Defender's Dream - Part 11

Defender's Dream

Dream Lover!

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Every night I hope and pray
A dream lover will come my way
Someone to hold in my arms
And know the magic of their charms.


Early morning, the living area of the motel suite

Terry lay in the fold out cot. He looked peaceful; likely owing to the anticipation of solving the case; the thrill of the hunt was almost always anxiety-producing for most people. With Terry, it was like the kid who knows that Santa is going to bring him that bike he wanted; he slept peacefully in confidence.

It wasn’t at all like that for Special Agent Sherri Caruso. Ironic in that she didn't feel special at all. She lay on the couch in the living room opposite Terry’s cot. The glow of the clock radio time was the only light in the room, but it provided just enough light to reveal the sad look on Sherri’s face as she dealt with yet another sleepless night. Her eyes were wide open and her gaze was fixed on Terry’s sleeping form. She struggled with so many things for so long; many of which had been either resolved or consigned to “it is what it is.”

She didn’t know what to do with her feelings at three-twenty-seven in the morning. All she knew was that they had returned after being long dormant and thought literally to have died a few years ago. She sighed and turned her face to the back of the couch and wept bitter tears. Once this case was over she’d return to her job, and the feelings would once more be interred with her old self, as she resolved never to tell the man sleeping across from her just how much she loved him.

Penhurst TechnoServices Offices, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania

"Penhurst TechnoServices, may I help you?" The voice was almost childlike but feminine.

"May I speak with Kimberly Penhurst?" The voice on the other end was almost identical to the woman who answered.


"Kim? It's me...." The girl hesitated to use her hated name, but the woman wouldn't know Jill.


"Yeah....Kim...we need your help." The girl pled.

"I can't...get involved."

Jill could almost picture Kim shaking her head, not out of reluctance but fear. She spoke up.

"They have Jimmy, and I think they're gonna kill him, if he isn't...." It was too much for the girl and she turned to Donna. Handing her the phone she buried her face in Donna's shoulder and wept.

"Kim...this is Detective Donna Carter. Your brother may still be alive, but he won't be much longer unless you can tell us where they took him." Donna grew impatient and nearly shouted into the cell phone.

"I honestly...I don't know where they took him...I didn't've got to believe me...I..."

"I know...your sister here told us what your father and mother put you kids through...stuff we didn't even know...but we don't have time...where would they go if they wanted some...privacy?"

" father just sold him a property in of their warehouses. I've got the address...." She rattled off the address.

"Where's Stacy? Is she safe? God tell me she's okay." The woman was nearly hysterical.

"The FBI has her safe, Kim...we can't stay on the phone...I'm sorry. You should contact them yourself...tell them what you know. I'm sorry." Donna hung up abruptly. She knew the woman was conflicted, and hoped she'd do the right thing.

Duncan Donuts parking lot, Chester, Pennsylvania

"Okay, Terry…you two get to the warehouse. We'll head to Camden and turn this evidence in, okay?" They got into the car and watched Caruso and Terry drive off. After saying a quick prayer, they pulled out onto the highway and Dani sighed.

"I hope they're..." She looked back at Jill who was weeping nervously and rocking back and forth. Donna reached out and touched her wrist.

"Don't worry, honey...Terry and Agent Caruso know what they're doing...they're the best." She hoped she was right; at least one life was in the balance, maybe more. They were the best, but was that going to be good enough?

Penhurst TechnoServices Warehouse, Chester, Pennsylvania

"You can't bail now." Penhurst said to McKenzie as he looked down at Pasquale Spinetti, whose lifeless eyes stared up at the ceiling. McKenzie smiled and laughed.

"Not bailing, just cutting my losses." Phillip McKenzie was nothing if not cautious to a fault. He holstered the pistol under his jacket and picked up the briefcase lying next to his late partner's body.

"No one else knows we're here, right? With our friend somewhat speechless at the moment, we've only to dispose of the kid and we'll both get into my Cessna out at the airport and fly to Bermuda. Then to Venezuela and home free. I'm sure we can find a pretty 'girl' to take care of you on those warm Caracas nights."

“What about my wife….your daughter? She’s already….it’ll be hard to replace her.”

“If it bothers you that much, we can always take this one along, right?” McKenzie pointed back to the figure in the chair against the wall. Jimmy didn’t struggle against his bonds; the drugs would keep him quiet for many hours to come. He was dressed in a blue jersey mini-dress and black tights with ankle boots. His longish hair had been done in a girlish style, and he wore turquoise studs and a turquoise brooch.

“She is almost as appealing as her sister, but she requires too much pharmaceutical intervention. I’d rather she was a little more spirited, but we can’t have everything, can we?” He laughed softly as the girl’s head lolled to one side, spittle dribbling off her chin.

“She’s her mother’s daughter, don’t you think?” McKenzie looked at his step-son with an evil lust that made even Penhurst uncomfortable.

“Certainly takes after her, not like me…I favor my father.”

McKenzie nodded as he looked over and beamed with pride at his son, David Penhurst McKenzie.

On the way to the warehouse...

“You sure you’re ready for this?” Terry looked over at the woman in the driver’s seat and smiled nervously. Trusting your life to your best friend was one thing. Trusting your life to a perfect stranger, even if they were one and the same, was something completely.

“I’m as capable and as sure as I ever was, Terr….you just don’t get it. I may look different to you, but I’m as reliable as ever, maybe even more so, since I feel better about myself than I ever have.” Sherri Caruso was capable and reliable, but sure? That remained to be seen, even from her perspective.

“Okay, okay. I get it.” Terry didn’t get it at all. He was looking into the eyes…the very soul of his erstwhile partner, and he was missing everything.

“We’re stuck with each other. If we could wait for backup I would, but we can’t risk the brother’s life one more moment. I only hope we’re not too late.” The scenery almost flew by as the car sped down the road. The federal plates gave them a free pass, and they drove unhindered toward the warehouse.

“I don’t think they’ll risk killing the kid just yet; yeah, I hope I’m not wrong, but I can’t see them wasting their insurance. I hope and pray I’m right.” Terry patted her on the shoulder and she winced, not out of discomfort, but because she worried her expression might betray her feelings.

Parked in front of the warehouse...

“What do you mean, Velasquez is on assignment?” Sherri looked out the window at the warehouse as the agent on the other end of the line spoke.

“And Tyler? What about Cragen?” Nobody she trusted was available; an inconvenient convenience if there ever was one. She clicked off her cell and breathed out a deep sigh.

“Nobody home? Why am I not fucking surprised.” Terry half-frowned and laughed softly, but he wasn’t amused at all.

“So it looks like we’re in this all by ourselves. The way I figure it, there’s at least three people to deal with, just with what we already know. McKenzie and that fucker of a son-in-law of his, and probably that bastard Spinetti.

Sherri nodded and looked out at the warehouse. The car was partially obscured by the tree line surrounding the building, and dusk was settling as well. She opened the car door after turning off the dome light. Pulling her Glock out of her purse she stepped around to the driver’s side as Terry got out of the car. He unholstered his Sig and closed the car door. Motioning with his gun toward the building, he started walking slowly toward the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse...

“What do we do about him?” Penhurst pointed to the body lying on the floor.

“Nothing. As far as I’m concerned, he can rot right where he is. By the time anyone finds him, even his own son won’t recognize him. Oh…wait…that’s right…never mind.” McKenzie walked over to the body and kicked it.

“This is what you get for ordering a hit on your own kid, you fucker. Don’t you know that family is sacred?” His smarmy comment was lost on his equally smarmy son and business partner. Penhurst laughed and kicked the body himself, like the perverted thrall he was to his father. He turned and walked to the sleeping figure of his step brother.

“You know, father dear, I think I’ve changed my mind. There’s something about this one that is appealing. Once the drugs wear off, I think she’ll be feisty enough to hold my attention.”

McKenzie turned back and smiled at his son/ersatz son-in-law.

“Well, she’s got her mother’s spirit, I’ll give her that.” He laughed but his words were cut short as a gun jabbed his back.

“HE has got his mother’s spirit, something I inherited as well, father dear.” Kimberly McKenzie Penhurst said angrily as she motioned for her father to join her husband by the sleeping boy.

“Put the gun down now, or I will fucking blow our father’s brains out. NOW!” She put the 38 to her father’s head and shoved him. Penhurst laid his gun on the desk next to the sleeping boy and stepped away.

“Stand over there next to that piece of filth you call a son, father dear.” She said as her voice betrayed her nervousness. She held the pistol up and pointed it at Penhurst.

“I don’t know which one I should kill first. My fucking father…funny turn of a phrase, don’t you think, Daddy? Look at me…I’m nineteen and I look almost twice that age. You took my childhood from me.” McKenzie scowled defiantly at her but dropped his gun to the floor.

“Or my fucking brother. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this, you fucking bastard!” She pointed the gun at his head, but her hands began to display a tremor. She turned again and pointed the gun at McKenzie.

“I don’t think you want to do this, child.” McKenzie said softly in a soothing almost gentle way.

“Patricide is not a forgivable sin, dear one. You won’t find any haven or peace if you kill me. Now killing your brother? Even Cain was spared for killing Abel; merely sent away with a mark on his head. You don’t mind that at all, do you, Kieran?”

She winced at the mention of her given name, causing her to lose focus. Penhurst grabbed the pistol off the desk and fired once, hitting her in the shoulder, knocking her to the floor.

“You always were weak, child. So easy to convince, so easy to persuade.” McKenzie laughed as he picked his gun off the floor and pointed it at his daughter/son.

“But like all playthings, they sometimes lose their attraction; you’ve ceased to be interesting or amusing to either one of us, and your usefulness is at an end.” He sneered.

“Not so useless if she testifies in court against you, you fucking piece of shit!” Terry Manahan pointed his Sig at McKenzie as Sherri walked over and began to release the boy. Terry offered a hand to Kim who rose unsteadily to her feet. As she stood up she stumbled forward into Penhurst. Pushing her aside, he raised his gun again and fired at Sherri just as she finished untying the boy. The next few moments played out almost as if they were in slow motion, but occurring only three seconds apart

“Noooo!” Kimberly screamed; the bullet never reached the target, hitting her instead as she threw herself in front of Penhurst. McKenzie jumped at Terry, grappling for the Sig

Sherri raised her Glock and fired, but her shot missed Penhurst. He returned fire and hit her in the chest. She fell to the floor. He fired again, missing her, as his aim was thrown off from the bullet that entered his back. He fell to the floor, dead.

Dani pointed her Glock at McKenzie’s head and said calmly,

“Please, it’s been a long day, and it would be so nice if you gave me a reason to blow your fucking head off!” She smiled as he backed away from Terry.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what the fuck are you doing here?” He laughed nervously as he looked over at Dani and Donna.

“We figured you needed back up…what can I say?” Dani shrugged her shoulders. Donna knelt down and cradled Kimberly in her arms.

“Is Jimmy okay? I wanted to stop them….I couldn’t….” The girl pled.

“Shhh…don’t talk…everybody’s okay….shhhh…..” Donna spoke as she stroked the dying girl’s hair.

“NOOOO…..nooooo….” Jill screamed as she ran to her sister’s side.

“Jill…no…you were supposed to stay in the car…no honey….” Donna pled with the weeping girl.

“Hey….kiddo….you…okay….” Kimberly looked up at her sister.

“Yeeaaaesss.” Jill sobbed.

“Hey….don’t…..cry…..Jimmy….Jimmy is safe….okay…..hey……TTi....Timmy...what’s….what’s your name?” The girl stared almost blankly up into her new-found sister's face.


“Jill….pretty….honey….very…..pre….” Her eyes fluttered and she was gone. Jill buried her face in Donna’s breast and wept.

Terry stood and breathed out a deep sigh before a look of horror crossed his face as he noticed Sherri lying still on the floor. He ran to her and picked her up in his arms.

She looked up and smiled.

“Hey, partner…how….wahhh….” She sputtered.

“Don’t talk…don’t talk…you’re going to be okay…hang in there….’ He said as he pulled her blouse open. The bullet had passed clean through her shoulder, but she was still putting out a lot of blood. Dani was already on the phone to 911. Terry ripped part of Sherri's blouse and pressed it against her shoulder to staunch the flow of blood. He sat on the floor and cradled her in his arms.

“Terry….I….I…” She had tears in her eyes, but the pain wasn’t from the wound in her shoulder.

“I know…I know…” Terry said softly. He leaned forward and surprised Sherri and himself. He kissed her quickly before looking up into the barrel of his own Sig that McKenzie had picked up in the confusion .

“And now to end this pitiful drama! You people are oh so predictable. Just so foolish with your love and your care and your….” His speech was cut short as the sound of one last shot echoed in the warehouse and Phillip McKenzie fell down dead. Jimmy dropped the Glock and ran into Dani’s arms, weeping.

Donna stood up and motioned to Dani, who brought brother and sister together. Donna hugged them both as Dani walked over and picked up Sherri’s Glock. She wiped the gun once with the sleeve of her blouse before placing the gun in Kimberly’s hand. A siren was heard in the distance as Dani looked down at the dead girl.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t do more, sweetie. Be at peace.”

In the warehouse with police and EMTs and the Coroner...

Dani stood talking with a Chester Township Police Officer while Donna talked with the Child Protective Services rep with the twins.

“Yeah….McKenzie was going to shoot Manahan over there when the girl picked up the gun and shot him. This while already taking a slug from Penhurst over there. She saved Caruso and her brother both. It’ll be in the report. We didn’t have a choice; they took the boy and nearly killed his foster mom. I think McKenzie killed Timmy’s foster mother, too. We can finish this at the hospital. The EMT told me that it looks pretty good; she lost a lot of blood, but it didn’t hit anything too bad. I’ll fill in as many blanks as I know how; just let me and Donna have a few minutes with the kids, okay?”

The cop nodded and closed his notebook before walking over to Manahan, who sat in a chair. Dani picked up her purse and eyed the flash drive sitting in the side pocket. She’d turn it over to the U.S. Attorney’s office as soon as they got back to Philly. Finding the name of the Assistant Bureau Chief in Camden meant that the pedophile case just turned federal, and it would be up to the U.S. Attorney now to finally see that these kids got some justice. And next to the pocket rested the unfired 38 that Kimberly brought with her; Dani made a mental note to toss it in the Delaware on the way to the hospital. She turned and watched the cop speaking with Terry.

“We’ll get your statement at the hospital; I understand that Caruso’s your partner?” Terry looked up and smiled weakly, misunderstanding the question.

“If she’ll have me.”

University of Penn Hospital Emergency Room Waiting Area

“Okay, who’s family here for Agent Caruso?” The doctor smiled as he surveyed the waiting room. Dani, Donna and Terry all stood up and walked up.

“Her sister lives in Maine, she’s on a flight down but won’t be here until late.” Donna said.

“Any other family?” He shrugged and half-frowned.

“I…I’m Terry Manahan…I’m….I’m her fiance, “Terry said with a nervous grin as Donna and Dani looked at each other and smiled.

“She lost a lot of blood, but nothing major other than a tear in her shoulder, which we repaired. She’s in recoverey but she’s still under it. You can visit her when they take her to CCU, okay?” They smiied as he walked away. About thirty feet from the elevator he stopped and turned. Walking about half way back, he laughed and said loud enough for everyone to hear,

“Oh…Mr. Manahan? Terry turned and replied,


“Get the girl a ring, okay?” He laughed to himself and walked away again.

“Yeah,” Dani said, punching him hard in the arm,

“Get the girl a ring!”


In total, twenty-four men and five women in Pennsylvania and New Jersey were arrested; among them seven law enforcement officials, two state officials and the aforementioned Assistant Bureau Chief. Social worker Christine Acosta and Captain Virgil Hughes were victims of the conspiracy, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, as were Karen Nowitski and Dave Nader of WPVI. Nowitski was under the impression that she was being included in a scoop about the case by McKenzie because of her connection to Detective Spinetti.

The investigation determined that Detective Marco Spinetti was used by his father and McKenzie, and had no idea of the conspiracy. The young man had shown himself in the end to be a man of highest quality, and his bravery saved Donna and Jill from certain death. He died a hero, and was buried with full honors.

McKenzie and Penhurst were at the core of the conspiracy, along with Patsy Spinetti, who plotted to blackmail McKenzie; which ultimately led to his untimely but deserved demise. It was discovered that McKenzie and at least two of his co-conspirators had fathered five other children who were victimized. The children were all placed in foster care pending adoption or permanent foster placement.

Dani and Donna's home...

“You gonna write?” Jimmy stood with his hands in his pockets, looking around. Jill smiled and grabbed his chin, pulling it toward her.

“Ya gotta remember to keep eye contact, right?” It was odd to see things back to semi-normal. Jimmy of course was back in boy mode and happy for it. But Timmy was never going back, and Jill had gained a new life, hopefully one that would be encouraged by the next foster family. They looked as identical as a boy and girl can; two sides of the same coin some might say.

"Mom sez I gotta go see the shrink, but she's pretty good." Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. As if living with the abuse weren't enough, he had witnessed the attempted murder of his foster mother and the murder of his stepsister.

"I had one back home, but I don't know where I'm going next." Having witnessed so much death and harm in the past four days, it was amazing that Jill could function at all, but that really was the key. The support and encouragement she had gotten from Donna and Dani as Jill had given her something she hadn't had her entire life; hope.

“Hey, why don’t you come live with us?” Jimmy said, pointing back to Mr. and Mrs. Capaldi, his foster parents. Nancy shook her head but Jill frowned sadly.

“Social services already has a family for me, fuck.” Jimmy laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“Stupid…girls aren’t supposed to swear!” He laughed again but Jill began to cry.

“Oh what the fuck did I do now? I’m sorry.” Jimmy struggled with social cues, but even he understood how upset his brother was. At least the thought his brother was upset until her heard his sister speak.

“Nuthin’s wrong, Jim…you just called me a girl.” Jill went to hug her brother. He patted her awkwardly on the back before adding,

“What the fuck should I call you? You’re a girl, arentcha?” Jill nodded and hugged him again.

“Hey you two, Momma has to get back home for PT,” Nancy said, pointing to the sling holding up her left arm.

“I’m sorry, but you guys can visit next month when Jill and her parents come out to our place, okay?”

“Huh?” The two of them said almost in unison. Donna walked up to the twins, her hand trailing behind as Dani followed, her other hand holding a folder.

“I’m afraid there isn’t a foster family for you, honey.” Donna said softly her voice almost breaking but her smile confusing the two until Dani held the folder up.

“You’ve been adopted, Jill….I hope you don’t mind living with a neo-hippy inter-racial lesbian couple.” Dani laughed as Jill’s eyes widened in recognition.

“Yep, you guessed it; Jill has two mommies,” She grabbed Jill and pulled her into a hug.

“How?” Nancy asked, knowing the protocol for adoption.

“Let’s just say that the city of Philadephia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania owe us both a whole lotta favors.” Donna beamed as she joined the hug.

Donna rubbed Jill's shoulders and smiled.

"There's a friend of mine I want you to see; she specializes in helping girls like us, okay? Her name is Dr. Katie Kelly, and she's already looking forward to seeing you." She smiled and continued.

"Seems everything worked out just fine."

“Still haven’t gotten my phone yet, though!” Dani laughed.

“But that’s okay, because everyone I ever want to call is right here with me.” She leaned over and kissed Donna who nodded and smiled the most peaceful smile you could ever imagine.

Vietnam Restaurant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sherri was sitting in a booth with her buddies, Cragen, Tyler and Velasquez, all of whom had returned from ‘assignment’ when their boss was arrested. Sherri’s arm was in a sling, but she looked fairly healthy for someone who had only recently knocked on death’s door.

“I heard it from a little bird,” Velasquez began to say when his friends all groaned.

“Okay, a very large Bureau Chief that someone is in line for Dooley’s job.” Sherri began to blush; her work in the case that was never assigned had broken open a pedophile and pornography ring spanning at least four states, by last count. She smiled as the groans subsided.

“Not me, kids. I know it’s from our office, Cragen, but I won’t tell anyone, Cragen…You know it’s got to be someone with experience and can lead a team, Cragen.”

“Okay, okay, you got me, but I’m honored to know that I was second choice, right?” He patted her on her bad arm, causing her to wince.


The waitress came with a tray of drinks and appetizers.

“Excuse me, Miss, but the gentleman at the bar wanted you to have this. Sherri looked up and saw the waitress holding a small gift box. She looked over at the bar and Terry Manahan smiled and held up his drink.

“He says that you should open it.” The waitress said, almost apologetically. Sherri nodded and turned her head askance as if puzzled. As she was opening the box, Terry got off the stool and walked toward the booth.

“I don’t know how to do stuff like this, so I figured why not improvise. It’s worked for us in the past, right?”

Sherri looked up into his eyes and noticed the tears beginning to well; those big beautful Irish eyes. She pulled off the last of the paper and opened the box. Settled in the middle was a diamond ring. He took her left hand softly in his, removed the ring from the box and put it on her finger.

“Don’t say a word. Just listen.” He choked at the word ‘listen’ but continued.

“I’ve known you for a long time; two life times, in fact.” She put her head down but he cupped her chin in his hand, lifting her head again.

“I don’t know how things are supposed to work for everyone…just for me, okay? You’re my best friend. Pastor Melanie says, “Date a friend; marry a friend,” right?” Sherri nodded as tears began to flow.

“Well, I figured we got the first part down pat…why not go all the way and try the second, okay?” She nodded as he slipped the ring on her finger. He pulled her to her feet, gently and gathered her into his arms.

Above all else, perhaps, Terry Manahan was a man of integrity. It’s one thing to kiss someone when you’re among friends and in private; it’s another thing entirely to kiss someone in public. While integrity played a part in his decision, Terry kissed Special Agent Sherri Caruso because she was the woman he loved, and this was the best way to show her. So kiss her he did, “long and hard, the way a woman should be kissed," like someone once said.

And Sherri Caruso kissed back, long and hard, just like someone should kiss the one they love.

Someday, I don't know how
I hope she'll hear my plea
Someway, I don't know how
She'll bring her love to me.
Dream lover until then
I'll go to sleep and dream again
That's the only thing to do
til all my lover's dreams come true.

The End for the Time Being - Another Defender Series Coming Soon!

Thanks for hanging in there, folks. Blessings!

Dream Lover
As Performed by the Composer,
Bobby Darin

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