Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 12
Julie D Cole
I couldn’t contain myself any longer and I burst into tears. Taylor stormed off to her room. Jane put her arms around me and we hugged.
‘Come on Ty please try not to get upset by Taylors reaction. She talks rubbish and she is deliberately trying to influence your decisions.’
‘But she doesn’t want to go back to being normal. She wants the swop to carry on and she isn’t listening to me or considering the risks.’
‘Well that might be what she wants but rest assured she was trying to bluff you. Taking birth control tablets is not going to stop her having periods only having babies if she were to have careless sex with any of the team.’
‘But she said that she’d seen our family doctor to get the tablets and she might have told her that she wanted to live as a boy and that we both feel we have been born in the wrong bodies.’
‘Why would she do that? She’s strong and independent and unlikely to listen to anybody, least of all a family GP. Of course she might have asked for birth control pills. I think it is more likely that she got these to slip these to you without your knowledge. I wouldn’t put anything past her at the moment. You haven’t been taking them have you?’
‘I don’t know. We have both been taking vitamin tablets and Taylor got them. I trusted her. Hers are different though but I don’t think she will have switched them.’
‘Well have you noticed any changes in your body or emotions recently? Where are the tablets you take? Can I look at them?’
‘I have noticed that my chest is softer and puffier. I thought it had changed shape because I have been wearing a bra so much. All our tablets are in the medical cupboard in the kitchen.’
We took a look and I passed the box of tablets that I’d been taking.
‘These aren’t vitamin tablets. They are Estro Support tablets. The clue is in the label. Didn’t you read the instructions? They contain estrogen. They are for women not men and they might reduce period pain and PMS. Are you sure they aren’t the tablets that Taylor takes?’
‘No, she takes these vitamins, Sparten Health tablets. They are full of vitamins to increase her strength for football.’
‘But they are testosterone boost tablets. No wonder she is more aggressive these days. They will probably reduce her periods as well as build muscle to some extent. You both have to stop. You don’t know what damage you might be doing. Just wait until I see her tomorrow. I’m confiscating them.’
‘She’ll be really angry so please don’t fall out. I shouldn’t have told you.’
‘Yes you should. She is mad and clearly hung up on increasing her masculinity even if it means feeding you estrogen whilst she takes testosterone. She wants you to go along with her plan and feel happy dressing like this. These tablets might be the reason why you are more emotional and sensitive. She might find that you are easier to control. How long have you both been taking them?’
‘Those are our second bottles.’
‘Does mum know?’
‘I don’t think so.’
‘Well if she’s seen them in the cupboard she probably thinks you each take the others tablets that’s why. We have to tell her what’s happened.’
‘Please don’t Jane. Let’s just stop taking them and leave her out of it.’
‘But surely she recognised the changes in both of you and how you’ve both dressed as each other.’
‘No we took great care. We nearly got caught but managed to convince her she was mistaken.’
We sat down in the lounge again and I could see Janes mind ticking over. She was shaking her head and looking at me closely.
‘Ty you need to tell me what you want to do so that I can try to help. If you like to just dress up occasionally that’s one thing but if it’s more than that then we need to a bit of research and there is sure to be lots of information out there that is easy to access. Have you thought about your future at all irrespective of what Taylor might want to do?’
‘I haven’t done much at all. I looked a little bit at some videos on YouTube where some guys like to dress occasionally and also at some who dress full time. Some even had operations to change sex. Men and women but I’ve no idea how they change their body parts. That would scare me.’
‘Do you feel like a girl or a boy in a dress at the moment?’
‘At first it was a bit scary since I felt like a boy in a dress but I suppose that I’ve felt more like a girl. Do you think it’s those tablets that did that?’
‘I don’t think they can affect your brain much and make you suddenly feel like a girl but maybe they have an effect on your body and how you feel about things. I’m no expert and I’ve never met anybody who changed their sex even though I have lots of friends who define themselves as gay.’
‘Do you think I’m just gay then since I never had a girlfriend and I like Darren and I let him kiss me.’
‘But you were dressed as Taylor when you kissed and you weren’t kissing him as Ty were you? Have you kissed him when you are in normal dress?’
‘I’ve only kissed him as Taylor but it was me kissing him not her. He knows I’m Ty so maybe he’d kiss me either way. I haven’t really met him as Ty so I don’t know.’
‘Have you looked at other boys at school?’
‘Not really, except recently when Taylor and I had swopped and boys were looking at me.’
‘What about girls? Have you looked at girls and thought about if you fancied them and wanted to go on a date?’
‘Not really. I’m too shy to make eye contact or to talk to them. But when I was dressed as Taylor I had no difficulty talking with them. My shyness seemed to just disappear and they accepted me as Taylor. At least I think so.’
‘Is it something you want to do regularly or just from time to time?’
‘I guess that’s not easy to answer because if mum and dad were angry or disappointed in me I think I’d really sacrifice my feelings and try to be the son they want.’
‘Even if you are unhappy? They would never want you to be unhappy or to think you might do something silly.’
‘I know but I never really thought about it that much. I stop myself since we all had a happy life and I don’t want to spoil it.’
‘Well whilst I’m here I want you to face it and it’s a stroke of luck that mum asked me to come home for a few days even though grandma is not well.’
‘I know but do you mind if we leave it for now. I promised that I’d call Darren to let him know we got home safe and to discuss about tomorrow.’
‘Well take care with him but he seems to be a nice lad. I hope our chat made you feel a bit better. I love you whatever happens herein. If you end up deciding to stay like this you can count on my support. I promise that one day if and when I get married you will my first choice as bridesmaid.’
‘Thanks sis I’m flattered. I suppose Taylor would want to be the groomsman.’
‘No doubt. So come on get that make-up off and get yourself to bed and we’ll have a nice cooked breakfast in the morning before I take on Miss Taylor about the medication.’
‘Yes she’ll be looking for her tablets immediately after breakfast for sure.’
I went upstairs and used the bathroom before Jane and was embarrassed by the mess that Taylor had left. She was getting worse. At least I left it clean and respectable. My complexion did seem much softer once I’d cleaned all my make-up away so maybe the tablets were feminising me. I decided to look up about the effects of estrogen after I’d spoken to Darren then I could decide if Taylor had intended to change my body and hers too. She was fast asleep in her room without a care in the world.
I snuggled up in bed and sent a message to Darren and it didn’t take long for him to call me back. He said that he’d followed us all the way to our front door and I told him he should be a spy because neither Taylor or I had any idea he was close by. We chatted a while and agreed a time to meet that gave me chance to have breakfast and tidy up whilst Jane confronted Taylor. It was going to be better that I went out of the way in case they argued and at least Jeff was around to stop it becoming too heated.
I was awakened by the sound of somebody using the bathroom and since it was already daylight I looked out of my window to see it was a blue sky day. I hoped it was a good omen so I decided to get up and make some early morning tea for Jane and Jeff hoping that I didn’t disturb anything. I hadn’t heard any noises since going to sleep so they might be in need of an energy boost.
I quickly found some Capri sweat-pants and tucked myself to avoid any embarrassing bulges and slipped on a sweater and headed downstairs. No sign of life and it was unlikely that Taylor would have stirred yet so no point making tea for her. I made 2 slices of toast and popped everything on a tray and headed upstairs. They were delighted at the surprise and both sat up in bed to say good morning. Jane was glowing so they had had a good night and they seemed so happy together. It was strange to see them in mum and dads bed but they had little choice since I’d taken over Janes room after she left and the guest room wasn’t prepared. I decided it would give me chance to use the bathroom in peace so I left them to their tea and toast whatever.
I was trying to decide what to wear for the day when Jane popped her head around the door to say thankyou and how she liked my casual look in the Capri pants. She suggested I wore them with trainers and a crop top and I could borrow one of her long cardigans when I met Darren to avoid putting too much on display. We weren’t going anywhere special as far as I knew so the casual look was a good idea. The crop top was discreet enough to show a hint of cleavage and I knew Darren would like it.
Jane quickly showered and then we went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I felt much more positive after the chat we’d had but I was nervous about Taylors reaction when she realised her tablets were missing. The smell of fresh toast, bacon eggs and fried mushrooms wafted upstairs and Jeff and Taylor soon appeared and sat at the dining room table drinking orange juice. Taylor was quiet at first but then she looked at me and asked where I was going dressed as I was. I explained that I was meeting Darren and she pulled a face.
‘Not that wimp again. You can do a lot better than him and you ought to think about your reputation.’
I realised that it was her reputation she was worried about but she couldn’t say anything in front of Jeff. I responded just the same.
‘Look Ty you don’t know him and just because he is not in your gang and that he isn’t interested in sport doesn’t make him a wimp. I like him and he cares about me and that’s what matters most.’
‘Well don’t you go getting too serious or letting him get to close and ensure he keeps his hands off you.’
‘Ty he’s not like you and if your behaviour in the coffee shop is anything to go by you have no room to talk. I was ashamed of you the way you treated that young girl. To make matters worse you were in public with lots of people around.’
‘Grow up sis. What I do is my business and she has a reputation for being easy but you don’t. I don’t want you to be known as a school bike.’
Jane was angry and intervened. ‘Ty that’s enough of that sort of talk. Especially in company and at the breakfast table. Taylor is sensible and having met Darren I think he is very polite and respectable.’
‘Well I’m entitled to my opinion since we are twins and everything gets back to me so she had better take care.’
‘I think you and I need a chat. We should let Taylor go out and you can help me clear up and fill the dish-washer.’
‘No way. That’s Taylors job. I do outside chores like cutting grass and washing cars.’
‘Not today you don’t. You get too much freedom and I need a talk with you.’
‘Well make an appointment. I’m going to practice soon and I don’t have time for domestic chores. You are not my parent.’
‘If I was you’d have had a spanking young man.’
‘Just try. I’m too big for you now. I don’t know why mum thinks we needed a nursemaid. We are adults.’
‘Well best you started acting like one. I don’t know what has caused this change in you. I hope it’s not those tablets you’ve been taking.’
‘That’s none of your business and how do you know I take tablets? Has she told you?’
‘Yes and I’ve confiscated them until we find out what mum and dad think.’
Taylor stood up and went to the cupboard and saw they had been removed.
‘Play your games then. I have a reserve supply and they are available over the counter anyway.’
Jeff slipped away since the discussion was getting more heated and Jane told me to freshen up and go to meet Darren.
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This isn't going to end well,
Taylor is out of control and she is going to have a very hard time when it all falls apart. I just hope that Tyler doesn't get taken down at the same time and can continue being the girl he wants to be. Very well done.
Welcome Feedback
I always take notice of comments that often influence the storyline. I love to hear reaction so I hope it keeps working.
Swop has taken on...
...some hot spots. Jane has stepped into a bee nest. Tyler is questioning his direction in embracing his new identity. He has some serious decisions ahead. Taylor's avoidance doesn't speak well for her. It will be interesting to see how the discussion goes. Jane is being a caring sister; it is the parents who need to step forward next. Interesting story, you have me hooked.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Thanks Again
I'm glad you are hooked. I was feeling the story was losing interest. I appreciate all feedback, good or bad.
I’m Pretty Sure Mom and Dad Would Back Jane
I’m pretty sure that Jane has the full backing of her parents in dealing with her wayward sibling! It’s long past time for the adults to take control of the situation . Taylor needs to understand that if she wants to properly transition to a boy, it will be done under the guidance of a qualified therapist and endocrinologists who can monitor and control the dosage of testosterone and only after the psychological testing is complete . I’m not as worried about Ty not following the rules of the transition game because he is much more cognizant of the consequences , especially after finding that Taylor is deliberately feeding hormones to both of them without regard to the consequences . Taylor mentioned getting them over the counter . There is no way a pharmacy should be selling anything like that over the counter, especially to a teenager . Taylor’s friends should also be questioned and even tested for drugs because Athletic Boards tend to take a very dim view of Performance Enhancing Drugs . Since those tablets are not really approved by a doctor , Taylor could find himself/herself suspended from playing in the league . If he/she used any common sense instead of letting the testosterone tablets do the talking , they would realize that those things are endangering both their lives and endangering the eligibility for them to continue playing . The testosterone tablets may also play a part in the attitude on display, but I suspect that Taylor’s own selfish desires are the biggest part of it? Both parents need to be fully informed of what’s going on and they definitely need to do a much better job of being aware of what’s going on in their children’s lives . It’s implied that Mom might suspect something is going on, but she needs to be much more on top of things instead of just blindly accepting them going off and doing whatever they want . When I was growing up ,we never dreamed of back talking our parents , the way Taylor is doing , Jane and my parents insisted on knowing where we going, who we were going with and told us to be back by a certain time . We knew that we also had to call if we were at a friend’s house and going to be late . Hopefully, Jane does inform her parents about what’s going on, because it’s much too important , especially since Taylor is being so reckless and turning into a prick with the way he/ she is acting in public . Parents need to start being parents!
Wow Jengrl
That's the most comprehensive comment I've ever received so I'm flattered.
Tyler Taylor swop days part 12
Things are really starting to heat up fast
Girls rule
Wrong idea Tyler
Now that Jane knows what Taylor has been doing she has no choice but to tell their mom and dad. Despite what Tyler has said or asked of her.
Tyler has been spun around the pole by Taylor but all he can think of is angering her? Can't he realize what she's been doing to him? Can't he see the harm she's been causing because none was prescribed by a doctor?
It's time Tyler says to hell with Tayler and take his life back, pill free life. It's also time for Taylor to be admitted to a clinic and dry out from the pills she's been taking. Then have a full physical to see how much damage she's done to her body. Same complete physical applies to Tyler.
If something isn't done soon, Taylor may end up at the center of her own funeral, after she unintentionally kills herself with the pills she's taking.
Others have feelings too.
He wants to be careful with that
Under uk law of you give someone medication without their knowledge or consent, it is called poisoning
He wants to be careful with that
Under uk law of you give someone medication without their knowledge or consent, it is called poisoning