Audience Rating:
Character Age:
TG Universes & Series:
TG Themes:
Tuck (Regular)
Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition Part 3: Tucker Home Again by Ellen Hayes Copyright© 2013, 2017 Ellen Hayes All Rights Reserved. "I don't feel embarrassed or like dirty talking about it- SEX," I stroked a finger on her naked skin. "Not even a little dirty?" She laughed, though not unkindly. "Just- The GOOD dirty, |
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Legalities: Tucker Home Again -*- Copyright 2013 by Ellen Hayes .
Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when
used for satirical purposes.
This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials
containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.
Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country.
All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. ~Ellen.
Author's Note: This story is rated TV-14, so if you're under 18, you should go get your parents and read the story together.
This story also dings the following bells: sexual innuendo Dialog, foul Language, and maybe Sex and Violence, I forget.
Remember, kids, get your parents and read this story together! Just be prepared to answer their questions. ~Ellen.
Image Credit: Tuck picture purchased and licensed for publishing from ~Sephrena
Tucker Home Again
[ rated TV-14DL ]

22:08 18 Feb
"Man, you two are SICK," Mike commented.
"Fuck you!"
Jill smirked, "He's just jealous. I dunno why, though; I'm a lot
prettier than she is."
"Oh HELL yeah," Mike enthused.
"Dude," I asked, "are you just-"
"Who's here?" Mike pointed out. "Nicole? No."
"So I'm the prettiest," Jill smirked.
"Okay, okay, I get it... You two are dorks. Wait... How serious
are you two? Like relationship-wise?"
They looked at each other.
"Probably about as serious as you and I were, Tuck," Jill said, and
Mike nodded, looking serious.
"I mean, don't get me wrong..." Mike said, and then turned on the
mushy towards Jill. Then, a few seconds later, turned it off. I don't
know how he did that. "But, yeah. It's 'cause you're such a slut,
Tuck; you've been an inspiration to us all."
As Jill laughed, I was caught between laughing and raging all over
Mike. "Dude," I finally managed, "I fucking HATE you."
"I know," he smirked. "But hey, not everyone can be Chinese. Plus
it makes up for that, what's it been? A year and a half? That you were
no longer a virgin and I was."
"Like it's that big a deal," Jill snorted, and as we both turned to
her to blast her, she smirked again and added, "Except it is," just like
she'd obviously planned to do, to shut us up.
"Are you beating her during sex?" I asked Mike.
"I think maybe I ought to start."
22:12 18 Feb
"Oh, hey," I remembered, "you didn't tell her- Nicole about
Valerie, did you?"
They both looked at me like I was the most stupid individual in the
entire world. "No," Mike said, sounding like it hurt him to have to say
something so obvious.
Jill added a contemptuous, "Duh."
"I just had to ask, okay?" I stared out the window, annoyed.
"So what DID you tell her?"
"That you're a sweet and delicate soul," which sounded so wrong
coming out of Mike's mouth, and even wronger - which isn't a word but
was the perfect descriptor for this - coming out in the nearly flat
monotone he was using. "And that you were kind of girly, even effete,
right up until you got pushed too far. And not to push you too far."
"And what to do when you two broke up," Jill added.
I sighed, "Glad you two are so optimistic about this relationship."
"Well, shit, Tuck, it's not like me an' Mike! We're so getting
married, right?"
Mike growled, "'Cause we're so fucking perfect for each other."
That made all of us laugh.
23:39 18 Feb
"Oh, and ears," I sighed, and got out some cotton balls to go with
the H2O2.
Obviously, the entire reason I was going girly was so that I'd
spend more money on personal hygiene and grooming; I was the victim of a
long-term corporate plot. Probably an alpha-test. *Come to think of
it, my sister- the old, evil one, she'd totally have sold me to the
corps for a discount on the makeup and shit she gets. Wonder if the pod
version still gets the discount?*
05:11 19 Feb
I was starting to feel nauseous again, but I remembered ginger
whatever-you-called-it that I'd made yesterday, and so I logged myself
Mom had apparently gotten an idea, or the idea, or Jill had told
her something, or something, because there was now about five times what
I'd done, labeled, and more ginger syrup in the refrigerator.
Well, I wasn't going to complain.
06:57 19 Feb
"You know," I said into Nicole's hair, "no matter if we do anything
ever again or not... I want THIS." I especially enjoyed smelling her,
though she smelled a little different than she had before, for some
reason. Under the other scents of her hair stuff and makeup, anyway; it
was pretty subtle.
"Me too," she sighed into my ear. Which hurt.
"Hey, Nichole?" Kim said, sounding almost awake. "I saw him before
you did. Beat it."
Nicole let go in shock - I was surprised myself - and then Kim
slipped in and hugged me the same way.
"Okay, I'm a slut," I decided, and relaxed into the hug.
"Tuuuucckk!" Nicole whined while giggling.
Kim purred roughly, "We KNEW you were a slut, V- Tuck." Which hurt
my ear.
But when Kim let go, I took Nicole's hand before we walked in. "If
you want to," I asked.
She sighed and didn't look at me, but squeezed my hand. And didn't
let go.
08:19 19 Feb
"I am not a whore!" I protested to Jennie. "I've NEVER been paid!"
"Yeah, Jennie, the word is 'slut'," Nicole said in a very superior
fashion, and looked snooty for about three seconds before losing it.
I observed, "Okay, that is not really an improvement..."
Nicole almost shrieked, "You said you were outside!" which made
Jennie burst out laughing.
I sighed.
11:31 19 Feb
"Because I want to see her at lunch, duh!" I hurried, though also
in the hopes of getting away from my 'friends'.
I caught Nicole coming out, in a cluster of other girls, and got
kind of shy. Or cautious. Or, as Mike might've said, sane.
"Hey Tuck!" she said with a kind of smile-grimace and a little
wave, but she didn't stop.
"Well, damnit," I sighed after she'd departed.
"Dumped?" Mike asked.
I turned and said, "I think just stealthy."
"What? You're not wearing black."
My brain hurt, now.
15:38 19 Feb
"I really ought to get paid extra for this," I sighed. But I
wouldn't, because Miz Parker wanted me mostly to watch Stella and cook,
so even if Ricky was over at someone else's house, and temporarily not
my problem, I'd get paid the same. But that meant that when Ricky had
friends over - like now - I got to watch them too, with no bonus. And I
had a feeling that it would be overly rude to ask for tips from the
other kids' parents. Debbie could've done it, but I wasn't Debbie.
"You wanna play?" Scott asked.
"Me? No, I have to watch Stella," I said, trying to pretend I was
unhappy at not being able to play Pilotwings 64.
'Don't mind me, I'm just the dog,' Hangover thought at us. 'It's
not like I was anyone valuable or anything like that. I'll just sit
here and starve quietly.'
"Ricky, why don't you take Han- uh, Ruffles outside for a few
minutes," I 'suggested'.
18:19 19 Feb
My/our 'Christmas gift' chef's knife in the Parkers' kitchen was
superb, especially once I'd sharpened it. I was happily shredding
through veggies when I noticed the kids watching me. "What?"
"Man," Scott said admiringly.
"She's really good," Ricky boasted.
"What are you two doing?"
"When's supper?" Ricky asked.
"About seven to seven thirty, just like every night."
"'The same thing we do every night, Pinky,'" Scott quoted.
I added "Poit!" and went back to cutting, which I had to if I
wanted to actually be done by seven to seven thirty tonight. "Oh, wait,
Scott? Are you staying for supper?"
"No? I don't..." Then he looked at Ricky who looked back at him.
"Go ask Miz Parker first!" I told them, because the next thing that
was going to happen was, Scott was going to pick up the phone and call
his house, and then he'd discover he should've asked Miz Parker first.
20:04 19 Feb
"I dunno," I told Pam as we stretched, pre-dance, "I mean, she
didn't even stop at lunch, when I caught her- I mean, I got there early,
and she was leaving in a crowd of girls."
"She said she didn't want to date-date you though, right?"
"Yeah... but then I thought LAST night WAS a date-date. Or
something like that. No, it was a pre-date date," I remembered.
"Huh," Pam said before twisting into some other contortion, which I
had to copy. Not only did it hurt, it made my ears hurt. "Maybe you
should call?"
"I'm worried about pissing her off. Or her mom off. Oh, but we're
supposed to do something Friday... she said she'd come over?"
She wriggled until she could glare at me. "Then what the hell is
your problem?"
I sighed. "Guess I'm just greedy."
"Boy, no kidding!" Then she huffed and added, "Why do boys always
get so clingy?!"
I postulated, "Maybe it helps take away the pain, from all the
athletics and stuff."
"Hah! Speaking of pain, we-"
"I'd rather not!"
21:09 19 Feb
As often happened, it didn't matter what I'd wanted; we'd spoken of
pain I mean dance, and then we'd done it, and now I was in pain. Well,
I would be in pain when I caught my breath. Right now the pain was just
sort of waving to me from across the street, telling me it'd stop by
later when I wasn't so busy.
"I think you're getting better," Pam lied, obviously in an attempt
to keep me doing this.
I gasped, "Can't get worse!"
Sabrina agreed, "That is so true. You done for the night?"
"Week!" I hoped.
"What, you're wimping out tomor- Oh, with Nicole again, right,"
Pam nodded to herself.
"Are you two DATING-dating?" Sabrina accused.
21:12 19 Feb
"Oh," Sabrina said, "and don't forget, Amanda's birthday is coming
"Oh god." At least I'd gotten her present already. The gift
registry software was coming in handy for that, at least. "When?"
"The seventh."
"Oooh," Pam winced. "That soon?"
02:35 20 Feb
If I got a small refrigerator in my room, I realized, I could store
some ginger syrup - and other things, of course - and not have to go
downstairs to get any. That seemed like a good idea, because it was
very slow going down the stairs when trying not to jostle your insides,
which was NOT the thing I wanted when nauseous; and the extra time it
took seemed to make the nausea worse. Then again, I was wondering if
maybe EVERYTHING made the nausea worse. And whether nausea had an upper
Of course, a refrigerator would make it hotter in my room, too.
Like I needed that. It would, inevitably, make the nausea worse...
06:56 20 Feb
"I don't know," Nicole moaned. "Mom wants to meet you first!"
"Ooooh," Jill said. "Must be serious."
"Shut UP!" Nicole bitched at Jill.
"Hey, don't-"
"You shut up too!" she whined at me. "Damnit, I don't know WHAT to
do," she moaned, again.
Jill mouthed 'period' at me when Nicole wasn't looking. Which sort
of made an unhappy sense.
"I could meet her, I guess," I said, though I wasn't happy about
"I don't know... is it even worth it?"
I hugged Nicole, which she seemed to need. Jill mouthed 'period'
at Kim, who winced and had some more coffee like that would help. Or
maybe fend it off.
Jill asked, "So what exactly DID you tell your mom? You were going
over to someone's house to spend the night?"
Nicole sighed, and pushed away from me, but I converted it into me
hugging her from the back, which she did not seem to mind. "I told her
that I'd- I mean..." She sighed. "Fuck I want a cigarette." Which she
wasn't getting, not here. "I told her that... She figured out I wasn't
over at Gabby's house Saturday night, and so I had to tell her where I
was, an-"
"Oh no," I said.
"She wasn't upset- Well, she was," Nicole corrected, "but, I mean,
I had to tell her last night, and I told her..." She put a hand
backwards and tried to rub me somehow. I took her hand instead, and she
squeezed it. "I told her I'd spent the night with you, and..."
All my hair stood up, I think. "That we'd-"
"Yeah," she admitted.
"Okay, not going," I decided as Jill shook her head.
"NO!" Nicole shrieked as she pushed off and turned around. "You're
not like in TROUBLE or anything, she just wants to meet you!"
"Oh, jeez..."
"Would _I_ lie about that?" she demanded.
I sure hoped not. "She might've lied to you," I mentioned.
Nicole seemed sure when she said, "She wouldn't."
"We gotta go in," Kim sighed.
11:32 20 Feb
"So I dunno if I should go or not," I said to Mike, Sabrina, and
"Ohboy," Mike grimaced, and I knew he was thinking the same
paranoid thing I was: 'what a great way to get Tuck in one place at a
specified time to assassinate him'.
Amanda said, "Well, if she wants to meet you-"
"She TOLD her own MOTHER this?" Sabrina interrupted.
"That's what she said- Oh hey," I said to Nicole, as Sabrina
"Hi," Nicole said to me, then looked back at Sabrina. "What?"
Sabrina accused her directly, "You TOLD your MOM?"
"She was asking me where I was when she found out I wasn't at
Gabby's like I said!" Nicole flung instantly. "I mean, what else could
I say?"
"Oh, lots," Mike said unhelpfully, but apparently not loud enough
for Nicole to explode.
The girl Nicole was with asked, "Where were you?"
All five of us just looked at her.
"Can I call you tonight?" I asked, so's to get that over with so I
could leave before anything happened.
The other girl giggled a little as Nicole nodded and glared at her,
and then we sort of parted company.
"Oh, man," I sighed. "I think this is why I stopped dating."
"Except you never actually stopped," Mike complained as he punched
my armor. "Dork."
"Don't hit him!" Amanda complained. "I might want him next.
Ahhh!" she shrieked as she had to run away from Mike. I don't know why
she was acting surprised; she should know what that sort of comment
would get her.
16:13 20 Feb
"What I was thinking," I told Beth over the phone, "was chicken-
roasted, in the oven, with potatoes and carrots and the like; and green
beans, frozen squash," ugh, "and cornbread, plus a salad?"
"Sounds good," Beth said. "Okay, see you!" She hung up, before I
could mention the garlic or anything else.
"Well, what they don't know won't bother 'em," I smirked to myself.
16:17 20 Feb
"I could bring you something," I mentioned. "Roast chicken,
"Oh man!" Nicole squeaked. "WHEN?! I'm gonna starve over here!"
"Oh, 'bout eight-thirty?"
She groaned, "No, I need to eat something before then. Damn!"
"Well, if you stay over, I can make breakfast again."
"Yeah... damn. That's not now," she pointed out. "And it sounds
really good..."
"Yeah, well," I shrugged, which didn't actually work, it being a
phone call.
She laughed, "Maybe you could babysit ME!"
"That is a GREAT idea!"
16:43 20 Feb
"Okay, this is starting to piss me off," I told myself, in case I
wasn't paying attention. I breathed in cold dry air, which did not feel
good, until I wasn't about to vomit. Vomiting would also not feel good.
It would probably not feel good more. At least, that's what I was
16:49 20 Feb
"It's that fucking chicken." It didn't smell rotted or anything
like that, but I still wanted to throw up just being around it. "Maybe
it's evil." I did not have Detect Evil or Know Alignment in my
currently memorized spell list, either.
16:54 20 Feb
"Oh, believe me," I assured Ricky, "I'm a lot less happy about
going than you are."
"Then why are we going?"
That almost sounded like a reasonable question, except no questions
were reasonable when contemplating going to the grocery at this time of
day. "Ahhhhhhh," I breathed with my eyes closed, not visualizing
pulling his intestines out and strangling his little sister with them.
"Because I feel nauseous when looking at the food," which was now back
in the refrigerator temporarily, "and if I don't get something for that,
you're not gonna eat tonight." Or, worse, I'd have to pay for takeout.
17:16 20 Feb
It was, of course, a madhouse; but I'd managed to convince Ricky to
stay in the running car and watch his sister (and my car) by reminding
him how long it took to mount and demount Stella. Well, that's not how
I'd put it. But it had worked.
So 'all' I had to do was fight my way through the post-work grocery
crowd to get some fresh ginger, sugar, peppermint extract, lemons, and a
paper facemask. And oven bags, because Miz Parker was out. Of course,
these were on opposite ends of the store, and of course everyone was
trying to block me, in concert, though without APPARENTLY communicating
with each other. I really wanted the Detect Evil now, along with Cone
of Disintegrate for when they showed positive.
17:38 20 Feb
"Oh... dear." Miz Parker was home. Well, I'd left a note.
17:42 20 Feb
"Drip some peppermint extract on the paper filter," which I did,
"then cut a slice of lemon..." Which I did. "Then, stuff the lemon
inside the mask and put it on." That took some fiddling, but I got it,
and then I was getting teary-eyed at the lemon-peppermint gas mix I was
Miz Parker asked, "Does that work?" She sounded skeptical.
"I think it'll work," I hoped.
17:44 20 Feb
It worked. *Amen!*
Of course, now I was about an hour late. Well, I could make some
of that up if I went like crazy.
"Okay, get out of here or you'll end up as part of dinner," I
warned her. "And take Stella!"
18:39 20 Feb
"Maybe nine," I warned Nicole. "I... I'm running late, I had to
make an emergency trip to the store."
"Oh man... well, we're eating, so I gotta go. Nine?"
"Assuming nothing ELSE goes to- uh, wrong." Of course, saying that
was sort of inviting the Universe to screw with you. "I'll call if
something else goes wrong, okay?" Assuming I still had limbs, a tongue,
a brain, that the phones hadn't been knocked out by high-altitude EMP...
"'Kay, see ya."
I hoped it would be that easy.
19:36 20 Feb
"Oh, man," I sighed. I'd been just a little late with dinner, but
luckily I hadn't been eaten myself. Of course, it wasn't Mike's dinner,
or Kathy's; the Parkers were pretty relaxed about eating times. And now
I needed to run like hell to get to Nicole's to pick her up- "Oh sh-"
And I had to meet her mom.
"Valerie?" Mr. Parker asked.
"Oh, I gotta go, like right now," I sighed. "I'm late, actually.
See you guys Monday?"
"You're not going to eat here?"
"No, I'm sorry... I'd sort of intended to- uh, but I'm really
running late. I'll get something at home, I guess." I hated doing
that, with Mom being such a bitch lately, but I didn't have a choice.
20:00 20 Feb
Everyone was gone from Rachel's, which suggested that maybe I ought
to steal a quick shower. Panic and nausea were not nice things to smell
on a person. Especially when that person was trying to date your
*Even more after your daughter's gone to bed with 'im...*
20:22 20 Feb
"Damn fuck shit it's cold!" I gasped. Maybe I shouldn't have
washed my hair.
20:56 20 Feb
I'd contemplated getting some fast food, but I didn't want to spend
the money, and the idea of 'fried' did not make me feel good inside
either. Plus, Nicole would smell the fat on me and demand some of her
own, which would be more time, and probably more expense since she'd
want me to pay for it, and...
*Maybe I should just go home, dump her, an- No, she's in my damned
class.* Plus I'd lose all the Karma points I'd built up, not just with
her but with all the women who would hear about it. Which would be,
approximately, all of them.
I sighed, almost ran my fingers through my hair but managed to stop
myself, and got out of my car. "Damn fuck shit it's cold!" I gasped,
and slammed my door and ran for Nicole's front door. Knocking did not
make the door open instantly nor turn on the hypothetical kerosene porch
heaters, which was predictable but a damned shame anyway. "Oh please
Eventually there was an unlocking noise and the door opened, to
show Nicole, who looked kind of not-happy. "Hey," she said, looking a
little more happy. "C'mon in."
"Okay," I agreed, and I went in and shut the door before Nicole
"MOM! Tuck's here!" she bellowed.
I hoped I wouldn't be here for long; either Nicole smoked a lot
inside, or her mom did, and then there were the residual smells from
some kind of fried-beef dinner... and I'd left the mask and et cetera at
the Parkers'. *Oh god, don't let me hurl in front of her mom...*
"You okay? You look kind of pale."
"Um, yeah. Let me take off my coat..." Extra warmth was not a
good thing right now.
As I got out of it, Nicole hung it up as she said, "Mom, this is
Tuck. Tucker. Um, do you HAVE a first name?" she giggled.
Ms. Nicole, so to speak, was about as tall as my dad, though quite
a bit wider. Not quite as tall as Kathy, but definitely up there.
"Hello," she said as she gave me the Eye Of Parental Inquiry. "Alice
"Hi. I hate my first name, so I go by my last name, Tucker. Or
Tuck. It's nice to meet you," I lied, and hopefully my face looked like
the smile I was trying for.
"What IS your first name?" Nicole persisted.
"Embarrassing," I smarted off. She slapped at my head, or tried to
because I caught her wrist. "Ho ho!"
Then I remembered her mom was RIGHT there, and let go rather than
challenge Nicole to a little hand-to-hand.
"Anyway," Nicole chattered, "I told her all about you, 'cause we've
been in class since the beginning of the year."
"Yeah, but we weren't really talking until, oh-"
"November, right?"
"That seems right."
Ms. Petersen asked, "Well, what were you planning on doing
That was a question I didn't think I wanted to answer. Actually, I
could answer it; I just didn't want to answer HER.
Nicole answered, "We're just gonna spend the night, at his-"
Ms. Petersen asked me, "Do your parents know what you're doing?"
"Mom, we MET them Saturday night!"
I hoped, REALLY hoped, that Nicole hadn't mentioned my mom being
drunk. Though I could swear she hadn't been driving, and my dad was
definitely able to take care of her.
"Um, yes ma'am. Like Nicole said, we met them... they were coming
back from dinner, and met her."
"And you snuck her into th-"
"NO! Excuse me. No, I- Well, actually my mom asked if she was
staying the night, and I said yes, and they said-"
"Asked about the rules, like if I knew them," Nicole interjected.
"Right. Like don't go downstairs without someone to turn off the
security system," I explained to Ms. Petersen. "I mean, nothing big.
Or really weird." Nicole wasn't cleared for the really weird.
"He- He'd already cooked dinner, an- for ME," she emphasized.
"You helped a lot," I felt it necessary to say, for some stupid
"Yeah, but you cooked," Nicole smiled. "Anyway, he was like a
perfect gentleman all through that, and then I just wanted to stay over.
He fixed breakfast too, for, for... Jill?"
"Yeah," I nodded slowly, trying not to bounce myself. I was
feeling 'delicate' at the moment.
"Stay over?" her mother repeated.
I thought I was going to pass out.
"Mommmm!" Nicole protested.
"I do not want some rakehell taking advantage of my daughter," she
stated, very firmly, at me.
"Uh a what? That's like a-"
"Slimeball," she glared.
"Quiet," she warned, and Nicole stopped speaking and apparently
switched to psionics, going for an attack judging by her glare. I
could've told her that probably wouldn't work.
"I... I mean, I'm not... Excuse me," I said, because if I didn't
sit down, Something Bad was going to happen. I landed on a couch, not
very gracefully, but not enough to jar my stomach into exploding.
"Are you okay?" Nicole asked again.
"Just... nervous, I guess. Dunno why, haha," I said. I was glad
I'd showered; the current sweat on top of the previous sweat would've
been way too much.
Nicole sat on the arm of the couch next to me and took one of my
hands in both of hers. "Mom, turn it OFF, would you? You're scaring
"Am I scaring you?"
"Yes ma'am." There wasn't any point in denying it.
Unexpectedly, she chuckled, and took a seat across from us as she
said, "Good. I don't want my daughter being taken advantage of."
"Oh no," I agreed.
"Mom, it's not like that," Nicole said like she was patiently
repeating something she'd already said a few times. "I did what I
wanted. Pretty much."
"Pretty much?"
"Tucker showed me some things... and some things I didn't think
he'd do."
Ms. Petersen turned the Eye up a couple orders of magnitude. I
closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see it any more.
"MOM! I mean he wasn't a pig, okay? He asked me what _I_ wanted
to do, and then he did it, and he didn't just... take what he wanted.
He was sweet and gentle..."
"He looks gay." She glared at me again. "Are you?"
That woke me up. "I-" I glared back at Ms. Petersen, who looked a
little surprised. "Just because I don't look like Justin Timberlake or
Leo DiCaprio does not automatically mean I'm gay! Neither does the
cosmetology class I'm in!"
"He's not the only guy in there," Nicole threw in.
I kept going, "I won't tell you OR your daughter that I love her,
not this early, and ESPECIALLY not to just screw her." Ms. Petersen
looked more surprised now, but I was still spooling up. "I'd rather be
her friend, and if she wants to take me to bed, I'm HONORED that she
chose me; and if she wants to turn that part of it off that's fine too;
I won't stop being her friend if she does, either. We're being careful,
we're using protection, and she's in a warm safe protected place, not
the back seat of a car or on top of a picnic table or-"
"Ew!" Nicole peeped.
"-someplace," I continued. "More than that, I don't think you want
to know; and I'm not going to tell you because it's private. If you
want to let her come with me and stay the night, I'd be very happy, and
I'll do my best to make her happy too. And if she wants to come home,
back here, then I'll take her home, no strings. Just give me a few
minutes," I reminded Nicole. "I gotta turn off the security and stuff."
I turned back to Ms. Petersen and finished, "If you don't want to let
her come over..." I shrugged. "You're her mom, I'm not gonna argue
with that. But I'm not just looking to- just to score with some hot
chick, or anything like that. I... She's my friend, and I like her,
and..." I flamed out.
Nicole kissed my hair.
Ms. Petersen looked a whole lot different now than she had.
"Well... Nicole?"
"Yeah, pretty much," Nicole agreed, almost haughtily, as she draped
an arm over my shoulder.
"Then... I guess I hope the two of you have a good night," Ms.
Petersen said, kind of reluctantly, like my mom when she wanted to
lecture someone for something but couldn't find an excuse.
"Thank you," Nicole said with immense dignity as she let go of me
and stood up, before offering me a hand. I took it, and stood up, at
the same time Ms. Petersen did. "Mom," she said, sounding more chatty,
and more like her normal self, "I thought we'd just go to practice from
there, tomorrow, so you don't have to get up early. You could bring me
home tomorrow, right?" she asked me.
"Wh-" I hadn't thought that far ahead. "Oh, yeah, definitely." I
warned her, "I can't cook, though; my folks are home, so it'll be Mom
doing it, and she's being a pill lately. We could go out to eat?"
"And you pay for mine right?"
"No! You're a liberated woman; you pay for your own!"
"Nuh UH!"
"Nicole," Ms. Petersen said, "did you actually pack for this?"
Nicole sighed deeply, like she was offended that anyone would ask
such a crass question. "Yessss..."
"Why don't you go get it, before it gets any later," Ms. Petersen
"'Kay!" Nicole agreed happily and zipped off.
"Please take care of her," Ms. Petersen said to me.
"I," I said to her, slowly but firmly, "ALWAYS take care of my
"CHILL!" Nicole shrieked from somewhere out of sight.
"I hope to see more of you around, 'Tucker'," Ms. Petersen said as
she held out her hand to me, like she wanted to shake it.
I shook it. "That'd be cool, but I am really busy... I couldn't
get here earlier because I'm babysitting..."
"That's what Nicole said. And she said you cook there too?"
"Yes ma'am, pretty much every night. That's one reason I'm getting
"One reason?"
"My aunt's a cook, and I spent a summer with her. Mom's just as
good... and they want ALL the kids to know how to cook before they
"I think that's actually a good idea," she agreed.
"Maybe we could get him to cook," Nicole smirked as she came back
with a small bag.
"That's what you said," Ms. Petersen said, as Nicole's face got
ugly, "about the last one-"
"I'm better than he could even imagine," I threw in between them.
They both looked at me.
The virtual Mike in my head prompted me to say, "And modest too."
21:09 20 Feb
Maybe this had all been another attempt to get me to start smoking;
Nicole had made me stop so she could have one, and I needed the break
myself. On the other hand, the wind was thankfully blowing steadily, so
I made SURE I was upwind. My stomach was still doing slow spins.
"And you were complaining about MY friends being intense?" I
"S'why I hate it so much!"
She had a point.
*Speaking of friends, on the other hand...* I got out my
cellphone, dialed Mike, and when he picked up, I said, "Tucker, all
clear." Because we weren't stupid. Mike had just figured that I had a
better chance to E&E if there was only one of us, in the unlikely event
that her mom had actually been THAT upset. Two targets gave a hostile
two chances to capture, wound, or kill ONE of the targets, after all.
"Good deal," he agreed. "Out."
"Out clear," I said, and hung up.
Nicole asked, "What was that about?"
21:17 20 Feb
"See?" She showed me the container from her purse, in which she
deposited the I-hoped-totally-extinguished butt, then sealed the
container and stuck it back in her purse. "All nice and polite and not-
littering and stuff."
"Yeah, okay," I had to admit. "So you get to ride instead of
walk." I hoped like hell that the thing was actually sealed. "Wait,
what happens if they search your purse, at school?"
She stated, "I am so totally utterly fucked."
Well, I couldn't bash her for being a blind optimist about it.
21:44 20 Feb
"Oh, man," I sighed as I came in - shutting the door behind Nicole,
of course - and went straight to the refrigerator. Naturally there was
a new flash card up, so I stored that in RAM; but what I really wanted
was some of that ginger ale-beer-cider-whatever. Which reminded me to
put the grocery sack down someplace Mom could find it; I thought she
could probably figure out what to do with the fresh ginger.
Nicole sighed. "At least it's warm in here. Why'd you keep it so
cold in the car?"
"I'm kind of... Tummy upset," I told her. "Cold helps. So does
this, I hope." The plastic bottle was stiff, but not to the point I
needed to take it outside and shoot it from a distance to save my
"What is it?"
"Homemade ginger ale. The REAL ginger ale. Want some?"
"What's it taste like?"
"Ginger, duh."
She growled at me. "No, I mean, wh-"
"You'd have to taste it." I took it to the sink and got one of the
square rubber bottle openers, and slowly opened the top. It didn't fizz
too much, so I poured some for me and a taste for Nicole in another
glass. "Try some?"
She sipped and made a face. "It's kind of weird."
"Yeah, I guess..." I had more than she did, and it felt better.
"Oh, hey, did I eat something? No. Want something?" I asked.
Mike said, "That'd be cool," as he came into the kitchen.
"Dude, you JUST ate!" Jill complained as she also came in.
Mike noticed, "Hey, how's the ginger ale?"
Nicole was now looking at me accusingly.
*Okay, killing them... out. Yelling... it's late, Mom and Dad
aren't here apparently; out. Bitching at them... Jill lives here, it's
known she's dating-or-whatever Mike, and he has keys anyway; out.*
"Would you like something?" Jill asked. "Did you eat already?"
Nicole answered, "I did, Tucker didn't."
"Why you no eat? You need eat," Mike admonished me in an accent he
didn't actually have, and shook a finger at me. "You too thin. How you
get wife you so thin?"
"At least," I said to Nicole, "he's shorter than your mom." It
wasn't much, but it was probably all I was going to get.
"I made meatloaf, your mom's recipe," Jill said. "And there's some
"That's good enough," I decided. "Want some?" I asked Nicole.
"Love some," Mike answered before Nicole could.
"You JUST ate!" Jill and I accidentally chorused at him.
22:09 20 Feb
Since my life was not miserable enough, Brian smelled food and came
down; and he brought his stupid cat. Which Nicole liked.
Meanwhile, I was cooking a little extra, and a little too busy to
respond instantly to anything Nicole said; so Mike and Jill and,
horrifyingly, Brian were doing so.
I was kind of irritated, and verging on nausea again, but that was
possibly something to do with me not having eaten since lunch, though I
was usually more resistant to whining of the flesh. Which, of course,
meant that I couldn't just give up and leave, or just take whatever and
eat it and skip the rest; I had a feeling that a 'decent' meal would
make me feel better.
The only thing that would be more 'perfect' would be if my parents
came in, but at least I'd wrapped a cloth around my head to hide the
earrings. It also soaked up the sweat nicely.
22:28 20 Feb
"No, it's pretty good," Nicole said as she had a tiny amount of my
(first) dinner, and everyone else's second. Well, Jill wasn't having
that much either. Maybe it was a weight-control thing. Not like I had
to worry about that.
"I really love your cooking," she told me, and smiled.
"Oh, well," I said, not knowing what else to say. "Thanks. I like
cooking for you," I figured I ought to say too.
"Tuck'll make someone a great housewife somed- OW! Fag!" Brian
snarled at Mike. "OW!" he complained as Jill punched him in the head.
"What would your mom say if she heard you use 'fag' as an insult?"
Mike asked, twisting the knife deep in Brian's gut.
Jill answered, "She would kick your ass."
"Or worse," Mike said. "Lecture you."
"That's better," Mike nodded, acting like he'd won.
"If he insults YOU," I said to Nicole, "tell one of us. There will
be NO insulting of guests," I said a bit louder, in case Brian forgot
that 'little' rule. Mom might or not lecture about the fag-as-insult
thing; abusing guests would induce a filibuster sort of lecture that
might just last days, and in any case would be extremely unpleasant.
She made it unpleasant on purpose; she just liked making it long.
Nicole gestured with her eyes at Mike and Jill.
"They're kind of family," I sighed. "Which is why I can't lock 'em
"Lock who out?" Dad asked.
I almost put my head into my plate of food.
23:18 20 Feb
Dad glared at me. I don't know why; it wasn't like I was
encouraging her. "House policy is, you will NOT under ANY circumstances
smoke ANYTHING inside the house. Guests are provided a location under a
porch roof, either front or back, and an ashtray. Ashtray is to be
cleaned by the host, Tuck," he pointed at me, "after she leaves. Guests
do so at their own risk, knowing that smoking is discouraged by the
house; we take no responsibility, including that of minor-in-
possession." He rubbed his face. "God, I've got to stop talking to
lawyers. Not yours," he added.
"No kidding," I said, though I wasn't as worried now. "Hash
include elltee stand-ioh-dot-aitch geetee backslash-N int main open int
argsee comma char-pointer argvee array close?"
He replied, "Open-brace newline tab printeff doublequote go to bed
kids bang, BANG," he emphasized, "doublequote close semicolon newline
close-brace pipe cc amp-amp dot-slash a-dot-out." But he was kind of
smiling. "Renice minus ten," he added.
The girls looked confused, Brian rolled his eyes and went back
inside, and I nodded and agreed, "Yes Dad."
"Not like the two of them are geeks or anything," Mike explained to
"Not at all," Dad grinned, and went back in. I wished, and hoped,
that he was going to punish Brian, but I couldn't imagine for what, so
it was unlikely.
"Okay, what the hell was that," Nicole asked warily.
"What he said, he meant," I told her. "Just, you might not want to
smoke around Mom. She's..."
"In remission," Mike inserted. "And bitchy about it."
I sighed, "Bitchy is not the word."
"So we can go in, right? Later," Jill said, and beckoned to Mike,
who followed her, closing the door behind him.
"Your family is like FUCKED UP," Nicole informed me before she lit
"You should talk!"
After a while, in which it looked like the heroin was hitting her
brain and she liked that, she let the smoke out. "I didn't SAY MY mom
WASN'T fucked up." She sighed. "God... I just-" Her eyes opened and
she looked at me in surprise. "Oh, I already told you. Period, it
sucks," she summarized.
"What- I mean, I know what a period is, it's the uterus lining
falling off because no fertilized egg." She nodded like 'yes yes get on
with it' as she had another long suck-and-hold. "But, what- I mean,
what's it feel like? I know every woman is different, and some periods
are different; what's yours like?"
She expelled; luckily, she was downwind. "Man that's good."
"Your period?!"
"Oh, the addiction thing," I caught. "So what's your period like?
Seriously," I added, because she looked like she might be thinking I
wasn't serious.
"Oh, just..." She took another hit and looked at me carefully for
a while, before tossing her head and venting sort of to the side. "You
REALLY want to know this?"
"Well... it's making you unhappy," I mentioned. "And, I guess... I
mean, you're NOT the only one. Who's had 'em."
"Ha. No," she agreed.
"So, I mean... what's it doing to you?"
"Oh, just... I've got some cramps tonight, and the bleeding- that's
not too bad, I guess. Kinda hurts. Nauseous, too, a little."
"Can you feel it? The bleeding, I mean?"
"Not really. I mean, the bleeding doesn't hurt or anything-"
"No, I mean, can you tell if it's happening?"
23:29 20 Feb
She dropped onto my bed, looking exhausted. "Oh, man," she sighed.
"Um, could I take a shower?"
I listened, and didn't hear any pipe noise. "Probably. Want me to
come in with you?"
"Um. Jill kinda likes someone to talk to, in the shower," I
disclosed. "And, uh, other women, have too, sometimes."
She rolled her eyes and then laughed. "Man, I forgot what you're
"I don't know," she said, still kind of smiling. "I mean- GOD
it's so WEIRD. I mean it's like we're MARRIED or something-"
"I mean, okay, I'm not the first girl I know to have sex, right?
But I mean, with the others it was more like, 'oh god we gotta clean up
before Mom gets home' or jeez 'before I TAKE you home' like in their CAR
or something, or they have to before someone finds out or catches them
or something..." She took a breath, which I needed too after all that.
"But, I mean, with YOU," she smiled and looked amazed, "I mean- and it's
not awkward with you- I mean it is, but it's like, you- I- You weren't
even upset when I said I was having my period! Most guys, FFFFT!" she
threw her hand away, "'Uh like yeah like call me in a week oh gross',
but you..."
She just sat there shaking her head in amazement. I thought. I
would've shaken my head too, at the torrent that had just come out of
her mouth, but I was afraid if I moved I might set it off again.
The smile turned into a grimace. "Hot show- Could I take a bath?"
"Can you do that on your period?"
"YEA- Oh, sorry," she stopped. "Yeah. I mean, don't drink the
water or any-"
"Eyuch, no."
"But yeah. Would that be okay?"
"Um, yeah, if we hurry..."
"'We', huh," she said with sort of a smirk.
"Well, if you want to." I huffed. "Nicole, I still don't know
what's, like, too far, or out of bounds, or-"
The smirk went away as she said, "Right right right, so if I don't
like it I should say something right?"
"Yeah..." She sort of drifted away as she stood up. "Um... yeah,
23:36 20 Feb
I'd finally gotten what she meant by the 'like we're married' part;
that I was acting like an adult, or a woman except I was asking too many
questions that an actual woman would already know about periods, or
someone in a years-long relationship, because I was actually asking
reasonable questions about her period, and seemed - I assured her I WAS,
up to a possible point I could imagine but we hadn't hit yet -
interested in her answers. And I wasn't acting like a early-teenaged
boy about it; getting all grossed out, making fun of her, 'don't trust
anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die' kind of things.
I admitted, "Well, I am a little grossed out- I mean, it just
seems..." I shrugged. "I mean, it can stain your clothes, it's a
"Oh, yeah, but not like you can't TALK about it. I mean, hell, you
just said 'stains your clothes' like you KNOW that. And it does," she
"All the time?"
"No! Just, if you're not careful." She looked at me. "I bet you
know how to get bloodstains out of clothes, too."
"You can't always- Unless YOU know something? That ALWAYS works?"
She shook her head. "Darn, I was hoping-"
"Every woman on the planet, I swear!"
00:02 21 Feb
"I probably ought to take the tampon out now- Oh, and switch to a
pad." She challenged me, "Want to see?"
"Oh, sure," I said, and rolled my eyes. "I mean, what's the point
in stopping now?"
We both laughed.
"No, seriously-"
"Yeah, I guess," I said. "I mean... okay, I DON'T think it's 'kind
of cool', but I guess I should. I mean, I'm not making fun of y-"
"No, no," she agreed.
"I probably should," I realized.
"You might have a girl- like a daughter someday," she mentioned.
I twitched a bit, because I wouldn't, and said, "Or..." Then I
twitched worse. "Oh god."
"Or..." I sighed, because I had to tell the story, and I did not
come out covered in glory. Or even decency. Though I hadn't, at least,
come out covered in blood, menstrual or otherwise. "Or it could be some
girl over here at a party, who was having her FIRST period apparently,
and didn't know, and was bleeding through her shorts- I mean, her WHITE
shorts..." Nicole was looking more and more horrified as I went on.
"And I didn't think it was that- I mean, I thought she KNEW, so I
didn't think to ask another girl to talk to her, I just brought her into
the bathroom and tried to talk to her quietly about it, and she saw the
blood and started freaking."
"Oh my god," she breathed.
"I felt so bad..."
00:05 21 Feb
"See, just..." Nicole pulled on the string, and out it came. It
had what my body said was A LOT OF BLOOD OH SHIT OH SHIT on or in it,
but closing my eyes and thinking about spilling water told me it wasn't
actually that much, maybe a few cc's.
I opened my eyes. "I do NOT like blood." She started to smirk, so
I explained, "It's probably a bad sign- I mean, I haven't dealt too much
with girl's periods, so it's probably injury. That much blood means an
injury, I mean. And if it's ME, bleeding, I either pass out or... freak
out." She probably wouldn't understand 'berserkergang'. "Violently."
"Bad things happen," I summarized, and hopefully concealed, "to
either me or whoever did it to me."
"So like what happened when you got beat up?"
"There were four of them in there, in an enclosed space- I'd
rather have run, but I was trapped. I know I broke some things, on
them... If they hadn't knocked me unconscious I might've been able to
do more... Um, can we change the topic?" I did not feel well.
"Sorry," she sighed.
"I was throwing this away," she said as she dangled the used
tampon. "Oh, and DON'T flush 'em; I ALWAYS stopped up a toilet when I
did that. Even if it says flushable, it's not." She got some toilet
paper with her other hand and then wrapped the tampon with it.
"Oh, great. Please don't stop up the-"
"That's why it goes in here," she said as she dropped it in the
trash can. Which had a liner. Which was almost certainly why we had a
liner in this trash can which was right next to the toilet.
Well, I had to allow that Susan wasn't entirely stupid; and she had
lived here and used this bathroom for years.
"Okay GOD this is fucked up," she breathed. "I don't thin- I don-
I didn't think I would EVER do that in front of somebody, except maybe
if I had girls later- girl children... and that wouldn't be until I was
like THIRTY!" She shook her head. "I mean..."
"If it's too much or anything, I can go," I reminded her. "I mean,
I'm interested, not like obsessed or anything."
She nodded as she almost panted. "I know... It's just... Well, I
mean, Tuck, I hate ta tell ya but you're kinda WEIRD."
I laughed, "Oh, you noticed?"
00:21 21 Feb
The hot bath, some ibuprofen, and her own electric heating pad, now
plugged in and warming her belly, seemed to make her feel much better.
Me behind her, pressed up against her, also made her feel better, she
claimed. Well, I wasn't going to argue.
"And then there's the other problem," she said, a little loudly so
I could hear her, since I was cuddling her from behind.
"What's that?"
"I get so fucking horny," she sighed.
"ON your period? I thought they- women got horny during ovulation,
when they could get pregnant."
"I know, it's stupid. I mean what's the point right? But it
helps, I mean I feel better."
*Do I really want to put my dick in there when it's bloody?*
"So I usually, um..."
She pushed me off, dropped the heating pad, rolled over, and hugged
me, all of which was not what I'd expected. "You know what's the most
UTTERLY cool thing about you? You just SAY stuff like that."
"I don't feel embarrassed or like dirty talking about it- SEX," she
emphasized, "with you."
I stroked a finger on her naked skin. "Not even a little dirty?"
She laughed, though not unkindly. "Just- The GOOD dirty, with
you, not the BAD dirty," she stopped smiling, "like would happen at
school or something."
"Oh right," I sighed. Then I hugged her, because it was so unfair
and SO nasty.
"See?" she said. Then she said, "I hate my life," and started to
I could sort of agree that her life was deserving of hate right
now; I was kind of pissed off at it myself, since it had gone from wow-
you're-neat to crying in a few seconds and I had no idea why.
00:24 21 Feb
"Sorry," she sighed. "My period just fucks me up. Sometimes I cry
at commercials, even."
"What, seriously?" She nodded. I joked, "That's probably because
of the prices."
"Haha," she said, though it sounded like she actually did
appreciate the humor a little. "It's stupid, but..."
"Stupid periods." Then I asked, "Right?"
"Right." Then she giggled a little. "Can I be having those after-
sex hormone things again? 'Cause I love you again."
"Well, okay, but only until Sunday." That made her actually laugh.
01:10 21 Feb
"Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!" she repeated in a quiet high pitch, sounding like
she was singing. I continued thrusting, since she seemed to appreciate
it and I know I did.
01:17 21 Feb
I saw the blood on the condom as I got ready to dump it, and felt
very ill. "Oh... Shit, we've been TALKING about your period for like
all NIGHT and it STILL bugs me... It- I feel like _I_ hurt you, made
you bleed somehow, ev-"
She confirmed, "That's stupid!"
"I KNOW! That's what's pissing me off!" Stupid bloody condom. It
had been the same way with the gloves earlier, except this was worse. I
threw it angrily in the trash, then got back into position to touch
Nicole again. "Nicole, I'm SORRY! It's not like it's YOU or anything!"
"I know," she said, and I wanted her to believe me but I was afraid
she didn't.
01:24 21 Feb
"You are so weird," Nicole said softly before she kissed another
tear off my face. "S'cool though."
I sighed, because now I was embarrassed too, along with vaguely
freaked over the blood and the didn't-happen-but-can't-convince-myself
harm I'd done to Nicole, and then the hatred of my own stupidity and
inability to overwrite my feelings with sanity.
"I really love you tonight," she smiled, and giggled. "That's so
weird, to say I mean. You know what though? I think you're right about
it... but FUCK it feels so GOOD."
I was glad for her. "Tell me you love-me-tonight again..." I
sighed, and almost started crying again. "I need it..."
"Oh, baby," she crooned as she pulled me close.
01:49 21 Feb
"No, this is not going to work," I realized. "We gotta do it the
other way."
"Damnit," Nicole sighed, but we started the process of rolling her
over along with the heating pad, which currently was heating up MY belly
way past the point of comfort.
"Oh, hey," I said as I realized we were both still naked. "I
kinda- Well, I didn't get YOU something, specifically, but I got
something you could wear."
I got up, as she rolled back over and watched, and I went and
excavated the size 16 white cotton nightgown I'd gotten. "Kind of like
the robe, for-"
"Oh my GOD!" she squealed. "You are SUCH A SLUT!OhmyGOD!"
"You're BUYING CLOTHES for women to wear when they've had SEX WITH
"Oh. I just thought it was for guests..." Though I could kind of
see her point, much much too late; and yeah that was a WEIRD idea.
01:52 21 Feb
"Plus I brought my own," she said.
"Oh. Well, I didn't know you'd be bringing luggage."
"Ha! Me neithe- well, I hoped," she said. "I didn't think she'd
just tell me to go get it though!"
01:54 21 Feb
"Yours is prettier," I told her when she'd finished arranging her
own nightgown over her body. It was also shorter and slinkier.
"Yeah," she said as she looked down at herself. "But, I mean,
would it be okay if I wore that one? Yours?" Then she exploded in
giggles. "Oh GOD that's so fucked UP!"
01:55 21 Feb
"If you don't stop laughing," I said deliberately when she hadn't,
"I won't let you wear my pretty new nightg-"
02:09 21 Feb
Peed, teeth brushed, and changed into pajama bottoms (me) and a new
very oversized white cotton nightgown (her), plus panties and a pad
(her), we were getting back into bed, though this time I thought for
Nicole said, as she wriggled backwards to give me room, "But I can
TOTALLY love you until Sunday, right?"
"Yeah," I grinned.
"So do we go to practice tomorrow?"
"Wh- Yeah, let's," I agreed, grinning wider.
"Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence
of transformation." - Ann Voskamp
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Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged.
Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access.
All rights reserved. ~Ellen.
+ @>--,--'----- Ellen Hayes o===[-------- __ vicki .sig +
-=[1990]=- \/ virus 14.1
+ PGP key: EFC9 5D55 (1996) +
Version: 2.6.2
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