
Princess of Castile chapter 1

Princess of Castile
Chapter one
By Jennifer Reed

This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around five years prior to the events in Rikkis story.

An innocent and efeminnant man finds he has been sold and delivered to a very powerful noble in another country.

Finding Julia - Chapter 11

Finding Julia - Chapter 11

By Julie D Cole

I had no idea what suddenly came over me to agree to wear a dress but it looked good and Eve said it fitted perfectly although it was low cut at the front, quite short in length and sleeveless. There hardly seemed enough material to fit me anywhere.

Not What We Expected - 18

NotExpected 18

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

We were home in Wisconsin in time to go out on the town for a celebratory dinner. Being in the role of a twelve-year-old, I had to settle for a Pepsi for the toast to our new beginning. The fact that Sandra couldn’t indulge in alcohol either, due to her pregnancy, made me feel a little better.

I officially took up permanent residence in my princess suite that night.

It would take some time for it to feel like home.

Chapter 18

When Life Hands You Uranus : 4 / 9

“So…,” she ventured again, “Could I get something to wear?”

“Oh, yeah! Yes, of course!” he replied, his voice cracked like that of an adolescent boy as he bent to retrieve the manifest. His hand shook so much, it took him three tries to pick the paper up, and when he finally held it in his hand, it trembled like a flagpole in an earthquake. “Follow me,” he told her, and loudly whacked his head with the hallway door as he opened it.

Not What We Expected - 17

NotExpected 17

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

Later, after the girls had gone home to spend the evening with their families, I was satisfied that I had a solution to the problem that my ‘advisors’, psychologist, and I had been trying to solve for a couple of months now. I had found a natural way to connect with girls my ‘age’. And, as predicted, it turned out to be a great way to learn how to truly become a girl.

I went to spend the evening with my parents where my mother and I had a long chat about my new group of friends. She agreed that the girls were good for me. She had been impressed with the group when we were on the sailboat together.

I ended up staying the night and the next day was spent doing mother/daughter things with my mom.

Chapter 17

Loan Shark

Mary Beth Sanford


Copyright © 2019 Mary Beth Sanford

All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise.

First Edition

Pioneers, part 15 of 15

“Too much pillow-fighting?” he asked with a grin as we walked back toward our van.


I swatted him on the arm. “I’ve been to two girl sleepovers so far, and neither involved a pillow-fight.”


“Man, you got cheated.”

It's Rosey's fault: Wish Granted

Its Rosey’s fault: Wish granted

Blame “stuck in a rut” author Rosey Redd for this one:

Rose looked at the magical genie she’d released. Genie says you can be anything you want, just name it,” Rose struggles, finally saying “I dont know, man” Genie replies “wish granted!”

And Richard was left to stagger home.


Polly Chapter 25 of 25 - A New Direction

Chapter 25 - A New Direction

"I can't believe that the week is almost over," sighed Scott.

"I know what you mean. It may not have been the vacation we expected, but this is a lovely place and I do want to come back again."

"It's odd to think that this may be the last time our family vacations together, even if our eldest child is not staying with us. I'm not sure I'm ready to have an independent child go off into the world to find their own way."

"Feeling like an empty-nester already, dear?"

"I suppose I am. Just because we aren't the first doesn't make it any easier."

"Peter will still be living with us, or perhaps Polly will, while she's in school. Oh my! I just called our son 'she,' didn't I?"

Polly Chapter 24 of 25 - The Hot Springs

Chapter 24 - The Hot Springs

Polly, I've got to hand it to you," Little Rose said. "You have a lot of nerve taking your parents on a hike to a clothing optional hot springs. For that matter, you have a lot of nerve going anywhere where clothing is optional!"

Not What We Expected - 16

NotExpected 16

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

Eventually, the time came for the couple to leave the reception. The wedding party had all gotten together to decorate the Rolls Royce parked at the top of the circular driveway. It had all the traditional streamers, signs, tin cans, etc. and was ready to go. About the time we finished with the car, we heard the thumping of helicopter rotors approaching. I had slapped my forehead. Of course, I had thought, what does a rich guy do to make a statement?

The helicopter landed on the front lawn and the happy couple was soon airborne and heading into the night to the well wishes of the assembled guests. Before they left, Sandra told me that she still didn't know where they were going.

After Tom and Sandra had made their exit, the party started to slowly break up.

I had been exhausted when I finally slipped into bed at the hotel well after midnight. I fell asleep with a sense of peace and wondering where the happy couple had gone.

Chapter 16

When Life Hands You Uranus : 3 / 9

Moss felt an enormous sense of gratitude when Barfield raised his head and asked his guards, “Do you think I could get a cup of coffee?”

“Uh… yeah,” the first guard said, and Moss could see the two guards mentally struggle to find a joke connecting coffee and Uranus.

Polly Chapter 23 of 25 - Sisters

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Chapter 23 - Sisters

"Good book, Vicky?"

"Oh, hi sister. Gee, that still sounds weird. It's OK so far, but I just started it."

"Kind of like me, then?"


"Being Polly is OK so far, but I've just started."

"So I suppose Sheila can read you like a book, then?"

"She prefers reading in braille."

Polly Chapter 22 of 25 - Pillow Talk

Chapter 22 - Pillow Talk

Each day, any day, no mater how the humans packing the surface of this planet act, react, stumble, fight, love or hate, they must bow to the reality of physics. Sailors fear that if all the passengers on a boat should move to one side it could capsize, and that very thing has happened. Not even if some demagogue should convince the entire population of the Earth to all move to one side of the planet would it change the rotation of the Earth.

Not What We Expected - 15

NotExpected 15

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

She gave me a squeeze, "You can count on me, Andi. Thanks for being my rock." She wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I love you, Sandra," I whispered.

"I love you too, Andi," She whispered back as we turn to hug each other.

We moved the room's couch so that we could sit together while we continued to stare out the window as the night slumbered on.

A sense of peace settle on both of us as we silently sat together, each with her own thoughts.

Chapter 15

Polly Chapter 21 of 25 - The Inevitable Happens

Photo by Wendy Winarno on Unsplash

Chapter 21 - The Inevitable Happens

It happened so slowly that nobody really noticed it happening, but by mid-summer Polly and Sheila had moved from being 'Summer Help' to join Little Rose as 'Family.' The hotel had been in the Russo family for generations, so it was sad that Russ and Rose had no children to continue the family business.

Jones Beach

After a chance encounter between Barry and Cathy at Jones Beach,  a hot dog man recognizes that they are soulmates, and attempts to spark their mutual love.  Inadvertently, he causes them to swap bodies and suffer amnesia. Barry and Cathy are then forced to acclimate to life as the opposite sex while also struggling to discover their true identities. Will they ever realize the love that was first kindled on Jones Beach?

[FW] How To Trick A Fashion Witch

Fitz would never have thought it would end this way.
Trapped in a corner, by someone he dismissed as harmless.
The very girl he admires relies upon him for protection.
And now, it was time for a bad ending.
But what if he refuses to give up?

Pioneers, part 14 of 15

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Makeover

This is the big day. After the day is over, I will be Simon Fornsby no longer. I’ll be Suzie Lavender. I still have no idea what I’ll look like though. Judy tells me it’s going to be a surprise. The only thing I know for certain is that Sally is coming with us and she promises to hold my hand when I go through the perma waxing, the one thing I know for sure is coming. I am so in a hurry to get rid of my horrid little beard and starting to be hairy legs not the mention the underarms, pubes, arms, etc.

It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To ~ Part 3

The past few days had not been kind to Janey. The spell that she cast on Halloween night in hopes of becoming Bobby's Girl had come with a side effect so horrible it made her flip out + start tearing up her room, convinced there could be nothing worse than this! Then she was hauled off to jail, which in fact was quite a bit worse. But now Janey was reunited with her family + going home, so at least she knew she wasn't destined to end up in a cage in some Freak Zoo. But what kind of life could a girl who didn't quite officially exist + who wasn't completely a girl anymore look forward to? She sure had made a mess of everything with that stupid magic spell!

Or had she?

The Sequel to BOBBY'S GIRL

Laika Pupkino ~ 2019

Polly Chapter 19 of 25 - A Day Off For Sisters

Chapter 19 - A Day Off for Sisters

"What the f…" Polly cut herself off before she could finish, this trying to be a girl thing was starting to be automatic.

"Oh crap!" groaned Sheila. "I forgot to turn the alarm off."

"Then kill the noisy thing before I do."

Groping toward her phone she stabbed at it until it stopped making that awful racket.

When Life Hands You Uranus : 2 / 9

Unfortunately, Moss had no anchor or listener or witness. He was alone in an office where he could fire anything he liked straight through to Uranus. There were no checks and balances. Uranus can’t talk back.

Polly Chapter 18 of 25 - An Interesting Sunday

Photo by Mohammad Ali Jafarian on Unsplash

Chapter 18 - An Interesting Sunday

Sunday morning. The alarm went off at its usual time, much to Polly's distress. Even more to her distress, Sheila was up and disgustingly awake.

"C'mon sleepyhead, get up and look at the day the Lord has made." Sheila ordered.

"Mumble, mumble."

"Say that again?"

Pioneers, part 13 of 15

“So, Meredith,” Julianna said, plopping down on Sophia’s bed, “dish! Sophia’s told me about you, and I heard some stuff from girls at school, but I want to hear it from you. What do you like best about being a girl? Is there anything you miss about being a boy? Is there a boy you like? Or a girl? Are there girly things you haven’t tried yet that we can initiate you into tonight?” Her eyes gleamed with joy and enthusiasm, and even though I found her prying questions a little uncomfortable, I couldn’t resent her.

Polly Chapter 15 of 25 - Graduation

Chapter 15 - Graduation

"Peter! Hurry up or we'll be late!" called Pete's mother."


"Nice dress, Pete"

"You, my annoying little sister, are wearing a dress. I, as befits my status as a graduate of an institute of higher learning, am wearing an academic gown, the traditional garment of those who have attained academic excellence.

"Well la-te-dah! I think Sheila's red gown looked much better yesterday."

Call Of The Light - Part 6 (complete)

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 23 - Sacrifices

The California sun had hours ago slipped below the evergreen-lined mountain peaks to the west. Leftovers from his lunchtime foray into the local town still sat mostly uneaten on the square patio table, sandwich and partially consumed plum resting on a plate. The porch-light remained off as stars twinkled into view between the wispy clouds hanging in the sky, leaving him as a motionless dark shadow resting on the wooden bench before the cabin.

Lilith's Messenger Chapter 3 of 3 conclusion

Lilith’s Messenger
By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 3

This is the conclusion of this tale. Serren gets restored, he has his revenge against the witches and shows himself to be just as cruel.
And he has a few surprises at the end

Polly Chapter 14 of 25 - The Secret Spreads

Chapter 14 - The Secret Spreads

By the time Polly and Sheila reached Rosemary's door, Polly was getting nervous. Very nervous. The day had gone surprisingly well. As one more anonymous girl wandering the aisles of the thrift shops, Polly was taken for just what she wanted to be: a teenage girl. Sheila's comment about people seeing what they wanted to see was very true. But now she was going to meet someone who knew Sheila well, and actually talk to her. If things went as planned she was going to change back to being Pete in this girl's house, there would be no secrets between them.


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