
The Mirrored Self chapter 3 and Epilogue

Author's note. This is the final chapter of this story. Thank you to everyone that has liked/commented. It's good to know that my work is being appreciated.

Red Wolf

Content Warning: This story includes a forced animal transformation (with a sex swap), as well as some physical violence (separate from the sexy bits), a near death experience, and some light misgendering. There's an FTM transformation, but it's basically off screen. There’s also some implied child abuse in one character’s past.

To Return Home 2.1

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 2.1

Daddy pitched the idea of the five-person leadership to the others as if the idea was his own. I didn’t think for a moment, however, that the others believed it, but at least they were gracious enough to pretend they did.

I had suggested that I be responsible for preserving our culture, but now I found that, somehow, the medical aspect of our culture came under my purview as well. I guess it had to do with the need for good health for morale, or morale for good health: one or the other.

Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 6

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Chapter Six – I Have a Proposal for You

Mrs Cashmore's background story is revealed. Wendy completes her transition and makes a life changing decision.

Fit-4-U: As the Case May Be

Originally posted 2005/02/01

Remember how courteously inefficient all that old correspondence by snail mail used to be? It often seemed as if you would never be able to get anything straightened out by dealing with people who weren't even reading your letters...

Photo by Heitor Verdi from Pexels

Fit-4-U: As the Case May Be
by Erin Halfelven


Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – That Man Is No Gentleman

With all vestiges of William gone Wendy comes out to her mother and goes to live next door with Mrs Cashmore who puts Wendy to work straight away.

Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two - Don’t Be a Sissy!

William's transformation into Wendy by his next door neighbor Mrs Cashmore continues. She learns more of Mrs Cashmore's secrets.

To Return Home 1.6

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 1.6

Daddy shook his head. “That bastard really threw a problem our way.” He was mad. Livid, even. Although his voice was steely calm. I don’t think I’d ever seen him that way before.

How so, Vern?” Mama asked.

Search his memories, Bernie. He didn’t leave any DNA information from the people down there,” Daddy said in a furious voice. “What they are now, is what the computer records them as. Even down to pictures.” He showed us the picture of Belinda. It was her as a ‘horse’. Below the picture was the word, Deceased. “The computer record even goes on to say what happened to her, and what ‘dish’ she made. The guy is even more sick than we thought.”

Tales from the Argo


The Crew of the Argo-1D1S gets stranded when a spacial anomaly transports them into deep uncharted space. They're mission to return home begins now.

Tales from the Argo follows the story of Cassie Martinez, an ensign class recruit new to the Argo. What she expected to be a month long diplomatic mission has become a long fight for survival. And that's not even the first of it, Ensign Martinez boarded the Argo as a human male named Casey Martinez!

(Migrated from my Wattpad entry)

Our Son Nick and Old Lace

The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the wall above urinals.” - Ernest Hemmingway.

Turnabout is fair play.” — Angela Rasch

The following parody has many references to Cary Grant and his movies. . .above and beyond the obvious. Should you get bored with this story, or if the story runs against your grain. . .use it as a puzzle. . .try to pick out all those references.

This story also contains several un-attributed quotes. We apologize for trying to be someone or something we’re not. We suspect the nature of the story supports this decision.

2 - The Fall of Kruhl

The Fall of Kruhl

Daniela A. Wolfe

A young woman, naked and delirious from fever, appears on the streets of Tondzaosha, Idaho while a dark cloaked figure lurks in the darkness. She bears a sword, containing a power the likes of which the world has never seen. This weapon could bring salvation or it could spell certain doom for everyone.

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 19


Another Side of My Life Chapter 19

By Julie D Cole

‘But Jack it’s difficult. I can’t take the risk of falling in love when I’m already engaged to Chris.’

‘Jules it’s time for you to let your true feelings out. I have seen the body language and received all the signals. I know you want more than a friendship.’

‘But Jack you’ll hate me forever. I shouldn’t have let this go so far.’

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 18


Another Side of My Life Chapter 18

By Julie D Cole

As we walked back to the hotel Jack appeared too wound up about what he would say to Laura to continue our discussion. I couldn’t blame him now I knew how awful she’d been to him and the trouble she’d caused. She was a nutcase.

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 16


Another Side of My Life – Chapter 16
By Julie D Cole

‘Did I say it was Debs? I don’t think so.’

‘I thought you did but maybe I misunderstood when I met her. I’m sure it’s not her.’

‘You are not mistaken. Just look into her face.’

‘She looks like you.’

‘Yes, but much better looking.’

‘So do you have another sister? Or is it you? The eyes are exactly the same.’

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 15


Another Side of My Life – Chapter 15
By Julie D Cole

I decided that I should wash my hair whilst in the shower since the free bathroom products were good quality and smelled much nicer than those I’d brought from home. I didn’t lock the bathroom door as I expected privacy. I was wrong.

Sarah book 1 part 3 The beginning,

Sarah. Chapter 3: The beginning

I headed to the front of the house. Aunt Carman was in her chair, cup of coffee in her hand. She was wearing a gray and white sleep set.

Turning to me, she had a mad look on her face. Just like Mom's you are in deep trouble look. Dad calls it the Mom look. What had I done? I didn't know.

“Well, Missy. What did I tell you to do after you closed the bathroom door?”

Extra Body Shampoo

Extra Body Shampoo

Author’s note: You can blame my friend Olivia Hope Matteo for this bit of silliness.

It started as a typical day.

I got my chores done, which gave me time to let my inner girl out. I was what my transgender friends would call an "egg" -occasional crossdressing in private, but I haven't seen a gender therapist yet - but on my days off I let my inner Olivia out for a while.

I honestly don't do a whole lot once dressed, just imagine what my life would be like if I went full time.

TG Techie - Chapter 53 - [XXX] Internalities

Sarah had her own designs to work on. First step was leaning against the couch. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I could feel the thump of her hip as she leaned and started talking to someone. “I need that thing you made.” “Because I’m short, and you’re sexy.” “I can’t.” Then I see her pants go sailing by, followed closely by a dark purple thong. Are thongs still sexy? “Because I’m naked. Now.” “Listen, Bree, if you help me have my first comfortable standing sex, I will pay you back.” “It’ll be a surprise. You know you can trust me.”

The Doll Maker


Carl had always been different, he was a quiet somewhat effeminate looking boy, taking mainly after his mother. From an early age he had loved playing with dolls instead of cars like the other boys. He way preferred playing with the girls and when they played house, he loved to play the mommy and put on a dress.

The Mirrored Self chapter 1

There are two things I can say about myself, well there are a lot more than only two, for example I love Star Trek. Not any of the new stuff, when they started going AU, but the first four series and ten movies. I'm getting off topic. I haven't even gotten through the first paragraph and I'm already getting off topic. So what was I saying? Oh yeah, there are two things I can say about myself. First, I love magic and I'm an amateur magician. I'm not talking about spells and potions and mythical creatures, I'm talking about sleight of hand.

I Can't Hide From My Mind -- A TG Mixed Tape

A boy finds himself in a suburban landscape with no other people... except his other self. A woman breaks up with her boyfriend and storms out of a bar... but all is not what it seems.. A roommate's prank leads to new and unsettling discoveries. A door to another world leads to unexpected changes. An ancient entity awakens to find a world where gender and everything else have drastically changed. Dive into the strange and unexpected with stories by Hikaro, D.K. Fenger, Trismegistus Shandy, Shadow Dragon, and CasLon.

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 13


Another Side of My Life – Chapter 13
By Julie D Cole

‘Jackie, welcome back. Where have you been. It’s great to see you again.’

I looked in the bar mirror beyond the barman at the wide grin as they shook hands.

‘Jack, what are you doing here? Aren’t you working?’

Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 1-2

We rejoin Chance Summers and her Coven as they return to base after the successful completion of their first mission. What next is in store for Witch Corps?

TG Techie - Chapter 52 - [XXX] Tech Director

We all sat in a circle and enjoyed the soft foam. Across from me, Sarah took her shirt off. She didn’t even make an excuse. Everyone knew what was rolling down the pipe. But if everyone just had sex with whomever they felt like, someone might get left out. If they got left out, they might get jealous. If they got too jealous, they might slip to someone outside of the crew that the crew was an orgy club. I think at least one of us might get arrested, and we would certainly not be allowed to see each other ever again.

From Russian with Love | Chapter 4: Fräulein

The drive into the city was peaceful. Papa never told me what the city was called, nor did I care about the name. It’s just the place when we needed something that we couldn’t find in town.

To Return Home 1.5

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 1.5

The three of us decided it was time to exit the connection with Carla and speak to Daddy and the rest of the command staff. We tried to release our grip on the necklace in real life, but we couldn’t.

Danger! I wasn’t sure where the voice came from, but it sounded in my head as if someone was standing right beside me. I looked at Mama and Rachel. They had clearly heard it too.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 3: Snake Eyes Mother Fucker

With red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, I found myself on the long road to the nearest city. I needed to change out the quad with a car and quickly. You don’t hear people using a four-wheeler as a main way of transportation, not to mention that the wheels are meant for on-road, and well it gets cold swiftly on a four-wheeler. Or it’s supposed to, oddly enough I’m not cold at all. Must be part of my mutation… or Russian blood… or training. One of the three. Maybe all of it, but I digress.

TG Techie - Chapter 51 - Playlist Announcement

I've set up a playlist with all the songs I've mentioned in TG Techie. In the cases where I mentioned a band instead of a specific song, I included something accessible from the band. The exception of course is Die Antward which does not have any accessible songs.

I thought that there would have been more references, but the playlist is fairly short. Less than an hour and a half. Not to worry! There is more in the pipe as we speak. I expect to get something out on Thursday. That will have songs in it, and the playlist will be updated.

Hatching a Heroine - Chapter 12

Lonna lay on her stomach, small wings folded forward up and under her chest, her stubby red tail lashing side to side. She kept turning the events of the night over and over in her head.

Melissa had called her beautiful. Even despite her being a half dragon, a runaway princess, and an all around mess… Melissa had called her beautiful.

So Lonna had kissed her.

And then Melissa had said she was a girl, and it felt like everything clicked into place. It felt like everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be…

From Russia with Love | Chapter 1: There's an itch on my chest!

It was dark when I woke up. Only five in the morning and I felt wide wake. Waking up later even if only an hour was bliss. Papa was already chopping firewood as the cold and snow was coming fast. Even faster in the mountains.

My chest felt itchy and as I began to help him cut fire wood, my chest felt continually itchy and sore. I’m not as skilled as he is but I can still hold my own. Of course, I could’ve gone faster if my chest didn’t feel so itchy. Placing the wood on the stump and slamming the axe into it. It wasn’t long until the sun began peeking out from the horizon.

This To Keep Me Quiet - Chapter 1


Chapter One - It’s Not Right Uncle John, For All Sorts of Reasons

Michael Tanner's alter ego Michelle performs as the drag artist Crystal Palace at the The Horseshoe Club in London. It's a secret that she keeps close to herself, shared only with her sister and her mother. But when her supervisor watches her perform one night, and not knowing who she is, becomes infatuated with her, Michelle finds herself in an unenviable situation.

Another Side Of My Life - Chapter 10


Another Side of My Life
Chapter 10
By Julie D Cole

We finished getting ready and I did my best to be discreet avoiding staring at Sarah parading around the room in bra and panties. For such a quiet girl she wasn’t as shy as I’d thought. She seemed completely at ease walking around half naked whilst she sought my opinion on what she should wear. I’d almost choked on my morning tea.


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