Sweet Little Spy pt 5

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Sweet little spy part 5

“Allison , Allison, hey you are finished.” I couldn’t tell how long it was. I opened my eyes.

I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was a beautiful young lady, in the mirror.

“Is that me” I said watching the words come out of my lipstick covered lips.

I had light red lipstick, the light green shadow on my eyes complemented my eyes and my dress. My dark brown hair was pulled back and given a slight curl to the ends.

“Wow, you are beautiful.” Holly said.

“th- th- thanks.” I said.

“Go ahead and pick out your shoes,” Holly said pointing to the closet. “I am going to get ready”

As I went I search of shoes Holly disappeared into the bathroom. Opening the closet I was greeted with a half dozen pairs of shoes, everything from casual gym shoes to dress shoes.

“Wow, I thought, now which ones to wear” looking over all the different shoes I picked out a pair of black oxfords with a slight heel.

As I walked back to the dressing table I felt the erotic feelings of the stockings and the dress moving together. As I set down and slipped on the shoes. I slowly moved my foot to admire the shoes and the stockings.

I went to look through my wardrobe to see what other clothing I have. Standing I was a little shaky on my heels but slowly made my way to the wardrobe. I opened the doors, I was greeted with a vast array of colors. It has about 5 dresses

How could a girl ever need anything else but I was to learn I was wrong.

“But,” I thought “I am a boy” Glancing at the mirror were a beautiful young girl was looking back. “or am I a sweet little girl”

Holly walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around her waist. Her beautifully firm tits bouncing slightly. Normally the sight of tits like Holly’s would turn me on. But seeing them now wasn’t a big deal. I watched as Holly got ready for tonight’s dinner. She dressed in light pink lingerie, that was different from mine.

Her lingerie seemed more provocative. I was envious actually wanting lingerie like hers. I was mesmerized by the way Holly dressed. It was like a ballet, every move graceful and yet erotic at the same time. Holly did everything with grace and style. She put on a blue dress that seemed shorter and more reveling than mine.

Without even knowing I said it, “I hope to be as beautiful as you”
Blushing Holly thanked me.

“Oh, as long as you obey the rules here and study hard you will. In no time you will be back home a new you.”
I must have gave her a strange look, so she continued.

“I know I shouldn’t tell you much more but this is only temporary after the training we are sent back home. With all our stuff.” Holly explained.

Letting out a slight sigh of relief.

“I thought I would never see my mom and dad again”

Holly sat in one of the over stuffed chairs. Watching how she smoothed her dress. I copied her to the best of my ability.

“Remember cross your legs at the ankle and keep you legs together so boys can’t look up your skirt” She instructed.

Holly and I talked for about an hour until we heard a bunch of people in the hall.
Getting up and straightening her dress, Holly said “Must be time for Dinner”

“I am starving.” I said as I did the same.

Nervously, I joined Holly at the door. Just do what I do at dinner and you will be fine.
We both stepped out in to the mass of teen girls, we joined in with the flow heading toward the dinning hall.

None of the girls were talking but most walked with an air of confidence. Holly was one of them. The thing I however did notice that all of the girls were drop dead gorgeous each one an 9 or 10 some even higher. It was hard to believe these hotties where formerly boys.

We all filed into the dinning hall taking a seat at one of the 5 tables. There was 5 tables of 8 girls each. Looking around it seemed like I was the youngest one here, appearance wise.

Most of the girls seemed around my true age 13-15. We sat patently as Mrs. Kearman came in and stood at the long table in the front of the room.

“Good evening, young Ladies.”

“Good evening, Mrs. Kearman.” Most all the girls said.

“As we said good bye to the young Ladies who completed training last night, Tonight we welcome 4 new girls to the program” Mrs. Kearman addressed us.

“Miss Tara Odes would you please stand up.” Across the room Tara stood.

“Miss Ashlee Holmes, Miss Candi Montgomery, and finally Miss Allison Wilson.” Each in turn stood. I nervously stood embarrassed. Almost falling in my heels.

“Ladies please welcome our new girls” We all received a round of applause. None of the other boys I arrived with looked at all like who I arrived with. Each a strikingly beautiful young lady. Ashlee looked the best even though he/She put up the biggest fight.

“Enjoy your meal, ladies.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kearman.” We all said.

Then waiters and waitresses began putting the food on the table. It was a wonderful dinner of pork chops, corn, mash potatoes, salad, with apple pie for desert. As I began eating Holly nudged my arm and motioned for me to slow down.

The other girls where watching me, I must have been eating like a mad man. I stopped and started eating slowly, after placing my napkin in my lap. Remembering what my grandmother taught me when I was nine. Grandma was the only one who had my respect and never screwed around when I was with her.

After about a minute the other girls at the table resumed eating. I continued to eat slowly remembering all my manners.

Glancing around, each of the girls were different in her own way. However they were all the same in looks, you could not tell that they were ever a boy. They all were as I said before drop dead gorgeous. I did notice a couple of the girls where looking at me and talking.

“What is with them,” I asked Holly softly.

“Well, you know the new girl.” Holly said “you just have to gossip a little, it is in our nature.”

Looking at some of the other tables, I noticed a shy looking cute brunette. She seemed to be sad but trying to hide it. Some of the other girls were trying to cheer her up but it wasn’t working to well.

As dinner wound down the volume of the dinning hall was getting louder. As Mrs. Kearman stood, the noise in the room stopped. You could hear a pin drop.

“Now that another day has came to an end, You young ladies may have some free time”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kearman,” The girls said.

“You have an hour then it is ready and dressed for bed.”

“Have a good evening, Ladies.”

As the girls all began getting up, I noticed that Mrs. Kearman was handed a piece of paper.

“Ladies, may I have one more moment.” She said again as everyone stopped.

“May I see Miss Lynn Patterson and Allison Wilson in my office”

Oh, god, I thought what did I do wrong. I was truly scared. I looked at Holly.

I don’t know,” Holly said, “I will show you to her office”

I followed Holly the opposite way the other girls where going. I also noticed that the cute brunette was also going the same way. She must be Lynn. Holly turned down a strange hall past what looked like an old TV studio, to a door with the president’s seal above it.

“See you back at our room,” Holly said as she turned and trotted off. I thought I hope I move as graceful as she does.

“Hi, I’m Lynn” Lynn said.

“Hi, I’m…………. Allison” I had to stop a moment and think. I didn’t want to be in more trouble.

Lynn took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Please come in Ladies” We heard from inside.

Timidly I opened the door, Mrs. Kearman was seated at a large desk. It had the presidential crest on it. The room was decorated the same as the rest of the place in a late 50s style. But with some highly modern electronics thrown in.

“Please ladies have a seat.” Mrs. Kearman said.

“Let me start by telling you, that you have made a great effort, Allison.” Mrs.
Kearman said. “You look quite beautiful”

“Thank you, ma’am” I timidly answered.

“Lynn, I am sorry for your loss. Mr. Jackson said you were on your best behavior”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kearman for letting me attend”

I sat there puzzled, thinking she could have told me that in the hall, why would she bring me here. Lynn sat there, still looking down. I noticed a tear run down her face.

“The reason I asked Allison here, Lynn. Is that I have contacted her parents. They have agreed to take you in.” Mrs. Kearman explained. “Allison, Lynn is your new sister. You will be going home together.”

I must have had a strange look on my face.

“I will explain, Lynn’s parents where killed in a car accident, a week ago. We had one of our staff take her so she could attend the funeral service.” Mrs. Kearman told me.

“We contacted your parents just before dinner and explained what had happened. They were overjoyed to be getting not one girl but two.”

“So I will have a home again?” Lynn asked.

“Yes, my dear. You and Allison are now sisters. Everything is set in motion. When you leave here you will be Lynn Nicole Wilson and will be going home to Farmington Hills, Michigan.” Mrs. Kearman said.

“what,” I said “I live in Battle Creek? “

“I shouldn’t tell you but with the circumstances they are, You and your family have been relocated as part of the training you are about to receive. Your family has been given a new home, your father a high paying job. More information will be given at a later time.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kearman,” Lynn said, “I cannot wait until I meet my new parents”

“Being that this is the first time We have had sister’s in the program. I will have to meet with the other facility leaders on if anything will change. I will let you girls know of any changes.”

Not knowing how to feel or what to say all I said was, “thank you, Mrs. Kearman”

“Thank you, Ladies. You may return to your rooms. Lynn you may visit with your sister for a while.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kearman,” Lynn said as we both got up and left the office.

As we walked away, We heard Mrs. Kearman talking on something. “So how are your parents, I should say Mom and Dad?” Lynn asked.

“I don't know, just like regular parents I guess” I said. We headed back towards the dinning room. We talked about stuff in general. Nothing important.

“So are you ready for your new life” Lynn asked.

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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Intresting plot twist.

Samantha Heart's picture

I don't know where this will go or head, but i anxiously await what is to come next for this group of young ladies.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Anticipation impeded

I love anticipating the direction a story will take but for the first time I am clueless. There are many individual elements to point in a direction the story could take but other than spy there is no hint or weighting to allow us to second guess it. In some respects this is irritating but it is also fascinating and it has me hooked for the next episodes. Good story.

So, the parents got paid

Jamie Lee's picture

Charles, um, Allison's parents are over joyed to be getting two new daughters home? Huh, they wanted their son turned into a girl? And Charles, um, Allison wants to see his, um, her parents again? After what they let happen and he's forced to undergo?

Those drugs they're giving him sure are doing what they want, to get him thinking as a girl.

Still it makes a person wonder why parents would allow their son to be forced into becoming a complete girl. And what morals they have if they want a girl and not a son.

Wonder how granny will react when she learns what Charles was forced to do? If granny is still living.

Others have feelings too.