
Polly Chapter 13 of 25 - Acquiring a Wardrobe

Chapter 13 - Acquiring a Wardrobe

Fashion accessories may be one of the hardest subjects for a novice crossdresser to grasp. After all, most males have little choice in such matters, Even those of a more unrestricted outlook on life basically have three choices: ties, rings and, if so inclined, earrings. As a student, Pete only wore a tie under protest on Sunday mornings when his Grandmother was going to be present at church. His class ring was the only adornment on his fingers, and it was big and clunky as such things are wont to be. Earrings were still out of the picture, although he was pretty sure that one of the first things Polly would do on the way to her new job was to have her ears pierced, and the heck with what happens in the fall when Polly had to go into storage.

Finding Julia - Chapter 10

holiday.jpgFinding Julia - Chapter 10

By Julie Dawn Cole

The afternoon was spent lazing around sun-bathing with a chance to sleep off the wine we had with our snacks. It was hot and with no cloud cover we had to apply lots of sun cream and move under the umbrellas from time to time. I focused on getting my legs tanned and this was an advantage of high cut bikini bottoms rather than my swimming shorts,

When Life Hands You Uranus : 1 / 9

Barfield was silent, weighed down by the enormity of his choice.
Yesterday, he couldn’t have found Uranus with a map, and
now he was being asked to live there forever.
He could get out of prison, but only at the cost of his freedom.

Polly Chapter 11 of 25 - The Summer Job

Chapter 11 - The Summer Job

Since Sheila's family attended the Baptist church near Pete's house, Sunday afternoons at Pete's place soon became a regular practice. Thankfully, both sets of parents enjoyed each other's company and Pete's little sister was becoming interested in boys around the age of Sheila's younger brother.

Modern Day Mythology (part 1)

What happens when someone gets a hold of something that is well beyond their ability to truly understand it but still decide to make something new and amazing with it? Will it work as intended, or can it backfire and blow up in their faces with unintended results? Follow along with a group of friends who find out the answer in ...

Modern Day Mythology

Leona MacMurchie

Polly Chapter 10 of 25 - Confession

Chapter 10 Confession

Over the next few months, Pete began to feel like a double agent. Something clicked between Pete and Sheila, and a medium-to-long distance romance began to blossom. Medium-to-long distance because they didn't live too far from each other, there is no such thing as a short drive in Portland traffic. They went to different schools so that shot holding hands in the halls and after school activities together, not to mention the old standby of doing homework together.

Polly Chapter 9 of 25 - At The cabin

Photo by Eneida Nieves

Chapter 9 - At the Cabin

Saturday morning.

Early Saturday Morning. Maybe it was because he had gotten only a few hours sleep each night during the week that Pete had finally gotten a good night's rest. In any case the alarm woke him and he was showered and dressed well before he had to be. Greatly daring, he had put on his bra and panties and filled the cups with the bags of rice. Donning his jeans and a very loose, sloppy sweatshirt he examined the image in the mirror and decided the modest B cups wasn't too obvious. Appropriate clothes for a day in the woods.

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 1)

(Image after the break this time because, spoilers)

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 1)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we face the twists of the twelfth issue, we have split our tale of reckoning in two, for this part is too big for just one issue. Logan is thrilled to find herself still female, even in the aftermath of the changes wrought by her mutant healing factor and the meddling of Neural Net (and, frankly, Hank). While she never would have suspected the fulfillment and love she could find as a woman, there is a rightness and hope she had never experienced before in her long life, at least what she could remember of it. But now she must quickly learn how to deal with her new self, because thrilled or not, there are still many challenges ahead. Challenges that will affect all of those she loves, and perhaps the world? Magneto and Sabretooth still have Storm and the Uncanny X-Men are still reeling and trying to react with no idea what Magneto is planning.

Pioneers, part 12 of 15

Mrs. Dirksen said to Mom, after we’d given the waiter our drink orders, “Erin, I don’t think you should be letting Tyler use the ladies' room.”


“Do you seriously think she should use the men’s room?” Mom asked incredulously. “The machine changed her completely into a girl.”

Polly Chapter 8 of 25 - Confusion

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Chapter 8 - Confusion

Confusion. A fine old word, comes from the Latin confundere, meaning mingle together. Now there's a concept that describes a young crossdresser - or maybe trans-something - if there ever was one.

Polly Chapter 7 of 25 - The Shopping Test


Chapter 7 - The Shopping Test

Cannon Beach is an unabashed tourist town. The City Parents - no sexism here with City Fathers, please - wisely kept the beach open to everyone, building the requisite yuppie condos far back from the shore. Come sunset you can see couples strolling hand in hand or dogs joyfully running flat out, all outlined against the sea and the setting sun. There's usually someone starting a fire from the driftwood with the family clustered close for the warmth.

Polly Chapter 6 of 25 - The Date


Chapter 6 - The Date

Once Peter and Sheila were over the peak of the mountains and descending the western side the road followed a stream that splashed and danced over the rocks as it ran through the verdant forest. At each turn in the road a magnificent new vista was revealed and Sheila was enchanted by the scenery.

"I had no idea any of this was here, Pete. It's beautiful."

Stuck in a Rut - Part 51

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is dealing with the usual things that any Fourteen year old girl has to deal with. That is... if they are a girl in a world where girls aren’t born, they are transformed. Leaving her male life behind is difficult, and new threats are on the horizon.




Yeah, i was there at the start of it, but I didn’t know what was going on until it was too late.

Fine, Let me start at the beginning.

First thing I noticed was that some of the girls coming to school all super dressed up

Dresses, heels the whole thing.

I just figured some class was doing something. Giving ballroom dancing lessons or something like that.

But the number of girls coming to school all super girly kept getting bigger.

Polly Chapter 5 of 25 - The Inquisition


Chapter 5 - The Inquisition

Saturday morning found our hero up early, excited and conflicted. Excited to be going on a date, excited because Sheila was a vivacious, sexy, intelligent girl who wanted to go on a date with him. Conflicted because Sheila was entirely too intelligent and perceptive and seemed to be able to see through into the parts of him he often tried to hide from himself.

And Sheila had actually kissed him.

Polly Chapter 4 of 25 - The Phone Call


Photo by Ally Sherman /FortLauderdaleSeasidePhotography
Chapter 4 - The Phone Call

As Pete walked through the door of his high school on Monday morning the was greeted by an enthusiastic "Damn Pete! You look like crap!"

"Feel like it, too," mumbled Pete.

Polly Chapter 3 of 25 - The Pink Bra

Chapter 3 - The Pink Bra

Pete spent much of the day on Saturday wondering if that pink bra would still be there when he returned. The Scouts had been drafted as workhorses to move things for the church, they weren't involved in the sale itself, so the day passed mowing the lawn and hanging with Dave and a couple of others at the park. Pretty much what he did most weekends.

Not What We Expected - 08

NotExpected 08

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

After talking with the lawyer, I just needed to break the news to my family and friends. But that would wait until after my upcoming discussion with Sandra that evening.

The third trimester of my obvious nine month transition had started out with a bang, so to speak.

The middle third of the crystal was still blue, but it was surrounded by pink much like a wagon trail circled by attacking Indians in an old Western movie. Somehow, I didn't think that the Cavalry would arrive in time to save the blue.

Chapter 8

Worst Case Scenario

Worst Case Scenario

Author’s note: this one is sort of inspired by the anime “Simoun” but does not take place in that world. There is a reference to suicide at the start, so read with care.

I stood on the highest point of the bridge I could, trying to steel myself for the jump.

From here, I could see most of Cuan City. I could see the dome where our governor ruled, the massive mansions, the beautiful parks, and the bay that the city is named after.

Pioneers, part 11 of 15

“Statistically, there’s got to be at least a couple more trans kids at each of our schools, and another hundred-plus trans people in the county as a whole... but at our age, most of them are probably closeted or in denial. That might change once more people knew about the machines and how easy it is to transition now.”

Call Of The Light - Part 5

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 19 - Counsel

The person on the other end of the phone didn’t even give me the chance to say hello first.

“Aradia. We need to talk.”

“Uh, hello? Who is this?”

“Hang on.”

The cordless handset suddenly shrieked loudly in my ear. “Gah!”

“Sorry. All phone lines at the Academy are being monitored by the military. We’re now secure.”

“How did you—oh.” Girl voice, check. Tone weirdly older than pitch, check. Able to do hacker stuffs, checkmate. It had to be Erica. But she was obviously sticking to using codenames. “Hi Fields.”

Not What We Expected - 07

NotExpected 07

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

The incoming text read: "Looking forward to lunch, sweetheart. We have reservations at Sullivan's for noon. Wear something nice but sexy. Please. We will find a way through this, I promise. Love you forever. XOXO"

The message was from Tom and it was more intimate that I would have expected.

Scrolling through her messages, I saw that this wasn’t the first such text. Her replies were equally as intimate.

Sandra hadn't said anything to me about seeing Tom regularly again outside the office.

Chapter 7

It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To ~ Part 1

For 17 years Jane Smith had existed in the margins of everyone else's lives, ignored by classmates and teachers alike. Jane knew her infatuation with Bobby Dukakis was just a useless fantasy---Why would one of the most popular boys at her school show any interest in a shy little mousy nobody like her?---but she couldn't help how she felt! And even just loving him from the shadows brought happiness to her drab anonymous life. But when Jane stumbled across a powerful witch's book of spells she tried to perform one that would transform her into the sort of sexy, confident young woman that Bobby might fall in love with. Janey's first-ever attempt at witchcraft backfired in a truly horrifying fashion, and she just knew her whole life was over!

Which it was, but not in the way she imagined...

(The Sequel To BOBBY'S GIRL)
Laika Pupkino ~ 2019

NOTE: You really, really, really need to read my 2009 Halloween story BOBBY'S GIRL before reading this continuation. After you've read it you'll see why I thought it was so important for you to read it first. BOBBY'S GIRL is just 5 little pages in length and can be found HERE:

Pioneers, part 10 of 15

Since my period had started, I’d convinced Mom to let me use the Internet to research menstruation, feminine hygiene, etc. And Sophia had given me a book about puberty for young teens that Mom had given her a couple of years earlier. Between those, and the TG fiction I’d read online (not the most reliable source), I sort of knew what to expect from a pelvic exam.

Loose Change

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Sophie Deems is a seventeen-year-old waitress in a small town in the middle of nowhere, just trying to get along ... or is she? A visit from a woman in a silver Aston Martin pulls her past into her present, and makes her wonder if she can ever move on — or even if she want to.


Loose Change

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

Feral Saga Chapter 11 - End of an Era


Feral Saga Chapter 11 - End of an Era

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the elevating, emotionally-charged eleventh issue, we will find out the fate of Logan now that her guiding template has been removed and her mutant healing factor is running rampant. Will Hank’s miscalculation prove fatal? How will her friends carry on without her?

Call Of The Light - Part 4

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 4 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 15 - Wisdom

One of the first things I did after Kami put me up in some fancy hotel near his club was to call Danielle. Her phone didn’t even ring, a recording kept repeating that all circuits were busy and to try again later.

Kami had recommended I get some sleep, but yeah that wasn’t going to happen. I was far too keyed up. Besides, without the circles in my bedroom acting as their usual anchor I might slip out of the world again.

The Princess part 1

The Princess

By Julia Michelle

This tale takes place about some time after a cruel older princess arranges her father death. Upon the day of her brothers coronation as the New king, she and her band of witches publicly transform her brother into her sister, there by claiming the crown and making herself the King



The Night I Escaped From The Zoo : 3 / 5

I held the dress up in front of me, and looked in the mirror. Mayda gazed back at me. Of course she looked wonderful. Of course the dress would look lovely on her. It was weird as hell to know that the girl in the mirror was me.

Not What We Expected - 04

NotExpected 04

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

Despite Sandra's good intentions, I still had an uneasy feeling about Grandma's predictions. I wasn't sure why. After all, this ceremony would more than likely to be nothing more than an expensive waste of time. Just like all our other attempts.

"Did you ask her how much we owe for her services?" I asked.

"Oh, she said that wasn't necessary," she replied. "Being friends of Tom's, she thinks of us as family."

In hindsight, that statement should have set off some warning bells for me.

Chapter 4

Heat Rises - Chapter 6 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 6

A couple of days later, my cell phone rang. It was Ken. “Hey Chrissy, I’m lonesome.”

“Aww. Why don’t you get some friends to come over?”

“Why do you think I’m calling you?”

“You were supposed to call me when you got out of the hospital. You’ve been in school for a couple of days … maybe I missed that call.”

“I talked to you at school.”

“You promised to call as soon as you … never mind.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 1

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 1


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

The timer on the bomb continued to tick downward. 8…7…

Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw


Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the tenacious tenth issue, Logan will have to make life or death decisions. But each path will mean an end. Will she have the courage to carry on? Has Hank actually figured out how Neural Net transformed Logan and how that is affecting her? And what of Magneto and his plans? Will his ambush of the prisoner convoy be the key to unwinding his schemes or are they already too firmly entrenched for the Uncanny X-Men to defeat?

Heat Rises - Chapter 5 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 5

The day after the funeral, I got my mom to take me to visit Ken at the hospital. He was sitting up in bed looking as healthy as could be, and he smiled when I went into the room,

“Hey, Chrissy! How’s it going?”

“Fine! I wanted to come by to talk just a bit. First, I want to say thank you!”

He was obviously confused. “For …?”

“Saving my life, of course!”

“I did? Oh, yeah! Well, thank you for breaking my fall!”

Heat Rises - Chapter 2 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 2

On day two of the protest, it was hard to find a boy wearing pants. Some of the meeker souls were encouraged by the number of boys who were ‘en femme’ on the first day. During first period, again I once again got a ‘summons’ and went to the office expecting detention or worse. Imagine my surprise when Principal Hammond gave in.


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