Breasts / Breast Implants



Why did Commander Jvuznart always make him do the worst jobs, like replacing xenobiological specimens? It wasn’t his fault that Doctor Gralpuxt’s specimens expired. They should have had a failsafe on the specimen holding environmental controls. It wasn’t like he killed them on purpose when he shut off the lights along with the atmosphere generator and temperature controls, was it? These new specimens from the 3rd planet were so soft and needed just the right temperature and gas mix to live. Sheesh, how did they survive to make it this far? They were even fouling their own nest; give them another few hundred cycles, if that long, and they wouldn’t even be around, he was sure.

The Interpreter - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – Pull Down Your Skirt, You Look Like a Slattern!

Having arrived in New York City it is not long before Yuri Godekin puts Valerie Sokolova to work springing her honey trap on a witless victim. Professor Mikhail Blavatsky is becoming more jealous of Valerie and bitter about the situation. Meanwhile the FBI are provided with some alarming intelligence by their MI6 counterparts.

The Interpreter - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two – Your Body Is A Weapon

Valerie is trained in the arts of espionage and seduction as she prepares to go undercover as the interpreter for Professor Mikhail Blavatsky, a misogynist, conceited womaniser, so that she can accompany to him to a Convention in NYC and test her newfound skills on unsuspecting victims.

The Interpreter - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – An Offer She Couldn’t Refuse

A naive young Russian crossdresser who works as an interpreter for the KGB is exposed and given a chance to save herself and her family by working undercover as a femme fatale. Valerie has no choice but to go along with the KGB's plan to use her as an enchantress to lure unsuspecting men to their fate.


A sexy music video helps a boy reveal his true feelings about breasts.


I was sitting in my room doing the last of my homework when Mother disturbed my concentration. I suspected she wanted me to spend the rest of the evening with her. I had been looking forward to finishing the romance novel that I had borrowed from the young adult section of the local library. Reluctantly I wandered out to the head of the stairs where I could understand what she was saying, and sure enough I was right.

The Angels: Rodeo Tour Chap. 2

Day Of Departure:
“Whose idea was it for us to be here at four in the morning?” Cassady had ridden in with her cousin.

“Don’t complain too loudly, Cassady.” Juni was unloading her bags from the back of her boyfriend’s pickup truck.

“Where are our driver and roadie?” Jessie was looking around for the two guys that were traveling with them.


Kassidy leans back in the worn passenger seat inside the van. She looks over toward Jerry as he drives the van. She glances toward the back of the van and notices the rest of their band drunk or stoned out of their minds.

“Tonight was a total mess, Jerry.” Kassidy couldn’t believe how terrible the group sounded.

“I know, and I wish I had an explanation for what happened, but I don’t.” Jerry was pissed that the band did so badly tonight.

A Glimpse Of Nylon Stocking - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – Where’s Julian?

Donald takes on a case that leads him to discover Julian's secret life and Donald and Julie finally meet, although not under the the circumstances that either of them expected. The outcome is a revelation to them both and they are both surprised at what happens afterwards. Final chapter.

Where trans women are Queens

In a world without women, the trans woman is Queen. Taken from the old saying "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

No one knew who started it, but the Americans accused the Chinese and the Russians. Both of those countries accused each other. The Gynax virus had effectively wiped out 98% of women.

It was thought that it came from a mutated virus that was meant to mimic the beneficial effects of female hormones on the immune system. During the covid outbreak, more women recovered than men, and fewer were hospitalized.

A Lady and a Gentleman

A Lady and a Gentleman
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He had watched her all night. He had danced with another lady, but his eyes had been on her, or rather her ears and her throat. He did not need to get in close to see that they were real diamonds. He knew that the quality of the settings was enough. You do not apply that much workmanship to protect stones of no value. He could see it from the clips behind the ears, and the clasp of the necklace below the nape of her neck exposed by the upswept hairdo. Quality work means quality stones.

You're My Wife Now Part 4

I have been asked to finish this story on several sites. This story contains sex and violence

My life continued to get worse. Paul was sent away and I never had him to comfort me. I had no idea when he was coming back. I asked Frankie where he was. All I got was.

"Why are you sweet on him you little slut? Just fucking remember, your my wife now, not his."

Plastic Makes Perfect


After the superhero Curador and his more experienced partner are captured by the evil Dr. Quasi, the demented genius subjects them to bizarre and horrifying experiments to satisfy his thirst for knowledge—as well as his own lascivious desires. Helpless to defend themselves from his depravity, the humiliated heroes soon discover that there are some fates far more outlandish than the merely life-and-limb dangers to which they had become accustomed. (A tale of Faraday City.)

[NW 04] Tits A Lot

Joshua is utterly broke and desperate to boot.
That's when his neighbor Twilla offers him a little job on the side.
But not before revealing that she is a witch and the job in question is everything but ordinary.
Despite the drawbacks, Joshua can't help but partner up with Twilla.
However, her offer might be too good to be true.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (4/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

My Uncle Fifi Pitch Meeting


You haven't arrived in popular culture unless there's a YouTube Pitch Meeting about your show! Today's installment takes a look at "My Uncle Fifi," the hit comedy series that has been been seen and enjoyed by literally dozens of people around the world. Don't miss out!

The Return of Lilith Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My head is throbbing and I can't focus on anything. It feels like I've been put through a wringer. My memory is fuzzy, I seem to have conflicting memories that I can't get straight. I don't know what's going on, I remember being in a fight using a sword but also being blown up in a HUMVVEE. The fog is starting to clear and I can and I can start to piece things together.

Terry and Dakota’s Daughters

Jamie wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating and scared. She looks around the bedroom she is sleeping in and the pajamas she is wearing. It takes her some time to realize she is safe. She feels something wet nudge her hand. She looks down and notices it is the puppy Dakota has gotten her.


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