Second Chances - Part 4

Second Chances

By Alexander Kung

Former bully Ryan now finds himself in the body of “Creepy” Kelly Daniels, the school outcast, a lonely troubled girl with a miserable life. Finally accepting of her new life and feeling, she now tries to win the heart of the same boy she used to beat up. With the help of a new friend that just might happen

Second Chances — Part 4

The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia’s note to Jessie’s apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk, she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats.

“Hi Jessie, I know I’ve been a bitch to you but there was a good reason for it. You see I accidentally killed you, and your grandmother used magic to turn me into a girl” she thought with a slight bitter chuckle “Oh and by the way, I used to be Ryan, you know the guy that used to beat the shit out of you? Well I realized that I was really in love with you and that was my fucked up way of showing you. That’s cool right? Can we kiss and make up?"

Yeah that would go over so well. Still she realized that she cared about him and at the very least owed him an apology. But would he even take one? She just didn’t know.

Walking up to his complex she noticed it was small complex by the beach, no more than about 10 units. Her stomach did back flips the closer she got, not knowing what to expect. Walking up the stairs, she looked at the piece of paper again just to make sure, Apartment B-17.

“Here goes nothing” she sighed as she knocked on the door

“Who is it?” said a slightly pained and depressed voice

“It’s Kelly” she said “Can I talk to you?”

“Look, I really don’t have time for your games.” Jessie said through the door “How the hell did you find out where I lived anyway?”

“Felicia gave me the address” Kelly said softly “Come on, can you at least open the door so that I can talk to you face to face? Please?”

a long sigh, she heard the steps to the door followed by the clicks of the locks. When the door opened she tried not to gasp as he looked in rough shape. His face was still a bit swollen with a bandage across his nose and on his right cheek, his right bicep was bandaged up and his ribs were taped up tight. There were various bruises all over his body but they were starting to fade.

He looked like shit and Kelly couldn’t help but wonder if half of it was due to her actions that day. He had the saddest looking eyes and she could tell that he had been crying a bit, from which pain though she couldn’t be sure.

Um…Hey” Kelly said not exactly know what to say

“Hello” he said coldly “What do you want?”

“I…Just wanted to say I was sorry, I didn’t mean for all this to happen” said Kelly

“Is that why you’re here? You feel guilty?” Jessie said flatly “Don’t flatter yourself, I didn’t hurl myself into a car because of you”

“Please just let me explain, okay?” Kelly pleaded

“I don’t think there’s anything to explain” Jessie said “Everything is a mistake, right?”

“I shouldn’t have said that” Kelly said starting to cry “Jessie, I do care about you, I really do”

“Do me a favor and save the tears” Jessie sadly “Save the lies, save the tears and the games”

“Jessie? I…..” Kelly begged

“Just go away” said Jessie closing the door in her face “Please just go away”

She went to knock on the door again but paused before slowly dropping her hand. No, she hurt him enough already. Sniffing and wiping her tears she turned to leave.

“Jessie, I know you probably don’t believe me but I love you...” she said sadly at the door “I’ve been in love with for a long time”

She ran off crying just as the door opened. Jessie looked on just as she took a corner unable to say anything.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he wanted to chase after her but he couldn’t. Maybe it was pride over his wounded heart or the fact his ribs hurt like hell


Walking down the street Kelly felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. Wiping her tears, she thought about going back to being Ryan just to kick the crap of him for making her cry like that. She laughed bitterly at the thought, knowing that’s what got her in trouble in the first place.


“Who the hell could be honking at me?” she thought looking up

Driving up in a jeep wrangler was Jessie’s friend Ericka. She flashed a beautiful smile as she slowed down next to her.

“Hey, Kell” said Ericka “Do you need a lift?”

“Not really” Kelly said her face red and a puffy from crying “I just need to think”

Ericka went forward a bit and pulled the jeep on the sidewalk effectively cutting her off. Kelly eyes grew wide as she never saw anyone do that before. The girl was obviously crazy.

“Girl, get your ass in this car!” Ericka said sharply hopping out the jeep “I’m not playing!”

Grabbing Kelly by the arm she quickly threw her in the passenger set. She then, hopped in the drivers seat, peeled out in reverse and tore off down the road. It was a textbook broad daylight kidnapping. Kelly was surprised Ericka didn’t flip the damn thing over as aggressively as she was driving.

“So, Kell” Ericka said “I heard you were going over to Jessie’s house. Were you two able to work it out? Come on, I need details!”

“Not really” Kelly said hanging on to the roll bar for dear life “I tried to apologize but he just told me to go away.”

“HE DID WHAT?!?” Ericka snapped as she pulled off the road with a screech “OH..HELL..NO!!”

“, it’s okay!” Kelly said not liking the crazy look in the other girls eyes “Really, it is!”

“Do you want him back?” Ericka asked “Yes or no?”

“Yes, of course I do” Kelly said “But I don’t think feels the same way about me anymore”

“Tsk tsk tsk” said Ericka with a smile pulling out her cell phone “Let me give you a little tip on how to handle boys.”

Dialing a phone number and turning on the speaker phone; she looked at Kelly and put a finger to her lips. The phone rang a few times before a painful groaning voice picked up.

“Hello?” Jessie groaned

“Good afternoon sunshine!” said Ericka cheerfully “How are you feeling?”

“Lousy! What do you want,‘sis’?” Jessie said in grouchy tone

“Well ‘little bro’, I just ran into your lady friend” Ericka said in a lecturing tone “I gave her a lift home and guess what? She was a miserable crying wreck! What did you do to her?”

“Me? I didn’t do anything! Are you sure it wasn’t your driving?” Jessie said

“Hey, Fuck you! I am a perfectly safe driver!” Ericka said while Kelly tried hard not to laugh

“Safe? Is that what they call bat shit crazy drivers who drive on the sidewalk to avoid traffic?” Jessie said dryly

“I only did that once… okay maybe 20 times” Ericka said in mock anger “But fine, I was going to tell you the juicy details but since you want to be that way..”

“Okay okay, I’m sorry” Jessie groaned “What did she say?”

“Well as I said she was a crying wreck.” said Ericka “Did you really slam the door in her face and tell her to fuck off when she came over to apologize? Did you, you little asshole? After that poor girl walked all that way to say she was sorry?”

Kelly eyes bugged out in disbelief, she didn’t say it happened that way. Why the hell was she lying like that?

“Look I was upset” Jessie said “I’m just not in a rush to get hurt by her again”

“So you’re saying you’re done with her then, right?” Ericka asked

Kelly’s heart flipped over and over as he paused to answer. It may have been a few minutes but to her it seemed like an eternity. She put her hands in almost a silent prayer hoping he wasn’t through with her.

“*Sigh* No, I’m not over her if that’s what you mean. It wouldn’t hurt so bad if I was” Jessie admitted

“Wow, It sounds like you’re in love with her” Ericka teased “Are you?

“Ericka….. Don’t make me say it!” whined Jessie “It’s embarrassing!”

“Come on its just you and me” Erica with a evil smile “…and nobody else”

“*sigh* yes I’m in love with her, I wasn’t lying when I told her that I thought she was the most beautiful girl
I had ever seen. I just wish I knew what I did to make her tell me it was all a mistake.”

Kelly turned bright red as she heard his confession; he really was in love with her. There was a chance after all then.

“Hey get some rest ‘lil bro’ Ericka said sweetly “There something important I want to talk to you about later.

“What is it?”

“I’ll tell you later” Ericka said gently “You just try to get some rest”

Hanging up the phone she smiled widely at a very impressed Kelly.

“So do you feel better, Kell?”

“Yeah, I do” she said honestly "I still feel bad for hurting him though"

“Boys are like that” Ericka said "Run then over with a car and they seem to bounce back. Break their heart and well, they whine like babies.

“I know but I don’t know what to do to get him to forgive me” said Kelly sadly “I mean I’ve done so much wrong to him”

“Well I got an idea” said Ericka cocking an eyebrow

“Yeah?” asked Kelly “What’s that?”

“Let’s go shopping”


It was an exhilarating experience to say the least. Ericka in a car is a complete and utter lunatic. But on two feet one of the sweetest girls you’d ever want to meet. After tearing through the parking lot and skidding sideways to a stop, they arrived at the Sunny Valley Mall.

“Okay Kell, I have to ask one last time..” Ericka teased “Do you really want to be with Jessie?”

“For the last time, yes” Kelly laughed “I just don’t know how being in a mall is going to do that.”

“Oh how little you know, grasshopper!” Ericka said in her best kung fu master voice “First we need to tweak your look a bit"

“A make over?” Oh no, I’m gone!” Kelly said trying to walk away “I’m perfectly fine with what I got”

“Hey get back here! Don’t get me wrong, a leather jacket and jeans are good for school but for what I’m planning it just won’t work” Ericka said pulling her back

“And just what are you planning?” asked Kelly curiously

“You know the Boardwalk festival? Well that’s this weekend, tomorrow actually.” Ericka explained "And you’re going to be Jessie’s date”

“Just how are you going to convince Jessie to go at all much less with me?” Kelly asked skeptically

“Just watch” Ericka said dialing her cell phone

“*groan* Now what?” said an annoyed voice at the other end

“Hey Jessie I hope it didn’t wake you” Ericka said sweetly “I have a question, what are you doing tomorrow?”

“Probably just going to veg out here, why?”

“Well, Tex and I were going to the boardwalk festival and we were wondering if you’d like to tag along”

“That’s sweet but three’s a crowd. You two should have a good time without me souring the mood ya know.” said Jessie

“Well that’s the thing” said Ericka “We found you a date”

“What!?” Jessie asked “I don’t remember asking you to hook me up!”

“Well, I did anyway” Ericka said “She really wants to go with you. Now, you wouldn’t stand a pretty girl up would you?”

“*Sigh* It’s Kelly isn’t it?” Jessie asked suspiciously

“Maybe, but you better be there to find out” Ericka said kindly “Now for real get some rest”

“I would if somebody would stop calling me!” Jessie groaned “But thanks for thinking of me”

“Jessie, I know you’re hurting babe but I think she’s really sorry” Ericka said gently “Give her another chance”

“We’ll see” said Jessie

“So will you come?”

“Yeah, now will you just let me get some fucking rest?” Jessie said in slight pain

“Get better soon grouch” Ericka said sweetly "You act like you got hit by a car or something!"

"Good bye, Ericka!"


“Do you always talk to him like that?” asked Kelly as Ericka hung up her phone

“If I didn’t give him a hard time, he’d think I’d didn’t love him” Ericka said “Come on, let’s go shopping!”


Jessie grumbled as he entered The Relic. As soon as he got off the phone with Ericka and settled into a somewhat peaceful sleep it rang again. He learned quickly that it isn’t a good idea to answer the phone with ‘WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW?!' Felicia wasn’t exactly amused and let him know with a mix of Romani curse words and good old fashioned grandmother guilt.

“Sorry, Gram” Jessie said kissing her on the cheek “Ericka was bugging me nonstop this morning and I couldn’t get any rest”

“You’re forgiven” Felicia gently slapping him upside the unhurt part of his head “Now I need you only for a few hours than you can go home and rest okay?”

“What’s up?” asked Jessie

“The computers are down again" Felicia sighed in frustration “Can you please fix them?”

“I can fix anything' Jessie smiled

Looking around, he noticed the new little addition to the store. Like a tiny mouse on speed, Maria was zipping around dusting and adjusting the various little displays in the store as well as emptying the trash bins.

“Oh I see how it is” Jessie smiled “I get hurt and so you replace me with sweatshop labor”

“Jessie!” Maria smiled giving him a big hug “How are you feeling? Did my little basket help?”

“Easy there I’m not quite healed up yet” Jessie said sweetly with gasping in slight pain

“Sorry” Maria said softly

“It’s okay, I’m just a little tender that’s all” Jessie said patting her on the head “But yeah, it helped a lot, that was really nice of you”

Getting to his desk, it turned out the computer problem was actually quite easy an fix. Just a quick shut down and reboot got all the systems up and running. So didn’t he didn’t waste his time coming down to the Relic just for just an easily solved computer problem, he decided to go over a few invoices and online auctions he had going. It was mainly to keep his mind occupied, the more time he worked the less time he had to think about her.

“Yeah” he thought himself “Like she’s easy to forget about”

“Hey, you look parched” Maria said sliding a tall glass of yellowish liquid toward him “Here, have some homemade freshly squeezed lemonade made with hard work and love”

“Aw, you’re so sweet!” Jessie said taking a sip “It's not that bad, it’s really good to be honest”

“Good” she smiled holding out her hand “Because that’ll be about 5 bucks”

“$5 bucks for a glass of lemonade?!?” exclaimed Jessie in disbelief “Are you insane, little girl?”

“Hey, love is expensive and so is summer camp. Besides that is the best tasting lemonade you’re going to find anywhere” Maria said almost proudly

“Damn shakedown artist” Jessie grumbled handing her a 5 dollar bill

“So did you and Kelly kiss and make up, yet?” Maria asked putting her money in her coin purse

“I don’t think I should be talking about my love life to a little girl” Jessie said defensively

“Fine you meanie, gimmie back my lemonade then” Maria said taking the glass back and sticking her tongue out at him

“Hey I paid for that!” Jessie argued

“Well, then tell me then and I’ll give it back to you” Mara said with a wily little smile

“*sigh* No we didn’t make up.“ Jessie said

“Why not?” Felicia asked sitting down at her desk “I thought you liked her”

“I do, but… ” said Jessie

“But what?” Maria said in a chipper tone “You know she was in here yesterday, bawling her eyes out telling us how much she was sorry for breaking your heart and how much she cared about you”

“Yeah, sure she was!” Jessie said in a dismissive tone

“It’s true” said Felicia “I really think she’s sincere”

“Well, Ericka and Tex are dragging me to the boardwalk festival” Jessie said feeling a little bit guilty
“Knowing her, she probably going to try to set me up. My guess it’s going to be Kelly.”

“You are going, right?” Maria said not quite asking "Right?!"

“Yeah,…Maybe..I..dont..know!” Jessie said “Now can I please have my lemonade back?”

“Sure!” Maria said holding out her hand “That’ll be another 5 bucks”

“Are you kidding me? You’re charging me again?!?”

"It's for a good cause" said Felicia "Just give her another $5!"

Jessie grumbled handing her a 5 dollar bill “This better be some damn good lemonade for 10 bucks”

“Thank you, Jessie” Maria said kissing him on the cheek “At this rate I’ll have enough in no time”

"Yeah well i hope you wind up at camp Crystal Lake, getting chased by a psycho with a hockey mask and a machete!"

"I'll be totally safe when that happens!" said Maria sticking her tongue out at him "Everyone knows he only goes after hormone raged teenagers! So when are you showing up as a camp councilor?”



It was an exhausting experience trying to keep up with Ericka as she zipped from store to store picking up various items. Kelly had set some ground rules regarding the makeover, don’t mess with her hair. She liked her short hair with the long bangs

Despite the energy it took to keep up with her, she found it fun, actually. It was a really wonderful to have a girl her age to hang with. Stopping in the food court they both sat down and had a quick bite to eat. It was nice just talking while munching down on nachos and smoothies.

“Let’s see… we got our makeup, we got our bathing suits, and got our shoes.” said Ericka

“”I think that’s about it“ Kelly said “ You really think this will work ?

“Oh yeah,” Ericka said with a smile “Once I’m done with you, you will having him eating out of your hands”

“I just hope he will even show” Kelly said softly

“He will, trust me.” said Ericka finishing off her smoothie “I wasn’t going to say anything but I snuck a peak at you while we were changing. Is that really all the underwear you have?”

“What exactly are you getting at?” Kelly asked raising a curious eyebrow

“What I’m getting at, is that you’re wearing a shitty little sports bra and granny panties” Erica said causing
Kelly to choke slightly on her smoothie

“Do you want to say that a bit louder?” Kelly said embarrassed “I don’t think the last two tables heard you”

“Oh come on” said Ericka grabbing her bags

She followed the other girl to a large lingerie shop on the far end of the mall.

“Victoria’s secret?!?” gasped Kelly turning beet red “Oh no, I am so out of here!”

“Hold it right there, missy!” Ericka said grabbing her arm “What’s the problem now?”

“I don’t have the body for that kind of shit” Kelly said self consciously “Plus I really can’t afford it!”

“First that’s bullshit, you got a nice bod, you just need to learn how to show it off better”
said Ericka whipping out her debit card “Besides this is on me, no arguments!”

As they walked inside the shop, they found that the McQueen sisters worked there. Acting real out of character of their normally air headed slutty ways, they still dressed sexy but a bit more toned down and they were... studying. Apparently they were really taking the whole second chance thing to heart

“Okay ,Bobbie” Billie said reading a book from the counter “What does R.I.C.E stand for?”

“R.I.C.E” Bobbie explained as she hung up inventory “Rest. Ice, Compression and Elevation”

“What are you two doing?” asked Ericka in surprise

“Getting a head start for our Emt courses we’re taking this summer” said Bobbie

“After what happened we felt so helpless and we never want to be like that again” said Billie

“But enough about us” said Bobbie “What can we help you two with?”

"I need you two to help my friend here with a sexy little set of under wear" Ericka said while Kelly looked down at her feet

“We know just the thing” said Bobbie grabbing one of Kelly’s arms

“Just trust us” said Billie grabbing the other and dragging her into the dressing rooms

Kelly was toughly embarrassed when she looked into the dressing room mirror. Wearing a simple black bra and matching skimpy panties, there was no way in hell she could see herself wearing this in front of anyone. She had to admit that she did look rather sexy, her pale skin contrasting quite nicely with dark fabric. The bra really accentuated her smaller breasts giving her a nice set of cleavage and the panties with a g string back that just showed off her heart shaped ass.

“Whoa” said Billie walking in the dressing room “You look wonderful”

“I told you black was the right choice” Bobbie with a knowing smile

“Thanks for the help” Kelly said quickly getting dressed

“Are you gonna make up with Jessie?” Bobbie asked

“If he’ll let me” Kelly said “I haven’t exactly treated him as well as I should have”

“None of us have, really” said Billie “But he was still nice to us, and always helped us with our work”

“And he never treated us like sluts. Even though we kinda were” Bobbie said “Then he saved our lives. He really is a good guy”

“I know” Kelly with a smile


Leaving the mall Kelly hung on tight as Ericka screeched around the corners. She was a cool friend but a crazy driver. Mercifully the trip was short with her coming to a screech in front of a nice modest house.

Outside there was two three guys working on a classic 63 dodge charger. One she recognized as Tex but the other two she assumed were members of Ericka’s family.

“Hey babe!” Tex lifting his girlfriend off the ground giving her a big kiss “I missed you!”

“Hey boy, get your hands off my little girl!” the big man said in a mocking tone play fully slapping Tex on the back

“Dad!!!” said Ericka hugging the bigger guy “Dad? This is our friend Kelly Daniels. Kelly this my dad”
“Jake. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kelly” the said bigger man holding out his hand warmly. Despite his size there was gentleness to him that Kelly wished all dads had

“That knucklehead by the car is my stupid older brother, Tommy” Ericka said “Are you guys still working on that damn thing?”

“Yeah” said Tex sheepishly “We tried everything but it’s just not going”

“We’ll figure it out” Jake sighed “I hope so at least, the car show contest is tomorrow”

“Mind if it take a look?” Kelly said walking over to the car looking under hood

“You’re a gear head?!?” Tommy asked surprisingly

“I dabble a bit” she said with a smile remembering all the time she spent under the hood of her camero “5/8 wrench please”

Tommy handed her the wrench as she expertly adjusted the timing wheel.

“Try it now” Kelly said wiping her hands “It should work now, just a loose timing belt”

“Leave it to a girl to fix a problem in 5 seconds that takes a guy a whole day” Ericka laughed “Come on Kell. I want to introduce you to my mom”

As they walked inside the tastefully decorated house, and into the kitchen, Kelly saw where Ericka got her exotic looking good looks from.

“Mom this is Kelly” Ericka said “She she’s our friend and Jessie’s girlfriend”

“Oh Really?” Ericka’s mom smiled “Where are my manners anyway, I’m Alex. It’s a pleasure to meet you”

“Likewise” said Kelly

It was really nice spending time with a real loving family. Erika’s father Jake was the bear huggy type and it showed, lifting her off her feet in appreciation for helping fix the car. Her mother Alex was a very loving mother, but also had a playful inner teenager vibe to her. They insisted that Kelly and Tex stay for dinner and made her feel like she was part of the family. When the sun started to go down, and Tex went home, Ericka insisted she stay the night. Kelly tried to argue about imposing but Ericka and Alex weren’t having any of it.

“You are not imposing in the least” said Alex “Besides, it’s nice to have another girl in the house

After taking a nice hot shower and changing into a comfy pair of borrowed Pj’s, she crashed on the spare bed in Ericka’s room. It was pure heaven not getting beaten before bed or crying herself to sleep.

“Hey Ericka?” Kelly said yawning and getting comfortable “Thanks for letting me stay over”

“It’s what friends do” Ericka said sleepily “Goodnight Kell”



“Save me!” Rani yelled as she hung from Kelly’s right arm for dear life

“Fuck that little shit! Save me!” Ryan demanded as he hung from Kelly’s left arm

The situation was dire, both we’re dangling over the edge of a cliff gripped tightly to one of Kelly’s arms. Try as she might to pull both up it was no use; she just didn’t have the strength. Making matters worse, with each attempt, she slid closer to the edge herself. To keep from going over, she had to let one of them go…..

“Please don’t let me go” Rani begged crying as she started to slip

“To hell with that little shit!” Ryan yelled angrily “You save me, you get your life back! Money, power, and better yet no more beatings! It’s a no brainer”

“What about Love? What about being happy?” Rani pleaded “What about Jessie?”

“Fuck that little nigger mutt!” Ryan screamed “Look what he did to you, to US! He made us fags!”

“No, he didn’t!” Rani screamed “He liked us! He loves us!”

“Shut up! SHUT UP!” Ryan howled kicking at the little girl “I don’t give a fuck about him! In fact I’m glad I killed him!”

“What did you say?" Kelly asked

“I said I’m glad I killed him!” Ryan said smugly “In fact if you get me back, Jessie will never bug you again and Dad will keep us out of trouble like always”

“You know what your right!” Kelly said slowly pulling him up “You are absolutely right!”

“Kelly what are you doing?!” Rani cried desperately trying to hang on “Don’t do this! Don’t let me go!”

“Sucks to be you, you little bitch!” Ryan said with an arrogant smile “She knows that going back to me is for the best”

His cocky smile disappeared as he locked eyes with the girl holding on to him. It was a cold angry icy stare filled with pure disgust and self hate

“You’re right, it is a no brainer” Kelly said gritting her teeth “I can’t believe that I was ever someone like you! I’d never want to be you again, especially if Jessie wasn’t around. I love him”

“You’d give up a life of utter luxury and power for him?” Ryan said in disbelief “Stop playing around! Obviously you still want to go back or else you wouldn’t have pulled me up”

“Oh you still don’t get it, do you?” Kelly said coldly “I just wanted to look you in the eyes before I told you how much I hate you, how much I despise you. I finally realized that i was never happy being you!"

“You wouldn’t give you up life as me! You couldn’t!” Ryan said in fear

“I already have!” Kelly said with a smile “This is from Rani, Jessie and of course, Me…FUCK YOU!”

Without any more hesitation she loosened her grip letting Ryan fall over the edge. His screams were cut off quickly as he smacked on the rocks below with a sickening wet thud

“I really thought you were going to let me go” Rani sniffed as she was pulled up to safety

“No,I never would have let you go” Kelly said hugging the little girl “You’re the part of me that loves Jessie the most”

“But you remember what Felicia said, He doesn’t remember me!” Rani cried “Jay doesn’t remember me anymore!”

“Then we’ll have to make him fall in love with us all over again, okay?” Kelly smiled wiping her tears “You’re just going to have to help me though”

"Really?" The little girl asked incredulously “You really mean it?”



The next morning Kelly woke up with a wide grin. That little voice that in her head was finally silenced. There was no doubt in her mind now. She wanted Jessie back, she wanted to be the girlfriend to him that she really couldn’t be all those years ago.

“You’re awfully chipper this morning!” said Ericka

“I think today is gonna be a good day” Kelly smiled

The Jenkins’s household was a hustling and bustling one. Breakfast like dinner was truly a family affair and they made every effort to include Kelly in it. After breakfast Tommy left early to meet his girlfriend and Jake had to go to work for a few hours. That left the house all to the three women. They all grinned mischievously, immediately racing up stairs to get ready for the festival.

*sigh* Maybe I shouldn’t do this!” Alex said almost depressively looking in the mirror at her body “I’ll just embarrass myself “

“Mom you look fine!” said Ericka

“Yeah I’d kill for your body” Kelly said honestly

“That sweet you two but when you get old like me you get a bit self conscious” Alex said another sigh. “Maybe your father just isn’t attracted to me like he used to”

“Mom don’t start that again” Ericka sighed “You are barely 35, look pretty damn hot for your age and you know Dad thinks you’re beautiful”

“Yeah, I just wish he’d tell me every now and again” said Alex softly

“Well lets remind him” Kelly smiled “If I’m getting a makeover so should you”

Before Alex could argue the girls dragged the mom into the large master bathroom. As they undressed both Alex and Ericka gasped as they saw Kelly’s back. Long faded scars with very slight recent bruising

“Oh my god!” Alex said covering her mouth “What happened to your back, baby?

“It’s just an old injury” Kelly said sweetly “It’s fine really.”

Ericka and Alex looked at each other and then at Kelly deciding to drop it for now. She was lying, that was plain obvious, those were belt marks and they had been happening for quite some time. Poor kid. They’d both would talk to Jake later about this.

“Okay let get dolled up” Ericka said trying to change the subject


“Hey Jessie, pick up the damn phone!” Tex said in frustration as Jessie’s phone rang over 8 times

“Yeah, I’m here” Jessie answered in slight annoyance

“How ya feeling bud?” Tex asked

“I’m doing better thanks” Jessie said “Still a little sore but okay

“Ericka said that if yer you still in bed, I’m supposed to drag ya kicking and screaming to the boardwalk” Tex said

“Have you ever considered being the poster boy for whipped boyfriend magazine?” Jessi asked with a smile

“Have ya ever been considered fer one handed digest?” Tex shot back with a smile

“Touché, cornbread” said Jessie “So what’s up?”

“Well, I’m going to pick up the girls right now” Tex said “Where are ya?”

“I’m on my way to boardwalk now, I’ll just wait for you guys there” Jessie said “You guys are bringing Kelly right?”

“Sorry bro!” Tex said imitating static “Yer breaking up!”

“You’re an asshole you know that!” said Jessie as he hung up the phone


Jake and Tex both arrived at the Jenkins home at about the same time.

“Hey, you all set for the festival , Max ?” Jake said walking up to the doorstep

“Ya know it, Mr. Jenkins” Tex said with a smile “ How about you?”

“Oh yeah” said Jake “Just as soon as I get out of my uniform”

“I thought detectives didn’t wear uniforms” Tex said

“Only for special occasions” said Jake “The mayor had one of her long winded speeches and they were short on security. The good news that unless something truly earth shattering happens, I got the rest of the night off”

The front door opened and three ravishing looking women stepped out, Ericka wore a Modest blue bikini to with a matching sarong and flip flops. Tex thought she looked so beautiful. Kelly wore a red bikini with a matching sarong, flip flops and a Hawaiian style shirt open in the front. Oh, Jessie was going to flip when he saw her
But by far the eye catcher was Alex, wearing a sexy black bikini top that accentuated her womanly curves and generous cleavage with a matching sarong that teased small peeks her well shaped ass. Jake couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“You girls have fun tonight okay?” said Alex with a smile feeling sexy for the first time in a long time “Kelly?”

“Yeah?” Kelly asked

“Our door is always open to you” said Alex giving her a gentle hug “We are here for you, okay?”

“Thanks, that means a lot” said Kelly

"Hey Pop!” Ericka said giving her father a big hug “Can I have a little bit of money for the festival?”

“Uh sure” Jake said not taking his eyes off of his very sexy looking wife

“Dad?” You just gave me a hundred!” Ericka said in surprise

“Oh I’m sorry!” said Jake handing her another “Um, your mother and I will meet you guys later on..”

Alex couldn’t help but giggle like a little girl, Jake was just so speechless like when they were first dating.

“Wow!” Jake said taking his wife by the hand “You look so beautiful. I..I mean you always look beautiful but.. just Damn!”

“Have fun guys” Alex said as she lead her husband inside the house with a knowing wink at the girls “Don’t wait up."

As the door closed, the three just stood there with their jaws open.

“Okay..Um…let’s get the hell out of here before I get a mental image of my parents fucking!” Ericka said a bit of distaste


“Hey there he is!” Tex said driving up to the parking lot

“I’ll be damned” said Ericka “He really did show up”

Getting out of the car, they met up with Jessie. Ericka gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek, and Tex gave his bud a huge hug.

“It’s good to see you up and about” said Ericka sweetly “How are you feeling?

“I’m okay” said Jessie “I guess my date didn’t show up, huh”

“Sorry” Tex said “She had other plans”

“It’s cool” Jessie said a bit disappointed “Anyway, like I said before three’s a crowd “

Feeling a soft tap on his shoulder, he turned around. Behind him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her makeup was done a bit differently, subtle tones and red lipstick. A couple of barrettes that kept her bangs out of her pretty green eyes and whoa, did she look great in a bikini.

“I think we should leave these two alone, don’t you?” Tex said kissing his girlfriend

“Yeah” Ericka said snuggling on his chest “Besides I need some alone time with my man anyway”

Kelly shyly looked at Jessie. He wore some board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt opened in the front, his ribs and arm were still bandaged and taped. She noticed that despite all that, he really had a nice looking toned body, not overly muscular but just right. The swelling was gone from his face as well as the bandages. He looked really cute

“Hey…” they both said softly at almost the same time

“I know I have no right to ask” Kelly said shyly “But can…can we start over?

“Are you sure you even want to be with me?” said Jessie self consciously

“Ugh! You are so fucking frustrating!” “ Kelly sighed “Of course I want to, you dumbass!”

“I’m frustrating? You’re the one who can't seem to make up her mind!” Jessie argued

“*Sigh* Get this though your thick fucking skull!” she shouted “I care about….”

Her angry outburst was stopped short by a pair of lips pressing against hers softly and quickly

“I care about you too” he said softly with a smile taking her by the hand “You’re right, no more fighting. Let just enjoy today, okay?

“Okay…” she whispered softy

If she had a happier time in her life, it paled comparison to today. From going on the rides to acting stupid in the photo booths, it was wonderful. Just being able to spend time with him, she couldn’t have wished for anything more. She couldn’t stop laughing as Jessie argued with little Maria who was running a small lemonade booth on the board walk with Felicia.

“Well, well, well” Jessie sneered “If it isn’t our friendly neighborhood scam artist”

“l’ll have you know that my prices are very fair!” Maria said proudly

“$5 for glass of stinking lemonade is fair?!?” said Jessie "What, are you pitting cocaine in it?"

"Oh please!" scoffed Maria "I'd have charge more if i added that. its just made with sweetness and love"

"Your up to something little girl" Jessie said "I can just sense it!"

“Jessie, you do realize you are arguing with a 7 year old? “ Felicia laughed

“I’ll be back, I have to use the little boy’s room” Jessie narrowing his eyes at smiling little girl “Kelly, keep an eye on this one, she’s sneaky!”

“You look wonderful, Kelly” Felicia said with an approving grin as Jessie left

“I take it you two finally made up?” Maria said wiggling her eyebrows

“Well, we’re taking it slow but …Yeah” Kelly blushed “Um..Maria? Were you serious about what you said? You know about being welcome to this life and body?”

“I’m positive” said Maria “I’m really happy now and as an added bonus, I get to annoy Jessie to my little heart’s desire! It’s so fun, he’s like the big brother I always wanted”

“I take it you made a decision?” Felicia asked curiously

“I don’t want to be Ryan again, not ever” Kelly said giving the older woman a hug “Yeah my life is still hard, but it’s getting better”

“Hey don’t I get a hug too?” Maria pouted

Kelly smiled giving the girl a bug bear hug whispering sincere thanks. As Jessie came, back she lovingly grabbed him by the hand.

“Don’t break her heart Jessie!” Maria warned

“I wouldn’t dream of it” Jessie said with a smile

“Well don’t hang around here!” Felicia said shooing them away “Go have fun!”

“Bye, guys” said Jessie kissing her on the forehead and patting Maria on the head


The sun went down as the festival started to wind down. Jake and Tommy won second place in the car contest but Jake could care less. He had an increasingly hard time keeping his hands off his lovely wife.

“Well lookie here!” smiled Alex approvingly “What a lovely young couple!”

“Alex? Wow, you look amazing!” Jessie said

“Hey now!” said Alex blushing at the compliment “Is that anyway for you to talk in front of your date?”

“You ogling my woman, boy?” boomed a deep voice behind him as a large hand rested on his shoulder

“ was just admiring her lovely flip flops!” gulped Jessie in a obviously faked fearful voice

“I didn’t expect you to be up and around so soon kid” Jake laughed squeezing his shoulder gently “How are you feeling?”

“Better” Jessie said looking at Kelly “Thanks to her, much, much better”

Kelly blushed as Ericka’s parents smiled sweetly.

“Well, we are going to let you two enjoy your evening!” said Jake wrapping his arms lovingly around his wife “I think we need to have some fun of our own don’t you hon?”

“Ohhhh” Alex purred seductively “What did you have in mind?”

“Oh, I could think of a few things” smiled Jake

“Wow I never seen them that lovey, dovey!” said Jessie as they walked off holding hands like love struck teenagers

“Who knows” said Kelly grabbing his hand “Maybe, the festival is magic”


Meeting up with Tex and Ericka, the 4 walked toward a large outside dance party. Jessie and Kelly not being fans of dancing sat it out on nearby bench as Tex and Ericka decided to get their grove on. They both laughed as the duo bumped and grinded, almost x-rated. Say what you will about those two but they were perfect for each other.

“Today has been really wonderful” Kelly said leaning her head on his shoulder

“It has hasn’t it?” Jessie said with a smile watching all the other couples dancing to fast paced music

“Okay everyone!” The MC said as the song ended “It’s the last song of the festival, an oldie but a goodie. So grab your girl and head to the dance floor!’

As the opening notes of the Flamingo’s song “I only have eyes for you” started, Jessie got up and gently took Kelly’s arm.

“Ms Daniels?” Jessie asked in his best Billy Dee William’s voice “Would you do me the honor of the last dance of the night?”

“You are an idiot with that cheesy impression” she laughed “But yes, Mr. Taylor, I would be honored”

As he led her to the dance floor, she had to admit the song, while not exactly her taste in music, was the perfect choice.

“Jessie?” she whispered putting her arms around his neck “I don’t know how to slow dance, though”

“Me either” smiled Jessie resting his hands on her hips “I guess we’ll just have to fake it.”

As they slowly rocked in a circle, he couldn’t help but gaze into her hypnotic emerald green eyes. She was really pretty but he always thought she was anyway. Yeah she was rough around the edges but honestly there was no girl like her, none could compare to her.

My love must be a kind of blind love… I can’t see anyone but you….

She looked into his gorgeous baby browns with a sly smile. Even with his face a little bruised, he was so handsome. She was always in love with that dimpled smile of his and the way he just made her feel so special.

Are the stars out tonight?..... I don’t know if it’s cloudy or bright …..

“You know what would make tonight end perfectly?” Jessie asked in a husky whisper

“What?” Kelly whispered back softly

I only have eyes.....for you....

Taking a hand off her hip, he gently tilted her chin upward. She closed her eyes slowly as he moved in for a passionate kiss. She took a hand off his neck, gently caressing his cheek. He was right; this was the perfect way to end the night.

Breaking the kiss, they realized the song had long ended as the other dancers clapped in approval causing both to turn bright red.

“I didn’t think you two were ever going to come up for air” the Mc teased as the crowd laughed

“Wow! So are you two now finally going to make it official yet?” Ericka whispered sweetly as they left the dance floor “You’d better after that!”

“I don’t know yet, we're gonna take it slow” whispered Kelly with a smile “But I want really want to”

“Well, I’ll let you two work it out” said Ericka devilishly “Tex and I have some alone time of our own to spend”


The festival was over but neither was in any real rush to go home yet.

“Jessie? If I was totally honest with you,” Kelly said holding his hand tightly as they walked down the beach “Would you still like me?”

“What?!” Jessie said in surprise “Oh no, please don’t say you’re having second thoughts and you think today was all a mistake again.”

“No not that” Kelly said soothing his doubts “Today has gone totally right! It’s just…..

“It’s just what?” Jessie asked with a cocked eyebrow

Sitting on a piece of driftwood, trying not to cry she told him everything. The bullying as Ryan, the way she killed him, the punishment, the dreams, her feelings toward him.... everything. She didn't want to hide anything from him anymore

“Wait a minute?” said Jesse trying to take this unbelievable story in “ So let me get this straight, you are really Ryan Thomas who was secretly in love with me but in his fucked up way could only show it by kicking the holy hell out of me whenever he felt like it? Do I have so far?”

“Pretty much” Kelly said looking at her feet

“Then somehow you kill me by impaling me on a suit of armor in the shop” Jessie continued “Inciting the wrath of my grandmother who just happens to be a gypsy witch. My Gram, who can hardly use a computer, yet has somehow found a way to warp reality. Not only bringing me back from the dead but somehow bringing you back in Kelly’s body while letting your old body die in a fiery car crash?”

“Well when you put it like that it does sound crazy!” Kelly replied

“That's because it is crazy!” Jessie said

“I swear it’s true!” Kelly said

“Okay, this is just too much for me” Jessie said throwing his hands up in disbelief “I don’t have the patience for any more games. I’m out of here”

“That scar on your shoulder?” Kelly said her voice breaking “I gave you that in 8th grade when i stuffed you in your locker. You had to get 10 stitches and a tetanus shot. The tiny scar on your forehead in between your eyes? That’s when I slammed you face first in the water fountain …..

Jessie stopped dead in his tracks. Turning around slowly, he roughly grabbed the smaller girl laying her across his lap. Snatching her bikini bottoms he pulled them down, exposing her pale soft ass cheeks.

“Do have any idea how much I suffered because of you?” Jessie yelled slapping her ass as hard as he could “DO YOU!”

“Jessie, please believe me I am so sorry!” pleaded Kelly as tears streamed down her cheeks

This is for all the times I had to hide from you” he yelled hitting her ass again “And this is for all the times I had to go to the hospital because of you! And this is all the times you called me a worthless nigger mutt!”

Kelly whimpered as he hit her ass. But at the same time it didn’t really hurt that much anymore, in fact it started to feel kind of ….good

“And this is for……Oh my god!” Jessie said realizing that he had just became exactly what he despised, a bully

”Kelly…..I.I..holy shit..I’ll stay away from you..I’m so sorry!”

Kelly watched sadly as he ran off in horror at what he had done. She called after him but he didn't even look back


It was late before she got home. Her eyes were a bit red from crying but hopefully she could smooth things over with Jessie tomorrow. At least she hoped she could

“Stupid, stupid, stupid! It was all going so perfect!” she thought as she opened the door “Why didn’t I just keep my stupid mouth shut!”

“Where the fuck have you been?” her stepfather growled drunk as usual

“The boardwalk festival” Kelly said

“Where the fuck did you get money?” he accused “You better not have taken it from my wallet!”

“I don’t need to take anything from your sorry ass!” Kelly shot back feeling remarkably brave

“WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME!” he roared getting right in her face

“Nothing” she said wrinkling her nose in disgust at the man and his liquor laced bad breath

“Well, lookie here” He said tracing her breasts with his disgusting fingers “The little freak cleans up nice…real nice”

“Don’t fucking touch me!” she said slapping his hand away

His eyes lit up in anger and he responded by backhanding her across the face. Grasping her face, he squeezed her cheeks making her look at him in the eyes

“I think you need to be taught who’s king of the castle around here!” her stepfather said “Its high time for you to learn a woman’s place”

“You touch me and I swear I’ll go to the cops!” Kelly threatened

“Who do you think they’re gonna believe?" he laughed flashing a badge “A little punk kid or one of their own? Now get on your knees!”

“Fuck you!” Kelly said defiantly

“Fuck me?” Her stepfather said pulling out his service pistol and pointing it to her head with a heart stopping sounding click “No, you're the one that’s gonna get fucked! Now get on your knees…NOW!”

“OH my god!” Kelly complied fearfully as she realized what was happening “This is why she killed herself!"

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna train you to be the best little cocksucker in town” her stepfather said unzipping his pants “In fact you’re gonna give me head when I come home from now on!”

She gagged in pure disgust as he forced his thing into her mouth. But she couldn’t fight it, not with that gun at her head. Tears fell down her cheeks as she had to suck on that retched nasty thing.

“Oh shit, you're good!” moaned her stepfather “I think I’m going to have to break you in after you're done cleaning me off! You'd like that wouldn't you you little slut!”

Her eyes widened in anger then. Gun at her head or no, There was no way in hell he was going to do that to her! It was bad enough he was forcing her to suck his nasty fucking cock and even that was too fucking much. She was not going to let this continue, even if she did die tonight.

Snarling in pure hate, she bit down on him with everything she had. He screamed in pain as he dropped the gun, holding his now bleeding crotch. Kicking the gun under the couch, Kelly turned to run only to get tackled by him. She tried to fight him but he was just too big.

“You fucking bitch!” he screamed getting on top of her wrapping his big hands around her throat “I’ll fucking kill you!”

Gasping for air, she grabbed the closest thing she could, his badge. Feeling herself starting to black out, she slashed him across the face with it causing him to let her go. Coughing as her burning lungs got the air they needed, she kicked him in the face as hard as she could and quickly bolted out the door leaving him writhing in pain on the living room floor.


Thunder shook the sky and heavy rain fell as a sudden storm hit town. Kelly walked aimlessly avoiding the main streets. She didn't know if he called his cop buddies on her or not but she was not taking a risk of them finding her. Her clothes were in tatters from the fight and soaked from the rain. She had already vomited in a nearby dumpster and that made her feel a little bit better but now she really had nowhere to go. Ericka and Tex were probably at a hotel or something. Jake and Alex were out. Jake was a cop, they’d never believe her. But maybe… Just maybe…

It was about 2 in the morning when Jessie was woken up by a loud almost desperate pounding on his front door.

“Who the hell could be knocking at my door at this hour?” He thought groggily, having taken a pain pill earlier for his ribs

Opening the door, Kelly stood there on his door step soaked to the bone. She had a cut on her trembling bottom lip. Her make up all smeared and ruined and her hawaiian shirt was buttoned up tightly in a failed attempt to keep warm

“Kelly?” Jessie said bringing her inside “Oh my god what happ....."

“Shut up!” she cried burying her head into his chest “Just shut up and hold me! Please?”

He held her until she stopped crying, just like he did when she was at the beach. Walking back into the bedroom he grabbed an old t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Kelly whispered a soft thank you before going in the bathroom and taking a well needed hot shower

“It could have been worse” she thought as she soaped her body “It could have been a lot fucking worse!”
Gargling with some of his mouthwash, she felt a bit cleaner. This was just so fucked up! The most wonderful amazing evening she ever had was now tainted by that asshole. She hoped his fucking dick got infected and fell off.

Looking in the mirror at her face, she didn’t feel like a victim anymore. In fact, she felt pretty empowered actually. She finally stood up to that bastard and made him hurt for once!

Walking out of the bathroom in Jessie’s over size sweats and t-shirt, She noticed him pulling out the guest sofa. He winced in pain as he did so. She tried to help but he just brushed her aside, assuring her he could handle pulling out a sofa. She noticed his attitude was different as if he was trying to keep her at a distance. Could it be that he thought less of her now? Did he really hate her now?

“Um…I’m gonna head to bed now” said Jessie almost sadly “If you need anything just ask, okay?”

“Thanks” Kelly said as he went into his bedroom

“No problem” he said clicking off the light “Goodnight”



Between the loud sudden heavy thunderstorm, nightmares of her stepfather try to force himself on her and Jessie's distant behavior, she found it almost impossible to sleep. It also didn’t help that the sofa bed was uncomfortable as hell.

Getting up, she went to the fridge and grabbed herself a glass of cold milk. As she drank it a small smile grew over her face. Setting the glass in the sink, she quietly tip toed toward his room. She really didn’t need to as the thunderstorm was quite loud but she did so anyway. Peering in, she saw him sleeping soundly, kind of adorable looking really. she noticed a small pile of clothing by his bed. His pj’s that he was wearing earlier and his…boxers

“Hmmm” Kelly thought with a smile “He sleeps naked? Interesting…..”

Jessie felt the covers of his bed pulled back and felt something small soft and warm cuddle up close to his body. Opening his eyes, he noticed Kelly making herself very comfortable, laying her head on his chest. Under any any other circumstances he would have been in heaven but now.. it wasn’t right

“Ryan?” Jessie said sleepily “Look I don’t think…..”

“Let me fucking stop you right there!” Kelly said silencing him with a single slender finger to his lips “ Ryan is gone…he’s never coming back, ever! All that's left is someone that cares about you very deeply, okay? So please don’t call by that name, ever again”

“But, you said..” started Jessie

“My name is Kellyanne Millicent Daniels, got it?” Kelly said glaring at him when he snickered at her middle name
“Though if you ever and i mean ever, call me by my full name, I’ll kick your fucking ass!”

“Okay, Kelly..” Jessie said “God this is so weird!”

“Yeah it is. I fought it for a long time, and I almost lost you because of it.” Kelly said cuddling close “but I realized how much I’m in love with you, I guess how much I always have been.”

“I don’t exactly deserve it” Jessie looking away “I hurt you just as bad”


“I hit you!” Jessie sadly “I got so angry, and I couldn’t stop myself”

“You’re kidding me right? That's what you’re so upset about?” asked Kelly laughing softly “Hahahaha”

“I'm failing to see the humor in that” said Jessie

“You could have punched me in the face, kicked me in the ribs, clubbed me with a piece of drift wood or done something else so much more horrible” Kelly smiled tracing his bandages “But instead you tried to spank me like a little girl and to be honest, didn’t even hurt that much.”

“Gee, thanks” Jessie said sarcastically “I guess is comforting to know that I suck as a woman beater”

“Believe me, that’s a really good thing” Kelly said flatly sitting up lifting her shirt “Take a look at my back, that’s from my stepfather. He's someone who’s really good at that shit.”

“Oh, my god!” Jessie said tracing the scars on her back

“Yeah” she said resting her head back on his chest enjoying the soft thump of his heartbeat “So if you still feel bad, don’t. Besides you spank like a girl anyway.”

“I don’t know if I should be glad or insulted” Jessie said gently stroking her hair “Still how can I make this up to you?”

“After everything I’ve done to you,” said Kelly gently with a smile “I can deal with a little spanking from you. But only if I’m a really naughty girl!"

“I'm trying to be serious...” Jessie said

“Hey,” she said softly tracing his cheek “Just…Just love me, okay? Just love me as much as I love you”

“Oh that's easy” he said kissing her gently on the lips “But still, this is all just so crazy..”

“But you have to admit, it feels so right” Kelly said yawning and snuggling close fully enjoying his arms wrapping around her “Mmmmmmmmmm, you’re really comfy”

"Well i try to please" Jessie said yawning himself

“You succeed” Kelly whispered as she closed her eyes

She felt so wonderfully safe in his arms and it wasn’t long until both were soundly asleep, both with content smiles on their faces


Felicia woke up in a cold sweat. This time the pain was even more excruciating than last time. Racing to the bathroom she coughed up bit of blood as violent spasms shook her body. As they slowly subsided, she had this deep feeling on dread in the pit of her soul that something terrible was coming……

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