
Life of Avery 7

Mostly I just stared out the window as we drove to the new house. Kelly sat in back next to me which seemed to annoy John who was our driver again. He had to take out one of the car seats, likely had to put it back in later too. If I had my way he would have taken both of them out but I was use to them by this point.

Hot Commodity

Hot Commodity

A Kingdom Ship Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“If the Grays have really left, that means you'll be the only woman on this planet for a good long time. You're going to be one hot commodity. So stay hidden. I will come back for you. Do not let yourself be seen. Do not let yourself be heard. Do not answer any call. I will come back for you.”

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 8

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Stuck in a Rut - Part 24

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 24.

Luna sat on top of her sleeping bag, looking at each of us. “I’m so happy! I’ve never had an actual sleep over before. What do people do at these things?”, she queried.

Witching Hour, Part 2


Witching Hour
Part Two: A Familiar Cat
by Roberta J. Cabot

Kim is now a girl – a girl who was supposed to take over for his sister Kaye as part of a quartet of witches, for a purpose that he didn’t know anything about, except that it’s important. But before that, he needed to know how to work his newly-acquired powers even though he didn’t know what powers they were yet. But maybe he needed to get a handle on this girl thing first. Well, at least he had the help of Kaye’s witch friends, as well as the help of four new, furry… housemates.

Author’s Note: No long-winded author’s note this time. Except that… it seems this story is the least popular of the stories I’ve written so far (not that I’ve written a lot heehee). Even so, hope you guys give it a chance nevertheless. BUT! Be warned – this is a verrry sentimental kind of story, with buckets of sugar-sweet scenes sprinkled liberally throughout. If that’s not your type of story, stay away from this one. ;-)

Stuck in a Rut - Part 20

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 20.

Summer with Em - Part 20


Summer With Em - Chapter 20

By Julie D Cole

I was glad to see that Frankie smiling again and enjoying the music. I had no idea how close we were to Ems but at least Frankie seemed to have recovered from the sadness of visiting the graves of her parents and Steph. She decided to call Em using hands free on her phone so we were on loudspeaker.

Summer with Em - Part 19


Summer With Em – Part 19

By Julie D Cole

By the time we arrived back at Frankies car she had calmed down enough to drive. I was relieved because I had absolutely no idea of how I might have reacted if a close friend had taken their own life in such circumstances and here I was dressing and behaving as the opposite gender and feeling comfortable at last.

Young Justice - Making the Most of the Situation (Superboy/Supergrrrl+Robin III)

The hole punched through space with a mighty boom. Large rings undulated around the corridor with mysterious, alien function. They opened into a great rock cavern supported by pylons. It lead to a polished floor adorned with trophies of battles past. These were the first steps into a secret home of superheroes, tucked away under Mount Justice.

Life of Avery 6

Sunday morning Kelly was a couple levels above normal perky. Honestly I don't know how she does it all the time. I was getting use to it though. Seeing her happy all the time did make me feel a little better. There are many ways to wake up in the mornings and a chipper all too happy Kelly calling me honey, sweetie or the dreaded sweetheart was far from the worst.

Life of Avery 5

Kelly was extra perky this morning for breakfast. I almost think she’s keeping a secret or something. Super perky Kelly who couldn’t even stop smiling to chew her food told me she might miss lunch because she had an important phone call. I nodded, it was kind of good because this new level of perky was starting to creep me out a little. I still liked her. Well, I decided I liked her a day or two ago. Until she crossed some line somewhere she keeps that status. Not many make it there.

Life of Avery 4

I haven’t been in a shelter for a really long time. I think I was five back then. I forgot how crowded they were. People everywhere. Last time I had to stay in the nursery with the really young kids and toddlers. Probably the only place where I was one of the biggest. This time they gave me a small room. There was a small window on the top of the ceiling which was on the ground outside as we were in the basement. It had a bar in front of said window on the back wall to hang clothes on even though I couldn’t reach it. A small garbage can, a dresser and a bed.

Summer with Em - Part 18



A short Chapter in memory of Steph


Summer With Em – Part 18

By Julie D Cole

Life of Avery 1

Join Avery and follow along as the hard life starts to show a silver lining. Things may not be great at first but there is still hope. Dangerous hope. To have hope and lose it may perhaps be one of the worst things of all. Walls of protection firmly in place around Avery’s heart and despite the past hardships and a lot of personal issues. Avery finds people who care and finally starts to feel good about the future. Tainted future. Past experience and unplanned secrets threaten to unravel. Will hope shine or will dispare wall Avery away from the world for ever?

Stuck in a Rut - Part 19

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 19.

A Perfect Match

Derek wasn't sure why he was going to the speed dating place. He'd never successfully found a girlfriend in his life. He'd been on a few dates during his college years, but nothing ever lasted. It wasn't just the girls, either; Derek had never really "felt it" with any of the girls he'd dated, hence why it never lasted longer than one or two dates. By this point, he'd basically given up on dating anyone. He didn't think the human race would be missing much if he failed to reproduce.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 18

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 18.

Model Makers 23: Payback can be worse than hell part one

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The prosecuting attorney told Karen he didn't believe they would get a conviction against the three men who allegedly raped her. It was her word against three men who had an alibi collaborated by the bartender. He told her to forget about it and let it drop. She should consider herself fortunate to be alive.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 17

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 17.

A new blossom.

My name is Louis Parker. For years I have been struggling to make ends meet and keep my apartment. It is really not that bad.

1 bedroom with two closets, a bathroom with a tub and shower as one solid unit. The mirror in bathroom over the somewhat large counter has two ends that can fold. It is also well lighted with a light bar over the mirror and another below that gives a little light. I believe both are led as they have multiple light settings of dim, bright and blinding.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 16

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 16.

Model Makers 22: Understanding

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David knew he was skating on thin ice with Comm Tech. He let his lab go while he went down to Karen's lab every night and back to the hospital to be with Karen through the day. This way he hoped no one would get suspicious about the duplicates coming out of Karen's lab. The only reason the board didn't fire him was they thought he was able to do what all the computer engineers couldn't. That was make models almost as good if not as good as Karen made.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 15

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 15.

Summer with Em - Part 16


Summer with Em - Part 16

By Julie D Cole

As I left the building I immediately noticed Frankies car that was immaculate and it looked as if it had just left the showroom. The top was down and she was leaning against it looking every bit the young executive with her sunglasses perched on her head and her hair tied back in a bun.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 14

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 14.

The Totalitarian Society You Will Love: Kristen Holst

When Kristen wakes up in the totalitarian society you will love he soon finds out that he is a square peg for a round hole.
They want him to change, but he is a fighter.
Vowing to never be part of it and intending to fight every step they have in store for him.

The curious Penny Dreadful

I'm fairly confident that many of you have heard about me lately, especially after that "expose'

Before I get into that you should know a bit about my background.

I was raised in a fairly normal urban neighbourhood. Was enrolled into self defence classes and achieved a black belt purple strip by age seventeen in a martial art that has been lumped in under the general guise of Mixed Martial Arts now so the belt means almost nothing.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 13

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 13.

Model Makers 20: Death has your name part two

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Mike watched in amusement as Karl pulled the gun out thinking he was using it only to scare Karen. Then the shots rang out. "CHRIST, KARL. You didn't have to kill her. She couldn't hurt us."

"Listen stupid. If she pointed her finger at us, those goons Comm Tech has working as her bodyguards would as soon kill us as talk to us. This way nobody knows besides us. She sure ain't going to be doing any singing..., Now."

Stuck in a Rut - Part 12

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 12.

Model Makers 19: Death has your name part one

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It had been several weeks since the initial attempt and now their plans were in place. "She usually leaves the building almost the same time everyday. Normally it is close to eight or there abouts when she walks out to the parking lot. She gets in that damn rocket of hers and drives home followed by the tail she picks up when she passes the gate."

Stuck in a Rut - Part 11

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 11.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 7

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

the same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Stuck in a Rut - Part 10

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old boy, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 10.

Model Makers 18: Desperation part two

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Karen knew she needed to have another talk with Henry. If he was playing like her agent now, he was in deep trouble. Taking care of her finances was one thing, but this was something entirely different. Maybe it wasn't Henry? Bob Kincaid would gain a lot if he could pull off this trick. Someone always seemed to be manipulating her life lately and she wasn't being consulted. It use to be so simple before the accident. All she had to do was go to work and do her job, nothing more, nothing less.

Summer with Em - Part 15


Summer with Em - Part 15

By Julie D Cole

Bec’s smiled at me as I opened the bedroom door because I knocked first out of politeness. I couldn’t resist a peek and I noticed that Em was snuggled up under the sheets. She heard us and peered out and pulled herself up to lean on one elbow. I heard a sleepy acknowledgement of our presence ‘ Hi Kim.’

Stuck in a Rut - Part 9

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old boy, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 9.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 8

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old boy, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 8.


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