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I Wish Book 5: Chapter 30

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 30
The Shadow Strikes

Then the thought came to me. “Why go searching for Baal, when I can bring him to me?”

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This story is 57 words long.

Second Spirit by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Jack thought he had his whole life planned out -- right up until the moment he woke up in a new, very different body.


Second Spirit
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 32 words long.

Altered: Chapter 30

Eli grew up on a ranch in Montana. He had heard about Incursions, Breaches, and the Titans that came through those breaches to slaughter some people and capture others. To him though, it had always been something that happened far away to other people. His life was forever changed though when a Breach opened near his home, everything he knew was destroyed or taken, and he ended up Altered.


Chapter 30: Tension
Karen snorted again but did get to her feet as she sarcastically stated, “Whatever. I bet we’re all going to be one big, happy family and that your Unicorn shits lollipops and farts rainbows.”

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This story is 109 words long.

Return of the Curl Chapter 2 of 6


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Chapter 2

We hugged and air kissed, then went through to the dining room. We had a table in full view of everybody and got a lot of looks when we were seated. Monica gave me a potted history of the shoots that she had been in since I last saw her, and I gave her a potted history of my own recent past. We were into the main course when she said something that changed the situation.

“Do you know any places I can live in London? Someone called Yvonne from an agency there has bought out my contract with the agency here.”

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This story is 103 words long.

Are You Awake My Darling?



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Are You Awake, My Darling?
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

00 Are you.jpg

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This story is 10 words long.

The Arctic Fox by Rosemary Howell - Now on Kindle


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When his family moved to Alaska, Patrick had a new life to begin...in more ways than one.

The Arctic Fox
by Rosemary
Now on Kindle

The new kid is a genius. At thirteen, starting the ninth grade, he just wants to fit in. His Air Force dad moved the family to Alaska and it's a whole new life.

Maybe in a new life he can be his real self, a girl who decides to call herself Marcia to make it more different from her old name.

A new life means new friends, new challenges. Like dealing with bullies and boys who think she's pretty. There is drama—a death in the family, danger in her father's job as a pilot, romantic complications—can Marcia deal with all the changes?

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This story is 130 words long.

VentureRealm Amusement Park -ch06


The Park Sign.png
Chapter 6 of


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This story is 4 words long.

Be Careful of What You Wish For Chapter 9



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This story is 0 words long.

I'm Here

I'm Here

It is now that this life is mine
I've had a few moments on this earth
And my longing has brought me here
What I missed and what I had

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This story is 32 words long.

The Box's Pandora part 14

When 15 year old Byron and his family go to visit Aunt Dora during spring break, they soon find themselves under an unexpected attack. In the aftermath, Byron's body and life change in ways that he never could have expected, or imagined.

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This story is 41 words long.

Footprints in the Sea Vol 3 47 and 48


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Perhaps it is a reaction to the events of the past eight months, shipwrecked, marooned, her sexuality confused? Then a battle for her life on the high seas and the biggest shock of all; discovering that all her life she had been intersexed, a male and female sharing the same brain and body and all of this followed by the recent string of astonishing discoveries. Is that too much to ask of a person with XXY chromosomes?

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This story is 77 words long.

Freddy On the Loose: Part 24


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TFOS: Freddy On The Loose, Story 24
The Tomb of Khum-Waht-Meh!


Rodford Edmiston

Note: This story uses background and concepts from the Teenagers From Outer Space role-playing game, Copyright and Trademarked 2001 R. Talsorian Games, Inc. The characters and story are Copyright 2015 Rodford Edmiston Smith.

The Big G and the Observer sat at a giant table on giant chairs in the giant room, playing a giant game which was related to chess in approximately the same way that Tic-Tac-Toe has nothing to do with brane theory.

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This story is 85 words long.

On The Run Part 8



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onthe run.JPG

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A Longer War 74


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I left the church feeling far more optimistic than before my entry. Ruth (“My dad was the Reverend, Gerald”) was far from the stuffy man I remembered from our old family church, seeming more like the Padre we had fought next to over the Channel. She had depths to her that seemed to show that history of some complicated sort lay behind her smile, and more than that she made me feel good about and happy within myself.

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This story is 79 words long.

Plus Sizes


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Inspired by a comment submitted by TMI Fairy on Wed, 2017/06/28 - 11:57pm:
“Are there fics where the T-girl starts out at 6'3 and 250 lbs? With big feet and a hairy back?”
Well, here it is TMI - my apologies to everyone else

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This story is 42 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3196


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3196
by Angharad

Copyright© 2017 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Robbie's Revelation Chapter 20


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Continuation of Robbie's story, as friends, family, and maybe even fate
continue him on his path of discovering who he, or she, really is.

Robbie’s Revelation
Chapter 20

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 37 words long.

Snow Angel Part 9



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This story is 0 words long.

Being Different Isn't So Bad Chapter 10



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Rebecca looks over towards August and smiled as she watched the expression on her face change as they flew. Rebecca remembered the first time her father had taken her up in an airplane. She felt like a bird flying. They were going to go into town and take in the sites and visit a few casinos.

“Rebecca, I’ve never been to Reno before. What are we going to do?”

“I thought you might like to visit the automotive museum. So, we can go there first, after checking in at our hotel.”

“Which one are we staying at?”

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This story is 98 words long.

Xìngbié; part 13 (of 13): Dádào Xìngbié


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Nat woke up feeling groggy. The potion had made him incredibly exhausted—

He bolted upright. The potion! He’d—

The empty vial was still on his bed table. He had tried to down it all at once, but a little bit of pink fluid still clung to the inside of the container.

It didn’t work.

Nat closed his eyes and curled his hands into fists.

It didn’t work.

It didn’t fucking work!

For all of that asshole’s promises, the potion hadn’t done anything!

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This story is 88 words long.

The Life Of An Angel Chapter 15



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The Adventure Begins Chapter 4



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Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 24

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though. And the more this deviates from canon, the less that will happen. But some descriptions and things like that are too good to skip or try to reword.

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This story is 94 words long.

Powyr 1


Clad with a letter P on her shirt, Powyr was a new superhero who was ready to help get rid of criminals in her city. She had the ability to fly and was invinceable among many other powers given to her by a freak electrical storm. She flew over her town, looking for anyone trying to commit crimes.

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This story is 58 words long.

Side Saddle


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Brian finds that he will be riding side saddle in a parade

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This story is 12 words long.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - The Thousand Yard Princess - Intro.


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From the author of the Gun Princess Royale, and with Book Two's imminent release in mid-July, comes a sneak peak at Book Three.

The Thousand Yard Princess

- I -

There is a marked difference between me and the other girls.

They take a bullet to the head…their avatar dies.

I take a bullet to the head…I die.

Game over. Farewell life. Adios muchacha. Head for the light—the light!

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This story is 73 words long.

Cherry Moone: MooneShadows: Chapter 4: Here Is No Why



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Chapter IV.
Here Is No Why

"What the Hell is this?"
I opened my eyes with a jolt.
Mom was home-she had either seen the kitchen or finally caught Alex smoking pot.
"I just bought these god-damn steaks!"

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This story is 39 words long.

The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 11

The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 11
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - The men in the silver Mercedes.

As Greg Olsen was watching the silver Mercedes, the five men got out of the car, and walked toward the picnic area. As they got nearer to the picnic, Steve Hastings approcahed the men.

“Excuse me, gentlemen, I’m officer Steve Hastings of the Pine Forest police department. May I ask what your business here is?”

“Hey, dude, we came for the party. It looks like things are really swingin’ here.”

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This story is 93 words long.

Freddy On the Loose: Part 23


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TFOS: Freddy On The Loose, Part 23


Rodford Edmiston

Note: This story uses background and concepts from the Teenagers From Outer Space role-playing game, Copyright and Trademarked 2001 R. Talsorian Games, Inc. The characters and story are Copyright 2002 Rodford Edmiston Smith.

"So why can't I get into my locker?" asked Freddy.

"You aren't the only one," said the repairman, as he ran a scanner over the door. "Several people are having problems."

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This story is 71 words long.

Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *7* Bernie's Plot


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The Box's Pandora part 13


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When 15 year old Byron and his family go to visit Aunt Dora during spring break, they soon find themselves under an unexpected attack. In the aftermath, Byron's body and life change in ways that he never could have expected, or imagined.

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This story is 41 words long.

What You Can't See, Can Hurt You Chapter 2



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What you can't see.jpg

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Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 12-15

I'm sorry it has taken me this long to post but I'm terrified I'll mess up the chapter listings or something and I procrastinate. Then real life has thrown plenty of change-ups at me in the last 30 days. And I didn't want to get too far ahead of Ashleigh.

We learn that Nikki is helping Atalanta in some small ways to learn to blow off magic that she attracts. Atalanta learns she'll be going on a field trip to a local liberal arts college to gather ideas for her play. What could possibly go wrong with that plan it seems Dr. Bellows and Carson never learns. Anyway it ought to be fun!

Again I apologize for the delay and I do hope you enjoy the story.

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This story is 126 words long.

Why Did You Say No?

A short story...

Why Did You Say No?


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

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This story is 14 words long.

Cherry Moone: MooneShadows: Chapter 3: An Ode to No One



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Chapter III: An Ode to No One

"Is this the spot?"
"Is this your surprise?"
"Not all of it."

I slowly moved to kiss him. I wasn't thinking anymore. All of the health videos, magazines, books, gossip, all of these things that told you how to do everything...complete and utter shit. No one should have had to study how to lean over and kiss someone. We didn't take a class or have cards to study before a test--we just did what came natural.

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This story is 85 words long.


More DopplerPress

Masks 1 - Template on Kindle


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

"I don't want to be a superhero!" There was surprising heat, there; some deep emotional mark, most likely.

Masks 1

by Rodford Edmiston

Click the image to order from Amazon!

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This story is 29 words long.

She Like Me - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


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He had to find out: what do women think?

She Like Me
by Angela Rasch
Now on Kindle

Faced with the need to pick a thesis topic, amid the turbulent sixties, Gerald looks to solve the mysteries of the female gender by disguising himself as one of them. In a world faced with the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Southeast Asia Conflict, can a man successfully pretend to be a college co-ed and discover the secrets of how women think? Gerald has read all the pertinent sociology textbooks and has a list of questions he will seek to answer, but is he asking the right questions? And, once he understands women, what decisions will he make about himself?

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This story is 120 words long.

Football Girl~Seasons 1 and 2 on Kindle


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Football Girl - Seasons 1 & 2


Football Girl ~ Season 1
Football Girl ~ Season 2

The first books in the Football Girl series have been available from the Kindle Store for some time and get mostly 4 and 5 star reviews.

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This story is 36 words long.

I Was A Cheerleader For The FBI By Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Paul Peterson would do anything for his country… right?

I Was A Cheerleader for the FBI
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 22 words long.
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