CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Stuck in a Rut - Part 3

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old boy, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 3.

The New Recruits Part 1

Gina looks over the application that was handed to her. It was from a group called the Golden Eagle Squad. Their symbol looked like the SHIELD symbol, but the Eagle was black, and the background was gold. The team consisted of eight members. The leader of the group was named Stanley Underwood, Age: 25, Hair: Dark Brown, Eye Color: Brown, Height: 5’ 11”, Weight: 180 lbs. He had a full-time job working for an investment company. Mother was a nurse and his father own the investment company he worked for. His father was a former Marine and was highly decorated.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 1.

a little warning, chapter 1 may be a little dry, because of exposition. But I hope that can be fixed in the next chapters.
Also, I love comments, and am very nervous - since this is my first time putting anything out for review or critique. Also, if you want to play in my Rutverse sandbox, feel free to drop me a message with questions before you write your story.

A Sissy For Christmas -Part 5

Once they go to back room, the witch closed the door. Melissa could barely see anything at all until the witch turned on a light switch near the wall. The room was mostly empty, except for a few boxes along with plenty of cobwebs and dust. It was about as creepy as the rest of the store, Melissa decided.

“You are quite the good little sub”, the witch commended. “I’ve seen you in action. If you can survive what I have in store for you tonight, you can have your little witch back. But be forewarned this is not going to be an afternoon of Tiffany’s childish games for you”.

A Sissy For Christmas -Part 3

“You think this’ll fit me?”, asked Melissa holding up a bra made for a preteen girl.

Tiffany laughed. “No way…at least not in the cups….maybe the band size”.

Melissa just looked at her confused.

“Do you even know what size bra you wear?”, Tiffany asked.

“Well..not really anymore”, Melissa answered, looking away.

Tiffany walked over in front of Melissa. “I know your secret”, she said in a tantalizing tone, her eyes practically sparkling.

Melissa backed up slightly “Uhhh what secret?”, she asked, giggling nervously.

High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail - 1

Chapter 1 of 3 – The beginning (NOT work safe)


Conner and Bob had been childhood friends for many years. Bob and Conner had won first and second place in the Womanless Beauty Pageant in their senior year of high school. Graduation from High School sent them in different directions. Circumstances, and a class reunion invitation letter from their high school, would bring them back together after being apart for five years. Can they resume their friendship where it left off? Conner is anxiously looking forward to finding out.

Sad Smiles Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Buffy's POV

Gabi knew something was up. She had written the question down so I had no choice but to tell her something. I hated lying so I told her that it was a surprise, a pleasant one, but she was going to have to be patient. She accepted that, but we were now on a countdown. I also had to visit the kitchen to find out what we were going to be fed for dinner and work out if any of the food was prohibited for pregnant women. The fact that I had asked for the menu was out of character, so again, time was running out.

Mistaken For Law Enforcement

“Come on Tammy, you need to improve on your fighting skills.” Greg swings his Bo staff at Tammy.

Tammy brings her Bo staff up in time to block and strike back at Greg. She twirls it and manages to whack him behind his head. She put some power behind it because they were wearing protective gear.

“Good, your doing better.” Greg attacks some more and is blocked each time.

Tammy keeps attacking and finally sweeps Greg’s legs out from under him. She spins her Bo staff and put the end under his chin.

“I surrender.” He was impressed with Tammy’s weapon handling.

Sad Smiles Chapter 20

Chapter 20

When we knew from our text messaging that Sarah and Gabi were due back, we started watching a movie. We knew we had to act very casual with them so we had a plan of action. That way we hoped they wouldn't ask too many questions.

Ellie and I were on the couch cuddling, watching the movie when they came in and rather than our usual catch up chat, we pulled them onto the couch to cuddle and watch the movie with us. My mind wasn't really engaged in the action and I would be surprised if Ellie was any different.

Sad Smiles Chapter 19

Chapter 19

If you have never been pregnant, how are you supposed to know what it feels like? The main question was, was it possible? Yes, we had sex with Gabi when she still had male equipment, but her penis was trapped in a false vagina. She couldn't get an erection and she certainly didn't put it inside me.

Sad Smiles Chapter 17

Chapter 17
We picked up Sarah's purchases in Toronto but knew we would have to take their application with caution. Back in the hotel room, we got Gabi to try the strap on dildo rig with the front piece removed. There were a couple of issues. Lots of lubrication was necessary for Gabi to feel less uncomfortable and that had to be reapplied regularly. The other problem was the whole rig was visible through most of the clothes. Not obvious, but noticeable, to us at least. Not visible panty line, but visible strap on dildo rig lines.

Valentine's Ball

Valentine's Ball

by Jennifer Brock

Andy's best friend needs to show up his ex with a date to the annual Valentine's Ball – how far will he go to help him out?

Here's a Valentine story that I've been working on for a while. It’s still February, so I think it’s still seasonal. I’ve been out of practice for a while, so this ended up coming out way too long. The logjam cleared and I can write again, but I’m not that good at editing out unnecessary details into a concise form.

This might be the fourth most overdone trope in the realm of TG stories, so if you're tired of stories like that don't bother reading this one. There is no violence or force involved here, just adult language and sexual situations.

Reason for living Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1 — The Escape

I was as nervous as hell. My uncle sat behind his big desk in his home office, which was really his man cave, looking at me with a frown. The thing was, no matter how nervous I was, I was also determined.

I didn't consider my uncle as evil, just greedy and inconsiderate. My deal appealed to his greed as the carrot with the threat of court action as the stick.

“I don't know where you get this foolish notion that I am wasting your inheritance and you shouldn't threaten me.”

Sad Smiles Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Buffy's POV

The next week was probably the best in my life. The next day my breasts were a little swollen and sore, so I knew my period was due. Since all of us have synchronized our biorhythms, the next few days were going to be interesting. We have a general rule that any arguments that happen at that time of the month, we try to put a pin in it and restart it a week later. Of course, we usually find the topic much more agreeable then.

Magical Girl Assassination Squad: Chapter 6

Sam was not happy. He was in the mall shopping for clothes. With his girlfriend and his sister. It wouldn't be so bad if they were shopping for his girlfriend. He'd even accept shopping for his sister. But they were shopping for him. For clothes fit for a girl. The only consolation he had was that they were only shopping for his upper body. So, he did not have to worry about jeans, shorts, or skirts. Especially skirts. Unfortunately, that did not exclude dresses.

The Queen of the Office (LoPR Part V)

Anwyn and Anthony engage in a week long experiment to see what it is like in the other person's shoes. Meanwhile Mark's wife Theresa gets herself in hot water when she shoots her mouth off.

Sad Smiles Chapter 15

Chapter 15

We didn't get the chance to talk again until we were walking back to the RV after the after party. We said our usual goodbyes to Noah and his band friends and then allowed The Bleeding Heart Boys to get enough ahead of us so that they couldn't hear our conversation. I was orchestrating that manoeuvre, so Ellie and Sarah were waiting for me to start the talk.

“Ellie, I couldn't help but overhear you talking to Gabi about further feminisation surgery. Does she have issues with the way she looks?” I asked.

The Cottage - Part 3

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Three

Crossdresser Michele is snowed in, in a cottage with her randy uncle who does not know that she is trans. He fancies the pants off her and Michele uses his desire to her own advantage.

Sad Smiles Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Sandra disappeared on her hunt for the doctor and Lisa jumped on us for information.

“Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Lisa exclaimed.

“Let's get back to the waiting room, I only want to say it once,” I told her.

She hurried me to the room where everyone was waiting, even Aaron was sitting in one corner.

Sad Smiles Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Buffy's POV

High Notes had just about finished their set when Trish came to us and asked us to follow her.

“What's wrong?” I asked her.

“Lisa has asked me to get you. Drew has disappeared.”

“What happened?”

“Lisa will tell you, I don't know.”

We rushed back to find a frantic Lisa, holding a crying Mia.

“What happened?” I repeated, this time to Lisa.

“I'm so sorry. We thought it would be alright, but then Aaron was an idiot and Drew ran away and I tried to follow, but he disappeared.”

Sad Smiles Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The show was a great one. High Notes had gotten over their nerves that was quite noticable for the first few shows, and were gelling better and better. The Bleeding Heart Boys were their usual polished selves, but in the after party I could tell that Damon was in a depressed mood. I'm guessing Lisa had ripped into him again, after seeing Drew's hand and knowing the emotional trauma that he was suffering.

Sad Smiles Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I was the first to wake up the next morning. After our exhausting but very satisfying bedroom antics, we had all ended up sleeping in the one double bed. Hardly enough room for two let alone four. I woke up on my side with my arm over Sarah, reaching far enough to lie on Gabi and Ellie's arm and leg were draped over me.

The Cottage - Part 2

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Two

Michele uses her family's isolated cottage to crossdress in secret, but her uncle comes to the cottage unaware that she is there too. Finding this delightful young creature who he assumes is a girl, uncle Steven finds it difficult to leave her alone. Michele pretends to be Steven's nephew's girlfriend hoping he will leave her alone.



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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners over the age of 18 which may include sexual fetish elements and role-playing. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment if able would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth.

The Cottage - Part 1

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter One

A young man discovers the delights of crossdressing but wants to be able to do so without being discovered. He uses the family holiday cottage unaware that someone else might decide to use the cottage too. But first he has to deal with his unruly Mother and Sister, who's penchant for makeup, heels, and hosiery turned him on to crossdressing in the first place.

Sad Smiles Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Author Note// This entire chapter is a sexual scene. Not done in ridiculous detail, but what goes on is very clear. If this is going to offend you, please don't read it.

Sarah called 'shot', so we all had another round.

“That is not a dare!” The drink was starting to get to me and certain, sexy, naughty thoughts were beginning to become thoughts that I wanted to share. “The traditional dare is a kiss, so pucker up.”

“Hey, not fair!” Sarah exclaimed. “He needs to kiss all of us, right Ellie.”

Sad Smiles Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Buffy's POV

I couldn't believe that arsehole. I saw it all. Drew was happy and considering he had so much to be sad about at the moment, that was a fricking miracle. And then that Neanderthal tried to crush his hand in some weird male dominance stupidity. I considered myself a dom, but this display reinforced my belief that dom and sub behaviour had nothing to do with gender because that was some male shit that I was never going to understand.

Sad Smiles Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Drew's POV

I had to sit in the front as the girls got themselves ready for another concert. It was a strange contrast to how they acted after I had dressed female. I sort of understood it, as they were completely uninterested in my male body. I did get the impression that they were almost flaunting their bodies after my transformation. Buffy had even told me that I shouldn't look away when they were getting changed when I was also female.

TG Techie: Chapter 39: [XXX] Fantasy


Big Davey lead me through the party, a deeply mussed Misty. No one whipped out a camera to show our mutual walk of shame. And in any case my debauching was going to be much less news worthy than the videos that had already been taking.

Like right now through the patio I could see a bunch of people, phones out, shooting the impromptu pool party. As predicted, the casual drinkers and hangers out had gone home, and this was the point where the serious teen aged alcoholics would be blacking out. Best capture the party with your pocket memory.

The Master of Self Deception (LoPR Part III)

Anthony becomes overconfident in his impersonations and tries to kindle a romance between his friend and Claire. However things become a little more complicated when he gains attention himself from a young woman and Angela's real mother sees her dead daughter.

The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 06


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? Safety? Sanity? Justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*


The Lord of Petty Revenges (LoPR Part I)

Anthony Danforth has a talent for enacting revenge on those that irritate him in life. He learns a new talent during the course of his schemes and then uses it to enact the ultimate revenge on his annoying neighbour.

Godmother Chp. 7

At breakfast, Sophie and Sadie came to me with their concerns. "I don't know these men really want to do this," Sadie told me, "I wonder if we should let them go, but I'm afraid of what that means for us." "I wish I could just get them to try it," Sophie said, "Maybe we should tell them more about what it feels like."


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes