drug that did this to us. It turned us from boys to fully functional girls.” Alex felt he had to explain what happened to them.

“Wait a minute, you took a drug that turned you from being male to a female? Where can I get this drug?” Steven wouldn’t mind taking it.

“You don’t want to take it. Look what it did to us.” Larry lifted his shirt to show Steven what they had been turned into.

Felica was thinking about what the girls just said. If the drug turned them into what they looked like, why did it turn her into what she looked like, and who gave it to her?

“Look, we can talk more about this in the morning. You two can sleep in the spare bedroom across from Steven. Steven, do you have anything they can wear to bed?”

“I have some t-shirts they can use.”

“Alright, ladies. Follow me and I’ll show you to your room.” Steven turns to show the girls to the bedroom.

Felica watches as Steven and the girls walk upstairs to the bedrooms. She walks into her office and sends an email to her mothers and Ivy.
The email contained information that she may have a lead on what changed her. She’ll get in touch with them later when she has more.

She sits down at her computer and reconstructs the faces of the men she saw chasing the girls. She also accesses the ATMs and cameras in that area as well. She runs their faces through National Criminal Data Base and DMV to find out who they are.

While she is waiting on the results, she grabs a cold coffee drink from the small refrigerator in her office. The computer network she was logged into belonged to her mother’s company. It was her secret black network. As she is sitting there watching the pictures, the men’s pictures pop up with their information.

“Let’s see what you guys have in your possessions.” Felica walks over to a secret compartment in her office and pulls a book down.

A secret compartment opens revealing her catsuit and utility belt. She strips out of the dress she is wearing and puts the suit and mask on. She transfers the information where the guys live to the small computer system attached to her utility belt.

Craig’s Place:
Craig and his men were upset that Larry and his friend got away. He also wanted to know who the woman who saved Larry was and his friend.

“Do you think they are going to the cops?” Williams looks at Craig.

“And tell them what? That they use to be males and were turned into girls by a drug? Who’s going to believe them?” Craig knew if one of the girls they had went to the police and told on them. They wouldn’t be believed.

“Let’s go and get some sleep. We’ll sell the girls we have tomorrow.”


Around two in the morning:
Felica lowers herself down the side of the building where the address was. She saw one of the windows was block by a piece of wood. She takes out a round screwdriver-looking device from her belt and places it against the piece of wood covering the window. She turns a dial on it and presses a button. The laser burns through the wood. She catches the wood before it can hit the floor. When she looks into the room, she spots ten women of various ages, ethnic groups sleeping on the floor.

She slips into the room and over to the door that leads into the room. She wonders if these women were the results of the drug that had been used on her and the two teenage girls, she saved earlier this evening. The door to the room was locked. There was no way to get to the lock from the inside of the room. She pulls the screwdriver-looking device out and places it against the wood surrounding the doorknob and burns through it.

Normally, she would just kick the door down, but she was trying to be quiet. Once the laser burns through the wood, she tries to open the door. She opens the door and moves slowly out into the room. She spots two of the men sleeping out in the living room. She also spots two more doors.

She moves quietly over to the sleeping guys. She looks at them as they slept. She doesn’t want to kill them. She slips two patches out and places them on the exposed skin of the men. The drugs in the patch will keep them out for six hours and fall off.

She moves quietly to the other rooms and finds one room was locked. She figures that was where the drugs were being stored. She opens the other door and saw two men sleeping in there. One was on the floor and the other was in a bed. She slips into the room and places the same patches she used before on each man.

She takes pictures of each guy. She wasn’t going to call the cops on them. She moves back into the living room and takes pictures of the two men in there. Now, that they were knocked out. She walks over to the door that is locked and picks the lock.

She turns the light on and saw the supply of drugs this Craig person had. She spots some needles filled with the liquid that the girls describe. She also saw that there were several pint jars filled with the liquid.

She picks one up and examines it. The liquid was the right color and had some weird writing on a label that was on it. She wonders how it was made and who made it. She collects all the liquid and the money she finds.

She pulls out her cellphone and dials a number “I need a pick-up for ten women. Lock onto my cellphone.”

Felica watches as a red light appears on her cellphone. Once she has all the drugs, she goes to wake up the girls.

“Come on ladies, I’m going to take you somewhere, safe.” Felica looks at all the girls as they slowly moved.

The youngest one among them looked to be middle eastern and around the age of the two teenagers, she rescued earlier. She walks over to the girl “are you alright?”

“No, he, he raped me.” Arnold couldn’t believe he had been raped in his new body.

Felica looks at all the girls present “did the same guy raped any of you?”

“Yes!” several of the girls spoke at once.

“Show me which of the guys did this to you girls.”

The girl who spoke up walks out of the room and into the living room. She didn’t see the guy in there.

“He’s not in here.” Arnold didn’t see him.

“There’s two more guys over here.” Felica guides the young girl to the other room.

She opens the door and steps aside. She wonders which of the guys did this to the girls.

“Him!” Arnold points to the guy sleeping on the floor.

“Him?” Felica points towards the guy.

“Yes! He raped several of us.” Arnold was still hurting from what he did to him.

Felica looks down at the guy. She had some ideas in mind on what to do with him. She wasn’t going to waste this drug that turned her and the others into a woman on him. That was too good for him.

Felica hears her cellphone beep. She looks at it and noticed she had received a text. All it said was “we’re here.”

“I’ll take care of him later.” She turns and pulls the girl out of the room with her.

She looks at the other girls “alright ladies, we're heading downstairs to some friends of mine. They are going to take you ladies somewhere safe.”

The women follow Felica down to a black SUV. Standing outside of the SUV were two people covered head to toe in black armor.

“Ladies, these people will protect you with their life. You can trust them.”

“Where are they going to take us?” A tall black woman looks at Felica.

“To a private hospital to be checked out. Afterward, once you have been cleared medical-wise. Someone will meet with you to either take you back where you came from or help establish a new identity for you.”

“Thank you.” The black girl hugs Felica.

Felica returns the hug. She releases the woman after a few minutes. She had a nice body like herself. She was almost the duplicate of her.

“Did you receive the body you have after an injection?”

“Yes, I was tricked by the guy named Williams.” Lawrence couldn’t believe he fell for the trick.

“Were you already black or did the drug change you?” Felica was curious about how much the drug could change a person.

“It changed me into a light skin black person.” Lawrence was surprised that it happened.

“Ma’am, we need to get going.” One of the armor people came over to remind Felica.

“Okay, but there is one more person I want you to take with you. He’s upstairs in the bedroom lying on the floor. Make sure you show him what happens to a rapist.”

“Yes ma’am.”
Felica looks back at her twin “you take care and I’ll be in touch with you.”

“I would like that.” Lawrence turns and heads towards the SUV.

Felica heads towards where she parked her motorcycle and uncloaked it. She mounts it and heads back to her condo. While she is driving, she contacts her mother’s private line.

“What is it, Felica?” Janet was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“I have a pint-size jar of the liquid that changed me, mom.” Felica wonders what it contained.

“I’ll send Sam to pick it up from you. Do you know where it came from?”

“No ma’am. The guy who I took it from was unconscious.” Felica kicks herself for not leaving a listening device or something.

“You know what you have to do sweetie.” Janet knew her youngest was new at being an agent.

“Oh, mom. There’s a guy your team is going to teach a lesson to that is a rapist.”

“I’ll tell them to bring him here to the mountain. Your mother Tammi might be able to find out from him who they bought the stuff from. You find out as well, just in case this guy doesn’t know.”

“I will. Love you, mom.”

“I love you too, sweetie, and be careful.”

The connection ends. Felica watches as the sun starts coming up as she pulls into her garage, through a secret entrance. She takes her helmet off and heads into the house. She takes the stuff she took from the drug dealer and locks it up in her office. She does pull one of the needles that is filled with the liquid out and wonders if Steven wanted to try it.

She takes her suit off, along with her belt, and hangs it back up. The screwdriver-looking device she used, she plugs it into its charging unit to recharge. That device has come in handy.

Felica covers up a yawn and heads towards her bedroom. She stops and leaves a note for Steven to go shopping for the girls. She hangs her Do Not Disturb sign on her door handle.

Steven wakes up first and walks into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He notices the note on the refrigerator for him. It was instructions for him to go and buy some clothes for the girls. She informs him to use the credit card for the house to pay for it.

Steven just smirks as he goes about fixing his coffee. He’ll take the girls out when they wake up. He wonders how he could get his hands on that drug they spoke about last night. He wouldn’t mind taking it.

A few hours later:
Alex and Larry were awake and eating a large pepperoni pizza. Alex had managed to take his cellphone with him, which had his credit card number in it. Steven had gone out and bought some clothes for them.

Alex and Larry didn’t know what they were going to do. Larry’s parents would take him in, but Alex wasn’t sure about his parents. Changing everything over to their new forms would be difficult. They also learned that the woman that saved them last night was named Felica Cassidy. She was from a rich family and a socialite.

Steven looks at the two teenage girls “so, have you decided what you ladies are going to do?”

“I’m going back home and changing things over to my new form.” Larry eats a slice of pizza.

“How about you, Alex?” Steven looks at Alex. He learned their names earlier.

“I don’t know yet. I’m not sure how my parents will accept having a daughter now.” Alex wasn’t sure of his parents.

“Felica could always smooth the way for you if you ask her.” Steven knew Felica had connections.

It was her cousin’s student Blaze a.k.a. Emily Noel that had contacted him and asked if he would work for Felica. He didn’t mind, because the pay was good, and he knew a lot the big wigs in Dallas from his bartending days.

“Maybe, how long do you think she’ll let me stay here?” Alex was wondering what he should do.

“She’s not going to kick you out. She’ll help you adjust to your new life.”

“I hope so.” Alex finishes his lunch and helps clean the kitchen up.

The story continues in Blue Lace...

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