Another Side of My Life
Chapter 20 (Final)
By Julie D Cole
I aplogise but I decided to edit and bring this story to an end. Seems interest is waning.
I extended this chapter of course.
‘So is my invite to breakfast a yes or a no?’
‘It’s a yes thank you.’
‘Do I need my handcuffs to keep you here.’
‘No. Anyway just for your information I am not into the kinky stuff. I would like to stay if the invite is still open.’
‘Always open. 24/7 for you.’
He stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around me and we kissed. I felt like the woman I wanted to be and I responded. The longer we embraced the weaker my knees became and he took my weight in his arms. I could feel his manhood pressing against me and it stirred. I was reacting myself but he was unlikely to notice since I had secured myself as tightly as I could with my G string and my favourite pair of Sloggi panties.
As Jack pulled back slightly so we could look each other in the eye I asked if he’d responded to Debs yet since she’d tried to call me.
‘She knows what I’m like for communicating. She doesn’t expect me to get back to her. Will you be calling her later?‘
‘I will of course. I want to keep a close relationship with her, Sarah and Maggie. They were so nice.’
‘Good because I’ll get less pressure if she knows you are still around.’
I knew that I shouldn’t keep up the pretence because it was so unfair and I was being so selfish but none of this was deliberate and it was happening in spite of me trying to stop myself. I leaned forward and kissed him encouraging him to wrap his arms around me again. He only needed to look into my eyes and I seemed to be hypnotised into believing I was a woman.
‘Jack. Can I asked you something please?’
‘Of course you can. What do you want to know?’
‘When you first came to London did you live full time as a woman or just dress part time for your job at the club?’
‘Both. I was trying to find myself and I realised after a while that I wasn’t transgender. I just liked to wear womens clothes and make myself pretty and show off a bit.’
‘Like the drag acts?’
‘No when I dressed outside work I tried to be as feminine as I could. I had a full wardrobe. At work I wore more glamorous outfits but nothing too outlandish.’
‘Do you still like to do it?’
‘From time to time I did but it’s more difficult now since I deliberately bulked up to try to deal with it and stop myself.’
‘Do you still have all your clothes and things.’
‘I boxed it up about 6 months ago. Does it bother you?’
‘No it doesn’t but it surprised me when you told me your story and I wondered if you just grew out of it or if something had happened to make it appear grotesque or repulsive.’
‘I told you that I went through the phase of being insulted and outed and I suppose I ran away feeling embarrassed. Looking back I’m glad that I did because it brought me here and I didn’t have to hide from anybody or feel ashamed.’
‘But Debbi has supported you and so did you stop to please your mother?’
‘No. We speak but to be honest we are not as close as we should be since it’s hard to forget her initial reaction. But time is a healer and things are much better already.’
‘I’m glad. I can imagine it was a difficult time for both of you. Did she expect you to be married with children by now and to have a stable job near home?’
‘Yes she did. But she has at least admitted to being relieved that Laura and I split.’
‘Will you ever go home?’
‘No. I’m settled in London. How about you?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Will you ever go home?’
‘I have to. I’m just here on vacation.’
‘So you like your life in the North and your job. I don’t get the feeling that you do.’
I couldn’t answer and I stayed silent. Jack didn’t press for one and suggested we headed for breakfast so we both finished getting ready. He held my hand as we walked to the corner and Jack flagged down a black cab.
‘Where are we going?’
‘I thought I’d treat you to something special.’
‘You don’t have to do that. I don’t deserve this treatment. Please let me pay.’
‘No we are going to have a special breakfast so you don’t forget me. I hope.’
‘Thanks but I feel embarrassed I’m not used to this special treatment. This last few days have been the best of my life.’
‘Well I thought I’d give you breakfast with a view. Then we can take a stroll around a market that is close by.’
‘Where is this then?’
‘There it is ahead of us. Looking over the river.’
‘The Shard?’
‘Yes we are going up to eat in the Aqua Shard for breakfast so you can look out over London and see if it entices you to stay.’
‘But that will be crazy prices. Why not just have a greasy snack in the market. We are working class not royalty.’
‘Our money is as good as anybodys and we are smart enough. We look like regular sightseers. Look there is Borough Market. It’s great fun and if you want to come back for dinner next time I have a day off it’s a great place for fresh fish.’
‘Look Jack this is not fair. I don’t deserve this treatment. I’ve been deceiving you this last few days. I can’t let keep it up any longer. I never expected any of this. I came to London to have some free time and explore a little.’
‘So I’m showing you the sights.’
‘I didn’t mean that sort of explore. I meant explore another side of me that has been trapped. You have made me think a lot. I really need to stop this before we go too far. I never expected that I’d have such feelings for anybody in just a few days you have awaked something inside me. I’ve enjoyed meeting Debbie and her friends and you were so kind to arrange that. And to top it all you have been amazing.’
‘ Well you were lost and you needed help. I just happened to be there. Perhaps it was fate. My work is not done yet is it. I think you are still a little lost. Is there something that you want to tell me?’
‘Not here in a cab. Perhaps when we arrive and before we have breakfast.’
‘OK. But don’t stress about it please. I want you to be happy and see life here is good and full of opportunities so it can be a chance for you to take a longer look and you might decide to pack in your job and give it a try. You can stay longer at my place if you can swing a few more days off work. I’d like the company and no charge if you are happy to continue to help me at the bar. You fitted in very well.’
‘It’s very tempting. Chris did say she’d tip me off if any job opportunities cropped up.’
‘So the balls in your court so let your mum know and call work before we open up the bar at eleven thirty.’
Jack paid the fare and pointed out the close proximity of Borough Market that opened from 10am. It was already busy and it looked very interesting and yet I’d never heard of it.
‘Jack please before we go any further I need to tell you something about me. It will change everything I’m afraid.’
‘Then don’t tell me. Just let’s go with the flow and enjoy a few days together. It was nice to wake up with you today. Was that something you’ve done before?’
‘Jack please it’s embarrassing. It was the first time I ever shared a bed with a man and I don’t know what came over me.’
He just smiled and took my hand so we could run across the road the the entrance of the Shard. The restaurant was on the 31st floor offering a wonderful view of London all across the river. I had dressed casually so I felt awkward but Jack said it was fine through the day and especially for breakfast or brunch. He’d not let go of my hand until we sat at our table. I could feel a dampness down below so I excused myself to visit the bathroom whilst Jack ordered. He was so kind and clearly didn’t want to take the risk of me telling him something that might affect our relationship.
When I returned I felt more comfortable and I’d decided to do as Jack suggested. I was enjoying myself so much that I didn’t want to head home and go back to work and I’d lost my reservation on the train anyway.
The breakfast was nice and it had been quite a while since I’d eaten bacon and eggs with mushrooms and black pudding and potato rosti. We tried not to rush so that we could enjoy the experience and once again I tried to pay but without success. If this was what life was like as a woman I just didn’t want it to end.
‘Jack I’ve been thinking. I don’t have enough clothes with me to last a week I might need to buy some new underwear and a couple of tops and do some laundry if I stay all week.’
‘That’s OK you can do your laundry tonight or tomorrow morning and you can pop out of the bar into Kensington High Street a bit later to get your essentials. Do you need any cash?’
‘No I am fine with my credit card. That all sounds OK so I’ll call mum and the office when we get to the hotel from your bar. I assume we’ll go straight there from the market.’
‘Yes that’s the general idea. You don’t need to go back to my apartment for anything do you?’
‘Not if I’m OK like this for bar work.’
‘Just perfect. It should help trade to have you alongside.’
We walked across to the market that was extremely busy. So much fresh food and fish on display with lots of business going on. There were several small snack places and a really nice fish restaurant that I hoped we might come back and try before I headed home at the weekend. It would have to be midweek anyway to fit with Jacks work schedule and his cover arrangements.
We were in plenty of time to get to the bar before scheduled opening so Jack suggested we took the underground and walked across London Bridge to Monument station. It was a 10 or 15 minute walk with wonderful views of the river Thames and the Tower of London. Jack pointed to the famous Golden Hinde sailing ship that was a replica of The Golden Hind ship sailed by Sir Francis Drake to South America and then Northern California where he landed and laid claim but he left without establishing a colony. Then circumnavigated the Globe before arriving back in England.
‘So we could have owned California if he’d left some of his crew there? Is that San Francisco? ’
‘No that was established 200 years later by the Spanish I think. We missed our chance I suppose.’
‘Imagine sailing all that way and back and missing the chance to own it.’
‘Lucky for them I suppose. It’s on my Butt List. Are you in?’
‘I would love to go one day.’
‘With me I hope.’
‘Maybe if you are still friends with me by then.’
The underground journey too us about 30 minutes and we had to put on our sun-shades as we exited the station to walk to the hotel. The weather seemed so much better than in the North of England. Another good reason to consider Jacks offer.
Jack opened up the bar whilst I made my calls. I told mum first since my mind was made up even if it caused a problem at work. She was relieved to hear from me and glad that I was having a good time after the bad start I’d had. She did say that I sounded different and I had to adjust the tone of my voice and I told her I’d had a bit of a summer cold. She said it was probably the exhaust gas fumes in London from all the traffic.
The next call was going to be more difficult and I had to talk to my boss rather than my supervisor and she didn’t always pick up. I was surprised that she answered.
‘Ah Julian where are you. I was told that you were due back in the office today.’
‘Well actually it’s tomorrow but I have hit a bit of a problem and I hoped to take a few more days leave. I have lots of credit.’
‘You know the rules. You have to complete a holiday request form and submit it through your line supervisor.’
‘I know Ms Harrison but I haven’t really taken any vacation all year and I’ve covered for others. I’m sure that Marie or Helen will be happy to help cover like I do for them.’
‘This is not very professional Julian. I’ve no time to be sorting out your work schedules and you were already on a warning. Not turning in today makes that 2 as far as I’m concerned and you know the rules. Three warnings and it’s instant dismissal.’
‘But that’s not fair. I do lots of extra days to cover and at short notice.’
‘Look we are over staffed anyway so why not let’s cut to the chase. Take your leave and call in Monday to pick up your belongings and your cards. I’m busy.’
With that she put the telephone down and I sat in shock. I had just lost my job. This was stupid so I needed to call HR. This woman clearly hated me and she was a bully.
I managed to calm down and call the HR Manager and I explained the situation as clearly as I could. She was sympathetic and asked me not to do anything whilst she attempted to sort things out.
I must have looked upset and in shock because Jack came over to me and asked if I was OK. I told him that the call with mum was fine but when I’d called the office to ask for leave they’d sacked me. I couldn’t stop myself from bursting into tears.
‘Just take a minute and calm down Julie.’
He put his arm around me and I leaned onto his shoulder. I’d never cried much before but I was so mixed up.
‘What do you mean they’ve sacked you? Do you mean there is no longer a job for you, or have you done something wrong?’
‘She said I’d broken the rules and it was a sackable offence. Others have taken vacation at short notice and I never did. They owe me lots of days holiday and I’ve always covered for others if they had an emergency. It seems like it’s only me that is supposed to give notice.’
‘Who told you that you were sacked?’
‘My boss. The main boss did. I was told to call her by my supervisor. I knew she didn’t like me.’
‘It sounds a bit strange to me. It’s not legal. Did you have any witnesses on the line or just the two of you?’
‘I wasn’t sure really since she was on hands free. There could have been somebody there.’
‘So it’s your word against hers. I suggest you write down what you think was said. The good thing on your side is that you immediately called HR.’
‘I just can’t believe she said those things or wants rid of me. I did my job and never caused trouble.’
‘So do you want to go straight home to get back to the office and sort it out?’
‘I don’t know. If they don’t want me then what’s the point of going into the office to be embarrassed? It’s a horrible job anyway. It’s not like it is my preferred career path and it was supposed to be temporary when I took it.’
‘So take advice about taking them to an industrial tribunal and stay here for a while and I’ll help you through this if I can.’
‘Thanks Jack I know you care for me and I really appreciate your support but the longer we’re together the harder things will be. This trip was supposed to be fun to give me some me time. It’s been complicated since the moment I set foot on the station platform.’
‘Maybe it felt like that at times but you seem to have had fun along the way. You fell from the sky and I think I’m falling in love with you. Seriously I think you are the person I’ve been waiting for. I think about you all my waking hours. I really want you to stay in London and hopefully you’ll feel the same way about me soon.’
‘Jack please. I already do feel the same way about you. Really I do and I don’t want to go home but I have to before both of us get hurt.’
‘OK so it’s going to have to be the handcuffs then I guess.’
‘Please Jack don’t make this any more difficult than it already is.’
‘Sorry Jules but you need to face the facts and the longer you’ve been here the more comfortable you’ve become. This is you not the person who packed a bag for a long weekend of fun. Things happen for a reason and I found my true self down here. It took time for me to find myself. I don’t think it has taken you as long.’
Jack was squeezing my hand and looking into my eyes. I tried to look away but I couldn’t.
‘Jules this is you. Why can’t you accept it. Just look what just happened. A door closed behind you so don’t try to open it. It was meant to be and my feeling is that a green light to enjoy the other side of your life. Do it with me please.’
‘Does that mean you know?’
‘Yes I know.’
‘How? Why didn’t you say something.’
‘Yes I’m really sorry about that I should have said something before now but I was falling in love with you and I didn’t want you to run away.’
‘Do I look like a man? Is it my voice? Did you touch me last night in bed?’
‘None of that. You don’t look like a man and your voice is natural. I respected you and it was you who touched me.’
‘So how then?’
‘There was a message on my answer phone this morning from the police so I called them back when you were in the bathroom. They asked you to go to the station. They arrested somebody after a robbery and when they searched his property they recovered your wallet and credit cards. The money is missing I’m sad to say.’
‘Oh Jack I’m so sorry. I never meant to deceive you or the girls.’
‘Nothing to feel sorry about. If you like we can go collect your wallet tomorrow morning although like me I think they might have difficulty understanding why a beautiful young woman uses credit cards with a mans name. I might have to help you disguise yourself as a man but I don’t think you will be very convincing. ’
‘Jack I already explained to them my circumstances and had to say I was pre-op transgender.’
‘That’s it then. You can’t admit to telling a lie can you?’
‘But what about mum? What will she say?’
‘I’m sure she’ll know she has a daughter and she’s more likely to want you to be happy and not to lose you. It just takes a little time to adjust but time is on our side don’t you think?’
‘If you say so Jack. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.’
‘I’ve only just started. Come on we have some customers waiting to be served.’
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Welcome back!
Glad to see you continuing this story line. Hope all is well.
All is Well Thanks
I'm sorry that I do step back from time to time for a variety of reasons. I've been trying to coax another author to write a follow up to one of her books and wrote one myself as a personal challenge. I've got it out of my system now.
A new chapter, hooray, hooray! It's sad she lost her job, but now she has little reason not to stay.
Thanks Again
I did incorporate a tease in this chapter referring to Sir Francis Drake discovering California in 1579 so I hope you recognise that you are a British colony. I bet someone chopped down the tree and hid the plaque. If you come across it can you send it back please. It says 'Property of Queen Elizabeth I of England.'