
Some Enchanted Girlfriend -12- Coming Down

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

12. Coming Down

I wore another of Tim’s t-shirts when we went downstairs later, after a suitable interlude. I felt so excited about seeing my apartment that I had to not talk at all for fear of bursting into non-stop giggles.

Blonde Joke-07

Blonde Joke
Chapter Seven
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a dumb blonde,
and a smart blonde are walking down the street
when they spot a $10 bill. Who picks it up?

The dumb blonde. There’s no such thing as
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, or a smart blonde.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 11

I pulled on the tight thin top. Wow was it tight and it really did show my VS lacey bra. Joan said it looked very nice, very feminine. As I looked down, I could see the shape of my cups and the outline of the bra. Looking in the mirror I saw my bra cups and straps beaming out, saying I was all woman. I asked Joan if it was OK. She smiled and said "You look great. Don't worry it, you look very pretty." She said she loved my VS molded cup push up bra. You have a every pretty shape, be proud, Terri!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 11
By Terry Hansay

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -11- Sitting Down

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

11. Sitting Down

“Is that a cat?” asked Tim, his voice still thick with sleep. I looked back over my shoulder. At least he hadn’t asked if that was a pussy, because I’m sure I would have collapsed laughing. Instead I just waggled my butt at him.

The Assignment


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"The Assignment"
by Jengrl

My Creative Writing teacher at Kennedy High School always told us to write what we know. Ms. Jacobs always liked to challenge her students to use our imaginations to the fullest. Little did I know how my life was about to change the day she gave us "The Assignment"

The Assignment - Part 1

"The Assignment"
Part One
by Jengrl

My Creative Writing teacher at Kennedy High School always told us to write what we know. Ms. Jacobs always liked to challenge her students to use our imaginations to the fullest. Little did I know how my life was about to change the day she gave us "The Assignment"

Blonde Joke-05

Blonde Joke
Chapter Five
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How many blondes does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?
Three. One to mix the dough and two to sort the M&Ms to remove the “W”s, “E”s and “3”s.

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -10- Getting Down

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

10. Getting Down

The cat landed unhurt and my shriek didn’t appear to have awakened Tim. I rushed to the glass door in the window wall and opened it, taking a look up to see where the cat might have come from. Nothing up there but the bottom of someone else’s balcony, at least twelve feet up. The cat, a little calico kitten, immediately started washing its paws.

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -9- Falling Down

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

9. Falling Down

I had to get this paperwork done by four-thirty so I’d have time to change clothes before five o’clock in order to go home. Except, I wasn’t wearing any clothes. Maybe if I closed the door to my office no one would notice. But my office didn’t have a door. And the taller the Tim in my furbox got, the bigger my tits got and the worse my back hurt!

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -8- Soaping Down

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

8. Soaping Down

Constance Catewood. The name did not ring any bells. Connie, on the other hand, did. I looked in the mirror over the wash basin. “Hello, Connie,” I said. The blue-eyed blonde reflection nodded and wrinkled her nose at me. “Too cute to live, too dumb to die,” I decided.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 10

"Terri, I think you have graduated to your next bra size, a 36D cup. My, my, my you are developing nicely, Sweetie. Those pills and the disease must be working well, Dear. I will get some pretty bras and your corset in your new size, Dear", Mary said. My wife looked pleased!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over

Chapter 10
By Terry Hansay

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -6- Filling Up

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

6. Filling Up

We sat on the big plush couch and ate oatmeals and drank coffee and Tim had got himself a ham-and-egg-and-cheese bagel, too. Got to feed those magic muscles, I thought and damn near choked trying not to giggle.

Maiden by Decree Chapter 22

Okay, it's been awhile and I apologize for the wait. I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to get it out there so hope on the story wasn't given up...

In this chapter plans are laid, some are nixed, and in general, the mayhem continues.

Maiden by Decree
Chapter Twenty Two
 By Maggie Finson
Maiden at Large

Or: What Do You Mean, Armed and Dangerous?

Project Phoenix Part 1

Project Phoenix Part 1

By Meg

Kevin Barnett, a renowned investigative reporter, has been pursuing conspiracies since the beginning of his career. One evening he accidentally stumbles upon one so big, he needs to enlist the help of an FBI agent, Hannah Fox, to attempt to crack it. Together they set off to investigate a secret installation, one of many being built all over the country. What they find inside will change Kevin's life. Just not in the way he expected.

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -4- Picking Up

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

4. Picking Up

The idea of being Tim’s girlfriend disturbed me. And the idea of Tim having other girlfriends annoyed me. And the idea of being annoyed at the thought of Tim’s other girlfriends didn’t just disturb or annoy me – it scared the cross-eyed shit out of me.

Iona: Coeds

Iona: Coeds
Julie O

Edited By Robert A

This story features characters from Turbulence, Fresh Start; Change of Course; The Protector series; Ambition and Purpose, Revenge of the Goddesses: Athena’s Assassin; and Corruption.
Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold

(There’s a list of characters at the end of the story)

You Asked For This

One of my girlfriends told me one day, that she would rather be a guy. When I asked her why, she just said because guys have it way easier. They don't have to keep their legs together, they don't have to have periods, they can't get pregnant, and they can pee standing next to any tree or bush. She even said that being a girl was like living a curse.

You Asked For This
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter I - The wish comes true.

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -2- Getting Up

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

2. Getting Up

I came to under a blanket with a cool cloth on my eyes. My head didn't hurt quite so much so I tried to sit up. The mirror on the dresser showed my round little chin, turned-up nose and bright blue eyes. "That's me?" I squeaked.

Oscar Night - Part 21

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night - Conclusion

by Jennifer Brock

A year ago in the story, but about a year and a half in our time, this story began when novelist/screenwriter David Fine attended the Academy Awards wearing a red suit that his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him, accompanied by fashion model Maritza Delgado. That night, an insult from a fashion journalist caused him to make the flippant comment that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. Since then, David and Maritza have fallen in love, moved in together, and he's made some changes in his wardrobe and appearance at her prodding. At Claude's prodding, David made even more changes, as they'd decided the only way to pull off wearing a dress at the ceremony and not look like a fool was to become as throroughly female as possible, even going as far as to make some surgical alterations. In this, the extra-large final installment of our story, we learn whether it was all worth it. Our action will begin on the day before the awards.

Some Enchanted Girlfriend -1- Waking Up

Some Enchanted Girlfriend

by Donna Lamb

1. Waking Up

I woke up that morning with a hangover; the sun coming in the window seemed to hurt my eyes, even with them closed. I hunted for the pillow to pull over my face but at first I didn't find one. What I pulled across by eyes turned out to be a hairy arm that didn't belong to me.

The Half-Lilin: Chapter 11

shaina.jpg Pat is back on familiar grounds. Returning as one messed up Lili, she finds comfort in a familiar face and learns a bit more about her past. This is the final chapter that sets the stage for the next chapter that would strengthen her resolve and help her make her final decision.

By the way, did she really left Earth for 80 years?

The Half-Lilin
Chapter 11

by Shin Eris

Cresswell Industries Chapters -76-77-78-

With Grace now deeply embroiled within Lady Melissa Cresswell’s vengeance for Falconer, the truth she sought so deeply concerning her beloved Sarah was once again forced to be sidelined, whilst Celeste’s own secret operation was beginning to take shape, her greed for power forever driving her forward to her ultimate goal.

Silently for years she had worked in the background, her adopted mother always keen to relay her praise for her advancements in the DNA restructuring drugs and technologies she had invented, but Celeste wanted more than praise she wanted Cresswell’s all for herself and nothing was going to stand in her way, however she needed her own pool of subjects for this hidden agenda to maintain its momentum, a pool of resources that when the time came would stand loyally shoulder to shoulder besides her, new stronger acquisitions that were mistakenly sanctioned by her step mother as she cleverly manipulated her into blindly advancing her requests to test her new advancements out on unsuspecting people and for a chosen select of teachers and staff at Feethams High, they were to become those very subjects.

Celeste’s mannequins as she so adequately called them!

To my readers;
The journey has been long and the transformations have been plenty, but now we are coming to the conclusion, Cresswell 4 will now bring the illustrated adventure of Metamorphosis together with the characters from that story, although Metamorphosis is set after the incidents we are about to read in this last adventure of Cresswell’s, some of the characters from the illustrated story will begin to appear here, so a word of note to those who have subscribed to Metamorphosis, further reading here will only unearth one of the mysteries involving the people in Dolan!

Resurrected - Chapter 1

Chapter One
By Wargamerguy

Warning, this story deals with troubling aspects of religion so if that offends you then you might be better adviced to stay away from this one.

My Summer Mutation

My Summer Vacation Mutation
by Saless

My English teacher had us write a paper on what we did on our summer vacation. My vacation was really different, but here it is:


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