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Codes: Solo=Standalone story, not series, verse, drabble or fanfic; Source codes: HB=Hatbox; DP=Doppler Press; KS=Kindle Store; AB=Amazon Book; LL=Lulu; SW=SmashWords; SD=Stardust; SS=StorySite; SP=Sapphire's Place; FM=FictionMania. Default is day of week.

Title Code Author(s)
Easy as Falling off a Bike -19- by Angharad on Kindle Sun Angharad
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7* Sun Maddy Bell
Battle Scars Part 5 Sun Shreya S
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3453 Sun Angharad
Tom, Dick and Harr Solo Bru
Layabout. Part 4 of 4 Sun Marianne G
A Daughter Enters, Stage Left - Ch. 4 Sat SammyC
Triple Dare: Masks 24 by Rodford Edmiston on Kindle Sat Stickmaker
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2 Sat Michele Nylons
Leases in Hell, chapter 9. Sat Nagrij
A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6 Sat AmyLikesDancing
Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy Sat New Author, Denise
Betrayal and Forgiveness Sat Noname1
MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10) Sat magicshoppe
Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33 Sat Sofia Hammerstein
I Was A Porn Star For The FBI By Melanie Brown On Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Recovering From Trauma Solo LadyDragon623
Parallel Lives Chapter 33 Fri LeftyPosting
The Chosen - Chapter 4 Fri Maeryn
Royal Performer - Chapter 8 Fri Tiffany Shar
Jane Fri Erin Halfelven
Boys can dream. Fri Columbine
Not For Sale - Part 5 Thu SamanthaMD
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 9 Thu Amethyst
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 9 Thu LadyDragon623
The Ghost of 224 Maple Street Solo Avia Conner
Monkey Business by Melanie Brown on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Death in Venice Beach Solo Bru
Fake It Till You Make It - 15 - The Blonde Deamon. Thu Alyssa Plant
Altered: Chapter 9 Wed Amethyst
Mates 43 Wed Cyclist
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 33 Tue Amethyst
The Present, Part 16 Tue Lady Lucia
Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 3: Detransition, Maybe? Tue miriamrobern
Journey Into The Forbidden West Part 1 Mon E. E. Nalley
Cammychan For Real Mon Enemyoffun
Working For A Living Chapter 6 Mon LadyDragon623
The Cruise Chapter 2 Mon Su Shi
Romance and Other Crimes Vol. 3 by Maryanne Peters on Kindle Mon Maryanne Peters
Switching Sides 2/5 Mon Gillian Chambers
The Girl in the mirror Solo Julie D Cole
Small Problem by Melanie Brown on Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Unethical Solo Bru
Taylor by Leslie Moore on Kindle Fri Leslie Moore
Just... Friends? Fri Melanie Brown
What am I doing? Solo Daring Diane
Dreams Fulfilled by Marianne G on Kindle Thu Marianne G
I Was A Cheerleader For The FBI By Melanie Brown on Kindle Wed Melanie Brown
Write Fifty Times Solo Ellie Dauber
TG-Harmony.com Solo Sephrena Lynn Miller
Flowers Solo Maryanne Peters
Demon Stalker (I Wish 4) by Amethyst on Kindle Tue Amethyst
“Oh What A Day I’ve had” Solo Gillian Chambers
Speak Now Solo Maryanne Peters
Prometheans by Joyce Melton & Lainie Lee from Doppler Press Fri Joyce Melton, Lainie Lee
The Station's Late Nite Princess Sat Snowfall
Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham - New Edition from DopplerPress Tue Wanda Cunningham
Rays of Light by Joyce Melton on Kindle Mon Joyce Melton
Special Someones by Melanie E on Kindle Mon Rasufelle
The Golden Blade by Marianne G on Kindle Sun Marianne G
Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle Fri Angela Rasch
Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton - Now on Kindle Wed Joyce Melton
Peaches on Kindle: New Edition! Tue Amelia R., Angela Rasch
Being Invisible by Leslie Moore on Amazon Sat Leslie Moore
Hard Time by Melanie Brown - now on Kindle! Fri Melanie Brown
The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle Thu Anesidora's Urn
Battleskirts on Kindle by Melanie Brown Thu Melanie Brown
Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on... Wed Emma Anne Tate
In Bloom by Melanie Brown from Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Andy and Dawn by Angela Rasch on DopplerPress Sat Angela Rasch
Dreams of Future Past by Kevin McCarthy on Kindle Fri New Author, Kevin McCarthy
Butterscotch by Joyce Melton now on Kindle Thu Joyce Melton
Wednesday Knights Mon Rasufelle
A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle Wed Jennifer Sue
Pink Bear Romance by Melanie Brown - Now on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle Sat Drea DiMaggio
Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly... Fri Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle Wed Bek D. Corbin, E. E. Nalley, Maggie Finson, Rasufelle
A Modest Proposal by Melanie Brown - on Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Boys Don't Cry on Kindle Tue Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
The Princess Trap on Kindle Thu Tyrone Slothrop, Wanda Cunningham
The Frozen Balance - by Persephone - Kindle Edition Wed Persephone
Arctic Fox Book 2 by Rosemary Howell now on Kindle Tue Rose
Cindy's Prom and the Unwilling Princess by Melanie Brown... Mon Melanie Brown
Mindful by Beverly Taff on Kindle Sun Beverly Taff
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists. It had been years since he married Natalie and they have these weekly routine of sparring together.

Eerie Saloon 2: House Rules by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


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As the girls of the former Hanks Gang serve their 60 days at the Eerie Saloon, they begin to adjust to their new bodies and make new lives. This being the Old West, there's also a shootout, poker games, and a kidnapping.

Wilma, Jessie and Bridget have new opportunities but old ways of thinking, especially thinking of themselves as men, are hard to break. It's all a question of learning the new rules for how to live as women.

Eerie Saloon 2
House Rules

by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson

Now on Kindle from Doppler Press!

M.I.B.D. - Artemis The Hunter - Part 2

Humor Me ~ Part 2

PREVIOUSLY ON HUMOR ME: Billy X. had a crush on the little clown Miss Tricia, and he was delighted when she asked him to fill in for her sidekick one day. Secretly unsure of his masculinity, Billy had major issues with dressing up as a girl clown. But he got over them, got made up, and now---after a nice refreshing roofie nap---he is about to take his first trip out into the world "en clownne". Little does he realize that he has signed up for something stranger and far more consequential than just a one day job ....... AND NOW, PART TWO.

======== HUMOR ME
======== by LAIKA
======== Part Two: DIVINE CHAOS

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 2

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

So far, Steven has agreed to become Stephanie for a week and a half as a punishment. In this installment, Stephanie accepts an offer that perhaps she shouldn’t.

Coming Out

Coming Out

By: Annette

There are different paths people take. Is this any more convoluted than others?

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to actual people or places is coincidental. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2008 Annette MacGregor. All rights reserved.

Through The Window

Through The Window

By Susan Brown

As a child, Angela had been quite lucky. Being in a relatively well off family, the children had been educated at home and Angela was able to be herself for most of the time. She thanked God for her loving and understanding parents that allowed her to be her real self.


Rules Are Rules: 53. Kiss Me, You Fool!

"Oh, Marcie, Marcie, Marcie! What I am going to do without you? I'm going to have to go back to my boring old life! So many times I thought you were going to give me a heart attack, but I wouldn't have missed any of it."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Tragedy of the Spirit part 6 A new life... Hope maybe?

Caution, some rape and abuse scenes. Please feel free to post points to improve on or comments. This is true and this reflects what I had to start doing in order to survive. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it very much.

An Unfinished Symphony Chapter 10 - Things that go bump in the night

Chapter X Things that go bump in the night

By Kelly Ann Rogers

. . . I can trust you to behave, can’t I?”

*No!* my mind shouted, even as I calmly said, “Yes, of course.”

. . . I used to think you would be the father of my children, but now you look like you want to be the mother.”

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 198

I don't know how long I staggered around the field, the rain still sheeting down, I was soaked right through and very cold as the icy wind whipped around me. Eventually I found the gate and got through it. I was shivering violently.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 5

" But, I am a boy!" screamed Jill.

"You don't look like one now" laughed Tracy.

"What am I going to do for a month?

"You are an attractive girl. You can figure it out" said Tracy

Chapter 5


Jill screamed in frustration as she tried to draw a straight line with her eyeliner pencil. Tracy knew she would have to

Healing a Princess...18 (Cabin in the Woods)

“You can see an object by not looking at it?” Tonya asked a bit confused.
“I’m not sure how it works, my Lady,” Takoda went on. “But in the dark the sides of your vision works better.”
“Is that how Dwarves and Elves see in the dark?” Tonya inquired.
“How it was described to me, was that in the dark,” Takoda tried to describe something he had never experienced, “Dwarves see things in shades of black and white. The closer something is to light or giving off light the brighter it is.” Takoda paused. “I’m not sure how Elves see in the dark. I’ve never befriended one to ask?”

Healing a Princess

Chapter 18 - (Cabin In The Woods)

by Anistasia Allread

Short Chapters: 12. Not Exactly

The mothers of Kristie and Diana arrived together, and I found myself giving the most craven, self-abasing apologies I could muster. I was sure that both women would have been quite happy to claw me to bits and roast me over a barbecue, but the principal wisely kept me out of striking distance.

The girls returned to class, their mothers returned home, and I wondered whether their fathers owned any firearms. They certainly knew where I lived.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 52. Less Than Happy

"If I was your father, and I knew that a group of boys got you to go to a place like this with them, well —" he sighed. "Let's just say I would be less than happy."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 197

He'd said he was okay with it, knowing that I was off the hormones and also that it wasn't stuck out the way. I could have quite happily cut it off there and then and had done with it. It had never been any use to me, I couldn't even win peeing contests when I was a kid, all the other boys seemed able to pee further or higher up a wall than I could.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad

Point Of View: Professor's View Pt 0

I am Professor Olivia Stacie Turner; my friend call me Post. I am a Psychoanalyst from the far future. I have been sent back in time to gather data upon certain people whose lives due to unforeseen circumstances have caused ripples far beyond the normal scope of influence.

Rules Are Rules: 51. The Lost Boys

As I looked around at their sullen faces, I suddenly felt like Wendy from Peter Pan in the midst of the Lost Boys. "I could tell you a story," I wanted to say, but of course I didn't.

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Tragedy of the Spirit part 5 Am I as crazy as they think.....

Tragedy of the Spirit part 5 Am I as crazy as they think.......

Caution, this chapter is dark, describes some cruel medical proceedures that may be offensive to some readers. This also describes in great detail the effects of those proceedures on a young person. Those effects were done to me. The scars still exist. Thank you for reading.

First of all I wish to give the reader a bit of further background. The area I grew up in was rural Canada, we lived on a 4 section farm. We planted wheat and barley. The farm had cattle as well as a few orses (one of which was mine). We also raised chickens and turkeys. I had one brother whom I was not very well liked by him. I was quiet, did my own thing. I look back at what happened over the first fifteen years of my life shaped my way of life.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 4

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 196

"You're a very nice lady, Lady Catherine. It suits you like the expensive clothes you wear."

"I bought this lot in Marks & Sparks*," I said indicating the jeans and top under the coat. "I'm just an ordinary girl at heart."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad,
part 196.

Peter's Girl

Set in the near future Timmy and Lucy are a normal couple like so many other couples of their generation. However, with the new Rejuve drug reversing the ageing process and also reversing masculine and feminine characteristics Women are gaining power! Men are now seen as cute little feminine things and much to Timmy's dismay men's and women roles are now completely reversed. This story follows poor Timmy's descent into femininity along with his fellow men.

Authors note.

An Unfinished Symphony Chapter 9 - Watch Out for That First Step

Chapter IX Watch out for that first step

By Kelly Ann Rogers

. . . Why aren’t you sleeping with him?” he asked as we shared coffee one morning. It’s quite clear he’s got a huge crush on you. Guys like me wouldn’t even be here, if you just got in bed with him.”

“I’m not gay,” I responded evenly, . . .and I’m married and hope to stay that way.”

“You mean you got yourself a woman who wants you to be a woman too?”

“Well, not exactly.”

. . . Were you two really in the changing room together?"

Their voices became too soft to hear, until I heard Courtney say, "No, not yet. But I bet they will be soon though."


More DopplerPress

The Last Holidays - Kindle eBook by Grover Young


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Craig is one of Earth's bio-engineered soldiers in a war against an alien invasion. Unfortunately, when he uses his powers, he turns female. Now Halcyon has to deal with invaders and with Craig's girlfriend's preference for his female self! On top of that, Earth is losing the war.... There must be another way to deal with the conflict or the world will run out of holidays—forever!

The Last Holidays

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