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Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 20
Julie D Cole
‘I was speechless as Taylor closed the door behind her. What was I going to say to mum?’
There was no way that mum would believe that this was a game. It had gone too far and Jane had got dragged into it and she’d be in trouble too. Unless of course that she’d already said something to her or dropped a few hints at least. I was scared since she always said I was the perfect son. I had never been in trouble and I’d been a model student at school and now because I’d gone along with Taylors crazy ideas I had ruined all my hard work because everything was sure to come out now Taylor had flipped.
I decided to lock my bedroom door and get dressed in my own clothes, then call mum and tell her everything. I was pretty sure that Jane would back me up although she had dropped hints that she needed to get back to work PDQ. I didn’t much fancy the idea of being alone with Taylor whilst she was in her current mood.
I looked in my underwear drawers for a clean pair of sleep shorts and a t-shirt but it was filled with Taylors things. I checked all my drawers and my wardrobe. All my things had disappeared and there was a limited array of outfits that Taylor had refused to wear most of which still had labels. I searched for anything of mine but she’d obviously cleared everything out. No way would it have been Jane and no wonder Taylor had a smirk on her face when she said she’d meet me in my bedroom.
I put on the dressing gown that was hanging at the back of my bedroom door and the matching slippers close by and unlocked the door. It was silk and didn’t fasten so I had no choice but to put on a pair of panties to cover myself properly. My new breasts were difficult to hide and neither were my my nipples. I cursed as I headed to her room and found her sprawled on her bed looking at her i-pad.
‘Hi sis, don’t you look cute. I wish mum could see how you look in that gown she bought. She’ll get off my back once and for all.’
‘Taylor what have you done with all my things. You’ve no right to go in my room uninvited and you’d better return everything immediately. I need to get dressed.’
‘There you go again. You blame me for everything. How do you know it wasn’t Jane since she seems have accepted that we have swopped places.’
‘No we haven’t. I’m going to call mum and tell her what you’ve done and the tricks you’ve been playing. I need my clothes back and then I can do a video link.’
‘I haven’t got your things and maybe they are in the charity bags that mum left. You’ll have to be quick though as I called them this morning to tell them we had a collection. It was mum’s idea that we had a clear out.’
‘Yes but not to give the clothes that we wear away.’
‘You haven’t been wearing them so I assumed they were surplus.’
‘What about your clothes. Let me see in your wardrobe.’
‘Take a look everything there is mine. Same with the clothes in my drawers. No point you wearing my sports gear and why not just wear what you had on today or borrow something from Jane or her boyfriend.’
‘Jane doesn’t wear boy clothes like you and he is much bigger than me even if I asked. I’m going to kill you for this. They better not have collected the bags. Where are they?’
‘They’ve been since I left them all at the end of the drive and there was no sign of them when I came in.’
‘You are going to pay for this just wait and see. I’d used my own money to buy most of the new things. Others were gifts.’
‘Well that’s a good thing isn’t it? Think of the money the charity will raise.’
‘I’ve had it with you from now on. Just don’t speak to me and don’t expect me to clear up after you and feed you after Jane leaves.’
‘Big deal. I can always bring my girlfriend around. She’ll be happy for the chance.’
I stormed out and went back to my room. I looked through everything and found some leggings still in a pack and a white blouse that was the closest thing to a shirt in the wardrobe. It barely reached the top of the leggings and it was tight around my body and had more material in my chest area. My breasts were too obvious through the material and my nipples showed so I decided to put on a white bra. I was looking for something else as an alternative when my phone rang. I froze momentarily and luckily it was Darren not mum.
‘Hi Ty. I just wanted to have a chat in case you are still intending calling your mum and telling her what’s been happening.’
‘Thanks but I haven’t had chance since Taylor has upset me and we’ve been arguing.’
‘Oh no. What about? Are you OK?’
‘I’m OK but she’s been in my room and she’s cleared all my things out and bagged them up for charity. I only have what she left for me and my school outfits. All female clothing and lots of things that were bought for her that she refused to wear.’
‘Oh that’s crazy. Has she gone mad?’
‘She’s flipped. She’s being really awful to me. I can’t seem to get through to her anymore.’
‘Well as it happens I was calling to ask you to think before you call your mum. I Like you as you are and if it means anything to you I don’t want you to change. I really like you as a girl.’
I just burst into tears I couldn’t stop myself. ‘ Darren please don’t make it worse than it already is. Please.’
‘Look Ty, you are so natural and it’s hard to believe you are a boy. Don’t cry. You’ve seemed so happy despite all the aggro with Taylor. I’m falling in love with you. I was so proud of you earlier when you met mum and sis. They like you a lot and mum couldn’t stop talking about you when I got home. She is so happy that I’ve found a girlfriend and she thinks you are beautiful and very polite. She really believes that you are Taylor.’
‘Oh Darren that doesn’t help at all. I’ve been so happy spending time with you and I liked both of them too. But what would they say if they knew who I really am. I just tried my best to behave like them and how I would expect Taylor to behave.’
‘She wouldn’t have a clue. She will never get a boyfriend in my opinion.’
‘I don’t think that will bother her at all. She really thinks she was born a boy but I stole her body.’
‘Well that’s just about what she said. She’s always been a bit of a tomboy. Swopping made her worse.’
‘Look Ty just wait and I’m coming round. Don’t call your mum until after we’ve had chance t0 talk. It’s really important so please promise me.’
‘OK I promise. I want to have a chat with Jane about what Taylor has done and especially since she has to leave to go back to work.’
‘Well if it helps I’m happy to come a stay with you until your mum gets home. I don’t like to see you and Taylor alone together if you are arguing.’
‘It would be nice but I’m not sure that your mum will be too happy about us staying together .’
‘Don’t worry I’ll tell her your mum and sister are here and I’m sharing Ty’s room. That’s not a lie is it?’
‘I guess that’s true. But I’m not sure that’s a solution. It just gives Taylor even more ammunition. She’s revelling in it and I just feel like slapping her face.’
We ended the chat and I unlocked my door and went downstairs to find Jane. She could see that I’d been crying so she jumped to her feet and gave me a hug. I wished she still lived at home. After a few minutes in her arms she lifted my chin and kissed me on the nose and smiled.
‘Come on Ty lets sit and have a chat and see what’s upsetting you. Is it Taylor again?’
‘Yes she is mad. She’s emptied my drawers and wardrobe and replaced everything with her things. Clothes and underwear that she’s had bought as gifts that she refused to wear. She said she bagged it all up and that she arranged for it to go to the charity shop. All my best things and she’s stolen my school outfits and I have nothing left. I could kill her. I hate her. She just laughed in my face.’
‘Look Ty whatever she’s done there will be consequences. Are you sure she hasn’t just hidden them since I never saw anybody call to collect or any bags. She’s hardly been in the house.’
‘I don’t know either but she says she did it and if she’s just hidden everything I don’t know where it might be. I suppose it could be in the garage or up in the loft. But why would she do it and why make it up? She has a mental problem.’
‘Well it does seem that way. I should find her and find out the truth. Is she still upstairs?’
‘Yes she’s in her room. I heard her laughing and joking on her phone. Well my phone actually.’
‘OK why don’t you have a drink and I’ll go up and talk to her.’
‘Jane before you do can I ask you something?’
‘Of course what is it? Anything anytime.’
‘Do you think of me as a brother or a sister?’
‘Mmm. I don’t know what you expect me to say. I think you are Ty and I am your big sister here to look after you as I’ve always done. You are so sweet and kind and I’ve always been so proud of you.’
‘And what about Taylor. Do you feel the same about her?’
‘She is different. As she’s grown up she became more distant and she has changed since puberty. I think she had a tough time. Lucky you never went through that experience. Periods are not nice.’
‘Is that why she gets aggressive?’
‘It was at first and mum and I tried to help. You were obviously oblivious to what was happening. Men usually are. I’ve noticed a change though since she started taking tablets. She doesn’t seem to be the same person. Definitely more boy than girl.’
‘What about me then? Do you think the tablets have changed me?’
‘Not really. I think your body might be changing a bit but your personality is the same.’
‘Well I think a lot of men are sensitive and kind. It’s not effeminate it’s not easy for me to define. I think you have always had a softness and I suppose that’s why you were able to convince people that you were a teenage girl and not a boy. I guess you have female mannerisms and maybe that was because of mum and me fussing you so much.’
‘Well Darren has treated me like a girl from the day he first spoke to me on the school bus and he still does. I think that has made me so convincing.’
‘Is he gay or does he think of you as a girl?’
‘I don’t think he is gay. Soes that make me gay if I like him?’
‘Not especially. Not if you think you are really a girl in a boys body. Is that your feeling?’
‘It wasn’t to start with but now I am not sure. I’m scared. Especially if you leave to go back home for work.’
‘I don’t want to leave you but I don’t have much choice.’
‘Have you said anything to mum about what Taylor and I have been doing behind her back?’
‘No since it is not fair to you.’
‘Do you think she’ll be upset and angry?’
‘A bit at first but in my opinion she’ll understand and she’ll be more accepting than you might think. Her problem is more likely to be with Taylor.’
‘What about dad? He always wanted a son who he could spend time with. I’ve been a disappointment.’
‘Don’t be too quick to judge. He might surprise you. Take it slowly and let mum deal with him on your behalf. If that’s what you’ve decided. Have you?’
‘No decision. Darren is coming round soon. He wants to influence my decision I think. He told me his mum and his sister liked me when I went to meet them and they are happy that he’s met a girl. We chatted about you a bit and they think I’m Taylor.’
‘Have you done anything with Darren to make him so besotted?’
‘No I haven’t. He’s too shy and I am too scared of letting it go too far.’
‘But you’ve kissed surely?’
‘Yes and he was getting quite excited. He was pushing against me and trying to get me to touch him.’
‘Did you?’
‘No I stopped myself and pulled away.’
‘So what about you? How do you feel when he kisses you?’
‘I don’t want him to stop.’
‘All the way?’
‘That’s not possible is it?’
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Glad to see this,
it had been a while since the last chapter in this fun story. Seems like things are coming to a head now, let's see what mom has to say about all of this.
Not fair to Tyler?
Nothing about what Taylor's done has been fair to Tyler, and Jane also hasn't done the right thing and called their mom to inform her what Taylor has been doing. Including giving Tyler drugs to change him into a girl and the tablets Taylor has been taking to make her more masculine.
For heaven sake, call mom and dump Darren. Darren is as bad as Taylor, he only wants Tyler to be the girlfriend he can't get elsewhere.
Mom is going to be mad because no one bother to call her to let her know what's been going on. And Jane won't be spared.
Hope more of this story is posted soon, in order to she what sling Taylor finally gets put into.
Others have feelings too.