
The Center: Chapter 6

The Center: Chapter 6
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 19- Healing

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 19- Healing
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly's recovery continues as she meets with psychiatrists and surgeons about her surgery to become a woman. In the process, she discovers a vital Truth about her Love for Johnny and why she despaired.

The Center: Chapter 5

The Center: Chapter 5
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 3

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver
Chapter 3

By Portia Bennett

Randy’s wanderings have taken him to the well house near Cindy’s home and the place where she almost drowned. Randy is seriously ill and the girls get Cindy’s father to donate some clothing to Randy. The seriousness of Randy’s illness is very apparent and Stan calls for an ambulance. In the aftermath, Stan discovers that more than likely Randy really was in a war and it was a war that had never happened. Randy has a Purple Heart and the certificate is signed by George W. Bush, President, a man who never was president. The Wizard lurks.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-18- Onward

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter-18- Onward
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly continues to recover and discover new things about herself as she grows and matures into the woman that she is inside.

The Center: Chapter 4

The Center: Chapter 4
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

An Eft in Her Bra

     This tale concerns three witches, or weird sisters if you prefer. Although one of them isn't really a witch, nor a sister if it comes to that. You could, I suppose, always include Mildred in their number. She most definitely is a witch and a female too, although as she doesn't actually appear, it's a moot point as to whether she does in all fairness count.

     The title? Well, a bra falls into the category of female apparel. An undergarment, the function of which is to support the .... Oh an eft! Well an eft is a .... a sort of .... Well Adrian is an eft. Not originally of course. Any more than Alaister was originally a cat. Although he's dead now, and sadly missed, poor thing. A blessing in disguise really. He never was the same after that tragic encounter with the Zeppelin. No need to worry your pretty little head about those two though. Old history and only peripheral to the tale at best.

     No, our story really begins when ....


The Center: Chapter 3

The Center: Chapter 3
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 2

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver
Chapter 2

By Portia Bennett

Cindy and Bobbie are growing up and loving it. There is a problem though. They have been seeing the homeless man, sometimes known as ‘The Walker’ and less frequently as ‘Dirtman’, and he has seen them. They have even talked a bit with him before one of the school officials chased him off. Cindy senses something about him and is startled to find that Bobbie also has ‘seen’ something about him. Cindy can detect the essence of a girl. That is not as disturbing as what Bobbie senses. She senses Randy is dying.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 16-Despair

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 16-Despair
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:As Kelly grows into her womanhood, all seems to be going well, but a tragic encounter with Johnny kills her spirit, leaving her in despair.

The Center: Chapter 2

The Center: Chapter 2
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 15-Through The Gate

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 15-Through The Gate
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:After rescuing Julie and dealing with the trauma of the ordeal, Kelly make a momentous decision that will change the lives of everybody as she embarks upon the path of completion.

The Center: Chapter 1

The Center: Chapter 1
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 1

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver

Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Alfred Gontarski had the misfortune to have been born into the wrong body. That’s all been fixed now; however if you are not familiar with how things were corrected, you should go back and read “An Incremental Journey” and “Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend” before you read this little adventure. Now we continue with the adventures of Cindy Lewis, her best friend Bobbie Schmedlap, and Maddy, Cindy’s precocious kitten and familiar.

Randal Mantooth, Randy, has a secret he has never shared with anyone. Don’t we all? Randy, being the good and honorable citizen that he is, joins the US Air Force and is sent to Afghanistan to help support what he feels is an honorable cause. What he experiences there affects him deeply and when he returns to the US, he is suffering from PTSD. Unknown to anyone is the fact he is also seriously ill, and this is contributing greatly to his mental problems. Randy is lost. He suddenly finds that he is in a world similar to, but not the world he grew up in. Then he sees his ‘angels’. Maybe they can help him figure out what’s wrong. Then there is Kinky Friedman. He beat whom to become a US Senator!

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 14-Becoming Kelly Girl

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 14-Becoming Kelly Girl
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly starts learning more about herself as she unlearns her boyhood and embraces her womanhood. In doing so, she comes to appreciate what being a woman truly means.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 23: Time to Talk

Synopsis: Lexi wants to know how, Terri wants to know Why, but neither of them really wants to listen to what the other has to say. But in the end, something good will come of all this.

Accidental Magic
Chapter Twenty-Three: Time to Talk
By Allystra Krane

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 13- Aftermath

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 13- Aftermath
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After Kelly has saved her best friend and soul sister from the kidnapper Pastor Linden, she must face her hatred and overcome it or live with bitterness as her heart grows cold and bitter.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 12-Rescue

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 12-Rescue
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly arrives at her grandparents farm where she is made to feel at home, and learns some family history that sheds light upon a mystery. After learning about the kidnapping of her best friend Julie Woods, Kelly decides to rescue her. But in doing so she pays a high price as she loses her innocence and learns how to hate.

The Half-Lilin: Chapter 15

The Half-Lilin
Chapter 15

by Shin Eris

Author's Note: The latest chapter of The Half-Lilin. I know it has been so long since the last chapter. No excuses, but I would like to mention that I've edited the previous chapters and two chapters has been extensively modified. I'm talking about the chapter where Ilyse was in Ashmedan and the one where Ilyse was in Tartarus. Anyway, here's a sneak peek of this chapter:

"Well, not really. It was fun, but it's really degrading," I said, suddenly uncertain of what to say, "No... yes... I really hate doing that, Mother. Please don't ask me to do that again."

"Tough. You're stuck with that job for the rest of your long, demonic life. If you decide to kill yourself, I'll just resurrect you. We can do this over and over again, resurrecting you won't even make a tiniest dent on my powers."

"But Mother!" I said, realizing that I sounded a bit like a petulant child.

"Unless..." she looked a thoughtful as she gazed at the red sky. She made a gesture with her fingers and I heard a faraway scream from above.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 11- Support & Kidnap

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 11- Support & Kidnap
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly has moved in with her Aunt Debbie and her grandparents, she begins a new part of her journey as she learns more about being a woman and learning how more about herself. At the same time, her best friend Julie is kidnapped by Kelly's enemy.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 16

My wife looked at me and said, " Terri, part of beating your disease is the development of your femininity. Part of femininity is dating men. You must experience this part of your new life. Enjoy your new feelings for Steve. I know you have feelings for him and it's OK with me for you to express your femininity with men. Please accept Steve as just another aspect of how we will beat your disease. He understands your needs and is willing to help you."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 16
By Terry Hansay

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 10-Exodus

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 10-Exodus
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly and her mother attend a dinner party at the Woods where Johnny shows definite sexual interest in Kelly. After a tiff where Johnny and Kelly a dinner party at the Woods, Kelly and her boyfriend once again sate their passion. Afterwards, Kelly becomes confused about who she really is and her inability to resist loving Johnny, causing her to make a choice that changes everybody's lives.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-8-Decisions

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After the game, Kelly discovers more about being a girl and her fear of being outed when her mother finally discovers her son is no more, when she sees Kelly and Johnny sating their passion. Confronting Kelly, she discovers the truth about Kelly girl and her part in bringing her to life. With her mother and friends, she finds out more about herself and the beginning of a journey beyond her wildest dreams

The Warrior From Batuk


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

The Warrior from Batuk
by Aardvark

Zhor is a planet where the mysterious Overlords rule, where men and women live for centuries and are permitted to be themselves. There, a young warrior's love and dreams are shattered when he wakes up one morning as a serum girl, a beautiful woman with the DNA of one of Zhor's finest slaves. Her old life destroyed, she must not only fight to hold on to her identity, as she is forced to make a new life as a woman, but also to keep her freedom, not easy when her body insists that she would be happiest branded and collared.

And that's only the start.

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The Valley of
The Shadow of Death

by Monalisa

In the dark of the night, surrounded by the silence of his empty house, he began the preparations to end his sixteen years of suffering. He had chosen to carry out his plans on Halloween night. His mother was away on business until the next day, his sister was out all night with her friends, and Halloween made it possible to implement a critical component of his plans.

The Shaping - Revised

I've edited this story some and added bits that will help things make more sense, as promised.

The Shaping


Maggie Finson

A house can be many things. It can be shelter from the elements, a place to hang your hat and coat after work, a haven from the madly rushing world in general, a home filled with warmth, comfort and the sounds of friends and loved ones.

But sometimes, a house goes bad.

The House in the Dell

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 9-Shopping

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 9-Shopping
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly's mother has started to get involved in her child's life, Kelly becomes scared at the prospect of actually being out in public where strangers may discover her secret and out her in public or some bigot harming her or her family. It is only with the help of Kelly's best friend Julie that Terri Moore is able to take Kelly on what has become the national sport for all women: SHOPPING.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-7- Choices

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter-7- Choices
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After learning the terrible news, young Kelly decides to make the most of a bad situation. Much to his sister, and girlfriend Julie's dismay. But Julie makes a choice that shows her Love for her Best Friend, and new sister that stays hidden from Kelly. In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is disqualified because puberty is giving her weak bones. Then Kelly discovers her new dream after a game.

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up


by Holly H Hart


A Kitten Tale written 4 years ago for Maggie the Kitten
If you haven't read her 'The Kitten Tail', you should read it first.

The Kitten Tail

The Kitten Tail
by Maggie O'Malley aka Maggie the Kitten
When a Meter Maid meets the Magic of Bob's Cafe, interesting things happen!
A Kitten Tale written 6 years ago but never previously posted on BCTS

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is hurt, then Kelly become Johnny's tutor to keep him from academic probation. Later on, a misguided doctor destroys Kelly's dream, and Kelly finds a new dream.


Philosophers have often noted that the symbols we use shape our thoughts. They hold power over us. But it is a power we freely give to them. Symbols hold no power that we have not first granted. So, my friends, on this spooky Halloween night, remember: accept not the symbols of others.


by SuZie


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