Blue Lace Chp. 5

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Jeff looks at the needle he was holding in his hand. He has wanted to be a girl for so long, that he could finally get his wish. The thing was, he didn’t want to leave it to chance on what he became. So, he waited until his mother and older sister were on their period and managed to get samples of their period blood.

He also managed to get a sample of the girl next door's blood as well. She was the easiest to get. The reason he wanted her blood, was because she had a nice body, but wasn’t as developed in the chest as his sister and mother. Both of them had big breasts. His sister was a DD and his mother work a triple D bra. Plus, his mother had a body a porn star actress would die for, even after having three kids.

He had managed to mix their blood with the drug that he managed to get a free sample of. According to the guy he got the drug from and that he trusted. He was told that the drug would change him into a girl. It was everything he wanted, but he was warned that the drug could change him into a baby girl or even a young teenage girl, it was unpredictable.

He takes his clothes off and injects the drug into the vein on his left arm. At first, nothing happened, but after a few minutes, he felt intense crippling pain and passed out from it. While he was unconscious, his body starts transforming the DNA of the three women he had stolen blood samples from.

Different aspects of the three women changed his body. Since he already carried some of his mother’s DNA in his genetic make-up. His eyes, hair color, height, and chest development matched his mother's. His body reshaped itself into the same measurements of his sister and the girl next door. His mouth, nose, cheeks, and the rest of his facial features took on a combination of both girls. Even his hands and feet changed to match the two women.

By the time his body finished changing, he looked entirely different. There was a strong family resemblance to his mother, but the rest of his body was different, like a cross between his sister and the other girl. He even had a birthmark in the same place as his sister, but it was shaped like a flower.

Brandon sleeps throughout the afternoon and early into the morning. It was five in the morning when he wakes up and discovers that he had changed into a woman. He noticed when he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee. He went to guide his penis when he discovered he didn’t have one and sat down on the toilet seat right away before he peed onto the floor. He felt the weight on his chest and noticed he was as big as his mom. They were nice and round, not saggy or flat.

He has seen his mom teach his sister how to wipe herself, so he does what she taught his sister. When he gets up and flushes the toilet and wash his hands. He stops and look in the mirror in the bathroom and noticed how cute he looked. He could tell he had some of his mother’s look. If nothing else, he looked like his mother’s cousin Debbie in the face.

He walks back to his bedroom and opens his closet door and looks at his naked body in the mirror hanging on the back of the closet door. He lets out a cute whistle as he examines himself. His hair looked like it was a cross between blonde and brown. Like a golden-brown color. His eyes were green, like his mother's.

He noticed his height hadn’t changed, but his weight has and now he had a nice hourglass figure. His hips were the same size as the girl next door. He looks down at his feet and noticed they were smaller than his sisters.

He couldn’t believe how cute he looked. He especially liked how his hips looked. He could wear one of his sister's thongs or string bikinis and wow the guys. He hears movement out in the hallway and sticks his head out to see who it was. He watched as his sister walks into the bathroom and start taking a shower. She had to be at the hospital in a few hours to relieve the nighttime nurse.

While she is in the shower, he sneaks into her bedroom and takes a few pairs of panties and pants from her dresser drawer. He knows he isn’t going to fit her tops. He had his mother’s chest size. When he hears the shower stop, he heads back to his bedroom and tries the panties and blue jeans he took. The panties were a little loose on his hips, not a problem. He tries the blue jeans and they fitted him pretty well.

He knew he was going to need to wear a bra, as big as his chest was. While he waits for his sister to get ready for work. He digs in his closet for the clothes he took from his mother's laundry. He uses to wear them when his sister and mother weren’t home.

He puts on one of the bra’s he took and put it on. His breasts were a little fuller, but he could wear his mother’s bra without any problems now. He knew his mother was a 34 DDD and it seemed he was close to her size.

He looks at himself, as he stood in front of the mirror. He was going to need to borrow one of his mother’s blouses or wear one of his father’s t-shirts. His father was a big man and lifted weights. He sometimes took wrestling gigs when they were in town. His name in the ring was Mysterio the Mauler.

Right now, he was out of town performing in Nacogdoches, Texas. Is he going to be surprised when he comes home and finds out that he has another daughter now, instead of a son? A smile appears on Brandon’s face.

Brandon waits until his mother and sister are gone, before walking into his parent’s bedroom and looking through his mother’s tops. He finds one that goes well with the blue jeans and looks good on him. He borrows a pair of his mother’s heels and puts them on. They were a little big on his small feet, but he planned on buying several pairs while he is out.

He brushes his bushy golden brown hair and smiles at his reflection “welcome to the world, Brandy.”

Brandy grabs a spare purse from her mother’s bedroom and transfers all her items from her wallet to the purse. She was going to buy herself one while she is out. She puts some of her mother’s Chanel No. 5 on and heads out to her car.

She starts the motor and backs out of the driveway. She heads towards the mall to do some shopping and try to work out how she is going to explain things to her family.

Augustinian Academy:
Felica couldn’t believe what she has learned so far from her mother about the Blue Lace drug. At first, she thought her mother had lost it, but her mother was a very smart person. She parks her car and looks at Alexie “mom has decided to enroll you here. She said they have high standards and the intelligence test you took last night on the computer, proved you're smart enough to understand the material.”

“But I have never done well in school. I was always a C average student.” Alexie use to hate school.

“Well, you better do better here, or you’ll hear it from my mother. She will send one of your older brothers to make sure you get good grades. Now let’s go in and get your books and such.” Felica gets out of the car and escorts Alexie inside her new school.

Alexie hated wearing the school issue uniform she was given. Mary Jane's black shoes, leggings that came up almost to her knees, a skirt that was three inches above her knees, a light blue polo shirt, and her light blue backpack.

Alexie follows behind Felica as they walk into the school and the school office. She didn’t want to go back to school, but Mrs. Blake wasn’t going to let her stay home and play on the computer all day. Also, she was supposed to use her time in school to learn how to act like a girl.

“Excuse me, but I’m here to see Father Antonino Aubry.” Felica looks at one of the middle age women sitting at a desk.

Alice looks up when she hears a lady’s voice. She was so busy filling out the new paperwork for the new student.
“What is this about?” Alice gets up and walks up to the counter.

“I’m here to drop off my sister for her first day of school.” Felica looks at Alexie with a smile on her face.

“What is your sister's name?” Alice logs onto the computer near the counter.

“Alexie Maria Blake.”

Alice types the name into the computer and retrieves her school schedule. She prints two copies out. She hands one copy to Alexie “here you go Alexie. Let’s go and get your schoolbooks from the bookstore.”

A smile appears on Felica’s face “have fun sis.” She gives Alexie a twenty-dollar bill for lunch and snacks.

Alexie just rolls her eyes at Felica as she and Alice leave the office first. She follows Alice to the bookstore. She hopes she can get back into the mindset of being a student again.

A smile forms on Felica’s face as she heads out to her car. She had to go by the office of the company her mother gave her as a cover for a business meeting this morning. She thinks about what her mother told her about the drug and how it is the result of an experiment that was part of a project called Rebirth by the government.

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Intresting about the drug

Samantha Heart's picture

Some of us wouldn't mind being women & maybe starting over as a Teenager.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.