
My Obsession, Part 2 of 29


Part 2 of 29

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I couldn't stand it. I have been dreaming about Mary Ann's bra every night since Sunday. I just couldn't get the fantasy of wearing her bra out of my mind no matter how I tried. Tonight I dug through the hamper and found one of Mom's bras. It isn't anywhere near as sexy as Mary Ann's, in fact it's just plain plain! I made damn sure no one was around and took it back to my room and tried it on. Well, I tried to try it on - How do girls snap these things behind their backs? I sure couldn't do it!

Everything Will Be Explained Tomorrow: 2 / 3


It wasn’t until that evening that I realized neither Evander nor Rufus had returned to talk with us. When I pointed this out to Harvey, he replied, “They both said they’d be back tomorrow.”

“Yes, but today is tomorrow.”


Dress Up Day - The Follow Up


Dress Up Day – The Follow Up

By Julie D Cole

Josie managed a weak smile to Amy as she pulled herself together but her eyes were searching for Ally as he seemed upset that he’d been deceived. She saw him disappear through the main exit without looking back and finally Amy took hold of her shoulders and got her full attention.

Everything Will Be Explained Tomorrow: 1 / 3


An apparently random group of men is abducted by aliens.

They’re angry, afraid, confused.

If only they’d been BCTS readers! They’d have had a better chance of knowing what to expect.



All his lfe Mike had one dream, will a nightmare allow him to realize his wants?

By Angela Rasch

Chapter One

I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but Schooner County had been going through a nasty drought. The rain that forced Sarah and me to stay inside was extremely welcome and beneficial.

It was the kind of gloomy day when a person would have found that one person you trusted the most and told her what was troubling your heart. Sarah had my back and I loved my sister for that.

The Princess of Venda Part II

The Princess of Venda Part II

Note. Special thanks to all the people who voted for this story in the contest.

I was honored and you have encouraged me to continue writing it.

Chapter 5

I was stunned. This castle had always seemed like the safest place in the world. The biggest danger was skinning a knee if we fell on the gravel running around outside. “What happened? How could someone do that?” I asked.

Princess of Castile Chapter 12

Princess of Castile

By Jennifer Reed

Chapter 12
Natalia and John have their first encounter in years as John realizes who Natalia has become and Natalia has an encounter with her ex wife
The final pieces of Aragons fate are put in place and the Princess plots for the future

The Adventures of Over-Powered Girl

Author’s note: This started as my entry in the tropes contest, but since I couldn’t finish it in time, I decided to set it free as a solo ….

The adventures of Overpowered girl (and her sidekick The Scribe)

Cast of Characters:
Dottie (Me!), aka the Scribe, sidekick of Overpowered girl
Jaci, my best friend, and not-so secretly known as OP girl
Now on with the show!

USB - Unexplained Sexual Behaviour Chapter 3

USB BGB Final.jpg

Chapter Three - What Happens to the Girls?

Taylor finally gets her startup running and it's a huge success, so successful in fact that the profits exceed her expectations. Bradley Freeman takes liberties with Taylor, thinking she owes him more than just his cut of the profits and Taylor seeks Veronique's advice. Suddenly Taylor's hopes and dreams are threatened by an unexpected source.

Sophia's Choice

Michael and Jason had been partners in a failed scientific venture. A few years later, when Michael’s wife left him, he blamed Jason. He then used the knowledge they had learned together in their laboratory to exact his revenge.

USB - Unexplained Sexual Behaviour Chapter 2

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Chapter Two - Katcha Kovalenko

Uber-bitch Veronique Pascal becomes Taylor Averill's best friend and helps her become accustomed to life as a woman. Veronique tells Taylor how she came to be the woman she is today. Her story serves as a warning to Taylor.

Viral Hot Spot

Viral Hot Spot
By Ellie Dauber © 2020

A viral hot spot -- not Covid is found on a college campus; as reported by the CDC.

Viral Hot Spot
By Ellie Dauber © 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed the presence of a Bimbo Virus hotspot at Crayton University in Abadla, Texas.

Summer with Em - Part 47


Summer With Em - Chapter 47

By JulieDCole

What a relief. Gabriella may not ever know how much her nastiness had fired me up. It had helped me to overcome the fear of telling dad what I’d been scared to admit to him and he’d just accepted it.

Well at least I hoped so as he escorted me back into the dining room.

I turned to Frankie and smiled. I whispered to her. ‘Do you realize what just happened?’

USB - Unexplained Sexual Behaviour Chapter 1

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Chapter One -- Gamer in a Suit

Taylor Averille finds a magical USB which promises him a life changing manifestation that will grant him happiness and fortune. Taylor has been trying to get his startup off the ground. Maybe the magical USB can help? What has he got to lose?

Summer with Em - Part 46


Sorry for the Delay. Just a short Chapter to deal with the outstanding issue.


Summer With Em - Chapter 46
By Julie D Cole

Weerd Hep


Weerd things happen in th’ werld. Ah’ve seen some really weerd things in my life. But th’ weerdest, though. That ‘ad to‘ve been the summer of ought eight.

Ah was near ‘bout thirty years old. Ah don’t rightly know the exact number a years, cause ah was borned in the country, ‘n Mam ‘n Pap; Well they didn know the year any more ‘n ah did.

Ah kina followed in Pap’s ‘xample, ‘n ah made a farm fer m’self. Ah married Polly soons ah sold m’ first few head a cattle.

Carla & Julian - Chapter 12 Final


Carla & Juliana – Chapter 12 Final

By Julie D Cole

I was now faced with the most difficult decision of my life. Mum had cleared the way and both her and Carla were in full support. I had the outfit and I had spent the day as a young woman visiting a Spa and having some beauty treatment without any questions or challenges. I never faced many hills in my life but it felt like I was looking at a mountain.

Carla & Julian - Chapter 11


Carla Maria and Julian

By Julie D Cole

This is a story inspired by a wonderful YouTube Video recently posted. This is my take on the build up to that video and perhaps I will share the title at the end of the story unless there is a risk of me getting into trouble.

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FictionMania.

We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production.

We hope you enjoy this tale.
Marina and Monica

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary




by Erisian

Light flickers across the café table's turquoise checkerboard and the cigarette's smoke curls upward, mixing with the scent of coffee and the coming rain. Voices bubble all around to fill the evening air with bursts of laughter and camaraderie, but to them I do not listen.

Instead I stare.

My gaze is fixed upon the plain white envelope resting upon the fake marble tabletop where it sits next to an ignored saucer and cup. Yet my eyes see past it to a place so very far away, beyond the reaches of this world. To a place whose name could best be translated as the Edge.

The Edge of all things.

The Three Brothers

An old wedding dress has an unnatural attraction for three brothers.Fred does his best to protect his brothers, Sam and Michael, from putting on the sex-changing dress but his efforts may be in vain if he doesn't make a move, himself.

Explanations -- A Short Political Gargoyle

Explanations -- A Short Political Gargoyle
By Ellie Dauber © 2020

Yes, this is another politically biased story. I just couldn’t resist the notion.

The President slammed the report down on his desk. “Too damn many pages,” he muttered. “I’ve told them, and I’ve told them no more than two pages… and large type.”

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot 3

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot 3; Fashion forward

Last time: Dot had arrived at AMPS, got a dressing down by the headmistress, a full tour of the campus, and a new code name: Fashion. Now, she’s just waiting for the other students to arrive ...

I got off my new bed, and made my way to the cafeteria, to eat a bit of supper. I had just gotten my food and sat down when my mom came in, and sat down across from me.

She was wearing a huge grin, so I asked, “What’s up, Mom?”

A Minority Of One : 1 / 9

“Huh,” I said, taking it in. “So how do they switch back? The people who got switched?
Do you bring them together and poof! they’re back to who they were?
Or does the switch wear off after an hour or a day or something?”

Play Macho For Me

Try as hard as she might, Jill just couldn't figure out exactly what her husband's biggest sexual fantasy was, exactly what turned him on. Then she discovered his stash of porn, and she new that some changes had to be made.

Summer's Current: Chapters 34-36

“Copy, Pegasus. Welcome to New Sri Lanka. As usual, the weather is twenty-six degrees centigrade with clear skies and just a slight breeze. Hope you enjoy your stay.” The voice confirmed in a singsong, lackadaisical voice.

One Night in Portland

One Portland Night
By Ellie Dauber © 2020

A magical protester gets some retribution from two agents from an unknown federal task force. Warning: This is a politically-biased story. I won’t argue the politics, but I would like to hear about what people thought of the story.

One Portland Night
By Ellie Dauber © 2020

Shaylah was standing at the edge of the crowd, about forty feet from the Portland federal courthouse, when the vans pulled up.

Carla & Julian - Chapter 8


Carla & Julian Chapter 8

By Julie D Cole

Mums comment unnerved me a little but at the same time I didn’t feel embarrassed any more since Carla had reacted so positively. Mum wanted to call dad and tell him but she new that Carla wanted to meet him face to face and ask his permission.

Carla & Julian - Chapter 7

Carla & Julian - Chapter 7

By Julie D Cole

I couldn’t speak I just focused on her eyes hoping for some sort of recognition since I didn’t feel different. She didn’t get angry nor did she burst out laughing. Instead she let go of her suitcase and Rosa stepped forward to stop it toppling over.

Forgotten: Chapter 18

“And now, breaking news. Police in Anchorage, Alaska are searching for a girl who escaped from the hospital last night. Police have set up a hotline for anybody who has…”

Charles and Eugene frowned at the news report. “It’s been three days and nothing. The whole city losing gravity for a brief moment should have been front page news all over the world, but it’s been barely mentioned. How the hell is that possible?” Charles muttered to himself, sitting in the hospital’s waiting room with his and Eugene’s families.

Carla & Julian - Chapter 6

Carla & Julian - Chapter 6

By Julie D Cole

Mum arrived just as I finished my chat with Carla. She looked amazing, at least 10 years younger and smiling from ear to ear. She appreciated the complements from both Rosa and I and in Rosas mind she had no doubt that our Asian skin and soft features were a big advantage. She was very envious.

Summer's Current: Chapters 31-33

“Please pardon the test, Lady Simone. You have bested our Array Programmer AND befuddled him at the same time. Congratulations on eighteen impressively clean kills. Proceed to the designated landing port in Norge on Antarra.”


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