
Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 3

Tammy flips and does another lap. She thinks about how her mother reacted when she told her about what happened to her. Her father had been confused about how she went from being a normal human to a legendary creature of legend. Once they got used to the fact that she had been changed.

She sprung the next surprise on them with her being pregnant. She made sure Leland was there when she sprung that on her parents. She had given him a look that said she wasn’t ready to be a mother.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 9

Christmas looks down at her wife as she laid under her. She was straddling her waist and massaging her breasts. She knew Julia was upset that their son had been harassed and handcuff by people she trusted.

She decided to give Julia a massage to calm her down. She didn’t like what Julia told her, but she was better at remaining calm than her wife was.

“Are you feeling better, sweetie?” Christmas looks into Julia’s brown eyes as she stared into them.

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