PMS Zombies

PMS Zombies
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by Arielle Brix

Alex's first day of high school goes terribly awry as all the girls in town develop an intense hatred of men and a voracious appetite for human flesh. His effeminate looks might save him from being eaten by the girls for a little while but will he be able to resist the virus feminizing his body by the hour?
Approximate content rating: PG-15 for violence, language, and suggestive content.

Chapter 1: Morning Bite
It was a sunny, cloudless sky that greeted me that morning. Those unfamiliar with the unrelenting heat in Weyton might even call it cheerful. For me it was an unwelcome reminder that I was running late for school. So late, in fact, that my mother had taken it upon herself to get me moving.
It wasn't simple laziness that kept me in bed on such a morning, nor did I particularly detest the thought of homework. It was the students that worried me. I'd managed to blend in moderately well in middle school but high school could well be a house of horrors. From what I'd read, many boys tried to stand out upon entering high school. Reinvent themselves, as it were. Personally I'd be content to go unnoticed. My body was doing quite enough reinventing on its own.
“Alex just be a man and put on the damned bra.”
I cringed as Mom threw the bra at me, but I didn't try to block it with a hand. Lamentably I was too busy covering my overdeveloped chest. I really had to start sleeping with a shirt, heat wave or no heat wave.
She gave me one last directive before mercifully leaving my bedroom. “You can't just keep ignoring your breasts. You'll just embarrass yourself if you don't learn to cover them up properly.”
Ouch. Normally she wasn’t so blunt. Though, truthfully, I couldn't say she didn't have a point. Two disturbingly large points, in fact. But could I really wear a bra? Curious anatomy aside I was still a guy.
Mom was quick to remind me that I was out of time to deliberate. “Hurry it up, the bus will be here any minute.”
After one last drawn-out sigh I took the plunge.
“Huh.” Not so bad really. I was pretty sure it was a sports bra, and thankfully one with no straps or clips to work out. It helped my peace of mind that it didn't look much like a traditional brassiere. I could almost pretend it was just a stretchy, weirdly snug t-shirt — at least so long as I ignored my bared midriff.
Oddness aside, the bra did seem to be compressing the troublemakers. Hiding them towards the end of the previous school year had gotten beyond stressful. Perhaps with sports bra holding them down I wouldn't have to hunch over so much. Honestly, summer break had been a godsend. I'd had a permanently aching back by the end of the school year from maintaining my slouch. The weight of my growing additions probably hadn’t helped.
“Lame.” I should have known. I'd had high hopes, but throwing on a t-shirt revealed just how vain they'd been. Not only were the twins still visible, so was the outline of the bra. “Jacket it is then.” The baggy windbreaker I’d nabbed from Mom's room drove home the fact that at fifteen I was still depressingly slimmer and shorter than my mother, and she was far from being a large woman.
The windbreaker wasn't the perfect cure, but from the front it hid things pretty well. As long as I didn't let anyone see my silhouette from the side while my back was straight I'd probably go unnoticed. ‘Probably.’
I had to think positively. A momentary glimpse of my unusual curves wouldn’t bring everything crashing down. Despite being thin, I could probably pass off the man-boobs as a result of eating too much or a trick of the light. Well, at least so long as they didn’t pick out what I was wearing beneath my shirt. Chest growth was embarrassing but a bra was a choice, and one that could draw a lot of negative attention my way in a town like Weyton. I’d gotten picked on a bit in middle school but nothing serious. I didn’t want that to change for the worse.
‘No bra it is then.’ After a couple tries I had it back off, momentarily relieved to be out of the utterly unmanly garment until I had to swing my eyes away from what it left behind. The mounds definitely looked bigger without the sports bra compressing them, but I couldn’t win every battle. I’d just have to remember to lean forward to keep my jacket off my very heavy chest. Ugh, my back was already giving me warnings.
I straightened and stretched, taking advantage of the last free time I’d have to do so until I got back from school. For a moment I felt totally zenned, at least until I realized I was still holding an item I had no business being around until I landed a girlfriend.
I made to throw the bra away to some dusty corner of the room before it could infect me with any more girlishness but paused mid-throw. With a sigh I stuffed in the pocket of my sweatpants instead of discarding it as I wished to. I’d prefer not to bring it at all but Mom might expect me to be wearing it when I came back home and she was in such a poor mood that I was unwilling to test her patience.
It felt like the bra was burning a hole in my pocket but I grabbed my books and slipped out for the bus, careful to avoid Mom on the way out. I wasn't sure what had gotten her in a mood, but I didn't want to get caught in the middle of it. Last thing I needed was to have her ask why I wasn't bringing my backpack to my first day of high school. (It was the straps. Stupid things made it rather hard to hard to hide my rather unique figure.)
Anyways, body issues aside, it was looking like this would be a good day. I'd read ahead in all the textbooks to be prepared for my first day of high school, the sun was shining, and... oh god the sun was really shining. The bus stop was five blocks away and I was wilting inside my wind jacket and sweatpants by the time I made it there.
I'd arrived just in time, bus already arrived and loading. I was the last in line as the other students filed into the old bus, my stomach grumbling as I awaited my turn to board. If I didn't want to make skipping breakfast a habit I would have to start getting up earlier. Mom claimed the buses used to go by every house back when she went to school. Just another way things had gone downhill since then, I supposed. At least we had it better than Brickville to the north of us. Thanks to the Rose Corporation our town had thus far avoided bankruptcy unlike many towns and cities of late. Having their logo plastered on everything in town was a small price to pay.
‘Is this really what high schoolers look like?’ The seniors certainly looked like they'd been eating three squares a day. Was it normal for the senior boys to be twice my weight and a foot taller? I was short even amongst eighth graders but at least back in middle school I'd had an age advantage. Now as I boarded it felt like I'd wandered into a bus full of raucous giants. So much for getting held back a year in kindergarten helping me in the height department.
Just because they were bigger than me didn’t mean I’d get bullied like in the movies but I decided to play it safe and try not to draw attention. I kept my head down and avoided making eye contact with the potential predators as I made my way down the aisle. Most of the seats were claimed but there was one over the back wheel that was free. It would be bumpy, especially with the number of potholes all over town, but I was very glad to sit down and escape the multitude of eyes on me.
I’d thought the bus was already full but was soon proved wrong. Doubled seats soon became tripled after our next stop, legs sticking out into the aisle in what would be a safety violation in a wealthier neighborhood. I huddled into the corner of the seat as a girl sat down next to me. I was surprised. It had been years since a girl had sat next to me voluntarily. Skinny black guys that spent too much time on computers weren’t their thing, I supposed.
Surreptitiously glancing at my seat companion I immediately noticed she was pretty. There was an elegance to her features and long black hair that made me think she was a year or two older than me but I couldn’t be sure. From what I’d seen of the other students, pretty much everyone except me had done a lot of growing up over the summer.
I was soon distracted from my observations. The ride was even bumpier than I’d expected, the driver sadistically aiming for every pothole. An ache grew in my chest that I tried desperately to ignore. I held out stoically for ten blocks before giving in. Crossing my arms across my chest I did my best to hold everything still. Breast pain from bouncing was a fairly new problem for me. Recently I’d had to walk more carefully down stairs and avoid jogging, but this was the worst yet. The fabric of my t-shirt was a bit scratchier than I’d like as well as they went up and down. Maybe skipping the sports bra wasn’t such a great idea after all.
“Still growing?”
The question came so unexpectedly that it took a moment to realize it came from the girl beside me. “What?”
“They’re more sensitive when they’re still growing.” Surely she wasn’t talking about — “You might want to switch to something with a little more support now that they’re getting bigger. That training bra is so flimsy it looks like you’re not wearing anything at all.”
Yes, yes she was talking about my breasts. I broke into a cold sweat. Were they really that easy to see? They felt huge to me, but on a real girl I was sure they wouldn’t be anything very substantial. I had to hope that it was only all the bouncing that had given me away.
I hoped she wasn’t right about them still growing. From what I’d dared to read at the library it wasn’t uncommon for boys to have gynecomastia during puberty, but typically the growth disappeared as quickly as it came. I prayed what I’d read was right. I doubted there were many girls out there that dated guys with boobs larger than theirs.
It was immensely uncomfortable sitting next to someone who probably thought I was some sort of freak. Health class told everyone that puberty involved going through a lot of changes, but I couldn’t stop thinking I was growing up wrong. A beauty like her couldn’t relate. Thanks to her sunglasses I couldn’t be sure she wasn’t still staring at me like a specimen in a lab. Well, at least I was better-looking than that cow-pig hybrid they’d cooked up at Rose Labs. The one thing our town was known for and it had to be the creation of the one and only cow-pig…
The rest of the ride went in silence, at least between my seat partner and myself. It was a longer ride than the one for middle school. Warren High School (named after and funded by the CEO of Rose Labs) was a massive edifice that took in students from eight nearby middle schools. My seat partner fell asleep halfway there, shocking me when her head came to rest on my shoulder. If this were a cheesy teen movie it would be a sign that we’d eventually date, but I wasn’t so foolish as to think she had the slightest bit of romantic interest in me. Frankly I was surprised she hadn’t switched seats after she found out about my oddities.
Thinking about them made me all too aware of their current situation. It was light, but I could feel the press of her breast against the side of my own. I’d mostly kept from touching my breasts since they’d started growing since it was easier to imagine them disappearing some day if I pretended they didn’t exist in the present. This contact with another human being felt good, felt right, but it was also deeply unsettling. It wasn’t how I imagined my first contact with a girl’s boobs would go, and I didn’t want to imagine how she might freak out when she woke up.
I considered waking her up then and there before anything else incriminating could happen but I couldn’t work up the nerve. I tried instead to turn my attention to other things than my contact with her but the other students didn’t make it easy. The rest of the bus conversed about all sorts of strange things, mixed with quite a bit more dirty language than I was accustomed to. I tilted my head down to ignore them only for heat bloom in my cheeks as I realized what direction that pointed my eyes. I swiftly switched to looking out the window before she could wake up and catch me looking at her cleavage.
There were more police out than seemed normal. Every other block there was someone being stuffed into the back of a police car, and the majority seemed to be resisting arrest. Strangely, nearly every last offender was a woman. Maybe it was the heat making everyone go crazy, though they should be used to it if they weren’t tourists.
‘Oh.’ A number of families throwing suitcases into cars provided another likely answer. It had to be another mass eviction day. Either because banks had decided a bunch of debts were due or a bunch of apartments were being torn down for another of Rose Corp’s “beautification efforts.” Getting thrown out of your home was as good a reason as any to be upset.
The girl’s head was still against my shoulder when the bus reached the school. I waited until nearly everyone had gotten off before tapping her knee. The delay was mostly due to shyness, but I couldn’t deny that I was reluctant to let her leave. I hadn’t realized how desperate for human contact I was until I’d actually experienced some.
Was I really so lonely? I supposed I was. I’d never had a girlfriend or even a pet, and my friends had drifted away the past couple years. It wasn’t really their fault. I’d started declining just about every outdoors get-together until they’d stopped inviting me. Either it was some event that might reveal my annoyingly feminine chest or it was just too hot out. Boobs must trap heat in because I swore I was more resistant to hot weather as a kid. I supposed the layers I wore to cover them up didn’t help though.
Tapping her knee didn’t seem to be enough. “Wake up, we’re here,” I whispered. She started to stir. I screamed as teeth briefly clasped around my neck. I grabbed my throat and planted my back against the wall of the bus.
‘She bit me. And then I screamed.’ I wasn’t sure which was worse, my girlish scream or the pain in my neck. I could feel small droplets of blood on my hand. Right fearsome teeth she must have to pierce skin like that.
No, the scream was definitely worse. The bite would heal in a few days but the blow to my reputation could endure for ages.
“Hey, cut it out back there!” yelled the bus driver.
My seat companion shook herself awake. Licking my blood off her lips she eyed my neck and slowly pieced things together. “I’m so sorry,” she gushed. She drew me into a tight, tense hug. I wasn’t sure whether to be happy I was finally getting hugged by a girl or terrified that she’d attack me again. “I’ve felt a bit... bitey lately,” she said in a non-explanation. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

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