
Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 1

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 1

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

The Visit - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

After the shock of the declaration by Aunt Roberta Robert and Adele held hands beneath the table so that each knew the other was supportive and not offended. Aunt Roberta looked on and saw the glances between them that confirmed her judgement that they had a special relationship. It was at least some compensation to her for the losses she’d endured in her lifetime.

Model Makers 10: The Real Model part four

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If you read this and think "I have read this already, please return to part nine, that was a glitch in posting. Part nine has new content, that needs to go before this, Sorry!

As Beth walked back to her office Karen started up her car. Now if she could get by Max, she would see if she could find a parking space in the tower. People who showed up late for work usually ended up parking across the street from Comm Tech and walking a half mile to work. If she was lucky someone would have already come and left today leaving her a spot.

Model Makers 9: The Real Model part three

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I am terribly sorry guys, but I had my preparations wrong so what I put here first was chapter ten. I have changed it now and apologise. Please if you read chapter nine before read this and then return to chapter ten, sorry sorry sorry. :( Monique.

An attractive brunette was standing in front of Bob's looking at the model Karen and Henry made that fateful night. Hanging back behind and looking everywhere was a teenage girl. She began tugging on her mother's purse.

"Mama, she's alive."

Her mother reached back and slapped her hand. "Would you stop that? She only looks real. She’s a dummy."

The Visit - Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

After they’d paid their respects to Elizabeth with silent prayers Aunt Roberta and Robert walked arm in arm back to the Square and across to the front door of Aunt Roberta’s home with Adele escorting them as any well-mannered young man would look after two women sharing grief. They had agreed to have lunch together and whilst they had little appetite they decided to carry on and do their best.

The Visit - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Mr Walker stopped the discussion and pushed the document towards Robert and Adele to consider before highlighting its significance. It was a birth certificate issued 20 years ago but it was not issued at the same time as a second document that he also produced that was the death certificate for Elizabeth Deane.

The Visit - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Adele was made welcome and shown to the morning room that pleased her. It gave her the opportunity to more closely scrutinise the array of portraits and paintings around the room and she focused on the two that included William, Aunt Roberta and the infant that she observed was dressed as any male or female infant was at that time. Polly entered to ask if she would like a refreshing drink whilst Aunt Roberta and her niece were making ready for the outing.

The Visit - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Over their lunch Adele and Robert discussed the information provided by the solicitor, Mr Walker. Robert had not been fully focused because of his discomfort and nervousness feeling he was being closely scrutinised but Adele reassured him that this was a normal experience for women and especially since he was very pretty.

My Real-Life TG Experience

My name is Jordan Smith. I'm sixteen years old, and I live in Florida. I was born a boy, and I've loved being male. But since I was five years old and my twin sisters were born, I've fantasized about being a girl. There's just something about wearing those longer swimsuits, and doing hair, and being able to read magazines on the toilet that fascinates me. I've wished many times that I could be turned into a girl, but to no avail.

TG Techie: Chapter 47: Hell of a Rig

Hell of a Rig

Mom and I sat in the living room to eat the pizza. Pizza is not really a family dinner food. Pizza demands to be eaten while you watch a movie or something. But we aren’t really a TV family. I mean we have a TV… somewhere. I hooked the PS4 up to it so that mom could watch Netflix. But mom watches Netflix while she knits, reads a book, and listens to political podcasts. You can’t really add a piece of pizza to that.

Faerie Justice, Erin Grows - Book 2: 1 - Turning a New Page

Faerie Justice, Erin Grows Book 2
Turning a New Page

By Jessica C

Erin’s Growth Story is a continuation from Faerie Justice and the Snowball Thrower
Aaron’s probably becoming Erin forever…

Model Makers 7: The Real Model part one

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The day started off quietly enough. Karen awoke to find herself wondering if she dreamed it all. Looking in the mirror didn't help. Maybe she only thought about cutting her hair and fingernails last night before she went to bed? She was still looking at the model she and Henry designed two days ago. Be thankful for small favors, she decided. At least she didn't have to apply hardly any makeup. Everything was designed in. She couldn't change it now.

The Visit - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Adele felt supremely confident in her role as Mr Arthur and felt her grandfather would be very proud as she shook the General Manager by the hand as firmly as she could. He introduced himself as Mr James Ramsbottom and he had been waiting as Arthur entered the reception hall.

Model Makers 6: Adjustments part two

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Karen cried off and on most of the day. She tried to run a program for a duplicate and gave up after several feeble attempts. It was impossible to keep her mind on what she was doing. Henry could have carried her though it, but he knew she didn't feel up to the task even if he did the whole thing. She finally made up her mind to stop feeling sorry for herself and told Henry just that.

TG Techie: Chapter 46: Evidence


Breathe in. Slowly. Slowly. Breathe. I kept my eyes closed but I sat up. When I opened them Bree handed me a flask. I pulled, not because I wanted to but because that seemed like the thing you did when someone put a flask in your hands. And I coughed, because it was straight whiskey. And I handed it back.

I smoothed the bodice of my dress down. I ran my fingers through my hair and messed it up.

Well that was every calming mechanism I had that I knew of, I turned to Autumn, “Can I have a cigarette?”

TG Techie: Chapter 45: The Basement

The Basement

That sentence set off a 40 minute conversation among those that were on. And because Discord has a phone app that was everyone except Sarah and Big Davey who just weren’t as connected as they should be. I hedged on the alien thing for a little bit. Yes I really did know an alien, would you all like to meet it because it can happen. No, I didn’t have any proof of the alien. No I was pretty sure he wasn’t running the government. No it wasn’t Q, whoever that was.

Curtain Fall Chapter 02

Before —
Finally the two got to Carol’s apartment door and after unlocking pushed in. Carol pushed Gill a bit more roughly into the living room than necessary as the rigid control she’d been holding over her emotions relaxed now that she was in a ‘safer’ location, then closed the door locking it and sliding the deadbolt.

As the body she thought ‘might’ contain Gill stood quivering and tightly holding what Carol now had time to observe and confirm was “herself”, Carol’s control slipped and she barked, “All right! Who are you really, and what’s happened to my friends!?!?”

Model Makers 5: Adjustments part one

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As chief executive officer for Commercial Technologies, Bill Chambers usually spent his day making internal memos and playing golf with executives from other companies. Every time an article made the news Bill always made sure he was mentioned as the driving force behind Commercial Technologies. He would pose for pictures with various dignitaries or company personnel when the public relations department was promoting the company or one of the departments. The day to day workings of Commercial Technologies, Bill left to the lesser personnel of the company. Karl Adder was one of those lesser personnel.

Model Makers 4: A mistake part four

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David and Karen made it to the entry door without someone right behind them. As soon as they were inside, Henry used the electronic security lock on the door. People could still get out by pushing on the crash bars, but it would be a minute before he unlocked the door and allowed anyone to get in. He would make sure no one followed David and Karen to their labs.

TG Techie: Chapter 44: Arrangements


I wish that I had blanked out how the rest of that school day went. I haven’t. The two of us got the headset all fixed up, made a compelling back story with character development, three act structure, and tragedy. Then we didn’t use any of it because people looked at my tail, saw the safety pin, and figured it out.

Everyone asked if they could touch it, and by everyone I mean two people. I explained why they could not and they didn’t. Crisis (nominally) averted.

Model Makers 3: A mistake part three

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Slowly, the rest of what she had seen, but hadn't yet grasped, dawned on her. Looking down at her breasts, she held them as her mind raced in desperation searching for solid ground. Her reasoning and sanity were in doubt. A blizzard of questions and answers swirled in and out of her mind. Nothing was there she could comprehend. Questions screamed for proper answers. Her mind searched in a futile effort to snatch logic from a whirlpool of illogical, irrational denominators. There wasn’t a match anywhere.

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

A message from the author

((Fresh edit using Grammarly, also I have a bunch of stuff on Scribblehub, which may come here.))

Words of warning:

Because I’m a nerd: I like to world build

I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions on what I am, or how I should act

I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people’s opinions of me.

I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and honor.

TG Techie: Chapter 43: Tail


I rolled out of bed, and checked to see if I had a penis that morning. That morning I didn’t. Score. Wait, no. That meant is was still a girl. Yeah, but a girl without a penis.

Out of the shower I stood in front of my closet and stared for a long time at The Outfit. I could have worn The Outfit a long time ago. I had not for one simple reason. Ever seen Lysistrata? That reason. Probably a worse problem in a dress than in a toga though.

Curtain Fall Chapter 01

I’ve always been fond of “what if” ideas and I’ve long wondered what would happen if a world altering cosmic event were to occur.One of my favorite stories along this line is “The Day the World Changed” by Morpheus and a book called “Wearing the Cape” by Marion G. Harmon. I highly recommend you try it! This is also my first attempt at story writing so please offer constructive criticism and hopefully encouragement!

Curtain Fall

Chapter One

TG Techie: Chapter 42: Happy Little Trees


Mom dropped me behind the stage, and I felt the first cramp right as I got out of the car. That may explain a little of Autumn’s behavior today. Synchronization may be a very stupid good idea.

I was ten minutes late, and would have missed the meeting. Gwen needed mom’s signature on some stuff. My ears felt sore, and heavy. That was because there were little tyrannosaurs biting them of course. Goddamn it.

Model Makers 2: A mistake part two

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She cracked the door and checked the hall and the security cameras. Although the cameras were swinging her way, they reversed rotation and started their sweep towards the other end of the hall. It was all she needed. She slipped out the door as quickly as she had entered, and was on her way back to her lab. Bless Henry, if there were any lingering doubts about him controlling security, they had vanished this evening.

TG Techie: Chapter 41: Piercing



“So what?”

“So are we going to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?” This was a text conversation I’m considerately putting into conversation form, between Big Davey and me. I was zoning out and trying not to remember the way his lips closed over the head of my phantom dick, while I browsed instagram. My phantom dick had not made an appearance in the two days since it had been sucked to completion. In the time since I had told no one and while it filled my fantasies I wasn’t eager to talk about it.

Model Makers 1: A mistake part one

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"Blonde, I want the sexiest woman you can whip up for me." As he talked his cigar rolled around in the corner of his mouth. Karen wished he would choke on it. He called himself Bob Kincaid and he was from Bob's Intimates.

TG Techie: Chapter 40: Funnel Cake

Funnel Cake

I woke up at 8 AM the next morning feeling great. This hangover thing was a piece of piss, I didn’t know what everyone else was complaining about. My head didn’t even hurt. I checked my email, screwed around online for a half an hour, and figured I might as well go back to bed.


TG Techie: Chapter 39: [XXX] Fantasy


Big Davey lead me through the party, a deeply mussed Misty. No one whipped out a camera to show our mutual walk of shame. And in any case my debauching was going to be much less news worthy than the videos that had already been taking.

Like right now through the patio I could see a bunch of people, phones out, shooting the impromptu pool party. As predicted, the casual drinkers and hangers out had gone home, and this was the point where the serious teen aged alcoholics would be blacking out. Best capture the party with your pocket memory.

The Visit - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Robert was spent despite contributing very little to the afternoons exertion and he lay back to try to recover. He knew he had an obligation to return the favour but fortunately Adele was not expecting him to perform immediately and she was contemplating maintaining the initiative and helping Robert to refine his technique.


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