
Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 14

My wife said, "Terri, you will be my best girlfriend and do exactly what I say, won't you sweetie? You know I like those bullet bras and the frilly Southern Belle dresses. I really want you to wear them every day, they show off your pretty figure so beautifully." I thought the mind therapy tape sessions must really be controlling my brain, but I did not care. I loved the 50's looks, bullet bras, tight girdles, nylons, and those high heels. That was all I could think of.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 14
By Terry Hansay

A Broken Life - Part 1

A Broken Life
Part 1
By Wargamerguy

Some times the events that occur during our childhood can have major affects on us as adults. Some of those events if tragic enough can have disastrous affects on all aspects of our life as adults. This is one story of a man trying to put his life back together as an adult. This is of course, fictional but the reality is there are many adults trying.

Karen had been very patient with her husband Jacob for their seven years of marriage. She knew that he still didn't entirely trust her with their six year old son and that frustrated her. She felt like he was afraid she would hurt him and he was so extremely protective of the child. His protective nature kicked into high gear when women were around. She wasn't sure how much longer she could endure his endless questioning any time she was alone with him.

Sun Odie

That part of the human strane that raised 'it' ,were known as the overcommer. A people whos toughness out lasted other humanbeings and to earn them the title of overcommer. The family of overcommers wanted a girl as they had 40 sons and no daughters to date. After having more babies they had no baby girl yet. The part we observe about overcommers is hope ever abounds next to having babies.


You know like the Christmas Carol story renoun,'Scrooge'! Remember the three spirits ,his back from the dead business partner § the first to visit before bedtime? The three spirits of Christmas pastΔ, presentâ„—, and futureΩ.

As I live I know death and I know life ,I know both as one and the other, I know them. Its a horrable thing when your called to die and you can't escape it. You don't remember anything about the instruction given before going to earth or even your family in heaven.

The Other Side Of Dreams Chapter 11

The Other Side Of Dreams
By Tanya Allan

Take two young people: - John in England and Amy in California. Take a common factor: - both recognised that they had been born into the wrong gender. As they grow up, they realise that their bodies are in imminent danger of changing into something neither wants.
Result: - Two very unhappy souls.
Their dreams are the only place they can find solace. Then they start to dream of each other, and to get a little glimpse of the other’s life. Over time they learn how to crossover at will and not just when asleep. They start to leave childhood behind as puberty beckons. The lines become blurred, who is where?
Solution: - One of them takes the bold step and suggests they try to live each other’s lives. Will it work?
Find out……………………….

Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend - Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7

Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend
The Middle, Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7

By Portia Bennett

Alfred Gontarski had the misfortune to have been born into the wrong body. That’s all been fixed now; however if you are not familiar with how things were corrected, you should go back and read “An Incremental Journey” before you read this little adventure. Al, now Cynthia Lewis, has a problem. It seems that one of her nine-year old classmates has the same problem she had. He was born into the wrong body. Cynthia was able to work a deal with the SRU Wizard to get Bobby Schmedlap a gift certificate for his birthday that would allow him to become the girl Cynthia knows he wants/has to be. The problem is this. Bobby has not redeemed his gift certificate and now the powers behind SRU want to know when he’s going to do it because it’s the end of the fiscal year and unclaimed spells cause all sorts of accounting problems. It’s going to be Cynthia’s job to find out what’s going on and why Bobby Schmedlap hasn’t gone for the change he so desperately wants.

Cindy and Maddy begin to realize some more of their powers. They are not huge or particularly strong; however they are important. They are approached by an internet predator and his fate is what one might expect when encountering The Wizard. The Wizard once again shows a bit of his compassionate side. Cindy talks to Bobby at school and is able to tell him about things that Bobby never told anyone before. We are also finding out a little bit about why Bobby hasn’t cashed in the gift certificate. Cindy and Maddy come to the realization that Cindy is going to have to tell her parents the truth about her. That will not be easy.

The Half-Lilin: Chapter 14

Adela looked straight at me and her eyes glowed yellow again. If I was not in pain, I would've made a joke about how much it resembled a pair of traffic lights. It took less than a minute for the stump on my right shoulder to collect enough mass eventually forming a solid arm. Flexing my arms and fingers, I was pleased that it worked just as well as before.

Play Nice ~ Part 7

I'm getting pretty good at this, I thought as I applied mascara from the new tube I had bought with a deft, unflinching hand. The lip liner I'd put on before my lipstick made my lips appear a critical millimeter or so plumper at the places where they seemed to need it ....... In a way this wasn't unlike those portraits I had painted for my whole family for Christmas a few years back. Each had its own unique set of criteria, which it would reveal to you as you worked on it; and sometimes you needed to fudge the truth a bit. Like softening the features (just enough, it still had to look like her...) on that one I did for my Aunt Livia, who was a dead ringer for Anthony Quinn...

There was no telling what Papa would think of my efforts this morning. As unforgiveable as Joy's crimes were to him, it was likely that no matter what I wore or did or said he'd continue to see me as having snake's eyes, horns and a tail. This mission of mine to fix his relationship with my sister by pretending to be her had a real Don Quixote feel to it. Everything I'd seen so far told me it was doomed to fail. But nonetheless I'd polished up my armor + was sallying forth once again...


College Fees - Chapter 3

College Fees - Chapter 3

by Susan Louise Montague


“John felt funny sitting there on the bed wearing his pink bikini brief panties while cupping his breasts in his hands.”

College Fees - Chapter 2

College Fees - Chapter 2

by Susan Louise Montague


John continues his job search to complete his college education and the girls make a novel suggestion which he completely rejects–that is until he has no other choice.

Authors Note: All Credit to Gabi for her fantastic editing, she is truly a woman of great talent.

College Fees - Chapter 1

College Fees

by Susan Louise Montague

When John Philips goes to college it is the single biggest achievement of his life. Orphaned at a young age he is managing to pay the expensive college fees with the help of an aged benefactor. He moves into a house off campus which he is sharing with three beautiful young women with whome he gets along famously. Studying hard to make a future career for himself and having secured top grades in his first semester everything seems to be going amazingly well, however as fate would have it John's benefactor dies intestate after just his first semester. With no funds coming in the college tells John it will grant him a small bursary for his fees due to his high grades but that he will have to find a means of keeping and feeding himself. In the middle of a recession and with no money John turns to his friends and house mates Susan, Pamela, and Cindy for help. At first he baulks at their novel idea for him to earn some money which would involve him working as a girl but eventually gives in as he has no other choice and this sets him on a road to self discovery he never would have dreamed of taking.....


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