
Summer with Em - Part 35


Summer With Em - Chapter 35

By Julie D Cole

We giggled for a while before Frankie reluctantly decided that we should get up and go to work. I knew she had a very responsible management job and I shouldn’t distract her or encourage her to set a bad example to her staff. I also wanted to be respectful to Bec’s since she had been so kind to me and I enjoyed the job I was doing.

Heat Rises - Chapter 1 of 6

Heat Rises
Chapter 1 of 6

The heat was record-breaking. Most of the businesses in town were well equipped for hot weather, but the air conditioners at the high school couldn’t keep up and it was 80 ͦ in the coolest part of the school. Most of the girls were coping pretty well, as skirts and dresses got shorter and thinner. But the dress code proscribed the wearing of shorts, so the boys suffered in long pants while the girls managed to get a cool breeze on their nether regions.

The Princess

The Princess
By Julia Michelle
A suffering princess struggles to regain the crown after it was seized it from years ago. A mysterious prince lands on the shores to help restore her to her rightful place, for a price.
This is the first chapter in what I hope to be a epic story
Chapter 1

The Night I Escaped From The Zoo : 2 / 5

Personally, I’ve never found “watch out!” to be a particularly useful warning, mainly because it’s so lacking in details. In the present case, it was no help whatsoever.

Not What We Expected - 03

NotExpected 03

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

"I don't know," she admitted, "but I promise that this will be the last time that I bother you about getting pregnant. If this doesn't work I will quit trying and we'll find happiness without children. We will continue to be best friends."

"You promise?" I asked to make sure.

"I promise", she sighed with resignation.


Chapter 3

The Star

The star

By Julia

Chapter 1

Pete was told that these people were going to help him get back on his feet. He was told there were great opportunities here. What he did know was that his wife Jackie had sold him, and that once he went there, he wasnt going to leave. He was going to be enslaved, abused and made into a porn star.

Pioneers, part 08 of 15

Was he into me? It kind of looked that way. Not that we could do anything about it; I was grounded indefinitely, and his parents would never let him date a trans girl.

Revenge chapter 2


By Julia Michelle

Aisha goes down memory lane in her old house where it all began decades ago. She discusses her history and how she got here, then began making plans with her leader Berna on how to settle some old scores
She ends the chapter purging all of the memories

Chapter 2

Call Of The Light - Part 3

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 3 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 11 - Choices

“Dammit August! Tell me where she is!”

Snow and wind assaulted the far corner of the cafeteria where August liked to eat quietly away from everyone else. Today that peaceful solitude had been bulldozed by a rather agitated young fae.

The plate of creamy chicken alfredo sadly offered no defense.

Not What We Expected - 02

NotExpected 02

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

I first truly fell in love at this very place twenty years ago today. Only then, I was the tall, handsome young man. I married that girl the next summer.

The Maitre d' showed us to the very same table that I had shared with Sandra that night long ago. A strong sense of déjà vu washed over me.

Can history be repeating itself, after a fashion?

If so, can it turn out differently this time around?


Chapter 2

Stuck in a Rut - Part 50

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is dealing with the usual things that any Fourteen year old girl has to deal with. That is... if they are a girl in a world where girls aren’t born, they are transformed. Leaving her male life behind is difficult, and new threats are on the horizon.


Chapter 50

Harry Potter - Season of Change - Chapter 35

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation


Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the nail-biting ninth issue, Logan will finally face-off against Sabretooth with Storm’s life in the balance. Will it be a fight to the death? Has she actually stopped the ambush on the prisoner transport convoy? If not, can the Uncanny X-Men make it in time to prevent Magneto from recovering his precious helmet and Mystique? What havoc would they wreak together? Logan’s date night certainly hasn’t gone according to plan!

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 - Deception; the practice of deliberately making someone believe things that aren’t true

Ellen touched up her makeup, explaining why it was important. George always thought that women used makeup to help them look pretty; he was now told it was all part of the seduction game.

"Now let’s get back in there the night is still young."

A broken man, George turned to the mirror to freshen his lipstick. He was in turmoil, so autopilot took over and he did the lipstick thing too.

The Endless Dance Card : 7 / 7

Just speaking for myself, I hate suspense. I don’t like the anxiety of anticipation. Whatever weird, creepy plan Donaldson had in store for me, I wanted to face it and get it over with. If it wasn’t inevitable, I’d put up a fight. If it *was* inevitable, avoiding it wouldn’t help.

A prince's Duty

A prince’s Duty

By Julia Michelle
This is just a short tale that I had in mind. It is a quick but very brutal tale of a prince that had it all but fate and powers beyond his control decided the course of his life l before he was born.

And since its a quick overview of his life from birth to fifteen to a marriage at 18 and after. I wasnt even sure what age rang to put on the tale. Theres some sex at his marriage at 18. Nothing really graphic is described. I must warn you, theres even some brief talk of suicide. As I said. its just a brief and quick tale. I may consider fully trying to write out the story later.
I am just wondering if anything thinks this tale is worth really trying to flesh everything out
The Story

Gillian's Justice - Chapter 2

Gillians Justice.jpg

Chapter Two -- Fleur De Lis

With the help of her uncle and his contacts, Gillian begins to work her way up the ladder of criminality into respectability.

Pioneers, part 06 of 15

It was just a Walmart, not a Belk or something, and I was probably just getting basic underwear, not anything I could show off at school like a skirt or dress. But it was my first time shopping for girl clothes and I was determined to enjoy it. I’d read a million scenes like this in various stories since I first got past the nanny software a couple of years ago, and now I was going to live it.

Call Of The Light - Part 2

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 6 - Rooftops

Louis found me as I was sitting on the roof.

The sun had started the day playing hide-and-seek behind several wispy clouds much to the entertainment of the many crows raising a loud ruckus from the trees lining the paths below. The kids scurrying to the cafeteria and their classes were bundled up tightly in school sweaters and coats to fend off the crisp autumn-chilled air. Not that the cold bothered either me or Louis. I could easily ignore it and Louis, known as Fubar to the kids, wasn’t really here.

His presence was after all only an astral projection.

Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement


Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the enthralling eighth issue, Logan will examine her future now that she has told Don that she wants to leave the X-Men. But will there be time for her to truly examine her feelings or will circumstances cascade towards crisis? Can she move on and find happiness, or will she be drawn into the morass of Magneto’s schemes?

Displaced: An Aethermysts Story


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Ever since he lost his job, Harry has been eking out a meager existence with his fledgling repair business, but when a catalog claiming to sell real magical items falls into his hands, his life is ‘displaced’ forever.

The Endless Dance Card : 6 / 7


“I bet I would be a mad genius for blowing smoke rings,” he said.

“To hell with smoke rings!” I said. “What is with you? I’m sincerely grateful that you did all this for me, Qurakas, but I want out of this chamber of horrors! Now!”

“What if I told you that there was a bigger chamber of horrors outside?” he asked in a very quiet voice.

The Elementalist: Chapter 1

The Elementalist

Chapter 1: Before the Law


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Copyright © 2019 Aurum; All Rights Reserved

Pioneers, part 05 of 15

She went to her room and came back with one of her sports bras, and I tried it on. It was definitely a lot tighter than the one I’d borrowed from the lost and found, but I thought I could live with it for an hour at a time until I got something that fit me.

Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices


Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational seventh issue, with Logan testing the limits of her abilities and trying to figure out her place in the X-Men. But she has a lot of unresolved fears and confusion about who she really is now, and what her memories of Scott mean for her and her relationship with Jean. Now that  Magneto has made his next bold move, can the Uncanny X-Men finally see a plan forming, or is he still several moves ahead?

Mindful 2 Chapter 6

Following Iona's determination to ensure that all peoples shall share in whatever benefits that universal telepathy may bring, she is bound once again to 'move on' to avoid any attempts by oppressive agencies to somehow gain control of the telepathic spectrum.

The Elementalist: Prologue

The Elementalist

Prologue: Into the Void


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Copyright © 2019 Aurum; All Rights Reserved

Call Of The Light - Part 1

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Loss

He had been there long enough to establish a regular routine.

Early mornings were Turkish coffee sipped ever so slowly at the corner table in the hotel’s small cafe with a breakfast of cheese, bread, and olives followed by a small confectionery. After a perfunctory nod to the proprietors it was out to wander down by the beach in a battered beige coat with more pockets of various size than fashion sense would ever allow. Safely out of earshot those he passed by would whisper that he must be touched by the Jinn for clearly he was no tourist as he took no pictures nor troubled anyone for directions to the local sights. At dusk he would walk the Black Sea’s coastline without regard for the rain falling from dark clouds nor for the magnificent view when the sun broke free and shone its glory across the waters.

He paid their odd glances no mind for his was entirely elsewhere. And besides, if he had bothered to consider their commentary he would have immediately agreed with them.

Nicolas ‘Nick’ Wright, erstwhile demonologist and magical consultant, was indeed touched. But not by the fabled fiery Jinn.

His problems lay entirely with angels.

The Endless Dance Card : 5 / 7

“We’re in the middle of outer space, so you’d think that SOMETHING weird or out-of-this-world would happen every couple of days. But NOTHING! Nothing ever happens here. You are the single biggest event since we left Earth, and I doubt that anything’s going to top you for a long, long time.”

Hostess With The Mostest - Chapter 10

hostest with the mostest.jpg

Chapter Ten -- The Hostess With The Mostest

The final chapter of this story. Candi explores Singapore and meets up with a debonair Navy Lieutenant at the Raffle's Hotel. Millie Walker is acting suspiciously and Candi is confused. To say any more would spoil the final reveal, which I hope you all like, and tell me what you think of this story.

Ballerina School 1: Foreign Exchange student

This is a story about a boy who signed up for a foreign exchange program and wanted to go to a all boys high school but ends up going to a all girls ballet school

Troublesome boy 2: The change of appearance

I yelled “NO TAYLOR THEY ARE NOT GOING TO PICK MY HAIRSTYLE AND THEY AREN'T MY SISTERS AND YOU AREN'T MY MOM” Taylor said “don’t speak to your mother with that mouth and now that’s 1 more month your my daughter.” “Mom we have the hairstyle” said Peach and Rachel, Mother said “what is it”. They said “down the back, blonde, and wavy.” I screamed “NOOOO”. Mother said “that’s two more”

I said “sorry mother”. Mother said “and also say sorry lovely sisters who I wish I was like” I said that and then we ate dinner and went to bed.


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