Fugitive from the republic

Fugitive from the republic

By Jennifer Reed
This story takes place in the star wars universe. A brilliant general forced to flee during the clone war and assume an identity he never expected.

Chapter 1

He suddenly felt a great danger. The feeling of dread hit him so suddenly that he stopped briefly. General Cenrik Rex felt danger all around him. The sensation was such an overwhelming feeling of dread that it made him want to flee.

Looking around at the unit he was leading to liberate a town ahead, he saw nothing but the clone soldiers. That was it. He trusted these men. He saw no danger around them, but the feeling of danger was overpowering. He knew there was something out there, and he stretched out with his feelings and still could not find the danger he felt. None of his soldiers or the clone commanders were the danger.

The feeling was unshakable. He was sure of it, and it was somewhere.

Suddenly, his foresight activated. In his mind's eye, just minutes from now, he could see himself marching with the squad he was leading into battle. The clone commander received a Priority One message directly from their government. The commander responded by activating his communication device on his wrist. He saw a ghostly holographic image of Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Senate, appear.

Palpatine spoke in a solemn commanding tone, “Commander Trinity. The time has come. Execute Order Sixty Six.”

'What was order Sixty Six?' Cenrick wondered. He knew of no such order. What was going on?

“It will be done!” The commander responded, and the communication was terminated.

Something didn't feel right to Cenrick. The other clones in the squad seemed to understand what had been said. They stopped suddenly, aimed their blaster rifles at their general's back, and opened fire. Cenrick was totally unprepared for the attack, and it wouldn't have done any good if he had been ready. It was a totally overwhelming attack that killed him instantly. Cenrick saw himself fall under the withering fire of the soldiers he had led into battle after battle, soldiers he bonded with and trusted. How was this possible?

Then his foresight ended, and he found himself marching ahead of his column. He had learned over the years to heed the warnings his foresight brought him. He knew where the danger was, and he knew he had to get the hell out of there fast. The communication could come at any time to execute Order Sixty-Six, and it would be too late.

The General stopped suddenly, stopping the entire column of soldiers. He shouted, “Stop, I sense something.”

The commander rushed up to him. “What is it, General?”

Cenrick pointed the trees to the side of the road. “Right there, I saw something preparing for an attack. Take a squad over there fast,” he ordered.

The commander gathered his squad and rushed to where Cenrick had pointed. This was Cenrick's chance to escape the trap. Very slowly, Cenrick backed away from his squad, and he threw a smoke grenade in between himself and the squad of clones before running the other way with a blinding speed.

The grenade exploded in a cloud of smoke and shrapnel as the clone commander looked on in stunned confusion.

The General was hundreds of meters away, running at such a speed that the soldiers couldn't possibly have hoped to catch up. Then the commander received the priority message from the government that Cenrick had foreseen.

The clone commander shouted a curse, “Dammit, he knew somehow. Spread out and find him immediately."

The commander knew there was no hope of finding Cenrick. The commander knew his General was brilliant. Cenrick would find someplace to hide and blend in, they would likely never find him., But they had to try. They had orders, after all. The commander ordered his squad to spread out and try to find their General, who had just been declared an enemy of the republic. As had all Jedi been declared an enemy of the republic. They knew that the Jedi purge had just begun. Order sixty-six had just been issued.

Cenrick had no idea what had happened. He just fled as fast as he could possibly go with the enhanced skills and speed he had developed through years of grueling training that he had received since very early childhood. The Jedi had taken him in when he was a little over two years old, and they taught him everything and began the physical training soon after taking him.

Cenrick knew what he had to do. He had to get to the town and somehow blend in with the people. It would do no good to make it to his ship and try to slip away. He certainly could get to his ship with the skills he possessed, but there was no way his tiny fighter could slip past the republic blockade the system was under.

He suspected that the Venator destroyers or the newly commissioned victory class star destroyers would either blow him apart or pull his ship into their hold and capture him. There was no escaping this planet for the time being. Cenrick had to hide and try to blend in with the people in the city. He had a plan in case things went to shit, but he never expected this.

Cenrick made it to the outskirts of the city by nighttime. He slipped past the separatist battle droids that still patrolled the streets. Getting past those moronic things was simple enough. They were easy to fool and so predictable. He must have destroyed millions of those things during the war so far. But that was not an option now. Shooting droids would attract attention, and he had absolutely no backup whatsoever. He was a fugitive from the law and an enemy of the republic. They wouldn’t help him, and more would come if he killed battle droids. He was all alone, and he wasn’t a Jedi anymore.

Cenrick slipped into an abandoned house right on the city's outskirts to hold up and rest. And now, he had to decide what to do. He needed to integrate into the people here and wait until the republic comes, which they will, and then leave.

He sat down and went through his supplies. He had a medical pack if he needed to do emergency care on one of his clone troopers or himself. That tended to happen during battles. People got injured, and even he got injured on occasion. So they always prepared. And he had supplies to allow him to hide, disguises in case he had to slip past the patrols and spy on their enemy preparations and fortifications. Things he could not do as a Jedi. Cenrick was happy he had these things now.

And then he had his most potent items if he radically needed to change his physical appearance. These were very secret and were only available to the Jedi as they were incredibly expensive. Only a Jedi had the training in control and the pain tolerance needed to withstand them.

They were syringes for injecting powerful potions, proteins and hormones, and tiny nanobots for instructions to change the body at the cellular level. It was an excruciating process to endure and only a last resort. It could only be undone with another injection to transform back. It was all very radical and secret. The only thing left was to decide what to change into. If he needed them, he had several different identities and knew what identities to use here.

So what could he become for the time being? He had a range of choices here. He had one injection to become a Female twilek servant. There were a lot of those but not on this mainly human planet, and he needed to evade detection. That was out. There was another to become a Wookie, but that brought the same problem. He had another to become a Chiss. Yeah, right, a blue-skinned alien with glowing red irises. Yeah, that will evade detection very well.

That left him one other choice, and it was the choice he never thought he would have to ever use. The thought never occurred to him that he would ever be in a situation where this was the only option he had. He lived a very celibate life as required by the Jedi Order. Not every Jedi strictly follows it, but such things can get one thrown out of the order and disgraced. He followed the rules for the most part. There was one that he loved, and it was in the final syringe. This was the genetic code for a stunningly beautiful human female exotic dancer that he loved. Of course, the exotic dancer was blessed with enormously enhanced breasts. He never thought he would have to use this on himself. But this was it, and it was the situation he never considered he would ever be in.

He took out the syringe and injected it directly into his heart, pushing the entire contents into him, which would rapidly enter his bloodstream and begin its work. The process would take up to eight hours, and there was another injection to sedate him if necessary. But Cenrick was a Jedi Master, and he could handle the pain. He settled in and prepared for a long night.

As he felt the injection do its job, he wondered if he would ever see the temple or his friends at the temple again. Or if he would ever have to admit his shame. Unknown to him at the time, Operation Knightfall had taken place, and most Jedi at the temple was already dead.

Cenrick shut his eyes and entered a meditative state, and allowed the transformation to proceed.

It was the most pain that General Cenrick had ever felt in his entire life. He had been shot, and it was excruciating having a ball of white-hot plasma burn into him, but that didn't even come close to his. Hour after hour, the injection slowly transformed his entire body.

He felt his skin get much softer. The fat in his body was redistributed, and features transformed. His bone structure was radically altered and became smaller. He shrank by almost a foot and his internal organs transformed. Everything changed, and he felt an enormous weight on his chest slowly growing hour after hour.

Hours later, he slowly woke up from his deep meditative state and started to examine his new body. Then cursed himself, “Cenrick, you are a goddamn idiot!” He had specially asked for this, and now he was stuck with it.

He realized that this woman was the only woman he had ever loved. And this woman was not real, except in the syringe and its code. But the woman was real now. The woman had the body of a beautiful exotic dancer, but she was also required to be an athletic woman that had trained for much of her life. That was the only way this transformation could be approved to be the code he could use. Or it would be of no use otherwise.

He remembered requesting a sexy dancing woman with a massive enhancement in the chest area when he chose the forms for a transition like this. Cenrick specially ordered a double E cup size in his chest for the transition. The coder raised her eyebrows and giggled in response as she warned him of the weight in the chest that this would cause. Then she explained he had better make sure the midsection and sides also had enhanced strength to hold the weight, and he agreed. But he never thought he would have to use this in his life. This was just his fantasy woman he liked to activate in his time off for his holographic fantasies when time allowed. But here he was, and now he had to decide what to do with it and how to blend in with the population.

He also remembered requesting that the injection create a fully functioning female form. He now realized what that really meant as he slowly examined his new condition. Cenrick examined his new enormous double E cup breasts. He slowly ran his hands over the soft surface of the enormously massive swell of his chest. He was rewarded with a strange new erotic tingling sensation that centered on where his fingertips touched near the nipple area and radiated out from there to his entire body. He loudly gasped at the arousal he felt. His now more prominent nipples hardened at his arousal. His nipples and breasts were very sensitive now. He cupped his new breasts and squeezed them, and the sensation was almost overpowering. He played with his nipples, and the powerful arousal almost made his knees collapse.

He also realized what it meant by fully functioning. He felt a powerful sensation between his legs where he used to have rather large male equipment. His new sex became very sensitive and wet. A pungent odor filled the room. Cenrick realized that he was the source of that odor, specifically from between his legs. He slowly inserted a finger into his new opening and examined that. He spread the lips apart and realized it was functioning as any woman.

Cenrick realized that this new life would have a totally new set of rules he would have to live by, or it would cause him a lot of trouble. The first part was a totally new hygiene ritual he would have to follow to keep this body functioning correctly. Another set would be about a certain monthly cycle that almost every woman lived by and learned to hate. The final part would be learning to accept and deal with how society perceived him in general. They all came with their own set of problems.

He remembered the initial shock from the gene coders as he requested this. He was the only male Jedi to ever request a female disguise. But he realized why that was. While it might allow a male to slip into areas where a male would have problems with or get closer and not be perceived as much of a danger, this came with its own set of problems that far outweighed any benefit and things men simply didn't want to deal with. He briefly read the documentation provided for this form and learned that his date would fall on the twelfth of each month to the fifteenth.

He heard a slight giggle from his own mouth as he thought about how he would live with this. He thought humorously that he would make a great exotic dancer, and he could out-earn the best twilek dancers with this form he had now. He would be a very popular pole dancer and would probably become the most famous dancer in the core systems. But he had no interest in that path, even if he would be great at that. Cenrick had to find out who he was and what his undercover identity was, so he brought up his files and the cover ID he kept in case he had to use this form at any time.

He read some of the files and found he was royalty. Cenrick giggled some more. Of course, he was a royal princess. Apparently, his cover id was a royal princess from Romulus and a member of the Romulus royal family. Of course, they had dozens of princesses serving the family across the galaxy, and Cenrick was friends with Romulus. Aethelstan Romulus was a friend and owed him favors, so he had helped Cenrick set up this cover. They were also a family of warriors.

So here he was, Andromeda Romulus, a royal princess from Romulus, one of the most powerful and wealthy families in the galaxy. They were also close friends with senator Bail Organa from Alderaan.

He was a royal princess staying here in this core settlement and had property here. He had access to funds from the royal family in accounts they set up for him if he ever needed it. He suspected that he no longer had access to any Jedi accounts, and they were either shut down, or they were tracked, so those were out of the question.

So now he knew who he was and what he was doing. He had to find out what in the fuck happened. Why was he declared an enemy of the republic so suddenly, and why did his clones turn on him. He turned his communicator to a local broadcast to access the latest news and was utterly shocked. What in the fuck is all of this, Cenrick thought.

The Jedi had turned on the Chancellor and tried to arrest him. There was some corrupted audio from the failed attempt when Mace Windu and his Jedi stormed into the Chancellor's office and tried to arrest him. When the Chancellor asked why apparently, the only reason they could come up with was that the Chancellor was a Sith lord. That was no crime, and there had been a fight. The Chancellor defeated the Jedi and considered it treason, which it was. Cenrick shook his head and thought, 'what a bunch of idiots.' After the attack, the Chancellor declared the Jedi were all enemies of the republic and ordered an attack on the Jedi temple.

He watched videos of massive columns of clone troops being led up the temple's steps, led by a very determined Sith. Cenrick looked closer and recognized that Sith was the Jedi Anakin. Of course, it would be him leading the assault. That boy had a galactic-sized chip on his shoulder and a superiority complex the size of a galactic supercluster of galaxies. And the Jedi had not really been truthful with him. They brought this all on themselves.

There was something about this war that never sat right with Cenrick. He always felt something very wrong about it and the Jedis' part in it. He could never really identify precisely what it was, but there were things and a feeling that they should have no role in this war. And now he knew what it was as he watched the final pieces fall in place.

As the Chancellor stood in the middle of the galactic senate talking about the assassination attempt by the Jedi, The chancellor loudly announced that the Jedi would be hunted down and defeated. Then he proclaimed the end of the war and the formation of the Empire for a secure society. Everything fell into place, and now he knew why he never was comfortable in this war. The Jedi were on the wrong side and being led by the nose the entire time. They had been complete fools and had betrayed their code of peace to take part in an aggressive war, leading troops and armies across the galaxy conquering planets who wanted nothing more than to be left alone.

In conclusion, the Jedi deserved what they got in the end. And if Cenrick wanted to survive and have a future, his life as a Jedi had to end. He was no longer a Jedi and Cenrick was dead. Wherever his life took him, it would not be as a Jedi.

Cenrick stood up, preparing to leave. He found a faded dress and some women's undergarments that were in a closet and prepared to leave. He cursed himself as he felt the enormous weight pulling him down from his chest. He cursed again as he looked at the overly sexualized image of himself in the broken mirror.

This dress was too small and too tight as he saw it struggling to hold his breasts in place. It wasn't designed for double E cup women. The top of the dress looked like it wanted to rip open, and the buttons were struggling not to burst. He knew he would also have problems finding clothing to fit this new form. And he would have to make sure he stayed in shape to handle the enormous weight on his chest. He looked at himself as he said in disgust, “You fucking idiot. You deserve this, you know. We all do, now let's go find out home and hope we can survive.”

Note from the author. I intend this to be a very long saga that goes into this generals life after this. I would welcome any help if anyone is interested. as you can see, my spelling and grammar sucks

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