Transformed Females in 2121 - The Billionaire - Part 3

Transformed Females in 2121: The Billionaire
Part 3
An original story by Julia Miller

Chapter 3

I love my life now with all my children. I had to learn how to help raise them, but I had experienced nannies to help me. We had a big playground outside, and I would go out and nurse my littlest ones while watching my older kids play on the gym sets and swings. They always had a ball out there, and I could watch them play for hours. If it was raining outside, we had a huge playroom for them inside.

Their birthdays brought me joy. All of my kids had birthdays within the same week as each other, so we would generally have one big birthday celebration, and every year it was a different birthday of one of my children as we would cycle through them. The kids seemed to prefer it this way, as it brought them closer. They would all have their little birthday cakes and blow out their candles. Of course, I was always sure to give them lots of birthday presents, not just clothes.

I was in contact with many transformed females and would help them to find their children if they were in foster care once they left the center. We provided many services for our girls and would help them find whatever they needed. We reunited many transformed females with their children, and I made it a centerpiece of the Rutherford Foundation for Transformed Females.

The years went by, and my kids were slowly growing up. The oldest ones began to go to school, and we would take them there every day and pick them up afterward. They made new friends since there were so many kids their age now, and we were constantly having sleepovers here with their friends. Soon all my children were going to school during the day, and it was lonely not having them around with me.

My mind began to think of how their lives would be and if they would get married, start a family, and have children. The Feminists were still in power, and I began to worry that they would fall for the Feminist line and we would be right back where we started again.

It was now ten years since I left the Birthing Centre. I had spent most of my time caring for all my children, and I loved them all very much, but I still felt I had something more to do in my life and help our children find their way.

My oldest boy is now 14, and my youngest is 9. I would have never believed how rewarding it is for women to have children and take care of them. This way of thinking goes against the prevailing Feminists who are still in charge of our government.
I have been debating for years if I could do something about the present sad state of our country. After all, our government created transformed females to fill the gap left by feminist women who thought it was better to pursue a career instead of getting married and having a family. They all seemed to be very miserable in their lives. I certainly knew this feeling, and after I had transformed myself, I found true happiness in life, having my children and raising them. Even if this wasn’t my original intent, it was how things worked out, and I was happier afterward.

What worried me was if these feminists would corrupt the minds of the new young people who will soon be old enough to date? And I certainly don’t want them to go down the same path taken before.

Only the transformed females had prevented a population collapse due to their Feminist policies. I felt more and more strongly about this and decided to plan politically. I would support family-oriented candidates, become the opposition to feminists and point out the error of their ways.

My first step was to talk to community leaders and other transformed females who were usually highly educated.
We started a grass-roots movement that included everyone who wanted to listen, and our message was, our society must change, or it is doomed. I helped many transformed females track down their offspring and adopt them like I had since they were well off after receiving the government bonus after a second term. We have a second chance with all these new children, and I don’t want us to blow it as we did previously.

We started having rallies. People in our movement kept telling me to get up and make a speech. One night I finally agreed, and it was so much fun; I took my kids on the stage to show them off. I got behind the podium and began my speech.

“Hello everyone! I am so glad you took the time and came here tonight to listen to us talk about something we have lost, The American family. As you know, I am much older than I look. I was 82 years old and foolishly wanted to transform into an Alpha Male to extend my life. That wasn’t possible for me, and I ended up transforming into the woman you see before you now. Now the Feminists don’t consider me a “real” woman. To them, I am nothing more than a Transformed Female and not a woman at all. They could take away the rights I regained after five years spent in a birthing center at any time. While in the birthing center, I gave birth to the five beautiful children you see standing before me. Kids, give the crowd a wave.”

My kids always loved this part, jumping up and waving at everyone in the crowd, and the crowd continuously roared their approval.

“My children represent the future of our country. I would like them to find a mate, get married, and start their own family. This path is the only way humanity will survive. The feminists seem to have forgotten this fact. Marriage is all but dead in this country, and there were few children born until the men stepped up and became Transformed Females to save humanity. Birthing all these children was a great sacrifice on their part, and I want everyone to clap for the job they all did for us. And are still doing it as I speak.”

Again, the crowd roared their approval.

“In all of this, did the Feminists join in and became pregnant too? No, they just sat back and ensured the men would transform and become pregnant for them and leave them out of it, thanks.”

“I feel sorry for them. The greatest thing in life is a woman can become pregnant and help raise a family with her husband. I have given birth five times now, and I felt immense pride and satisfaction in myself every time for doing so. I believe it was the greatest thing I have accomplished in my life, and all those billions of dollars I made are worthless compared to the value I place on my children. Every day that I help raise my children, I feel that it is my true purpose in life, and I am on this planet for no other reason. Anything else we do in life should support having and raising kids. Sure, I didn’t feel this way as a man; I had lost sight of this basic human idea. But when I became a transformed female and gave birth, something inside me changed, and I realized how lucky I was to do this.”

“Maybe you think I am preaching to you, and I am, but I do want to impress upon you all that there is nothing in life more important than having children and raising them to be young adults.”

“We must change our mindsets and realize what is important. Sure, having a career is good, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your family.”

“I hope you go home tonight and think about what I have said here. We have a great future ahead of us, but only if we take heed and proceed forward, helping our children find a mate and start their own families. It sounds so simple. So why are the feminists opposed to this idea? If you have a feminist representative in government, why not call her up and ask her why she thinks people getting married and having families is a bad idea?”

“I thank you all for coming out, and have a good night.”

Many of the crowd would cheer me, and most were transformed females and single men in the audience. There were also a few women there, and every rally I had, they kept growing in number.

I did numerous media interviews and kept on my platform that we have only one more chance at setting humanity on the road back to being prosperous again, which was to embrace having a family. Somewhere along the way, we had lost sight of this. I know back in the early 20th century; women were treated poorly. They got more rights in the 21st century, and the women’s feminist movement took hold politically. But they forgot about having a family and how people must reproduce to survive. Now in the 22nd century, we were reaping the disaster that the Feminist movement had sown.

Could I change people’s minds about what we had to do? I knew that we had many people agreeing with what we had to say, and all I could do was continue.

One day, I received a call from Gary Caldwell, the Republican National Committee chairperson. He quizzed me on a few things, and I found that we had much in common. The chairperson told me that he loved what I had to say. For many years the Republicans were thought of as the party of white racists and intolerant people. That had started in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Their popularity had waned over the years. At best, they would be a minority opposition party now since the racist factions had moved on to other parties. The Republicans were trying to rebuild themselves. After all, the chairman added, the Republicans were the original anti-slavery party and won the first American Civil war. They knew how to stand for good wholesome values, and it was just that for a while, they had lost their way.

I told him I was always an economic conservative in the past and used to think of myself as socially conservative. My most significant change was realizing that governments had to help their people with good programs since not everyone was rich like me. Even though I was pushing for more traditional family values, I was hoping my message would go beyond racism and economic status and unify people in the end.

“We love your message, and the Republicans would like to stand with you for family values and raising children. We could work on this together.”

He then asked me something I hadn’t even thought about yet.

“Barbara, have you considered going all the way and running for President?”

I looked like I was in my mid-twenties, but I had the wisdom of a much older person. He thought I would be the perfect candidate since I knew how to carry myself, and anyone who underestimated me due to my looks would soon find themselves out-gunned and out-classed.

I asked him, “Please allow me to think about this part, as I knew this would take all my time, and I had to have a plan for my children.”

I realized I would need help raising them since I was single, and there were no men my age other than the Alpha males in the birthing centers. I hired a couple of transformed females to help out with my kids and told them I knew they would do a great job helping me out with my children. I also told them I have a large mansion and you can bring your children to stay here. All my kids were in school now, so I couldn’t take them traveling around the country with me. I did have a private jet at my disposal, so I would return to them after attending the rallies.

I found many great people in the transformed females I met, and many of them believed in what I had to say and wanted to help with the campaign. I confided in a few of my closest friends regarding the Republican party’s proposal. Most thought they had an organization that could help us while they were aligning themselves to our message. It wasn’t the other way around.

I called the Republican chairman, “Ok, Gary, let’s work together and see where this takes us. I can certainly use your help.”

In the meantime, the Feminist Party was giving me a run for my money. They continued to criticize me at every turn and tried to get people to distrust and disbelieve my message. I took the high road, continued to promote my message, and used all media to get it out there. I also targeted the older children of the transformed females with ads geared towards them. I wanted them to know that I had great hopes for them, that they would be able to go out and show us how to help our world survive.

The election year was starting, and I held larger and larger rallies. People began to ask me if I would run for President, and the news media overwhelmingly asked this question in every interview I did. Now and then, if we held a rally on the weekend, I would bring my children out with a couple of nannies, and they were always excited to see the crowds. It was beginning to become a movement.

In my speech, I would show off my kids, tell people that these young people you see are our future, and I don’t want to see them waste their lives like we did, instead of going after what is essential in life.

Yes, the feminists were still on their message of woman’s rights, and I would counter that everyone has a right to have a family, and my message was always family first. I would remind everyone that the Feminists took away my fundamental rights as a transformed female. I am as every bit a woman as any of them, yet they still won’t legally give me the same status that they have. So why don’t the Feminists talk about Transformed women’s rights?

We had so many new Transformed Female candidates in our party now since they all realized how poorly the Feminists had treated them and stripped them of their rights. The crowds would cheer me on. Our speeches were ones of hope and optimism, and I kept soldiering on with my message.

One night after I gave my speech and met and greeted people, a young man walked up to me. I stared at him and realized,

“Oh my God, Thomas, it’s you!”

Thomas was my first alpha male. He was the one who had taken my virginity and helped me become pregnant with Bradley.

“Thomas, how are you doing?” I asked him.

“Well, Barbie, I am doing fine. I left the birthing center with a law degree and have been working as a lawyer now, but I must say I miss seeing all the girls there, and it was a dream job for me. I sired thousands of children while I worked there, and I wish I could meet every one of my kids."

“Bradley,” I waved at my oldest son, “Come over here. I would like you to meet someone. Brad, this is your father, Thomas.”

Bradley stood there silently, looking at his father, whom he had never seen. Thomas knelt, and they hugged each other. It was such a touching moment that I never thought I would see happen.

“Thomas, we are going out for dinner now. Would you like to come along with us, and we can catch up with each other?”

“That sounds great, Barbara. I would enjoy that.”

“By now, the rest of my kids came over to meet Thomas. He hugged every one of them and told them; I wish I could have been a father to all of you.”

We all got into our limo, and Thomas followed us to a local restaurant. He turned out to be a brilliant young man, though Thomas told me that he was in his 50s when he became an alpha male. Thomas told me he had expected to become a female since that was what they had told him, and he was shocked to wake up and find out that not only was he still a man, but an incredibly handsome one at that. Thomas was one of the best-looking men I had ever seen. I laughed and told him he was right.

Not to be outdone, Thomas said, “Barbara, you are the most exquisite woman I have ever met. Our time together was the highlight of my career in the birthing center. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you, including other beautiful transformed women. I know that transformed females are all genetically perfect women, but you bring perfection to an entirely new level.”

We got our menus and ordered dinner. Thomas and I chatted through the meal. I smiled at his comments.
“Barbara, I don’t know if you are seeing anyone else, but if you can find the time for me, I would love to date you and find out more about you. I would love to begin a relationship with you, and as we share much in common (while looking at Bradley), I think we would do well together.”

Thomas had stirred something in me. Sure, I had my children, but there was a hole in my life that I could never fill. Maybe Thomas could be the one for me. We had already had one child together, and Thomas was good with my children, and I could see it wasn’t an act. Thomas had told me that he regretted never getting married, and he had always wanted to do so in the worst way. He was one of the casualties of the feminists.

I held on to Thomas’s hand and looked him in his beautiful eyes, and told him, “I would love to get to know you better.” I gave him my number, and we set up a date after my next rally.
I asked him, how would you feel about joining my movement to counter the feminist attitude in this country? He gave me a big grin and said, where do I sign?

We both laughed and enjoyed the evening together.

Month after month, we continued to hold rallies, and they kept growing in size. My message was always the same, I wanted to restore marriage to its rightful place in our society, and I didn’t worry about anything else. I knew that if we established marriage as usual again, everything else would fall into place. Men would work harder for their families, and the economy would naturally grow as the new families grew.

I started seeing Thomas, and he was helping in the campaign, and we began to fall for each other. Sure, Thomas had had sex with other women probably over 1000 times, but it was his job, and he kept telling me of all the girls he was with that I was at the top of his list. I kept telling myself, don’t move too fast, but Thomas was as mentally mature as I was. Even though we were youthful-looking, we had been through life already and had the experience to realize what we wanted in a mate.

I joined the Republican party and announced that I would be running for President, and everyone I met told me I had an excellent shot at winning. I kept doing rallies, and we started to advertise our party platform and how I wanted to restore family values to America. Thomas was a huge benefit for us. He knew so many people and often found people who wanted to donate to our cause. We kept gaining candidates who would run on our platform, and I was now the front runner as the Republican Presidential nominee.

I went into the Republican convention feeling like an outsider, but the party welcomed me with open arms. I made my speech, and the people loved it.

The delegates overwhelmingly voted me in as the Republican nominee for President. The party unveiled our campaign platform and our slogan, Family First!

I continued my speeches at the rallies, bringing my children out when I could, and often Thomas would introduce me to the crowd and stand behind me while I was giving my speech.

It wasn’t long before I did an interview, and they asked me about my relationship with Thomas. I told them we had first met when I was at the birthing center, and he had contacted me later after we had both left. Thomas was the father of my first child and held a special place in my heart. We are exploring our relationship together, and we will find out where it leads us.
We soon found ourselves on the cover of Famous People magazine with the caption “Our New First Family?” Neither of us would shy away from this publicity, and Thomas soon accompanied me everywhere. You didn’t see one of us without the other.

We both became much closer during this time as we spent many nights together. My children also all loved Thomas. Bradley called him Daddy now, and soon my other children called him Daddy as well.

Thomas took it all in with fatherly pride, saying, “I can’t be a father to just Bradley. I have to treat the kids all the same.”
We had play dates with the kids, and I was beginning to think of Thomas as part of our family. He was starting to be much more than a boyfriend in my eyes.
n the late summer, we were out together having dinner at a restaurant. Thomas suddenly stood up in front of me.
He called out in a loud voice, “May I have everyone’s attention?”

The restaurant fell silent, and I could hear the chefs working in the kitchen.

“As you can all see, I am with Barbara Rutherford tonight, and we have been together for over a year now. Barbara is quite simply the most exquisite woman I have ever met in my life.”

“Tonight, I would like you all to be my witness as I ask her for her hand in marriage.”

He knelt in front of me, opening a box holding a magnificent engagement ring, and asked, “Barbara, will you marry me?”

I was stunned and in awe. I stared at Thomas and the ring and said one word in reply, “Yes.”

The roar of the other diners was overwhelming as Thomas placed the ring on my finger. He helped me to my feet, and we embraced and kissed to even more applause and cheering.

Thomas whispered to me and said. “The ‘Family First’ candidate should have a complete family. And since I love you so much, I felt I was the one to become your husband.”

I smiled and kissed him again. It was all looking so fairytale perfect, but I knew the real man behind the youthful exterior, and he knew my feelings as well. We smiled and enjoyed the rest of the evening together. For the rest of the evening, the other diners would come over and congratulate us for being the perfect young couple together.

Thomas and I were both very seriously in love with each other now, and we would stay at each other’s homes. He didn’t care about my wealth and said, “If you want a prenuptial agreement, I will sign it. I only want to be your husband and the father that your children need. I love you, Barbara, not your money.”

Thomas was the first person I knew that openly said this to me. My fortune had sabotaged every relationship for my entire life, but it wouldn’t be the case this time. I did have my lawyers write one up, but it had a time limit and was only conditional if one party was unfaithful to the other. I didn’t think this would be a problem with either of us, as our love was getting stronger every day we had together.

We continued on the campaign trail, and I got to see most of the country. It was sad seeing the ruins of some of our once-great cities, but I felt if we got our country back on the right track, maybe these places could thrive again in the future.

On election night, Thomas, our children, and I were at the Republican National headquarters watching the election results come in. The results were back and forth all night, but as the end of the night approached, it was just too close to call. We went back to our hotel suite, and we would find out what happened tomorrow.

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