
I Need To Remember. Chapter 17.

Chapter 17       Wishes and Linda go to a restaurant.--SEPARATOR--

Arriving home we decided that our dresses from last night were still clean enough. After all we were not at the party for long anyway. They just needed a very careful press to remove some creases. Wishes took on this task with a worried frown on her face, especially when she was pressing my dress.

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 6

Will our heroes and heroines be able to convince the Earth Alliance that there will be war if they don't support the treaty? This is the penultimate chapter in the story. Strap in, settle back and rejoin UF-2 Seeds Of War.

FROM LAST TIME: "Our daughters were going in harms way because I had brought Jeeter and Bunny to our home.

Bunny stepped up in front of me and took my hand. “We won’t let anything happen to them. I promise they won’t be harmed. They can’t trade directly with the slavers. They would become slaves themselves. They are too beautiful and not experienced enough to handle slavers, even if they are telepathic. Jeeter and I will make sure they stay safe.”


He pulled me in tighter as he held me without answering. His pain was evident. In true Pash form, he was willing to let our daughters do what they knew was right. Even if it cost them their lives."

And NOW>>>

Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 4 (The Caress)

Morgan, having been let out of the golden handcuffs by Erika, is offered a magic-enhanced massage by her older sister, Viola. Slowly but surely, reality kicks in. This isn't the body Morgan is looking for.

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part).)

Part 4! Writing erotic scenes is something new for me (and probably not my forte), but hey -- I tried! Also, backstory for Viola and Erika.

Catburglar 7: Kitty Kangaroo

Kitty Kangaroo

By Paul Calhoun

We return to Reg and Kelly some way into their married life. Kelly buys a giant kangaroo plushie costume to play with. Minimal TG.

I originally was going to have a generic couple for this, but it felt like the sort of thing they'd do. There really isn't a lot of tension or action, just playing around. Next time I do the plushie suit thing there's going to be a bit more plot to it.



By Patricia Marie Allen

The days were getting shorter. Summer had just flown by. Patrick was beginning to feel a quite a panic setting in. He had promised to find a job by the end of summer, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Here it was already the second week of September. His father was getting impatient. Patrick would rather have gone to school. He had the grades for it. But his father had not supported his choice of schools. Linfield’s College of Nursing at Good Samaritan Hospital was accepting men in the nursing program. In two years he could be an LPN if he stuck it out four, he could graduate an RN. But his Dad said “I’m not paying anybody to turn my son in to a pantywaist male nurse!”

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda MIchel

Our heroes continue to try to enlist allies in case of a war with the Earth Alliance. They run into slavers, pirates and worse, oh my! A return to UF-2 leads to clues to an old acquaintance and a new ally. Family joins the resistance, against family wishes, but welcome. More action in this chapter than you can shake a stick at.

FROM LAST CHAPTER: "In my heart I knew that millions of lives were going to be lost. Humans had a very nasty record of making and breaking treaties as it suited them. There had to be a way out of this mess. The Earth Alliance had to understand that they could not ignore this treaty."

And NOW...

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 4

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 4
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Things are heating up for out heroines and their mates. Is war inevitable? Will they best the slavers, pirates and the rest of the scum who are breaking the treaties? Plenty of action in this chapter so Strap in, settle back and prepare for more UF-2, now!

FROM BEFORE: "Dan was shaking his head no, as Sandy answered. “They took over the Control Center by pad six. Most of the time that’s where you will find the majority of them. They can keep an eye on the spacers coming and going and what everyone is shipping. Kind of like a help yourself buffet. You like what’s moving in front of you, then you take it. If it’s not worth the trouble or it belongs to another slaver let it pass.”

“How many?” Meliss waited for an answer.

“I’m not sure. Forty or so from what I’ve heard.” Sandy figured the conversation was over. Two men going up against forty were not good odds."

And NOW...

Dating Above Their Station

Dating Above Their Station
By Paul Calhoun

A totem pole trench story I did for Badboych on DA because I think his work is awesome. Only 5000 words because I'm supposed to be on vacation.

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 3


FROM BEFORE: Vin had been watching, along with everyone else in the bar. “Those girls are deadly. They handle those swords as good or better than any bounty hunters I’ve seen.” She looked over at Toni. “The chair by the Blonde disappeared when her sword touched it. It’s been a long time since I heard stories about the Sword of the Queen. I’m guessing I just saw the sword in action?”

A hint of a smile crossed Toni’s face. “It’s possible.”

Loads of action in chapter three. Brandy, Sherry, Tony and Meliss try to gather forces to help if war becomes inevitable, while fighting off slavers, pirates, and general scum. Strap in and settle back. UF-2 continues now!

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 2

UF2 Book 2 Chapter 2
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel.

War is on the horizon and it's up to Brandy, Sherry, Toni, Meliss, the rest of the Pash, their allies and anyone else they can find to help prevent war, or win if all else fails. Can they do it? Can they convince enough races that war will be devastating to everyone? Only time, the author and I know for sure. you all will have to read to find out.

This chapter does contain some very violent scenes, hence the warning in the "Tags." It's necessary for the rest of the story.

FROM BEFORE: "As soon as I started to bring the sword up it shifted to this dimension. Now it was most certainly visible to everyone. As I brought it up I sliced through the middle of my neck with it. It was too late for them to react to stop me. Attuned to my molecular makeup, the sword would never hurt me but it collapsed molecular matter on everything else it touched. The sword never really passed through my body. The blade shifted back to another dimension where my body was. To those who were looking at me it seemed as if I had passed the blade through myself. The slave collar disappeared when the sword touched it.

“WHAT THU...” Len was staring at what he couldn’t believe. His slave was armed and no longer wearing a slave collar!"


Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 3 (The Chain)

"Put this collar on, and I'll take you away from this cell."

Of course, this is much easier said than done.

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part).)

There we go, part 3 of Your Wings Are Beautiful! Sorry for the wait, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy it~

The Transit of Venus - Ch 51


Chapter 51

The sail to Barbuda had gone just as planned and in the afternoon Michael and the boys were drift diving over the coral while I remained in the dinghy keeping it above them as the current swept us along.

"Bom dia moça bonita." That didn't sound like a parrot…?

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 1

UF-2 The Seeds of War
by Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel
Copyright April 2002

"His breath reeked of gin and spirits. It was probably the only mouthwash he ever used. He smiled, and his yellow teeth looked bright against the dark recess of his yawning gullet. His lips were thin. Probably from seldom being pulled into a smile. He held his knife to my throat. “I’m going to sell you to the slavers.”

Over the shoulder of the first man, I could see another man coming across the room. He was holding up a slave collar. A cruel device, it was guaranteed to make the person it was placed on, submissive. Voice controlled, the master didn’t need a transmitter. All the master had to do was give a command. If the slave didn’t respond the slave collar would give a cruel shock. I had seen slaves drop to the floor writhing in agony when they didn’t respond to a command from the master. Those slave collars were a product of the government for use on prisoners. Pirates and slavers found a new use for the government prisoner collars."

And off we go in Book two of UF-2 The Seeds Of War. Strap yourselves in and suit up for action in deep space. Pirates, slavers, alien races and war loom ahead for Brandy, Sherry and all the universes and dimensions. Can our heroes and heroines stave off war and win out against the worst that space has to offer? Well here we go!

Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 2 (The Chariot)

Learning about familiars is an important first step to establishing a healthy familiar-Meister relationship. Trust is another vital ingredient; doubt is usually considered a hindering factor.

Morgan, still chained to the ceiling, is approached by another potential partner. A much more talkative one.

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part).)

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6 By Barbie Lee, Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


She made the motions of drawing an X over her heart. “Nope, God’s own truth. He turned of age yesterday. That meant two things for him. He was allowed to marry without his parents permission, and he ascends to command of his clan. His dad, your father in law, has stepped down as leader of the clan.”

“Honey, you married into the Number One Clan. Toni is head or leader of all Pash as of yesterday.”

FROM THE EDITOR: So now we know who Toni actually is. In this final chapter we will witness Brandy's acceptance of the life that fate has brought her, the final showdown with the Trag, and Brandy's rise to Queen of the Pash.

Book 2 of this great space opera is about done with editing and will follow as soon as possible.

Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 1 (The Prisoner)

Breaking out of this place? No, I've long since given up on that idea. I have no idea why I'm here, but one sure is sure: unless someone decides to free me, I am going to be stuck here for a very, very long time. Unless...

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part). Also, this first part is very definitely an introduction meant to present two of the main characters; the kinky parts are coming in the next parts. I am trying to write a powerful story with a lot of kinks, not the other way around, hence all the introspection and world building. Thanks for bearing with me!)


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