We Never Break A Promise Chapter 4

From the Editor. Sorry folks. I forgot that I was supposed to post another chapter today. Here it is.

We Never Break A Promise Part 4
By Warm Hearted
Proofed and Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: The chronicle of Eric Jones; Eric was an orphan who grew up friendless, abused, humiliated and unloved in the foster system. Then he was magically healed from a deadly and undeserved beating. Now Eric is restored to her true self, a petite beautiful young woman named Willow. This is the fourth chapter; Willow meets her Grandparents and is assigned a snarky Fairy bodyguard with a twisted sense of humor. In addition Willow has to hide her old identity from Eric's Witch nemesis Leigh, and Leigh has decided that she wants Willow as a friend.

If all this wasn't enough, Willow's fairy bodyguard thinks it's great fun to do things that constantly affirm to Willow that she is now a very heterosexual, young, healthy woman. (Thanks for all the kind reviews and help. As Always thanks Zapper and Paula. I'm most grateful for your automotive expertise.

Sitting in the back seat of Aaron's Lexus Willow watched how her surroundings changed. She saw The Dilworth area with its newer, small, strip malls and its older houses that were repurposed into boutiques and businesses. She then saw an instant change from eclectic shopping to restored elegant homes, with one left turn from East Ave. to Queen's Bld

As if to remind her of the other changes, Willow felt an unusual movement by her ear. She absently mindedly checked it, then realized it was just her Star Sapphire earring moving in her magically pierced ear. Willow thought, 'I can't believe how expensive these earrings and necklace were at Tiffany's, but Aaron didn't seem to care at all when I said they were too much. He just smiled and nodded and complimented Erin's and my taste.'

Then from the front seat Erin said, "I'm not looking forward to telling Dad that Willow promised me to stay and work for me at the bookstore and go to her old school."

Aaron patted her leg and answered, "If anyone knows a promise is a promise, your dad does and the chances are, if you didn't hire Eric, we never would have found Willow."

Willow nodded and thought, 'If I didn't meet Erin and accept her offer to promise to work after school and on Saturdays until I graduated from high school, I wouldn't be Willow now. I hated my life as Eric Jones and I'm so glad he is gone. Eric had no one, but I have a loving aunt and an uncle that really seem to care for me and I'm on my way to meet my grandparents.'

Seeing her hands in her lap Willow couldn't help touching the Vera Wang, Sapphire Blue Cocktail Dress. She'd never had clothes like this! Then she once more examined her delicate fingers. Erin had done a magic manicure. Her nails were not too long, naturally shiny on the top and painted white on the tips in a French style. Catching her reflection in the car window, Willow thought, 'I'm so overdressed! This is just a dinner at my grandparents' hotel.' But Erin and Aaron had both said that I was properly attired and they are as well dressed as I am, I mused, continuing to look out the window. Erin had said that for dinner Dad expects it no matter who or where it is.

Willow, thinking back to her image in the full length mirror, 'I look like one of those women going to the Oscars or something like that. My Hair up in a tight bun, 4" heels, natural hose, and meticulously applied my make-up for a formal event. I'm very lucky that Erin could magically give me the skills to do all this or she would had to dress me like a child, and it would had been a joke for me to try to walk in these heels without magic.' Then Willow suppressed a giggle because she knew that walking in heels made her butt sway a lot and this dress showed it off.

Willow thought about how guys were checking her butt out at the Mall, when they thought she wasn't noticing them. At first it upset her a little, but she had the same feeling that she had when she as Eric, scored well on a test. Yes, it was pride. Not the bragging, "it sucks to be you," kind of pride, but the pride that self respect and liking oneself comes from, the kind pride that circumstances always, seemed to crush out of Eric.

Willow thought, 'Eric, it wasn't your fault but it would been better if you were never born but really, Eric you were never born, Willow was the one that had a birth. Eric you were just constructed out of a mad woman's hatred. Made from ugly unwanted parts magically sewn together, like some Wizardly Frankenstein Monster. Well I'm no longer the beast, I'm the beauty and I'm HAPPY about it.'

When Willow's thoughts returned to the present she noticed they'd arrived at the hotel where her grandparents were staying, the Ritz Carlton. Willow knew instinctively, due to Erin's spell, to wait for the Valet to open her door and she exited the car, holding the valet's hand like a princess. The sign lavishly proclaimed they had arrived at the Ritz Carlton.

Willow thought, as the elevator doors opened, that there was only a little room with four numbered doors on this floor. She watched nervously as Aaron pushed the doorbell. The door was opened by a tall fiftyish man in a tux. Willow reflected, this guy looks like someone off of Downton Abby and he's taller than anyone I've seen so far, from my new perspective. He's probably bigger than I was, but he has muscles instead of fat.

The man greeted Aaron and Erin, "Good evening Mr. Crane and Miss Sparrow."

Willow watched as the tall man bowed as Erin and Aaron responded, "Good Evening Crow."

Willow thought, "He may look like Downton Abby but he sounds like Goodfellas. I guess he's the BUTLER. Wow!"

Willow followed them in and Erin said, "Crow, this is our niece, Willow Crane."

Mr. Crow bowed at the waist and said, "Good Evening Miss Willow. Might I be so bold as to say, it will be a pleasure finally serving you, Miss. The Mistress awaits you in the Drawing Room and His Excellency, the Grand Mage is presently in conference, but will join you shortly. Dinner will be served in thirty minutes, may I bring you something before?"

Aaron answered, "No thank you Crow."

But Erin jumped in, "Yes Crow. A single malt... make it a double."

Aaron looked at Erin and said, "I never knew you to drink before dinner and never a double Scotch."

"I never had to tell Dad this kind of news before."

Willow walked behind as Crow led them through the door in to a large living room. Willow saw a woman standing there with a blue halo that looked like an older version of a mixture of Erin and her. Willow was taken by surprise and the stately older woman ran to her, locking her in a death grip like hug.

Holding Willow as hard as she could, Fiona Sparrow burst into tears sobbing, "MY WILLOW! MY WILLOW! I THOUGHT YOU WERE FOREVER LOST TO ME!"

Willow, with her face buried on her grandmother's shoulder, felt the tidal wave of love, peace, happiness and relief hit her at once and she recoiled with the joyfully tearful mantra "GRANDMOTHER! GRANDMOTHER! GRANDMOTHER!" and with all this going on, she still could hear Erin's distinctive sob.

While basking in the love of Fiona's embrace, Willow felt another body join in squeezing her. Then Willow heard for the first time His Excellency The Grand Mage Ged's voice sounding like a caricature of a southern politician saying, "Willow, together with us at last."

When all the tears stopped and each released the other, Willow saw a stout older man who wasn't very tall with a blue halo over his head. Crow was standing patiently and, after a proper wait Crow said, "With the Grand Mage's approval, Dinner is served."

Willow looked at Fiona and Erin's ruined makeup and knew hers fared no better said, "May I fix my makeup first?"

Fiona laughed and said, "I don't think Ged will throw us in prison if I fix it."

Fiona waved her hands in the air and Willow could see Fiona and Erin's appearances repair themselves to the point they were before the emotion deluge and she assumed hers did likewise. Then Willow was escorted to the dining room of the penthouse by both her grandparents. looking out the huge window she saw the lights of Charlotte, the only reminders that she wasn't in some huge mansion some where. She allowed her grandfather to seat her like a 'real lady' and she thought of this as he
slid her chair into the table.

Willow looked down and in panic thought, 'Erin's spell gave me knowledge of how to act like a girl, but not what to do with all these spoons and forks!' Then she noticed that Fiona had caught onto her panic and nonchalantly brushed her hand. Instantly proper dining decorum became very simple. As she picked up the right spoon as the soup was served Willow saw Erin toss back her whole double scotch in one gulp.

Spiritually fortified Erin blurted out, "Dad? Willow and I have to stay here in Charlotte and run my bookstore until she graduates from the high school she attended before we found her!"

The way Erin looked, Willow almost expected Erin to duck under the table at that point. Her Grandfather's face took on the visage of a very perturbed Grand Mage. Ged then very slowly asked, "Why would such nonsense take place?"

Erin explained how she first met Willow as Eric and about only seeing the blue halo. She went on about how she had this unknown kinsmen make a promise to ensure that he was truly invested in carrying out his part of the job she offered him. Then she told her father how she interrupted the beating Eric was receiving and how only when trying to save Eric's life,
did she discover Eric was truly Willow, disguised by Wren.

Ged and Fiona intently listened to the story and at the part of the beating, Fiona started sobbing into her napkin and actual blue fire appeared to Willow in her Grandfathers eyes and she let out a small gasp of surprise. Ged, seeing that Willow was looking at him when he gasped said, "Granddaughter. You know you never have anything to fear from me, so what caused you to react in fear?"

Willow told Ged she wasn't afraid, but she was shocked to see blue flame where his eyes should be. At Willow's explanation Fiona stopped sobbing, Ged sat back in his chair and Aaron said, "That's right. Willow has some sight... she sees family halos too."

Ged, forgetting his anger because of the surprise of hearing of Willow's ability said, "The last known Wizard that had pre-Awakening sight was the Grand Arch Mage Patrick, over 1500 years ago!"

Fiona, with her makeup magically repaired again, said, "Willow's parents were two gifted Mage Class Wizards and she was born at the exact Equinox."

The room fell silent until Ged spoke and told Erin to finish her recounting of events.

Erin then took up where she left off, telling him how she called Aaron and how they, together, broke Wren's spell and how quickly Willow recovered which, in itself, was amazing. Then Erin told how they saw a Witch casting a locating spell to find "Eric" and that they repelled it.

Then Willow sensing how she could brighten the mood started talking about her wonderful shopping adventures and it worked. Willow told of the things she bought and how she could not remember all the shops she went to and all that she bought on Aaron's card.

They all laughed and Ged informed her that Aaron got his approval, but she would have her own card by Monday. Willow jumped up and hugged her grandfather's neck like any teen girl would do at such news. In a much brighter mood they finished dinner.

After dinner they talked and told old family stories while Willow sat and hung on every word. She loved hearing about "family". At sometime during the evening Ged hugged Erin and said, "My dear daughter, you did nothing wrong. To the contrary, if not for that promise we would not have Willow with us now, but we must take extreme steps to keep Willow safe as
you and she fulfill the promise."

Willow was getting very sleepy and noticed the time "1:38am". She wanted to stay and continue to hear Ged, Fiona, Erin and Aaron tell their stories of family history and humorous accounts about her parents' lives, so when Aaron got up from his chair and said he needed to get up in a few hours, to take care of a task the Grand Mage had assigned him, Willow was disappointed.

Ged said, Yes and we all really need to go to bed. Tomorrow is another day. Erin, your bedroom is prepared and Willow? Maggie, our ladies maid, retrieved from the bookstore some of your things and they're in the room to the left of Erin's. Sleep well daughter and granddaughter. Under command of the Grand Mage the group all hugged each other good night and went to

Sunday flew by for Willow with her grandparents and aunt, and she learned a lot.

She learned tons of family history, like her family had been in America since the starting of Jamestown, but even more intriguing than her families' history was information about the magical race she belonged to.

First of all Willow learned that Wizard Law strictly restricted how much she could be told about magic before her "Awakening." The reason for this was simple. If a Wizard child learned of too much before their Awakening and their level turned out to be too weak to do something they dreamed of doing, they could spend their life regretting their inabilities instead of enjoying their abilities. Like a 5'6" guy regretting never making it to the NBA or, more vivid to Willow, the Wrens greed for more power.

So Willow understood that until her Awakening she wouldn't be told much about magic. Fiona did tell Willow that there were limits on the Wizard's abilities and they were not all powerful like in the fantasy novels. Fiona shared that Wizards could only cast spells on things no farther than their line of sight.

Then Erin added, "We can put up walls that act like a magic scrambler called Warrens, but Warrens work both ways, besides taking a lot of work to build. For example, if I put up a Warren on the bookstore it would stop all magic in the bookstore including my own. Then we couldn't protect ourselves from a physical attack."

After pausing to see if Willow understood, Erin continued the lesson on Wizard's limitations. "If I see or know someone is trying to shoot me, I can throw up a wall that will stop bullets, but if a Wizard is caught by surprise a bullet can kill them just like a Non-Magical. We have to see or know of a danger before we can protect from it. Wizards are definitely NOT all powerful and far from all knowing, Willow For example when I gave you knowledge to know what to do as a girl. If I didn't already know what I gave you I couldn't have given it to you. Do you understand?"

Willow nodded, enthralled by the whole idea of being able to cast spells even if it didn't mean that she'd become all powerful. It also sounded like a Wizards power level didn't mean their life would be a success. Willow discovered that, their families' wealth came from shrewd business dealings not magic. She learned that Maggie, her grandmothers ladies' maid,
was Mage level, while Crow was much weaker magically speaking.

Then Aaron joined the group and Ged asked, "How did it go? Will she come and help?"

Aaron laughed, "She told me if anyone tried to stop her they'd be in big trouble. She was so happy when she heard Willow was alive she glowed so bright that I needed sunglasses, but when I told her of the events that led Erin to finding Willow her language would've made a sailor blush. She'll be here as soon as she gets permission from her council and they open the portal. Trust me, they better not give any reason to go off."

Ged smiled, gave a knowing nod and said, "Willow, because of the limits we just discussed, I can't tell you much about the different realms, but I can tell you that there was a war between Wizards and Witches and that your father’s parents died in it. Both sides took many casualties. You see, the war started in a different reality than this one... the reality
where the Witches’ Familiars are from.

Familiars are beings that bond to a Witch and they are the source of most of the Witches’ power. Wizards, unlike Witches, draw power from an internal source. Familiars have a natural abhorrence of Wizards like some have of spiders, but that wasn't the reason for the war.”

Ged paused to make sure he had Willow’s full attention. “There are other races of beings in that different reality and the Familiars tried to enslave that race in their home realm, the Fae or Fairies. The Fairies are all in all more powerful than the Familiars but are fewer in number. So the Familiars thought they could enslave the race, I will not tell you what purpose this enslavement had. It's enough to know, it wasn't a good thing.”

Ged got a faraway look in his eye and Willow held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t stop there.

“Just as the Familiars have an abhorrence of Wizards, there has always been a tight bond between the Fairies and Wizards. This natural friendship caused the war to spread to this reality. The broadening of the war turned out to be very bad for the Familiars. You see, Witches and their Familiars can kill Wizards, especially the weaker classes... even a powerful one if they catch us by surprise. In fact they decimated The Mage level. Your father's parents took out over hundred witches before they got them.”

“Like in any war, fellow warriors fighting together form tight bonds and such a bond formed with your parents and a Fairy named Wee Lo. Your name "Willow" was taken from hers so actually you were named for her. Wee Lo was there at your naming day to bless you, when your pa.. Ahem.. you know that part of the story and there's no need to go through that again.” Ged reached out and put his hand on Willow’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

“Willow, we will do everything we can to keep you safe. I’ve asked Wee Lo to help. Your promise has put you in danger. You must attend the same high school as that Witch and Erin can't follow you from class to class. We can't openly act against the Witch because of the truce between the Wizards and Witches. So unless the High Counsel formally petitions the Witches High Coven and they grant us permission to punish this Witch, which they won't, action on our part could spark a new war. However, we do have the right to defend ourselves and we will.”

At this point Crow entered the room and stood for a second and cleared his throat. Then Ged looked at Crow. "Yes Crow, is there something?" The powerful looking man that resembled a, "Wise Guy" more than a butler crossed the room and whispered in Ged's ear.

Ged then looked at Willow and said, "Willow, because of the circumstances surrounding your return to us and the Witch connection, I called a special session of the Grand Council Of Wizards. Your Grandmother and I must leave on what I think they call a, "Red Eye Flight" to Ireland. I wish we could have had more time, but we need to deal with these matters expediently. I hope to be able to visit you again shortly, but these affairs will have to take precedence for your safety. So come hug your
grandfather and give him a goodbye kiss."

Willow did as she was told, not out of obedience, but out of affection. Then Willow did the same to her grandmother, who held onto her so tight that Willow was amazed at the strength she had. The rest of the group bid farewell and, as he was leaving Aaron said, more to himself than anyone else, "The Grand Mage taking another flight.” shaking his head in amazement.

Back in her bedroom over the bookstore Willow sat, wearing a big sleep shirt in front of her new vanity mirror, a gift from Aaron. Brushing out her hair having done all the other things girls have to do before bed, she thought of the events of that weekend and how she now possessed almost everything she'd ever wished for.

Willow then heard a muffled giggle from the next room and this drew her thoughts to their trip home. Erin and Aaron finally confessed that they were more than friends and that they’d been in an intimate relationship for over three years. Conditions prevented them from getting married, but Aaron was sleeping over tonight.

Willow figured that the promise Erin made to her mother was the
circumstance they were talking about. Then she put her brush down and got into bed and turned of the lamp on the bed table and shut her eyes. She heard movement in Erin's room and a female moan cut short. Willow giggled and thought, ‘Erin must have put a pillow over her face. She must be having a really good time.’ Then she thought about having to go to her old school in the morning and enroll as a new student.

The thought of returning to her old school caused Willow have knots in her stomach, but she thought, ‘We never break a promise.’ With that as a mantra Willow drifted off to sleep. She found herself in the shower at school naked, but she wasn't Willow anymore she was Eric. Eric saw himself in his naked glory with all his male gym classmates and he was showering the same as the rest. Next to him though was someone he didn't know and he couldn't quite see his face for some reason.

As Eric went about his task of washing his huge male self, something strange was happening. The more he washed himself, his body began to dissolve like melting wax.

So he scrubbed harder and harder and more and more of him went painlessly down the drain. Eric saw the shower head move farther and farther way from him as his scrubbing released Willow's two perky breasts. Then he saw his penis and balls fall off and dissolve in the drain.

Now Eric, almost all Willow again, looked around the shower room to see if any of the other guys had seen the transformation and it was empty except for the guy that she couldn't identify. Willow only had a small part of Eric left on her back that she could not reach no matter how hard she tried.

Then the unknown man next to her said, "Let me get your back." sliding in behind her.

Willow didn't protest, just handed him the soap and he started washing the last bit of Eric down the drain. Then, that done, he didn't stop, but he moved his soapy hands to Willows breasts and massaged them. Willow felt shock waves of pleasure fill her whole body as his hand gently, yet firmly, set Willow's body on fire.

Then this stranger pulled Willow back to him and kissed her neck sending shivers of delight through her small body now dwarfed by this giant stranger. Holding Willow even closer she felt his huge hard cock folded against her back and the sensation made her wetter and hotter than the water that was hitting them in the shower.

Willow then felt one of his hands release a breast as the other and his lips still worked their magic. She soon discovered that freed hand’s destination when she felt it cup her Venus mound. With the motions of an experienced lover his hand rubbed and stroked her outer lips until Willow felt so empty in her core that she thought she would implode if something didn't fill it.

The man played her like a fine instrument until she burned, needing something... something to fill the void. Her mind refused to accept it, but her body knew that the huge cock pressed into her back would be perfect for the job. The stranger picked Willow up like a doll and turned her around in his arms, grabbing her thighs and spreading them. Willow still hadn't seen his face when he pushed her back to the tiled wall.

Willow, with her legs spread around the stranger and her arms holding his neck still could not see his face. She didn’t care. At this point her need was a fire in her loins, she needed to join with him in a primal union... to be filled and completed and that need consumed all rational thought. Willow pleaded with the man between her legs enter her. She heard herself screaming, " PLEASE FUCK ME! I NEED YOU IN ME!!" but the man denied her penetration. Willow grinding herself into him and letting go of his neck with one hand, she grabbed his huge cock to guide it in.

Then Willow woke up in her dark bedroom, discovering it was just a dream. She looked at her new phone and saw it was 2:20 A.M. and she was still very aroused. She timidly at first explored her new sex then, as she became more aroused, she discovered what felt good and continued doing it with relish.

Her hand went to her breast thinking about the dream and massaging herself. She felt her moisture and smelled the aroma that it filled the air with and, as it happened, she jerked in a huge orgasm. She gasped in pleasure as her body convulsed. After a minute she just thought 'that was so much better than Eric's rough messy jacking-off ever was' and bathed in the afterglow as she fell back to sleep.

Willow woke up with the morning light shining through her eyelids and she opened her eyes. She looked at the bed table and sat straight up in bed because on it was a 4 inch tall woman with wings. The girl on the night stand said, "Good morning Goddaughter!"

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