
The Titan Queen chapter 2

The Titan Queen

By Cynthia Jeanette

Sybillas goals begin to move forward as we start seeing what she is really after and we get to learn about some of her past and what led to her being the way she is.
And, I am a very inexperienced writer and I would welcome anyone who wants to help me make this tale more readable.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 21 of 21

Since Devi didn’t come through the portal speaking Zyuni anymore, because the cabinet was in an apartment whose residents only spoke Stasari, Nidlaya had loaned her a language talisman, a gold necklace with a ruby pendant, which enabled her to speak and understand Zyuni.

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 4

He shouldn't have teased his sister

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 4
Veronica deals with forgetting her time of the month and learns her lesson. And then she has a conversation with her mother Sarafine

SRU: The Two-Fer

SRU: The Two-Fer
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

This is another of my older stories. A couple of slackers help out the SRU Wizard. Now comes the problem of how to properly thank them.

SRU: The Two-Fer
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 19 of 21

“This is my mom and dad and grandma and my brother Karsan and my sister Ami,” Devi went on. “Everybody, this is Zindla and her mom Syuna. They run the shop where I first came to this world.”

The Prophet Revised Chapter 24 final chapter

The Prophet

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 24 Final Chapter

Serinina realizes that after everything she accomplished that she is still very unhappy and bitter. Her suffering wont end and she makes a critical decision and gets the help she needs to correct some of the things she did.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 18 of 21

“See,” Devi was saying, “a blue or green robe means you’re a girl, and yellow, orange or red means you’re a boy. At least for the Zyuneban. The Stasa have more complicated rules. And I guess we’re Stasa now, instead of Zyuneban like I was last time, so... anyway, pick whichever robe you feel like, if you can find one that fits you.”

Summer with Em - Part 42


Summer With Em - Chapter 42

By Julie D Cole

On the way back to Frankies apartment she asked me why dad hadn’t questioned why we had not switched on the video link during the Skype call and seen how I looked all grown up. He had already told me that he had a poor internet connection since their town was in the hills and signals were weak so I’d used this as an excuse advising him to switch it off.

The Chronicles of Crewman Number Six

Ah, the Starfleet away team. Six members: the captain, the first officer, the science officer, the chief medical officer, the chief engineer...and that nameless security guard. A different guy every week...or is it?

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 17 of 21

“We weren’t entirely truthful last weekend when we told you that Davey couldn’t remember what had happened during the months he was gone,” Carson said. “Davey told us where he’d been and what he’d done, but... until a few days ago, we didn’t believe him, because we didn’t have evidence, and his story seemed pretty far-fetched.”

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 6 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“The problem,” Viv explained, “is that you never grew up as a girl. You look at women -- even yourself as a woman -- through the eyes of a man. In other words, you have no idea what it means to be a woman.”

Indian Red

Indian Red
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“So, there is family history?” he said. He was playing with my pubic hair.

“Pay attention,” I scolded him. “I will read you some of the early passages from the journal.” I had the copy with me, beside the bed. The original had become too fragile with age. “Now, remember, this was the Battle of Adobe Walls in November 1864, when my grandmother was only 18, and serving in the New Mexico Volunteer Cavalry, which was really just cowboys and gunslingers under army command.”

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 5 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“What are you doing, Jenny?” Ben asked.

In answer, Jenny took his glass and brought it to his lips, forcing him to take a generous sip.
“What do you think I’m doing? I’m getting you drunk, so you can take advantage of me.”

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 16 of 21

“This is going to be Sashtun’s first-ever movie, kids. It needs to be something special. Not whatever new movie you’re burning to see. Everyone, what’s the best movie you’ve ever seen?”

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 4 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

The text was from Bagger, all caps: “UP 4 BATCH PARTY? NOW NOW NOW! WHAT I SAID IT IS REMEMBER.”

“What I said it is remember,” Ben read aloud, mentally inserting tentative commas. He touched his pocket and felt his car keys.

Tales of the angel pandemic-From woodsman to woodsgirl?

Tales of the angel pandemic-The woodsman

Chapter one.
Growing up the youngest of three boys in rural Alabama was pretty tuff, everything between me and my two older brothers was a competition.

Tales Of The Angel Pandemic.

Tales of the angel pandemic.
Chapter one.

 I was having a peaceful dream about a night I had when I was still in college.

I don't remember this girls name but I remember her, we were dancing and just about to kiss when the alarm went off.

I opened my groggy eyes and looked at the clock, it wasn't my alarm but my phone, looking at the clock and mentally groaning as it showed 3:16 am.

I answered my phone, "Doctor Peters, who is this"? 

"Pete, sorry but my phone died and i ha....

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 3 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“What if there’s nothing in the window?” Ben asked. “What does that mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything,” she answered.

A Series of Unfortunate Mishaps - Part I

“Mom,” I called downstairs, “I don’t have any underwear!”

A few moments later my mom was standing in my doorway looking at me. I was late for breakfast having ignored my sister the first time she told me to get up and now my sisters were downstairs eating while I was still wearing my pajamas.

“What’s all over your floor,” my mom said while she glared at me.

“Dirty clothes,” I said.

“So,” she said sternly, “you do have underwear - only they are all dirty as you haven’t put them in the hamper like I’ve told you to do a hundred times.”

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 2 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“The back door was open,” Ben stammered, gesturing in that direction. “That’s not safe, you know.
I could have been anybody, coming through that door!”

“You could have been anybody?” she repeated. “Then I’m going to have to give some thought
to who I want you to be, next time you come over.”

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 14 of 21

After supper, when she returned to her hotel, she felt so lonely that she broke down and decided to call Carson or Amanda, even at the risk of annoying them. Perhaps she could ask them to let her speak with Davey? But when she got out her phone and tried to use it, nothing happened.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 12

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 12

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 4 - Rebirth


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whatelye Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 1 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.


“I have a word for you. Are you ready, Ben? The word is: plastics. Think about it.”

Ben’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I.. uh… I don’t understand.”

Mrs Crusoe came to his rescue. “Oh, Chad!” she exclaimed. “He’s too young to get that joke! I’m sure he’s never even heard of that film.”

Stepping Over

Kim felt the universe shifting around him, the barriers of reality dissolving like mist before the sun. More than that, he felt his body melt and run inside its skin. Long blond hair swept down past his shoulders, unrolling like a platinum curtain. He was changing, altering. His clothes faded from his limbs as the transformation took effect. Looking down, he had a blurred image of naked flesh morphing between genders...

Slacker Part 6

“Marnie,” said Sonya quietly, “Meet Barbie and Ken...”

I would like to thank my beta readers and editors, Monica Rose, Xtrim, Blurred_Edge and Pingu for their input and help. I'd also like to thank all of you for giving me a place to share my efforts. Last but not least, I want to thank my Muse, Dani.

All Characters Copyright 2011 - 2020 BolaDesign Studios. Image Copyright SuperArtistbOy.<
Part Six



In which Ken and Marnie have a confrontation, Femi needs calming down, Milo finds out more from Esther, Marnie and Sonya go to a party, and the Boardstock Trials begin.


The Mural and the Cabinet, part 13 of 21

He didn’t dare go through it himself. He’d seen how Devi grew into a ten-year-old boy and Sashtun aged into a woman into her forties; if he went through, he could be well over a hundred, too feeble to walk back through under his — or her — own power, and prone to dying of old age at any moment.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 12 of 21

“And even if his story is untrue, it’s not necessarily a sign of mental illness in children his age to make up strange stories. So I’ll refer you to a child psychiatrist, but I suggest you keep an open mind and check that mural in Davey’s bedroom from time to time to see if it exhibits any... strange behavior.”

Family Jewels

Family Jewels
By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007

Here's a gargoyle inspired by the recent release of files from the Central Intelligence Agency. I hope you enjoy it.

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