
Petticoating Returns Ladd's Exchange Mall Book 1 Part D

Petticoating Returns
Ladd’s Exchange Mall
Book One Part D

At the same time, Andy and Kaye Bloom picked up their conversation on the benefits of Petticoating their recalcitrant sons. Both became strangely aroused by the idea, and ended up making love after two months of abstinence. Their tryst was the best they'd had in years. By the time the settled down to sleep, they knew they would Petticoat the boys, all they had to do was decide how and when. Andy wouldn't have gone to sleep so easily if he'd known that Kaye had also decided to Petticoat him!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 15

I did put my CD earphones on with the Institute CD playing while I fell asleep. I was so "programmed" to wear the headset at night, listening to their message. I was in heaven it seemed. I was so happy, what was going on in my brain? Should this lifestyle be mine for the rest of my life?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 15
By Terry Hansay

Country Girl

Living in a rural area has it's good points as well as it's bad ones. The good points are the peace and quiet and the slower pace. The bad points are that in a small community everyone knows your business. I found myself sitting there in Ms. Winslow's English class thinking about the ways my life had changed over the Summer months. She had given us an assignment to write an essay entitled "What I Did Over My Summer Vacation" As I sat there, my mind went back to that Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.....

Queen Rider - Part 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Welcome to Pern! If you know the stories, then you might have wondered what would happen if a boy was to Impress a Gold dragon?
Wonder no longer...

Queen Rider
Part 1
by Joanne Foxcourt, 2005

Petticoating Returns Ladd's Exchange Mall


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Petticoating Returns

Ladd’s Exchange Mall
Jennifer Sue

Lydia Ladd... the name sounds soft, feminine, even melodic. To many that's exactly what it was. To others, it is stark terror. She started life as the pampered daughter of a real estate tycoon, her idyllic life was gently and subtlety altered through the unwitting efforts of her teachers, friends, and family. Once she reached adulthood she was the epitome of elegant womanhood. At the same time she was also an advocate of women's rights, and did her utmost to destroy the male-dominated businesses that oppressed females. Her life became one of championing femininity at the expense of overt masculinity.

College Fees - Chapter 6

College Fees - Chapter 5


College Fees - Chapter 5

by Susan Louise Montague

Eventually the girls were ready and the four left for town. The trip in was uneventful, although Linda did think at first that he was getting a few stares from guys; he soon realised that they were attracted to him and not looking because they thought he was a freak.

College Fees - Chapter 4


College Fees - Chapter 4

by Susan Louise Montague

Susan, Cindy and Pamela sat around the table with the very beautiful looking John. They were slowly sipping their whisky while John was pondering upon the question Cindy had just asked him.

Working the Summer, How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Mark Edward Kwiakowski
Ms Midler’s Fifth Grade English
8 September 2009

Working the Summer, How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Dear educators and fellow students, a reminder, our assignment states that our stories may be fiction or real, it is up to you to judge.

Muscle Wire Ma'am

Muscle Wire Ma’am
By Wholeman

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't!



(The BeC Clothing Line by Jamieboy is a great start for a story. He refers to a company called BELLE. In a comment he refers to an idea he read years ago. I'm pretty sure it was a story I published 1in 1999 on Fictionmania I called The Ladd's Exchange Mall.
Below is a list of gadgets that were invented by the staff at LEX Mall to aid in trnasforming boys. What follows is simply a complied listing of their efforts that was never before published.

Witching Hour, Part 1


Witching Hour
Part One: The Change
by Roberta J. Cabot

I wasn't a fan of the show. Even though I knew what I knew. Now, I don't know. My sister was. But she's gone now. Has been for a while. I miss Kaye. Sometimes I miss her more than usual. Sometimes less. But I miss her.

Netherworlds - Chapter 12

As the demon charged again, I took a grab at its ear after I dodged. It didn’t do anything to STOP the hippo, of course, but I think I got it angry. Probably not helpful - it’s not like it can stun itself any harder, right?
I took my booty as it charged, (not my ass, you sick pervs. The shard.) and hit the hippo in the eye, which started oozing. Yay!


Chapter 12

By Taveena


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