
Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley moves on in the world of medicine. She’s learning about real life. Her father is suddenly in serious financial trouble. The impact on her life is something she never could have expected.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: College is tough, especially in the medical fields. Physically, she’s doing great. She’s adjusting very well. The years pass quickly, and before she knows it she’s graduating. After four years, she sees Mike. It’s not the best of situations. Ashley gets her GCS.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley and her aunt run into some people we’ve met before. They find the perfect place to live.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley (Aishling) comes out to her father. He does not seem to be too disturbed; however, he insists that her transition has to be done the right way. They know Ashley’s mother will not be very accepting or helpful. Sean Finlayson finds an appropriate mother substitute for her.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 1

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Michele (Mike) Donatella and Asher (Ash) Finlayson meet the summer before their senior year in high School. Ash is spending the summer with his mother in Brooklyn, NY. His parents are divorced. Mike and Ash hit it off right away. There are some secrets to be learned over the next year. Some won’t be revealed for a long time after that. Some unless you figure it out will not be revealed until the very last paragraph of the last chapter – nine chapters from now.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Synergy - Chapter One

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Story Img.jpg

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

I Need To Remember. Chapter 21.

Chapter 21.    Linda and Wishes make the most of Wishes' last week before returning to University.

This was the last week before Wishes had to go back to University so we decided to play tourist for most of the week. With Wishes driving we toured the county getting her as much driving practice as possible before she would have to drive to the University every day from next week.

Out of Focus

Out of Focus

By Poetheather

Starting her Real Life Test over the summer was supposed to be fun and safe, but Kelly didn't feel that was the case. And that was before some Youtube star wannabe hit on her. Now she was having trouble figuring how to deal with all of this.


Chasing Dreams Part 3

Chasing Dreams
Part Three
By, Jessica Roberts



Synopsys: One month has passed since Chris was admitted to the hospital and as a result there has been many changes, gone was the fear, shame and depression, that once over shadowed his entire existence, and in its place was a new found freedom, and with this new found freedom he was finely able to live the life that had been denied him.

Synergy - Prologue

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Girl with Sword

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Chasing Dreams Part 2

Chasing Dreams
Part Two
By, Jessica Roberts



Synopsis: Things are starting to look up for Chris, although his recovery has been slow, many things have started to change and his outlook on live is one of them. His doctor has approved his decision to start the process towards becoming a girl, and although somewhat reluctant his parents have also agreed to allow him to begin the process.

Chasing Dreams Part 1

Chasing Dreams
Part One
By, Jessica Roberts



Synopsis: 15 year old Chris Roberts, had everything a teenage boy could want accept for the one thing that mattered most, he wanted more than anything to become a girl. As a result he suffered severe bouts of depression and thought about ending his life many times. Then one day he was brought into the hospital and later operated on due to a brain tumor and realized that his death wish had almost became a reality. Now he Is left with two choices, to return to the life he once had, or risk everything to become the person he always dreamed of being.

A Goddess Like We

Bought by Demuto

Two starving street urchin refugees are given a chance at living a life of luxury by a corporation desperate for good news. The catch is that publicly they're living as a goddess incarnated by the company as part of their program of creating deific avatars.

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Platinum Chef/ Delacroix side story Part III

Chapter 79

Faye had a beer open and sitting on the table. Bobbie had looked at him crossways for that.

“What?” He asked, taking a swig.

“He had a problem.”

“So did you, don’t get all high and mighty now.”

Bobbie rolled her eyes. “I’m not. I just…”

“Fuck. Sorry, Faye.”

The vibrating phone threatened to resurrect the erection that had been running off and on all day. Being aroused all the time was one thing if your state wasn’t telegraphed so easily.

Don't You Remember?

Don't You Remember?
by Stephanie Rose

Mark Jacobson was running late. He was meeting his best friend, Jake Schneider at their old hunting grounds, Blake's Tavern. They had barely seen each other in the four years since high school. Now, both of them college graduates, they were finally back home. It was time to re- connect.

Mark flashed his ID at the bouncer at the door. The burly man waved him through without a second look. Mark smiled. It was the first time he had gone in there without having to pull one of his tricks. Those days were behind him now.

Spooked - Part 2

One night only, but still almost 14K because SOME PEOPLE decided they wanted to have long, analytic conversations about themselves. Fennis and Lakshmi turned out to be very interested in exploring their feelings. I could have done a whole series just about them wearing skinsuits of each other, but that's not what this story is about so I tried to hurry things along.

Lots of switching around, some evil and some not. Someone asked for there to be a more Scooby-Doo feel to things, so I did that flavor for a chase scene or two. It couldn't get too outrageously jinkied, but I think I got a good balance in.

And back by popular demand: THE SKELETON! WHOOO! I didn't know who the real villain of the piece would be and the skeleton was popular, so it gets to come back.

Marooned In Paradise

sea-storm_0.jpgMarooned In Paradise
By Anon Allsop

A young boy traveling with his Grandmother across the ocean encounters a great storm, suddenly washed upon a deserted island frightened and alone, he must brave the loneliness and survive. Everything seems to change when another young man is washed ashore a few years later, will they get along...can they both cope while, "Marooned In Paradise"

I Need To Remember. Chapter 20.

Chapter 20 Linda has some memory problems

Sunday night brought a change in my life that upset my equilibrium and directly led to this tale that you are reading.

We were sitting cuddled on the living room sofa listening to some music when I handed Wishes an envelope.

"What's this love?" She asked looking at the plain white envelope with just her name written on the front.

"Why don't you open it and see," I said grinning as Wishes opened the envelope.

I Need To Remember. Chapter 19.

Chapter 19.       The girls visit “Silks” a lesbian club in Truro.


Authors note:- Silks nightclub and some of the characters mentioned in it are from a series of stories called “Tales from Silks” posted on another site.


Taking the other bus.

Taking the other bus.


By Karin Beyaert

Kathy was always a little bit insecure. But then she meets Angelo and her whole live changes. And all that just because she caught a bus she never intended to catch.

A story dedicated to all guardian angels, and especially my own.



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