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Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 9
Julie D Cole
Penultimate Chapter since I promised to finish the story.
Ty had gone for a walk late afternoon and bumped into a friend, Darren, who had invited him/her to a party but was too shy to follow up. She’d invited him to join her for dinner at home because Taylor was out and their parents were away. As they arrived they found lights on so Ty asked him to wait whilst she checked. He wouldn’t leave ‘her’ alone in case it was an intruder so he waited on the drive.
Ty shouted hello as he stood in the hallway and the voices stopped.
‘Hi Taylor, I wondered where you were. Did mum tell you I was coming?’
‘Jane. It was a shock to find the lights on. You scared me to death. Mum never called or messaged unless she has spoken to Ty. Is something wrong?’
‘She is going to have to stay for a few days since gran is not well. She asked me to come home and look after you both. You look nice. But there is something different about you. Ty is that you?’
I couldn’t hope to fool Jane and I was speechless for a few moments. Then a head popped around the kitchen door.
‘Er Taylor this is my boyfriend Jeff. He is staying over tonight and maybe tomorrow night.’
‘Hi Taylor I heard a lot about you and Ty, where is he?’
‘He’s out playing football with his friends. I’ve just been to pick up something for dinner and I’ve invited a friend. We were supposed to be going to a party together tonight but changed our plans.’
Jane responded. ‘I hope we haven’t spoiled your fun. Maybe you and I should have a little chat but please bring her in. Don’t leave her standing outside. Do I know her?’
‘It’s a friend from school. He knows Ty as well. He’s the year above us.’
Jane gave me a look that told me I had some explaining to do but she didn’t make a scene and let me introduce him.
‘Jane this is Darren. We just bumped into each other at the shop so I invited him to join me for dinner since I didn’t feel like going to the party.’
‘Yes I can see that you might not have been comfortable. Come in Darren and sit with Jeff and Taylor and I will make a drink and see what we can rustle up to eat.’
Jane pulled me into the kitchen and closed the door. ‘Now then Ty please tell me what’s going on. Why are you dressed like that. He does know you are male doesn’t he?’
‘No he doesn’t he thinks I’m Taylor but I couldn’t shake him off.’
‘So by bringing him back here and cooking dinner you are going to shake him off are you.’
‘No I tried to tell him but if I do then Taylor will be upset.’
‘Why because you are wearing her clothes. I bet she will.’
‘No it was her idea. She wanted to play swops and she has joined the football team as me. They want her to sign up and play for them when the season starts.’
‘This is madness. Does mum or dad know?’
‘No they don’t. It’s only a bit of fun.’
Ty I’m sorry but look at you. I call that serious not a bit of fun. What will you do if Darren tries it on and finds the truth? It could get very nasty. Are you both mad?’
‘Well it started as fun and I went along with it. Taylor is really persuasive and she said she’d found dressing as me gave her more freedom and she wanted to prove she was as good as the boys. They accepted her as me and she’s been picked for the team. So she wanted to play. I didn’t want to let her down.’
‘But how does she get on changing and hiding her body? She’ll surely get herself into trouble.’
‘She is happy to take the risk and it’s like her dreams have come true.’
‘But what about you? Why not just stay indoors and keep out of sight.’
‘Well I guess I wanted to convince Taylor that she is attractive and how she could look if she tried. Mum wants her to be like you and to do things that you and mum used to do.’
‘I don’t know what to say. You do look very convincing and I hope I haven’t influenced you growing up. If so I’m deeply sorry.’
‘No sis I only remember happy times with you at home. I did think you were beautiful but I never had any desire to dress as a girl. Taylor and I did play around a bit but we never told anybody.’
‘Well what are you going to do now? Doesn’t Darren suspect anything? Surely Taylor can’t look masculine enough to get away with playing for a boys football team.’
‘That was my feeling when we started but so far neither of us have been challenged.’
‘Well I really don’t want to spoil your fun but I do think you need to both have a chat and consider the consequences if this gets out of hand. What do you want me to tell Jeff?’
‘Nothing please. Let’s wait until Taylor gets home at least.’
‘OK so you are Taylor for now, but Jeff is staying the night and so take that into account please. You’ll have to stay like that at least until he heads back to our place tomorrow afternoon.’
‘That’s OK it’s Sunday and no school.’
We went back to Jeff and Darren who were flicking through channels on TV. Jane said she would make a dinner snack with my help and we could supplement the spaghetti dish with a salad and some artichokes with cold salami and Parma Ham for the pre-course. Preparing dinner gave us more chance to chat together and I was able to ask about Grandma and when mum was likely to return home. It looked like mum was due to call us later to tell us that Jane would be staying all week. I hoped Taylor would be back in time to join in since it was a video call. Jane said not to worry she’d arrange that we went upstairs and I could remove my make-up and put a sweater on. At least Jane was supportive that was hardly a surprise really.
I took the task of preparing the dining table whilst Jane finished preparing the food and Jeff opened the wine. Jane looked at me and insisted that I just had the one glass even though this wasn’t exactly my first time drinking alcohol. Dad always opened a bottle on Sundays when he was home. As we sat to eat the pre-course we chatted and I quite liked Jeff who was funny. He made a few jokes and he had some nice stories to tell. It was apparent that he’d been seeing Jane for sometime and he stayed over many times so it was clear that they were in a serious relationship. As Jane and I cleared plates and served the next course she smiled and whispered that I was going to have to be careful because Darren seemed smitten and he couldn’t take his eyes off me. I blushed and tried to brush it off but tonight he’d definitely overcome his shyness and was chatting much more that I’d seen before. As Jane passed his plate to him he thanked her and said it was much better than going to a party.
Jane responded. ’Well we are sorry to encroach on your romantic dinner together and steal your food. But it’s nice to meet you and see Taylor with a boyfriend.’
‘Jane please. Darren and I are friends from school. He’s not my boyfriend. I don’t have a boyfriend.’
‘I used to be the same when I was at school. Dad was always teasing me. I don’t mean to pry. But I can see you are good friends.’
‘Sis please. It’s not fair on Darren.’
He spoke.’ I don’t mind. I like Taylor and I’ve been wanting to ask her on a date but I chickened out. I asked her to the party tonight but she was rightly cautious. I came out to call by since I wanted to meet face to face and have a final try but I froze. Then luckily we bumped into each other.’
‘It wasn’t that I didn’t want to meet you Darren it’s just that I was scared of what might happen since people go a bit crazy at parties and mum is away if anything happened. She trusted Ty and I to be on best behaviour.’
Just then we heard a key in the front door and some laughter. It was Taylor with a football friend and two girls. They were from school and in the year below Taylor and I and one was holding hands with Taylor and clearly thought it was me. Taylor was surprised to see four of us around the dining table.’
‘Oh Jane I didn’t expect you to be here what’s wrong?’
‘Nothing don’t you read your messages? Mum asked me to come over to take care of the pair of you whilst she looks after Grandma.’
‘We aren’t children. What’s happened? Is it serious.’
‘Not too serious but you know mum Ty, she wants to be sure.
She’s booked time off work.’
Taylor looked a bit surprised that Jane hadn’t recognised her and she looked at me and then at Darren and Jeff. She was about to speak but I managed to stop her by shaking my head slightly.
Jane jumped in and spoke.’ Did you eat yet?’
‘Yes we just called for pizzas with the rest of the team and some of our fans here from school. This is Amy and Katie and our captain James. We thought we’d chill out and have a drink but seems that you guys beat us to it. So we’ll go back out to Starbucks where the others have gone. They offer free internet access so we can make video calls. Jane said not to be too late home but from Taylors expression she didn’t like it but chose to hold her tongue.
Not long after they left Jane pulled me aside and suggested that Darren and I went along with them to ensure that Taylor was safe and also that she didn’t stay out too late. She said Jeff would help to clear away and make up a fresh bed in our guest room that doubled as dads study. It made me nervous and I responded.
‘But Jane I’m dressed as a girl, as Taylor, so how can I help? Darren doesn’t even know that I’m really Ty and he is already getting a bit too close for comfort. I like him but I am scared because he wants to walk me back and forth to school and for me to go out with him and to be his girlfriend.’
‘Well Ty I’m sorry but you two got yourselves into this mess so you’ll have to get your heads together and decide the best way to get out of it.’
‘But Jane that’s the problem. I think Taylor is enjoying herself so much being one of the guys that she’s forgotten who she is.’
‘And you?’
‘I have no choice. It wasn’t my idea and now I feel stuck.’
‘Well you do make a lovely sister. You were always the one who like to play dress up games and you liked to play with my old dolls house and my barbie dolls.’
‘But I stopped and dad boxed them all up and moved them all to the attic.’
‘Look Ty just keep Darren at a distance and you’ll be with Taylor anyway if anything happens but don’t stay past 10pm and I’m sure Darren will ensure you are home safely.’
I relented but in truth I was wanting Jane to encourage me to stay as I was and she had done. Darren was quite happy and he thanked Jane for dinner and we headed out. As soon as we were through the gate he took hold of my hand and after 50 yds I gave up trying to let go and relaxed.
As we approached the High St I could see Starbucks ahead on the corner. Darren stopped suddenly and pushed me gently into a shop doorway pointing at the display model asking if I liked the outfit. It seemed a weird thing to do and as I turned to face him he took hold of my shoulders and bent to kiss me.
‘Darren please don’t. We are in public.’
‘No we aren’t. I just need to kiss you please. I’ve never kissed a girl properly before and I really want to kiss you. Please. I promise nothing will happen. I just need my first kiss to be with you.’
‘But Darren I’ve got lipstick on and you’ll spoil it and end up with it on your face.’
I felt I had little choice and he pressed his lips against mine. I was determined that it would be a short kiss but he held me so firmly that it was difficult to break free. I relaxed thinking he’d relax his grip on my shoulders but he just pulled me into his arms and I was off balance so he held me so I didn’t fall. I could feel his soft whiskers and I closed my eyes. Another boy was kissing me and it didn’t feel bad. I responded and he pressed himself against me. He was clearly very stiff and he tried to stop but I put my arm around his neck and searched for his tongue. He obviously couldn’t contain himself any longer and he managed to pull away and turned in embarrassment.
‘Sorry Taylor. I’m so sorry.’
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I love it,
but I don't understand, this is the last chapter? It seems like there should be more to this.
Thanks Again
No it's the penultimate chapter since I had said 2 chapters to go at the end of chapter 8.
Tyler Taylor swop days part 9
This is is getting so exciting
It looks as if tyler/tayler is going to have a boyfriend after all
Girls rule
Darren has to go
Aw, so it isn't mom who came home, but their older sister, who knows who's who. And who isn't going to pull their fat out of the fire. They got into it, they've got to figure out how to get out of their mess.
Tyler needs to get away from Darren as quick as she can. His current action showed he's desperate and that makes him dangerous. Before he does something that endangers Tyler, he has to go.
Wonder what Jane is going to say to Taylor when she gets home? Guess it won't be something Taylor is going to like, but something Taylor needs to hear.
Tyler isn't stuck being Taylor, he could have refused at any time. It was his choice to go along with Taylor, or allowed her to talk him into it. Now, though, he wants to be the sister. The girly one, which will cause the real Taylor problems since she doesn't want to be girly.
Others have feelings too.